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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Monday, July 7, 2008
she said 'let's change our luck, this night is all we've got'
listening to: skyway avenue-we the kings
supposed to go to sign up for college tomorrow. i know that i have to take aptitude tests and they give me classes based on what i'm bad in so i know i will get math classes but i will also take english classes because i want to major in journalism.
had a productive day in writing at least. i sent you regular readers of mine and jenny's story our latest chapter and what not.
um, i think i might be slightly prophetic. as in i can tell the future, maybe just a little. what i mean to say is that i think my dreams predict the future. i have various examples of proof but the latest one was that paul called me and told me that my friend taylor's mom was dying.
two days later she texted me to tell me that her dad was in the hospital and not doing well.
another time was when i had a dream that taylor was carrying a baby and a month later she told me that she was pregnant.
another interesting fact is that my name cassandra was a greek princess that could predict the future but no one believed her.
yeah, so, patrick my pet cat bit the fuck out of my hand yesterday. he was agressive because another boy cat was outside and he bit me bad and made me bleed and cut my hand pretty deep so yeah, i am not pleased with him.
also i love jenny! she's amazingly fun to talk to, as is krissy and it's super fun when we talk together.
<3 <3 <3
cassie |
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Sunday, July 6, 2008
it sure as hell ain't normal but we do, we do
listening to: camisado-panic at the disco
so, i never got to see danny but i suppose it doesn't matter much. at the very least i got to talk to him, even if i never got to say goodbye.
ever feel a friendship dying? part of me feels like ours has been on life support and it's just waiting for someone to pull the plug.
the other part of me knows i can never give up on that boy. that i'd worry about him too much to ever really say goodbye so i suppose he will always be my friend. even if it feels like he only comes around or talks to me when something important is happening in his life.
hopefully he managed to put up the address to wherever he will be stationed so i can write him. i feel like writing him is important.
just think, while i'm sleeping at nine in the morning, he'll be gone. farewell daniel.
mmhmm not much else going on. my brother's birthday is in *checks calendar* two days and he'll be seventeen which makes me feel old.
my mom's birthday is on the 11th and my dad's is on the 19th.
interesting fact: jon walker photo's make me happy when i am sad.
and the movie american beauty is an odd one at best.
don't you love the song on my site? i do. and lyrical lie by cute is what we aim for will forever remind me of danny, not because the songs is him but because it's his ringback tone.
<3 <3 <3
cassie |
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Saturday, July 5, 2008
friends don't let friends drunk post
listening to: switchblades and infedelity-fall out boy
demonskiss: well, danny and i are best friends and not a couple so we're not really in a relationship, still i appreciate your thoughts.
okay, so i am drunk. i will admit this. i am posting at 3:58 in the morning and i am wasted so yeah, forgive me if this isn't perfect.
anyhoo i've was texting danny all day yesterday and he never replied to me so that had me in a funk for half of the day.
than i went to my cousin veronica's open house and there was some good food but very few people i knew. i had fun though, danielle called me while i was there and my cousin's husband was talking toi my brother and i about the army.
than i went home and my cousin was supposed to go watch fireworks but turns out she never went and i was about to walk down to her house since she only lives down the road but than my brother and this guy miguel walked down here and they did some illegal drugs and i walked back with them.
we did fireworks at my cousin's house and i started drinking and my brother and miguel left to buy weed so i was alone but luckily jenny started texting me so i didn't have to be bored.
my bro came back and my mom showed up later and by that time i was already pretty drunk. i had been downing a mixture of smirnoff's and vodka jolly rancher combo drinks and my world felt spinny.
i kept texting and stumbling and my cousin's husband roasted me a marshmellow and i got to play with sparklers and see fireworks so it was fun.
at around three my mom was telling my cousin about how i was pissed earlier about danny so my cousin wanted his number so she could call him and i gave it to her and she did. he answered and he was drunk too and she was talking to him but then she gave the phone to me and i talked to him and we were both drunk and i asked him why he was blowing me off and why he was mean to me and he blamed it on his phone and being drunk.
he said he would come over today so i intend to call him when i wake up and plan on picking him up to come and party tomorrow.
also this mexican guy named alberto was hitting on me which was strange and flattering all at the same time. nothing like getting hit on to make a girl feel pretty.
well, i am getting dizzy so ta ta for now lovies.
CASSIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
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Friday, July 4, 2008
that's what you get when you let your heart win
listening to: nine in the afternoon-panic at the disco
so, i changed my theme. yup, it's an army theme. mostly because now with my cousin in the army and soon to be deployed to iraq and danny enlisting, well, i felt like it was necessary.
speaking of danny. well, i doubt very much that i will end up seeing him. i hate how we're cool with each other one day and than all pissed the next....i don't fucking get that.
what happened was that danny was going to try and come over on today and he was supposed to call me the other day to set it up but he never did and i texted him and he never anwsered so basically he blew me off (not unusual)
so i ended up calling him yesterday at like ten at night and he anwsered but he asked me to get him weed and come over and party with him. i gave the phone to my brother and i guess danny hung up on him or something. so i called him back and well, here's how that convo transpired.
me: did you hang up on my brother?
danny: who's this?
me: danny...
him: who is this?
me: it's cassie.
girl in background: who's cassie?
danny: i don't know.
that's around the time i hung up so yeah that's how that went. i don't get why he does that. he knew it was me i had just called him a moment before that. part of me thinks he was just messing around but he did that to me before and he knows that kind of think makes me mad...maybe he was just trying to impress that girl?
after that i texted him and asked if he was drunk, he said no so i asked why he was being an ass to me and he said he didn't know. i texted something back about how sometimes i didn't understand him and stuff like that but he never replied.
i called him again at like three in the morning and i think he hung up on me.
i don't understand why he's like that sometimes. it's like dealing with two different people. i don't get how he can be nice to me one day and than mean to me the's so disfunctional...
all i wanted to do was see him one more time before he goes, if he's even still going. i don't know...i might try to call him one more time tomorrow but after that i don't know. '
i hate coming off as desperate around him and i feel like that's what happens. i just want to be his friend and i guess i've always known that i cared more about him than he did about me but i so bad that he wants to never see me?
i called jenny later and she cheered me up so i'm good i guess. just a little hurt is all.
so, fireworks tomorrow. hope i can see some.
cassie |
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Thursday, July 3, 2008
guess whose back
listening to: nothing actually
IT'S CASSIE! techincally i got my internet turned back on this morning but i was waaaay too tired to bother posting at that time so i am doing it now!
did you miss me? i see a lot of my old friends have come back (i'm looking at you edge and jangalian) i missed you guys! i missed everyone really.
soooooo since a lot happened i shall post a little catch up thing. i hope it isn't too long.
after finding my writing notebook my friend nate is convinced that i am secretly writing porn about him and my brother.
nate put me in a full nelson headlock against the hood of his truck
i was scared to move at first
living without internet/phone/and cable is fucking hard and boring
family says that the computer gets to be in my room now
when you're in the process of moving eating fast food is a necessity
i don't wanna get rid of my kittens
i like icarly, her brother on the show is hot
smores are fun to make
boxing up everything you own is depressing
i saw a real life lemonaide stand
while moving my brother, nate, and i all stayed up for about twenty four hours.'
when you do that you feel like you're gonna die
i like my new room
my new house feels so foreign though, like i'm just visiting or house sitting and don't actually live there
moving is fucking boring and stressful
open houses show you who your real friends are
apparently taylor, bobbi, paul, nate, and matt are my closest friends
taylor called danny during the open house to see where he was at
he never showed btw but i was expecting that
i made about four hundered and fifty dollars
i had an after party at my cousin's house with paul and taylor and nate, matt, my brother, and sam
i got drunk cause i was racing with paul
taylor kissed me that night, i didn't ask for it! lol
taylor and paul got me to smoke a cigarette (kinda)
glow bracelets are fun
i passed out in two lawnchairs next to the bonfire
my cousins husband walked in on me in the bathroom
i saw one of my cousins (by marriage) that i haven't seen since we were little kids
i forgot he was my cousin and he told me that he was going to get me a stripper
poster's never come off the wall right
my family is pretty helpful
drunk aunts are never fun
our neighbor who is a thirty something year old man hit on me
his friend tried to steal my liquor
patrick does not like living in a cage
i do believe that it's possible to die from boredom, most likely cause of death being suicide or homicide
my brother has porn of girls dressed up in school girl outfits
is this long enough yet?
