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New Jersey
Member Since
I'm a brain surgeon. Lollercaust.
Real Name
I can make wallpapers that aren't picture collages or solid brush work.
Anime Fan Since
Since "The Flying House"...If you don't remember that show, then longer than you.
Favorite Anime
Naruto, Bleach, Ghost in the Shell.
To become a successful designer...RIGHT after I muster the energy to get out of my chair.
Anime. Manga. Drawing(when I'm in the mood for it). Computer Graphics. World of Warcraft. Hentai.
I can break your arm. Does that count?
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Saturday, July 15, 2006
World of Warcraft
As I stated two posts ago, I purchased world of Warcraft. This is by far one of the best game i've ever played online. This game is also addicting. So addicting it would make a crack addict QUIT drugs, so he would have money to pay for this game monthly(Wanna stop drugs? Get people addicted to warcraft, they WILL switch)
At the moment, i'm a level 19 Nightelf druid(The name Redfield WASN'T taken, can you believe it?)
Nightelves are elves..whom are purple and blue shades of skin. And the female ones are hawtness.
A druid-Someone who turns into animals and uses spells revolving around nature.
It's a really fun game, if anyone else has it, my server is Eldre'thalas(in the odd event that someone else is on my server)
On a side note, the opening intro movie is by far the greatest CGI I have ever seen.
In other news...I'm going to go work on a wallpaper, which I havn't done in a few days.
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Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Wallpaper section = Purgatory of art.
Okay, I just read a reply on a Naruto wallpaper. The wallpaper was an obvious artbook scan, all the person did was use a gradiant over it.
Now, thats not the point of this post. The point is...The person who replied. Tassium just complained about someone who used a scan...Okay, thats good. However, She herself has 790 wallpapers, MOST of which are in guessed it! Manga scans and artbook scans!
Hypocritical yes?
I swear...If I WAS a wallpaper mod, I would purge EVERY single wallpaper, including my own, and force everyone to start over fresh. Why go so drastic? Well it's simple.
By purging the entire section, you have to check EVERY wallpaper. Devote one day to it. If you see a pattern in peoples work...AKA no effort, disable their ability to submit for X amount of time.
Why purge EVERYONE?
-Purging the crap and filtering out the good is too much effort.
-Deleting certain peoples "Wallpapers" and not other peoples is an excuse for people to complain "The wallpaper mod is playing favorites =("or "The wallpaper mod iz a racist ='("
Then again...I treat everyone the same, I've told some of my best friends that they suck at photoshop and they should try harder.(in those words)
I think simply purging the entire thing and starting fresh while keeping a better handle on things would be much more beneficial to the site. Buuuttt thats just me.
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Monday, July 10, 2006
Just got World of Warcraft a few days ago. Obsessing over it, hence lack of updates. Just an informative post to let you all know!
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Saturday, July 8, 2006
Well I'll be damned!
It seems someone on Bleachportal stole one of my Bleach wallpapers. Now I am VERY angry.
However, I guess there IS an upside. My work is now good enough to be stolen by people...I guess thats one way of looking at it. I left him a nasty comment, and I also informed a site Moderator(or was she an admin...) On the main forum. Now, Despite the fact that my name and copyright information are still on the bottom of the wallpaper, I am still very fummin.
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New wallpaper submitted-iBanKai

