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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Sunday, January 18, 2009
It Would Hurt Too Much To Watch You Die
listening to: at your funeral-saves the day
writing: eh, more like editing hell or glory
icon of the day: 
PIMPAGE!: jenny-[she's my e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g], megan-[the pimpest mofo this side of the state that she lives in], krissy-[my little bden..which is creepier in hindsight lawl], belinda-[my debater ha.]
Cassie's Comment Corner:
emily: if things work out the way jenny and i want it to then yes, we'll be at the milwaukee warped 09 and who knows, maybe we can actually, you know, meet this time. lawl.
krissy: oh emmm gee. we'z bag twinz, our friendship was meant to be!
belinda: i don't think i'll be able to put pics up for a while unless i can put my camera card into the colleges computer. it's not super short though i did have really short hair when i was in seventh grade and i looked sooooo fat. don't feel bad, i don't have a crazy amount of merch either. you want my cute is what we aim for wallet?
jenny: look at yew being all beligerient in mah comments and being all violent with your cupcakes!
yoji: yes, i did mention it twice because...i can. ha.
megan: i know right? it was kinda weird. i didn't care for it much at all. THE EMO KID STEREOTYPE MEGAN. lol now i just gotta bleed black and cry during classes. happy conning baby!
I don't know how many of you guys read the stuff I put before my post but if you do you might have noticed a new one on there.
That's right, for anyone old enough around here to remember, the pimpage is back. Mostly because someone I won't point any fingers...[Jenny] said that she missed it sooooo I brought it back. Basically the pimpage started with me pimping out people that were my friends on myo. But now I just put super awesome people. Don't worry too much if you're not on there, I still think you're awesome.
Greg came back over yesterday but it was kind of boring. They made me play Risk again and seriously, that game is bad for me because i always end up fighting with one of the boys.
Jenny and I kept playing Lemon. Megan kept getting Jon. I juiced a part of Patrick Stumps body. lawl.
Burned my finger while I was straightening my bangs. [Which Greg liked btw]
Did a little of college reading but I gotta do hella more. At least there's no school on Monday.
Greg and my brother were watching porn together...volume up loud enough for me to be able to that normal?
It's snowing.
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Saturday, January 17, 2009
Before My Face Hits The Floor, There's Just One Thing You Should Know
listening to: this is for real-motion city soundtrack
writing: editing hell or glory
icon of the day: 
they're the male jenny and cassie...jenny gets to be ryland.
Cassie's Comment Corner:
taintedsanity: my face is round but i'm not worried about it too much.
emily: ha, my myspace pics are old! except for my new tagged photos. hmmm i can't quite recall what cassadee's hair looks like...*needs to google photo of her* yeah, it's pretty much like that.
jenny: think spencer smith round, patrick stump round, cassie round, we were all blessed with the baby faces. JON WALKER COULD NEVER BE THE HARBRINGER OF SUCH HORRIBLE DISEASES! ryro is scary, ryro makes people get sick from fermaldahyde and nitroglycerin. no rydon...JONDON...OR JONDONASSIE. HA. i have had bangs before but they were laaaaame. I'M GOING TO IGNORE HOW MUCH I LOLED AT THAT AND CONTINUE MY SEKRET PLOT TO CONVERT YOU ALL INTO JONANITES. ily bby. i think i remember that one pretty well, we might have to rehash it next time we talk. world war 2 i cannot recall for some strange reason. maybe i wasn't directly involved. danny and i had a mini like...civil myo war. lawl. i know i started singing and then i was like wtf? and the phone was all like 'BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, IF YOU'D LIKE TO MAKE A CALL PLEASE HANG UP AND TRY AGAIN.' i saw the all american rejects on ellen today and it made me think of you.
angel z: it's okay, i've been a lazy commenter too. college has made me tirrred.
belinda: i think i'd look good in bangs too.
I got the bangs.
And not to sound conceited but I'm fucking adorable now. Ask Jenny, I sent her the pic of me.
I actually got a lot of my hair cut off too. It was only supposed to be three inches but it ended up being more like six. Before my hair was down to my lower back but now it barely falls past my shoulders.
