Other than my distinct lack of motivation.
I'm working on some new site graphics, catch is they're all illustrated by me! This could either turn out kinda cool, or throw me in the dust and trample me. We'll see I guess.
So, my roomate's gone, which gives me a few nights to myself to study with loud music and stuff. Also watch tv. Anyone else notice the new marketing campaign for boardgames are being directed towards adults? It's a pretty good idea, I spose. I dunno about you guys, but I love a good board game. My fav is Trivial Pursuit, of any kind, but I also enjoy a good Monopoly, Stratego and Battleship.
This Shin-Chan show is weird. I probably won't watch it again.
I did watch VH1's top 40 videos of the year. Not really sure why. Fergie was number 1. Oops, spoiler alert. Which was a little weird to me.
Does anyone know the name of that song with the music video where the guy is singing and there's all the animated tears that all the girls are crying and it floods the whole city? I'm a bit stumped on that one.
Hm, what else to talk about? Oh, my roomates are cheap bastards, cause I gave them all christmas presents AND b-day presents on their birthday, and they all left today cause they were done with finals. I didn't get squat. I know I shouldn't be angry cause it's the season of giving and crap, but SCREW THEM. I need some gratification.
So, other than that, I just keep doing work and studying (though not whole-heartedly and with little progress). Last night I actually stayed up really late, like 4 AM or so, working on a paper that turned out to be super crappy anyway. Even Some Guy went to sleep before me. And he's 3 time zones away. It was ridiculous. My sleep patterns are going to be very screwed up.
But I'm excited for Winter break not only cause of christmas, but I'm getting my car fixed, and I'm gonna do some artsy stuff I've been meaning to do, and I'm gonna finish christmas shopping, and there's gonna be movies and cookies and video games. Fun stuff.
So take it easy everyone! Hope your week's going well, and if you're Final-izing like me, good luck!