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Wednesday, September 10, 2008
always slightly clever to just a certain extent
listening to: london beckons songs-panic at the disco
writing: nothing
Cassie's Comment Corner:
jenny: you're drunking commenting again aren't you? lol
the real yojimbo: the trailer for twilight is on youtube. i suggest you check it out.
belinda: yes, love my jwalk banner!
I'm going to make a doctor's appointment today hopefully. I need it because something is going down with my ears. I have like an excessive amount of liquid in my ears i think.
I clean my ears very frequently and when i sleep lately my ears get like clogged. like when you get water in your ears and it's all blocked up.
My left ear did that for a long time yesterday. It was kind of scary. My dad said it's because I wear my earbuds all the time.
I feel like yesterday was sorta productive. Krissy wrote some stuff and i uploaded some stuff. I need to get a pic of Megan and Belinda to finish the last two.
I got my meijers card activated so now I have $100 dollars to go out and spend. I want a computer so maybe I can get mom to throw some cash in on it so I can get a new one.
Really, truly I have the best friends in the world because Jenny sent me a picture of Panic At The Disco from the VMA's because I hadn't seen them. Here is said picture.

I do believe that they smoked the wacky tobaccky before they got there. Lol at Brendon and Jon.
Trying a new thing with my hair. It kinda looks scenish, it kinda looks like Shannt from Cute Is What We Aim For used to do to his hair. But I like it.
Headache!......I'll probably ask the doctor about that later.
cassie |
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Tuesday, September 9, 2008
that everything that you said to me was just a lie until you left
listening to: jersey-mayday parade
Writing: You clicked your heels and wished for me
Cassie's Comment Corner:
jenny: i was not hungover! all i had was a tummy ache. The Vma's were rigged end of story. i guess pete has to go crazy and shave his head and give up his kids to win one too. i hope it's a boy too, wouldn't it be cute if he was pete wentz the fourth?
krissy: well, obviously you have become incredibly hard to read as of late. shame on you. lol
belinda: dean is teh ghey. i'm not exactly hating on ashlee. i'm only saying that she's not interesting to me. please talk to pete over her because he is actually doing something musically. they have a cd to promote whereas all ashlee has is her baby bump. new fob cd > baby wentz
I got very little sleep yesterday so i ended up sleeping a good amount of the day away.
I didn't know the Vma's was such a huge topic. people were talking about it on the radio and mostly everyone hated it.
So you may notice that I've gotten myself a shiny new banner. That I do. Apparently I made that banner before I left to Wisconsin and I forgot all about it when I got back so I just refound it and decided to upload it.
It looks a bit crappy but whatever. I'm not opposed if someone still wants to make me one.
Been making this nifty little things for my friends that has to do with the story Jenny and I write. The only one who got to see one was Jenny but be patient and I'm sure the other characters will get theirs too.
My aunt was on the news and it was cool.
It's been raining here all day and it's going to rain the rest of the week. I feel bad for Patrick when it rains because he has to stay outside.
I feel bad for my friends. [namely Jenny and Krissy] because with all my freetime I'm basically spamming them with things I'm writing. I'm probably overwhelming them. Sorry guys.
Got a slight headache again. Grr first one all night.
My friend Taylor went into cardiac arrest last night and was in the hospital. I'm going to call and check on her today.
Still trying to finish the Twilight book so then I'll have a reason to see the movie or maybe I just wanna finish to prove to Jenny that I can.
My family kinda sucks btw. Everyone is so mean to everyone else.
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Monday, September 8, 2008
there's an arc to his fist as he sways, man what a beautiful thing
listening to: slow motion-panic at the disco
writing: nothing all day *gasp*
Cassie's Comment Corner:
jenny: whenever i drink i always have little voices that sound like you and krissy in the back of my head.
a13: yeah, i was pretty much wasted last night.
belinda: how do you know he's got his penis pierced?
the real yojimbo: it wasn't my phone that fell in the toliet but my cousins girlfriend.
I wasn't hungover yesterday morning. I did have a headache a bit and my stomach was uncomfortable until I ate a bit.
