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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Monday, February 18, 2008
i'll sport my brandnew fashion of waking up with pants on at four in the afternoon
listening to: gay is not a synonym for shitty-fall out boy
currently: want a t-shirt that says 'homophobia is gay'
Redmoonchick Responds:
krissy: lol you and jenny with your crazy 'cassie will kill ryan' theories. believe it or not i don't hate the retarded little fella. XD i also have a feeling that there will be more of everyone's favorite after school special and the collaberated story soon.
jenny: when don't you hit on me? XD no way pete would so be the best smelling ferret ever! lol let's just say as of right now ryro is fine! ha ha yes, you! you're pure awesomness in a can! i wanna adopt you and you can sleep in my closet! (insert coming out of the closet joke here)
jangelian: awww you have made me sad with the information that ferrets don't live long! pete ferret would be immortal.
okay so lastnight at around four in the morning i'm on the computer and watching tv in the living room and suddenly "bam!" everything goes off. i was like what the hell? and i checked if i had hit any plugs or anything. i didn't.
it turned out that one of the main fuses in our house had been blown. so that meant that nearly everything no longer worked. let me put it this way: the only things that worked in the house was the kitchen and hallway light and the microwave. not even the heater worked!
so we had to wait till daytime to fix it and we did so now everything is good.
i'm still having a bit of trouble adjusting to my new glasses. sometimes i feel like i'm just playing dress up and wearing someone else's. but for some reason i did remember that danny had square emo glasses before and i liked his but i like mine too and ironically the glasses made him look more like brendon urie. ha (i hope he reads that) XD
i don't have school tomorrow. thank you dear presidents of the past. i do have a yearbook deadline and my teacher wanted me to come into school tomorrow but there's just no way i can. i wouldn't have a ride. i feel bad because some of my pages are going in but for the most part there done and i trust the people who are staying to be able to do a good job.
i'm feeling kinda hyper, i drank too much pop. oh and patrick stump saying the f-word is awesome.
anyway before this gets too long i do have the new chapter of sixteen. the vampire story of love and power and whatnot.
we were introduced to gray. a vampire that is extreamly attached to ada. caiden gets jealous of gray and we find out that ada was the one to turn gray into a vampire.
chapter five: jealousy is the cousin of greed
that day gray and ada slept side by side, gray turned in and cuddled into ada's body and ada's arn wrapped losely around gray. ada knew it was a good decision that the two of them hadn't slept together because within a few hours of sunset caiden came bursting into the room, no doubt eager to seperate ada and gray or to catch them in a compromising situation.
"gray wake up! you have chores to do!" caiden said sternly as he shook gray awake from his spot of clinging to ada's chest, ada's eyes flickered open and she looked up at caiden.
"what are you talking about?" she asked as she streched and yawned, annoyed that he had awaken her.
"he's been doing chores while you were away to earn his keep." caiden said sounding unhappy and practicaly glaring at the dazed and groggy gray.
"well i'm back now, so he doesn't have to do anything." she said as she sat up and gray fell back away from her. ada slid off the bed and gray made like he was going to get up but ada stopped him. "if you're still tired then sleep here gray." she told him. gray looked uncertain if he should accept or not but in the end he collapsed back onto her bed, his hair fanning around him.
caiden gave her a look but she breezed past him and out the bedroom door. ada didn't know why she was so eager to leave the safety of her room, considering that she'd have to face her fellow vampire breathren. just because beckett forgave her didn't mean the others did and she imagined her welcome would be less then warm. caiden caught up with her in the hall and began walking in stride with her, she noticed his face looked softer now that they were alone.
"did you do anything with gray last night?" caiden asked. ada shot him the same look he had given her just moments ago.
"no, caiden, nothing happened. just sleep." she told him in a less then pleasant tone, her arms folded across her chest. caiden seemed unconvinced.
"you smell just like him!" caiden said, his face wrinkling up as if the thought of them together disgusted him.
"hello, i was sleeping next to him!" ada replied, growing more and more annoyed with caiden by the second. "i am allowed to do that you know?" she shot at now the two of them were almost to the kitchen and ada wanted to wrap up this conversation.
