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• benera13
• 1990-08-27
Member Since
• 2005-12-20
Real Name
• Benjamin
Anime Fan Since
• 6
Favorite Anime
• The Slayers
• Watch anime, play video games. XD
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, June 5, 2006
Last full week of school for me. (Post One)
Today I decided to do something unexpected: Wear a tie to school!
It was interesting to see what kind of comments people would make. If it werent for Shadowdiver23 I wouldn't had remembered that was a certain musician's style. He kept making Avril jokes at me.
I had no real reasoning behind wearing it.
I Remembered question 3!!!!! (there really was a question 3 I forgot) Question 3: History or Mythology?
Today's question: Would you like to see a pic of me?
I can't get that perfect picture of me, but this one I got is the best so far.
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Sunday, June 4, 2006
The weekend updates. (Post One)
Yesterday me, my brother, his friend, my mom, my aunt, my cousin, my grandma, my mom's friend, & my mom's friend's son all went to the movies.
We saw that movie "The Break Up". I went because it looked funny. Let me tell you the movie is more drama than comedy (vice-versa from what the trailer implies). It was still good though.
I MISSED THE FIRST 22 MINUTES OF YESTERDAY'S NARUTO!!!!! I'll have to catch it next Saterday.
Did anyone else watch/try to watch that Korgoth show. That show was far too messed up! I hope they don't make it into a full series. Plus the "hero" is ripping off of Brock Sampson (The Venture Bros.).
I would have much rather watched a rerun of something Adult Swim hasn't shown in forever like Wolf's Rain or Case Closed.
And I be seeing my Brother's graduation today.
No quiz result this time because I couldn't find a good one. So now for the question's':
Question One: Pancakes or Waffles?
Question Two: Coke or Pepsi?
Question three: What was question three? XD
Question four: Cats or Dogs?
I will permit the "both" answer for those whom can't decide.
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Friday, June 2, 2006
The weekend begins now! (Post One)
I slept so much better yesterday. Mrs. Elric mentioned she likes to sleep on the floor & I decided to give it a try. Thanks for the idea!!
My Grandma is so nice. She snuck $10 into this box I have labeled "Nintendo Wii Fund" (name is self explanitory).
The weather was perfect today. I wish today's weather would last until June 15th (I get out for vacation on the 14th).
PS: I am a bit hyper today. Heads up if I act a little goofy.
How could I forget to do a Fire Emblem 7 quiz:
Which Fire Emblem Character are you?
Question: Could you help me think of a good question for my next post?
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Thursday, June 1, 2006
Today's stuff. (Post One)
I had I rough start in the morning. My Grandma is staying with my family for a few days & she gets my bed to use. So I had to sleep on the couch. It was a tad small & was causing neck pain.
Today got nicely even in temperature around 4:00PM.
Still no good for favorable conditions when in school.
I have found some odd info of who has the best chance of making it into Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
Apparantly he has alot of fans that requested him.
It's getting harder to find quizzes!
In which Kingdom Hearts world do you live? (+kingdom hearts quotes)
 You live in 'The End Of The World' You can see the end of your journey, but you 'll have to prove yourself. A sacrifice is needed: you realise that, even if you defeat certain persons, you wont see your friends again. One problem is solved, but new mysteries will rise. Weapon:Ultima Weapon Quotes:'Behold the endless abyss! Within lies the heart of all worlds: Kingdom Hearts! Look as hard as you are able; you'll not find even the smallest glimmer of light. From those dark depths are all hearts born... even yours.' 'Remember what you said before... I'm always with you, too! I'll come back for you!' Take this quiz!

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Question: Did you know voice actor Steve Blum (Voice acter for Zabuza, that dude in Naruto) also plays the Geico gecko?
See for yourself:
He voiced alot of characters!
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Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Quiz result (Post Two)
mrs edward elric (Not to be confused with Mrs. Elric) found a interesting quiz result I just had to do that quiz.

What Type of Anime Site Could You Run?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Today's things (Post One)
I shall start of on the small stuff:
1. I woke up at 5:00 today. I caught the end of Adult Swim & I have a question to ask. Why are they showing a Mr. T cartoon!?
Anyways, the temperature today was so much better than yesterday!
2. I have some updates on the game "Lunar Knights".
It turns out that it is in a different continuity than Boktai. But it will share alot of elements with Boktai. Also, the the game engine unlike Boktai, focuses on fighting other than stealth.
One nice thing they announced is that if you have a Boktai game in the GBA slot of the DS you can use real sunlight instead of the ingame sunlight.
I can't think of any quizzes today so i'll start the question answering!
"Mrs. Elric - *looks at quiz* *gasp* is this true???" Parts of it are true like the almost never smile thing. only actual problem with it is the brighten up part (though I could do with some more enjoyment in my life).
cant escape - "1. what would you like to change about yourself (mentaly or physicaly)?" Mentaly I would probably want to be able to asert myself better.
Physicaly I'm losing some weight. I'm not very overweight for my height (i'm over the six foot mark!) plus i'm losing a couple pounds a week just for not eating as much. I should be at my ideal weight very soon.
Also I'd want to get my hair to be straight. It likes to curl on me.
2. "what kind of hair do you have? long short also color? ^_^" short/medium brown hair.
3. "ummm ok then now you ask me on your next post." That's not really a question but i'm not complaining. So what do you have to say about your question answers cant escape?
Today's question:
How did your day go?
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Evil Heat (post one)
This rise in temperature was really bad. My school has no AC. The heat was even making people violantly angry at my school! Also my brain decided to fall asleep on me during class, luckey me.
On a good note, One of my friends who gratduated decided to come & say hi last second. I havent seen him in forever.
I'm so glad to be home! It's nice & cool with the AC.
Today's quiz result:
What Anime Style Are You?
Today's Question: How about you question me if you want for a change. I'll add it in tomorrow's post. But don't make it too personal.
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Monday, May 29, 2006
Today's Quiz Result (Post Two)
This one sounds about right.

What's Your Naruto Team?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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My weekend. (Post One)
Friday: I got New Super Mario Bros.
I didn't get any chance of getting online due to dinner & seeing what the college my brother is to looks like.
Sat&Sun: It was spring cleaning (last second!) time. It was due to the fact my grangmother is coming in a few days. Whenever I got the perfect chance to get online, my brother beat me to it.
Today: We aren't doing anything special for Memorial Day. My dad finally got ticked off at my brother for hogging the computer & that's why i'm on finally! ^^
Right now I have some work to do. But afterwards i'll try to visit everyone sites.
The questions submitted last time are on the same subject so i'll post both:
Lady Jun -Is there love in first site for teens like us?
420Alchemist666 -what is the meaning of love?
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Thursday, May 25, 2006
Quick note (post two)
My dad spent alot of time doing stuff on the computer I've only got 20 minutes!!
I'll try my best to visit as many sites as possible.
Question: what is a good question for tomorrow?
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