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Thursday, April 6, 2006
This is so me. Except for the obvious (gender).
nn nWhat Inuyasha Character Are You?n nHosted by Anime. Done right.n
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Who is your Favorite Male & Female YuYu Hakusho character? (thrid post today)
I'm just curious.
Mine would have be Kurama & hard decision but i'd say Keiko.
Kurama because he is the smart one of the group. He tried to find a weakness & exploit it during the entire battle. Also he's got Yoko Kurama form.
Keiko was hard to choose. It was going to be either her or Boton. But she won just because I feel sorry for the crap Yusuke did to her. She is my favorite because even though Yusuke has been doing stupid stuff to her sinse she was a child she is still sane. And she could even kill someone as strong as Yusuke if she is ticked enough.
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How did the Chapter Black saga end? (2nd post for today. One more on the way.)
On YuYu Hakusho How did the Chapter Black saga end?
I was reling on Cartoon Network to show new episodes, but cancelled it right before the end of the Chaper Black saga.
I havent yet started collecting YuYu Hakusho on DVD. But am up to date on the manga, even got volume 9 a moth early before it was meant to come out.
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My school day (1st post of today. more on the way.)
I whent to school & first thing that confused me was that omegasnake16 didn't toalk about his ex. He wasn't even sad, not in the slightest. The first words out his mouth were "Hi. How far did you get?(refering to KH2)". Later he accused me of talking like Eeyore of all things. That really confused me. I normally talk at a normal pace. That reminds me of that one episode of the Simpsons, but thats a different story.
It wasn't until 5 minutes ago I found out they got back together.
2nd shadowdiver23 was going crazy today in health class. There is this one guy which gave him an evil look a few weeks ago & shadowdiver23 decided to start spitting on his shoes, walkin around the class grabbing things and dropping them saying " I need to vent my anger", then started jumping & stomping the floor, and then left the room but kicked my bestfriend Ryan's backpack.
shadowdiver23, you should find better ways to vent your anger.
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Wednesday, April 5, 2006
I was goofing around on google & typed "Redblaze" in to see if any results involving me were to come out. Yes I found one or two believe it or not. But, I found a "", "", & ""!
I feel there are posers out there because of the 9,550 results I got.
Here are some info read about two other redblazes:
Redblaze from livejournal- mom in Tampa Flordia, 36 years old. Writes online stories.
Darn it! She beat me by one year! 2002!
Redblaze from deviantART- 21 year old guy from Texas, made a Sonic the Hedgehog fan character "RedBlaze the Hedgehog". Creator of HaHa! Beat him by 2 months!
I've been using the name Redblaze sinse early July of 2003. I've been completely unaware of there being others. Then again, there are so many people even the most creative of webnames is going to be used by more than one person.
But it creeps me out that one Reblaze is a big Sonic the Hedgehog fan. That's even were I got the name Redblaze.
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Tuesday, April 4, 2006
Good afternoon.
1. I can't wait for "Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children". It's been what, 9 years since they made FF7.
2. Anyone know anything about "FFVII: Crisis Core". I know it's a game coming out for the PSP but I don't really know anything about it.
3. I have no idea how they are gonna end Inuyasha. They wrote themselves into a problem. Naraku is basically immortal. When they kill him, he comes back to life in the strangest ways (second movie). At this point I doubt the sacred jewel & 1 shard will help (Kagome used a shard from her time on the jewel thus there is more shards than needed in the past).
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Monday, April 3, 2006
What the?
Back on April fools day..
Why did Adult Swim show a Chuck Norris cartoon!?
Followed up by GITS & FMA with fart sounds added in. It at times drowned out the freaking dialog!
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I forgot to come on all of last week.
I was having too much fun playing KH2.
I'll try to catch up as much as I can.
What worlds do you think are going to be in KH3?
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Monday, March 27, 2006

What Cowboy Bebop Crew Member Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
Is this me? What would you say?
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What Zelda Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
What do you think?
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