Yeah, yesterday I kinda went on a shopping spree. I went to Hot Topic and I got the Star Wars jacket I told everyone who was online the past 3 days. For those of you who don't know, it's a track jacket that's black and says Star Wars on the front and there's a skull an dcrossbones on the back, but instead of a skull, it's a stormtrooper helmet. It's the shindig! I also got a Thundercats t-shirt. I liked Panthro. He was the real leader of the group. He was a soul man. He didn't take any shit from anyone!
I also got a bunch of X-Mas candy for my mom. I also went to Suncoast and got Hellboy AND Spiderman 2 (for me!) cause it was like a buy both for 30 bucks deal. I also signed up with a two-year membership for their video thing. Who knows, maybe anime will be cheaper for me in the future. Or just their movies in general. Cause I have to pick up Alias season 3 for my mom, and now that I have like no money left, I have to save as much as possible. I also bought pockey, yay! And watched Spidey 2. The bloopers real was kick-ass. Thank God for bloopers reels.
I had one of the worst mornings ever. I was already to have my mom fill out some shit on my college apps online, and I went on only to discover they had been erased. I SAVED THEM. And then both my parents chewed me out and I felt horrible because it was an accident and they were making it seem like it was my fault, yadda yadda. I hate living here.
Yay, Counte of Monte Cristo.
"Are you coming peacefully, or do you intend to resist?"
"Oh, don't be stupid. Of course we intend to resist! Just give us a a moment, allright?"
Ok, hope everyone's day goes better than mine.