"that doesn't explain his scent on your lips." caiden hissed at her and ada cursed his superior smell.
"fine, caiden, it was just a kiss!" ada admitted she didn't know why caiden was getting upset, he knew that gray and ada had been together before, ada figured it was his pride getting in the way. caiden was angry that she had chosen gray over him. caiden looked at her and sighed.
"what's with you ada? ever since you got back you've been acting like you don't wanna be around me. before you left we were together-you said you loved me!" caiden whispered harshly at her. ada wished caiden wouldn't bring up the past right now. the person she was then and the one she was now were different but caiden had always been like this, far too jealous for his own good.
"don't play so innocent caiden. i know you were with someone else while i was away. did you really think i couldn't smell her all over you?" she asked. caiden grimaced and in one quick movement that was too fast for ada to catch, he pushed her against the wall preventing her from rounding the corner and going into the kitchen.
"you know no one could ever replace you ada." caiden whispered as he brought his face close to her's and ghosted his lips over her's. ada stood there for a moment, looking up into caiden's deep brown eyes before she pushed caiden away and walked into the kitchen with caiden on her heels.
*********************** |
Comments (2) |
Sunday, February 17, 2008
happily ever after below the waist
listening to: thriller-fall out boy
currently: enjoying my own writing.
Redmoonchick Responds:
krissy: ah i used to have thin frames now i got thick ones and they're so bulky but i love them! ha ha i'm glad you like the story! i'm sure you'll love the second chapter as well.
megan: ah i was hoping you'd come around to read it. hee yes, you're a stalker but you're my favorite stalker if that's any consolation. more is on the way soon!
angel zakuro: sorry you're sick. sorry i haven't been commenting much either. thanks for not abandoning me ^-^
well i most certainly did get my new glasses yesterday. i'm glad i got them. when i first picked them out i was still a little uncertain but now that i have them i love them lots. they really show off my eyes better.
i went to the pet store yesterday too. the petsmart i think it is. one of those places where you can take your pets in with you. they have so many animals in there! this lady had pugs that you could pet! the pugs were cute. one of them was actually a puggle (pug and beagle)
i also saw a ferret. i am now convinced that i want a ferret really bad! the one i saw was putting it's face through this hole and smelling my fingers and wanting me to pet it. if i had a ferret his name would be pete.
went to meijers and did shopping also went swimming and played like i was a six year old. it reminded me of my childhood when i used to play with my brother and cousins in my uncles pool. also i do believe that the lifegaurd at the pool thought my brother was my boyfriend. yuck. she also said that he looked like her ex-boyfriend geeze leave my baby brother alone!
ha ha isn't it funny how crazy cats go for catnip? sorry that was random.
also someone i shall not name names (krissy) is convinced that i am going to kill off ryan ross. XD
ha ha i finally got to talk to jenny last night! i love that girl she is made of pure awesomeness. i could talk to her forever! she also makes me have a big ego and i r poking her to finish her chapter of our collaberated story (the title will be revealed soon)
well not much else to report....yeah i am tired so i think i'll go to sleep and then wake up and have an omlette.
~red~ |
Comments (3) |
Saturday, February 16, 2008
i was born under a bad sign
listening to: don't you know who i think i am-fall out boy
currently: want to talk to jenny and am dying of ketchup overdose.
Redmoonchick Responds:
Ls: you bring up a good point. my mom said the same thing. personally i think most people who end up becoming shooters are damaged emotionally and out for revenge.
jangalian: well i can comment without having to log into the otaku so i don't think that's what was wrong.
rawr: we really have been getting a lot of days off. it's both a blessing and a curse. lol yeah the herpes thing was from a quote the other day.
krissy: yeah, i could post it on here. i might just post it tonight.
alex: well the story it's just a little high school thing involving my friends and i and musicians. well in the first chapter only jenny and megan are introduced as characters along with the said musicians.
belinda: yeah, i didn't do much like i said. but i think it was only mildly innapropriet to say "screw the shooting." in your comment yesterday. i mean people died so it's not exactly a lite subject. anyway maybe you could work on the story with us now or something as a side project? i dunno we could chat it out or something.
