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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Sunday, June 8, 2008
damage control, there's a ring around her finger
listening to: nothing but i do have a motion city soundtrack song stuck in my head.
it was incredibly hot yesterday. my cousins ended up spending the night so of course i got woken up an whole hour earlier then i wanted to be.
ended up going to both open houses but extreamly late, enough for me to believe that i had missed them both. my mom was taking forever though, she takes so long to get places, everyone in the family knows she's always late.
so i guess running late and heat don't mix well for me seeing as i was prone to frustration and snapping on people.
things got better once i got to danielle's open house. she got a shiny new car as a gift...a silver neon i think it was but i'm not too sure. i saw all danielle's cool little awards and things and sat down and ate with her and her girlfriend jessica and their other friends who were still around.
jessica and danielle were playing around and danielle threw a tortilla chip in jessica's eye on accident, i guess it hurt a lot and danielle felt bad. after that we went outside to play volleyball, i only went cause danielle asked me to. so at first it was me, danielle, and danielle's aunt on one team and this little girl, this guy, and jessica on another.
but then jessica stopped playing and danielle switched teams and danielle's dad joined my team and i hurt my fingers and my mom started to play.
after the pick up game was over my mom said we had to go so i said goodbye and left to go to taylor's open house.
now taylor's one said it was over at six but we got there at like five-fifty but taylor was still around so we hung out and they had a lot of food left over so they had us eat.
so i ended up talking to taylor and paul a lot and eating the yummy food and playing with taylor's daughter miley.
paul and i were talking about going to the drive-in but taylor was too busy to do it so we decided to do it another time. taylor also wants me to come out and see her new house and spend the night so i will do that sometime and she was like "we can sleep in the same bed! but i gotta wash my sheets first!" and i told her that i'd just bring my own sheet lol.
so taylor gave me a bunch of balloons and lei's and stuff when i was leaving and then we had to go grocery shopping and it took forever! i swear my mom can do nothing quickly. we were in the store for two and a half hours. i got so bored that i went to sit in the car.
then we went to my grandma's house and then home finally but i had to help carry gorceries in and it started storming so i was getting rained on.
i called jenny but we were both pretty tired so we weren't talking much. i'll call her again today.
now i am too tired to do any work or write my speech so i suppose i will do that tomorrow when i wake up.
grrr so much to do but no time to do it. |
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Saturday, June 7, 2008
his arms were the branches of a christmas tree, preached the devil in the belfry
listening to: mad as rabbits-panic at the disco
incase anyone was confused, nope, pete's child isn't born yet...i think i read that it would be born in november.
finally the weekend but i still can't relax. i gotta keep working through the weekend. writinging my graduation speech (which i am terrified of reading now), need to create anwsers for my exit interview (which is scheduled on the same day as my graduation), and i have a few more stories to write for my magazine thing.
i got my cap and gown yesterday too. my mom made me try it on. i think i look like i'm going to sing for a church. it's white with a red tassel. i'm nervous, i will admit. i never knew ending high school could be so damn stressful.
i also have two open houses to go to today. taylor's and danielle's. taylor's starts at one in the afternoon and danuielle's starts at two...i have no idea how i am gonna pull this off. go to taylor's for awhile then go to danielle's.
and i gotta go shopping on sunday for an outfit to wear under my gown at graduation...i also need to figure out shoes to wear.
still gotta do my own open house invites and it doesn't help that my mom keeps switching the fucking places and dates....
please can't someone just stop time?
i just need one second...
one moment...
to breath... |
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Friday, June 6, 2008
imma survivor
listening to: survivor-destiny's child
yesterday was the kinda day where you wear flip-flops to school because you have no clean socks.
this whole weeks feels like a blur, i barely remember what happened. i know i did a lot of work.
taylor lost her mind during these last few days.
i finally got a band to interview, a band called munroe. you guys should check them out on the myspace...damn, i forgot to put their banner up.
i actually have to create a whole music magazine so i will no doubt be pulling some of my dear friends opinions. *coughjennykrissybelindamegancough*
yesterday was june 5th and that means that was peter lewis kingston wentz the third's 29th birthday. he be old, not really but he will be someone's papa so meh. anyway here is pictures in honor of him and i hope he has a great day and lives another 29+ years.

dear, god, imagine what he'll dress the kid up as.

i cans predict the future...okay not really but babeh time!

babeh wentz, just cause i feel like it.
finally got my exit interview scheduled...last friday of high school ever. scary.