i wanna see the movie wall-e really badly even though bobbi said it was bad
we're having a party on the fourth of july
my brother got a crew cut so now he looks kinda like a cancer patient when he wears a hat
i've been texting people lately, i texted danielle and told her i moved and that she should come to the party on friday. i also texted danny kinda late at night before i went to sleep and asked him why he didn't come to my open house he did text back and said that his mom wouldn't bring him because it was too far away. i texted him again but i didn't get a reply so i went to sleep and then i hear my cell ringing and it was him and i anwsered.
we talked about why he didn't come to my open house and i told him about the party and moving and he said he wanted to come by because he was leaving on sunday. i asked where he was going and he told me that he joined the army.
that was really surprising, i never imagined of everyone i have met in my life that danny would be the one to sign up for the army. i think he said he got his GED or that he can't get it until he is 18. danny also told me that he had to shave his head, all his pretty hair is gone. that too is shocking! he always had such pretty hair but as he told me 'it will grow back'.
he signed up for communications so he's going to be working with computers which is good because he is really good at that kind of stuff. he also had to take out his piercings and he told me that he's been working out so he's really buff now, he told me that he looks like a wigger. lol i so cannot imagine that.
i think he told me that he's going to training till december than he'll get a break and than they'll send him somewhere. i know i shouldn't worry but i do, lol i told him that i would and he said he'd be okay. i hope is will be, this is good for him because it gives him money and i think they pay for college, and if this is really what he wants to do than i support him fully.
i've already promised to write to him and knowing me they will be long letters, at least he'll be entertained. i'm sure he'll get a lot of letters.
taylor when she saw my brother: "so when do you start chemo?"
my two year old cousin jordan when he heard me say a bad word: "ah, you can't say that word"
talking to danny on the phone:
me: what if something happens to you?
danny: i'm working with computers, what could happen? i get shocked?
okay, yeah so that's what's been going on in my little world. there is more but i can't remember by now and it's probably not important to peaceout scouts!
cassie |
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Tuesday, July 1, 2008
I'm not who you think I am
Okay, Okay before you get too excited It's not cassie.
Tis' jenny posting for her [you may or may not know me] but anyways.
Cassie asked me to post for her to tell you guys that she hasn't fallen off the edge of the earth but she moved short notice and her internet hasn't been re-hooked up yet so she had no way of posting [duh] From what I've heard she's hoping to get it back on, on friday, but that depends on some things. And of course when cassie comes to visit me she can always use my internet. ^_^
Well i suppose that's all i have to say but if i get anymore updates I'll be sure to let you guys know.
Cassies Message Carrier
Jenny |
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Wednesday, June 25, 2008
hey kid, you'll never live this down
listening to: a little less sixteen candles a little more touch me-fall out boy
Cassie's Comment Corner:
jenny: my brother makes you shiver! lol...ew. i am so glad i called you and we worked out that snafu and also i am reinspired to write slow motion but you cannot hate me or hurt me for whatever may happen. watch is show! wentz needz moniez for his baby. lol
so, yeah, i learned that we are to move very soon. so i spent a good amount of the day packing my room up. i still gotta do my posters even though i know that once i take them down they'll be fucked and probably get
found my andy hurley autographed ticket and it made me smile.
myspace let me log on last night and i got to check my stuff. i learned my friend rachal had her baby on monday. she said she'd try to stop by my open house with him so we could all see him.
my uncle who is pretty wealthy gave me my open house gift early. a fifty buck check. awesome. i'm not complaining at all. i gotz moniez.
oh before i go i have a little question for you guys. what is on your computers background? mine is a photo of jon walker. go ahead and tell me cause i like random shit like this.
