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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
1.KH2 in exactly two weeks!
Lets see. Haven't updated in awhile. What to post?
2.I've gotten past the caffine withdrawls & am in the clear. I should have my blood pressure checked somtime this week. I still hope it was some type of mistake.
3. Got "Resident Evil: Deadly Silence" Sunday. It's a remake of the first game with a DS modified version game mode. Like use a lockpic, or knife with the touch screen. It's got the best graphic's i've seen on the DS.
4. School is dull. Need something interesting to happen.
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Friday, March 10, 2006
1. Finally the weekend! I need a break!
2. I thought of something, who would win?
Kenshin Or Vash? The fast samurai or the crckshot gunman?
3. Day one of this sodium lacking diet. Should I feel light headed? XD
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Thursday, March 9, 2006
Health class today was a total pain.
I had to answer the EXACT SAME QUESTION SEVERAL TIMES! Whomever wrote that must of had ADD.
It appears I have high blood pressure (score). Now I can't have anything with too much salt. But the problem is really stress related. I can't have pop (NOOO!). But oddly enough (rembers thing from yesterday on Evileye Elf's site) I can have as much Kool-aid as I want. Bad trade off because it's sugar free.
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Boktai Recap.
Some people already asked me "what is Boktai" so i'm posting a recap leaving out a bunch of spoilers.
"Boktai" is a grame series for the GBA/DS produced by Hideo Kojima (the Metal Gear Solid guy). All of them execpt for the upcoming DS title require real sunlight to play.
It's about the adventures of a vampire hunting boy named Django. The first game released in 2003 was about Django using his families treasure, a solar powered gun "Gun Del Sol" to avenge his father's death. After that he must stop a much deeper plot involving his mother. Can he save her in time?
The second game released in 2004 involves a much deeper plot starting with him returning to his old abandoned home town in wich a strange Vampire steals the solar gun & he can even use it which only solar children can do (Django is the last of his kind, alive at least). Django meets back up with Sabata & they track down the Vampire. After the battle the vapires hat is blown off & they see it's a familiar face. The Vampires mind is tring to be controled By the main enemy of this game. Going crazy, Mr. Vampire Runs up & bites Django then leaves. Acting fast, Sabata decides to purify Django with the "Pile Driver" (not the wrestling move) but only enough to stop the speading. Sabata was half sucsessful, Django came out as a vampire with the ability to become human & without the urges of a vampire. Can he stop the Black Dainn's polt?
Thrid title has yet to come over in the states.
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Tuesday, March 7, 2006
1. Should I switch back to Sabata wallpaper or keep Django?
2. Do you find it easier to to talk to someone of the opposite sex (especailly someone you like) face to face or via phone or E-mail?
For answer two I find it easier when I don't see the female. If you find that odd it's because 85% of my school is guys(students only). Blame thy school. Or if it's ever the one (true love) I know with me it hard to even have some talk to girls I have small crushes with. So trying to break the ice will be truely evil for me.
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Monday, March 6, 2006
1. I'm trying out the Django wallpaper said earlier.
2. I Bought "Megaman Legends" Saturday and i've almost beaten it. This game has alot of suggestive moments. I question it's "E" rating. Well I bought it at a drug store (best game i've seen in a drug store that I didn't already own) & it came back in '98 (time of games like Banjo-Kazooie & DK64 "Theese titles also have questionable content from what I here").
3. My cell phone seems to lose range at my freinds house! This really puzzles me.
4. 22 more days till KH2. The wait is evil. I've been waiting since fall of '04. Reserved it fall of '05. Let's just hope it isn't delayed until fall of '06.
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Friday, March 3, 2006
New Wallpaper
I entered my Boktai 2 clear game password on the offical homepage & got Django and Sabata wallpaper. *Sabata wallpaper in use*
Those are the links to the abandoned official Boktai sites.
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Thursday, March 2, 2006
Today started with me slipping on ice and hitting my head. GO ME! :(
I finally got "Slayers Exellent" thus completing my Slayers DVD collection. (Took forever, my dad had to keep reordering it. It is a Christmas present!)
I realize something, the magority of my friends list are girls. Is this just by chance or am I sub-concously tracking down the opposite sex? XD
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Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Happy Mardi Gras!
My mom forced me to wear beads all day at school & my friends had to make a certain type of joke... And they said they will not let me live it down.
Why me?
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Sunday, February 26, 2006

That Boktai 3's artwork.
With that out of the way.
Notice how FMA vary's from Anime to Manga.
It confuses me because I hear stuff, looks like it's wrong but turns out It's manga only.
Like Shao Tucker get his brains blown out by Scar or Mustang killing Lust.
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