well lovies i had a nice relaxing day considering i had no school. i barely did anything really. i mostly just read stuff online. what did i read? i'd rather not say but i know at least three people could guess.
you know what's odd? i do believe that for the last three days i have used my subject lines from the same song. the completely awesome song that plays on my site. if you haven't took the time to listen to it, do it now. i'll wait....
you back? good. grrr my brother likes to mess with me because of my OCD. certain little things bug me and he won't let me fix them in front of him. ugh it's annoying but he believes it will help me.
well the eye doctor called today and said that my glasses are in so i will most likey go and get them today. i am excited! change is good. though i will miss my glasses i have now but i really do like my new glasses.
well again i have nothing to talk about. soooooo since i finished the first chapter of the collaberated story between jenny and i and although she has yet to get back to me on what she thinks of it i am going to post it now.
it's set in a high school and follows a bunch of kids in the school and those kids happen to be jenny and i with our friends and some famous people. XD it's based off of jenny's idea so i really hope i did it justice!
oh and it doesn't have a name so suggestions would be cool.
untitled high school story:
chapter one: riding in cars with soccer stars
cassie smith stood out in the gravely driveway of her house. the bright morning light of the warm day washed down on her from the spaces between the leafy trees that lined the end of the driveway. she slid her hand into the pocket of her dark jeans and pulled out a silver cell phone.
the girl checked the time, which read six-fifty in the morning. cassie sighed lightly as she brushed a wave of brown hair behind her ear. she adjusted the dark green canvas messenger bag that she wore and pushed her cell phone back into her pocket.
cassie fidgeted, bored she shifted her weight from foot to foot, the gravel crunching under her shinning silver converse's. the teenaged girl, who had to be seventeen or eighteen years old. she waited five minutes before she spotted a dark green saturn rolling slowly down the street towards her house.
the car came to a stop infront of cassie's driveway and the passenger side window rolled down.
"hey, pretty lady, need a ride?" a male voice asked. cassie leaned down and peered into the window at the boy who was sitting in the driver's seat.
"you're late wentz." she said, her voice sounding exasperated but a grin on her face. cassie opened the passenger door and slid into the car.
"sorry, cassie, i couldn't wake up this morning." the boy named pete said to her.
"it's okay pete, we can still make it to homeroom." she told him and he gave her a sarcastic "great!" before he put the car in gear.
cassie watched pete as he drove. he had dark tanned skin and inky black hair that was long and framed his face in a essential emo style. pete glanced at her with honey brown eyes and she smiled at him. pete was a very good looking boy, he had a handsome face with big white teeth and a large goofy smile. he also had a lean body that he got from being on the soccer team.
the two teens drove down cassie's street and turned off on to the main road. cassie lived about ten minutes away from pete and fifteen minutes from freemont bay ridge high school. cassie really didn't mind if they two of them were late for homeroom, at least it beat riding the bus.
"so when are you gonna get a car?" pete asked as they waited at a stop light. cassie shot pete a look, this was a topic that they broached daily. everyday pete would ask when she was going to get a car and everyday cassie would tell him that her parents wouldn't buy her a car, let alone drive.
"you know my parents won't get me a car." cassie began "besides wasn't it your idea to give me a ride? if i recall you said it was carpooling and we were saving the enviroment." cassie said mimicing the grand way pete had suggested they carpool.
"does it count as a carpool if there's only two people in it?" pete asked and cassie laughed.
"well, we could pick up patrick and jenny." cassie suggested.
"nah," pete began "you know patrick's mom has to drive him daily or she'll be worried." he told her.
"and jenny's mom just plain doesn't like you." cassie added.
"thanks." pete scoffed.
the two teens pulled up to the large stone building that was freemont bay ridge high school. students and school buses and parents dropping of their kids clogged the front of the school. pete pulled around the back where the student parking lot was located. they were later then usual, so all the good parking spaces were taken meaning that pete had to park in the back.
cassie and pete got out of the car. the hustle and bussel of the students congregating to the school surrounded them. pete waved to people as they walked up to the front enterance of the school.
