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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Monday, December 29, 2008
Dear Gravity, You Held Me Down In This Starlit City
listening to: Tiffany Blews-fall out boy
writing: slow motion
icon of the day: 
Cassie's Comment Corner:
emily: i would be so effing creeped out if some random goverment worker called me back. True, Bronx is super dooper adorable what with his chubby little faaaace!
yoji: i don't need to keep doing it because i just choose to believe that it worked. Ha! oh mah god, no sylar coming to get meh!
Damn, stupid kitten Jonnie Bear just tried to jump on my leg and I'm wearing a skirt and now I'm bleeding and got long cut marks on my leg.
My old friend Sydney called me yesterday. I happened to be in the bathroom when she called so I couldn't anwser but she did leave a message telling me that her baby is due in two months and that she's having a girl and she's naming it Genieva. I don't even know if that's how you spell it. Ugly name if you ask me.
Pretty sure I'm going to the college tomorrow to fix up my finacial aid and register my classes.
Oh, yeah, I kept forgetting to mention this: HEY IF YOU READ NO OTHER PART OF MY POST, READ THIS PART:
I have a story and it's in desperate need of a name because as of right now, I'm calling it. 'The vampire thing' so, yeah, I'm down to two or three names for it and I need help making the final decision so that's where you come in.
What should the title of my vampire story be?
A) Darkness Is Real
B) Bloodlust
C) Blood And Whiskey
Okay, so, please tell me which one you like the best in your comment.
Cassie |
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Sunday, December 28, 2008
My Body Is An Orphanage, We Take Everyone In
listening to: 27-fall out boy
writing: i swear to god, i will have a name for it soon.
Cassie's Comment Corner:
belinda: jenny says that sighing and yawning are the same thing. i suck at wii guitar hero.
roseeyes: nope, some of my more faithful readers can tell you that i've posted longer. thanks for reading though.
angel z: i know, i was like 'i cannot beat a FF game in five days. no way.' oh mah god, i didn't know that! i hate not having cable! *weeps*
yoji: i think my yawning trick did work on you. you just don't want to admit how much you yawned, yawned, yawned. yawned.
megan: i like how we fangirled over ffx on the phone and jenny's all like 'Whut?' I'm also glad we got to have epic threeway.
jenny: i see you being all mean to the cassie! totally gonna give me a complex. but you're not even here to read this so i suppose it doesn't matter what i say. No, jenny, you cannot grab my hips! lawwwwwwl. i'll give you a reason.
emily: the pics are up on the livejournal site icecreamheadaches. or friends or
Spent a good chunk of the day with my dad. It was nice. I'm really a daddy's girl at heart.
I got to burn my cd's so, now I have the new Fall Out Boy cd and the latest TAI cd on my player.
Watched the movie 'Jumper' with dad too and it was pretty good. The guy who played Griffin was sexy.
Cute was what I aimed for but I achieved it.
Had epic conversations with Megan and Jenny over the phone and then after Megan left I stayed on the phone with Jenny for like, ever. I'm tired now and she's tired because she has to get up super early tomorrow but we can never seem to get off the phone in a timely fashion.
We were talking about how the goverment records every 1 out of 4 phone conversations you have. And we were like, talking to the goverment guy and hitting on him.
I will lol so hard if they decide to record that one.
Tired. Bed time nao.
Oh, but it's so warm here, it's raining and windy but it feel's like spring.
Bed time nao.
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Saturday, December 27, 2008
Said I'll Be Fine Till The Hospital Or American Embassy
listening to: what a catch, donnie-fall out boy
icon of the day: 
Cassie's Comment Corner:
jenny: i know, i win for most depressing christmas post ever. even more depressing than that song about the little boy wanting to buy shoes for his dying mama.
belinda: it did turn out better than i had expected, maybe because my expectations were already extreamly low.
angel z: no, santa can't save me here, only barack obama can.
Isn't it slightly out of character for me not to post two days in a row?
Amazing, truth is, I've been just a bit distracted.
But I mean, it's the holidays, aren't we all?
Anyhoo, did everyone have a good christmas? Mine wasn't quite as bad as I thought it would be. My package never came, still hasn't and I need to call the post office about it again.
