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Saturday, February 19, 2005
Aliens SUCK!
Small Alien Dude: BWAHAHAHAHA!!! we are going to take over the earth! feel our wrath! BWAHAHAHA!
Red Phoenix: *kills the small alien dude with bug spray* damn cockroaches! they get bigger every minute!
Small Alien Dude: (X_X)
Red Phoenix: *sweeps small alien dude out the door* that takes care of that!
Hi all! sorry for delaying but anyway nothing much to post in this one since nothing much happened today...,execpt i just made a few adjustments with MyOtaku me and my dad went to buy some food and went to church, we went to pc corner to buy some new speakers for his computer, then we went and eat at a fast food joint and some gang started throwing paper plates and some toilet paper at the employees(maybe they didnt want thier fries to salty! XD) so me and my dad got out(i think almost everyone did! ^_^)then called a cab and went home...hehe you should see those paper plates and toilet paper fly! wahahaha! i went to a cyber cafe and played "gunbound" an online shooting game which has cute chibi characters! hehe! then went to buy some snacks since im going to watch constantine in the house, but i havent watched it yet because as you may know im still making this post so think this is enough for now...Cya!.....
Red Phoenix Out...
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Friday, February 18, 2005
The Encounter
Hey folks! I survived the JS Prom and well i have to admit that it was good to have gone there!, even if i had to perform 2 dance routines! Aaah!, but anyway i managed to dance without doing any mistakes!(Thank GOD!) hehe!, we had lots to eat at the buffet table! i was sooo hungry so i couldn't phase myself! hehehe! and after eating we voted prom prince, princess, king and queen! 2 of my classmates was voted for prom prince and princess! hehe!(i wish i was the prom prince!.....NOT!!!), after that we danced at main stage and did some wacky dances!(so much for a formal prom! wahahahaha!) i was pooped at dancing so i sat down and chatted with my friends, after a few minutes me and my date went to the photographer and asked him to take our picture and then we all went to a dance club to dance some more!(geez you might be saying "does this guy ever stop dancing!?" hehe!), then we went back to the hotel and went to our room and wrestled! we slept at 6am thanks to our very annoying friend! so we coudn't sleep at all! but he eventually he got bored and went home...(THANK GOD!) so as i said we slept at 6am and woke up at 10:30am, we went to the mall and shopped and played at timezone and after all that we all went our separate ways and eventually went that's why i was able to make this post! hehe!....., so kids never ever dance to much! you'll get to hyper and have a tendency to wrestle the nearest person beside you! wahahaha!
red Phoenix Out...
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Wednesday, February 16, 2005
The Death Word.....PROM.....
Help! someone kill me now! prom is tomorrow and im dying slowly! i dont like a slow death i want my death fast and deadly! sooo anyway! im trying to make this as quick as possible! since i got lots to do! like packing for an overnight with my friends at the hotel and thinking which snacks i should bring!(or not bring any at all! hehe! ^_^) and ummmmm....damn i forgot! grrr! so that's 1 more thing to do! think about what i have forgotten! hehe! anyway about what i did today almost took the life out of me! we practiced non-stop for the prom and some us are in a dance play thing and practiced that too! ack! grrr! so how did we do both? one word!.....RUN! now im pooped as hell! so i better get going and rest my butt off! hehe!
Red Phoenix Out...
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Sunday, February 13, 2005
 What Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Are You? Hosted by Anime. Done right.
 Your evil. You like to cause trouble and make peoples lives a misery. You do no you are doing wrong, but you don't care. Its just you in that world you have to look after, no one else.
What are you like? (with anime boy pics!!) brought to you by Quizilla
Quizzes are so FUN!!!
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Party Bash!
Ok lets see...hmmm...yesteray we had a party(it was my moms bday celebration even if her birthday still feb 15) and it was lots of fun!, why was it lots of fun? because we did lots of things! like we sang lots an lots of songs! some cool one's! and some that suck horribly! X_X we also did a race!(no not race cars!) who ever assembles a revolving stool chair!...wierd eh?...but who cares! it was still fun!!! and then dodgeball(using a BASKETBALL!) and monkey in the middle!(again with a BASKETBALL!) and other sports activities(and once more with a BASKETBALL!)isn't it amazing how much you can do with a basketball under 1 day? hehe!, maybe i should write a book about it? 1001 ways on what you can do with a basketball! haha! and as for today i went to school to pay my school bills and saw my schoolmate in her school uniform and plukcing her eyes out for some dude! haha! i took the chance to take her picture! here it is!

Hehe! what a sucker for boys! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! well anyway i better go now dont want to spoil to much secrets now do i?..........actually...I DO! hehe! but i'll save them for next time!
Red Phoenix Out...
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Thursday, February 10, 2005
I've got to stop doing this!
Ok! im getting pissed at myself for doing this things! if you can notice my past posts(even if their kinda out of date...) i keep coming and going and making a complete fool out of myself! and everybody whos been trying to contact me!...hehe...real sorry...anyway looks like otaku made some changes so im getting a little left behind...but anywayzz im sure i'll get "MYOTAKU" up and alive again! hehehe! and for the other's who keep on emailing me about how fine i am, not i've got lots to do at school and the js prom is on feb 17!!! and still dateless!.....ohwell having a date or not is no biggie! sheesh! what's so special about a date anyway? well that's all for this post!
Red Phoenix Out...
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Friday, April 2, 2004
Here am I once again! *smirk*
Hiya! Sorry for not updating for ages! i was to busy enjoying my summer vacation! ^_^ well anywayz i'll be trying to update for frequenlty during my free time! since i'll be to busy enjoying my summer vacation! YAY! well hope you all have a nice day! Laterzz!