And the bangs are only on the left and they're nice and swooped and I look cute.
Wow, having self-esteem feels strange.
Ha. That sounds more depressing then I mean.
Went to the bank to cash my scholarship check from my high school. Had to keep my $250 in the bank for two days but the woman did give me $100.
Really, that came in handy because turns out our back tire on our van was totally flat! We went and filled it up and called around for a tire and we were gonna change it but it was so cold out that we just went and bought some flat fixer stuff to hold it over until tomorrow.
Went to the mall.
Spent a shit load of money at hot topic.
I got the Panic At The Disco 'Reinvent love' bag. Here be a pic of the one side: 
The other side has the band name on it with a little heart in the name. I love it. That's totally the bag I'm taking to Warped Tour 09.
I also got this awesome little billfold [as my grandma calls it] Lemme try to find a pic of it...nope, no pic.
Oh! Our Hot Topic finally got a guy worker! He's awesome, all halfed shaved pink and red hair, uberly eyelinered and smudged eyes, fingerless gloves and painted nails, buttons about pirates and edward cullen. I love him. The other girl worker is like someone you'd see as a glamour goth girl, like a 20's pin-up goth model. Like a vampire kinda. She's very interesting. I feel like Jenny would like her.
I got new eyeliner too and I bought my brother a Bob Marley 2009 calendar...don't know why he even needs a calendar, he doesn't need one. Which reminds me, I got myself a Skeleanimals planner for college....I'm pretty much turning into a stereotype.
Oh I got eyeliner too.
Like I said, got my hair cut and I need to put pics up so you all can see. I wonder if Jenny can somehow do it? Ha. I rely on her too much.
Bought Blender magazine because Fall Out Boy was on the cover but the artical kind of made me sad.
We rented the movie Pineapple Express which oh mah god is so, so funny! It had me laughing so hard and James Franco is so hot in that movie.
I swear to god I am going to do my college reading today.
cassie |
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Friday, January 16, 2009
Whisper War
listening to: zzzz-the cab
writing: hell or glory
icon of the day: 
Cassie's Comment Corner:
krissy: maybe i could enlighten you if you ever check your messages on the otaku. lawl. fangs up bby.
jenny: you pussied out on meh! jk. i don'tz need to be dragging yew into mah dramaz. you're gonna be all like the hand that rocks the cradle and try and kill meh and steal my life. ah, the ryan getting hit by a car joke will never stop being funny. remember U-ber? ub-er is how you pernounce it. oo-ber is how it's pronounced. WHATEVER HELPS YOU SLEEP JENNY!
lavi: you know, i can't really remember myo ww2 but i for sure remember one because jenny pulled me into it on accident and i was all sweet and innocent. i'm majoring to become a special needs teacher but i have to take other classes that don't have anything to do with what i want. but yeah, it's different from high school.
I need a haircut.
I might get bangs. Any thoughts on this? I know some of you know what I look like, bangs? Yes? No?
....I can't believe my kittens did it again. This is the third pair of headphones they have destroyed! I hate them right now the lil' bastards. seriously i go and pick up my mp3 player and the headphones are broken in three different places. completely broken so I can't even use them at all.
Good thing I have that back up pair still. But now I gotta go buy a brand new set.
Fuck dude, that store is gonna think I'm up to something.
Oh, I finished 'Invisible Monsters' Which, okay I never saw that ending coming. A surprising amount of gay sex too. Hmmm.
There is no war. There's just people and their opinions.
I like when Fall Out Boy sends me text messages. But I like when Megan sends them more.
Cassie |
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Thursday, January 15, 2009
I Said I'd Never Leave, You'll Never Change
listening to: cat and mouse-the red jumpsuit apparatus
writing: nothing at the moment.
icon of the day: 
brencer! hee jenny.
