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Dark Shaman Assasin
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Sunday, January 4, 2004
YAY!, Im Back where i belong!.....LOLz!
Hi Guys and Gals! Im Back in my own thrown! *smiles with joy!* hehe... ^_^ but it seems my cousin Blue Hawk is away and my friend casper went back to his grandma since school will be starting tomorrow! *groans* well it's better than being stuck staring at my computer all day! and i can meet my school friends again! ^_^ but even i must beware for there are enemies! *everyone stares at red phoenix* what!? you dont know who i am talking about! sheesh! but that's all right! ^_~ i'll tell you! 1...2...3... dundundun! TEACHERS!!! yup! those know it all adults! they give me a headache! especially when they talk to fast! so much for teaching us right! *sweat drop* Oh YEAH! i forgot to tell you that last night someone played with fireworks and accidentally hit the tree and the tree burned!!! hehe i told you i liked fireworks! ^_~ that was when i was watching yu-gi-oh! it interrpted me.....but it was worth it! and dont worry no one got hurt, DARN! errr...i mean good! hehe *looks giulty* ummm, Laterzz!
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Friday, January 2, 2004
So..........What's up?
Got nothing to do so no wild updates about anything im just still here at my Baby Cousins house *sign* even there's a computer here i miss going back to my own room and computer *sniff* my mom said she still doesnt know when were gonna get out of here! *groans* it seems that the only thing here that was fun was the fireworks! so what have you guys been doing? Comment me back...oh and here's a quiz for you to take! hehe ^_^ .....
 YOU ARE...A...MYSTERIOUS HERO! (Squall Leonhart from FFVIII [ff8])
What Kind of Anime Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Well that's all i have to say to this post, Peace out EVERYBODY!, Laterzz!
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Wednesday, December 31, 2003
YAHOOO!!!, wHaT a NeW yEaR!? ^_^
What a Newyear!!! i had a GREAT time! especially when i got to see and lunch a few fire works sky HIGH!!! IT was SO FUN!!! i could DIE!(joke ^_~ ) we ate first ofcourse since i need my energy to lunch those suckas into the sky!OH! and wait why is it possible for me to make this post when im here at my baby cousins(not bluehawk!) house? you know how? it happens they bought a computer a week ago! lolz! was i lucky! and i thought i would never get a chance to post! well anywayzz i hope you guys/gals also had a HAPPY and/or GREAT NEWYEAR!!! ^_^ Laterzz!
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Monday, December 29, 2003
^_^ Hello! ^_^
Hi! sorry for not updating past few days =( but here i am! lolz! so are you really excited to this coming new year!? well I AM! Because im going with my parents and watch LOTS of fireworks! and eat lots of food! wait a minute i sound like tyson! AAAAHHHH!, well anywayzz i might not get to update a few more days since im going with my mom on a trip! and have lots of fun! hehe! Now can you tell me something(just for fun)

IF you had a brother like this what will your life end up to be?, Laterzz! ^_^
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Thursday, December 25, 2003
So what's new?
*Yawn's* so what's up? did you have a great christmass? well i did! ^_^ even i did not get lot's of presents, it's still was fun! we ate delicouse food!(YUM!) we played badminton and Ragnarok(non-stop!!!) we opened are gifts! and ofcourse we greeted each other MERRY CHRISTMASS!!!, *sign* and it all has to end tomorrow! *groans* but atleast there's still New Year! LOLz!
 You Are Isaac
Who are you in Golden Sun II Lost Ages brought to you by Quizilla
Well i took a quiz! and got Isaac the young but the coolest!(to me) and this game is about a cool rpg game called "Golden Sun 2:The Lost Age"!(GBA) it's a really fun game! and easy to learn! but it's hard to know where to go and when! so if your thinking on playing this game, go get a walkthrough! you can find a nice walkthrough in Link Text, well i hope that you all had a MERRY CHRISTMASS!, ^_^ until next time! Laterzz!
