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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Tuesday, April 8, 2008
remember when i was a bird and you were a map?
listening to: mad as rabbits-panic at the disco
first day back from spring break wasn't too bad. i was surprised that taylor showed up so early because usually she is late. she came in to work on senior stuff with me but it turns out our teacher was running late so we didn't do anything but sit and gossip. as it turns out though she and i both wore white shirts yesterday. so our friend thought we did it on purpose and i was like "yeah, i totally call taylor and match what she's wearing." lol
met my friend doug's brother daniel who goes to our school now. thank god he told me to call him dan because seriously it would drive me nuts to have to call him danny or daniel. but he's pretty nice and he looks nothing like his brother!
we were going for a walk in yoga today but i had already told my teacher that i wasn't walking with them anymore so i went and worked on senior stuff in my other teacher's class.
here's where the day went weird. when i went to get my lunch i saw this girl jenah. who likes to fight with everyone and thinks everyone is scared of her because she's fucking huge and she'll coke you and shit like that. i honestly don't know why she's still in the school, she is so disruptive and has already gotten in like three or four fights and slams doors and shit and she's not in trouble. fucking stupid if you ask me.
anyway i was getting my lunch and i hear her her talking to a friend and saying "that fat bitch." and at the time i didn't think she was talking to me but after i had gotten my lunch and was walking back to go eat she stops me and wanted me to sit next to her but i didn't. so she's like "i saw these pictures on your myspace." and i was confused because i don't have any pics of her on there and she's not even my friend on there.
turns out she's upset that i have a picture of me on my myspace wearing justin's brother's hat. see she likes justin's brother...whose name is jesse. so she likes him and she like tries to control him and shit. so i told her that i don't like jesse and she said she didn't like him either. she said the pics hurt her and i was confused because honestly i don't know what she was trying to say since she said i could talk to him or whatever but i don't understand. she's not his girlfriend, he doesn't like her, why the fuck is she trying to tell me who i can or can't hang out with and what pictures i can have? i'm not taking the picture down and i'm not staying away from jesse.
it is possible that she could wanna fight me but i don't think she will.
oh, extreamly cute boy came back to school yesterday but i don't really care anymore. i'm focusing my attention on justin who i do sorta like.
there is this boy named jerimiah who stays after school and i've been talking to him and he asked me to give him a hug today but i was afraid to because i thought he was gonna hit me (playfully) but i gave him one anyway
ugh, i'm letting this shit with jenah bug me and i shouldn't but i think it only really affects me because she's like the people who used to fuck with me in middle school and that doesn't sit well with me.
and i came to realize today that the spring reminds me of him, back to the day the photo's were taken.
~cassie~ |
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Monday, April 7, 2008
i've got your picture, i'm coming with you dear, maria
listening to: stereo-story of the year
so spring break is offically over. it's okay though, i had a good break, it feels like it lasted two weeks instead of one. and i miss my friends at school so i want to see them again, the only think i'm not looking forward to is of course the work and getting up early.
yeah, i learned a good lesson yesterday too. i was charging my batteries for my mp3 player and i have six of them. four for my camera which i already charged so that leaves two but i gave one to my brother so that leaves one. and therin lies the problem. my charger won't charge ONE battery. it needs two to work. so like a genius i figure i can trick it by putting a regular battery into the charger with a charging one.
it worked...for awhile. so i was in the living room and it was a good amount of time later and my mom and i hear this pop! and i looked but didn't see anything and then it hit me, fuck, the battery! so i went and looked and sure enough the regular battery had exploded at the bottom and clear battery acid was leaking out so i freaked and grabbed the charger and ran outside and threw it in the grass then i threw the bad battery away and whatnot. the stupidest thing is that i told myself it was a bad idea but i did it anyway.
i should probably put stories back on here. i mean i've been doing that for such a long time and i know my loyal fans/friends like my stuff but everything is so damn random that i have no idea what day i should post anymore. i used to post stories on mondays and thursdays. i dunno anyone still wanna read my vampire story sixteen? since that's the only one i really got going besides the high school fic that jenny and i are writing.
speaking of stories, i'm basically addicted to stories on livejournal communities. ha ha i've been reading like three different series. all so good too. the one i'm paticularly in love with is a panic at the disco story where ryan is getting married to his girlfriend but he may or may not be in love with brendon. oh melodrama how i love thee.