Cassie's Comment Corner:
roseeyes: brother and i live with my mom. he's only seventeen so yeah, he doesn't live on his own. he just drives.
emily: right, jon is super hot. god, i love him. brendon loves the jwalk because i mean, who doesn't? ha, jenny and i saw one of the johnnie walkers in milwaukee. i think jenny has a pic of it on her myspace. my sleep is all screwed up because when i get home i'm so tired that i end up falling asleep much sooner than i normally should.
yoji: that's funny that you say that because that's the metaphor that i used too.
belinda: you know what? maybe you just need to learn to take a freaken joke sometime. living life so seriously can't be good for you. and i would perfer it greatly if you didn't spout your anti-lesbian statements all over my site, considering some of my best friends are gay..hmm so are some of yours. basically i'm willing to overlook this because we are friends but god, just chill the fuck out.
I refuse to start myotaku world war three.
Some people just need to learn to take a joke.
College was great actually. I'm picking up the swing of it finally. I was a little tired but whatever, I can actually be productive when I'm running on four hours sleep so yeah.
Took lots of notes for my first class and learned about the different ways we learn as children.
Dude, my arms are going to be super pumped by the end of my semester because my back pack is so heavy.
Talked to my friend Pamela. She's really nice and hey, I finally have a friend whose older than me. She's twenty-one. But it does seem that everyone I meet has a baby cause she does too. An eight month old son who I think she said was named Logan.
She's a cool person though. I was talking to her outside when we had our break.
I don't have class again until Tuesday but I have to do a shitton of reading.
Blaaaaah. My pysch professor did show us a better way to study a chapter so I might try that.
Was it all just a uncanny coincedence or did I actually disturb him that greatly?
Don't care because either way I win.
Cassie |
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Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Blackmail Myself Cause I Ain't Got Anyone Else
listening to: it's hard to say i do when i don't-fall out boy
writing: krissy x greta- i like to call it kreta.
icon of the day: 
Cassie's Comment Corner:
roseeyes: good luck with your resolution!
krissy: yes, i am seriously writing krissy x greta. which i think you should start calling kreta. annnnd it's sorta done...maybe halfway cause lesbian scenes are hard.
belinda: i was totally exhausted. it's going to take me a while to get used to it.
emily: yep, because jenny got it in her head that i should write it and then krissy is all fangirly for greta on the phone and then a plotbunny attacked me soooo i'm writing it. yeah, it is that book that ryan wrote time to dance based on. but it's sooooo good.
Ugh, my sleep schedule is so fucked up lately. Seriously, usually I wake up late in the afternoon but yesterday I didn't wake up until 5:30 at night! My class was at six and my brother had just gotten home with our van.
I rushed and got ready while my mom bitched at my brother. My brother really is a selfish bastard. For real. He took me to school and dropped me off but I was like five minutes late.
You guys should know that one of my worst fears is arriving late to places. It's part of my anxiety and it happened but at least someone else came in later than me.
Anyhoo, psychology....which I cannot spell. It's a cool class. The teacher is amazingly awesome. He talks a lot and has a tendancy to get off track but he's really funny too and he thought me a lot of maybe usless information.
I just wish that class wasn't so long.
Also, there are two other girls named Cassie in that class.
But at least it was interesting because I was texting Megan and Jenny.
Class again today. The childhood classes again but it's cool because I get my hour of freetime where I can be on the internet but I might just have to start my first lesson for my music appreciation class.
After today I won't have class again until Tuesday due to Martin Luther King day on Monday.
Yeah, and I'll get to spend those free days reading chapters and outlining information.
I am NOT used to this sudden workload.
One more thing before I go.
This is Jon Walker: 
This is David Cook: 
Cassie |
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009
He Says He Loves Me But I Don't Try Hard Enough
listening to: papercuts-gym class heroes
writing: greta x krissy...grissy? keta?
icon of the day: 
Cassie's Comment Corner:
krissy: ha. i think i'm annoying jenny with how much i quote that book.
belinda: well, insomnia isn't good for me either considering i can't miss classes because i'm paying for them and that would just be a waste of money. seriously, i love that book but i'm kinda surprised that you like it so much considering how dark it is.
jenny: i'm not jealous. if anything i'm protective...or needy. you make the call.