My brother rented some movies for us to watch, he didn't pick any really good ones. He did get the movie 'Handcock' which I liked, it made me cry a little. He rented 'Cloverfield' too and I actually did want to see that one but the shaky camera made me sick!
Greg ended up coming over again and spending the night on christmas. My uncle and dad came over too so, we had a nice little dinner. Which my mom went all out for, it was like a mini thanksgiving. I did make some really kick as banana pudding though. Go me.
Due to some long and complicated events, my dad isn't allowed to have his dog Jake, at his house for awhile. He asked my brother if he'd keep Jake at our house and my mom and brother said yes, so, my bro was taking care of the dog but he suddenly decided to go and spend the night at Greg's house so, now I'm stuck taking care of him. And he's a huge dog, like the size of a mini pony or something.
Anyway, my brother and I rented a PS2 for us for christmas. We rented games too, I got Final Fantasy 12, which is waaaaay too hard and I'm mad at it right now. And he rented a bunch of sports games.
Had two epic conversations with Jenny, we almost broke our record...we were about fourty minutes short.
I went to take a shower earlier today when Greg was still over here and he was like, "Are you going to take a shower?" and I was like "Yup." and he was like "I was going to take a shower."
I didn't feel like arguing so I let him go first.
Like, I said earlier, my brother went to spend the night at Greg's because Greg has to work tomorrow but I think the two of them are coming back here again and Greg's going to spend the night again.
He shotgunned me btw. I did not enjoy it.
Oh, I saw a picture of the baby Wentz. So, cute and chubby and Pete being all protective daddy is adorable.
One more thing. Did you guys know that if someone is talking about yawning or writes the word yawn or keep's yawning or does anything even related to yawning enough times that you will yawn, yawn, yawn, yawn.
Did you yawn?
I made that happen.
Cassie |
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Thursday, December 25, 2008
I Will Never Believe In Anything Again
listening to: coffee's for closers-fall out boy
Dear Santa,
Please bring my mom a job for christmas.
cassie |
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Wednesday, December 24, 2008
I Wanna Plant Palm Trees Along Lake Michigan Before It Gets Cold
listening to: the [shipped] gold standard-fall out boy
writing: the baby story
icon of the day: 
Cassie's Comment Corner:
jenny: think yew four teching meh howe two spel jenee. lawl.
yoji: you're just a big bucket of references aren't you? lol.
angel z: oh mah god, i am physic! i dunno if that comment i left you went through because it was being wonky but i expressed how much i loved it there but i do really like and i wuv you ! *hugs*
i'm the perfect good girl, no one would suppect a girl like me of anything *shifty eyes*
I just realized about ten minutes ago that my massive dizzy spells I've been having are because I wasn't warming up the bottle of ear drops I have to take. Gee, doesn't that sound like something that should be on the stupid bottle?
My ear is kinda better..I dunno. I still can't hear great out of it. My brother yelled straight in it today and it didn't hurt. It keeps popping in and out of me being able to hear.
Happy christmas eve btw.
I'm not getting nothing for christmas. Except for what my dad's bringing over today. But seriously no, presents under the tree.
Thanks economy!
*More bitter*
Life has made me, a once optimist, very jaded as of late. I do believe in good things so much anymore.
*Massive bitter*
Oh, and my package didn't come yesterday so, I'm guessing that now it won't actually come till after christmas.
*Superultramega bitter*
Guess I'm back to the true meaning of christmas.
Happy birthday Jesus.
Greg is over here again, he brought his xbox 360 and he and my brother and compulsively playing Gears Of War. I like the chainsaw gun.
he brought up the kiss in passing to my brother. Like, 'Oh yeah, dude, I kissed your sister.' I still don't think it's a huge deal. He claims he saw some skin too but no, I'm denying that.
I think he's spending christmas with us.
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Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I Will Never End Up Like Him, Behind My Back I Already Am
listening to: headfirst slide into cooperstown on a bad bet-fall out boy
writing: nothing
Cassie's Comment Corner:
krissy: oh mah god, we so need to get drunk together krissy.
jenny: you're not so straightedge! remember the creek and the night you dyed your hurr? no way man, greg doesn't think of me that way.
belinda: i know, i fucked up and drank waaay too much but i don't do it a lot and i suppose that's what's important. I'M GLAD YOU'RE BACK! *hugs*
yoji: so, have i but it was my own personal best.
angel z: i know i was like, 'well, there's some writing on there but i can't read it!' *woe* but i shall try to remind you by sending brain waves to you. i like to consider myself a good girl but sometimes it's fun to let loose and be wild.
