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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Sunday, August 31, 2008
don't believe that the weather is perfect the day that you die
listening to: the truth about heaven-armor for sleep
writing: nothing at the moment
reading: krissy's fluff that she wrote me
Cassie's Comment Corner:
krissy: i am very aware of what straight edge krissy says.
angel zakuro: it was the music choice channels! it was on the alternative channel though so maybe you saw it lol.
taintedsanity: i think i've had bacardi before.
emily: my friend danny used to bear a slight resembalance to brendon urie and i told him all the time and he was like "Noooooo!" lol yeah, i tend to think that cassandra sound's older and cassie sounds younger.
jenny: i r not a young lad. pleaseee don't be disappointed in me. *big eyes* i'll do anything to pleassssseeeee you. DNW THE JOBROS!!! lol know what's sad? i've seen that episode! i just watched one with putt putt golf. icarly>sex and the city. i love the drunken creek memory, that'd be a memory i would keep. lol so glad that the dirty celine dion song reminds me of you. only you would make two seperate celine dion references in your comment lol.
jenny wins for bestest longest for the winest comment evah! *kisses for her( :*
ha ha kissey face.
so i didn't get too wasted at that party the other day. i cut myself off when i felt i had enough but i didn't feel well afterward's so i laid down and passed out on my bed. in all my clothes and the light and tv on.
my mom made out with the thirty year old neighbor. now she has a crush on him.
yesterday i played disgea and final fantasy ten with greg for the first time in years. greg and i are such final fantasy ten nerds. he was in awe of my ffx game because i was maxed out on everything and had beaten the game like a million times over.
also on disgea you can name characters and he showed me that he named his fire mage cassie. lol
they went home and my mom took my brother clothes shopping.
mom and i went to big lots and i got batteries and i saw this worker who looked like what i imagine the mix up of myself and danielle would look like.
people i haven't talked to in forever keep sending me messages on myspace.
my cousin porsha came over but i didn't want to be around her because she still has headlice...ewwwwwww
krissy wrote me adorable fluff story that made me awww. lol
new anime on adult swim is booooring. at least so far it is.
i forgot to mention it yesterday because i was partying. but yesterday was ryan ross from panic at the disco's 22nd birthday. let's just say i was partying in his honor lol AND WITH A BOY NAMED BRENDON!!!!
[god i hope at least one other person finds that funny]
in honor of dearest ryro here are two pics of him.
[sorry if they stretch the page]

i like this one because ryro is trying to look all manly and whut.

ryan and travie for jenny because i hope she is thinking the same thing i am.
you know those bad storms in lousiana and mississippi? my aunt is in mississippi and she says that they're closing up the hotels and making people evacuate incase there is a hurricane like katrina.
my aunt is coming here though so it's all okay.
well, that's all for now
cassie |
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Saturday, August 30, 2008
beware! cassie!
listening to: some rap music
Cassie's Comment Corner:
krissy: yes, i think that this story is more on the funny silly side of things.
taintedsanity: my brother is seventeen.
jenny: he eats like a snake. sorry i confused you but you confused me too.
emily: i do enjoy the occasional rycer. i like rycer a lot actually.
belinda: lol your dad sounds entertaining.
didn't do anything much at all. vacuumed and cleaned and did other random things.
talked to jenny and she kept playing the ending of the panic song 'that green gentleman' over and over again. just the ending and it was driving me bananas.
she also sent a text message proclaiming her love for me to this channel i have and i saw it. you guys totally know you're jealous.
jenny also left me a million or so funny lil pictures on myspace. she's a hoot and a half.
speaking of myspace danielle left me a message telling me that she'll be back in town this weekend. so we made plan's to hang out on sunday.
cousin steven came over and he got a contact high. he was rubbing on his balls and tried to touch my face and shit like that.
had more chicken.
our friend greg came over because he's having a belated b-day party at our place. his girlfriend brittany came with him and her brother brendon too.
as soon as they told me his name all i could think of was brendon urie. lol it's quite hilarious because everyone's like "brendon blah blah blah." and i also expect brendon from panic to be waltzing around.
he told my mom his name and instantly she look's at me and is like "did you hear his name is brendon?" and that was embaressing.