"hey, wentz! go long!" they heard someone yell and pete and cassie turned to see jon walker, the star football player of the school toss a football towards pete's head. pete dropped the black backpack he was holding and rushed forward to catch the ball. it hit against his chest and pete wrapped his arms around it in a catch.
jon shot pete a thumbs up sign and pete threw the ball back to jon. it soared lowly through the air and bounced against the parking lot before jon grabbed a hold of it. jon laughed and pete shrugged.
"soccer's my thing man!" he yelled to jon and jon nodded.
"let's hope you keep it that way." he laughed. jon was slightly tall and had a muscular frame. his dark brown hair was cut short and he had a dust of stubble on his face and dark brown eyes. jon was handsome and he had the body of a football player.
pete and cassie turned away from jon and the duo headed up to the front of the school. cassie scanned the the crowd of students for her other friends. pete too appeared to be looking for patrick and as they came around to the front they saw a silver mini-van parked out infront of the school.
a semi-short strawberry blonde boy with a trucker's cap on stood beside the van, arguing with whoever was inside. "patrick!" pete called and the boy turned and he scanned for pete in the crowd. pete said goodbye to cassie before he rushed forward to meet patrick. cassie probably would've went to talk to patrick too had she not heard her name being called from behind her.
she turned to see a girl who was a couple years younger then her rushing towards her.
"hi jenny!" cassie said as she approached the younger girl. jenny stopped infront of cassie grinning before he rushed in and grabbed cassie in a hug, the two girls hugged for a moment before breaking apart and turning to walk into the school.
"did you ride with pete today?" jenny asked and cassie nodded.
jenny was younger but she also happened to be taller then cassie by a few inches. her dark hair was streaked with stripes of blonde and dark red. she had blue green eyes that were lined with eyeliner. today jenny was wearing a dark hat and t-shirt.
"yeah, but he was running late." cassie said though it seemed that no one was exactly eager to get to class. cassie and jenny walked past pete and patrick, normally cassie would be jumping all over the chance to talk to patrick about music as was their daily routine but today cassie thought that patrick seemed disgruntled this paticular morning.
"hey, have you seen megan this morning?" jenny asked, cassie shook her head.
"no, but i bet she's in the parking lot stalking gabe saporta." cassie said and jenny laughed.
the girl in question was their other good friend megan. megan was younger then cassie but older then jenny. she was also very pretty and not so secretly obsessed with the senior boy named gabe saporta.
the two girls entered the school through the double doors, various other students following closely behind them. from the enterance of the school there were two staircases the students could take. one that led up to the ground floor and several classrooms, while the other staircase led downstairs into the basement where more classrooms and one of the enterances to the cafeteria was.
this is where jenny and cassie had to part ways. jenny had to go to her homeroom upstairs while cassie had her's downstairs, along with patrick and pete. cassie waved at jenny as she headed downstairs. the class was still pretty empty when she entered it and she took her usual seat near the front of the room an the door at the circular tables that were their desks.
their teacher ms.kendell smiled at cassie as she took her seat. a few moments later pete and patrick showed up. they sat at the same table as cassie. patrick looked like he was in a far better mood then he was outside so cassie thought she might venture talking to him.
cassie had a crush on patrick. the two of them flirted a lot and shared a lot of classes together. cassie thought she might ask him out if she ever worked up the nerve. jon came into the classroom followed by two other boys, ryan and brendon.
jon sat at the same table with them while brendon and ryan settled at the table next to their's.
"hey, cassie." she heard patrick say and on the inside she was glad that he was talking to her first.
"yeah, patrick?" she asked as she looked up at him, a warm smile on her face.
"i got a cd for you to listen to." he said and she watched him fish around inside his backpack before he pulled out a cd and slid it across the table to her. patrick watched her intently as she took the cd.
patrick had medium length strawberry blonde hair, though sometimes it looked red. he was always wearing a hat and most students had never seen him without one. he had big blue eyes that were showcased by his thick framed square glasses.
patrick was slightly chubby but it didn't distract from his looks, he was a pretty cute guy. he also had a penchent for wearing slogan t-shirts for argyle sweaters. he also happened to be a genius when it came to music. he was always giving cassie suggestions as to what music she should listen to and cassie liked that he thought of her.
