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Tuesday, August 1, 2006
Yay Blackout!
Yesterday evening there was a blackout.
Tankfully I got online at lunchtime.
Also, for those who didn't see I posted the complete sprite sheet for my currently unamed character. And T minus 26 days till my birthday!
I also made sprite comics! I'll end this post with the two I made. Enjoy & have a great day(I'll visit people's sites in the afternoon.):

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Monday, July 31, 2006
Finished the set!
Here they are:

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Lunch time.
Yes, I know it's rare that I get on so early. My brother currently has a friend over so I can get on at this time.
Here's a surprise, I'm done already with the new sprites. They needed little work but they look better than my previous ones:

(I was going to make her blonde, but her hair color is perfect the was it is.)
I'm now gonna work on the next set of "Dark Mode Girl" sprites. I should think of a permanent name for her while i'm at it.
Questions: What actions should I make for her "DMG"? I only have a few thought out in my head.
Have a great day.
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Sunday, July 30, 2006
My weekend post.
Hello, I hope everyone is having a good weekend.
Okay, For the sprites it appear there was a misunderstanding. I only need female sprites.
LystikinenaXP, you were actually right on the money regarding where the cloak is coming from.
I did look for Sango, Kikyo, & Kagome sprites but I got hardly any results. I found Mai Shiranui sprites which shadowdiver23 suggested but they might not work when fused with Bass.EXE sprite parts. So I'm asking again for any idea's on female sprites.
Today I got done cutting the grass a mintue before it started raining. Talking about lucking out.
Have a great day.
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Friday, July 28, 2006
Good old Friday.
Hope you are all having a good day.
I just got back from visiting my bestfriends house. We (another friend of mine was there) mostly just hung out in his pool.
I need help: Could you help me think of sprites to use?
The current sprites i'm going to work are going to consist of a cloaked female character. But, I can't think of any sprites to work with.
Can you think of any female character sprites from any video game that could work?
She needs to have medium/long hair.
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Thursday, July 27, 2006
It's Thursday already?
Hello everyone.
Today I havent done much. I basically just played Megaman X collection. I finally beat Colonel on Megaman X 4. He was giving me alot of trouble.
I'm planning to work on a new set of sprites sortly.
Unlike my currently unamed girl in dark mode sprites, I don't know what sprites i'll use to make the character invisioned in my head.
Have a great day.
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Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Yesterday & today.
Good day everyone.
Right after my post yesterday I remembered the sprites I was making. I made them not just to improve my skills but I intend to use them in something, sometime. Here they are:

This is an incomplete sprite sheet. I intend to make more.
Besides that, yesterday I played Megaman X collection because I still hadn't beaten X 5 or X 6 yet.
Today, not much has gone on. It just started rain hard all of a sudden.
P.S.: Whoo!! 13 posts! A new record for me. Thank you all.
Question: Have any of you had any trouble on my site?
Omegasnake16 says his computer froze on my site.
I want to make sure it isn't coinsidence.
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Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Well today i've got nothing planned.
I have to find something to prevent boredom.
I hope your day will go better.
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Monday, July 24, 2006
First off, I double posted yesterday for those who didn't see.
Today went weird. My AOL software currupted a major program file. Me & my mom looked for a AOL 9.0 disk because the computer was requesting us to reinstall AOL. Those AOL disks are everywhere when you don't want them but nowhere to be seen when you need them.
About an hour ago, my mom just tinkered around on the computer & fixed the mess.
I'm getting better at spriting. I'm currently melding Out of suit Samus (From Metroid) sprites with Riku's dark mode costume (from KH:CoM).
On top of that i'm recoloring some parts of the sprites. I am intending to use them in something but first I need to finish them. I may show the completed sprite sheet when i'm done.
Hope you all have a great day.
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Sunday, July 23, 2006
Crap!!! (Post two)
It appears that the party was in fact yesterday. Meaning I missed it. My friend Jim was nice enough to let me hang out for a couple hours though.
We played Serious Sam (never played it until then), watched some stuff, and talked.
Still, it was pretty akward.
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