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Monday, September 22, 2008
before this night is through, i'm gonna do bad things to you
listening to: what gets you through the night-the audition
Cassie's Comment Corner:
krissy: what video would that be?
jenny: my mom says our couch is dark green crushed velvet. i heard teardrops on my guitar again today and i sang my little heart out. you were too repetitive and holy crap with the almost sexytimes with stephy in my comment box. i'm glad you're in a good mood but jon is not the fail! you and stephy gave me more than 100 comments. i'm so glad you can count. i kept doing 'oh gods' because i kept hitting refresh and it just kept sending the last thing i wrote. i don't care if you told her the laundry story. omfg this is taking fooorrreeeevvvveeerrrrr.
megan: lol ily megan.
stephy: that this is halloween thing is what jenny said to me when i told her i had nightmares. yes, jenny needs a hobby besides being a perv. maybe coin collecting? i would never murder you or jenny because i know how much jenny loves you and i love jenny [as a friend] so you both get to live. ha ha no, i am not asleep. i am nocturnal.
belinda: i demand credit if you steal that line but yes, i think it would actually fit perfectly for your story.
the real yojimbo: we did have drunk people sleeping on the couch and beer bottles on the porch. do i win that award yet? lol
lavi: yay! i'm glad you're back and i'm glad you at least find my site interesting.
Okay, I'm pretty sure that my site broke some kind of comment record here on the myo because yesterday I got 137 comments on my post. So what if almost all of them are spam from Jenny. I'm counting it as a victory. lol
The other day my aunt brought me a new comforter set for my bed but it was ugly so she left me the receipt so I could exchange it. But the catch was that I had to buy a different comforter set or luggage with it.
So mom and I went to Kmart and I saw some anti-war protesters and I made my mom honk at them. Real life hippies. I wanted to give them hugs.
Anyway, I got a really girl comforter set. The comforter is pink with brown polka dots on the one side and the other is pink and brown stripes. I got sheets too and their white with little purple and pink polka dots. New pillow cases too.
I also got a new pink trash can and this little pink organizer cube. All in all my room is pretty girly now. I cleaned my room though and fixed it all up so it's a hell of a lot nicer now. Makes it feel more like home.
I'm kind of in love with my on demand right now because it put up the Academy Is... video for 'Summer Hair = Forver young' and 'Sugar, We're Going Down' I am a happy panda.
Gotta do a massive amount of laundry. For real. I have no clean shirts.
Wrote a ton, going to keep writing because I feel like it's all falling into place.
When i sign off on my post's I kind of feel like Gossip Girl now. Damn them.
Hope you kept that receipt for that tiara J
ha ha I think only one person might get that refernce and that's a stretch.
Cassie |
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Sunday, September 21, 2008
you know i would it all again for you
listening to: saturday-fall out boy
Cassie's Comment Corner:
krissy: i do believe that you missed me but than again they say that the best part of believe is the lie.
stephy: i know, i'm sneaky like that.
taintedsanity: my friends can live without me but without me they'd be miserable at best.
megan: i always knew you'd be the pedophile.
angel zakuro: my internet died for a few days.
I spent epic amounts of time with my dad. It really cool because it was a hell of a lot of quality time and it felt like he lived with us again. I need to get to his house one of these days so I can put Fast Times on my mp3 player.
Got a new couch. It's green and way smaller than our other one but it's nice. But now our other couch is on the lawn and it looks pretty redneck.
Our neighbor needs to keep her nose out of our business.
I ruined songs for myself and I ruined Travis McCoy for Jenny.
Apple pucker doesn't feel as delicious burping up as it does going down.
Teardrops on my guitar shouldn't be played anymore but the new Fall Out Boy single should.
Despite what I said, I wrote Danny another letter. It was when I didn't have internet and I had accidently read about how close we used to be and I got all emo and needed to pour out feelings annnd rub in the fact that I got to see one of his favorite band's when I was at Warped.
I just hope he writes back, but believe me I am not holding out hope.
