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Thursday, November 23, 2006
I am so sorry Hayley!!!
This post is dedicated purely to Hayley.
My regular posts will resume tommorow:
Yesterday I was talking with Hayley(Kikyo1990) and I accidentally said something without even thinking. I don't know exactly what brought about that or what I was trying to get to by it.
But it really got to Hayley, all i've tried to do is help her along and now I somehow ended up hurting her. This has also hurt me inside...
On top of that, I didn't even have my facts straight then. Meaning what I said honestly had no meaning to it. But that still doesn't change the fact that I went & hurt a dear & close friend.
Hayley is a great person that doesn't deserve such pain in her life. And I ended up contributing that that pain. -_-;
I'll never be able to forgive myself for what I did.
I vow i'll never let such a occurance happen again.
Thank you for taking the time time read this everyone. And to Hayley, I am truely sorry for what has happend. I never meant to harm you like that, it just happend due to a sudden moment of thoughtlessness.
I hope everybody will have a good night.
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Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Yes! Finally on break!
Hello everyone!
I hope you are all doing great. ^^
Today was okay.
The teachers took it easy on us.
I got now special plan's for Thanksgiving, what about you?
Sprite Comic Section:
I plan to use my freetime to work on my sprite comic & artwork. So I should have new installments soon.
Have a great night. ^^
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Monday, November 20, 2006
Hello everyone. ^^
I hope everyone is doing good. ^^
Yesterday I had to get offline because of my brother before I got a chance to post.
Sprite Comic Section:
Because of how The otaku glitches on me i'll just have to post up the link to my comics:
(Ask A Character)
To Innosence: "Where's Waldo?"
Innosence: *sigh* Very funny.
Have a great night!
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Saturday, November 18, 2006
Wii-day tommorow!
Hello everyone!
How are you doing? ^^
I got Sega Genisis Collection for the PSP yesterday. It is one of few PSP games that lived up to my expectations. It's basically identical to the PS2 version in terms of content. There are actually 33 games on the collection! 5 are unlockable arcade titles.
My brother is camping outside of a store with his friends right now. Because his friend is gonna get a Wii.
Sprite Comic Section:
I havent done much with it recently.
I'll get to working more on it tommorow.
(Ask a Character)
To Redblaze-Shanto:
"Where would you go if you'd be on vacation?"
Shanto: Where would I want to go? There are so many it's hard to choose. I guess Japan & England are on the top on my list. I havent been to England in awhile.
Innosence: Japan....Figures.
Shanto: You know you wanna go there too.
Have a great night!
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Thursday, November 16, 2006
1,000 Visit's!!!
Thank you so very much everyone! ^^
How is everyone today? ^^
Today I got my report card, it's all A's & B's.
And I something that really burdend me Tuesday which only a very few heard about was false.
Kouun Kitsune should be back tommorow. *at least no longer grownded*
Sprite Comic Section:
The artwork goes well.
Still will be awhile though.
I'll keep the "ask a character a question" thing going for a little while. I find it fun.
(New Question)
"Question for Magma Nova: What exactly does revenge taste like?"
Nova: I..don't..know.
I've never succeded on exacting my revenge on that boy who goes by Redblaze & his friends for my beautiful master Bugbear.
Bugbear: They have thwarted my plan's countless times. They are destined to slip up sooner or later. Just you wait and see hehehe.
Nova: Exactly my thoughts enchanting one. But to answer the question I imagine it will be o' so very sweet.
(End Question)
Have a great night!
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Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Wednesday's Post.
What the heck is going on?
My Otaku is bugging out on me.
I hope they fix this problem.
How is everyone? ^^
Yesterday I started my next piece.
And it'll take awhile to make.
It's a group picture.
Sprite Comic Section:
(Follow-up from last post)
To Trace Baxter:
"Is being a sprite better than being a sketch?"
Trace: Hmm, i'd say being a
sketch is better because I could
look so much better as one.
Shanto: Why the heck does he only
get asked a question!?
Trace: Cuz i'm special.
(End of that)
Hopefully myotaku will be fixed soon.
Have a great night!
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Monday, November 13, 2006
Monday's post.
Hi one & all!
I hope everyone is having a great day. ^^
Yesterday was was a mess.
I got up at 12:20 & had to get to a friend house by 1:00. x_x
I told him i'd be half an hour late & arived at 1:30.
We did the usual stuff. (games, internet)
I wasn't able to find the time to do the drawing.
Sprite Comic Section:
But I managed to finish this one today. ^^

*Random Thought* Anyone want to ask a question to one of my characters? XD
They will answer any questions tommorow.
Have a great day!
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Saturday, November 11, 2006
DBZ: Fusion Reborn tonight.
Hello everyone!
How are you all doing?
I hope you are all doing good. ^^
Not much going on today for me.
I got some homework to do & I think I'm gonna do another drawing.
Sprite Comic Section:
I'm not sure sure what i'll draw this time.
Also, i'll continue making my comic tommorow. Expect new installments anytime next week.
Have a great Day!
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Friday, November 10, 2006
Sega Genisis Collection!?
Hello everyone.
I've been doing good.
I got surprised yesterday hearing Sega Genisis Collection was released.
I'm surprised because that was the first I heard of it.
The collection's got 28 titles on it!! That's insane!
But my favorite thing is that's on the PSP! Meaning I can use it again! XD
Unfortunatly to some people, it's a PS2 & PSP exclusive.
And I have to wait until the 17th for the PSP edition.
I'll be on all night so if you feel like talking, feel free to contact me.
Have a good night!
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Wednesday, November 8, 2006
Wednesday's post.
Hello everyone.
Today was average for me.
Nothing too special to mention.
Sprite Comic Section:

That's all for now! More coming next week.
Have a great day!
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