I survived my first day of college.
Now would be the time for applause.
Class wasn't bad. Everything was horribly crowded and we had those stupid little desks that are connected to the chairs and I hate those cause they hurt my tummy.
The first two classes don't actually seem all that hard. A lot of reading and sadly a lot of presentations and speaking in front of the class.
I'm NOT good at that.
But I suppose it does help my new years resolution to not be so afraid. Shame on me because I broke my other resolution.
It's hard to resist him.
Ha, there were only two guys in my first class and I ended up paired up with both of them.
I actually have reading to do for both of my childhood education classes but I'm way too tired to do it tonight.
Had an hour of free time which I used to go to the library and have free reign of the internet. I love college for that.
Second class was good too. Uber crowded though but hey I made a [sorta] friend. Her name is Pamela and she is my work buddy. Like, if I miss a day she'll get my papers for me and vice versa.
Had to wait in the insanely long bookstore line to get my books. Ended up spending $417 dollars there, mostly because I had to buy the books new.
My arms are sore from holding the massive weight of those books for so long. seriously. I'm getting a free workout here.
Psychology class tonight.
Hopefully my finacial aid check will come soon.
Hopefully my package will come soon too.
[I spelt my name wrong like five times before I got it right] |
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Monday, January 12, 2009
I Found The Cure To Growing Older
listening to: i slept with someone in fall out boy and all i got was this song written about me-fall out boy
writing: fuck it, greta x krissy story
icon of the day: 
dear lord, thank you for creating jon walker.
Cassie's Comment Corner:
belinda: well, it doesn't. mostly because i'm not majoring in journalism anymore. i'm majoring in early childhood development. basically i'm going to be a special education teacher and just write on the side.
jenny bean: you have no idea how much i laughed at that. cause i could soooo hear you in my head.
I really should be asleep right now.
It's *checks clock* 1:47 in the morning and I have to be up around eight maybe nine in the morning. But I'm an insomniac so what can I say?
Sorry mom, sorry god.
Ha. I have got to stop quoting Invisible Monsters.
So, yeah. Maybe I'm having just a little bit of anxiety over my classes today. It's stupid because I don't even know what I'm afraid of. Maybe being all on my own? Maybe I'm afraid I'll do something horribly awkward. Dunno.
My brother says I have to have a 'Fuck it.' kind of attitude and walk around like I own the place.
I did get my student i.d. in the mail so that's all fine and good. One less thing to worry about.
Now if I could just get my books in order, then I'd be golden.
Well, I only have two classes today and one on Tuesday and then the same two as today on Wednesday. Not so difficult right?
Wish me luck.
Cassie |
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Sunday, January 11, 2009
Lets Do The Panic Tonight
listening to: do the panic-phantom planet
writing: more like editing the crazy ryan story
icon of the day: 
Cassie's Comment Corner:
krissy: i just really like his style in general. i'm glad i bought invisible monsters because i was so, so, close to buying lullaby instead. apparently my brother wants to read choke.
jenny: oh my god, new avi! me likey. even though i'm pretty sure it's worry, worry and not hurry. ha, i thought rping made you uncomfortable. yesssss. read fight club first because that one is awesome. maybe i'm not writing gretaxkrissy. even though i totally was. :P
belinda: lol i do not feel bad for you and your thin frame!
megan: oh snap, apparently i wasn't listening closely enough on the phone last night because jenny mentioned something that i had neglected to hear. you naughty thing you. lol. send me a pic of david and tony and give me some semblance of what you want and i'll see what i can do. YOU CAN'T RAPE THE WILLING MEGAN!
Class wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The whole thing wasn't as bad as I thought. But then again I did have someone [my cousin] helping me. Come Monday, I'll be all on my own and maybe that's what worries me most?
I don't do so well on my own.
And that was my Pete Wentz moment of the day.
My professor for my music class is named Chuck. I sorta heart him already because he's smart and witty and just this side of snarky. Now..if I could just remember how to pronounce his last name. Iwasuna. I'm not even sure if I'm spelling it right.
Which reminds me...I need to go to and look up my other professors.
