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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Monday, February 9, 2009
You Said You'd Keep Me Honest
listening to: a little less sixteen candles a little more touch me-fall out boy
writing: the apocalypse diaries
Cassie's Comment Corner:
krissy: you are full of the random on aim.
jennifer: you people really are insane
emily: no wai. i like the northern downpour one better. eh, yeah it was. i love my panic stuff hxc.
belinda: lol well, i appreciate your attempt at false enthusiam.
Why does it seem like now that I have a good computer myo decides that it wants to have a relapse. Oh well.
Now that Jenny and I can talk on aim we truly cannot be stopped. We talked forever and had truly epic lolz.
I kinda wanna joing peta.
I kinda don't want to go to class tomorrow.
Ha, Chad is a douche.
Jon: "They said there would be tacos."
Brendon: "There weren't tacos. We'll have to talk to someone about that."
Cassie |
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Sunday, February 8, 2009
Oh, How It's Been So Long
listening to: panic at the disco live in chicago
writing: nothing atm
icon of the day: 
ilove that video
Cassie's Comment Corner:
jenny: ikr i was like woah, myo is dead today. i'm glad i can still make you lol. that touch screen is a bitch, i'm always hitting things accidently.
emily: yah, blowjobs are always accepted. plus i soooo hate you for having that second myo name.
So, this just might be one of the best weeks of my life. That might be a little much to say but whatever.
First I get the computer and whatnot and now I FINALLY GOT THAT FUCKING PANIC AT THE DISCO PACKAGE IN THE MAIL.
Jeeze, I mean I ordered that thing on the second of December but I finally got it and it's epically awesome and I love my photo book.
It makes me go like this:
Only times a million. I should take pics later.
Btw, I totally love everyone I had an Aim convo with yesterday. You guys are amazingly entertaining.
Imma go save pics to my computer now.
Cassie |
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Saturday, February 7, 2009
Do You Think You Could Learn To Love Me?
Lets call this post, how fast can Cassie spend seven hundered and something dollars.
Anwser: pretty fast.
That's not really true because it's not like I spent all my money and I didn't spend it frivously.
I am typing this on MY BRAND NEW COMPUTER.
So fast and shiny and I don't have to constantly save things out of fear of them freezing up.
That might not be spelt right.
So, yeah. Obviously I cashed my check and got my computer which is almost the same as Jenny's. I was going to buy an Ipod but I didn't. I ended up getting this other nifty little mp3 player that's all touch screeny [which kind of drives me crazy] but it does have a fm radio on it so yeah, that's cool. I got a speaker for my mp3 player so I can listen to it outloud in the car when I want to. It's pretty sweet. Went out to eat with my mom twice and saw a ton of interesting people. Also, the resturant made me feel bad about being single, which I do not like. Geeze.
I had to do one of the most tedious tasks tonight. I had to take any document I wanted off my old computer and update it to my second myotaku site. It took forever due to the oldness of my old computer but it got done and now I can type all fancily on here. I need to go and buy microsoft word tomorrow.
I also need to clean the living room up tomorrow which I do not want to do. -_-
Hee, I am downloading Aim as we speak. Anyone wanna chat? I mean, I know Jenny and Krissy and Megan's SN's but does anyone else have one?
Oh, I ran into my friend Heather, who I've known since I was in sixth grade. She was with her sister, who I also know and her bisexual friend Tony who I don't know but I find charming. Anyway, Hannah, Heather's sister is getting married and she invited my family so now I need to buy something for the wedding that's in two weeks. Oh, and Hannah happens to be the same age as me, maybe a couple months older and she has a fifteen month old daughter and now she's getting married.
Why do I feel like I'll never grow up?
Eff you old Greg, you creepy sonofabitch.
cassie |
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Friday, February 6, 2009
Singing Myself To Sleep
listening to: zzzz-the cab
writing: nothing
icon of the day: 
i might've used this icon before but i totally think that this is what ryan looks like when he comes.
Cassie's Comment Corner:
roseeyes: i do drink. but the rest of the stuff i don't do.
jenny: your cell phone sucks. my poor little phone used the last bit of it's minutes to send your phone the text and your phone is all like REJECTED.
belinda: the way i see it is, i get to sleep later but my work is harder so it all kind of evens out on the universal scale.
Doesn't it figure on the day no one bothers to check the mail until 11:30 at night. That would be the day my finacial aid check comes in the mail.
Not as much as I had expected but not as small as my friend got.
$754 bucks to go and spend on whatever my little heart desires.
My little heart desires a brand new computer.
That means doing school work at home, youtube videos, downloading music, aim conversations, and all that other good stuff.
