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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Saturday, October 25, 2008
strike up the band
Now, before you all get to excited, i'm not cassie. XD
two guesses as to who i am?
yeah, yeah it's jenny.
I talked to cassie on the phone last night and as of right now she has no internet and she doesn't really know when she'll be getting it back either.
buuut, she asked me to post for her to tell you people that she didn't drop off the earth and die, she's still alive.
even if she is suffering dearly from lack of me and of slash [haha]
so she's been writing a lot lately, and whenever she talks to me i end up singing christmas carols to her. XD cuz' that's just the kind of relationship we have.
anyways, i gotta run but leave cassie some love :D
-cassies sidekick [haha] |
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Would you burn up before the water fills your lungs?
listening to: at your funeral-saves the day
writing: slow motion
icon of the day: 
Cassie's Comment Corner:
krissy: yes, panic is on the fairly gay side.
jenny: no wai dude, i bet you ryan and brendon rp all the time. or jon cause it seems like he'd be into that kinda thing. lol well thank god now you won't be all guitar hero emo.
belinda: i just enjoy the fact that jwalk is willing to dance that way...and maybe his hips all pushed up too...that's always good.
megan: humping action is ftw.
emily: i sent you the first chapter in a message.
My uncle came and finished the fixing the shower so it's all fixed and we can finally take showers again. He did his fair share of bitching at us though and claims he'll evict us if my mom doesn't clean some stuff on the side of the house.
I don't want to dream anymore on the off chance that those dreams come true.
I should find some more gay like pics of panic because that's always fun and there's a abundance of them.
I'm so being Patrick Stump for halloween. Microphone and accompanying Fall Out Boy music included. Though I don't think anyone will get it. My brother said he might want to be a goth for halloween.
My house stinks like cigarette smoke. I hate that smell.
Gonna go write some more now.
Cassie |
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Monday, October 20, 2008
I served out my detention and in the end i got an honorable mention
listening to: honorable mention-fall out boy
writing: slow motion
icon of the day: 
Cassie's Comment Corner:
belinda: the apocalypse diaries is sorta about the world being overrun with very unhuman creatures and it has death and love and band boys. i heart it. another question, do you still like high school never ends?
angel zakuro: i really do like the banner. it's the background on my desktop.
tony: i know, i know, i always think of you when my post box ends up stretched out.
emily: i can send you chapters that i have so far since i have no clue when it's ending.
jenny: no ma'am, your vagina is the size of the moon!
My uncle happens to be an asshole and our landlord. For quite a while now our shower has been broken and for quite a while we've been asking for him to fix it. So my mom went to my grandma's house and my brother was gone at our other friend's house and i was napping because I still felt sick.
I hear the door open and this guys like "Is anyone home?" And I was all confused as to what was happening but I realized it was my uncle and he doesn't think I'm home. I didn't go out there because all he does is bitch at me every chance he gets. So I just went all ninja and pushed my door closed and locked it and he was there for two hours before he left, never finding out that I was in my bedroom.
Anyway, the point to this is that he decimated our bathroom. He broke the tub all down, no faucet or knob or anything and he had to cut a section of the wall off. And he just left and he won't be back till sometime today because he is a jerk.
I had to wash my hair in the kitchen sink.
That is not easy nor fun. The sink smelt like peppers. Fucking whore baths.
In other news, I love Jon Walkers photography. For real it's awesome and I should've gotten a couple to show off but I was too lazy. He has talent though and Chicago never looked so beautiful.
I do have pics though:

Stage gay is my second favorite kind of gay.
My brother is an ass and he punched me in the stomach and I bet I'm going to end up with a bruise.
Cassie |
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Sunday, October 19, 2008
Go ahead and buy yourself a drink cause you know your deserving of it
listening to: believe me, i'm lying-forever the sickest kids
writing: the apocalypse diaries
icon of the day: 
Cassie's Comment Corner:
megan: yeah, i don't think i'm going to continue the twilight series.
jenny: i was not writing porn! i don't do those kinds of things. i would let spencer take all my kitchen.
krissy: i got secks with no one! *cries*
emily: jwalk be mine. please step away from the jon. ha ha no, that's not an inside joke she wrote me a letter but she couldn't send it to me because she didn't have a stamp. the song is 'this is halloween' by panic at the disco.
tony: i fully admit that i used to be a full blown yaoi fangirl but i have since moved on to slash..mostly because band guys are hotter.
taintedsanity: you are the panic slut! lol i'm just kidding. i finished the first book in the twilight series but i don't think i'm going to continue it.
