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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Wednesday, March 12, 2008
i'm F**king pete wentz
ah i feel like everyone is giving up on myotaku. that's sad. i'm not leaving though, even if i do only get one comment a day.
this site is more for me too though, it's something i can look back on later and be like "oh so i felt like that when i was a teenager."
i have another reason but that's just for me.
had my ACT testing yesterday. oh my god so boring! it wasn't hard just super boring! i did pretty good but not on the math part. i know i failed that math part but i should be fine otherwise.
we still have to do more testing today and tomorrow then i'll have a day off on friday.
ugh, i'm letting stupid teenage bitches get to me. i shouldn't, i'm older then everyone else so i shouldn't let them get to me but i do and i don't know how to stop it.
i eternally feel like i'm younger when i'm older. i guess i'm not very mature. danny told me that before i think, he used to tell me i acted like i was fifteen. i guess i do but i don't really know why. i feel like everyone is more mature then me.
i wanna see justin, crap cause i'm actually excited to see him. i saw his brother yesterday and i forgot that justin wasn't around. but i really wanna hang with him.
alright so that's all now so i'll see you peeps around.
~cassie~ |
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Monday, March 10, 2008
taking cassandra to the end of the world party
i know i used the same subject as yesterday but again i freaken love that title.
okay, so yesterday wasn't too bad really. things haven't changed much at all and i'm glad. though it is weird as all hell to see my friend taylor and her new boyfriend paul together. because paul, well he doesn't seem like the romantic type at all but he really likes taylor and sends her all kinds of stuff like that he loves her and he wants to meet her baby so that's good. they really are a cute couple.
oh man, justin got a hair cut! he used to have a mop of curlish blonde hair but now it's kinda short and i saw him before breakfast and was like "you got your hair cut!" his brother got his haircut too but his brother's hair looks better. later justin told me that he doesn't even like his hair so he kept hiding it with a hood but i asked if i could see it and i pulled his hood off a couple of times.
i know i like him cause i couldn't wait to see hiim ater school. i was glad cause he stayed up in the computer lab with me when the others went to play basketball. yeah, i was totally flirting with him and helping him on the computer and our hands kept touching. and somehow my english teacher always catches me when i'm sitting next to him and she teases me about it later.
ugh, my freshman 'daughter' brittany told me that during her second hour this girl from my fitness class was talking about how my feelings were hurt that i was picked last and all this crap and she said that she was going to pick me next time we play a sport so i wouldn't feel bad. dude, i do not need pity picks! fuck that, i don't need their pity.
and the website i use to download music at school got blocked. crap, so i basically spent an hour and a half trying to find a new one and i think i found a good one so i don't have to worry about that.
taylor does all her own piercings and now she wants to pierce my nose! i was like no way! so i told her that she could repierce my ears so she wants to do that now.
blah, i have testing today. we're taking the ACT test's. english is first so that's a relife. we get out of school early at like one or one-thirty and i might have to have taylor take me home tomorrow.
well really that's all for now so i'll chat with you guys later.
~cassie~ |
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taking cassandra to the end of the world party
listening to: fellowship of the nerd-fall out boy
currently: at school
gotta make this kinda quick. first hour is about to start.
hey i'm half sure that my subject line is only the best song title ever. must remind myself to listen to that song.
blah got testing tomorrow at school and it last's three days but if i do it all i get a day off on friday so that's good i guess.
trying to figure out how to work the embedded pictures option on V.V. if anyone knows how do tell me.
school should be kinda interesting, only cause now my bestie taylor is going out with this guy named paul so it should be interesting to see how this plays out.
okay, well all for now talk to you later.