Believe it or not I tried to keep yesterday's post short.
It did not work.
Damn, my detailed self. Thanks to those who read it [Jennybean] and for those who didn't here's the summary:
*Got massively drunk, kissed a boy, kissed a girl, got proposed a threeway..sorta, PUKE.
The end.
So, at some point during my party I noticed that my ear started acting up, like popping and hurting. Well, I didn't pay much mind to it because..well, I was drunk but the next day it was still like that and I kinda thought that it was because I was hungover but it never went away.
In fact it got worse and it got swollen, I couldn't even get a quitip [dude, how the fuck do you spell that word?]
It started hurting pretty badly, throbbing and aching and hurting when I swallow. It's constantly popped too, like when you plug your ears, it's constantly like that. It sucks and it scares me because when someone is talking to me on that side I can barely hear them.
My doctor got me so drops for my ear and some antibotics. I think he thinks that I have swimmers ear but I'm pretty damn sure that that's not what it is.
Oh well.
Still no Panic package but now my mom tells me that when we do get it she's going to take it and wrap it up and make me wait till christmas, which isn't actually that far away.
2009 is shaping up to be an awesome year in music. At least according to AP magazine. Panic At The Disco, All Time Low, Mayday Parade, Cobra Starship, Say Anything, Paramore and a few others are dropping new CD's in 09.
Best year ever.
It's seven degrees out right now.
Cassie |
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Monday, December 22, 2008
I Must Confess, I'm In Love With My Own Sins
listening to: America's Suitehearts-Fall Out Boy
writing: um..the baby story.
icon of the day: 
Cassie's Comment Corner:
jenny: i thought you did leave brendon in the car! we all know that yesterday was better for me. the car was amazing!!! totally my background for the comp. my holiday icons can never please yooooooouuuuu! *dies*
emily: i still have jenny check my myspace for me so, i keep up on the tru fax.
yoji: well, lucky for him that he won't remember the suckage. he sounds so cute though. yaoi snowmen is like the best idea ever, except for like, band guy snowmen.
angel z: i do like the card, but i can't read what it says because it won't get larger for me
-_- but i drink responsibly...most of the time.
So, my real birthday sucked but the day after didn't.
My dad showed up first and gave me a lovely card with ten bucks in it. Then the door opened and I thought it was Taylor and Paul but it winded up being my old friends Nate and Matt. They had actually come to see my brother but he wasn't home. [he had went to another hockey game with a girl from his school.] So, I was like 'Do you guys know what yesterday was?' and Nate was like, 'Your birthday.' We've been friends long enough for him to remember.
He didn't have anything to give me so, he and Matt gave me fourty cents. While they were there Taylor and Paul called me and told me that they were on their way to my house. Then my friend Greg called me and he wanted to talk to my brother. I told Greg that Timmy wasn't home but he knew it was my birthday and I asked if he wanted to come over. He said yeah and he wanted Nate and Matt to bring him out.
Taylor and Paul arrived after I got off the phone with Greg and Paul was carrying a huge plate of cupcakes. I had forgotten that Taylor said that she'd make me cupcakes but holy crap, she made me enough to spell out 'Happy 20th birthday Cassie.'
Paul ate a cupcake before they even got to my house and Nate ate a cupcake and some of my cake.
Oh yeah, my mom made me a cake, half chocolate and half white with candybars inside. I got to decorate it myself which was quite a ordeal because my brother kept making me laugh and making me shake the icing.
So, than Nate and Matt hung around a bit longer and they decided to go, I told them to come back if they wanted. My mom and dad left to go to my grandma's for a minute and we had to wait for them to get back before we could buy any alcohol.
Greg called me back numerous times and told me that Nate and Matt ditched him, he still wanted to come see me so, he said he'd pay my mom to come get him. The thing about Greg is that I met him when I was like, thirtheen and he was eleven. So, we've been friends for so long that when he was hanging up he was like, 'I love you' and I said it back and than Taylor went on this huge tangent about being determined to hook us up tonight.
