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Tuesday, July 4, 2006

Graphics role call.
Seeing as how some people out there...well...alot of people out there on this site only use one graphics program, the things they can do are limited. Most people only use Photoshop,PSP, or...god knows why...Microsoft paint.
One program doesn't work folks. Here's a list of what I use.
Adobe Photoshop(you all know this program)
Adobe Imageready(For animated gifs)
Adobe Illistrator(the Pen tool is far superior to Photoshops, and it works perfect with the rest of adobes products)
Terragen(generates VERY realistic terrains)
Corel Bryce(least I think it corel...anyway, this is the program behind all of my pretty 3D effects)
Macromedia Flash(to make...er...flash movies!)
Neat Image(As the name suggests, it makes images neat, grant It I have NO idea how it works)

This comes with a price. and not the wallet kind...
At the moment I'm working on a bleach wallpaper. Photoshop,Bryce, and Terragen. Bryce and Terragen are both rendering things. So SLOOOOWWW. Despite the fact that my RAM is pretty high, and my graphics card is an nVidia GeForce 7600

But...the purpose in this post wasn't to brag about whats in my box. The purpose is thus. If you want to make wallpapers to the best of your ability, it requires the co-use of several programs. Every program serves a diffrent purpose after all.
There are free programs. Neat Image has a free trial. Terragen is free, GIMP is DEFINATLY better than Microsoft paint, thats free is well (really, stop with the paint already)

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Monday, July 3, 2006

Inuyasha FF- Teh curzed sherd of tha shekon Jeul
Now that the title has your attention�

Where to begin, this is a delicate subject after all�One false sentence and the fan girls will smell me out and attempt to take my Life, at this point I would have to terminate their existence, and I�m wearing my Zelda shirt. I like this shirt and don�t want to get it dirty.

Anyway, Inuyasha! The Redfield-proclaimed worst anime to ever be created, now the RFG�s(RFG is the term I shall use to describe �Rabid Fan Girls� get it? GOOD!) I�m going to now list several reasons on why this fails at everything it tries to be. A Japanese anime show, a Japanese manga, a good story, and actually something I would want to spend 30 minutes of my life watching.

My first beef with the show, Lets start out light and work to the bigger problems. First off�The horrid soundtrack.

I used to like some of the soundtrack when I was a na�ve child. Looking back I realized I was probably on reefer and wasn�t aware. The opening and ending themes change more than Joan Rivers face, and much like Joan Rivers face, each theme (both opening and ending) is the complete OPPOSITE of cosmetic improvement. One more Ayumi song�ONE MORE FUCKING AYUMI SONG! She sounds like a dieing animal grasping for air in its last futile attempt to stand up and live. Oh the background music is no better (this was the music I somewhat tolerated) Now I find that it the BG musing NEVER changes. It�s predictable, and you know what song will be coming and when, before even knowing what EPISODE you�re watching, that�s just how bad it is.

Next up on the stand you ask? Why the character�s of course!
Let�s list the majors, shall we?

Inuyasha- The protagonist of the story, and an all around example of why abortion should be mandatory in many cases! You see, He is the stereotypical main anime character(for males at least).
-Animal ears-Check
-Is in some way related to/is a demon-Check
-Big fucked up sword-Check
-Low IQ-Check
-Yaoi fodder- Check
-The woman who loves is a Japanese schoolgirl, who is loud and annoying hentai fodder-Check
Most heroes only apply to�3 of these max, Inuaysha is ALL.
He is flawed, his battle tactics? Run In and attack then go insane and do more damage. After that he ends the fight with wind scar, Count on there being an Iron rever soul stealer in there someplace. That�s so original�you know�cause besides the Iron rever and wind scar, Gatsu from berserk, an anime made about 10 years before, didn�t do the SAME EXACT THING. The only difference is that Gatsu was stronger, and killed demons for a living. Gatsu > inuyasha�Gatsu > anything with a gigantic sword. (and at least Gatsu picking up a large sword is believable. Inuyasha, Cloud�Both are TOO damn small to big up a 100-200 something pound sword. Gatsu is jacked. Gatsu is superior, accept this fact and embrace it)
On top of him being predictable, he�s also very dense. But that�s obvious to the FANS, so there�s no need to go into it.