~cassie~ |
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Sunday, March 9, 2008
pass me another bottle baby, the jager's so sweet.
listening to: grand theft autum-fall out boy
currently: kinda sleepy
Redmoonchick Responds:
jangalian: yeah, i've seen your comments on adam's site stating your opinion and for the most part i agree. hopefully things will get better.
megan: yeah, the worlds thing is kinda confusing. i had to experiment with it a lot before i got the hang of it at all.
shadowme: it's a high school of course there is drama lol
awsmeguitarist: well i hope you end up keeping both myo and the world thing!
krissy: of course you get urie! ha if you get my site pregnant you owe me child support.
woah, six comments. way more then i thought i would get. i'm glad you guys are sticking around. we must stand together...or something like that.
went around and ran arrands with my mom yesterday. got so bored at one point that i began speaking in a very convincing british accent. it was fun.
gosh darn it. i like someone....frick. i was hoping to get out of this school year without having a crush but i do have a crush on someone and it's this guy named justin.
he's not the best looking guy but i find him so fun and entertaining. he always makes me laugh and as my brother put it: "justin's funny and she falls in love with funny."
grr i wish i didn't like him but at least i can honestly say that this is nowhere near a danny crush. that was epic, this is nothing.
if i get around to it i'll put a pic of him up.
i think i'm getting sick and it's this girl bobbi's fault. i have heartburn and a sore throat.
there's two things i cannot wait for:
1. new panic at the disco cd out march 25th
2. fall out boy live dvd and cd combo out on april first.
well i got nothing else to talk about. i wanna call jenny but it's way too late so i have to wait till tomorrow.
~cassie~ |
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Friday, March 7, 2008
no need for nervousness, it's just a little turbulance
listening to:
Currently: pissed at adam
well i really don't know how many people are going to read this considering that many people are switching to V.V.
here's my position on this matter: i am staying here. i love myo and i want to keep it. even if adam is making it shitty. but i figure if i have friends who switch i'll update their too but that would mean double commenting.
ah well i feel like adam is only keeping myo shitty so that people will switch over to the new version. a dick move if i will say so myself.
anyway i got not a lot going on. been flirting with justin after school. hee he said he would beat up a janitor for me. and he stole my camera so i threw my shoe at him. i do like him, not danny like but more like he is a welcome distraction. he's just like a lot of fun to be around.
i talked to jenny and i love her so much! she's loads of fun to talk to.
my friend taylor is dating someone i don't like but i'm giving him the chance because i love her too. ha ha she was leaving for a doctor's appointment and she hugged me and then kissed me on the cheek. she made our gay friend jealous.
well on shadowme's request i am posting another chapter of our collaberated story: high school never ends. this chapter belongs to jenny. so enjoy yo!
high school never ends:
Chapter Six: locked inside an empty mind.
Jenny walked threw the front door of her house after waving to Jon, Ryan, Brendon and Krissy and thanking walker for the ride home. Thankfully her mother trusted Jon not to plow into their garbage cans.
"Im home!" Jenny anounced, but got no answer in return. Her Mom usually wasnt home when she got home, but came strolling in an hour or so later and her dad, he was never around. the only one in the house was her dog Tucker.
"Tucker, where are you boy?" She called out as she heard movment upstairs as the dog ran down the stairs towards her. She knelt down and hugged the small dog. In return he licked her face and tackled her to the ground in attempt at licking every inch of her face.
She laughed "Okay, okay tucker I missed you too" she smiled as she pushed the Dog off of her. and crawled back to her feet. the dog sniffed at her feet and then turned around and run upstairs, most likley going to crawl into her bed and sleep some more.
"Lazy dog" she muttered, as she walked into the kitchen looking around for something to snack on. She planned to stay home for a little while and then head over to Cassies. Ryan and Jon weren't coming over for a couple hours, but jenny wanted to talk to cassie. and pete always made things fun by doing something stupid. She wanted to talk to cassie about Patrick, and about what brendon had told her on the ride home and of course, ryan.
She pulled a pop out of the fridge and sat down at the kitchen counter. She felt awkward, it was weird riding home with ryan and the others. Thats what she hated about guys, they made everything so awkward without even meaning too. She finished off her soda and walked upstairs to her room. Her room was like any typical teenagers. The walls where covered in posters of her favorite bands. Her bed sat in the middle of the room and on it was as she predicted tucker.
She stroked the dogs head as she passed him and sat down at the desk next to her bed trying to think of what to do for the next 45 minutes. After 5 minutes of staring off into no where she decided to call cassie and tell her she was coming over now, instead of forty minutes later. She'd have to walk but it was worth it.
Within two rings cassie answered "Heeeeello" the cheerful voice on the other end said "Hey cassie im going to come over now, is that okay?" "Sure jenny. I'll be here" she laughed "Alright see ya!" the younger girl said as she closed her own phone and steped into her closet to find a hoodie to throw over her shirt. It wasnt cold but with the sun going down it got a little chilly.
