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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Thursday, October 2, 2008
I'm miserable up here without you
listening to: the truth about heaven-armor for sleep
writing: You Clicked Your Heel's And Wished For Me
icon of the day: 
Cassie's Comment Corner:
roseeyes: usually i end up being something lame because i am horribly cheap and don't want to spend money on things. no, i haven't finished twilight but jenny's told me a ton about it so i've been spoiled on some things. i have heard of nightwish but i don't think that's my style.
jenny: *sniff* you don't think i'm so amazing that i make up for a million or so people? or you just don't like that danny said it.
belinda: yeah, i was pretty happy to find it. their all sexy as vampires, so i might have a thing for vampire brendon and pete. ha ha i wrote a strip club scene for slow motion.
yojimbo: we did get the same catalouge.
angel zakuro: i don't think i'd be brave enough to wear an outfit like that. my self esteem is too low.
For the record, this wasn't the theme I orginally wanted. The orignal theme was hella cooler. and it made the blue and black text look cool too but then I had to change it cause it wouldn't show up but pink and black I don't mind too much.
It was really cold yesterday but mom refuses to turn on the heater yet, she say's she want's to wait a bit longer but I mean the temp's are dropping to around thirties at night and I shiver in my sleep.
My hand's are cold right now in fact.
Talked to Jenny and she's always good for a laugh. I also called Taylor but I got her voicemail so she'll probably call me back tomorrow.
I can feel a mini writing streak coming on. If I really get desperate I'd ask you guys for idea's but I still have some stuff of my own I can write. Beside's Jenny would suggest something with Clay Aiken and the president. lol
You guy's like the music on my site?
cassie |
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Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I'm bringing sassy back
listening to: crushcrushcrush-paramore
writing: a untitled one shot for miss Krissy
Cassie's Comment Corner:
Krissy: i know right? i so wish i knew what it said.
roseeyes: well, i like winter but i like fall more. winter was also the month i was born.
taintedsanity: fall for who? i'm only slightly confused i swear lol.
So new month, new theme. Like? I like. I swear I went through like three different layout's before I settled on this one. Check mah wicked awesome profile yo.
My icon is a little weird but I like it.
My brother went to a strip club yesterday with my cousin Jonathan. I was told it was a full frontal nudie bar and my brother is techincally too young to be there but the lucky bastard look's older than he is.
Got this fancy little halloween costume booklet in the mail and I was looking it over and all the girl costumes where so slutty. They had bigger sized costumes too so if I want to dress as a slutty version of Dorthey from Wizard Of Oz or a bar wench, I can totally do so.
My mom and I went to the supermarket and she got a job application. I read somemore of Twilight and I think I am near the end.
Went to Kmart and they were playing the band Forever The Sickest Kid's on the tv's so I was just standing there like an idiot and I think the sales lady thought I wanted to buy a tv.
Went and took bottles back and I found this wicked awesome music version of 20 question's and it was good because I was thinking of Fall Out Boy and it got it right but it didn't get Panic!
Talked to Jenny and she was in a much better mood so it made me a happy panda. Taylor called me the other day but I didn't realize it until today. So I need to call her back.
Hopefully the music will be working by the time you read this.
Cassie |
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Tuesday, September 30, 2008
The future's just a few heartbeats away
listening to: kissing in cars-pierce the veil
writing: You Clicked Your Heel's And Wished For Me
Cassie's Comment Corner:
taintedsanity: do you mean one of these? i dunno it depends on if i can think of anything to respond to. but you're loved! *hugs*
yojimbo: exactly! their whole gimmic is that their slutty. that's just retarded.
belinda: either one is fine with me. aww don't be mad at yourself *hugs*
angel zakuro: yeah, i'll just wait for you to bring it up lol. but you're like the only other person i know who watches it so sometimes i get excited! i'm glad you're proud of me. yeah, as far as i know we're still friends but we're not as close as we used to be but whatever. lol i seriously can't picture your mom reading blender.
It just didn't feel like a Monday because my mom was home all day and pestering me.
I love the fall you guy's, for real it's gotta be my favorite season because thing's aren't too hot or cold and maybe because the leaves are changing and it get's kinda windy.
