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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Monday, April 21, 2008
hey, have you heard of my religion? it's called the church of hot addiction
listening to: church of hot addiction-cobra starship
Cassie Comment Corner (new and improved version of redmoonchick responds)
belinda: the darn news shoes won't leave wen-wen alone it's always talking about how he used to kiss dudes and once tried to kill himself and they only care about him because he's with ashlee
vampire lestat: ha ha i heart you just for saying pete wentz ftw! XD yew ftw!
krissy: lol then i'd be known as that crazy pete wentz fangirl lol
jenny: dear, jenny i can so see you making a video like that. i would laugh so hard if pete saw it! you'd be famous!
spent most of the weekend with my cousins jordan and porsha. my mom kinda volunteered to watch them. went swimming and it was really relaxing.
and something about the spring at night makes me feel alive. it's so strange but it does. i feel alive in the summer and spring and at night. that's strange right?
oh, i got my ACT test scores back and the lowest you can get on the test is a one and the highest is a 32 i got a 19 i dunno if that's good or bad. taylor got a twenty two her boyfriend got a 15 and someone else got a 14. i'm guessing that 19 is around average.
i did get high marks in the reading and writing department but that's not unusual because i always do. my science and math marks were lower then i would have liked but whatever i'll make it work.
i regret giving my home phone number to my friend brittany. she calls me every weekend but i don't anwser mostly because by now i have figured out that she lies, she constantly tells lies about something and she talks about herself and doesn't want to know about anyone else. ugh i am not talking to her on the phone.
oh, jenny finished her chapter of our story and i think i sent it out to everyone who reads it. maybe not krissy...i can't remember. well if you want to read it and i haven't sent it to you just tell me and i will.
hmm today i mentally compiled a list of my favorite musicians from bands and i r gonna share it with yew whether yew like it or nawt. ha ha leet.
fob=patrick stump hands down
panic=...tie between jon walker and brendon urie for the life of me i cannot choose!
cobra=nate yup i love that little guy
there's a million more but i feel that's enough for now or at least that's all people will care about lol
woopie i have a dentist appointment tomorrow...i am not looking forward to it. i already know they're gonna tell me that something is wrong with the tooth i had my root canal done on. *sigh* how i dread it.
also have a field trip this week. we're going to the holocaust museum on tuesday. i'm really looking forward to that though because i think it will be interesting. the only thing i am dreading is the bus ride because our school is cheap so they might try to stick us all on one bus. fuck, that we need two i shall not be tripling up.
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Saturday, April 19, 2008
have you got a little captain in ya?
listening to: sending postcards from a plane crash (wish you were here)-fall out boy
school was fine. we made candygrams to send out and i ordered one for taylor, bobbi, and justin. i was a bit nervous to send one to justin cause i didn't know how he'd feel about it. with a candygram you get a card and a bag of mini skittles.
justin did like his candygram though. he was being sincere for once when he thanked me for it. coincedentally i got two candygrams myself. one from taylor and one from bobbi.
taylor and paul are still kinda fighting. it's awkward and somehow i keep putting myself in it but i didn't mean to. i was just trying to tell paul that he was pissing her off and he was getting mad at me for it.
it was really nice out so we went outside to play kickball in fitness and i didn't play so bobbi and i were watching the bases to see who was safe and out and whatnot.
ha today this guy david was wearing a shirt that said something along the lines of: "you have the right to remain silent, anything you say will be misquoted then used against you." well considering what happened yesterday with the whole kyle has a gun fiasco. someone thought it would be a great idea if everyone in the school started wearing signs that had that on there so like by the end of the day everyone was wearing a sign, myself included.
my brother told me that his two friends act really gay together so now i freaken keep picturing the two dudes together because geeze they really do act gay.
saw justin doing the lean with it rock with it dance and it was cute and doug was singing along to hannah montana and nsync.
ugh for the love of everything good in the world CAN'T THEY JUST LEAVE PETE WENTZ ALONE? i feel like that leave britany alone guy. lol
~cassie~ |
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Thursday, April 17, 2008
we're so starving
listening to: the black parade-my chemical romance
school was okay if not a bit boring. my brother didn't go and our teachers were mad.
i'm really worried about taylor. she and her boyfriend and the father of her unborn baby have been fighting for the last two days and it's kinda bad and it's irritating because he pisses her off and then she forgives him too easily.
we were talking about it during yoga. i dunno i'm just gonna support her cause i love her so dearly and if he mostly makes her happy then that's good.
jeremiah does have a girlfriend. *sigh* kinda sucky but i already thought he had one anyway. he still flirts though so i dunno what his deal is. i guess it's because he knows i don't know his girlfriend so he can get away with it. ha ha he showed me this pic of him without a shirt on that was on his myspace and he was all like "you like checking out my body?"
he also called me an emo kid even though i'm not...maybe just a little. hee the teacher bought pizza so i had a slice and jeremiah poured me some pop and we watched the all time low video dear maria together. and he told me he used to be emo last year.
gross, justin and jesse and this cody guy all said that when they first met me that they thought my brother and i were boyfriend and girlfriend! eww dude, just eewwwwwwwww!!!!!! how can you not know we're siblings? we look so much alike.
i was stuck at the school yesterday till almost six at night! apparently there was some mistake with the annoying.
cops came up to our school yesterday. they thought one of my friends had a gun! he didn't i don't even know why they would think that.