I'm using the stock for my next wallpaper, but I always liked the iBanKai concept(no idea who started it). I tried to improve on it, most Ipod parodies only have a black silloute, when the actual iPod dancers are highlighted in some areas with diffrent color shades of the background color(in this case red) However, breaking away from both, I decided to go my own way and have the stock intself over the black silloute(which I did add the highlights to) at a very low opacity so it's barly visible, however I made sure Ichi's eye was a higher opacity than the rest of his body. The job was about an hour long. Enjoy.
I forget how it works. So I hope it's the latter of the following.
I'm really not liking the "accepted" que, I miss being able to submit a wallpaper and just have it pass through without needing to be aproved. I forget if i needed to be registered a certain amount of time(I hope not) Or I needed a certain amount of wallpapers.(I remember having somewhere near 20 when my walls were automatically accepted, this would be wall 19, which is why I said "I hope it's the latter)
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Friday, July 7, 2006
Two friends and I are bored, and spamming this forum.
All is well however, as...
-The forum is dead
-One of us in an admin
-The root admin doesn't care
-We are bored
don't click the link if Hentai and adult words offend you.
the two friends are Masali and Forget Reality. Masali has a username here, but doesn't post things. FR is..well..Forgetreality, check out his work, I am his Photoshop teacher after all!
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Jersey...One FUCKED up state.
So, I live in New Jersey. This is one fucked state. Here's a list of reasons as to why.
Last week, the Governor wants to increase sales tax buy 1% for every dollar. No one in the retial industries were going this. EVERYTHING that is state owned is shut down.
-Public Parks
-Construction companies owned by the state
-the DMV (I was going to get my license...NEXT FUCKING WEEK)
-Public transportation (honestly, wtf, I can't travel)
-Some other stuff that slips my mind O_o
Why? so the retail companies can increase the sales tax buy a fucking PENNY.
he thinks he's helping the damn state, but in reality we've lost 180 million dollars every day thats passed. This state is so freaking fucked up. People are out of jobs, and for what? a PENNY! Now those people will be out looking for work, and I need they have the possibility of taking jobs from me and any other teenager fresh out of school looking for work...This is ever so frustrating. I need to save up money for a few things. Trip to Japan, car, PS3, some collage maybe.
How do I do this without work?
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Thursday, July 6, 2006
*sigh* Why are idiots attracted too me like a magnet.
Lord, I posted a comment on a users wallpaper. A critiuqe, standard Redfield style. Get this, this is such a waste of time. First block is his first PM, second block is his second PM, third block is my reply to his PM.
Ohh so sorry, It seems I messed up the quote tags in the previous message. Here you go.
Tak1 post 1
Thank You For Your Comment.
So You Think My Art Is Going Down Hill Now? The WallPapers That Are Being Posted Is Art That I Have Made 3 mouths Back. I Have 290 Wallpapers Waiting To Be Post It.
I'm Only Doing This For One Year Then It's Over Tak1 Will Be Lost In The World. No One See what I'm Doing On This Website No One See The TrueIn My Art. I Show Hope, Happy, Mad, Sad, Love. I Think I'm The Only Person That Post One Wallpaper Each And Every Day On This Website. What Would The Others Say When Tak1 Is Gone All That's left Is The Art. No Ones Cares What I Do Anymore I Seem Lost Now Wallpapers Give Me Hope That There Is More To Life Than Staying Infront Of A Computer For 15 Hours A Day But Life Goes On. If Don't Like My Art Now Then With In September When I Start To Post My New Wallpapers Called Playghost It Maybe Taking Things To Far But There New Types Of Art I'm Trying To Let Go Of My Past Art And Move To The Next One.
When The Year Is Over Then I'll Show The World How I Did The Wallpapers Why Is It Bad And Why Is It Good. People Must Know Who I Am Not Just Because Of My Art. But For What I'm Going To Do For The World. In Time The World See.
Sorry If This Comment Is Long But Now You Know More About Me Than You Did Before You Started Reading This. If You Have Any Ideas For What I Can Make On The Next Wallpapers It's Ok To Ask. See You Later.
Tak1 post 2
Many People On This Website Are Saying That My Wallpapers Are The Best Out There. And That I Should Have A Wallpaper War V.S. You.
As So They Say. Can There Be Pace In This Website Or Is This All Out War Site?
Redfields post
STILL going on about this?
"Many People On This Website Are Saying That My Wallpapers Are The Best Out There."
-And I guarantee those people say the same thing to many other people.
-If you agree with them, you have an inflated ego. When somebody says they are the best at something, most of the time they aren't. Hell, a lot of people say I'M the best out there. Of course I'm modest and I actually have the ability to admit I'm not. People always say "oh wow you're the best!" or "Oh wow, I wish I could do that,but I suck =P"
Thats the standard comment people give when they are too lazy to give an honest opinion.
-If you were a true artist as you claim, you would welcome Opinions and crituqe to improve on your work. When people give me a crituqe, and I listen to the advice of others. Why? Thats how the art community works, everybody helps everybody else.
-The "Best" out there doesn't make most of his wallpapers from tutorials off of
-Also, I have done nothing wrong. As a matter of fact I was doing what the site encourages in wallpaper comments.
"Only post constructive criticism. Any obscene or harassing posts may result in losing your myOtaku account and/or being banned from our server."
I comment peoples wallpapers all the time, I crituqe them, thats what I have been tought in all of my art classes since I was knee high to a pedistal. I must say, you're the first person to comment back, and by far the most immature. Grow up, the real world won't pamper you and worship everything you do either.
"And That I Should Have A Wallpaper War V.S. You. As So They Say."
A...Wallpaper war...I'm sorry, how old are you? As I said earlier, grow up. I have not the time to spend on something as trivial as a wallpaper war. Things called a job, outside, and a social life.
Besides, A wallpaper war would result in working fast. Working fast= crap quiality wallpapers. No thank you, but I take pride in a majority of my wallpapers, Sure I may get bored every once and a while and make a joke paper. However, to sit here and lower my own self standards to compete with you, a person I would never talk to again if you hadn't sent this PM, would be redundant and pointless.
"Can There Be Pace In This Website Or Is This All Out War Site?"
Again, when was there ever NOT peace? I gave you a comment, get over it. If you want to declare a war, fine. However, declare it with someone else, I honestly couldn't care less than I already do. I make my wallpapers for fun, not to impress people. I submit my wallpapers to get...
-Honest opinions on how I can improve.
-Spread my hobby with other people. So someone else out there might enjoy my work.
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Wednesday, July 5, 2006
Matsumoto/Hitsugaya Wallpaper COMPLETED!

It took me...2 hours yesterday, and another(looks at clock) 6 hours today. I'm tired, But I'm more or less satisfied with the results. I do see ONE flaw that I want to fix, but I didn't see it till after I uploaded it. I'm just going to let it go an hope no one notices >_>
EDIT: Got to the wallpaper before any downloads were made. Like a ninja, I deleted it, went into photoshop, fixed the error, and re-submitted it within 2 minutes!
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Tuesday, July 4, 2006
Current WIP.
New WIP for me. Any Ideas?

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