so they came over and they all smoked pot. i didn't because i don't smoke it. i did get a nice contact high though.
than we went to the store to pick up liquor and i got some orange juice to mix with vodka. i had two but i feel fine.
greg did some dirty dancing in front of me and he and my brother had a make believe radio show.
i think i might be the only one drinking steadily but i know when to stop so i won't get plastered. k jenny?
greg brought his girlfriend's ps2 so we could play disgaiea which i used to master when i was like sixteen.
i noticed something though. i noticed that people who've been my friend's for a long time tend to call me cassandra while people who have become my friend recently call me cassie. i don't paticularly mind either one right now.
oh emm gee birthday cake ice cream is amazing.
starting to feel the alcohol so i think i'll cut it off soon.
gonna giggle about brendon for awhile longer.
cassie |
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Friday, August 29, 2008
this little girl was alone in the world
listening to: city at war-cobra starship
writing: you clicked your heels and wished for me
[new story]
Cassie's Comment Corner:
jenny: did you know tonight will be the night that i will fall for you? lol put jon walker with anyone and it's alright with me. lol you iz such a lazy commenter. and also your avi worries me.
belinda: especially when you're kinda sorta related to those boys lol
awesmeguitarist: i think it's fun to be hit on.
angel zakuro: it's okay everyone gets anti-social sometimes! *hugs*
emily: ryden is terribly overplayed for me. ryan and spencer please.
my dad came over yesterday, it's the first time i've seen him since i've gotten back from wisconsin.
he stayed for a really long time which was surprising. he usually doesn't stay long though but he has his own car now.
he did get on my case about not going to college and sleeping in and not having a job. my brother got on my case too and i got upset and cried a bit but at least he apologized.
all three of us went up to the store to buy milk and he let my brother drive us back home.
we were talking and my brother left to go hang with kelsey [the 13 year old who likes him] so that left my dad and i.
i was so thankful that he likes music. he's just about the only one in my family who appreciates music as much as i do. that's what we talk about a lot.
so than my dad wanted to go for a walk with me so we did and it was dark but we walked down to where my brother was and watched him flirt with the girl. then we walked and i kept bringing up things from when i was little and he remembered them.
we got back to our house and then he and i went to find a store to buy him some clamato beer which is like a tomato flavored beer. i tried some and bleeeh it's gross. the first store we went to didn't have it and he thought the second one didn't but i found some at the last minute and he was happy.
he also bought me candy which made me happy.
he hung around and he got on the internet and wanted to watch youtube but i had to break it to him that it wouldn't work on my computer.
got my dad to play brain age 2 and it was hilarious because he doesn't know what to do.
mom eventually came home and we all ate some chicken which was okay..meh.
what i liked the best was that him being there is what it would be like if he had never left us in the first place. if we had stayed a family and i won't lie that it didn't sound nice.
gotta go get some job applications done.
cassie |
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Thursday, August 28, 2008
life's no fun without a good scare
listening to: this is halloween-panic at the disco
writing: slow motion
Cassie's Comment Corner:
jenny: sucking things? i think you're thinking of krissy lovie. agree with mah choice! i need to go to school in the winter.
emily: i don't care for salt on watermelon.
so, i talked to taylor yesterday. it turns out that she isn't mad at me or anything. she was just busy and has someone else checking her myspace for her. we talked for almost an hour.
she was telling me where i could go to find a job and about college and things like that. i invited her over for labor day but she is kinda broke lately so i don't know if she'll make it.
i also called my dad and we chatted but he told me he'll be over today to see me and my brother.
my brothers friends came over and they were being gross like saying weird things to me and they were acting like children.
shane hurt patrick on purpose and his brother steven was asking me if i was a virgin. and this guy trey was making fun of my little voice. those jerks.
my mom got yelled at by my uncle and she cried. he's a fucking jerk. the same one who said i was stupid and he said i was a liar too.
krissy [sayanachan] is leaving for college today and i will be worried for her but at the same time i know she'll do wonderful because she's a lovely person.
i have a new obession but i am not willingly to admit it....okay it's jon and brendon. lol
i gotta find pics of that someday and force you all to see it.
i've been having such odd dreams as of late. one where my mom told me that she's not actually my real mom and the other was taylor was about to tell me why she was mad at me and my brother woke me up.
more band dreams plz.