Bring me�Kagome.(Microsoft word picks up my last name as a spelling error, but Kagome isn�t�FUCK OF MICROSOFT)

Ahh Kagome, the wannabe sailor scout and the damsel in distress. The only way she could be ANY more stereotypical of a Japanese anime schoolgirl is if her name was Sakura. She wears a overly short skirt, has a loud annoying voice with a whiny, bitchy personality when her boy-toy inuyasha doesn�t do as she commands. She knows he�s a complete idiot, yet she still expects him to comprehend simple English (or�Japanese, depending on how you look at it) She should be dragged into a back ally�And no, not raped, She�s not good enough for that. She�s not good enough for slow torture either. She should just be shot, and buried in a shallow grave in the woods. She�s not worth the time.

I just find her and that damn�Cat�annoying. Torture shall be sufficient.

He thinks he�s the ultimate pervert. That title goes to me and Jiraiya, no one else. Let him rot in a jail cell till his days end.

Oh�This will be another rant; I have too much to say on this one.

The series itself is my final beef. The episode titles are long and ridicules.
�kagome is pregnant, Hurry inuyasha, find the father and get the magical jewel!� �Inuyasha meets a brown bear, Get to it Miroku! Sango is in trouble!�
�Kagome and the uber l337 magical arrow. Huh? Kikyo? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?? WIND SCAR!�

Every episode is typical and predictable.
�Hey guys�Do you sense that�smells like a demon�Kagome, do you sense a jewl shard?�
�Yes�right in fro-,� *kagome is taken by a demon
�BWAHAHHAHA�*demon runs*
*Miroku grabs sango�s ass*
�PEVERT� *Slap*
*a challenger appears*
�Sesshomaru? RAWR�
�Yes little brother, it is I�Sephiro-�seshomaru�th�Give me the tetsaiga�
*battle scene*
�You win this time brother� *flee*
�Time to save Kagome�
*everyone is off, demon is found*
*fight insues, sango throws her boomerang, inuyasha kills the demon�Miroku sucks it up with that anus on his hand*

*enter a shadow*
�hahahaha. The scared jewl shall be mine inuyasha�
*Niraku leaves*
*some talking, flash ahead to a picnic or something*
�well this was an interesting and unique once in a lifetime adventure!�
Everyone �LOL�

On the next episode of inuyasha, Kagome senses a jewl shard, a demon kidnaps her, inuaysha fights koaga, then they both go to save kagome to find a naraku controlled puppet. The have a picnic at the end.

See? Think about it, you�ll realize it�s an unoriginal self-recycling anime with no character development that proves just because something comes from Japan, doesn�t mean it�s godly.

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   Wow, almost 1000 downloads.
Sheesh. I remember when I first started here oh so long ago. It took me near 3 weeks to get 1,000 downloads. Now, less than 3 DAYS after joining, I'm at 830 (as I type this post at least) I guess it's safe to say that's a sign that my skills have improved, ya?
Man, I have some...Bizzare sense of Nostalgia. Only a year and a half since my first account. Yet I feel like it's too soon to feel nostalgia. Maybe it's just there to remind me I'm not in highschool anymore (Just got out last week, for good!) Ahh well, I guess this feeling is just a reminder that I'm not a carefree child anymore. Oh well, we all need to grow up sometime, right?

