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Friday, June 16, 2006
My day today.
I went to the Mcdonalds which was the Nintendo wfihot spot for lunch with my brother and his friend & ended up spending two and a half hours there! Thankfully the Mcdonalds employee's didn't get mad.
Now I shall talk about the wifi:
For those who are unsure exactly what wifi is, it is wireless online linking. But though it's wireless, it still need a wireless connection to work like a USB adapter inserted to a computer hooked up to the internet or a "hotspot". Well there the general idea. You can look up more info about it if want want to know more.
The DS uses wifi for online gaming with specially designed games (Mario Kart DS, Metroid Prime Hunters, ext).
Anyways back to the exerience; when it's looking for opponents , it takes normally around 2-6 minutes to gather a group of four players if you choose to play people worldwide.
For Mario Kart DS you have little in the way of choices for what to do. It is a series of four races in which the tracks are decided by the players voting (unfortunately there are only around 20 tracks playable on wifi). If everyone voted a diiferent track, the game will decide randomly out of the 2-4. There was this one Japanese guy wth stats like this: "1657 Wins 643 losses" I was like "Holy Crap! this guy has played online alot.". Also there were some people using strategies in dident know existed like using the mini turbo costantly throughout the entire race flawlessly to excell like mad the race.
Metroid Prime Hunters: This was a annoying time. I only got one oppenent after waiting for ten minutes! This guy chose the cheapest character in the game (Trace) & hid in a corner turning invisible the whole time! He had like no strategy!
I also went to a doctors appointment but nothing out of the average happend there.
PS: On Nintendo wifi, I use the same name: Redblaze. So it could be me if you ever play on wifi against a Redblaze.
Question: What is your dream job?
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Thursday, June 15, 2006
Out Of school!!
It took forever but i'm finally on summer vacation!
Tommorow i'm going to a Nintendo wifi hotspot for the first time. I have 4 wifi enabled DS games that I should at least try online play for the first time.
I read from a few of you that you had the same kind of "encounter" in a public area. I'm afraid to know how those get in such places...
What is wrong with the world!?
*Read couldyboy's post* Dang your lucky!
*Read whitecat's post* Now that is very odd.
1. If you got one million dollars, what would you do with it?
2. What should my next theme be? Any suggestions?
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Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Odd day today.
Today was "interesting" to say the least.
Today was good but there were two strange things on a similar subject will now say:
1. At school they made a group of us watch this tape about a law passed in September involving teen sex. It's was basicaly just saying 16 is the legal age for "that" in Michigan & there are dire consiquences for breaking the legal limit thing. Like if one of the two people is older than the other, they will get charged with rape. Anyways, Me & my friend Josh noticed many flaws in the thing. The innocent will likely suffer via trickery.
2. I took a walk through the park near my house after school & saw something clearly lying on the walkway that shouldn't even be anywhere near. A used "protection device" if you know what I mean. WTF was that doing there!?
Question: Ever find anything strange lying around out in public?
This means anything out of the ordinary. Not to follow up with my rather disgusting experience in the park.
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Little today.
I've got nothing today except a little bit for the sake of posting.
Which Final Fantasy guy are you? (with final fantasy pics) (forgive me if these facts are wrong!)
Question: What's your favorite band?
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Monday, June 12, 2006
Three more day's for me!
School today was okay. And I didn't realy do anything special this weekend while i'm thinking about it. So not much to mention today.
Note: I beat Final Fantasy 2 today. I kept getting lost in that game on what to do.
Question: Do you have anything special planned for summer?
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Friday, June 9, 2006
Da carnival (Post One)
If by chance you didn't read yesterday's post, my school was holding an all day carnival today. Here's what happend:
- Omegasnake16 came in today. He had some "private matters" to attend to yesterday.
- They had this "barrel of fun". It was this thing four people could get into & make it spin!
This was the first time I road on one of those twice in the same hour without feeling queezy!
- My friend Jim came to the carnival!
He came to hang out before his graduation.
- There was a baseball game between students & teachers.
I was the one who hit the second to last ball before the end of the game & I tied the game so the teachers didn't win!
Four days of school left for me. Can I survive? XD
Question: What thing are you looking foreward to the most? (Has to not be out yet.)
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Thursday, June 8, 2006
My updates for today.
At school today my brain fell asleep at 1:00 & stayed like that for the rest of the day. ><;
Omegasnake16 didn't come to school today, he normally tells me ahead of time for some reason.
Friday my school's gonna have a carnival day! One whole work-free day!
And one last note for anyone whose wondering, this upcoming Thursday will be my last day of school.
Question One: Have you ever had deja-vu?
Question Two: If so, does it happens often (say a month or two max for often)?
Question Three: What show do you wish they would put back on TV?
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Wednesday, June 7, 2006
Today's post!
School sucked today. Were were playing baseball & it rained the whole time. And I got to see how I did on my English test & I SOMEHOW MISSED AN ENTIRE PAGE OF THE TEST!!
New info on Lunar Knights! Where I got my info was wrong, Lunar Knights is the prequel series to Boktai. It takes place when the vampires first arrived on Earth. But will share little in the way of explaining some things from Boktai.
*spoilers to the end of Boktai 2 ahead* That means in one of the Lunar Knights games (It's been confirmed to be a series) Could explain how the Doomsday Beast Jormungandr was sealed away.
For people wondering, Jormungandr is the final boss in Boktai 2. It is this giant space serpent that could consume entire solar system's with ease. When it arrived to earth, some brave souls were able to seal it away.
Then built the town "San Miguel" over it's resting spot. Thankfully in Boktai 2 the blasted thing isn't completly free. It's head gets freed because the seal was tampered with.
So Django has to travel down into the earth & do battle with the things head. Otenko informs Django about the fact he can't kill it, but they can re-seal it.
This is rather sad that I never thought to do a Boktai quiz.
WARNING: The first quiz result could be considered a spoiler in Boktai 2 to some.
What caracter from boktai are you? (pics)
 You are Black Django. You are a vampire. But... how? I... you... ??? Anyway it has its perks! You can transform in to a bat, a mouse , a wolf. etc just DONT go out in the sun. Not with out sun cream any way!Pic: Take this quiz!

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I did it again with one slight change & here's my new result:
What caracter from boktai are you? (pics)
 You are Dark Boy Sabata (yes its my user name) You used Gun Del Hel to defeat Solar warriors. But you had a change of heart and are using you dark skills to kick some vampire butt!Pic: Take this quiz!

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Question of the day: Are you on vacation already or stuck in school still like me?
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Tuesday, June 6, 2006
Afternoon's post. (Post Two)
Well school was good today. One of my teachers said that she was expecting me to be wearing a tie again.
Got no quiz results so onto the questions of the day:
1.What do you think of my pic? (for those who havent commented on it yet. Pic is in my previous post today for those who don't know.)
2. How was your day?
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Arent we supposed to be dead by now? XD (Post One)
Well that proves thaat the number 662006 isn't evil in the least.
I got 400 visits! Thank you all who visit.
Special thanks:
cant escape
Mrs. Elric
They were the most frequent visitors.
Now for that picture of yours truely:

I will post like normal later today.
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