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Saturday, October 7, 2006
Hello everyone.
Today I had a few friends over.
And I got "ULTRA BLUE" by Utada Hikaru. *Listening to it while typing this*
My post yesterday will serve as today's real post, okay. ^^
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Friday, October 6, 2006
Sorry for getting on late again.
And sorry for not getting to everyones sites yesterday. I only had a hour.
How are you all today?
Okay, yesterday for zero-hour we had a sub so we couldn't get in the class. The class searched for a janitor or someone to open the door but there was nobody. So we waited for about 20 minuites until someone with a key arrived.
Today wasn't very eventful.
Sprite Comic Station:
This is the last one for a little while.
I got to gather my resorces for the next couple:

Have a great night.
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Thursday, October 5, 2006
901 Visits!
Sorry for the late post.
My parents forced me to attend open house. >_<
How are you all? ^^
School was intersesting..
I'll mention it tommorow went I have more time okay?
Sprite Comic Section:

Have a great night.
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Wednesday, October 4, 2006
It's Wednesday.
Hello everyone.
How are you all.
I'm feeling great. ^^
I caught the last five minutes of Gigantor today.
It was rather dumb. XD
But I was surprised by the video quality for such a old anime.
Not much really happended at school.
Just the same old stuff.
Sprite Comic Section:
I'm gonna stop showing Lucky 7's after #7 because I need to resume spriting. I'm currently developing the Lucky 7's version of "Julius" Gold & under work for a new secondary hero "Trace Baxter".
Random tidit: RB: Shanto now has a last name!
Only two hints:
1.It's French.
2. A popular news anchor has the same last name.

* One of the stranger things I sprited. XD
Have a great day.
Comments (8) |
Tuesday, October 3, 2006
Tuesday's post.
Hello everyone.
How is everyone today? ^^
I'm feeling good today.
Nothing special happend today.
Sprite Comic Section:

*I meant it as under her shirt.
I'll be on for awhile so if anyone want's to talk.. ^^
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Monday, October 2, 2006
(Post two)
Good evening.
I feel sad all of a sudden.
Anyways. I offically started zero hour today at school. It's a class you take an hour before school regularly starts. I need the credits. XD
Have a good night.
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(Post One)
Hello. ^^
Another post before & after school today.
Shout out:
Today i’ll give a shout out to kikyo1990. She is really nice once you get to know her. ^^
Sprite Comic Section:
I’ll keep the location name submission going all week.
Now for toady’s comic. This one is special because it’s the first sprite comic encounter between RB:Shanto & Innosence:

Have a great day.
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Sunday, October 1, 2006
It's October!
Hello people.
How is everyone? ^^
Today is okay.
Not much happened though.
I like October. It's one of my favorite month's because of the temperature here in Michigan. Cool, but not really cold.
Also Otcober ends with Halloween.
What's your favorite month?
Sprite comic Section:
Progress goes well. I just finished making #7 of Lucky #7's.
So I guess i'll post #2 today. Enjoy:

Sprite Comic Help:
I'm running out of idea's for location names.
I'll be taking location name requests. ^^
If I use your locations name, i'll a you on a special thanks list i'll post someday.
*So far only LystikinenaXP is on it for helping me with spriting.*
Have a great day.
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Saturday, September 30, 2006
Saturday's Post.
Hello everyone!
I hope your Saturday is going well. ^^
My day is going good. My bestfriend was over while ago but we really didn't get to do much though. I can't wait for anime tonight. ^^
Sprite comic section:
There are some changes i'll advise to you people that read my previous series:
1. There are no RBG & Innosence comics. I'm just doing one mainstream comic this time around.
2. The length will be six panels average now to go more in depth on the story.
3. I aimed to make "Fall of a Nation" as "G-rated" as possible. For "Lucky 7's" i'm letting a little more slide. But don't worry, it'll be nothing too signifigant. ^^; *Well one thing may be questionable. lol*
4. I'll be hinting a RB: Shanto's real name throught the series.
Anywho, here's #1:

*I fixed a minor mistake*
Have a great day.
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Friday, September 29, 2006
7:52PM (Post Two)
Good afternoon! ^^
Today was okay.
I'm feeling just grand. ^^
Sprite comic update:
I'll post #1 tommorow.
The rest will come at a later date.
Have a great night. ^^
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