Dear god I cannot wait.
I want an Ipod but it depends on how well I ration out my money.
Dad came over yesterday and it was an interesting visit to say the least. He was in a really good mood but I'm not going to tell you why. Jenny might know but she's the only one.
He said I couldn't dye my bangs pink but I'm totally going to do it anyway. [I mean I've wanted to do it since I got the bangs]
He also said that he'll break Greg's neck if and I quote "Touches my little girl ever again."
He neglects to see that I am twenty years old. Ah, well, I love him and he is my dad so, what can you do really?
Our neighbor Chad called me mouthy. I just think he's a super douchebag.
I think I have to go to college super early in the morning to try and sign up for workstudy. Which is where the college hires you and pays you to work there.
Oh joy.
Guess I am an adult afterall.
Cassie |
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Thursday, February 5, 2009
Do You Wanna Tie Me Up, Do You Wanna Tie Me Down
listening to: beware! cougar!-the academy is...
writing: high school never ends [kinda]
icon of the day: 
jon sorta looks like ryland in this pic
Cassie's Comment Corner:
roseeyes: well, for a boy i love the name Liam and for a girl i really like the name Layla. apparently i have a thing for L names. but i like the name Grey too.
jenny: no one loves me. *emo* lol i can see me as a teacher too but i'm glad other people can too. ha, the preschool teacher who writes hxc slash.
-_-. i hope nothing happens to miles because i think he's sexy. ben is a douche.
emily: yeah, i did take notes but i forgot to turn them in because i suck. well, i could've guessed that's how they got their name.
It was so friggen cold yesterday and I was so tired that I didn't want to go to class but I did.
Oh yeah, be proud of me.
My alarm didn't go off though. I was going to wake up at nine but I wound up getting up at nine-thirty.
The reason I couldn't sleep is because our neighbor Chad had come over on Tuesday night. God, it almost feels like he's been living with us. Ew, dnw.
He brought over his ps2 and was playing with my brother and weirding me out. He was drinking and he also brought over mushrooms. The drugs and NOT the food. He and my brother did them and I needed to sleep but they were all being so loud and smoking cigarettes and I was horribly irritated.
I'm not enjoying how many projects I have to do for my classes. I have to write a themed lesson plan about the beach. Right now all I have to do is write some kind of movment activity that little kids could do.
I got out of my second class hella early so Pam and I went to the library and played on the internet and talked and shit. She's a nice person.
Then I spent around four hours in the computer lab doing nothing because my mom and brother were both sleeping and forgot to come and get me.
Fucking lazy bastards. Not a big deal though because Pete Wentz, youtube, and Megan kept me entertained.
I might not be getting as much finacial aid money as I previously thought. Either way I'm still getting a new computer because that's a necessity to do my college work.
...I want them FOB tickets too.
And headphones. Some new jeans.
Yeah, come on and let something go right for me for once.
Jenny is ignoring my text messages.
Cassie |
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Wednesday, February 4, 2009
The Way You've Been Talking Every Word, Gets You A Step Closer To Hell
listening to: nails for breakfast, tacks for snacks-panic at the disco
writing: the baby story
icon of the day: 
Cassie's Comment Corner:
krissy: okay, i will admit that gabe is verrry hipster like but i don't think pete is. He's moreso a trendsetter, king of the emo kids. regardless it would be a veerrry interesting war.
stephy: i am not insane. i'm the normal one!
roseeyes: if i hated kids why in gods name would i be going to college to become a teacher? no, i just didn't want to do the assignment. i've heard of nightwish but i haven't listened to them. i think you've asked me that before.
belinda: yeah, i like this song but i don't know if it's my favorite mayday parade song but it's close. ha, i liked that one too. i get like that too when i comment people. i felt like a pedo just staring at little kids. -_-
megan: zomg i see you using your comment to me to fill us all in on your sex life! lol i love that you put it all in caps. ily.
The white tie affair is totally my guilty pleasure band. Wherein, I am not going to admit to anyone that I actually listen to them but I do.
So, I went and did my observation yesterday. It wasn't as bad as I thought. The teacher was reaaaly nice and the kids were effing adorable.
I got called Ms. Smith. For some reason that entertains me.
All I had to do was watch the different activities that the kids did and then write them down very specifically. I also had to pick one child in paticular and watch their behavior.
I picked this adorable little blonde boy. He was so effing cute and chubby and was talking about how he wanted braces when he lost his little teeth.
Ha. Little kids are so cute. If anything it made me realize that I really want to be a teacher because it's so much fun. All I have to do is lose my shame.
