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Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Hello everyone.
Nothing realyy happend today. Tommorow though I'm going over to my bestfriend's house.
I may do some fan art on Redblaze 28th sub-chibi style. Sub-chibi meaning sorta cutesy but not to the full extent chibi's are.

Have a great day.
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Tuesday, August 22, 2006
I got my E-mail fixed!
Hello everyone.
As the title implied, I wasn't receiving any e-mail from anyone for awhile. The problem was that parental controls blocked e-mails from people who arent on my address book. I was oblivious to this problem until recently. So I apoplgize to everyone who had sent me an e-mail & I never replied.
Now for a special 10 panel comic for Redblaze 28's story:

Have a great day.
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Monday, August 21, 2006
Hello everyone.
I'm still stuck at the same extra mission in Dirge of Cerebrus. Evil laberenth.
I take back when I said i'll take a break afer #13 & 13 part 2. So here are are updates:

Have a great day.
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Sunday, August 20, 2006
A week till my birthday.
Sorry for not getting on the past couple days.
Friday my dad & brother used the computer & Saturday I had a birthday party to attend.
I hope everyone's past two days went well.
I've beat "Dirge of Crerbrus -Final Fantasy VII-" yeterday. the story mode on Normal difficulty is only ten hours long. I'm currently playing the fifth extra mission. The extra mission are unlocked for beating story mode & are sorta plotless, for the fun of it level's. On top of that, I have to still fight the secret boss in the game....

I decided to show why mindreading can be a bad thing at times.
Have a great day.
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Thursday, August 17, 2006
Good day everyone.
I just got Yahoo Messenger.
Also I'd like to mention to everyone wanting to buy "Dirge of Cerebrus: Final Fantasy VII" that the story is very short. I'm 8 hours into it & i'm almost at the final boss.
Thankully there are multiple difficulty settings & unlockable bonus levels.
After sprite comics #13 & #13 Part 2 i'll be taking another break to build my reserve back up.

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Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Finally got Dirge of Cerebrus.
Hello everyone.
Today I got a haircut & got Dirge of Cerebrus.
One odd thing in the game is that they changed the events of the first game slightly to be able to support the plot.
I so far got one button up. just PM me your button code & i'll gladly put it up.

Have a great night.
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Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Hello everyone.
Gamestop is evil. They aren't getting Drge of Cerebrus until tommorow! They got KH2 the day it came out.
On a different note: I'm going to start a friend button section on my intro. If you have a button, you can PM me the code & i'll put it up.
Now for the continuing adventures of RB:28th & Innosence:

Have a great day.
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Monday, August 14, 2006
Theme change time.
Hello everyone.
I decided i'll just change my theme today. This time i'll use a different avatar.

Have a great day.
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Sunday, August 13, 2006
Hello everyone. How is your day going?
I've finally beaten "Megaman X 5&6". Now I just got to beat Zero Mode on X4 to unlock everything on the game collection.
2 more day's till "Dirge of Cerberes: Final Fantacy VII" is released. Also i'll change back to my Vincent theme that day.
Now for the continuation to Fall of a Nation:

Have a great day.
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Saturday, August 12, 2006
Saturday post.
Hello everyone, I hope everything is going well for you.
Today my oldest cat Raymond died. He was 19-20ish.
Apparantly he died around 2:00AM. I'm not really sad though I will miss him.
As I said, I will resume "Fall of a Nation" Tommorow. I currently have up to #10 Part 2 completed.
One Post!? What the heck? Thank you very much Mysticfox for replying.
Have a great day.
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