"thanks patrick i'll listen to it tonight." cassie said as she put the cd in her backpack. patrick smiled and nodded as he ran his hand over the brim of his hat. before cassie and patrick could talk more pete forced himself into the conversation.
"so what are we doing tonight?" pete asked. it was common for them all to hang out after school, usually it involved going to someone's house and maybe smoking weed or doing a little drinking and just hanging out. it was only wednesday so they couldn't do a lot.
"why don't we just go to cassie's house again?" patrick suggested. cassie's house was an often sought after hangout spot because unlike the other's parents who worked days cassie's mom and dad both worked till late in the night.
"sounds good if it's alright with cassie?" pete asked, cassie nodded. she didn't plan on doing too much tonight but she didn't really mind if it meant that she could hang out with patrick some more. jenny would be excited too because she liked hanging out with pete and patrick too, but jenny's current crush was jon's friend ryan.
"jon, you should come too." cassie suggested as she turned to face him. jon who had been flipping lazily through a football playbook looked up and nodded.
"sure, sounds good." he said before looking down and going back through his playbook.
"and you should bring ryan." cassie added. she noticed that after she said this both pete and patrick gave her odd looks. she wanted to tell them that she was requesting that ryan come for jenny's sake but she couldn't with jon at the table.
the next minute and a half passed in silence due to the teacher talking about their future assignments. homeroom ended and cassie collected her things patrick lingered around, probably because they had the same first hour and they usually walked there together.
pete had already run off to find their friends andy and joe to tell them of the plans to go to cassie's place after school.
"you walking me to first hour patrick?" cassie asked as she smiled at the boy who was taller then her.
"yeah, considering i have the same class." he said as they left the room and headed up the stairs. cassie intent on finding jenny.
well i hope that was enjoyable at least.
~red~ |
Comments (3) |
Friday, February 15, 2008
i sleep in your old shirts and walk through the house in your shoes
listening to: the take over, the breaks over-fall out boy
currently: really want an omlete.
so i still can't comment. i hope this get's fixed soon! i hate that i can't comment the people who comment me. it makes people think that i don't care. oh well hopefully it will work soon, if not i'll try to pm adam or something.
i don't have school today which is awesome! i can sleep in and not have to worry about getting up early or school work. ah wonderful.
i started that story that jenny and are working on together. it will have various cameos. i think some people can who gets cameos. XD
did you guys hear about that shooting on the college campus yesterday? i heard six people died. that's so sad. by now my mom is utterly terrified to send me away to college. i'll be honest i am starting to get scared too.
the virgina tech shooting didn't happen too long ago and already another one happened. how awful.
i'm hoping that my new glasses are in this weekend. that would be cool. well really i have nothing to talk about. how boring of me. lol but i bet you guys like it better right? (jk)
~red~ |
Comments (5) |
Thursday, February 14, 2008
kiss my sass
listening to: the church of hot addiction-cobra starship
currently: can't concentrait.
Redmoonchick Responds:
Ls: well i am glad that gray appeals to more then just girls. i'm surprised he's such a well liked character.
awsmeguitarist: sorry about your eyes.
ikyuu: i think they got the money they wanted. maybe not as much as they wanted but more then they had.
belinda: *gives you seeing eye dog* sorry your eyes melted at the beckett bathtubness. yeah definitly pm me those chapters, i'd love to read them.
megan: it's always awesome and madness when jenny and i come together! XD
jenny: ha you definitly keep me writing when i don't feel like it and you feed me ideas! XD lol we're all a vicious circle of making each other addicted to things. let's keep spreading the infection.
rawr: lol i'm glad i could make it feel like christmas! XD
well i would've posted yesterday but i was having phone problems but they should be resolved later today.
this morning was my awards ceremony for winning the A+B=C award from my school. we were late of course (because of my mom) really pretty late and when i walked in the room was crowded and i was sooooo embarressed.
