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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Thursday, July 17, 2008
it's all about the song in my head, the one where the audience is all dead
listening to: song in my head-boy's night out
Cassie's Comment Corner:
playitbakinslomo: yeah, it is kinda cool in that aspect that it's like a timeline or a photo album.
belinda: i like that line too. i like that entire song.
awesmguitarist: yeah, our school is different. we don't have a validictorian but it is special to be asked to speak and i know i'm not dumb.
jenny: lol sorry i reminded you of richard dancing. no one should have to think of that.
insane rascal: my senior quote was a line from a fall out boy song. lol the beatles always remind me of ryan ross.
angel zakuro: lol i know i'm losing track's of the day's i couldn't remember if today was wednesday or thursday. i'm packing because i am leaving for wisconsin on saturday.
talked to taylor yesterday. it was really good to talk to her again. she really is one of my best friend's. we talked about our live's and it was just like we never parted. i guess that's a true sign of best friend's. well taylor want's to see me on friday before i leave for wisconsin.
she also told me that she'll be leaving in september to go to the police academy in california. but she'll only be gone for four months.
it's kinda sad that everyone is going their own ways. danny of course joined the army, danielle is getting ready to move to a different city to go to art college, taylor is becoming a police officer. my brother say's i need to go somewhere too but i mean i don't have the mean's to go anywhere, maybe someday but not right now.
still have a lot of stuff to do...need to do it but it seem's i never really have the time.
we had bad storm's yesterday. windy and white lightning.
i'm kinda scared to leave but i think that's natural but in the end it will be good for me because i gotta learn to do thing's for myself and be an adult.
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Wednesday, July 16, 2008
falling asleep as they drop the bomb
listening to: home at the end of the world-armor for sleep
half of my family are pretty much assholes. my uncle like's to call me dumb and my brother is such a dick. ugh.
feel like the day's are slipping by pretty fast. i suppose i need to pack and stuff like that.
i think my mom is taking me to get my new ID today and possibly go to sign up for college. the only thing i'm not looking forward to is taking the effing placement test.
my mom got me new headphones. bright neon blue and my mp3 player is bright pink. nice combo eh?
do you guys have songs that remind you of people? i do. here's a short list of them, mostly these remind me of danny but come on we all expected that.
face down by red jumpsuit apparatus- he used to let me listen to that on his ipod all the time.
your guardian angel by red jumpsuit apparatus-he sang that to me at school a few times.
grand theft autum by fall out boy-he used to make fun of me for loving that song and i often got it stuck in his head.
of all the gin joint's in all the world by fall out boy- he sang the entire song whilst making fun of fall out boy
lyrical lies by cute is what we aim for-that was his ringback tone.
anything by saves the day because that was his myotaku name.
there's probably more but that's all i can think of at this moment.
coincedentally more song's remind me of other people but maybe more on that later.
played nintendog's and adopted two new dogs on the game. i promptly named them jon and brendon. brendon wears a pirate hat.
okay, here is a quote by brendon urie:
"i don't get the whole concept of a couple having a song. i mean what if you break up and you really like the song? than it's ruined."
so true mr.urie, so true.
cassie |
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Tuesday, July 15, 2008
back when i was younger i was somone you would've liked
listening to: big casino-jimmy eat world
Cassie's Comment Corner:
jenny: am i visiting cable internet or you? lol that should prove who i lurve. i don't think you voice your opinions too much. i think it's a stupid war too. lol what made you not so terrified of him?
insane rascal: lol what is it with you wisconsin people thinking animated animals are hot? it's an epidemic! oh noes you is a stalker! lol (i always attract the stalkers) lol
angel drifter: it's okay, everyone has been busy! sure i will stop by.
i can't wait till our shower gets fixed. i hate taking baths! people shouldn't take baths after the age of ten.
my brother was hogging the internets all day yesterday. so annoying! stupid effing mafia wars on the myspace. damn you myspace apps!
i found my nintendogs game and i was playing it and it's fun but it gets boring quickly too. how many times can washing a puppy be fun?
