I hope you guys all like the new theme. I know I sure do. Allright, only one more day of school till i'm on my trip! To Indianapolis (that's in Indiana, for you Canadians, out there). It's gonna be cold and snowy, and we're going to work our asses off, but I'm somewhat looking forawrd to it. I just hope the hotel gets the Sci-Fi channel so I can watch Stargate: Atlantis on Friday. Heh heh.
I also wore my hair down to show off my highlights (I NEVER wear my hair down, you have to understand), and people actually liked it and complimented me alot. On that and the eyebrows. So I'm feelin thin and good.
I'm also getting ready for my trip. I got my DS charged, my clothes layed out, my ugly-ass band dress drycleaned, my CVS visited (got some Oral-B Brushups, how cool!), and my money taken from my mumsy, hehe!
Eww, there's Smart Ones pizza sauce all over my fingers.
eh, I think we should wrap up Oscar Week. I'm getting bored.
"Purple in the morning, blue in the afternoon, and orange in the evening. Just like that, one, two, three, four."
Just one more think before I jet. I'm glad a certain good friend of mine is feeling better, because it makes me depressed to see him in a slump. But I'm glad you're great again.
That's it from The Lair. Have a good monday, everyone!