so i got called up and i had to stand infront of everyone while the lady read off all the qualities i have. ha ha i had fun regardless and my mom said she almost cried.
we played floor hockey in my gym class and it was fun and many many dirt jokes were made when we had to hold the sticks. hee hee at one point my friend taylor (who wasn't on my team) was going after the ball so i stuck my hockey stick through her legs to get the ball and she was yelling.
during lunch we started making valentines candy grams for valentine's day. we had to put kisses in baggies and fill out a card and attach it. i also got to miss my fifth hour because i was working on it. it took forever and at one point myself and my freshman brittany and another freshman were sitting locked in the closet making those.
i ended up getting two of them. one from taylor and one from my freshman (daughter) brittany. hee she has taken to calling me mommy a lot.
right now i'm in the lab with the crawley brothers (the cute brothers), doug and my brother. i'm supposed to be doing work but i can't concentrait! T-T
i don't have school tomorrow or monday but we do have a yearbook deadline on monday so i might have taylor pick me up on monday and take me to school so i can work on it.
quotes for you:
i gave jesse a candy kiss:
jesse: hey tim your sister just gave me a kiss.
tim: what?
jesse: she also gave me herpes.
me: you gave me herpes.
me: i also gave your brother a kiss, two kisses in fact.
tim: this is getting weird.
justin: yeah, i stepped on one.
my freshman saw me:
brittany: mommy! *hugs*
rachal: what should i get kyle for valentine's day?
me: give him a blowjob.
(i blame that on taylor)
oh and for some reason i can't comment so i am truly sorry.
Comments (2) |
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
i'll keep you my dirty little secret
currently: hungry
Redmoonchick Responds:
krissy: lol i completly agree and i blame the resurfacing of my love for brendon on you.
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: well i believe i'm being careful. i'm basically just having fun with them. well the boy in the striped pajamas is about a little boy who's father works for hitler and i heard it's being made into a movie and street pharm is about a teenage drug dealer.
rawr: yes, krissy's reaction to the new panic video is hilarious! lol i'll gladly join you under your desk if V.V takes over the world!
well i didn't go to school yesterday but it was because i felt just awful. so i stayed home. i didn't do a lot, just householdy chores for my mom.
i also got my inspiration back for writing so i wrote alot and i talked to jenny which is always a lot of fun. also i do believe that she and i are going to colaberate on a brand new story soon.
oh i'm insanely glad that the writer's strike is over. that means the writers get their jobs back and all my tv shows are coming back *throws confetti*
also i am now blaming my resurfacing love of panic at the disco and brendon urie on krissy a.k.a sayanachan, the new panic video, and the story i am writing where brendon is the main character...damn.
valentine's day is soon. i'm not doing much, it's times like this i miss having a boyfriend around this time but meh there is nothing wrong with being single and to be completly honest i'm glad i don't really have anyone because i tend to forgo all else and focus on that person too much.
it happened to me a lot last year, i am thinking mostly when i used to skip classes to spend time with danny last year.
do you all have any valentine's plans?
well really i have nothing left to talk about except to wish a late happy birthday to william beckett, the lead singer of the academy is...

yeah i hope that image sticks with you all through out the day! XD
~red~ |
Comments (10) |
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
cause it's nine in the afternoon
currently: proud of myself
Redmoonchick Responds:
Ls: yeah, maybe i should've used a different word then lost. it seems to be confusing people.
subi lavi: yeah, i tried to comment on your site but it wouldn't work for me. lol well i only call the one kitten the fat kitten because he is so much larger then the other kitten. but i did name him charlie.
awsmeguitarist: thanks for the compliments!
shadowme: ha i know gray is awfully endering. possibly one of my favorite characters ever. ha ha i shall touch on the nine in the afternoon video down below but yes, i heart brendon and his goofy face. XD
jenny: lol you would make a good dj i think. you have a nice voice and hey you could play clay aiken whenever you wanted! XD lol everyone loves gray, maybe he should be in the story more? lol i have already sent you the next chapter of slow motion and i read your story.