She said good-bye to Tucker and tucked her cell phone into her pocket as she ran down the stairs and out the door. Careful to lock the door behind her. Her mom was paranoid about that kind of thing since, they hadnt always lived in a good area.
The walk to cassies was about 25 minutes if she picked up a good pace, and the way her mind was running the time wouldnt seem like anything. She was thinking about everything. Ryan. Cassie. Brendon. Her dad. School. She noticed that when she was alone her mind seemed to run into places it shouldn't. Maybe that's why she didn't like being alone. She shoke the thoughts from her mind as she got to the last block before cassies house. Cassie was her best friend. the one that knew all and everything about her. She didn't know what she'd do without her.
When she got to cassies house she knocked on the door before walking in. When she walked in 3 cats greated her. Cassie always had a lot of cats. Usually named after her favorite characters on her favorite shows on tv. "Im here" she shoted out as she kneeled down to pet the cats that had greeted her.
"Hey jenny!" cassie shouted as she walked out of her bedroom. pete trailing her behind. if she didnt know better she'd have thought it was kind of odd to have them both in the same room together. but she knew how cassie and pete where. "Hi jenny" Pete said as he sat down on cassies couch and surfed threw the channels on tv. Finally resting at the FUSE channel where music videos where playing.
Cassie rolled her eyes at pete as his brain got sucked into the tv "So, what brought you over so early?" She asked siting down at the kitchen table
jenny toke the seat across from her "I didnt have anything to do, and i was getting lost in my thoughts again. So i thought id come over here where i could keep you two company. Besides im sure pete wasn't too pleased about your non stop patrick talking" Jenny grinned.
Pete turned around "You know her well" he said before he turned his head back to the tv and fell silent once again.
both girls giggled. "soooo, casseh spill. Whats up with you and that boy?" cassie looked as if she was holding her breath.
"he likes me!!" she shouted. "but hes to shy to ask me out. What should I do? Should i ask him out?!"
"duuuhh, of course you should" jenny smiled "all though, you know me. i'd by shy too, but you and patrick are good for each other. It'd help you both if you asked him out." cassie smiled and bit her bottom lip as if concentrating really hard.
"alright.... I'll try to ask him tonight.. but i dont know if i'll be able too"
"you can do it cassie, dont worry about it! and dont feel too alone you won't be the only one asking someone out tonight." cassie looked at her, confused.
"Yeah, you'll never guess what brendon told me on the ride home after jon dropped krissy off. He's going to ask her out tonight! FINALLY!" All though it seemed like they both were a couple no one had confirmed the fact that they were in a relationship.
"Really? That's great! Krissy is going to be so happy. she's been waiting for this for the longest time"
"I know." jenny replied as pete turned around and looked at them. "can you girls be a little bit quieter about your girl buisness so i can hear the music?" he smiled and then turned back around. cassie threw a empty pop can at his head which missed him and hit him in the leg. he threw the can back and missed
"its a good thing your a soccer player wentz because you have really bad aim" Cassie remarked making all three of them laugh.
"so.." jenny began. "seems like things might finally work out for us!" she grinned. "boy wise anyways.."
both girls laughed as wentz rolled his eyes.
~cassie~ |
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Tuesday, March 4, 2008
outta my head
listening to: amazing because it is-the almost
currently: feeling paranoid and low esteemed
i'm not going to make this too long because i don't know what's going down with myo cause things work and some things don't so i don't know how many people will be around.
i got to hang around with justin after school yesterday. he made me take a picture of his fake pop tart tattoo and he wants me to put it in the yearbook.
i took some video of justin too but he deleted it. and then i showed him the yearbook so far and he wants to be in it more so i told him to let me take more pics of him.
grrr i'm gonna kill my friend destiny though because everytime we see justin she's like "there's your man!" that bitch. lol
my cat nana had two kittens and one died and the other one is really small so i don't know if it will live or not.
still trying to find a good quote for my senior quote. waaaay harder then it sounds.
hee and my friend doug saw a pic of danny on my site and he was like "whose the japanese guy?" i was like "he's not japanese." must be the hair that fools people right?
well that's all for now so i'll see you guys later.
