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Saturday, December 30, 2006
Back again!
Hi everyone! ^^
I missed you all.
I couldn't find time to get online & when I did have time my dad got online.
Tommorow I'm going to a all night party!
I'll get on early okay? ^^
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Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Hello everyone! ^^
How are you?
Yesterday I couldn't get on because my dad was using the coputer.
I also got Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess & DBZ: Tenkaichi Budokai 2 both for the Wii.
My favorite is the DBZ game. You don't have to act out the characters attacks like I thought but you do have to wave your arms. It's beter this way. lol
Today I saw my uncle I havent seen in ages & he took me & my brother to see that "Monty Python's Spamalot". It was good, but It prefer the movie it was based on.
Have a good day. ^^
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Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas! ^^
My day is going great!
I'm tired. Playing the Wii is more tiring than I expected. lol
My mom actually tried out the Wii. 0_o
I hope everyone is having a great time regardless is you celebrate Christmas or not. ^^
Have a great night!
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Sunday, December 24, 2006
Christmas eve.
Hello & Merry early Christmas one & all!
How are you? ^^
I couldn't think of anything to post & couldn't get on yesterday altogether.
Did anyone catch Prince of Tennis & MAR?
They kinda stunk in my opinion.
I expect MAR will get better though.
The fourth Inuyahsa movie was okay but I prefer the third one.
Tommorow is Christmas! I'm gonna have a fun time! ^^
Good night & Merry Christmas!
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Thursday, December 21, 2006
One more day of school!
Hello Everyone!
How are you? ^^
One more day, can I make it? XD
During zero-hour We started watching "Elf" instead of working.
That's all for now, free free to talk to me. ^^
Have a great night!
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Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Two more days of school. w00t!
Hello everyone!
How are you all? ^^
Not much to update from my life.
But I did get two free movie passes! But, i'd now need a date. XD
I'd ask Kouun Kitsune if she'd want to catch a movie but I don't know her offline. *sigh*
How life can brighten up your day & dim it just as fast. XD
Sprite Comic Section:
Now for the finale of the first chapter of Lucky 7's!
Lucky 7's #22
Note: I didn't steal x-factor from X-men if you are thinking that. My thing's signifigantly different.
Chapter Two is under construction already.
Have a great night!
Comments (7) |
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Hello everyone!
How are you?
Omegasnake16, please stop bothering me.
I'm not forgiving you.
With that out of the way, today was alright.
It could've been better. I feel funky but i'll live.
Sprite Comic Section:
Lucky 7's #21
Monday, December 18, 2006
Hello everyone.
I hope you aren't sick like me!
I couldn't go to school today. Apparantly I got food poisoning.
Yay for making up work! XD
Sprite Comic Section:
Lucky 7's #20
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Hello everyone! ^^
How was your weekend?
Sorry I wasn't able to get on yesterday. I was busy standing in line for my parents to buy a Wii for a Christmas present for me. My mom told me the news yesterday that Best Buy was getting a shipment today at opening. So I ended up having to spend that whole time in line overnight. At least my brother & his friend came along for the ride.
I'm not doing that again. XD
But before I got in line Me, my brother, & my brothers friends went to Gebralters Trade Center to look around. This one weapon booth had a real life Sephiroth's Sword. 0_o
For those unaware how long that is, it's about 68 inches long. It's freaky.
Sprite Comic Section:
Just as a notice, Lucky 7's is broke into chapters. Chapter one is close to over.
Lucky 7's #19
Friday, December 15, 2006
Happy early Chanukah!!
Hi everybody!!
How are you all doing? ^^
My friend went to the Doctor & he didn't have the examination *thank god*. The doctor was able to determine it was nothing.
Just saying Happy Chanukah to everyone. *and yes, I will cover every holiday during this time of year that I can. XD*
Sprite Comic Section:
Finally a new installment.
Lucky 7's #18
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