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Come on! you know what im going to say!..........MERRY CHRISTMASS! *shouts* LOLz! ^_^
What's up Peeps!, so did you get any good gifts lately!, Coz I DID!!!, well at 2am this morning we went to CIONET(internet cafe) and played the usually GREATEST ONLINE RPG EVER!!!, for those who still dont get it! RAGNAROK! lolz! ^_^ well anywayz we played thier for 5 hours! so add that all up! *waits* yup you guessed it! we went back at 7am!!! What a morning! we weren't even TIRED lolz! but one's we saw our beds we went down like a submarine! lolz! my dad took it easy on me today! coz it was christmass after all! hehe! well that's it for now ^_^ Hey you guys n gals have a GREAT CHRISTMASS!!!, Laterzz!

Here's your gift from me! ^_^ Now where's mine? T_T Lolz!
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Wednesday, December 24, 2003
Hey guys n gals i have a question, where can i find music for myotaku!, pls post a comment about this coz i like my site to have some tunes for one's and awhile! ^_^ Laterzz!
 You represent... apathy.
You don't really show any emotion. You can be considered cruel and cold, but you just don't really care about anything. This is just the way you are... you're quite a challenge to get close to, and others may perceive you as boring.
What feeling do you represent? brought to you by Quizilla
Quizzes are fun especially when you get funny and/or cool results! LOLz! ^_^
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Tuesday, December 23, 2003
Carnivals ROCK!
Today we went to a carnival called Star City! it was really fun! but really crowded! *groans* but hey! we had fun! we went on rides we ate ice cream and browsed around the shops!(even though we didnt buy anything LOLz!) anyway my fav ride was the "round up!" it's a ride that spins and spins until you rise up and it spin some more! it was VERY FUN! and also we tried to ride a water slide thingy but the line WAY TO LONG!!! it was like sacrificing your life to that line! so what we did we bailed and went to some other rides ^_^ oh what a day! im pooped! to tired to type anymore im this is all for now...i'll try to continue the story when feel like it! LOLz!, well Laterzz!
oh for those who are very curiouse who im with! it's just me, blue hawk, are 2 friends casper, kim and the annoying little cousins of mine!, byzzzzz!
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Monday, December 22, 2003
^_^ - Hello!
Hi guys n gals! today was a cool day! i played yugioh with my friends online! and i played beyblade one's more with my friend in the village! lol it was sooooo EXCITING! it was for only a short time though *sign* but who cares!? it was still fun! i also created a site which is for the otaku members to be more known since thier over 10,000 members!(and you know the more the worst!) all you have to do is press on the link that says "Links to the World" and follow the instructions! ^_^ anywayzz i watched some movies on my computer like Starwars:Attack of the clones, Dragonball Z, and Pokemon! lol! anyway it was just for fun! oh yeah i saw one of blue hawks frogs jumping around! lol! she thought it was dead but it turned out to be still alive! even i was caught in surprise! hehe! but i have to help my dad gift rap all the presents! *sad smile* boy was that boring!...well since i had so much fun today it was worth getting bored for awhile ^_^ lol! to bad blue hawk was not here! she went golfing i think? but now she's here sleeping lol! *Yawns* speaking of sleeping im kinda getting tired aswell *yawns again* until next time!, Laterzzzzz!
 You're just the happy go-lucky type. You might have your pet peeves, but other than that, you're mainly calm. Blending in with your surroundings, you're the type of person who everyone likes. Usually it's you who cracks jokes at social gatherings - after all, laughter is the best medicine. Sometimes you pretend to be stupid, but in all actuality, you could be the next Einstein.
What Type of Soul Do You Have ? brought to you by Quizilla
It's sounds like me except i dont pretend to be Stupid! and im not going to the Einstein im no NERD! im more like smart but with a little bit of what's up lol!
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Sunday, December 21, 2003
Very Interesting!
Which Kingdom Hearts Character are You Most Like? brought to you by Quizilla I onced played kingdom hearts but it was only for a short time in my friends house, it was really awsome! the only thing is it was japanese!!! *groans* well anywayzz it was really loads of fun and puzzling! hehe ^_^ if you decide to take this quiz pls comment me about who you got! ^_~ im just to curiouse that's all! lol!, Laterzz!
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