[good luck krissy i love you times a million!]
cassie |
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Wednesday, August 27, 2008
remember when i said i loved you? well, forget it i take it back
listening to: stupid kid-alkaline trio
writing: slow motion
Cassie's Comment Corner:
jenny: too bad you and my brother won't get married. people need their daily dose of depression. ryland is amazing! guy ripley makes me lol.
krissy: i hope it was worth it for you.
the real yojimbo: i didn't even realize about the nacho thing.
watermelon is delicious.
so, i know that was depressing about my neighbor. i guess i didn't see how sad it was. that sounds wrong of me.
i talked to the 13 year old girl my brother kinda likes yesterday cause she came in our house and she thinks pete wentz is hot. i tend to think she is a teeny.
i'm a lazy vaccumer cause i suck everything up that's on the floor. lol
i gotta send jenny's present out today.
sooooooo i think i'm just gonna go to college in the winter.
in the mean time i'll try to get a job.
cassie |
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Tuesday, August 26, 2008
folie a' duex
listening to: shady business-the audition
writing: jenny's birthday story
Cassie's Comment Corner:
jenny: so, you're my slave now? ha ha hey, don't judge my reasons for why i can't write your story when others are around. lol even though you already know. it's sherlock homo to you.
you know what's weird? my brother and jenny are hitting on each other on the phone...those effing weirdos.
i love my new phone. it's speaker phone is kickass.
spent a good amount of yesterday trying to download the free mixtape that pete gave to fan's. it worked after about four go's at it.
i love i kissed a boy by cobra starship! so funny!
/i kissed a boy just to start shit, all the bitches loved it/
oh i kept forgetting to mention it but a few weeks back my neighbor went to the hospital. something about his breathing and now i hear he is dying. they said there's nothing they can do because he is bleeding in his lungs so basically he's waiting to die. it's quite sad, even more so because i saw his kid's today.
nachos are goooooooood.
pleasure ryland is like the best song name ever.
i got my cat lola back today but patrick is fighting with her.
thinking of inviting my preggers ex best friend over to celebrate labor day.
a shared maddness by two.
i think it's me and you.
^how very pete wentz of me.
cassie |
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Monday, August 25, 2008
i will die without attention
listening to: austin we have a problem-fall out boy
writing: HSNE
Cassie's Comment Corner:
krissy: i have yet to see juno but sooooon.
jenny: i like the ending of it pookie. hey, shoot me if i wanna wake up and see panic at the disco looking down at me with their sexy faces.
emily: i got it at the FYE store in the mall but i hear that you guy's don't have that store in wisconsin.
i don't care what anyone says i like my poster on the celing.
anyway last night i went to sign up for college on the internet because they perfer it that way but i found out that the college doesn't have journalism as a major. so plan's are fucked.
now if i wanted to i could start college there and major in early education special ed. but i'm not sure. i'm so undecided and this is an important decision. not just something i can shit through. i'm running out of time and i need to think.
well, i babysat for my cousin jordan yesterday. my cousin porsha has headlice and i swear i will be so pissed if i find out i have it.
i think people thought jordan was my kid which happens a lot so i dunno but i can only handle being around him so long before i want him to go away. lol
trying my best to write something for krissy and to finish up jenny's story. the only thing is that i can't write jenny's story when other people are around me for...reasons. *ahem*
trying to talk my mom into getting me a puppy.
good luck to those who start school today.
cassie |
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Sunday, August 24, 2008
i'll keep you warm and not ask you where've you been
listening to: champange for my real friends and real pain for my sham friends-fall out boy
writing: HSNE
Cassie's Comment Corner:
krissy: lol panic puzzle's and pete being cryptic.
jenny: damn that cable guy! i love you even though you're pretty odd. ha ha ha
taintedsanity: only the first link on that site is forbidden, the rest lead to various places.
belinda: don't be nervous, you'll do great!
i went to the mall yesterday. i went to buy a panic at the disco poster and to buy jenny a birthday present. i found the poster and it was sexay. this boy heard me talking about fall out boy and he was like "hey, i found a fall out boy poster."