~cassie~ |
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so what if you can see the darker side of me?
listening to: animal i have become-three days grace
school was fine, we had our field trip to davenport university. i'm not interested in going there, i feel bad because no one from our school really was interested. it was really boring though! all they did was talk and talk, blah. we got a tour of the school and that was only interesting because of my classmates. we did get pizza and cookies though which was like the best part.
the bus ride was fun too. this guy tyler brought a megaphone with him and was yelling stuff off the bus. and then my friend jessica and this guy david were singing the lamb chop song in german. hilarious.
paul was being so mean to taylor and i yesterday. like hitting us and what not and regardless of what he thought he was really making her mad which is bad cause he is her boyfriend, he should know that he's pissing her off.
my friend jessica brought a guitar with her to school so at lunch she was playing it and telling us stories and it was so funny. she was playing it in sixth hour too, she was playing the mario brothers theme song and the green day song "time of your life."
my friend brittany and bobbi are fighting and somehow i got in the middle of it so now they're going back and forth between me and it's frustrating cause they want me to tell them what the other says and whatever.
we went for a walk in my sixth hour and man, my feets are hurting! running around in flip flops is never a good idea even though it was so nice out. we went and got ice cream at dairy queen on my teacher's dime so it was all good. on the way back my friend timmmy and i were talking about last year and danny and danielle and what not so that was kinda weird, it's strange when other people talk about them cause it's like "yeah, but i know them more"
saw justin yesterday but barely. i talked to him a little bit but it was mostly kind of quiet in the lab so no one was really talking to each other. i did hang with jeremiah though. he came around and gave me a hug from behind and then drank some of my pepsi.
i kinda like jeremiah, kinda. he's nice and i could potentially see us going out just two problems, one i think he has a girlfriend and two he's only gonna be around for like nine more days. i do flirt with him a bit though but it feels like he's flirting with me back. we're always hugging and talking and i ruffled his hair and we were sharing pop.
when i was leaving i gave him a hug and told him i was tired and he told me to go to sleep lol
ugh, mom wants to talk to me about my open house and make a list of people to invite and what i want and senior pics done and my mom wants me to go to prom but if i do then i have to pay by friday...i don't know. i'm kinda stressed from school so it's hard to enjoy stuff.
~cassie~ |
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Tuesday, April 15, 2008
so many kids but i only see you
listening to: the cab
so i didn't go to school yesterday. i was so tired and that probably wasn't the best idea considering i just got bitched at for not working hard enough.
i have a field trip today. we're going to davenport university. it should be fun, at least i get to miss a few classes.
wrote a lot but nothing too important just short little things. i sent them to jenny and i should probably send them to krissy.
i called jenny and we talked for like an hour and a half and that was funny. it's always entertaining to talk with her. i also sorta gave her a lax deadline for her to finish her chapter of our story. i don't know if she will but i have faith in her.
okay, really i got nothing else but damn is the ashlee simpson pregnancy rumors getting to me.
~cassie~ |
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always borrowed, always blue
listening to: new friend request-gym class heroes
so people liked my new outfit at school yesterday. i looked good, if i do say so myself.
my friend destiny cut her hair super short and now she looks like a boy, not just any boy but a mexican boy. i gave her a new name to go along with her haircut. i am now calling her rico paco pedro fernandez, lol
went to play with the autistic kids and my normal kid wasn't there so i had this little boy named matthew and he was so cute and snuggly. it's weird to say but he was like a little bear or something so soft and chubby, really adorable. he didn't want to do any of the activities though and wouldn't it figure that when i'm wearing my brand new white shirt, the kids get to play with blue stamp ink.
matthew put his chin in it and got it all over his hands and face and i had to wash him off and he was trying to drink the water out of the faucet.
played crab soccer and holy shit someone kicked the ball so hard that it smacked me right in the face and my glasses flew off and skidded across the gym and it cut me across my forehead. none of my friends told me that i had a long mark on my face so my brother saw me at lunch and was like "what's wrong with your face?" ugh so embaressing, the rest of the day everyone is like "what happened to your face?"