My dad came over and watched the football game with my brother. It was cool because it was what it would be like if he lived with us. It made my brother a little bummed I think because he said he liked it.
So, last night was the VMA's. And I'm pretty much pissed. The whole fucking thing was rigged I swear to god. Brittany Spears only won because of her whole I went crazy last year thing and because she's never won one moonman before.
Panic At The Disco's video was a million times better than her video. Fall Out Boy didn't win either so I was pretty muched emo all night.
I was also upset because they didn't care about anyone but like the stupid reality stars. They only showed Panic once and it was an air shot and they talked to Ryan on the phone.
Like I said, they didn't show them at all so I don't even know what they looked like. If anyone finds pics of them I will soooo love you forever.
Also instead of talking to Fall Out Boy or even Pete Wentz they fucking decided to talk to Ashlee Simpson just because she's pregnant.
Pete > Ashlee
I've been getting these terrible headaches for the last two weeks. I don't know what it is but it comes on for no reason. Right in the front of my forehead and behind my eyes. Ugh.
Jenny's been having terrible luck this week and I can't help but feel that I'm bothering her when I call.
I'm just a paranoid by nature.
Gonna go stalk the internets for Panic VMA photos.
Cassie |
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Sunday, September 7, 2008
damn you look good and i'm drunk
drunk. cousin jeremey. nipple piercings. loads of alcohol. stumbling. broken glass. spilling alcohol on my all time low shirt. bonfire. mcdonalds breakfast at four in the morning. pictures with the cousins. digital cameras. drunken conversations. neighbors who go to school. keith smith. the good girl gets drunk. slurring words. cousins. bathroom breaks. sticky arm. rain. driving. sauage cheese mcgriddle. racist mcdonalds customers. potential hang over. mixed drinks. spainsh candy. childhood memories. new boyfriends. my cousins girlfriend. phones dropped in toliets. sleep time now.
shower and shopping tomorrow.
cassie |
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Saturday, September 6, 2008
I dedicate this post to all the hot guys in the world and the ugly ones too because you're still hot to me
listening to: baby, i got your money-say anything cover
writing: you clicked your heels and wished for me
Cassie's Comment Corner:
taintedsanity: girls just crave gossip. i still know the kids even if i don't go to the school anymore.
jenny: don't make fun of the way i eat my mcdonalds! it's not my fault! DNW trace cyrus bulge. oh holy shit our story is 103 pages? shiiiitt.
krissy: i do enjoy the pistol whipping party penguiens. lol
belinda: i don't need clandestine time cause i do it in
a13: it's true jenny is amazing.
jenny, i hope you're okay...please.
that was probably unnecessarily emo but i feel like it so suck it if you don't like it.
the VMA's are tomorrow. video music awards in case you don't know. well, i'm all on edge for these awards because i really want fall out boy to win the award. they've won three years in a row so let's hope they get four.
also panic at the disco is nominated but i don't think they'll win because they're up against the jonas brothers. how i hate them.
this will be me if they don't win. O.O and DX
my brother is going to a michigan college football game today. he has to leave at like eight thirty in the morning though.
seems now that i have no school nor job all i can lately is write. oh well at least it's something.
taylor called me yesterday and we were talking about how we're scared her boyfriend will get back into drugs now that she and i don't go to school with him.
still miss school gossip.
i love when krissy writes things because they're funny. i also love when jenny writes certain things because she doesn't let patrick come.
^take that as you may.
enough rambling i am off to call jenny because i love her.
cassie |
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Friday, September 5, 2008
we even got a secret handshake
listening to: cupid's chokehold-gym class heroes
writing: HSNE [not the new chapter though]
Cassie's Comment Corner:
hoaryu: i do enjoy desk jobs. but that one got filled so i guess i'll keep looking.
jenny: i do wanna come live with you in quaint little cashton and i'll work at central express making samiches. oh i see your new mayday parade icon. cute.
a13: it is a compliment because i love jenny. but we're not secret lovers. lol. yeah, obsessive complusive disorder is called OCD. well, like when i eat, i have to eat all of one thing before i can start on another. i've been trying to break that one recently.
