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Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Wednesday post
Hi everyone!
How are you all? ^^

My week is going alright.
I think i'm near the end of Lunar Knights already. For anyone still unuse on what Lunar Knights is, it is a DS game and the sequel to the Boktai continuity. It is set sometime centuries after Boktai 3. Also the Lunar Knights series is aimed at a older audience than the Boktai games.

Question: Is anybody going to go see Spiderman 3?

Have a great night!

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Monday, April 30, 2007

Hello everyone!
How are you? ^^

I hope everyone had a great weekend.
Mine was okay.

Saturday I finally got "Lunar Knights". I don't know why I didn't get it when it came out. It's a really great "Action-RPG". I highly recommend it!

Now i'll get checking sites.
Have a good night. ^^

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Thursday, April 26, 2007

Thursday's post
Hi everyone!
How are you? ^^

As you can see I got a new crusor. Like it?

My week is okay, I just wish it were the weekend already.
I watched alot of "Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series" this week. I'm hooked. XD

Sprite Comic Section:
I'm a little behind on my sprite comic, i'll try to work on it more soon.

Have a great night!

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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

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Tuesday's Post
Hi everyone!
How are you? ^^

How's your week going? Mine is going well.
Not much to mention there. So I think i'll just visit sites now.

Have a great night!

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Sunday, April 22, 2007

Yu-gi-oh! The abriged series
I found this stupid but funny parody of "Yu-gi-oh!".
It condences each episode to 4-8 minutes and like to point out problems in the show (mainly the 4kids dub).

Here's the first episode:

Have a good night!

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Saturday, April 21, 2007

I love you Hayley!!
This post is dedicated to my girlfriend Halyey.
She is the most wonderful girl ever. I can't imagine being without her. She deserves better than me but she sticks with me through rough times.

I can't begin to express my gratitude to her. I keep asking her daily if there is anything I could possibly do for her but she can never think of anything. I usually cannot think of anything to begin with.
But I was able to think to do this post so she may get the idea of truely much I love her.

*I probably will do a regular post later in the day*

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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Thurday's Post
Hi everyone!
How are you all today? ^^

Not much to say really.
Just waiting for everyone to gt online that I usually talk to.

I think i'll work on my sprite comic more & vist peoples sites.

Anything new going on for you?

Have a great night!

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Tuesday's Post.
Hi everyone!
How are you? ^^

So far my week back at school is going good. Not a whole lot has happend at school, just the usual stuff.

I beat Sonic and the Secret Rings today. I also unlocked Silver The Hedgehog for the party game mode. I highly recommend this game to anyone planning to get a Wii.

Hear about the shootings? I feel bad for the family's of the victims and anyone else effected by the loss. I wish the best for them.

I hope everyone has a great week.
Talk to you later.

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Monday, April 16, 2007

Lucky 7's Backstory & Profiles

Character Profiles 1
Character Profiles 1 Part 2
Character Profiles 2
Character Profiles 2 Part 2
Character Profiles 3
Character Profiles 3 Part 2

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