There's certain people you always care about and I need to face that he's mine.
Oh well, whatever will be will be.
Hmm I think I made three song references in this post and Jenny just made one over the phone. lol
Had the longest conversation with my cousin Jon for the first time in a long time.
My favorite pair of flip-flops broke.
*insert sad face here*
You can listen to This Is Halloween but I hope it gives you nightmares.
Cassie |
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Saturday, September 20, 2008
the return, get familar
oh hi! i'm back. did anyone miss me? probably not.
i see that not even jenny and krissy left me comments while i was gone. no one cares, i am alllllll alllloooooonnnnneeee.
no more overdramatics.
i'll be here.
fucking comcast cable company.
cassie |
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Wednesday, September 17, 2008
you made yourself a bed at the bottom of the blackest hole
listening to: when it rains-paramore
writing: you clicked your heels and wished for me
icon of the day: 
Cassie's Comment Corner:
the real yojimbo: i used a velcro diaper so there was no tape.
belinda: i know, i know, my ocd gets the best of me sometimes. i don't know but the vampires on that show aren't very sexy so yeah.
angel zakuro: it was my cousin jordan's diaper and i just cut a little hole in the back for patrick's tail.
Mmmkay, so it happens to be Jon Walker, the bass player for Panic At The Disco and my favorite members birthday. I think he's 23 but i'm not exactly sure. Doesn't matter cause he's awesome and sexy as hell so picture time:

I need to find someone like him. He's practically perfect.
Okay, enough fangirling so the diaper thing didn't work for Patrick so he had to go back outside.
It seems that my friend Taylor and I have that kind of friend mind reading power too because I was planning on calling her yesterday. When I checked my myspace though I had a comment from her telling me to call her because she wanted me to come to her new place.
I did call her but she didn't sound too great and she asked if I could call her later. I told her I would so I did call her back later but I got her voicemail. I don't think she was having a great day so I'll call her sometime today.
Talked to Jenny and we had epic convos and very tasteless jokes and even weirder is that she and my brother are becoming chummy too. weeeeiiiirrrrddddd. lol
Avon lady is a job for your information.
Feel like I want to write but I don't know what...maybe I'll finish that Remembering Sunday thing.
I need to go shopping soon.
Cassie |
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Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I've only got forever and forever is fine
listening to: vegas skies-the cab
writing: slow motion
icon of the day: 
Cassie's Comment Corner:
krissy: brendon loves jon. end of story. him and his little pansexual self. lol
the real yojimbo: the rain did stop but now i kinda miss it.
jenny: it is jon! aaaand i've been waiting but they don't show that commerical anymore but now i'm desperate to see it! yes, the poem written before i met you is about you :P
belinda: glad you could relate. i wish i could remember what i felt back then.
My mom brought home a bag of skittles. I don't really like skittles much, only the red ones. So I asked my mom if I could pick out all the red ones so she let me and I really did, I got all of them too. It took forever. Yeah, I'm weird I know.
My brother totally got me addicted to the HBO show True Blood. It's a show about vampires. It's dark as hell and has a ton of sex in it. It's like an incredibly hardcore version of Twilight.
Steven came over and he was singing snakes on a plane and I was like "No, no you're not allowed to sing that." He didn't know why but I don't want him singing Cobra Starship.
My brother left to go watch the football game with my cousin and aunt at the bowling alley. They were originally going to watch it here but see the thing about my cousin Jonathan is that he's been in a wheelchair since he was a kid.
Long before I was born even. And the problem with our place is that both ways to get in the house are stairs. He doesn't have his ramps so he can't come in. Usually when they come over he has to stay outside so we go hang out there.
I feel bad.
You guys for real. I just put a diaper on my cat Patrick. It took me awhile and I had to cut a hole in the back for his tail but it's on so he can stay in the house. He doesn't like it but whatever. He kinda just lays there.