Taylor also said that I was good at flirting.
So, my parents got back and we ended up making a list of alcohol we wanted and we all chipped in cash to pay for it. Taylor and I got vodka and orange juice and these watermelon vodka things that were awesomily delicious. Paul got captain morgan and cherry coke.
Greg called me numerous more times.
When the alcohol was acquired we decided to play a drinking game that Paul knew called Mui, Mui, Moose. It's basically the fastest game to play to get you wasted. If you flip a black card you have to drink for however many numbers that's on the card. You get a red card and you have to pick someone else to drink that number on the card. Jack's you have to lick and stick them on your forehead and if you knock it off you drink.
Fucking Paul kept knocking my Jack off and he licked one and stuck it on my face. I wanted to puke.
King's were where you got to make rules and Paul made rules that we couldn't laugh or swear. Taylor and I kept breaking them which is probably why we got so messed up. In the end, Taylor was wasted after one cup of O.J and vodka and she ended up puking in our trashcan.
Taylor also has heart problems and her chest started hurting so, she went to lay down in my brothers bed. My mom left to get Greg and Paul went to lay with Taylor for a moment to make her feel better. Greg got here and then Taylor wanted to go home but Paul didn't and they almost left but we convinced her to stay.
So, they stayed and we started drinking again. Greg got me a present, a little box of chocolates and we played the card game 'Bullshit' and kept drinking and Greg recently broke up with his girlfriend so, Taylor is all like, "Cassie needs a birthday kiss."
And I was like "Greg doesn't think I'm pretty." And he's all like,
"You're really pretty." And so, then we kissed. Which wasn't all that great, just a warm slide of lips. I ended up kissing Taylor that night too, but that was more to share lipgloss.
We all kept steadily drinking [not Taylor] Greg did his chinese resturant owner impression and Taylor and I laughed our asses off. We listened to a lot of music and ended up playing one more round of the card game. During said card game Paul spilled a drink all over me and I threw water at him and he broke a cup.
Game was over after that so, Paul and I changed clothes and he was the drunkest out of everyone. He ended up passing out on my brother's bed and we watched a movie in there and used Paul as a pillow. Taylor fell asleep next and then Greg and I were awake and I was laying on his chest and I guess I must've fallen asleep too because I woke up to my mom telling me to go to bed.
Greg said we fell asleep at the same time and he ended up going back to sleep on the couch.
In the end I had roughly around ten drinks not to mention the sips of Greg's and Paul's that I took.
I didn't sleep well, not at all and around nine in the morning my stomach was killing me and I ended up throwing up. It hurt so much.
I swear to go I was wrecked like, I had never been before. I had thrown up earlier too, in the trashcan with Taylor holding my hair for me. Cause that's what girl's do.
I couldn't sleep and I threw up a few more times. I tore my throat up because I was basically puking liquid and acid and shit and dryheaving a lot and I was like HOLY SHIT I THINK I'M DYING!!!!!
Taylor and Paul left at like ten-thirty in the morning an Greg didn't have to go home till noon. I ended up calling Jenny because I couldn't sleep and I talked to her for almost an hour. I was supposed to babysit for my dad that afternoon but I called him and told him that I couldn't do it.
I did go back to sleep after that and my mom took Greg home. I didn't get up till around three and I still felt like shit, but I took a shower and ate and I felt better.
My dad brought my brother home and he told me that he did some lewd things with a rather young girl, not like pedophile young but you get my drift.
Greg called me later and he was like "I just wanted to check on you and tell you that I was sorry about not saying goodbye when I left."
I was like "Whatever. No biggie."
But seriously, I don't think I'm going to drink again for awhile because ugh, so much pain.
Straightedge Krissy doesn't approve?
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Saturday, December 20, 2008
And Daddy Said "You Gotta Show The World The Thunder."
listening to: She's My Winona-Fall Out Boy
writing: i need to think up a name for it.
icon of the day: 
Cassie's Comment Corner:
jenny: i like how we just reference twilight and songs and ourselves all the time. YOUR CARD WAS AMAZING AND I LOVE IT HXC!!!!!
yoji: i'm scared of getting hit by a car since i kind of have been before but i'm getting better.
angel z: holy crap you spammed my comments! but i totally appreciate that you photobucketed the pete wentz. *hugs* now we're both old.
