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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Thursday, January 8, 2009
You'll Never Remember, Your head Is Far Too Blurry
listening to: disloyal order of the water buffaloes-fall out boy
writing: the baby story
icon of the day: 
Cassie's Comment Corner:
belinda: see, i watch the dvds and listen to the cds and then i go and take tests about what i learned. or something like that.
I guess my cousin has the same music appreciation class that i do so, she's picking me up on Saturday so we can both go to the introduction class. Might be a little awkward because I am no good at small talk.
Dad stopped by because he has this week and next week off from work. Which is actually a bad thing because that screws with the money we get from him.
Sometimes I feel like life is toying with me.
Good and then bad.
Dad also has to get rid of his dog Jake. I think he was taking him to a shelter yesterday which is sad because he's had him for nine years now.
Because I have nothing else to talk about. Please to be enjoying this:
50 Questions You've Probably Never Been Asked!
Are you ready?: yesh
First thing you wash in the shower?: my hair because that takes the longest.
What color is your favorite hoodie?: it's black with white and red on it because it's my senior hoodie.
Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?: no, greg, no. we're not doing that again.
Do you plan outfits?: i plan what i want to wear.
How are you feeling RIGHT now?: annoyed because my neighbor is bugging me.
What's the closest red thing to you?: my pants lol
Do you say Aim or A-I-M?: i do both often.
Tell me about the last dream you remember having?: um...i keep dreaming about my dad and greg..i don't like it.
Did you meet anybody new today?: yes, several people at college. HI RANDOM BOOKSTORE GURL.
What are you craving right now?: a muffin.
Do you floss?: no. i know. i'm disgusting. i can never get in there well...small mouth ftl.
What comes to mind when i say cabbage?: those cabbage rolls that my family always makes for christmas, i always peel off the cabbage though.
When was the last time you talked on aim?: when i was at jenny's house so...august?
Are you emotional?(Not emo): yes, i'm seriously a huge pussy.
Would you dance to the taco song?: i don't know the taco song but i do dance oddly to fall out boy
Have you ever counted to 1,000?: no, i mean i can but i wouldn't sit there and just count cause that's boring.
Do you bite your ice cream or just lick it?: lick it cause the fella's love it. lawl.
Do you like your hair?: eh, it's getting a little long and i wish it was a bit straighter.
Do you like yourself?: most of the time because on a scale of one to awesome, i'm the shit.
Have you ever met a celebrity?: oh yah, andy hurley and cobra starship ftw.
Do you like cottage cheese?: mmhmm but i haven't had it in awhile.
What are you listening to right now?: catching my breath by this providence...i never remember that this song is on here.
How many countries have you visited?: america.
Are your parents strict?: hell no, i get away with murder.
Would you go skydiving?: um..i honestly don't know.
Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush?: i suppose but i'd be asking him about all the celebrities that he's met and i'd be like YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT FALL OUT BOY G?
Would you throw potatoes at him?: um no, because i'm not that mean.
Is there anything sparkly in the room your in?: me!
Have you ever voted for an American Idol?: no, but i have voted on dancing with the stars and last comic standing.
Have you ever been in a castle?: plastic castle
Do you rent movies often?: more as of late than before.
Who sits behind you in your math class?: i don't have a math class anymore.
Have you made a prank phone call?: sometimes but i don't like to talk to random people on the phone.
Do you own a gun?: just my shiny yellow squirt gun. *squirt*
Can you count backwards from 74?: yupp
Who are you going to be with tonight?: family but i did talk to jenny and megan.
Brown or white eggs?: i don't care but i eat the white one's mostly. egg's weird me out when i think of the aborted chickens that i'm eating.
Do you own something from hot topic?: my wallet is from hot topic as are my shoe laces and hair accessories.
Ever been on a train?: yup.
Ever been in love?: yeah, but it was extreamly painful for me.
Do you have a cell phone?: yes, but i want a better one.
Are you too forgiving?: hell yes, i can be a fucking doormat at times.
Do you use Chop Sticks?: i'm not great with them so no.
What is your best friend doing tomorrow?: going to school like the good girl that she is.
Do you use ChapStick?: cherry, no, i don't.
Ever have cream puffs?: i like them when they're frozen.