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Wednesday, June 4, 2008
your smile reminds me of switchblades and infedelity
listening to: switchblades and infedelity-fall out boy (i think it's spelt wrong but w/e)
so here are some things i learned yesterday:
don't actually go on a site called fueled by ramen secrets if you don't want to know said secrets. seriously, they will change your perspective on people in general.
gabe and nate from cobra starship sometimes offer to take fans back to their bus for let's say X-rated activites. and honestly? i think i would go. lol
no one should ever starve themselves for ryan ross.
youtube is a good way to waste an afternoon.
i think after a long time, after holding on and being infatuated with a certain person, i think i'm over it. i think i'm finally ready to let go, i mean the whole thing is just too tiring when i feel like i'm the only one putting anything into keeping our friendship alive. i know he's popular but come the fuck on.
i know he won't read that but i kinda want him to.
despite that paragraph i am not that upset.
i played the original version of slow motion and the panic cover at the same time and it was amazingly cool. brendon's version is faster though so it's hard to get it to synch up.
i have less then a week till graduation and still lot's of work to do. either i will graduate on the 10th or you guys will end up hearing about a massive murder spree in swartz creek.
on that note i am out.
cassie |
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Tuesday, June 3, 2008
this city's made us crazy and we must get out
listening to: must get out-maroon 5
wow i got comments from people who haven't been around in a while, welcome back!
yesterday was a really weird day. since seniors are technically done with school we don't have to be in all our classes. taylor and i don't have anything to do during second or fifth hour.
so during second hour i needed to go out to buy batteries for my camera because i had recently misplaced my battery charger. we were just gonna go to a supermarket but we ended up going to the mall, which isn't too far from the school.
it was brittany, taylor and i. we ended up at the mall and none of the stores were open yet. so we walked along the parts of the mall and rode the escalator, we also went to the kids playplace and took goofy pictures. if brittany or taylor puts them up i'll show them to you.
we also took some of those stereotypical photobooth pictures that characters in movies always take together. you know where you pose four times and the pics come out in a little strip. taylor and i did one and brittany and taylor did one. i think they're cool and everyone should do that at least once in their lives.
anyway that's how we killed an hour. so we went back to school and the hall monitor was out in the parking lot so she saw us.
taylor and i went and worked for third hour but then we didn't have anything to do for fourth hour and i still needed batteries so we decided to go back to the mall.
of course when we tried to leave the principal stopped us and said if we leave we couldn't come back. that pissed us off and we were trying to explain to him that we have nothing to do. he said we'd have to go sit in our old classes when we have nothing to do. taylor told him he was disrespectful and he told taylor to leave so she did but we called her and she came back and got brittany and i.
we ended up back at the mall again. we went to the deb store in the mall and bought clothes. we ended up spending an hour in that store. i bought a cute green shirt with stars. brittany bought a black shirt with stars so we decided we needed to find taylor a star shirt so we could all match. we found her a pink one, she also bought a corset and a tank top.
we went to lunch after that and back to the school. where everyone seemed to know that we had gotten yelled at. oh well.
had to go to my fifth hour with nothing to do. boring!
my english teacher was mad at me too for leaving. she said i had too much stuff to do to be leaving. the f-ing batteries i bought died too so it was pointless to buy them.
after school doug gave me his ipod video to have for the night, i guess he needed me to hide it or something, i dunno i'm listening to it right now. he has some strange music on there.
when i got on the your ride the driver handed me my battery charger. apparently it must've slid out of my bag in the morning on friday and i didn't notice. i'm glad i got it back though because all my batteries were dead or near dying.
well that was probably really long but hey the new comment layout is really cool!
cassie |
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Monday, June 2, 2008
i will paint you in silver, i will wrap you in cold
listening to: silver and cold-AFI
okay so i changed my theme, you like? i like. go 2008 seniors. i feel it's fitting because really this last week and a half will be the last in my high school ever....kinda scary.
apparently i ate a bad burrito yesterday...i'm fairly certain i have a mild case of food poisoning...that doesn't last long right?
i spent a lot of time watching movies this weekend, which is unusual for me because usually i can't pay attention to movies but i watched 'velvet goldmine' and it was really good, strange but good. and i watched 'shrek the third' which was okay, felt like nothing really happened though.
my cousin offered up her house for a place to have my open house. it's gonna be way better then the spot i had originally planned and i think more people will be able to get there so i'm pretty excited.
my classes at school will be different. i don't have to go to all of them because some of them i am passing but i do have to go back to a couple of them. the rest of my time will be spent doing my portfolio and other seniory things.
did a lot of writing this weekend, surprised i am being so creative. ugh, i feel nauseous though. like i might puke...fucking tainted foodz.
peace out boy scouts
cassie |
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Saturday, May 31, 2008
he stands alone because he's high on himself
listening to: pretty in punk-fall out boy
okay, so i did go to the hometown days with taylor yesterday morning. techincally we went to the store first and this was at like 6:40 in the morning so we went to the store and my brother was with us. then we went to taylor's boyfriend paul's house and we parked there and walked to the carnival.
after we got there i heard someone say my name and i looked around and saw danielle and her girlfriend jessica. they were waiting in line for a ride so i talked with them.
the lines were insanely long by the way.
so i was talking to danielle and i lost taylor in the crowd but her, paul, and my brother came back and then we ran into eric who used to go to our school.
taylor and i left to go ride the boat ride and paul and my brother stayed in line with danielle. we ran into bobbi while in line and talked with her. the boat was really fun it's one of those rides where it goes really high in the air on both sides and makes your stomach tickle so you giggle like an idiot.
taylor said she felt like she was flying out of the seat. it was raining too, sprinkling so my hoodie and glasses and hair was wet and taylor's shirt and legs were wet.
