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Thursday, September 7, 2006
Hello everyone.
How was your day?
I am soryy that I couldn't get to everyone's sites yesterday. Today I should have more time.
School went okay, nothing really big to mention besides a teacher of mine has a strange thing for cows.
Now for the final few:

I had to modify the RB28th one so it would fit
Have a great night.
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Wednesday, September 6, 2006
Resuming my sprite comic today!
Hello everyone!
Today I finished off "Fall of a Nation".
So, i'll be posting it again.
School tommorow for me. I'll say how it goes tommorow.
Thanks for waiting: 
Did I really kill her off for a moment? Stay tuned.

Have a great day.
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Tuesday, September 5, 2006
Last day of vacation.
Hello everyone.
I hope you are having a great day.
Tommorow is my last day of summer vacation.
All I did today was mow the lawn & work on my sprite comic. I may be done by #23 instead of #25.
I'm starting #22.
Have a great day.
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Monday, September 4, 2006
Happy Labor Day!
Hello everyone.
My day is going good.
All I really did besides relax was beat Sector Z on Starfox Command (I still havent reached the first ending).
Last name hint: 5 letter's
I'm off now to visit sites & get something for my sprite comic.
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Sunday, September 3, 2006
The heck?
Hello everyone.
Yesterday I got home around 6:00 but was doing something.
And today My friend Richard came over for awhile.
The Otaku crashed while I was gone?
I wonder if that gibberish is related...
Okay, awhile ago I was talking to Shisu-dono, mysticlightning, & Littleinugirl via PM. During that time I hit the refresh button to see if I received any replies but this bizzare gibberish popped up in place of my backroom.
Anyways, I'm glad the Otaku is back up now.
Well, i'll get to visiting peoples sites now.
PS: I extend the guessing till Tuesday.
She has a uncommon name but it isn't a rediculous name.
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Friday, September 1, 2006
Last Friday of vacation for me.
Hello everyone.
Thursday is my first day of school.
Tommorow i'll be at Frankenmuth. Hopefully I won't be there all day so I can come on tommorow.
Sprite comic updates: I just finished #20 Part 2. This will take awhile to finish so please be patient.
Also i've finally found the perfect name for RB28th. Wanna guess at it? If you guess correctly i'll PM you that you got it right. (I want to keep her name secrective.) Guessing stops Sunday.
Have a great day.
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Thursday, August 31, 2006
Fanart submitted.
How is everyone doing this nice day.
Okay, I've submitted the picture of RB28th.
Please keep in mind i'm no artist.
I'm gonna go & comment on peoples sites at my usual time okay.
Have a great day.
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Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Terribly Sorry!
Sorry for not getting on for the past four days.
Saturday the party went longer than expected & Naruto was on when I got home.
Sunday was my birthday. I got a PSP, Outrun 2006: Coast to Coast, & a surprise gift: a 2 Gigabyte Flash Drive. I coludn't get on after dinner because my dad beat me to it.
I wasn't able to get on Monday because I didn't adjust to what timmes my brother gets home from college so he was on the whole time I am normally on.
And yesterday I didn't get on because I got Starfox Command & went to a friends house until midnight.
That normally isn't like me to go so long without at least visiting people's sites.
I'll try harder to get online before my brother.
PS: I'll upload my fanart tommorow. sorry with the delay.
PS2(no pun intended): I saw that silverdragongirl. I horribly missed that chainletter scam's deadline. lol
PS3: I'll be taking a break on showing "Fall of a Nation". I'll finish it before showing the ending six.
Hope you forgive me.
Have a great day.
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Friday, August 25, 2006
Two days left!
Sunday is closing in. My B-day!
w00t! *i'm done l33ting now* I filled my inbox for the first time!
I just finished empting it.

Have a great night.
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Thursday, August 24, 2006
Hello everyone.
I hope you had a great day.
Today I went to my bestfriend's house. We hardly did much do to time but we did manage to get in the pool for 30 minutes.
Starting on #20 of "Fall of a Nation", I will be extending the comic's length because I want to finsh this story by #25 & #25 Part 2.
If it's demanded, i'll do another sprite comic with no specific ending set by it's name.
* I'll start the RBG sketch tommorow & try to finish tommorow.*

Have a great day.
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