Have you seen the Butterfly Effect?: it deeply disturbed me.
What was the last question you asked?: "Did you get me a muffin?"
What was the first CD you ever bought?: uh..nsync.
Boys or Girls?: I like boys but most of my friends are girls.
What is your bus # for school?: no buses in college. Ha.
Yes, I did steal that from Jenny.
Cassie |
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Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Let The Evening In The Backdoor
listening to: she's a handsome woman-panic at the disco
writing: the anwsers to this survey.
Cassie's Comment Corner:
megan: oh my god i wish there was even a guy worker at the hot topic here but there never is.
jenny: honey is a biatch at times.
belinda: you know what's weird? when i turned on my mp3 player it started playing saturday. strange. i dunno i'm not very far into invisible monsters but i like it so far but i love fight club.
emily: blondes are fine but i'm not so sure i'd look good as a blonde. do i plan on going to what?
Waited about a billiony hours again at the college yesterday. Really, only three and a half hours but took forever.
My adivsor was nice too.
So, I got my college classes. Here they be:
Early Childhood Education 101
Preschool Development
Music Appreciation
So, I only go on Monday's, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. Mondays and Wednesdays from 10:30 in the morning until 2:30 in the afternoon and on Tuesdays I have to go from 6:30 till 8:55 pm.
The cool thing about my music appreciation class is that I don't have to actually go to a class. All I have to do is go to the school's library and pick up dvd's and cd's and watch them and then take exams at the school.
Tried to buy my books but since my finacial aid is on hold I couldn't buy them. Now, I have to try and find a new way to get my books before the semester starts...on Monday.
The books costed $307 dollars which was for the used books. That's effing insane.
Gonna call the dean's office tomorrow to try and get the loan for my books.
God, college is so much work but luckily all my classes are in one building and across from the library.
Don't be scared.
Cassie |
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Tuesday, January 6, 2009
I Can't Sleep In The Wake Of Saturday
listening to: saturday-fall out boy
writing: hell or glory
Cassie's Comment Corner:
krissy: i know you care but i wasn't sure if you were gonna read this or not. i know, i just read about razia's shadow in my AP magazine but i have to wait longer to get it.
taintedsanity: um, well, my tip would be to research and to start early cause then it's easier.
jenny: cassie-1 countdown-0. i don't want anything inbetween.
yoji: actually, i don't think i ever mentioned what happened to patrick's arm, so, you didn't really miss much.
jangalian: yeah, i'm going to become a special education teacher.
belinda: yeah, i didn't really feel like bloodlust fit it all that well. it made the story sound overly sexual and well...that's not right.
So, I did end up going to the college. My mom and I got there fifteen minutes to noon and we didn't even leave until after three-thirty. A solid four and a half hours of just sitting and waiting. It felt more like a gazillion hours and what's worse is that my mp3 player died like, five minutes into the waiting.
And all that waiting resulted in a ten minute meeting with the finacial aid worker. The good thing is that I got it all straightened out and they put my finances on hold until the fourteenth of this month so, I don't think I have to pay anything until then and hopefully by then my money will come through.
When we went to pick my brother and Ellie up, he gave me a card from my old english teacher. Turns out she gave me a twenty dollar gift card for Barnes and Noble. Sweet of her considering that I'm not even one of her students anymore.
Mom and I went back to the college later to attempt to register me for classes but there were so many people already waiting that we were turned away. We're going back at eight in the morning.
We ended up going to Barnes and Noble and I bought the new issue of AP magazine and the book, 'Invisible Monsters' by Chuck Pala...fuck it, his last name is too hard. I've barely read it yet but I've heard it's pretty good and I freaking loved 'Fight Club' so, I have good expectations. I'm probably going to save the book till tomorrow where I will no doubt have epic waiting ahead of me.
Oh! I met the most amazing gay guy ever at Barnes and Noble. He was my cashier and he was totally checking out the bassist for All Time Low, he was like 'Look at those ab's!' and I wanted to be like 'Oh mah god, I love you.' He also had a little sign on that said 'Free high fives' so I read it and he was like 'Gimmie one' so I did. Ha ha, I heart him.