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Sunday, July 2, 2006

Ah the sees pool of retardation and angst, Animeforum.com. On this website I was know as Redfield22, currently known as Jiraiya. I�ve spent almost a year on this forum, and I must say�I�ve never seen such are large gathering of idiotic Inuyasha and Naruto. In addition, I�ve never met a bunch so into themselves before. I debate on this forum constantly with nimrods who think they are the Gods of anime. Some members are highly intelligent, but the numbers for that minority are deathly low. The only reason I remain on this forum?
I have a few friends there. One is Masali (Currently known as Nabeshin). We support each other in debates and have a laugh at other people�s expense often.
One example�A member named Wolf_On_The_Hunt. A complete waste of human DNA wrapped in a bag of angst, skin, and bone. All she does is post how TERRIBLE her life is. Also, there was another topic about wolves. She claimed them to be kind, gentle, misunderstood creatures. Several people corrected her, as any moron with a brain knows that wolves are predatorily creatures that would no sooner hesitate to rip you apart for food, Yet she flipped a cork and went on about how people like us(a.k.a., the topic posters telling her she�s on crack) the. Just one example of the many, MANY�idiots that grace the forum with their presence! The moderator team on the forum also has their heads up their asses. I�m not allowed to say shit and fuck because there are children on the forum, but people can post links to image galleries filled with Guro loli and Scat hentai�Hmmm, wonder which is more damaging to the mind of a small child!
Aside from that, the forum members taste in anime is bland and predictable. It�s called animeforum� Not Naruto forum, not Inuyasha forum, and it�s not (as much as I wouldn�t mind) Bleach forum. It�s as if people there don�t watch an anime they haven�t heard of. What about Berserk? GUNNM ? Kikaider (am I the ONLY one who enjoyed this manga?)? Hellsing? What about Full Metal panic? (Superior to full metal alchemist) OR LOVE HINA FOR CHRISTS SAKE! Anime forum indeed, right?

Random note for the day--- I went to a sushi restaurant with a friend today. It was called Sakura, it was a very traditional Japanese place. It almost felt like Japan in there�Until I noticed that my sushi chef was named Jerry, that just ruined it. However, I did enjoy something new. It was a Naruto role (I know�Sakura�Naruto�lawl). It was different to say the least. It was not made with rice, instead the wrap was cucumber. The type of fish used? It was a combination of Tuna, Crab, Salmon, and eel eggs, mixed with caviar. I had never tried sushi this exotic before, I normally just get several pieces of Unagi (Eel) and some crab rolls to go with it. It was an odd change, and I was never interested in the prospect of eating fish eggs. Interesting taste indeed, fairly interesting dish. I would recommend it sometime if you�re a sushi person.

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Saturday, July 1, 2006

   Current WIP.
A kenpachi wallpaper. No Idea where I'm going with it. Ideas?

Free Image Hosting at ImageShack.us

After Image, Submitted to TheO.

Free Image Hosting at ImageShack.us

Ahh...Much better!

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Naruto Rant.
Because I�m bored, here�s a rant on one of my favorite anime series, NARUTO!

Grant it that I love the series, the past�oh�I don�t know, 40-50 episodes are fillers? Why so many? The manga is already 3 years ahead. One more filler and I may need to snap a neck.
Some beefs I have with the series.
Slow progression in the anime, too many filler episodes as previously mentioned, and the cast is a bit bland. Some of the characters I love, original and full of flavor.
However, some characters I just can�t stand, such as every fan-girls emo boy-toy Sasuke. A walking Hypocrisy, Mr. Uchiha decided �I must kill my brother Itachi because he killed everyone in my clan and betrayed the village�So to obtain more power I will follow his example and turn on the people who care for me and betray my village to become Orochimaru�s personal bitch,�
Grant it he�s not the only one. It�s just that sasuke and his �crawling in my skin� attitude get to me the most. Sai is a close second.
There are also too many inconsistencies in the series. Kage-bushin clones are supposed to be even dispersals of energy, yet Naruto can do up to1, 000 kage-bushin clones WITHOUT the help of the kyuubi. There are others, but it�s 4pm and I want to keep this rant short.
The fans of the series can sometimes be annoying. Speak ill of the Naruto series and next thing you know rabid fan girls are throwing insults at you with that oh so illogical weeabo logic.
P.S. Rock Lee > Sasuke.
I'll continue the rant another time. Don't worry.

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