Ok, I saw Dodgeball last night. It was ok. Vince Vaughn was so like, out of it though. His character kind of pissed me off. I liked Lance Armstrong's cameo, though. "I didn't quit when I was diagnosed with brain, testicular, and lung cancer...all at the same time." For some reason this cracked me up in a sick, bad joke sorta way. Someone (I think it was Phil) asked me if all I did was watch movies. And the answer is...*drumroll*.....
Yeah, pretty much.
But if I didn't, I wouldn't be bustin my ass to get you people a movie quote every day, now would I? Sides, I like movies. I would KILL (no seriously, I would) to get a job in movie production stuff-o after college. Actually, one of my friends named me The Movie Connousier (ok, I can't spell, especially French words).
SPEAKING OF FRENCH...I saw a commercial on VH1 last night for...
Starts Jan. 17. I'm not sure most of you know how obsessed with those shows I am. I've seen I love the 70's, 80's, 80's Strikes Back, and 90's multiple times. Even if it's reruns and they're showing say, Fight Club on FX, I'll STILL watch I love the whatever decade's on VH1. Not that I'm dissing Fight Club. Haha, I forgot the first rule of Fight Club.
(That was a joke.)
On a little side note. PRIVATE MESSAGING. If you're going to send crap PM's that just say "hi" or whatever, it's nice, but don't waste my time and yours. I'm not going to reply. That's what the frickin GB's are for, is crap messages, not PMs. PM's are NOT a GB. Don't use them to say "Hi, come to my site, k?" Not only does this piss me off, but once again, it is a waste of my time. Not trying to mean, but you PM spammers have to grow up. This ain't like, 9th grade biology where you pass around little notes that say "Hi! Do you like Ryan?" *pass back* "OMG, he is soooooo cute!!!" with little pictures of stars and unicorns. Cause I KNOW that's what most of you people would do, given the chance.
RED'S MAGNIFICENT MOVIE QUOTE-X-MAS WEEK(sorry to Jewish people, but I was too late to get the jump on Channuaka movies. Plus I'm sorry, but I don't think there are enough to fill up a whole week).
Yay, Home Alone. And now, cute little Kevin McCalister is doing drugs! What kind of name is "McCauly", anyway? No wonder he did drugs.
"Only one thing in the world could've dragged me away from the soft glow of electric sex gleaming in the window. "
Haha, have you seen a picture of that kid lately? He's probably doing drugs, too.
Anyways, drugs and childhood actors-gone-bad (speaking of which, anyone heard from Haley-Joel recently?)aside, less than a week till X-mas. And I still have to go to school. Not even for a half day. Que lame-o. I hope you guys have a good Mon-Wednes. I'll be at school. Taking tests...and...stuff.