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Saturday, April 29, 2006
Not much to say right now. (post one)
In a few minutes i'm gonna go mow the lawn. I attempted to buy Advent Children on DVD yesterday but Best Buy only had two UMD's left. So i'm getting it off of for $14.95! Also yesterday me & my freind Ryan were playing Metroid Prime: Hunters multiplayer against the computer & got the crap beaten out of us.XD
I'll go Research my manga recommendations now...
I'll post later though, okay.
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Friday, April 28, 2006
Today's updates (post One)
My freind Jeff like that robot monkey cartoon!!!! I was freaked when he said that. I don't get why he watched one episode. It was the most random thing today.
Yesterday morning supposedly the Nintendo Revelution was offically renamed the Nintendo Wii.
I got that same feeling from yesterday, but this time it was from eating ketchup covered potato chips(It was the teachers idea. Don't ask). I realized what that feeling is! For some reason my I felt differently(mentally) when I was 12. For some reason this stuff triggers it. I understand the potato chip thing because did that once or twice when I was 12, but I don't understand the Nail polish remover.. I'm soundin a little crazy now, aren't I? XD
I'm having trouble finding a midi file of the tune "Dissapeared". The tune is from KH:FM & KH2. In Final Mix it play when you are fighting the Organization XIII member in Hollow Bastion. In KH2 it play a remix of it when you battle Xemnas for the first time. Can anyone please help me find a midi of either version.
Thanks for the manga recommendations. I'm still undecided but i'll do some reseach one the ones I don't know about. Then maybe I should have a winner.
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Thursday, April 27, 2006
My name in Japanese (post two)
Thank you Tamako315 for the idea.
My japanese name is “n•Ó Watanabe (near a crossing) —ƒ Tsubasa (wing). Take your real japanese name generator! today! Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.
My Japanese name is Benjiro Suenami. Take The Original Japanese Name Generator by Shu today! Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.
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My day (post one)
I got high (sorta)! I'll explain. During sceince we were examining all types of stuff. One of the things were nail polish remover. while examing it, even though it was about 30 seconds the fumes got to me & had a felt a little funky (a good feeling I guess). But i'm not gonna start sniffing anything though.
I also just found out my freind Jeff cuts himself! His ex-girlfreind supposedly got him into it & he got addicted to it.
I think the mild high from the fumes actually help me at video games. After school I was playing against my friend Ryan on Metroid Prime: Hunters(which if anything he is better than me) & I beat him on a 5 stock deathmatch without losing a single match! I was only able to pull such feats in games when I was 12. Still, i'm not addicted to nail polish remover & will not ever intentionally sniff it.
Also i'm still considering a new manga series to collect. Any recommendations?
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Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Good Afternoon (post one)
1. My brother has become such an ass(forgive my language). He's become so obsessed about the the computer that he's making threats & flipping me off for using it (His online time is normally 5 hours, mine is maybe 3 & a half hours at most normally.) because he wants total dominance. IT'S NOT HIS COMPUTER!!!
2. We finish the exeriment today from priviously said Frosted Flake ball was spawned. The thing was we were to get the iron out of cereal. We had to crush it, put it in a cup, pour just enough water to cover it, stir with a magnet, let sit 10 minutes, stir again, & check magnet for iron specks.
3. Thanks for the mang recommendations. I see some things of interest but I still ask for recommendations.
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Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Good afternoon (post two)
My school day went well. omegasnake16 let me borrow his Xenogears. I was wurious the Xeno games & am tempyed to buy Xenosaga episodes 1&2 for the DS when it comes out (that is if it comes out in the US). My freind Jeff made a mutant ball of crap made from wet, crushed frosted flakes that were used in a experiment at school. It was almost dense enough to be like a rubber ball!
My manga isn't gonna release any new volumes anytime soon so this would be a good time to be a little adventurous & collect a manga i've never really heard much about. My manga collection conists of YuYu Hakusho, Slayers, Kingdom Hearts, BoBoBo-BoBoBoBo, & Inuyasha (stopped collecting it due to massive length). Anyone got any suggestions? I'll try something new.
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NOO! (post one)
It didn't come out right. It's too tiny even too see what I was posting. It was this GIF that showed a scene for Cowboy Bebop The Movie & a scene from Naruto one on top of eachother & each scene played nearly identically, punch for punch, camera angle for camera angle.
I'll try to get it working still & i'll try again later then. I will post later in afternoon. In the mean time you got the kitty GIF's I posted yesterday!
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Monday, April 24, 2006
Fun with cats! (post two)
I was gonna post this rip off thing my brother found online today but for now it post funny cat GIF's my brother found.

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Good Afternoon(post one)
I went back to school today. I adjusted really easily back into the normal rountine. That normally takes me a day or two. My freind Josh was wearing this pair of pants that somewhat resembled Sora's pants in KH2(He wasn't that thrilled to realize that). omegasnake16 is gonna make me borrow a game of his, I really hope it's not an Ape Escape omega(I really don't want to play it).
It appears some people have returned here. I see a few people have posted that hadn't in forever. I'm hoping the rest will post later today or tommorrow. I miss reading what they did & repling to it for some people. For those people that unintentionally became my top piriority when first coming here each day.
And last for now is a rumor I heard. I heard after AdultSwim is done showing Saved By The Bell that they are going to show The Super Mario Brothers Super Show. But this is merely in discussion at the moment.
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Sunday, April 23, 2006
Look at this. (post two)
Yuffie from FFVII & Rikku from FFX. My brother found this online.
This explains itself.
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