My mom bought some hair crap that bleaches your hair and we went and picked Ellie up and brought her to our house where she proceeded to dye my mom's hair and drink, not a good combination but it actually came out looking good. She wanted to do my hair too but she ran out of bleach stuff...I'm not exactly sure that I want blonde in my hair anyway.
Oh, Ellie took our girl kitten Honey Bear, so now all we have is Jonnie Bear. Which is fine because I love Jonnie more.
Well..Ellie called a little bit ago and I guess her dad is freaking out and she can't keep Honey so, we'll end up picking her back up tomorrow.
Cassie |
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Monday, January 5, 2009
She's A Lady And Ladies Shouldn't Be Messed With
listening to: she's a lady-forever the sickest kids
writing: hell or glory
Cassie's Comment Corner:
taintedsanity: i never fail because i got to make out with jon. mwahahahaha.
jenny: i don't think you're going to go to hell either. you really are a good person. it will rain in heaven all day without you....damn, seriously i made myself sad. oh and if you read this, i can't leave you a comment because your countdown makes your site freeze for me. -_- fuckin' hate mah computer.
angel z: well, no, because there was problem with my finacial aid and then the school was closed down due to the holidays and epic amount of snowfall but all i really have to do is register for classes and i have roughly five or six days to do that so i think i'm least i hope. no, i didn't watch those episodes yet because my computer is too old to get on youtube but i will totally watch them when i get the chance.
emily: it's way too cold to be frolicing. lol.
Back to school for mostly everyone today. That sucks because now I can't talk to Jenny late into the night. Well, there's always the weekend.
Speaking of school I'm sure my mom and I are going up to my college today to straighten out my finacial aid papers and to register for classes. Then all I have to worry about are books but I can pick up my scholarship from my high school for those, though I had been hoping to use it to get a new laptop so I could, you know, actually finish papers.
Look's like I'll be spending a good amount of my time in the library. -_-
My brother is seeing his friend Ellie tomorrow so, hopefully, he'll get the Razia's Shadow CD that she burned for me.
Patrick is still limping around and I shouldn't have let him outside but I did and now I'm afraid that he'll end up getting hit by a car because he's drastically slower than he used to be.
I will never forgive myself is something happens to him.
I'm sure I'm just paranoid.
One more thing before I go. Remember that little poll I had on here about which title I should give one of my stories? Well, I appreciate your opinions and 'Bloodlust' would've won by like, one vote but I decided to forgo all those choices and pick a new one.
So, now it's called Hell Or Glory. Which is so, so fitting.
Ha, no one but Jenny will care about that.
Cassie |
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Sunday, January 4, 2009
You're Someone I Shouldn't Have Met
listening to: i'm a wonder-the cab
writing: slow motion
icon of the day: 
Cassie's Comment Corner:
angel z: yeah, i still have to sign up for classes so i'm going to end up being a bit rushed i bet but i'll try my best.
jenny: oh mah god i wanna see the video for america's suitehearts! *weeps* whatever, Jon being all sexy preist like and i'd be all like 'god is telling me to fuck you hxc!' soooo, yeah, i'm going to hell. lawl.
belinda: it's not a mushroom belinda, it's a pair of hands holding glittery stars. lol. i totally wish that song wasn't so depressing.
Gah, I got nothing to talk about really. I'm so boring.
Epic conversations with Krissy and Jenny.
Got my new headphones but I actually think I mentioned that.
Hmmm I should go and find a quiz to put up...
Cassie |
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Saturday, January 3, 2009
Do You Believe In God? Written On A Bullet
listening to: cassie-flyleaf
writing: slow motion
icon of the day: 
Kids like us should wear warning labels.
College in less than 8 days....
Holy shit.
Jon Walker dressed as a priest is only the greatest idea ever...besides if he was naked of course.
Roughly 150+ days before I get to see Jenny again.
Cassie |
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Friday, January 2, 2009
The World Has It's Shine But I Would Drop It On A Dime For You
listening to: the world has it's shine but i would drop it on a dime-cobra starship
writing: nothing..i need to finish up that slow motion chapter.
Cassie's Comment Corner:
taintedsanity: risk makes me become a baaad person. lol well, i just thought it would be nice to do since i didn't do it last year either.
jenny: no wai, lets do the jellyfish instead all 2009 long.
megan: maybe greg's just super creepy when he's drunk then. lol no wai megan i would always make out with you, onions or not. yeah, i'm definitly not starting anything with him because i love the kid but he's so effed up and possibly an alcoholic.