belinda: we can call it belinda's happy time. lawl
oh hey metro station is on tv.
trace cyrus is cute in an ugly kind of way. but his jeans are basically painted on. not that i mind.
shake it isn't good live btw.
so that one job has been filled so i guess i'll keep on looking. i wouldn't mind working at some kind of video place. i'll even take a fast food joint i suppose.
lol i spammed jenny's myspace yesterday.
first time i ever vaccumed and made more of a mess. we got one of those vaccumes that you can empty out with the little canster thing. well somehow it got opened and when i went to take it out. bam, dust all over the floor. so i had to do double the work.
i hate how my brother doesn't like to tell me gossip about kids at my old school.
talked to jenny for a good long time like we used to. she was kinda busy though because like five people were talking to her.
chyeah! metro station is playing seventeen forever! i love that song.
my tv guide used the word clandestine. neat.
i hear my brother gets to go to a michigan university football game. it's cool because he loves that team. i'm not really jealous because i've been to two concerts in the past two years.
still need a banner. if i had a better computer i would make one myself but alas it is suckage.
cassie |
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Thursday, September 4, 2008
shut your mouth and get down on the floor
listening to: the way we talk-the maine
writing: you clicked your heels and wished for me
[it makes me happy to write it after writing depressing stuff]
Cassie's Comment Corner:
taintedsanity: lol because when i eat popsicles i can't help but think of a certain oral activity.
jenny: we all know you made me a dirty girl. lol @ pfunk. i'd perfera a jwalk over a greta. lol i feel so loved that you check my site before school.
a13: you're staring to sound like jenny. lol
krissy: i love your avi! like for srs. i should send you mucho bden avis.
belinda: i still say that vagina cheese is waaaay more disgusting than oral popsicles.
somehow my family doesn't seem to remember that i fucking have obessive compulsive disorder. i really do and they just like to mess with me about it and do things that they know drive me crazy.
see i have routines to follow. like certain things i that i think about it posting might be one of them. also if i know something is out of place it will bother me until i fix it.
i also have a strong sense of fairness. everthing has to be fair and even.
why can't they just believe me that i have it. i know i do.
got in trouble for talking on the phone. i'm so sorry i didn't click over god.
i hear i am going to apply for a job as a secretary at a car lot tomorrow. there is also a job as a daycare worker and i feel i would be good at that.
hear the full length brand new fall out boy song called 'i don't care.' and it's amazing. i really like it a lot. they used a line that i really liked from pete's blog so i'm excited. i cannot wait for november fourth.
nothing much to hold myself over with though. the gym class heroes record comes out this month but i'm not buying it.
transformers is a good movie. pretty funny. i liked it more than i thought i would.
my mp3 player is on a cobra starship kick.
cassie |
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Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I'm better off without you
listening to: pressure-paramore
writing: slow motion [i aim to have the new chapter done tonight]
Cassie's Comment Corner:
angel zakuro: i usually do copy the code for my banner in a word document but my computer was an asshat and froze on me so i couldn't save the code to the document thus i lost it. T-T
if you would still like to make me a banner may i suggest finding images on photobucket? take as long as you like! i don't wanna rush you or anything. yeah, danielle's had her girlfriend for a long time now..three or so years i think.
krissy: school has stoled all mah friends *woe*
my brother's first day of school went well. i didn't end up going, he drove himself.
i found out that my long time friend heather who i've been friends with since sixth grade is now going to my school to graduate. i'm glad, i think i inspired her to go there.
my friend brittany called me and she was my freshman daughter last year. it was good to talk to her and she was telling me about her classes and her new older boyfriend and she wants me to hang out with her soon. it was actually nice to talk to her. i guess i never realized how much i missed the friends i had at school.
jenny called me when she was at school at lunch time. poor thing wasn't having fun but she sounded happy and we totally have parts of our own language now.
damn teenaged drama shows are using music i like for their shows.
he turned one year old. lol god, i treat him like a child.