so i bought the panic poster and i saw a panic at the disco t-shirt. i grabbed it up and it said ten bucks. i went to pay for it and it wind's up being 94 cent's. the guy didn't believe it was that much but he double checked but it was 94 cents.
it rained really badly like hard rain and lightning.
we went to the kroger's and i bought tack's and brownie mix.
my brother and i went to hang my panic at the disco poster up on my celing. it was hard because i'm short so we both ended up standing on stool's and we were shaking but we got it up there but it's crooked but whatev.
gotta send out jenny's present soon.
cassie |
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Saturday, August 23, 2008
Citizen's For Our Betterment
listening to: i'm not okay (i promise)-my chemical romance
writing: jenny's birthday story
Cassie's Comment Corner:
krissy: you should've saved jon walker! *feels dramatic*
jenny: don't be an emo kid any more k? YOU'RE MY BEST FRIEND TOO COPPER!!!!!
taintedsanity: lol believe it or not i never realized how random my post's are. they consist of a lot of inside jokes.
the real yojimbo: no way dude! my head's british accent is so much better than yours.
belinda: well, is it okay if we call you saturday? we don't know what time though...
are my post's really that random?
emily: yes! exactly! E news played the cab today and i was like wtf? dun be like mtv! patrick will be one year old *gee*
first and foremost i want you guys to go to this website:
go on, i'll wait till you get back.
you back? okay.
so, fall out boy is basically putting the internet and the fan's into a tizzy. what with their crazy ass campainging. jenny and i are horribly confused and i wish pete wentz wasn't so crafty.
AND HOLY SHIT! watching FNMTV finally paid off last night because pete played an exclusive clip to the brand new fall out boy song that i hear is called 'i don't care' and that they had recorded 24 hours before the show. EPIC, PETE, EPIC.
lot's of caps tonight.
i think i have talked on the phone so much that i have a crick in my finger now but i don't mind because she's worth it.
^that sound's like a make-up commerical.
i really want to learn to play the piano.
pete wentz saying my first name for five minutes is ftw!
i honestly think the game brain age 2 is making me smarter, or at least better at math.
something is happening monday CFOB
see how i can be cryptic too?
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Friday, August 22, 2008
i had a dream last night, we drove out to see las vegas
listening to: jamie all over-mayday parade
writing: jenny's birthday story
Cassie's Comment Corner:
jenny: i only kinda love him but yeah he is a douche. sven is sexy. I R NOT SAD!
roseeyes: danny is not german. he is italian and mexican. but yeah, the kid has huge ears and lips.
taintedsanity: i like my dreams too they make sleeping interesting. mmm you know that pic of the dude isn't me right? lol
angel zakuro: sometimes i do miss him. why must we be cursed to look so young.
belinda: well, some musicians aren't so smart like pete who doesn't know how many continents there are but i love him anyway. lol i love that pic but he's always hated it.
the real yojimbo: i DO live on the flying secret gay fortress with jenny and megan and krissy and belinda. he beefed up a lot since then and he's gotten his hair cut.
emily: well, seventeen is better than 13 i suppose.
my brother had people over on the porch yesterday and my cousin (by marriage) was out there and he told me that he was like really horny and he was calling me baby cause he was sorta high and couldn't remember my name. and he was like describing his penis to everyone lol.
i also met the 13 year old girl who likes my brother and i do not care for her that much.
jenny's birthday is coming up so i need to send her present soon.
my cat patrick's birthday is coming up soon too.
i took this quiz today and my god it almost killed me with it's crappy anwsers and spelling.
i wanna play oregan trail thanks to krissy.
i want the E channel to leave my band's the hell alone!
jenny and i tried to call belinda yesterday but we got her anwsering machine. we're gonna try again saturday.
had the shittest mcdonalds ever the other day! ewwwwwwwwwwww so gross.
i just realized that danny will be gone on his birthday.
quizilla saves you when you're bored.
apparently jenny and i are truuuue friends forever.
why am i procrastinating so badly about signing up for college? it seems i can't motivate myself to go and sign up for it. i suppose the only way i have to motivate myself is by thinking that if i do it i will get a new computer.
i miss my school friends
poor jon walker died of typhoid ten days into the trip.
cassie |
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