Came home and slept for awhile before I went to my night psych class. I was fifteen minutes late for that class because my mom and then she was 30 minutes late picking me up.
I'm sleepy. And I got my classes tomorrow and then it's my three days off.
I'm really digging the band Every Avenue lately. 3OH!3 too and I dun care if a certain friend of mine already listens to them.
Sleeptiem now.
That's a purpose typo.
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Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Roman Candle Heart Keep Us Far Apart
listening to: tiffany blews-fall out boy
writing: the baby story
icon of the day: 
pimpage: jenny-[gay is a synonym for her], krissy-[leading the hipster revolution], megan-[she gets in mah purple van], emily-[necrophilactic beastialitist], belinda-[pinkie]
Cassie's Comment Corner:
megan: chad is a druken creeper. our chat was epic! LOL I LOVE BATHROOM SEX WITH YOU MEGAN.
emily: some of the commericals were good. my brother wouldn't give up his bed and i sure as hell wasn't offering mine so they took the bathroom.
Classes were fine. I did get my exam back and I did get an A. I had 18/20 but that's still considered an A in the class.
We got to leave both classes early so that was cool. I was a tiny bit late to my second class because I was distracted by trying to get some 3OH!3 songs on my mp3 player.
Pamela told me that she got her finacial aid check so I should be getting mine any day now.
Also FBR is finally, finally sending me the Panic At The Disco package that I ordered in December.
Had epic conversations with Krissy, Emily, and Megan. Wherein Krissy wanted to start a hipster war and kill Gabe Saporta and I had to retort with a legion of Jon Walker zombie army.
Megan wanted to get in my van.
And Emily and I made up new names of sexual fetishes.
Lawl. My friends are insane.
Talked to Jenny too and she's always golden.
Oh, my brother got suspended from school for three days because he got in a fight during his gym class yesterday. Apparently this guy was talking shit and they ended up fighting.
My brother won. He's a like a huge brick wall, I wouldn't expect him to lose. He does have a fat lip now though.
Karma if you ask me.
Errrr, today I have to go to this preschool and observe these kids for two hours. I feel uncomfortable about this, I don't really wanna do it but I have to to pass the class.
I guess it helps with bringing me out of my comfort zone.
Ugh, my three hour long psych class is today too.
Massive fail schedule.
Cassie |
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Monday, February 2, 2009
Oh, Love Me Dead
listening to: love me dead-ludo
writing: nothing
icon of the day: 
Cassie's Comment Corner:
emily: yah, i met andy and my mom totally met him and was asking him questions. greg and i are Bff's but we've kinda always flirted with one another and only once have we slipped and done something.
New month, new theme.
You like? I wasn't going to do hearts because that's cliche but then I saw these and I was like fuck it, lets do it. So, I hope you like it.
The song is by Mayday Parade and I heart it hxc.
Went swimming on Saturday with my little cousins and it winds up that it was some kind of special movie thing on. We ended up watching 'Finding Nemo' while in the water. It was kinda cool but I kept getting splashed.
Did anyone watch the superbowl? I was surprisingly entertained by it. I was rooting for the Cardinals but they lost -_- it was close though.
We ended up having a little superbowl party where Nate and his girlfriend, his cousin Sam and this guy named Vonte came over.
They all drank and smoked and whatnot but I didn't feel well so I didn't partake.
I did realize that Sam looks like an uglier version of Brendon Urie. They have the same nose and hair sorta. Though Danny did totally look like old school Brendon. I swear to god he did.
Ew. Nate and his girlfriend had sex in our bathroom but Vonte opened the door and they had to stop lol. Nate wanted to touch my hand and I was like "Nooo, I don't know where your hand has been!"
That makes it two times that a sexual activity has taken place in my bathroom.
Oh, Nate was supposed to pick up Greg but he claims he forgot but I'm thinking he did it on purpose. I felt really bad for Greg.
Ugh, this weekend went by too fast. I can't believe it's Monday already and I have school again.
Though I may probably have the whole package situation from forever ago finally sorted out.
Ha. My neighbor Chad wants to talk to Megan about Final Fantasy 12.
Time to brush my hair and go to sleep! I'm already up waaaay too late and I need to be asleep about thirty minutes ago.
Cassie |
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Saturday, January 31, 2009
This Is A Fight I Refuse To Lose
listening to: i'll run-the cab
writing: nothing tonight
icon of the day: 
HA. Ha. Jenny.