My mom accidently gave me food poisoning. I'm pretty sure. She gave me some bad sour cream and also a bad egg. She's trying to kill me lol. Needless to say I spent a good amount of time in my bathroom.
'When did Cassie's bathroom become the public relief station?'
^Only one person is gonna get that reference.
Oh, so Angel Zakuro is awesome and she made me a banner for my story 'The Apocalypse Diaries' and here be that banner:
I hope she doesn't mind that I put this up here. But she did such a great job and I think it fits the story really perfectly. *Hugs for her*
Chatted with Jenny and I am determined that she is the one that made me more dirty minded then I used to be.
Superbad is ftw.
Cassie |
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Saturday, October 18, 2008
Of course you'll be distracted when I spike the punch
listening to: there's a good reason these tables are numbered honey, you just haven't thought of it yet-panic at the disco
writing: ha ha i'm not telling
icon of the day: 
[Jon and Brendon is so my one true pairing]
Cassie's Comment Corner:
krissy: my depression is usually short lived.
jenny: we're only liars but we're the best.
belinda: jon walker is waaaay too classy to be in porn. oh, i totally have two things to ask you. one being 1. why don't you have an avi? and two being 2. if you had a son what would you name it?
tony: ah your comment made me laugh out loud.
angel zakuro: sometimes when i'm tired i get headaches so that could've been the problem.
I'm not depressed. A shower and some slash did me some good so I'm happy now.
I mailed a stamp to Krissy in the mail today. It was quite entertaining.
I finished Twilight but I am not impressed.
Orange gel pen is ftw.
Anyway, take this quiz thing and tell me about your results or hey put it on your site. Just have fun.
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Friday, October 17, 2008
And I've never been more scared to be alone
listening to: folkin' around-panic at the disco
writing: nothing
icon of the day: 
Cassie's Comment Corner:
megan: i know, i feel the same way.
belinda: if i had a guy named patrick in my bathroom i'd be waaaay creeped out.
jenny: that was my banana! dollar if you get that reference.
I got a headache. I don't really feel like doing much of anything which kinda sucks because i want to write tonight.
Maybe if I take a shower I'll feel better.
I gotta finish washing those dishes too.
Maybe I'm on the brink of depression.
Maybe I just need to get out and do something.
Because I don't feel alive, i just feel like i'm existing.
...Woah, this got way more depressing than I thought.
I'm okay. [I promise]
cassie |
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Thursday, October 16, 2008
What a catch, Cassie
listening to: homesick at spacecamp orchestra version
writing: the apocalypse diaries
icon of the day: 
Cassie's Comment Corner:
jenny: i didn't mean to make you cry. i'm sorry, i know it was sad. you quote commericals a lot in my comments. lawl.
krissy: i know, i'm gonna get it for my birthday too. i was like three days from my b-day and one before krissy's.
tony: Fob is pretty laidback.
k-chan: well, yeah, i won't hound you for comments. i know everyone has a life and things like that.
It's been raining all day. I don't mind so much though but I feel bad for Patrick. Speaking of Patrick, he's taken to sleeping in the bathroom sink.
I sorta really love my grey jeans. I want more grey jeans.
My mom ended up going to two job interviews. They both went pretty well, but I think they said that it wouldn't be till next week when people heard something back.
I'm ready to do something with my life but I still don't really know what.
Um..I'm also considering seeing a therapist. I know that might make me sound nuts but it's really more because I have bad anxities over stupid things like driving and people and things like that. I think it would be good for me.
My mom says I don't need it but my brother tells me that he thinks I should.
Oh well.
Dentist next week I think.
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Wednesday, October 15, 2008
You're just a guy who never tried
listening to: hangman-motion city soundtrack
writing: The Apocalypse Diaries
icon of the day: 
[that's sorta how i picture Jon from the apocalypse diaries]
Cassie's Comment Corner:
jenny: i know, the lack of folie a duex made me emo yesterday morning too. THAT DOES NOT ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME WHEN I EAT TACO BELL! ONLY ON RARE OCCASIONS! no free frosties for yew.
emily: forever the sickest kids is the cover story and i like them so that's why i bought it.
I'm still a bit emo about the fact that the Fall Out Boy cd got delayed until December but I did listen to their new song 'What A Catch, Donnie.' and it was epic so it sorta makes up for it, except that it doesn't.
Maybe, and it's a big maybe but I might be seeing Fall Out Boy when they do a secret show in Detroit in December. [It's my birthday month so I might be able to pull it off]
I had a bad hair day yesterday so I had to wear a hat. My mom was staring at me and I was like "What?" and then she was like "You look like Patrick Stump." Gah, I've converted my mom into a full blown FOB fan.