<3 <3 <3
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Tuesday, June 24, 2008
you know it feels good with fire back on your tongue
listening to: london beckons songs-panic at the disco
Cassie's Comment Corner:
krissy: did i not state that i too say oh geeze? though i am sure you use it more. btw you need to check your messages!
belinda: me thinks that you knew it was a girl! you're so obviously gay and in denial! :P
again i think i was productive yesterday. i did a bunch of laundry like my mom asked and i realized that i act waaay too much like a mom to my brother sometimes...meh, if i don't take care of the boy lord knows he won't take care of himself.
i haven't heard from jenny in two days. i miss her awesomeness! lol
okay, my mom bought me new headphones but they're not the same kind as my old brand. which shouldn't matter except that they are no where near as loud as my old pair and they hurt my ears...grrr.
the band boys night out=amazing. i should probably google them or something. you should probably too.
i watched the 'i love the new millenium' show on vh1. i feel like it's too soon to do one of those. they were talking about the year 2000 and the year 2001 and it's gonna go all the way till 2008. um, yeah, half the stuff i saw i still remembered. stupid, if you ask me.
and you know i must've had a boring day if i am talking about vh1.
too bad i can't log on to myspace and see what my friends are up to. fucking computer and changing the myspace layout.
cassie |
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Monday, June 23, 2008
your really only selling sex now
listening to: church of hot addiction-cobra starship
i would've posted yesterday but jenny and krissy had me on the phone till six in the morning and i was soooo tired.
lol i love when we have our threeway phone conversations. they're always a lot of fun. jenny accused me of flirting with krissy and we contemplated starting a band and we talked about making t-shirts and torturing clay aiken. hee i love those girls.
okay, so i was productive yesterday though. i finally, finally, finally! finished my open house invites and mailed them. the only one i need to do is taylor's but i can't find the notebook i had her address written down in.
i was planning on packing more stuff up in my room since we're moving soon but than my uncle called and wanted my mom and i to meet him at the house to do some cleaning.
guh, we ended up cleaning for four hours...not fun. i had to wipe down counters and the sink and cabnets, i also vaccumed a bit. it was really boring over there though and my uncle was lecturing me about our cats and about how i need to sign up for college now and blah blah blah.
my f-ing headphones are breaking! this is the second pair that's breaking. last time one of the headphones went out, this time it's like the main cord where it plugs in at because i have to wiggle it to make it work. mom said she'd buy me a new pair though so i'm happy.
my mom loves the song 'i kissed a girl' oh geeze
<3 <3 <3
cassie |
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Saturday, June 21, 2008
stop my breathing and slit my throat, i must be emo
listening to: gernade jumper-fall out boy
Cassie's Comment Corner:
sayanachan: lol i figured if anyone would get my nun reference it would be you. mmmhmmm that poem is offically titled krissy's song. XD
belinda: ha ha have i told you that i love your compliments? there is no way i am better than wentz, sure, a good competition but not better lol.
i'm emo cause i make X's on the palm of my hand with band-aids.
well, actually not really because i need the band-aids. see, my dear cat patrick went fucking pyscho on me earlier when i tried to stop him from fighting with our other cat.
he bit the palm of my hand, the good soft part right where your fingers stop and your palm begins. it was so deep that my hand was bleeding like crazy.
my blood looks like cherry kool-aide btw.
okay, so i actually did some of the stuff on my list from yesterday. i did infact box up my manga which took me forever! and i called my old best friend was awkward to say the least.
i am offically in love with pete wentz's new show FN MTV. it's on friday nights at eight on mtv. it's cool, i like that he host's it.
i hear from my brother that my uncle is making my mom and i go clean the house we're moving into. gah, that is NOT how i want to spend a saturday...i hate cleaning!
anyhoo this piece is getting long so i shall be getting out of here but not before i leave you with some pictures, not of me, just of my current obsession. (i have a feeling jenny knows where this is going)

okay, that one is brendon and jon but just cause i like the hugging.

look at him thinking hard

yes, i want jwalk babies now plz
i cannot be the only one who thinks he is sexy. krissy, back me up here. lol
oh, i also learned that jon wrote most of the song pas de cheval and it means horse step. i'm figuring it's because the beat of the song sounds like a horse running.
<3 <3 <3
cassie |
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