we met up with our friend brittany but it was time for school to start so we had to go but when we were leaving we had to walk by the port-a-potties and they were sucking them out and it smelled so disgusting! i nearly puked twice so we were running and covering our mouths and noses.
went back to paul's house and dropped my brother off at school. then we went to the gas station and bought a pack of cigarettes for paul's friends, then we went to mcdonalds for breakfast and we got to school late.
our teacher was pissed but we had a good time.
nothing much else happened.
tried to get my brother to go out with my friend bobbi but he said he doesn't like her like that.
our school had a drawing for gift cards today and my brother ended up winning a $50 gas card, bobbi won too and jesse won and taylor booed him.
this guy in yearbook deleted all the pics off my camera on accident, still doesn't stop me from being pissed off.
cassie |
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Friday, May 30, 2008
if vodka were drama, my school would be wasted
listening to: fellowship of the nerd-fall out boy
Cassie's Comment Corner:
krissy: well, i knew there were rumors that she was pregnant but i was waiting for them to confirm it.
yesterday could kind of be considered a bad day.
i don't think i ever put the whole story on here but i think i have to so you'll understand. on wednesday at lunch i heard my name being said like five times from one of the tables, it happened to be the table where justin, jesse, doug, and a few other guys were sitting. at the time i ignored it but the more i thought about it the more i knew they were talking about me.
so on wednesday i went to justin and jesse and told them to tell me who was talking shit about me. neither told me and they both blew me off, doug told me that someone was talking about me but he didn't know who. cody wouldn't tell me what happened but he did tell taylor, who at my request told me. one mistake though he named the wrong guy at the time.
so i wasn't that mad at it on wednesday and i told my brother and he was kinda mad but i figured we'd forget about it. not the case because all day i heard that my brother was really pissed and threathening guys and demanding to know who was talking shit about me. i tried to get cody to tell me again but he wouldn't.
as it turns out nearly the whole table was talking about me. yeah, that fucking pissed my brother off. he was really angry, he walked down to lunch with me and as soon as we got into the cafe he was like "go ahead and talk shit now! say it while i'm down here! don't fucking attack her when she's alone." none of the guys said anything but i guess jesse was laughing and my brother slammed his hands down on the table and the lunch lady was afraid he was gonna hit him so they called the principal.
i started yelling at jesse too because he was still running his stupid ass mouth and i nearly got in trouble for swearing. at one point jesse looks at me and waves even though he knew i was pissed off and i was so so close to dumping my tray of food on him, i swear i was.
apparently more people have my back then i thought because so many people asked what was going on and i told them and they were pissed, i know it's because i am actually a nice person.
but justin came down at lunch where i was at and i didn't want to talk to him and my brother was telling him to leave and my teacher said he should apologize but he faked it and that pissed me off enough to make me cry and then my brother told him to get the fuck out.
so by sixth hour a ton of people were involved and pissed and paul was really mad and promised me that he would yell at justin and jesse during his sixth hour.
cody tried to talk to me on the stairs but i ignored him and jesse and justin came up to talk to me after school and i didn't want to talk to them but jesse kept saying he wasn't talking shit and i told him i didn't believe him and he said i shouldn't care what people say anyway and all this crap...i don't know i'm letting it go though, i don't have time for all this drama shit, i'm graduating in a week and i'll never see any of these people again anyways.
besides all the unpleasantness it was an okay day. the breakfast we went to was good. i gave dan the rest of my eggs and we got to go to first hour late.
taylor and i are planning to go up to the hometown days festival today in the morning before school. i think destiny and brittany and bobbi and paul are all gonna go too so should be kinda fun. i wanna ride the merri-go-round.
cassie |
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Thursday, May 29, 2008
empty another bottle and let me tear you to pieces
listening to: my heart is the worst kind of weapon
is it at all sad that i started my post off with that information? pete says that ashlee is past her first trimester, i am no baby genius but mom says that it means she's like four months? idk.
i'm sad that i'll never get another yearbook again. i mean i'll see my brothers but it won't be mine. oh well, at least i convinced him to join yearbook next year.
the city where our school is has this little carnival thing every year called hometown days. from what paul tells me it's free on friday morning so he and i and taylor are gonna go their before school and get free food and maybe ride the ferris wheel.
get to go out to eat this morning with my senior advisory cause our teacher is paying. only thing is i gotta ride with taylor and she smokes so i'll be smelling like smoke the rest of the day.
dum dum dum danielle and taylor's open houses are on the same day so i gotta go ahead and make sure i hit both of them.
hungry, gonna eat some ramen now because i'm still sick.
cassie |
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Wednesday, May 28, 2008
their life was stole
listening to: stole-kelly rowland
first off, i got mah yearbook! i got my yearbook. granted i worked on the damn thing but i still wanted it and i'm glad i just paid for it yesterday.
ugh it fucking sucks when people who you think are your friends talk shit about you. guess i wasn't as upset because by now i expect people to talk about my weight...can't wait for them to grow up.
danny is being a butt cause he won't comment me back when i'm bored so i spam him lol.
still sick, out of cough drops this sucks.
but i do have my yearbook so i'm happy and imma get some signatures soon and i get to go out to breakfast tomorrow and get free foodz. |
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