It's both hilarious and pathetic at the same time.
cassie |
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Monday, September 15, 2008
Remembering sunday, he falls to his knees
listening to: remembering sunday-all time low [yes, it's my site's song]
writing: hsne
reading: twilight
icon of the day: 
[yes, you are the shit jwalk]
Cassie's Comment Corner:
krissy: eating taco bell with panic sounds like a fanfic waiting to happen...*inspirtation*
jenny: oh my we're a depressing duo aren't we?
'you and i are done pretending' that line is ftw.
taintedsanity: i'll make you some nachos and send them to you in the mail.
belinda: i do not smoke the bong thank you very much. good thing i don't write porn right?
angel zakuro: yeah, i think i'll find the cover tomorrow and put it up.
the real yojimbo: hey! don't burrrnn the panic!
it's been raining for three days straight...maybe longer. i feel like i live in forks. bonus points to whoever gets that reference.
the rain is coming from the hurricane ike. it's so cold and windy and the rain falls in gray sleets around us. the ditches are flooding as are the roads.
cousin shane came over and got my brother. i told him the roads were flooding but he was like "whatever my truck is awesome!" and i was like "I'll laugh when your truck breaks down."
guess who got the last laugh an hour later.

that's like my favorite picture ever. brendon and jon being all gay. it's totally my computers background.
it figures the one thing i really, really need to write by wednesday is something i don't much feel like writing at all.
doctor's today i think. though my ears aren't so bad anymore.
desperately want to go shopping.
fucking commerical jingles. jenny knows what i mean. what with those stupid swiffer commericals. baby come back!
interesting fact: pete wentz has a plaster cast of gabe saporta's head...i should've put that pic on here too...note to self put it up tomorrow.
not going to see my old teacher again after all. *sad face goes here*
well, there's always tomorrow.
well, i had to clean out my old school bag and i found a little something that i wanted to share.
we wanted to be something untouchable
we played like cheap actors in a two-bit show
adlibbing our lines when we both know the script
poor man's tears to rich man's eyes
you're the king of broken hearts
i'm the queen of wishful thinking and second chances
speaking in broken silences and seeing blinded glances
sing me lines, they help me sleep
tell me all your secrets i'll try my best to keep
i'll pray for this night to last forever
keep your cunning mind and my bleeding heart joined together.
one guess to who that's about.
cassie |
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Sunday, September 14, 2008
wouldn't you like to see something strange?
listening to: this is halloween-panic at the disco
writing: you clicked your heels and wished for me
Cassie's Comment Corner:
krissy: lol you have a bad memory when you're tired. and you also debate a lot.
taintedsanity: i did make some nachos!
angel zakuro: most of my cousins are over 21.
saw the cover to the new fall out boy's cool in a weird sort of way...i dunno about it though. i should've put it up on here.
raining loads here. rain, rain, go away. little cassie wants to play.
talking to jenny till two in the morning.
no more fbr-secrets cause it makes me paranoid about my bands...i hope panic aren't exactly jerks.
writing porn is it a sin? i really don't know.
i'm over you now.
you're at home in the clouds. [i hope you're not]
but i'm fine with the memories.
if that's all i have of you than it's better than what you really are.
random i know
sorry charlie.
imma go buy a cow now.
cassie |
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Saturday, September 13, 2008
don't call me up when the snow comes down
listening to: yule shoot your eye out-fall out boy
writing: nothing at the moment
Cassie's Comment Corner:
jenny: i want your iced coffee boo. even if you were too busy for me you know i wouldn't leave you alone.
ezel: something for my ears but i'm not going to the doctors anymore i think. my ears haven't really been acting up.
krissy: i too am an obama girl. because i am not a racist. lol
belinda: i have a lot of time on my hands. time used to figure out pete wentz's mind.
rain isn't good for my hair. not even a little. fucking humidity.
i talked to my old english teacher and someone i very much consider like a second mother to me. she chided me on not going to college yet and sleeping all day. i miss her though and i promised i'd come up and visit her on monday since my brother has an early student council meeting.
my aunt and cousin jonathan came over last night along with my mom's friend. i mostly stayed away because i was having epic conversations with jenny and krissy.
after we hung up though i went out and sat on the porch and talked with them. they were drinking but i didn't partake.