Pete Wentz said it best when he said; "There's nothing like fall in the midwest."
or something along those lines.
I'm worried about my friend's to varying degrees.
There's a huge difference between kind of liking someone and loving someone. I feel I explained it well.
My brother shouldn't be allowed to drive himself to school because he leaves early.
Okay, someone in Japan was amazing and created these awesome manga's of Fall Out Boy and Panic! and My Chemical Romance and I thought I'd share with you.

Obviously that's Panic. I think it goes from the left; Jon, Brendon, Ryan, Spencer

That's Brendon and Ryan

I just like this one cause the Jon totally look's like Jon. [upper left corner yo]

Hee it's Patrick Stump

This is supposed to be from the Sixteen Candles video but I picked it because LMAO at the William Beckett at the bottom of the page.
Well, raise your hand if you actually gave a damn. Pssh at least it was manga style so it totally count's.
Cassie |
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Monday, September 29, 2008
i'll keep tossing rocks at your window
listening to: check yes juliet-we the kings
writing: slow motion
Cassie's Comment Corner:
jenny: that is so alphonse elrics song. think about it and you know it's true. IT'S MAMA! lol remember that? i didn't say it was you! remember it was that one random girl who looked like you. if my life is a soap opera it's like the most boring one ever. my mom didn't go to college either and she also wasn't the cook at the resturant but the waitress but she can cook.
belinda: you know i'm not mad at you right?
yojimbo: it was random last night because someone won that contest where you get to program the scheduel.
krissy: weddings are boring but now i really, really wanna write a wedding oneshot.
lavi: i just appreciate you teaching me german in general. it's so nice of you to do so. i like the manga too but unfortunatly i haven't kept up with the manga.
Sometimes the internet can be like high school.
Maybe she kinda liked him?
I'm over Danny peeps. I don't love him anymore and I know that it's true if I can read my blogger and not get bummed by it, just feel bad that I ever cared so much about things that don't matter anymore.
Eyeshadow and my sparkly converses make me feel pretty.
So my aunt went home yesterday but not before my other aunt came over and they all talked about childhood stuff.
Went to the supermarket and finally, finally got the newest issue of Blender magazine. Kinda disappointed though because it has the Pussycat Dolls on the cover in their underwear and i'm like "Yeah...I don't wanna see that."
Mom's going to go apply for that job today and I'm feeling like she might get it since she did meet the owner and the guy does know my uncle Joe who is very influental and well liked.
Also going to take some jewerly back today too.
I talked to Jenny and she called me a girl because I like to watch drama's on Tv. I can't help it yo!
Cassie |
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Sunday, September 28, 2008
I ain't your hollerback boy
listening to: hollerback boy-cobra starship
writing: You Clicked Your Heel's And Wished For Me
Cassie's Comment Corner:
jenny: psssh i'll believe you're not depressed when you stop with the blogger. look at you dirting up my comments.
angel zakuro: oh my gosh! i am so sorry! i thought you watched it on wednesdays too! next time i'll make sure that i don't talk about it until you bring it up!
lavi: the party can go on for how ever long you want it to. awww i love the fact that you're teaching my fall out boy song titles in german. that's always fun.
belinda: yeah, jenny and i knew about mayday parade like forever ago and someone [not me] cried at their show during warped tour lol. my favorite song is miserable at best. the video is on youtube now, all you gotta do is search for it. aaannd i'm not mad at you or anything.
taintedsanity: well, jenny was reading me the lyrics and i was like holy crap! dirty!
So my cousin's wedding was yesterday. My mom went along with my aunt's and uncles and whatnot. And I guess that it's become a family tradition on my mom's side that someone has to get in a fight at a wedding.
This time it was my aunt Tina and uncle Tim. My aunt being my mom's sister. It happens to always be my aunt and uncle [they got in a fight with my mom at my other aunt's wedding] So anyway I guess my uncle was being innapropriet at the wedding and he was drunk so they kicked him out and he took off on his motorcycle with my aunt.
They got pulled over I guess he tried to shoot her or something but she's at our house now and I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow but hopefully it will all turn out okay.
My mom might be getting a new job at this coney island because she met the owner at the wedding last night. Please, she need's that job.