my counsler wanted to see me during sixth hour and he made me cry. i feel like he basically told me that i wouldn't be graduating this year but i am NOT taking that as an anwser. i'm working my ass off and i am not giving up and so help me god the school better pray that i walk in graduation because if i don't they will not see a more pissed off teenager in their entire life!
couldn't find justin after school i asked his brother where he was and he was all like "why do you care?" and wouldn't it figure that when justin comes in i would be talking about panic at the disco in your pants? what kind of luck is that. he was like "is that your life story or something?" and i was like "yeah, and there's a whole chapter devoted to you." lol
i only got to see justin for like three minutes before he had to go but i did get to hang out with jeremiah though which was cool, i like him a lot. he can headbutt people without it hurting, the boy is a ninja. he also came around and grabbed me by my ponytail and my arm and then he tried to jump into my arms he was like "catch me!" lol and he was leaving and he was patting me on my shoulders and stuff. sad that he's only gonna be around for eleven more days.
had a pretty lazy sunday. really, i did very little. i read my alternative press magazine and dreamed of how insanely cool it would be to write for a music magazine.
i always got a lot of posters out of the mag. and promptly put them on my walls. i'm serious i had two pete wentz ones and like seven panic at the disco ones.
my dad called me. we didn't talk long but i wasn't surprised. he said he'd call today but i'm not placing any bets on that.
i hate that guys are basically bi-polar, and i mean this literally and figuritively. really, you can't do one thing and then not do it later. i'm confusing you right? don't worry i'm confused too.
i managed to see fall out boy on this teen show on nick. it was some sort of dance show and they had pete and patrick anwsering questions to see how well they knew eachother and i found that adorable and patrick was dancing. i love that white boy.
grrr i want it to be warm so i can wear my new skelanimals flip flops to school but it won't be really warm till wednesday. guess i painted my toes for nothing.
okay, well i wrote a short little poemy thing so enjoy i suppose:
glad to see you're still bi-polar
glad to see you haven't changed
oh so happy to see you still remember the lines we used to say
i still scowl when i realize that i'm still happy you come to play
i still smile when you smile
my eyes still light up when i hear your name
can still decephier the way your mind works
and i'm so glad you haven't changed.
~cassie~ |
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Saturday, April 12, 2008
panic party in my pants
listening to: smile for the paparazzi-cobra starship
when i was leaving school on friday justin and jesse were watching me leave and i flipped them off and jesse flipped me off too but justin blew me a kiss. i was like wtf?
he also came around at lunch and i was messing around with him and i grabbed his wrist and ruffled his hair and it was rough, he really doesn't have very soft hair.
i took patrick to get his sutures out and he was hurting but we got them out so he is completely back to normal and now his hair needs to hurry and grow back on his stomach.
went shopping with my mom. i wore flip-flops and it was raining, that means it was a very bad idea. my feet were soaked and my flops squishy.
as far as shopping goes here's what i got:
.two music magazines (one having panic on the cover)
.skelanimals sandals, (so damn cute, their pink and white)
.silver bows with skulls on them
.a pink and white headband
.a pair of green capri pants
.a white t-shirt with hearts and keys all over it
that's it but i really like what i got especially the sandals.
called jenny and talked to her for awhile, i have such fun talking with her. i love that girl so much! annd i know a few of you will be happy to know that she is writing the new chapter of our story so be patient.
jenny and i also started a new group it's called P.P.I.M.P it stands for (panic party in my pants) anyone want to join? lol
you guys ever heard of a band called tokio hotel? i swear the lead singer looks like a chick...for reals here's a pic, the lead singer is the one with the humongous hair.

oh, shadowme yeah danny's always had braces as long as i've know him...which is what a year now or something like that? i wonder when he'll get them off....
(i was talking to jesse and justin and roger)
me: i really hate you guys
justin: but i like you
roger: yeah, he totally dreams about you cassie
(i ruffled justin's hair)
me: your hair is rough!
justin: my hair is as soft as a babies bottom!
random ass quotes:
(jenny and i were talking about our story)
jenny: we can say he doesn't like you because-
me: he has a vagina?
(again story talking)
jenny: this sounds like a porno
me: yeah, whoops i dropped my pencil in your lap, here let me get it with my mouth.
