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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
One more week!
KH2 in one more week.
I'm going to recap all you KH fans on the "Final Mix" encounter:
In KH:FM there was a secret ending to Hallow Baston. I'm posting what I can tell you because it's of a big importance. This ending appears same time as the secret bosses.
The Princesses are a worried they are sensing a powerful presance nearby. They arent sure what it is. So Sora, Goofy, Donald, & Beast go through the reopend portal (Same used for eariler dragon fight). apon entering this big empty room they keep walking foreward. This invisible person following them appears, doing that ghost thing like all the other members of the Organization XIII. He walks right through Sora (Yes through, not past) and qoutes of KH2 start appearing for a split second. When this Mistery person stops and turns around to look at Sora, Sora says "Who are you?". Mistery guy replys with what i'm told was "I see. You are incomplete." Sora Replies "Whats that supposed to mean?" Goofy said "Ansem?". Mistery Man replied something like "Well, thats a familiar name.". The was saying to Sora something about "You look just like him.". Whille talking, he forms a ball of purple light energy (has a tiled effect to it) around his hand. Sora realizes whats happening last second and braces for a blast. Mistery Man Shoots a beam of lightning at Sora. Sora struggles to hold it back but then deflects it to the ceiling. Mistery Man says some stuff while eerie music slowly creeps in. Then the fight starts.
Mistery Man Uses light rays, he can form them into a number of things like hand swords, walls, And domes. He can also turn his body into tiny shperes & chase you. What the Mistery Man looks like is impossible to see under his hood but you can tell he is a higher up in the Organization XIII than the guys from "Chain of Memories".
After the battle which I must note is harder than Sephiroth (yes I said it) he merely ghosts away leaving "Ansem Report 13" which talks about the nobodies.
PS: I have have yet to actually beat him.
If you have any quetions, you can post them in the comments. If the question is a spoiler, i'll PM it to you.
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Thank You.
I've gotten 100 hits see:
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I'm very greatful about this. I'd like to thank everyone who has ever came to my site.
I especially want to thank Mrs. Elric, Echogirl, whitecat, pRoToMaN12, silverdragongirl, and Pami for visiting my site & commenting regularly. You are great freinds.
I will continue to visit all my freinds & talk with them when they post.
I hope to get 200 vists really soon.
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Monday, March 20, 2006
My real name.
I've decided to post it. If any of you REALLY want to refer to me by it you can.
But Redblaze really is a second name to me. I use it on every forum I go to & on my DS.
(If you have seen a "Redblaze" via Nintendo Wi-Fi, that's not me. I've never used Wi-Fi.)
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My Day
My school decided for some reason to treat me like some sort of criminal. I did one bad thing on Friday, it honestly wasn't a big deal.
At my school students arent allowed in a classroom without supervision. During a party I had the option to visit my friend in his homeroom.
I spent about 45 minutes there, completely forgotton this rule. The staff decides to freak out & punish me harshly.
I'm a rule following good student.
I merely forgot this retarded rule.
The principle is even going to have a talk with me about that. They are well over reacting.
Nothing bad even happend!
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Pretty Kitty

My mom's kitty is staring into your very soul.
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Sunday, March 19, 2006
Princess Mononoke
I saw the preview yesterday. It's awsome. Sounds really awsome. I'm defenetly watching it now!
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End of FMA
The first ten minutes were awsome. Plus that a firt i've seen of someone breaking a childs neck.
Evil Pride.
Then the end was sort of weak but thats because the movie is the true end.
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Thursday, March 16, 2006
I've decided
I'm going to watch the movie "Princess Mononoke" for the sole fact I got her on a "Who is your anime dream girl" quiz.
I'm no fanboy but i'm curious why she was my result. Plus her discription sounded cool.
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Remembered other funny thing
Anyone like crappy editing from 4kids?
Here is a great crappy moment:
On One Piece awhile back Sangie had a speech. During his talk he pulled out a pack of "suckers", Put one in his mouth & lit the end of it with a lighter. Such stupid editing.
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Funny thing at school.
We (me & my class) were doing this little writing exercise. We had to write a thank you letter for the following scenereo:
" Your love broke up with you. A good friend of yours helps you. She helps you get out of your house. Is there if you need a shoulder to crey on. ext."
The substitute teacher decided to us to write to a "him" instead. The problem there is how the real discription went, it sounded like she was interested. Like going to girlfriend from friend (Now that she out of the picture he's all mine!). But with it a "him" that's very creepy & not like a guy.
*there are no girls in this class so that's why it was originaly a "her"*
I think the substitute didn't really read the scenereo. Thankfully we could keep it a "her" if we wanted.
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