Cassie's Comment Corner:
krissy: most guys are asshats. patrick stump is like a cherubic little angel. oh wow, i would've never guessed that you liked the bden krisseh! ha. i'm like that toooo i heart music.
emily: did you know i totally met andy last time i went to a fall out boy show? noooooo licking meh! *uses crack teddy bear as a shield*
megan: is his real name ginger? because thats unfortunate. i had a dog named ginger. lol i'm glad to find that i am not the only one who would cry about the water incident. I GOTZ NO MONIEZ TO SEND PRESSIES.
jenny: what song is that from? you can't hurry love no, you just have to wait? wtf is that from. *brain dead* i was pregnant with bden's babeh, thanks for bringing back that horrible memory jenneh! as a team we never fail. i'm so excited to read the story you're writing meh.
I quite possibly had the worst day off my life last night. Or at least in the top ten.
First I'm exhausted and I just want to go to bed so I go to my room and I see that my wall looks funny and that my bed is unexplainably wet [which has happened before]
Long story short, my fucking bedroom wall is leaking. I had to pull down all my posters and some of them ripped, some of them were totally soaked and now like all of them are stuck together.
I moved my bed into the middle of my room so it would dry. My sheets and pillowcases were fucked up so I had to wash them. And sleep in my mom's bed, which sucks.
Got woken up at eight in the morning by my mom who tells me that our van broke down that morning while my brother was driving to school. Something about the tire rod breaking. Luckily our cousin Jeremy offered to fix it for about $35.
I went to check on my bed to see if it dried and then I find out that now my ceiling is leaking and my bed is wet all over again. Stood the bed up and put a trashcan where it was leaking.
My dad took my brother and I to pick up the fixed van. I had to pay for fixing it. We got stuck in the driveway and my dad had to get us out. The van was acting funny and when my brother and I checked it once we got home we found out the fucking back tire had blown.
I swear to god we cannot win at life. I had to pay for a whole new tire.
And on top of all that shit, I had my time of the month for the first time in like a year. Yeah. Fuck you life.
Greg came over and he gave me the money he owed me but that promptly got spent on food for everyone because we were watching my cousins Porsha and Jordan.
I hate being the only person in this house with cash. My mom now owes me $148 dollars and I feel like a bitch for wanting it back but I mean that's my money. Not my families and I shouldn't have to pay for food and shit like that.
Only upside is that Greg called me both beautiful, cute, and adorable and three different points last night and he liked when I pinched his nipples [though that's not really the upside for me]
Thank you for making me feel better Pete Wentz.
Cassie |
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Friday, January 30, 2009
So Sweet I Can Hardly Speak
listening to: practice makes perfect-cute is what we aim for
writing: troubled thoughts
icon of the day: 
pimpage: jenny-[cute is what she aimed for but then she achieved it], krissy-[she's a firm believer that everything's bigger in texas], megan-[she appreciates mah humor!], belinda-[she panicks at the disco], emily-[she licks the people], yoji-[still the lone myo dude]
Cassie's Comment Corner:
night shade: the snow wasn't bad enough to close down school's, just enough to make things slick.
jenny: no, he didn't, he just made her think that someone did and she freeeaked out. i heart that book and hell yes, i am armed with chuck p quotes so watch out. oh eff you for making me laugh that hard at your comment. OH MAH GOD REALLY? I SOOOO DIDN'T KNOW YOU WATCHED LOST JENNY! DO YOU WATCH THE SHOW WITH ALL THE DOCTORS SEXING ALL THE TIME TOOOOOO? i know it's creepy but me thinks that you're jealous of my love for maybe korean jon.
yoji: correction, it would be stalking if i followed the people around. i just watch them as they pass me by.
megan: oh mah god, are you with the ginger? which may or may not be someone's real name. MEGAN I LOVE YOU EVEN HARDER THAN I DID BEFORE FOR THINKING THAT VIDEO IS AS FUNNY AS I DID! I SERIOUSLY LOLED SO LOUD AT COLLEGE WHILE I WATCHED IT. yes, caps were necessary.
The Rocket Summer is so cheery, it's almost annoying.
Don't you hate when a fake for fun fight turns into a real fight? Yeah, that totally happened with my brother and I.
He's bigger than me but I like to think that I held my own and scratched, pulled hair, punched and bit as best I could.
He's way bigger than me though so he threw me to the floors, knocked my head against tables and dumped water on me.
I'm such a girl because I cried after he dumped water on me because I had straightened my hair.
That huge jerk.
Damn, I need to mail Jenny's package sometime today because I mean that was supposed to be her birthday present and her b-day was like...five months ago.
Ha. I fail at being BFF's.
I also need to think of a new february theme.
1. if you know the band, whose your favorite member of fall out boy?
2. same as number one except for Panic at the disco this time.
3. what's your favorite song?
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