New year, new theme.
You like? I like. It's almost exactly what I was looking for. Credit and love goes to Jenny for putting the song on for me. :*
Kisses lol.
So, awhile ago our washing machine died on us. My dad moved to a new house on Tuesday and since there was already a washer there, we got the old one. So, we went and picked it up yesterday and it clatters around a lot but I've never been more excited to do laundry.
I kinda made two new year's resolutions. Though i tend not to even make nor stick to them but I figure it's worth a shot. Here's the two:
1. To not be so afraid of things
2. To not get sucked back in to him.
And the second one is not about Greg.
I need a new calendar like burning.
I just hit the lever on my chair and made it go down and now I can't get it back up and i feel super short.
I like how I dream about someone and then they talk to me for the first time in a long time.
Jenny is amazing and I know it had to be fate that the two of us met.
Thank you Megan.
Kisses all around.
Cassie |
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Thursday, January 1, 2009
Knock Once For The Father, Twice For The Son, Three Times For The Holy Ghost
listening to: west coast smoker-fall out boy
writing: nothing
icon of the day: 
Cassie's Comment Corner:
emily: i tried to kiss somebody but he wasn't cooperating with me.
krissy: no wai. i know way bigger whores than you. i wanted to talk to you because you know how to accept it.
belinda: i wasn't drunk either. soooo i was just being a whore toooo! lawl. i love you too belinda and i don't think your comments are crappy and you do help me and you shouldn't feel bad. ily hxc!
jenny: first off, this is like the greatest comment ever. JENNY SAID YOU GOTTA SHOW THE WORLD YOUR THUNDER!!! lol at you saying titty sucking. it wasn't horribly awkward. LOOOOOOOOOOL THAT DOES SOUND LIKE ME! the banana part made me laugh so hard. i'm sorry last night didn't turn out like you wanted it to but it's not like it was your last chance. awww i like myotaku's sweethearts. suuuuuure, kidding. oh mah god, you have ruined that song foreverrrrrr. lol. i love you and your rambling.
megan: girls only call you a slut because you're hot and their boyfriends want to get in your pants. oh mah god, i can't play risk with you because we won't be friends anymore. lol. LOOK AT MEGAN RYHMING LIKE A MOFO.
taintedsanity: awww i missed you, glad you're back!
Happy 2009 people.
Did everyone have a good night?
Mine was...average? I don't really know how to describe it. An alright start I suppose.
Played risk again and I forfeited because fuck Risk, I hate that game.
Sydney ended up coming over with her boyfriend Paul, who is only 29 but looks 40. Her belly is so huge and she's super tall too so she's pretty disperportioned. Sydney also brought Mikey, who looks like he's a little kid but I didn't remember him but he claims the two of us have met before.
I tried so hard to have fun with Sydney, but I am not the person I was back then and I just couldn't relate. I think she got jealous of my relationship with Jenny.
Taylor and Paul showed up too and shortly after they arrived, Sydney and her companions left, which was okay because they were kinda buzzkills.
Paul was a nice guy and decided to share some booze with me so he got some kind of lemon and lime rum and he mixed it with sunny delight and it was waaaaay too strong.
We played Mui Mui Moose again but I had to have a different drink because I could not drink that.
Several embarresing pictures were taken, which will end up on myspace by tomorrow.
Greg was being severly moody. I don't really know what his problem was. I think he missed his ex-girlfriend because he spent last new years eve with her.
I tried to get him to kiss me at midnight but it did not work, he was being a bitch.
But I'm not worried about it. I'm done screwing around with him. He's still hung up on his ex and honestly, I am not attracted to him that way. When we kissed there was no passion, no spark, just a wet press of lips..whatever.
I don't regret it and I'm chalking it up to an experience, like the creepiest thing Greg said to me when we were making out was, "Think of this as me leveling you up."
Dude, no more making out with Final Fantasy fans.
Anyway, here's hoping that 2009 is half as good as the first half of 2008 and three times better than the second half.
I just want things to work out for her because god, does she deserve it.