i heard a knock on the door yesterday and i went and checked and it was danielle. i was hella surprised to see her. i haven't seen her since her open house back in june but i've talked to her a few weeks ago.
anyhoo she came over cause i guess she's having a small rough patch in her relationship or something like that. i showed her around and showed her my school's 2008 yearbook and we did what we do best, make fun of people. lol we don't do it to be mean, it's just funny.
danielle probably stayed for a good ten or fifteen minutes and it was good to see her. we were super close before so it's good to hang again like we used to. she's leaving for college soon. kendal art school in grand rapids which is kinda far away. i guess we're all really growing's the end of an era.
i need to start packing and i need to be able to call jenny later today.
oh, i heard some new tracks from gym class heroes and cute is what we aim for. i am not disappointed.
cassie |
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Monday, July 14, 2008
i'm just a stupid fuck with brilliant luck
listening to: hangman-motion city soundtrack
Cassie's Comment Corner:
jenny: lol fanic=pete wentz. they're equal! those are the bigger bottles jenny, i don't think they're meant for one person. lol
insane rascal: lol you should meet up with jenny and i when we go to warped tour. we can all wear myo buttons.
belinda: lol not exactly a positive award but hey now you have a legacy! i
i r talking to jenny and krissy while i update. i love having cable internets.
i also love the cab and you guys should listen to them! listen to them!
i know this sounds wrong but really, i didn't care too much about the war and solider's and iraq until danny enlisted in the army. i guess it's like that thing they say, you don't care about something until it effects you.
cleaned the house a bit today. don't like it but whatever.
my cousin came over and helped my mom clean outside and my brother is being a lazy fuck and i watched flushed away.
but i am sure that i am leaving on saturday to go to wisconsin and stay with the jenny.
cassie |
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Sunday, July 13, 2008
and the record won't stop skipping and the lies just won't stop slipping
listening to: i've got a dark alley and a bad idea that says you should shut your mouth-fall out boy
Cassie's Comment Corner:
jenny: i will call you sometime todayi promise! i am taking a break from drinking and don't worry i swear i won't get drunk with your mom. i would never do that to you. I SHALL NEVER BELIEVE THAT RYRO IS SEXIER THAN JWALK! yew just don't like him cause he's a real man who can grow facial hair (unlike ryro) lol. ha ha i see your three comments jenny! you're right i shouldn't have asked...
belinda: OH DEAR GOD BELINDA! you totally win for most disgusting comment in the history of myotaku comments. dear god someone make that girl a banner that says that. if anyone does i will so write you something. you ruined cheese for me!
awesmguitarist: ha ha i know! she ruined cheese for me too.
angel zakuro: nah, my parents don't mind because i am a responsible drinker so yeah. yeah, he was drunk and attention from guys is fine by me i just don't want to be propositoned a million times...ew.
i had a totally chill day. for real. i wasn't hung over i just took it easy. i had to walk porsha home though because she isn't allowed to walk alone, it was only three blocks though.
mom and i went and got some foodz though. i got taco bell cause i've been craving it forever. mmmmm soft tacos. the guy working at the window looked like the poor man's version of patrick stump. i made flirty eyes with him lol.
does anyone besides me watch pete wentz's show on mtv? i guess i am the only one since jenny keeps missing it. bad fan (jk bby)
went grocery shopping for a bit and picked up the brand spanking new issue of alternative press magazine that has gym class heroes on the cover.
also while at the store i asked this worker where the envelopes would be and he just looks at me and goes "i don't know i just started working here." and he walks away! wth? unhelpful much?
mmmkay i know i promised not to drink and i won't but i want to put up pics from the after party to my open house that my friend taylor sent me on myspace.
that one is me and paul (taylor's boyfriend)in the background. note the alcohol and glow bracelets.
this one is my cousin tiffany, her husband mike, their son jordan, their daughter porsha, paul, taylor, and myself. ha ha please note where paul and my own hands are. LAWL!
alright that is all for now, so imma go read about warped tour.