Went to Kmart but it was stupid. I did get a nice new shirt though so that was a plus. But I wore my wedge shoes to match the hat so my feet were killing me.
My mom has a job interview tomorrow so hopefully that goes well and she get's the job cause that would be awesome.
Blogger was being a bitch so I had to make a new one. If you ask nicely I might just give it to you. [insert double meaning here]
Cassie |
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Come spit off bridges with me
listening to: nobody puts baby in the corner-fall out boy
writing: the apocalypse diaries
icon of the day: 
Cassie's Comment Corner:
belinda: well, if you go to the offical panic at the disco livejournal they have this huge folder that has panic songs to download and i found it there off the cfob mixtape. o i c you dropping mayday parade lines at me.
tony: i like the raccoon, i don't wanna hurt it. It just surprises me sometimes.
emily: it's okay, jenny made me dirteh.
jenny: lol yeah, how come you don't profess your love for me anymore? you used me and losed meh. *sobs* hey, i can have whatever kind of dog i want and i don't care if it's tiny. i would never put spencer in a purse. i do wanna dress patrick up as a french maid for halloween.
Folie a Deux will be released on December 16. While that late in the year may be a suprise to some, we felt that it was important to get our record out this year for our fans. Though this is not the date we had originally planned nor the optimal date according some demographic marketing analysis, we put our eight feet down told our label it must come out this year. We're already bummed enough that Chinese Democracy is gonna beat us to release. Thank you for your all your comments today, they mean alot to us.
Tags: blogs, pete: petewentz[dot]com
*Eats a taco*
I really did eat a taco. It was good.
So yesterday was kind of busy because I finally pushed my mom to go shopping. We were also supposed to take my grandma first but she opted to go second because the mall was closing soon.
We got there and I went to look for a coat. You would think a place called 'Burling Coat Factory' would have a better selection of coats but they didn't so I didn't get one.
I did get some shoes though because my mom wouldn't let me get flats since winter is coming [I have a serious flats addiction btw] so I got sneakers. White one's called cupid's and they have pink hearts on the side. I am not fond of them yet.
Went to this clothing store and it's not cool when stuff that is your size runs small. I found the best shirt ever it said 'Music owns my soul' I wanted it so bad but it was a tad too small. I also wanted a wicked sweet zebra hoodie because I guess zebra stuff is cool now. I didn't get that either. I didn't get anything from that store.
Went to Hot Topic and skittered all around. I am so disappointed that all they have are female workers nowadays. Anyway I found some Bone Daddy colonge and giggled like a fangirl because that's what Pete Wentz wears thus, that's what Pete Wentz smells like [don't judge me]
Got cute blue star clips for my hair and I should've gotten some faux hair extensions because they would've been discounted. I also almost got necklaces that said OMG and WTF but mom didn't want me to.
But I did get this kick ass Cute Is What We Aim For wallet:

Also my carribean blue headphones decided to die last night so I bought new ones which are even greater than the pink gummy ones I used to have.
Had problems with my card at one store and got the new issue of Alternative Press magazine.
Mom might get a job at a bowling alley. I am trying for wendy's.
My sorta, kind of cousins Steven and Shane's grandpa died yesterday too so that was sad.
My brother is a reckless driver.
Flobots remind me of nuwave hippies.
Cassie |
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Monday, October 13, 2008
I got range, I got range like no motherfucka knows
listening to: reinventing the wheel to run myself over-fall out boy
writing: You Clicked Your Heels And Wished For Me
icon of the day: 
Cassie's Comment Corner:
jenny: one of these things just doesn't belong.
krissy: i know he's just like "Why are we even making music? Let's do this shit!" and patrick is all like "Pete, that was all hypothetical." XD
emily: what happened to you? You didn't used to be so dirteh. lol
belinda: i'm sure your stuff is good.
tony: do they really have that many words for boobs? i thought it was snow. lol
Okay, I like the Panic demo 'Nearly Witches' it makes me sad because that's what we could've had before Pretty.Odd. but than that cd wouldn't exist and that would be a tradegy.
I really want a dog. A little pomeranian and I wanna name him Spencer. I asked for one for christmas but my uncle is our landlord and he is sure to say no.
I'm just gonna go ahead and stay away from myspace for awhile because it kinda bums me out.
My mom killed some mice on accident and we have a raccoon problem. I'm sick of being like "OMFG RACCOON!!!!!" lol
I think I'm gonna go take some quizzes now.
People shouldn't pretend to be something they're not.
cassie |
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