my aunt becky and cousin jonathan came over yesterday and my aunt was singing happy birthday to patrick.
she suggested i get a job for a newspaper and i was talking to jonathan about warped tour and music but we don't like the same kind of music and i don't like sports so it's hard to talk to him. it doesn't help that he's thirty.
it's cool though because he gets to meet all these famous athletes and rappers.
i feel innapropriet when i eat popsicles lately lol.
cassie |
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Tuesday, September 2, 2008
i can lead a nation with a microphone
listening to: handlebars-flobots
writing: slow motion
Cassie's Comment Corner:
Jenny: lol we'll break the internetz with our epicness. that's why god didn't make us sisters because it would be too epic for the world to handle. i just don't want you to lie to meh. you know you totally loved my horror movie scream. my cousin is named jonathan. don't tell the internets about when i go to the bathroom! i don't wanna be a tenor or an alto. i wanna be a soprano!
krissy: i was like "i think krissy left!" lol say goodbye next time! i finally get buck buck but sorry timothy ruined your fun by telling me what it was.
claes: i did the background and box but jenny did everything else.
belinda: jenny's and mine comments are basically one big inside joke.
emily: yup, i have a cousin jonathan but a few people do call him jon and it severly distracts me.
okay so because my computer decided to be a total douchebag last night i lost the code for my cute little furuba banner. soooo now i need a new banner. anyone wanna make me one? lol if you have the time of course and if it helps i am willing to write you something in exchange.
a panic at the disco or fall out boy banner would be enjoyable so if anyone is up to it.
danielle came by to see me yesterday before she left back to grand rapids. she had her girlfriend with her so it was a tiny bit awkward but whatever it was still fun.
we talked music and college and shit like that. she told me she might be down a few more times here and there so i will probably see her again. she starts college today and she's trying to get a job with her girlfriend as a school janitor.
my aunt from arkanas stopped by and she told us about the hurricane in mississippi and how bad driving through it was. she also complimented my face and i was like O.O because i hadn't done anything differently.
i saw my cousin jonathan too and i felt bad cause when i went to hug him i pushed a button on his wheel chair. but it was all good.
my brother starts school today and i want to go and visit with my old teacher after school is over but i kind of feel like i don't belong anymore. i might go and see her but i don't wanna like interrupt her or anything.
i am saddened because jenny and i can no longer have truly epic late night phone convos anymore and it's easier to call her on the weekend. so if i do that i'm dropping down from talking to her nearly everyday to two days.
i know that brain age 2 has made me smarter. yes, i am sure.
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Monday, September 1, 2008
they taped over your mouth scribbled out the truth
listening to: secret valentine-we the kings
Writing: you clicked your heels and wished for me
Cassie's Comment Corner:
krissy: i will admit that your haiku's are better than mine but i will fight to the death about who writes better fluff! lol you are a good writer!
emily: happy patd than!
angel zakuro: well, i suppose i should've said her comment won an award purely for my site. Commenting is not a competition afterall. and i love her comments even when their random and alphabetized. yeah, only one of the pics worked for some reason.
taintedsanity: that songs like a challenge ma'am! XD
okay, so new theme! you like? i like. it's tree's for a fall sort of feeling. and the song is remembering sunday by all time low and i suggest that you listen to it if you never have because it's such a beautiful song.
also big huge kudos to jenny bean for pimping out my site for me. seriously you know were bff's when she's willing to let me pester her about silly little things. i love her.
my cat found two mouses and she scared me twice and had me screaming and jumping on the couch in old school cartoon fashion. jenny thought someone died from the way i screamed.
having epic threeway conversations with krissy and jenny.
danielle never showed up yesterday and i was sad kinda but she might not've came to town.
my aunt from arkanas is coming up here sometime today along with my cousin jon.
your mom gives blowjobs for airshow tickets.
krissy likes to hang up without saying goodbye
my brother makes threeway convos awkward.
my throat hurts
i wish i had aim so i could talk to krissy like jenny can.
i want you guys to tell me one random fact about yourself.
here's mine: when i use public restrooms i flush the toilet with my foot.
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