Cassie |
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Wednesday, December 31, 2008
I'm Stray Dog Sick
listening to: 20 dollar nose bleeed-fall out boy
writing: nothing
icon of the day: 
christmas is over but pete wentz doesn't care!
Cassie's Comment Corner:
yoji: lol you're quite the little smartass you know that right?
jenny: as soon as i saw that icon it terrified me but then i was like, jenny would so say that. let's call it a sexual quater life crisis, but than again we're not supposed to talk about that. drama doesn't follow me it rides on mah back! your spelling error makes me lol. i didn't know that but thanks for telling me, that must've been why he was so desperate for me to touch it, he couldn't get hard.
megan: i am so sorry that you already knew what happened. shoot me in the face, or perform the jellyfish with me. i perfer the latter. love you hxc!
angel z: i wasn't drinking last night so all almost mistakes are placed on my shoulders. i blame it on low self-esteem. oh, i'm still going to her babyshower but i mean i'm just not the same girl she remembered.
So, I don't regret last night but the only thing that bugs me is that I'm that kind of girl...the kind of girl that will use her body for attention.
I never really wanted to be that girl.
Troubled thoughts and self-esteem to match.
Marry me Patrick Stump.
Oh well, I'm not actually upset about it or anything.
Things were pretty much normal between the two of us the next day but than again, Greg did leave to go and help my dad move with my brother.
When they got back we played risk and we acted normal for the most part but at some points I would just look at him and think, "Jesus, I shared part of my body with him last night, he had his mouth on my T**S last night."
Also, don't let me play risk because I will beat the shit out of you when you attack me.
Kinda like how I get when I play Mario Kart for the Wii.
Taylor called me and she wants to come over today for a new years party. Sydney is supposed to come over but I don't know if she will. Timothy and Greg are supposed to stay here too. But I don't really know what will happen.
Ah, my super amazing headphones broke yesterday, just the left one, which I never really wear anyway but still damn...i go through headphones like crazy.
I wanna talk to Krissy because then I won't feel slutty.
Cassie |
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Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Freckle, Freckle, What Makes You So Special?
listening to: w.a.m.s.
writing: nothin'
icon of the day: 
Cassie's Comment Corner:
belinda: no, i asked her how it's spelt and i was spelling it right. oh i c you writing my life story. lol but srs? i wanna reaaaad it. THANK YOU FOR APPRECIATING HOW EFFING CUTE A NAME JONNIE BEAR IS!
yoji: i don't have a distain for that name. I just don't think it sounds cute or appealing for a girl. it sounds like a reglion.
jenny: i knew you would go back and read it. because that's how you role. i think we all know what kind of sick individual we both are.
megan: oh mah god yes! let's do the jellyfish megan! i shall never write hitler pron but i am still holding out hope that jenny will write me some jon walker x david cook. and sorry about dropping the D-word.
So, I guess twenty is the age where I start loosening up.
I talked to Sydney yesterday and she laid some heavy guilt trips on me about how close we used to be and how we're not as close anymore.
She also invited me to her babyshower next month and she says she wants to stop by on new years eve. The thing is that we don't really have a lot in common anymore. When I was talking to her on the phone I really wanted to talk to Jenny.
*Bad person*
So, Greg ended up coming over again, to drink with my brother. My mom was drinking too and our neighbor Chad came over to drink.
I ignored them in the beginning and was talking to Jenny but slowly I came around and then things started to get weird.
Greg started to tell me that he found me attractive and he would sleep with me if he weren't afraid of my brother kicking his ass. Then my brother goes and gives him permission to sleep with me and really, that was where all hell broke loose.
We had almost lost our virginities to each other a few years ago...almost.
Greg and my brother tried to get Jenny to send noodz to my bro's cell but she didn't.
Greg and I flirted and we ended up making out, he wanted me to wear lipgloss, it was all wet and sticky and...yeah.
Other things happened, not the major, end all be all sexual thing you can do but...touching and things of that nature.
I sincerly apologize to Jenny and Megan that they had to be on the phone during that event.
I love you girls.
He's my friend and that's all we'll be. We're casual and it's not hurting anything. I just need to not feel cheap in the morning.
P.S. very sexual post for the win?
Cassie |
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