~cassie~ |
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i got it from my mama
hey just checking in with all you guys since i haven't been around due to bad timing on mine and adam's part.
at school right now. it is fifth hour. i just finished my powepoint on wind energy. fun right? luckily yesterday justin helped me with some animations so my powerpoint is pimped out.
i feel like extreamly cute boy (who is being an extream a-hole lately) was going to make fun of me during first hour because i knelt down to get my book and then he called this guy over and i stood up and he was like "nevermind!" i think he was going to make fun of my weight...not like i'm not used to it.
also got picked last during crab soccer and i'm actually good at that game. girls are bitches.
got nothing else to talk about so see ya laters!
~cassie~ |
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Sunday, March 2, 2008
things aren't the same anymore, some nights it gets so bad, i almost pick up the phone
listening to: crushcrushcrush-paramore
currently: feely artsy
Redmoonchick Responds:
krissy: i cannot blame you for wanting to rape my profile. brendon is a sexay beast! XD
rawr: yeah, it always snows in michigan! it never stops till like april. the movie was gross and it made me all paranoid about germs. nope, justin would be the 15 year old....yeah, i r pedo. XD i saw that book today at the borders and read a bit of it.
no one is around lately. i miss my friends! XD
my mom took pity on me and my sucky headphones that i hate and bought me one's exactly like my old ones! *joy* oh peach pink gummy headphones, how i adore you.
i was kinda busy yesterday. went with my mom to pick up my brother's glasses. he looks pretty cool wearing them i will admit. he looks kinda scene. ecspecially when he does a faux hawk.
stopped by a party supplies store and i really want a autograph dog for my open house. it's a stuffed thing that people can sign.
went to borders too. i was being such a little kid in the store. first i wanted a cute lil panda bear purple tote bag then i found a book i'd rather have, then a awesome diary, then i found the secret 13 volume of death note. so i basically begged for that. lol
i ended up getting it and it's really more of an encyclopedia but it tells everything about death note and secrets and it has a card that tells you what L's real name is. i won't say incase someone doesn't want to know.
i went to k-mart too and bought some cd's to put pics on so i think it is safe to say that you guys can espect some pics of meh sometime this week.
something scary happened though. my mom and i got pulled over! i guess she was going way over the speed limit but i swear neither of us noticed. it's bad cause techinaclly my mom isn't supposed to drive so they could've taken her to jail but he didn't and gave her two tickets instead. we weren't supposed to drive home either but we did.
usually i'm scared of cops but i did good this time.
went to burger king and ran into some of our family (kinda). they hadn't seen me since i was really little and they said that i looked a lot like my way older male cousin. i think i look a lot like my dad and brother though. or my bro looks like me considering i am older.
i called jenny and she is still sick the poor thing. we didn't get to talk as long or as freely because she wasn't at home and my mom was butting in on my side of the conversation. oh well at least she'll be back today.
also i'm having trouble picking a new song for my site. it's either gonna be camisado by panic at the disco, nine in the afternoon by panic, or build god, then we'll talk by of course panic.
well that's all for now so chat with you kids later.
~cassie~ |
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Saturday, March 1, 2008
heaven is not a place that you go when you die, it's the moment in life when you finally feel alive
listening to: animal i've become-three days grace
currently: loving my new theme
Redmoonchick Responds:
karumi: ah thanks! i'm glad you liked the poem.
belinda: ha i know it's still kinda boring but give jenny and i time and we'll spice it up! XD yeah, i don't like septum piercings too much. but it's his face so let him do what he will. oh wow, thanks! i'm really glad you liked the poem.
krissy: yeah, his eyes do look really nice in that picture. heh maybe it's just because it's the first time you can see his eyes through his hair in a while.
rawr: i love his hair too. yeah, i do believe that michigan might be one of the few states who calls soda, pop.
well as you can see i changed my theme! i love it a lot! it's brendon urie: the lead singer of the band panic at the disco. i chose this for two reasons: 1. cause he's freaken hot. 2. cause panic at the disco's new cd comes out this month.
hee it's cute cause their are four members of panic at the disco and i managed to talk three other myo friends to do panic themes too so we made the band. jenny is ryan and krissy is spencer and belinda is jon walker.