[straightedge krissy approved?]
my other cousin whitney and her two friends came over too and her friend called another friend. they apparently just got out of work and were also partying so my mom invited them to come back and drink so they left to get some more alcohol. [cause they know a guy]
it's like four thirty in the morning though so i don't see how much longer they can party. i have to sleep sometime.
....i want some nachos.
and i don't want to argue with friends.
and i don't want to write them dying but they kind of have to.
hold your head high, it will all work out in the end.
ily pete wentz
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Friday, September 12, 2008
as long as you can make a promise not to break my little heart
listening to: when the day met the night-panic at the disco
writing: You Clicked Your Heels And Wished For Me
Cassie's Comment Corner:
the real yojimbo: glad i am forgiven for my previous depressing post.
belinda: i never really thought northern downpour was that sad but something about it last night made me tear up. the pics you sent me were fine.
So I didn't go to the doctor yesterday. Mom rescheduled it for Monday. Figures thought that the day I was going to go my ear didn't do the thing.
My brother is in a bad mood as of late because he's tired when he gets home from school so he likes to take it out on me by hogging the computer and playing rap music horribly loud.
My cousin Jessica brought my cousins Porsha and Jordan down to my house yesterday and asked if I'd watch them. I agreed but I kept them outside the whole time because Porsha still has a bit of headlice. I also kept my hair in a bun.
It was easy though cause all I had to do was take them for a walk and make nachos and give them popsicles so whatever. This little girl came over to play with Porsha and that girl thought that my brother was my husband...yeah. lol
And I made ten bucks for working three hours. Not bad at all.
Talked to Jenny for a bit but I think she was too busy for me cause she leaves me no comments. *sadface* I'm just kidding.
Fall Out Boy is at it again.
Trying not to let them drive me insane. Just waiting for November 4th.
If you're 18 and older are you voting this year? I am. If you're under 18 are your parents voting?
I'm just curious.
Once I meet a celebrity it makes it horribly difficult for me to write that person. woe as me.
Cassie |
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Thursday, September 11, 2008
I like where you sleep, when you sleep next to me
listening to: here in your arms-hellogoobye
writing: HSNE [yes the new chapter]
Cassie's Comment Corner:
jenny: i have to forfeit my role as pete wentz? maybe you can just be ryro and i'll keep being pete.
belinda: it does make me look different but it's not quite as messy as his hair.
the real yojimbo: panic at the disco used to be scene. maybe i'll dig up an old school picture to show you.
emily: i did have swimmers ear before but that's not it because it's not water that's making my ears pop so i dunno. lol you should've heard the way i was bitching after britany beat the panic boys.
krissy: oh emm gee! there's a video of them being interview? fucking computer with no video watching ability.
Okay, so I am going to the doctors today. At around 1:00 in the afternoon so I can't be as much as an insomniac tonight like I usually am.
I'm not sure what the doctor can do for me but I figure that i'd rather be safe than sorry.
Oh, some of you may remember when I talked about my neighbor. The one who was dying and you all said it was horribly depressing. Well, I am happy to report that he pulled through so he's fine and at home but he walks with a walker now. But hey at least he is alive.
I just realized that I really like the band Pierce The Veil. I want to look into this band that Jenny told me about and I am so mad that I forgot to download some This Is Ivy Leauge songs because Alex Suarez and Ryland singing and being all buddies is adorable.
Oh, I also wrote Krissy a letter. A letter that will quite possibly be the best letter she has ever recieved. I need to go and stick it in the mailbox before I go to sleep.
Sending Jenny's package this weekend.
The Panic song Northern Downpour kind of makes me sad now...I don't know why though..I still love it but it just feels sorta sad.
Jenny broke her leg last night.
Cassie |
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