The music class does seem kind of difficult. Just because the way the assignments go. Oh well.
My cousin helped me set up my college email account and some other things and we checked my finacial aid and it said that I had like $7,345 dollars available or something like that.
So, we thought that I could use it so we hurry up and go to the bookstore but it turns out that we just missed it.
Now I gotta call there super early on Monday and see if it's available and then go there super early and try to pick up my books before my classes.
I only have two classes on Monday. Both early childhood classes. One is from ten-thirty in the morning until around noon and the second is from one in the afternoon to two-thirty.
That means I have an hour lull between classes. I intend on going to the library to get a temporary pass so I can get on the computers there.
That means I gotta talk to the guy who might not be able to hear and or cannot control his voice volume.
Had epic conversations with Jenny and Megan.
My brother couldn't figure out how to end a threeway call.
I want it to be summer so badly.
Cassie |
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Saturday, January 10, 2009
We Drown Traitors In Shallow Water
listening to: champange for my real friends, real pain for my sham friends-fall out boy
writing: ha, i won't say
icon of the day: 
Cassie's Comment Corner:
jenny: you can be sane at times but you also have your crazy person laugh that always reminds me of the joker. ew. dnw any part of you aching for him.
krissy: awww. i kinda wish that dream were true. maybe one day. who knows.
megan: i still love you megan, no matter what you do. also jenassie made me lawl. meganxjenny=menny or jegan..or ganny.
belinda: don't feel neglected. i had one for you but i didn't want to make you feel bad cause my one for you was 'i wanna be thin like belinda.' ha. low self-esteem ftl. sometimes i'm so much like wentz that i scure myself.
Ha. The book 'Invisible Monsters' is amazing so far.
When did the future turn from being a promise to a threat?
Sooooo I have my starter class for my music appreciation class today. Ugh...I'm more worried than I should be. It's just a class, it's just school...I don't want to be afraid.
My dad stopped by yesterday and I don't know if you guys remember me talking about his dog Jake and how we watched Jake over christmas? Well, sadly Jake had to be put to sleep yesterday.
Nothing was wrong with him but my dad had to get rid of him and the last place he hadn't tried was the dog pound. The lady told him that they don't try to adopt out pitbulls so Jake was like, an automatic put to sleep. He told me the story and god, it was so sad. It's hard for me to imagine that he's dead.
Sorry if that was depressing.
Now I have to get around to filling out some sort of tax paper so I can get my $350 scholarship from my school.
Then I'll get a laptop.
Cassie |
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Friday, January 9, 2009
I'm Not Gonna Waste These Words About A Boy
listening to: about a girl-the academy is...
writing: hell or glory
icon of the day: 
Cassie's Comment Corner:
krissy: ha, i didn't think anyone would notice that. i say that a lot but at least someone found it amusing. i took a shower yesterday too! shower buddies? Y/Y?
roseeyes: i've been anxious about college but otherwise i'm fine.
belinda: yeah, i knew jenny did that...i think she told me on the phone lol.
jenny: lawl i already knew that megan did it first but don't worry about it because krissy stold it from meh! i know, everytime i hear that song it reminds me of obama. pete wants obama to join the band and they'll change the name to FALL OUT OBAMA, FOO. LOL.
angel z: well, i've been up there but i haven't been to my classes yet. on saturday will be my first one. and then the rest on monday. well my advisor told me that it was listening to classical music and talking about it or something.
emily: ow. dnw keyboard facesmashing.
taintedsanity: it's not the good kind of music. i wish it was.
New headphones for the third time in a matter of weeks. Lets hope these ones will last.
I bet I just jinxed myself.
I'm flipping coins to determine the sex of babies. lawwwwwwl.
I wanna be crazy like Jenny.
I wanna be confident like Krissy.
I wanna have a total lack of shame like Megan.
I wanna have a Jon Walker like Brendon.
I wanna love you.
Jenny infected me with her crazy virus cause we're so much like a gay couple that I'm sure people suspect that we are.
I'm not really all that scary.
Go time for the confused comments.
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