I'm sorry to say that I had to delete my other site moonlightguardian. It got screwed up while I was making changes to my site! T.T
Unfortunantly, I can't remember all the people who signed my GB! T.T
So if you did I would appriciate it if you signed again, in a matter of speaking.
Other than that I'm going to be going over to my aunt's and I won't be back till mid-August.
Not only that but I get to be alone aka NO FAMILY!!
It'll be good to get away from them for a while and maybe figure some stuff out for myself and get a good idea of what it means to be on my own. A bit scary I'll admit but it is a good challange to see what I can do.
While I'm there I might be able to update how I'm doing but I'm not sure yet till I go.
Anyway, I know August for a lot of people means getting ready for school so Good Luck! ^.^
Note: PLZ Watch the Video...It's FUNNY! ^^ Did you like it?

Ed did! ^^