My unusually tired today. And I'm a little bummed because I think I'm falling into a creative slump. Maybe my friend's just need to give me stuff to read lol.
They showed one of my favorite episodes of FullMetal Alchemist last night. Back when I had the hot's for Greed.
Anyhoo, I love you friend's.
Cassie |
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Saturday, September 27, 2008
he's making you scream with his hands on your hips
listening to: when i get home you're so dead-mayday parade
writing: The Apocalypse Diaries
Cassie's Comment Corner:
jenny: linkin park will make me sad because i know it make's you sad. i feel like unsavory describes you pretty well. how many times do i have to tell you that i stole your shoes!
lavi: you can come to michigan and sleep on my couch because it's really comfy.
I saw the new Fall Out Boy video for their song 'I Don't Care.' It was funny, pretty good actually but it would've been better if my computer didn't suck.
I like how I depress my friend's with my story.
Isn't it funny how you listen to a song a million times and then on the millionth and one listen you realize just how dirty that song is.
Jenny need's a life apparently. Anyone got one for sale?
This is short, I am sorry.
"What happens when your moment is over? You don't get another chance?"
mission complete.
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Friday, September 26, 2008
my smile's an open wound without you
listening to: catching my breath-this providence [i didn't even know this song was on my mp3]
writing: The Apocalypse Diaries
Cassie's Comment Corner:
jenny: bleh, do not want clay slash. ewwwwww.ew. I'M SO SORRY YOU'RE DEAD BUT I AM A WIDOW AND JON GETS IN MAH BUNK NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. *drinks oj* no, i love you way more than i love danny. trust me!
lavi: well, at least it's a cute nickname. what's jenny's nickname mean? katzchen? yeah, you can totally throw me a party with panda bears because they totally happen to be my favorite animal! my mom was a waitress at my uncles resturant.
stephy: no, just a little bruise but it's gone now.
yojimbo: well, i don't have 300 shirtless guys but i do have vampire like creatures killing people and i have written gay love before so epic i am.
belinda: luno's are not ftw. ahem. i am not obessed with danny. he is my friend. we're still friends and he's in the army! so many people have abandoned him in his life and i'm not going to do that to him. we're still friend's i don't love him anymore but i will always care about him. didn't mean to sound like a bitch but yeah.
Found my silver converses. That makes me happy.
Talk to Jenny on the phone and she did some verrrryyyy unsavory things but i promised i wouldn't tell anyone about it. lol
I think I'm close to finishing the book 'Twilight'. But then I have to start on the other book's in the series and I don't know if I like Bella Swan that much.
I am eagerly anticipating a letter from Krissy. We're epic like that. I still gotta send Jenny's b-day present and Daniel's letter.
There are three wedding's on this Saturday but I'm not going to any of them. One is my cousin's, one is my cousin husband's brother's, and the last is my dad's girlfriend's brother.
I did find a new theme for October but it isn't anime. I'm not crazy about it so I might change it. The song's will be epic though.
Don't go out at night unless you have burn bullets okay?
Cassie |
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Thursday, September 25, 2008
she never fixes this
listening to: nails for breakfast, tacks for snacks-panic at the disco
writing: the apocalypse diaries
Cassie's Comment Corner:
krissy: i do have a busy schedule but i tried to anwser the questions as best i could. i feel like the next chapter clears some stuff up.
jenny: i hope that the champange and whiskey never comes true...ew, just no. well that just means that you have to watch grey's anatomy so we can discuss it and be all like 'oh emm gee can you believe mcdreamy did that?' lol
belinda:, no clay aiken yaoi. hey! i've always been addicted to my shows i just never talked about them. leave my boring life alone! lol
lavi: what's kuchen mean? aww don't feel stupid.
taintedsanity: i never watched the first one but it is pretty good.
Guess who has a bruise on their shoulder? Yeah, it's me. Freaking luno okay I am sucked too far into that world and someone need's to throw me an intervention.
Going to send Danny's letter today because I was finally able to get the address to where he's at off his myspace. So yeah, just another reason for me to torture myself by anticipating a letter back from him.
I find I write really well with no one else around. OR if I'm the only one up and writing that work's too.