anyway i went back to school but my brother didn't.
oh i might get to meet the author allison van diepen. she's the author of the book "street pharm." that our english class is reading. the author has been talking to our teacher via emails and now she wants us to email her so that would be really cool if i could talk to her.
ever seen the movie outbreak? we watched some of it during 2nd hour. *shudders*
ugh, it was snowing so bad yesterday and our third hour had to walk to the library and it wasn't too far but everyone's jeans and shoes were soaked and this guy got tackled and whitewashed in the snow and this pregnant girl kept slipping. i chose a simple book about chickens cause we gotta read them to little kids.
my teacher got mad that i didn't play floor hockey
but i was wearing the wrong jeans to play and i wasn't on the team with my friends and i was picked last. and getting picked last fucking sucks! it's like one of the worst feelings ever.
we were having shrimp for lunch and i hate shrimp and taylor didn't want any either so her and i and two other girls went to mcdonalds for lunch.
they all smoke though and i don't so i smelt like smoke really bad.
hmmm i shamelessy flirted with the cute brother named justin. i was sitting by him, pretty close and watching him make a power point. more fun then it sounds because that kid is hilarious.
and justin was all copying my voice and making it all small. and his brother was all like:
jesse: "justin, i think cassie likes you."
meh: "no, i like someone else."
justin: "aww you hurt my feelings cassie!"
meh: "i like you as a friend justin!"
he's really funny though. and i accidently hit his butt on the way out and he was like "you trying to touch my butt cassie?" lol
his brother wanted me to give him a dollar and i was like "i don't have any money."
yeah, i like those brothers a lot.
okay peeps, i know that was kinda long so i'll see you all later!
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Friday, February 29, 2008
i loved everything about that hurts so let me see your moves
listening to: send my love to the dance floor-cobra starship
currently: excited.
holy shit, my muse came back. just when i kinda needed him. trying to figure out if it's the best or worst timing in the world. best is my first guess. so yeah, i do have a poem for you guys but that comes later.
so danny came around my site. it was nice of him to post the pic i was dying to see of his septum piercing. i'll post it here in case any of you are curious to see. but i will say that i am all kinds of in love with his hair. he always had pretty hair but i think this is one of my favorite's of his. anyway here's the pic:

try not to drool too much belinda....yeah, his girlfriend is lucky.
i didn't go to school again but my mom did pay the your ride so the situation is cleared up so i will be going today. instead of going to school i went to the doctor. the doc gave me some new pills to take and told me to finish off the rest of my other pills. grrr i also have to go and get blood taken...shit i hate getting blood taken! i'm afraid of needles. and then i gotta go back to the doctor at the end of march, but that's a loooooong time away so i'm not worried.
my aunt took me to my appointment. then we went to the drugstore and i bought some new headphones. they aren't as great as my old ones....i miss my old ones. =/
we also stopped by my uncle's new resturant where my mom works. i had never been there before so it was cool to see my mom working. i got some fries and an enchilada and two free pops.
i also talked to jenny for about an hour yesterday. we talked about boys this time boys and not much else. ah i think it's so easy to talk to her about guys cause right now she is going through exactly what i went through.
ugh my stupid brother broke the wonderful bracelet that dear krissy made me. ugh i can't believe him! i loved that braclet and he ruined it....stupid ass.
so back to school. ha, i have to admit i am excited to see my friends again...and the cute brothers and extreamly cute boy. i really wanna see the cute brothers again...oh and i think i kinda figured out who i like more. i think i like the younger one more even though the older one is cuter.
okay i'll give you guys that poem then i'm out of here cause i gotta take a shower and things like that.
"i think i fell just a little bit more in love with him."
he has a knack for showing up when i least expect it.
it makes me smile like you never went away.
you show me that you never really forgot about me.
and you're so fucking gorgeous that it makes my heart ache
my eyes are tear brimmed because i know a photo's all i get.
my self-esteem is crashing because, fuck, i can't compete.
and your girlfriend is just too pretty, i'm sure the next one will be too.
i've cataloged your looks you know? like a timeline of my heartbreak.
i have a feeling i'll keep this up and become a walking disaster.
i think this vicious cycle will kill me...
but your looks will kill me faster.
alright all for now so see ya!
~cassie~ |
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