cassie |
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Saturday, July 12, 2008
send my love to the dancefloor
listening to: send my love to the dancefloor-cobra starship
Cassie's Comment Corner:
jenny: don't worry, my cousin said she'd take me to muskegon. YOU'RE MY BEST FRIEND TODD!!! you know who's cuter than ryan? jon walker. tru fax!
insane rascal: i think i'm gonna risk taking the ferry boat. i'll just hide somewhere if the weather gets bad.
darklighthearted: good to see you back!
belinda: why would you associate cheese with vagina? i dun want a vagina hat! yes, you best be riding off on that zucinni until you like ryro again.
so yesterday was my mom's birthday and we went down to my cousin's house to party a little. i didn't intend on drinking much but i kinda did.
my cousin told me that she'd take me to muskegon so i could get on the ferry boat to go to wisconsin.
then my uncle and these two people named mandy and brandon came over. they went to buy booze and than my cousin carlos and his girlfriend and his friend charmaine came over.
so everyone was drinking and stuff like that and steadily people were leaving and it ended up being charmaine and me and my mom and my cousin. all the while charmaine was hitting on me, really dirty hitting on me. i won't even repeat what he said to me but he said he was gonna sleep naked on my couch.
i also had his glasses on and he asked me to give him head and unlike all the other times someone asked me i knew it was a joke but he was completely serious and i told him i wouldn't do it.
than my cousin tiffany's husband freaked out cause this guy came over and they got in a huge fight and he punched mailboxes and doors and shit like that. at one point i told porsha to come over to me and he said "take her home with you if you don't want her over here."
the fighting continued and i think he pushed my cousin down and so my mom took us all back to our house and i went to sleep but the others stayed awake and than when i got up everyone was gone except for my mom and porsha.
ugh, these last two weeks have been the most i've drank in my life. let's break it down real quick.
june 29th-drank after my open house
july 4th-fourth of july party
july 8th-my brother's b-day party
july 11th-my mom's birthday party.
mmkay, i think i'm gonna take a brake from the drinking.
cassie |
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Friday, July 11, 2008
sound the alarm
listening to: sound the alarm-saves the day
Cassie's Comment Corner:
jenny: lol i had to change it. i'm sure my mom will take me to muskegon.
krissy: a ferry from michigan to milwaukee.
belinda: oh, no, you are illiterate!
megan: si, i am going to cheesetown and i shall buy a cheese hat!
ha ha i r talking to jenny as i type this. we've been talking since 11 at night and it's three in the morning right now.
so i wrote danny a letter yesterday and i feel like it's a good one. all i need to do is mail it to him and hopefully he'll write me back.
my dad stopped by yesterday to give my brother a birthday card and he brought his girlfriend so he didn't stay long. i wish he could've stayed longer. but oh well.
my brother keeps breaking stuff in the house. first he broke the shower head and now he broke the lightswitch in the living room.
it's my mom's birthday, she's 48 i i should find out how old i am.
oh, dad also said that danny was my boyfriend, i was too sick of it to correct him.
anyhoo because of jenny's writing i am in love with ryan at the moment so i have pics for you lovelies.

ryro and bden

i blame that entirely on you jenny. lol
cassie |
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Thursday, July 10, 2008
if i had to choose between him and the sun, i'd be one nocturnal son of a gun
listening to: cupid's chokehold-gym class heroes
Cassie's Comment Corner:
belinda: yeah, i'm not a big fan of beer.
insane rascal: i like hayley's hair too both blonde and neon orange. yeah, i will probably write to him by the end of the week.
edge: i don't drink all that much. these last two weeks have honestly been the most i've drank in forever. lol i no longer care if guys want me edge! but yeah, it's been awhile.
talked to jenny on the phone and we planned my trip to wisconsin. originally i was supposed to go via train but now i think i'll be taking a ferry boat to get there. i feel better about the boat more than the train though. now it's just a matter of getting my mom to drive me to where the city is.
was pretty bored yesterday so i played on the internet but i found my clothes that were in a hamper from outside since we moved and they were wet and smelt like gasoline. these are my good clothes too like my senior hoodie and my fall out boy t-shirt and the shirt i wore to graduation.