 I am Midou Ban. Which GetBackers Character Are You?
Cool isn't he! ^_^
I'll be giving you some info about ".Hack//Legend of the Twilight" I cant wait for it show! ^_~

Taking place about 4 years after the .HACK video games and OVA series, .HACK//LEGEND OF THE TWILIGHT is the manga series chapter of the whole .HACK storyline. First starting off as the .HACK//SIGN television anime and then the video games with the .HACK//LIMINALITY OVA series, this was part of a multiformat release from Bandai. The manga has also been known as .HACK//DUSK in the US. In it, Shugo and his twin sister Rena have won the character avatars of the legendary Dot Hackers, Kite and Black Rose, from the original video games. Even though they are both fourteen, Shugo and Rean appear in the virual realiry enviroment of The World as very young versions of Kite and Black Rose. Shugo is a total newbie to this at first and seems only interested in checking out all the scantily-clad warrior chicks. Rena however wants her brother to be a serious warrior, and seems to have an unnatural attraction to Shugo. While on a quest, Shugo's character gets killed by low-level monster. But instead of having to restart, he ends up going to see Aura, the mysterious girl also from the .HACK games. She gives Shugo the legendary Twilight Bracelet, also known in .HACK//SIGN as the Key of the Twilight. It allows the user to preform a Data Drain which either removes a virus infecting a player or game character, or severly reduce their attack power, unfortunately Shugo doesn't have a good grasp on it yet. Also returning from the video games is the handsome knight known as Balmung, who takes a liking to Rena. Shugo then meets Mireille, a Wavemaster collector of rare items. Then, at a festival in The World, Shugo plays with a cute wolf that turns out to be a sexy bikini-clad werewolf woman named Orca who really wants to be Shugo's new pet! The crew is then joined by Zefie, a rogue program who is being hunted down by The World's replacement for the Crimson Knights, the Cobalt Knights. Shugo meanwhile has to unlock the secrets of the Twilight Bracelet, or the events of four years ago where their players would keep slipping into comas might start all over again. The manga series was so popular, that a short TV series followed retelling the entire story. Tokyo Pop has released the manga in 3 seperate graphic novels. There are also two seperate literary .HACK novels that followed this. It's a fun cute look into the .HACK universe, for fans of the anime or games, or just any online RPG.
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Sunday, February 8, 2004
Hi! ^_~ So what happening?
Hey Guys n Gals i just managed to update just now because of school and all, just playing some computer games except for ragnarok! *sniff* you know why? ofcourse you dont! that's why im here to tell you! my dad and my mom said something about im wasting to much money on it! so they banned me! T_T it's not FAIR! it's my money! T_T so here i am trying to find new games that will entertain me for another month! ^_^ but i dont know what's good this days! so how about telling me what games that are fun to play with plssss! T_T im bored stiff T_T Thanks in Advance if you decide to help me with my scavenge hunt for good games! Lolz ^_^ oh and today is my dads birthday! Huray! well cya next time!, Laterzz!
 You're Red Link, the highly competitive and cut-throat Link. You'll do anything to get ahead of the other three, even resorting to violence; to you, the ends justify the means. You enjoy blowing up your partners with Bombs, especially those that lag behind, such as Blue Link. Working best with Green Link, you love fighting the toughest enemies together. Because of your fierce demeanor, however, you tend not to get along with the other Links very often.
What Color Link are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Here's a Quiz to entertain you for awhile! ^_^ *Shouts GO RED LINK!* what!? i like the red colored link so what?
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Monday, January 26, 2004
BACK with an ACT to get AT! ^_~
Hi! im really sorry for not updating for a long time! i was just to lazy and i have to get ready for an upcoming play! i didnt even want to be in the play!!! i was picked by random! IT's INJUSTICE!!! i didnt go to school today coz im damn tired of acting!!! and to think i wanted to be a famouse movie star! well F*** that! my dad and my mom got angry at me for not going to school! *groans* so i had to help dad out wih some stuff and i had to clean my room!!! T_T what a life i live in! there's always CRAP waiting to happen! well at least my parents forgived me! ^_^ and i got 30 bucks from my aunt from Newyork!, i wish i get to go to Newyork! T_T well life is to tough so why bother? ^_~ so sup guys and gals any stories you would like to share???, Laterzz! ^_^
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Saturday, January 10, 2004
BANG!.....and what a day!
Hi! it's been awhile since i last updated! just got lazy, busy playing Ragnarok and School WORK!!! *groans* well today me and my coz and her family went to school fair! i thought it was fun at first that's why i decided to go! ^_~ but it seems it was boring nothing to do except watch old people do stuff *signs* so me and my coz joined a race around the mall! 3 laps non-stop with no water!!! STUPID ORGANIZER! i was damn thirsty that then! i finished the race i didnt win i only finished it for me to make that race worth a awhile...BOY WAS I TIRED AND THIRSTY!(to bad blue hawk got TO tired) blue hawks dad bought drinks and SAVED my life! hehe! ^_^ and we played badminton(again n again!) Basketball, but the best part was when we played PAINTBALL! yup it was a TOTAL WAR!!! hehe it was so fun! and the best part was i didnt get hit one's! lolz! ^_~ then we ate in a japanese resturant, went home and slept for 3 hours and then we played Ragnarok at Cionet! ^_^ and later on were gonna watch "Lord of the Rings 3 : Return of the King!" YAY! well that's it for now, *sniff* well take care! Laterzz!
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