TO MEGAN: I SO TOTALLY NOTICED YOU WERE GONE! in fact jenny and i were litterally talking about it over the weekend! i missed yew! *glomps*
~cassie~ |
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Sunday, April 6, 2008
when the moon found the sun, he looked like he was barely hanging on
listening to: when the day met the night-panic at the disco
so i finished my book snitch. it was really good! i liked it a lot more then the other book i read by that author, street pharm.
woooo i got to see panic at the disco on saturday night live yesterday. awesome brendon looked hawt and jon looked so spiffy in his little gray vest.
talked to jenny yesterday too. we were both kinda distracted but it was still a good talk.
i drank a bit yesterday too. nothing big just a whole bottle of watermelon pucker. enough to get me a good buzz but not mind blowingly wasted. i also had raspberry vodka but that burned more.
my aunt came over to hang out with my mom. i was glad cause it got my mom off my back.
it was really nice out today for the first time in a while and i could actually go out without a coat. i felt oddly exposed for some reason. oh well. went to the carwash and these cute guys serviced us. the one who cleaned the cars was cute and he kept waving at my mom and i because he goes into my uncle's resturant.
thinking about someone lately. seriously cannot get them off my mind for too long. should probably hide the photo's, should probably forget those songs. i miss what i can't see...i miss the way person he used to be.
hey can you believe i came up with that off the top of my head. for real i just wrote it just now.
~cassie~ |
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Friday, April 4, 2008
you clicked your heels and wished for me
listening to: save your generation (cover)-fall out boy
i've been having really strange dreams lately. first i dreamt that pete wentz was my bestfriend and i got bit by a opossum so ashlee simpson had to take me to the hospital.
then i dreamed that justin was killing people in the school. it was actually pretty scary cause i never saw him directly, except for when i was looking through this window and he was on the other side looking back. then he tried to kill his own brother and we found him but he was paralyzed from the waist down. so we saved him and he was gonna live with us.
yesterday i had more weird dreams. i dreamed danny was on one of those your ride things with me and he had cut his hair really short and i thought it looked ugly but he gave me his cell phone and i had it when he left so i had to go to his house to give it back to him then he was at school visiting me and i got in a fight with this girl over right?
glad you guys liked my pics. i know belinda! it took me forever to seperate who was jesse and who was justin. i figured it out because jesse is a lot taller but they do look a like and it's harder because their names both start with J.
hee i talked to jenny on the phone tonight and she hit on me. lol what else is new? <--she wanted me to say that. she's so hilarious i love talking to her! she's one of the people i know i can be so real with and tell her anything.
quotes from jenny:
jenny: "laura give me my ipod so i can put on my sexy music!"
jenny: "laura get outta here and close the door, i'm gonna put cassie in the mood." (she was joking i think) lol
man, my music's really been on a roll lately. cobra starship was just on late night tv last night and now paramore is on tonight and panic at the disco is gonna be on saturday night live! so excited!
oh yeah, one more thing about jenny, she has an odd rivalry with jon walker from panic at the disco.

oh my god who could hate him?!? i wanna have his babies now please.
~cassie~ |
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Thursday, April 3, 2008
i missed your skin when you were east
listening to: it's hard to say i do when i don't-fall out boy
so went to my other doctor's appointment yesterday. eh don't worry, i'm not pregnant or anything but i still can't tell you why i needed the ultrasound.
so i was really happy to find that i had lost 10 pounds! so that was a picker upper. it makes me think that maybe i'm doing something right and hopeful that i really can lose weight.
so my one doctor wants me to go see my regular doctor because i dunno my white blood cells were high or something. she also wants me to get tested for diabetes but i know i don't have it but now my mom is worried.
i haven't been feeling good lately. i have a headache. it might be the pills i am taking.
blah i guess nothing happened to me yesterday. the band cobra starship is gonna be on the conan o brien show tonight so i am excited to see that!
oh my friend taylor put some pics up on my myspace for me so i might put some pics up later if i feel like it.
okay so i found some pics and here they are:

this is me and taylor. ha ha i love those glasses i'm wearing. i'm the one on the right in case you didn't know. taylor is wearing my glasses too.