Suddenly I'm feeling pressure to make every chapter of that dark story like epic. Maybe soon I'll take a little break from it before I burn myself out.
My mom need's to get a new job soon considering that she loses her current one on saturday.
I'm trying to think of a new theme for October but nothing is coming to mind...I want something kind of creepy but not gorey or uber goth. Any suggestions?
Maybe it's my turn to be depressed. It's like tag, only darker.
cassie |
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Wednesday, September 24, 2008
i wear scarves and hoods cause they're the only poker face that i have left
listening to: one and only-fall out boy and timbaland
writing: the apocalypse diaries
Cassie's Comment Corner:
krissy: i'm basically addicted to that song now. it's so pretty.
lavi: green and white would be cool! my walls are kinda boring, their all white but i have band posters on my walls so it brightens them up a bit. aww gute sounds so cute! look it rhymed.
angel zakuro: mckey scares me..she looks kinda manish which is weird considering isis really is a man. but she's good too. i like marjorie too.
taintedsanity: patrick can't stay in my room cause he'll go potty in there.
My hand's hurt...maybe if someone didn't hit me they wouldn't. Apologies aren't so hard.
So we put a sign up on the couch on our lawn that said 'Free Couch' and by the end of the day this family came over and asked if they could have it so I said sure and they took it. No more redneck lawn. They didn't have a car though so they had to drag the couch to wherever they lived.
Jenny and I quarrled because I told her I couldn't talk to her because the new episode of 90210 was on. lol she had to do homework anyway.
In case anyone cares, Clay Aiken totally came out of the closet he even needed to.
Anyone watch the show Heroes? It's really good. I've become addicted to dancing with the stars too.
Okay, I'm being boring so I'm gonna go and read a fic that someone suggested to me and write some.
Watch out for luno's okay?
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Tuesday, September 23, 2008
singing myself to sleep
listening to: zzzzz-the cab
writing: crazy ass dark fic
Cassie's Comment Corner:
krissy: wait..which one is ed westwick? judging you i'm betting that it's chuck..dan is hot. now i wanna see that video because you sorta wrote that jon/bden thing based off of it.
jenny: i stoleded your shooooooe. i'm so sorry i am a lady. you're a girl too. i love pocky.
stephy: aww i just pictured you carrying around a lil bucket full of rocks. i will not fight you for the love of jenny. i don't think i would win. lol pink used to be my favorite color but i like green. believe me, i looked for green sheets but they didn't have any.
lavi: now i need my walls to be pretty like my bed is. red and white were my school colors.
kita: i'm just glad your back! glad things are so hectic for you now.
angel zakuro: my friends have entirely too much time on their hands lol. yes, i've totally been watching america's next top model! i was going to ask you but i forgot. who do you want to win? i like isis and hannah.
x shadowme x: ha ha yes, i will become pete wentz and steal his life and totally make out with patrick stump on a daily basis but then i have to pay child support. oh belinda, you never cease to surprise and entertain me.
the real yojimbo: i gladly give that award away. whyyyy must you always burst my bubble? *pouts* i no i didn't beat comments on those kind of things but i'm talking more along the line of user's posts.
My cat Patrick sometimes know as: Tricky, Trickster, Tricky business, Pat, Pattycakes, Trickly dickly, Patrick Martin Smith. Well, he's sick. He's got a kitty cold. And that's a real thing. Google it if you don't believe me.
He got sick because the weather's been so cold. So now he's living in the bathroom and his eyes are leaking and he's so sad.
When i went shopping I saw a Joker mask and i really want to be The Joker for Halloween but I'm a little hesitant because it's kind of creepy.
I finally saw the movie 'Juno' lastnight. It was so good, sweet and sad and romantical. I really liked it. What's weird is that after I watched the movie i wanted to write sweet romantic stuff [which I did]
And I went to write something sweet for Krissy because she's a bit of a sad panda lately and in the midst of writing it the story turned into this horribly dark thing that just attacked me and forced me to write it. I swear it just poured out of me. I'm still writing it but it's just so dark.
I blame it on the show True Blood and the Panic At The Disco poster hanging above my bed.
Well, at least Krissy like's it.
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