~cassie~ |
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dear diary, you're my bestfriend
listening to: face down-red jumpsuit apparatus
oh holy shit, PETE WENTZ IS ENGAGED! yup i'm pretty sure it's true. i can't believe it dude! you guys should've seen me after i read that while i was at school. i so wanted to tell someone but there was no one to tell so i just posted on theO. i'm kinda sad, not really cause he's getting married cause i'm glad he's happy but now i am so damn scared that fall out boy is gonna break up now.
school was so damn easy yesterday. i had a doctor's appointment yesterday so i ended up missing the first three hours of the day and didn't get to school till fourth hour was starting and we had a field trip fifth and sixth hour so the only class i had to go to was fourth hour.
the field trip was alright, we went to ITT techincal college and it was pretty fun for a tour. i'm not interested in that college though so i'm not going there but taylor is and that's really perfect for her. i also think that school's good for when my brother graduates.
when we were on the school bus the guys in the back started rocking it and it was fun cause i was back there and they wanted me to help but i didn't.
after school was pretty fun. i talked to danny for awhile on myspace and that was both surprising and fun. he seems to have a way to come around when i need him, he's good at that. he cut his hair again but it looks good, cause he's lucky like that and he said he missed me too which was heartwarming enough to cheer me up.
i think justin was maybe just a little jealous of danny though, cause i was talking to danny and justin was watching and he was all like "whose that?" and talking about danny and whatnot and i told him "danny is way more awesome then you." and he didn't say anything.
but he was on my myspace later and he read my old blogs that were about, well come on we all know who it was about and he called me an emo kid. and he pretended to get all offended cause he was my number 13 on myspace and he demanded that i move him to my number two and put him as one of my hero's. yeah, not happening.
justin stayed for a long time after school because his grandpa thought he was walking home or something so he was really bored and making paper airplanes and throwing them at me and running around with paper and we ran into each other in the hallway just me and him and we kinda stared at each other, it was kinda weird.
ha i also got to talk with jerimiah (i can't spell his name for the life of me) i like him, he's cool and funny. i took his hat and was wearing it but it smelt too much like smoke so i gave it back to him. bummer that he's leaving in two weeks, i told him i'd miss him and he was like "no you won't." but i told him he was awesome and gave him a high five and my brother told me that he said that i was awesome so yay for compliments.
oh and it just wouldn't be me if i didn't show you guys danny's new haircut so here:

and i'm pretty sure it's brendon urie's b-day so happy 21st to him!
~cassie~ |
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Wednesday, April 9, 2008
i'm putting out the lantern find your own way back home
listening to: mr. brightside cover-fall out boy
so school was fine. nothing happened and things were pretty normal.
my teacher wants me to speak at graduation. i want to but i am scared out of my mind at the thought of getting up infront of everyone at graduation.
we also need to decide on a song to play during graduation. really everyone is so across the board with what we should play but i thought of the song "this is my now." by jordin sparks and it really fits and taylor likes that one too. the other choice was i will remember you by sarah mclaclain. we'll vote soon for the songs.
dude, everyone i like either is taken or doesn't want me for some reason. it's fucking frustrating...
anyway my friend sandra has taken to calling the new kid in our school danny...well his name is daniel but please, she is the only one who calls him danny and i so don't wanna hear that name just thrown around it makes me think of him of course.
played floor hockey. my team won i think...maybe it was a tie i'm not sure. but i think i did a good job, though i got slammed in the shin with a tennis ball that was shot waaaaay too hard. it hurts. this other girl got slammed in the face though so i consider myself lucky.
got picked up from school super early so i really didn't get to hang out with justin or talk to jerimiah. that's a bummer. i was gonna download songs too.
i got a field trip today though! we're going to the college ITT Tech. it's not too far away from our school and we're only going for two hours. but it should be fun.
since our yearbook is finished now our journalism class is going to do a news broadcast. i signed on to be a script writer (obviously) taylor is a newcaster which fits her so perfectly. seriously if this newscast comes together it's gonna be so effing fun!
oh yeah, i had a story to post so i guess i can post it tomorrow since it's really short.
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the piano knows something i don't
listening to: the fellowship of the nerd-fall out boy
well i didn't go to school yesterday but it wasn't because of the girl or the drama. it was actually cause i was so friggen tired so i didn't go and i should've because i missed part of the movie we're watching in first hour. oh well i can just make it up later.
i've been on a creative streak lately. i wrote one and a half chapters of my one story. and now i have started something like panic at the disco stories a-z like i did for fall out boy though i never did finish the fall out boy one.
oh, oh and mtv is doing a wonderful thing where when every show is getting over they play a little thing where panic at the disco is singing acousticly and they were sitting on the train tracks and riding in a van and brendon was wearing ridiculous glasses but it was pretty much the best thing ever. and it gives me a reason to watch mtv so yeah.
also the reno 911 movie is soooo funny. lol i watched it today and it cracked me up. they're the worst cops ever.
just a little bit anxious to go to school today. i'm just not looking forward to there being any drama but if there is i will just have to deal with it and i know that once i go it will be fine.
~cassie~ |
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