this is me and my friend eric. he's basically insane lol

this is like half of the student council. most of my friends are in it. i'm in the green if anyone didn't know. my brother is the one making the weird face and the girl to my right..ugh i can't stand her!

this is justin's brother jesse. he's cuter but more of an ass.

so that's justin when he had longer hair and he's holding my camera.
~cassie~ |
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Wednesday, April 2, 2008
she said she'd won the world at a carnival
listening to: she had the world-panic at the disco
well i went and got my blood taken yesterday. it sucked i will tell you. i was tired and scared because i so hate getting blood drawn. the lady had to take three vials so it felt like it took an eternity. i'm so glad fall out boy was on my mp3 player so i just jacked the volume up like crazy. XD i'm such a baby.
i also had to go and get an ultrasound done. that was so much worse. mostly because it's one of those ones where you're not allowed to go to the bathroom so i had to go so bad! seriously it was like the worst i had to pee in my entire life! and my aunt was making me laugh so that was bad. it was painful.
i feel like maybe my fall out boy t-shirt has become something like a security blanket to me. when i had to go get my blood done i wore it, then i when i got home i took a shower and since the shirt was still clean i put it back on to go and get my ultrasound. i dunno maybe it's because it makes me feel better or maybe it's because i wore it to the concert and met andy while i was wearing it. hmmm
my aunt took me to my uncle's resturant yesterday too and my mom gave me a dinner and some other stuff so that was cool.
stopped by and saw my grandma. she looked good but not great. but she's been really hung up on my graduation lately, that's cool since no one else seems to be.
lol thanks to krissy i finally got my creativity flowing somewhere. i wrote her a story so sweet it would give you cavaties! not exaggerating either.
well to anwser awesmguitarist question. yeah, danny and i are cool and everything. i mean those quotes and whatever were from last year but i still talk to him kinda and he told me that he still reads my site but i'm not sure to be honest.
i have to go to another doctor's appointment today. just to be checked out so i should be fine so no one worry! XD like anyone was.
~cassie~ |
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i'm a little man, i'm also evil, i'm also into cats
listening to: thnks fr th mmrs-fall out boy live
so i got my fall out boy cd/dvd combo yesterday. thank you god for blessing me with brand new panic and fob goodness in a two week timespan. i feel like i'm being spoiled lol.
sooo i love the dvd! it has all this great backstage footage and never will i tire of seeing pete steal a golfcart and patrick pretend to have a conversation with a microphone. classic baby.
the dvd also has like eight videos on it so now i can watch dance, dance or a little less sixteen candles whenever i feel like! huzzah!
and of course it has the concert on it and it really reminds me of when i went to see them live and it makes me all kinds of nostalgic. XD
um, if anyone didn't know. MY LEG ISN'T REALLY BROKEN! that would be a joke. okay?
boo, i have to get blood drawn like 8:30 in the morning. that sucks on so many levels. i hate getting blood taken! maybe i can just blast my mp3 player and close my eyes so i don't know when it's coming.
i have a doctor's appointment on thursday too. and my aunt is taking me. whoopie (oh how i love the sarcasm)
little patrick kitty has to go back to the veternarians on friday to get his sutures out. my mom doesn't want to take him but i mean she has to! she wants to take them out herself and i was like "fuck that."
so yeah, i'm on spring break but i really miss my school friends! especially since finding out taylor is pregnant. i also miss justin but i'm trying not to think about that too much. though i do wonder if i ever pass through his mind. probably not because he is so young and stupid.
oh yeah, watching the fob dvd reminded me of two things.
1. that danny once offered to go see fob in concert with me even though he hates fob just because i wanted to go.
2. a hilarious quote that i didn't find funny at the time because at the time i was fighting with danny but it went a little like this.
danny: *being loud*
me: why do you always have to make a scene?
danny: this ain't a scene it's an god damn arms race.