So, my birthday basically sucked.
Mostly because we had this huge snowstorm, like ten inches and no one could go anywhere. And the mail didn't run so, I did not get my package.
Damn you snow.
Taylor called me and we arranged to hang out today and drink a little so, that will probably happen. My dad's coming over tomorrow too. I don't know if anyone else will. My brother is going to a hockey game but I'm sure he'll be back in time to party.
Jenny made me an amazing card and I should've copied the link so, I got flaunt it but I LOOOOVEEEEE it and her. And Krissy made me an epic video that Jenny described to me.
I'm an idiot because I accidentally erased my own game on Harvest Moon. *massive facepalm*
I sort of miss Myspace but at the same time I'm glad I can see it.
Here's to a better tomorrow.
Cassie |
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Friday, December 19, 2008
Twenty Going On Extinct
listening to: disloyal order of the water buffaloes-fall out boy
writing: the secret.
Icon Of The Day: 
Cassie's Comment Corner:
krissy: i hear it's supposed to be like a musical, which is always good in my opinion. Now i need to get to someone who has a good computer or go to the library.
belinda: you're the little orphan that Jenny and i found in a basket on our porch.
jenny: "What are you?" , "Say it. Say it outloud." "Vampire."
megan: pedoing is what i do best! now be quiet and get in mah van. lawl.
angel z: no, i'm not even getting many presents. just the two i already bought for myself and my brother is burning me a cd and hopefully my panic at the disco package will arrive tomorrow.
So, by the time you read this I will be twenty. Actually, maybe not because I wasn't even born until like five at night so, I suppose I won't be twenty until then.
I'm not doing much. I did talk to Taylor last night and she said if weather permits it, she and Paul will be coming over. Hopefully others too but I don't mind terribly.
I'm only slightly sad that I didn't get any cards, I got like five last year. But than again, myotaku did shrink. Ah, I'm being greedy, you guys don't have to do anything for little ol' me. Except maybe get me a Jon Walker.
Had an epic convo with Jenny and Megan yesterday too. I only wish I could be as shameless as them. I mean I get embarressed doing my Wall.E impression over the phone.
My brother went to a hockey game and he was standing on some chairs and took a three row dive down, almost broke his leg. He was on the news too.
Boy am I proud.
Effing mail woman better have my Panic At The Disco package today. I swear to god, with the way everything is going in my life it probably won't come until after christmas.
My mom made me test my irrational fear of crossing streets yesterday.
If I get a Jon Walker card I'll be happy.
Cassie |
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Thursday, December 18, 2008
Take A Chance, Let Your Body Build A Tolerance
listening to: i don't care-fall out boy
writing: the secret yo.
Cassie's Comment Corner:
roseeyes: lol, all b-day presents will be gladly accepted.
yoji: aww your brother and i share a b-day? That's adorable. happy birthday to him.
krissy: stop finding happiness in mah misery krissy! lol but yeah, if i did end up back in wisconsin, it would be under bad circumstances. were you gonna make me a wicked sweet video of some sort because that would be pimping. make it and i'll go watch it at the library. lawl.
jenny: don't feel bad because it's not any of your responsibility. You shouldn't have to take care of me...
My birthday is tomorrow.
I'll be twenty years old.
I'm kind of having a party at my place. Not a big one or anything, I think just Taylor and Paul will come and maybe my brother's friend Ellie too. My brother wants to go to someone elses party because he's an ass.
It's this subconcious thing about parties is that I'm afraid that no one will come. Maybe it's just because of certain people I used to hang out with always left me high and dry.
Oh well, I need to stop being paranoid and hope for the best.
I'm pretty sure my brother's friend Ellie is burning me a copy of Razia's Shadow, which is a cd that only one person will know about [Krissy] Ellie offered to burn me Folie A Deux but I was like 'No, I need to own the phyiscal copy.'
That cd has really grown on me btw.
'Coffee Is For Closers' Is like one of my favorites, also 'w.a.m.s' and 'The Shipped Gold Standard'
Also, I love Jenny because she sends me lyrics and makes me laugh when I am down.
aha, I may have missed Fall Out Boy on the tv but I do get to see Panic At The Disco on Carson Daly's show. More Jwalk for the Cassie.
Cassie |
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