you guys need to go and check out the band 'last summer' this guy who went to my school named damon is the lead singer and he graduated with me so that's cool. he's a really good singer though so go and add them on myspace or go and listen to their song on my myspace profile.
that would be the band's myspace. they need a drummer if you guys know anyone.
okay well i am getting ready to go to the 24 hour laundry mat with my mom so i'll check you guys later.
cassie |
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Wednesday, July 9, 2008
i'll wait for you there, like a stone
listening to: like a stone-audioslave
Cassie's Comment Corner:
demonskiss: lol i guess i was mistaken. you don't have to learn to make a banner if you don't want to. i wouldn't want to force you or anything.
belinda: mmhmm well, you can have hunter cause danny is mine. lol
megan: si, that be danny and i miss the scene hair! you iz not a shitty internet friend. i <3 u!
mkay, so what did i do yesterday? talked to peeps on the internet. read a delightful chapter of belinda's story and various other activities.
yesterday also happened to be my brother's seventeenth birthday. our friend nate came to get him and they left for a bit.
talked to my dad on the phone and he's a little worried that i'll wind up being an alcoholic but i mean come on i am nowhere near being dependent on alcohol so i'm fine.
my brother came back later and we went down to my cousin's house for his party. our friends nate, alex, big nate and our cousin's steven and shane and their friends were down there. i was glad to see alex since i haven't seen him in forever.
so we drank luke warm beers cause they weren't cold yet and i happen to think beer is disgusting so i had some fruity drinks and the guys wanted them so i shared half a bottle with my cousin steven, his friend travon and his friend bubbsy. i also gave the rest of that one to my cousin shane.
i was pretty buzzed so i had some cake and than went back where my brother and alex and both nate's were sitting and they were smoking weed.
my brother made me take a hit and i did but it burned like fuck and i couldn't stop coughing but when i did i felt like i was going to puke so i got up and it turns out i did puke right back where the guys were at but alex was rubbing my back while i puked and it was surprisingly comforting.
after that i cleaned up and ate a little and drank some more. my friend alex was hitting on me like crazy like saying if he gave me a quater would i give him head? and asking to see my boobs and telling me he'd take me back to his house. he was kidding of course but it was unsettling.
his cousin big nate was hitting on me too. he put his butt on me before he went pee and told me his bed was huge and comfortable and all this shit. those boys are crazy though big nate was kind of cute.
i talked to big nate about the war and the army and danny joining and shit like that.
nate ended up puking too and than they were leaving so i gave alex a hug and he was like "don't forget about me baby." i was laughing about that cause those boys are ridiculous.
came home after that and ate and now i'm doing this but i need to write danny a letter. probably tomorrow. i dunno is it too soon?
<3 <3 <3
cassie |
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Tuesday, July 8, 2008
and cassie pulled the trigger
listening to: cassie-flyleaf
Cassie's Comment Corner:
belinda: no, you don't have to call me madame cassie. aww thanks for the compliments! i wuv yew!
angel zakuro: yeah, i did get his contact info so i can write him letters so that's good i suppose.
jenny: lol look at how we had a talk tonight.
so i managed to log on to myspace yesterday because it finally let me! and i managed to get the address where danny is so i can write him letters and i found a photo of him with his hair cut. here is that picture:

yeah, he looks exactly like his older brother tony now. i like his hair sceneeeeeeeeeee.
i called jenny and we chatted for a looooonnnngggg time. about seven hours which is our record for longest time we've talked. can't we ever get past seven? unless we actually are i can't remember.
talked to krissy too and it's always fun talking to the two of them. we is a kooky bunch.
well, today is my brother timothy's seventeenth birthday, which of course makes me feel old cause seventeen already is old and i'm older. i guess we're gonna party later roday so should be fun.
okay, i have more pictures so enjoy them babies!

this is for jenny! she is the ryan to my jon. lol

ha ha this is what would happen if fall out boy was a boy band. LAWL!!!!
<3 <3 <3
cassie |
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