^f-him because i wish i had thought of that! XD
~cassie~ |
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Monday, March 31, 2008
you could love me if i knew how to lie
listening to: everything is alright-motion city soundtrack
you probably wanna know what happened right? well there's this large hole in our living room floor where the heater vent is and i usually step over it but today i must've misjudged or something because i fucking went down the hole and it was all wrong and i felt this awful pain but i didn't know what happened till i pulled my leg out and i couldn't feel it.
it was sick and i was fucking freaked out. good thing my mom was home so we went to the hospital and i have a bright blue cast and all that least i got pain pills.
well as you can see i changed my theme. it is april so i decided to go a theme based around rain. since it is spring and it has been raining a lot here.
no song yet but soon.
i've been anxious to write something today. but i don't know what to write. anyone have an idea? request or anything they want written? i'm in a creative slump but i want to write something. so toss me something and i'll work it out.
it was thundering pretty bad yestersday. raining a lot and there isn't quite anything like sleeping all cozy in bed and listening to the rain.
saw pete on fuse tv today. there is a fall out boy dvd/cd combo coming out today and i can't wait! it's gonna have a live concert taping on it, loads of behind the scenes footage, all their music videos! ah i cannot wait!
mmm it was brought to my attention that guy's hair is important to me and i guess it is now that i think about it. i like when guys have kinda long shaggy of sceney kind of hair. but i'm not too shallow. i also like teeth and eyes and personality.
oh well so i should be going but before i do let me say that the thing about me breaking my leg...yeah, not true.
happy april's fool's day.
~cassie~ |
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Sunday, March 30, 2008
i'll start this broken heart, i'll fix it up so it will work again
listening to: broken hearted-motion city soundtrack
i wish i could've slept in today but unfortunatly our friend nathan showed up at our house at 10:00 in the morning. my brother was in the shower so he decided to settle himself in my bed and talk to me about how pete wentz is gay. fun right? lol
i stayed up after he left and then went to run errands with my mom. we went and got my grandma a new tv and we went to walmart and i got lost because it was remodled and so huge!
we stopped by a supermarket too but that was pretty boring.
i did buy one of those teen magazines and found a ton of fall out boy and panic pictures. hurray for that.
picked up my cousin and went swimming, i smell like clorhine.
got ice cream and subway. yum it was good.
i talked to jenny for the first time in a long time and it was fun! i always enjoy talking to her. she's so crazy funny. we were singing disney songs and telling stupid jokes and she was humping her wall...that damn wall humper. lol
yeah, kinda boring for a saturday.
now i feel kinda depressed but really i don't know why. i just do. maybe i know why but really i don't think that's what it is because i was fine with it...really i was.
sorry for the vaugness. i'm gonna go write now.
~cassie~ |
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Saturday, March 29, 2008
let's tear away these faces we hide behind
listening to: a mountain in the middle of the cabins-panic at the disco
got a really big surprise during first friend taylor is pregnant again. she looked so sad when she told me and my heart broke for her. the guy that is the dad...well they've only been dating for three weeks. taylor already has a daughter like i said and i have no doubt that she'd be able to handle two kids but damn...she's gonna be a mother of two by the time she's 18.
my friend destiny got into a fight during 5th hour. it was crazy, the teacher had to get between them and the girl destiny was fighting with wanted to kill her!
justin left early today so there was no chance to really hang out with him which was a bummer cause i won't see him till april seventh when we go back to school.
went for a long walk in fitness. i'm not taking them anymore, i've already told my teacher. the walks hurt my legs really bad and my knee.
oh! i got my new bracelet from dear krissy a.k.a sayanachan. i love it! it's pink and white and says clandestine. i love it so.
ugh i've been so tired lately. i slept today from five thirty in the evening until 12:30 am. that's a long time but i just couldn't wake up.
i almost lost my panic cd. i was copying it onto my mp3 player the other day and i must've forgotten to take it out of the computer because my brother's friend found it and at the time my brother didn't know it was mine so he took it thinking that i would want it and then i checked and was like "fuck! that was my cd all along!" dude i was so lucky that my bro got a hold of it.
so i'm on spring break and it feels so good to be able to just relax for like a week.
~cassie~ |
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