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: oh no it's okay i said no one had to apologize. yeah well i'm glad i'm not the only one who has hesitations of V.V. oh no the kitten isn't dead. she was just missing.
hee i saw the new panic video today. i love it! it is so not helping my complete brendon addiction. maybe i liked him rolling around the floor a little too much and wtf vaccum? XD it's a good video and i love the fake mustaches and i put it on the quiz section of my site in case anyone wants to see it.
ah ha dude i got a friggen razor burn thing from this guy named jesse. he took my camera and i put him in a headlock and my arm was under his chin and his freaken stubble burned me!
speaking of that boy man dammit i tried so hard not to but i am starting to like him and his brother! poop. well it doesn't matter really because they are both younger then me and they are both underclassmen and i won't see them after i graduate but that isn't stopping me from flirting with them. oh well. i also think at least two other girls like the older brother too. but he doesn't know the one girl and he doesn't like the other.
we're reading two books in school. one is called "the boy in the striped pajamas" and the other is called "street pharm." both of them are pretty good.
ugh i tried to put music on my new mp3 player but it was being a total bitch so i'm gonna try again tomorrow and it should work at least i have a good feeling that it will.
it's strange but i really feel like i came into my own as an independt person this year. i guess it is because you take a girl's support or friends away and she has to stand on her own which is i guess what i am doing now. really this has been the best year for me.
i have a lot of friends, i'm winning lots of awards, i'm being noticed. it's so strange. i've been in the school three years but it's now that i am being rewarded and noticed.
alright so i guess i'll talk to you guys later.
~red~ |
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Monday, February 11, 2008
he's the thing that keeps me wishing on that wishing star.
currently: feeling like i'm pointless?
Redmoonchick Responds:
megan: yay i misseded you megan! ha ha i know my site song is the sexay. version vibrant honestly i am not so thrilled about. meh maybe it's just me.
okay so one comment yesterday? one? wow i think that might be a personal low for me. i'm figuring it is because so few people updated yesterday but it could also be that i heard comments were being screwy. either way i'm not upset at anyone so no need to say sorry.
it is freezing here lately. seriously the tempurature went between -1 degrees to 1 degrees. and it just so happened that my mom and i were out in it and i was freezing! my legs were so damn numb. it's supposed to be cold like this the rest of the week so i am so not looking forward to waking up and freezing at six in the morning.
we lost a kitten yesterday too. our cat dragged the kittens out into my room and i woke up and the fat kitten was sitting on my floor and the smaller girl kitten was no where to be found. we searched but couldn't find her then later she emerged from a pile of clothes in the corner of my room.
mmm if anyone cares i know what i want to do when i'm older. i want to go into music journalism. i think that would be the best thing ever. i love music and i already know a great deal about music and celebrties so it wouldn't be a big problem for me and i am more then sure that i could write about them so i am considering that is what i am going into.
anyway it is time for the latest chapter of the emo vampire lovestory? sixteen. oh for people who've already read this chapter. i added a few new paragraphs here and there so if you want check it out.
chapter four: gray, red, green and all the colors inbetween
ada had been more then surprised by the boy who had tackled her to the floor. she now lay on the dinning room floor with the boy on top of her and caiden looking down with a scowl on his handsome face.
"miss ada! miss ada! you've returned! i knew you would! i told them all that you would!" the boy said as he clung to ada, his head pressed against her chest.
"gray, i'm happy to see you, but you're crushing me." ada told the boy named gray. gray stopped and looked at her before blushing a bright red and leaping off the girl, he quickly offered a hand to ada before caiden could. ada took his hand and allowed herself to be pulled up. she surveyed the grinning gray.
gray appeared to be around sixteen years old. he was skinny and tall. gray had dark brown almost black hair that was styled in the pefect scene or emo kid fashion. his bangs covered the entire right side of his face. his dark brown eyes were warm with happiness, all in all gray was a cute guy.
"gray, you're hair got longer." she said and gray nodded happily.
"yes, miss ada! i didn't cut it while you were gone! i know you like it long!" he told her as he practicly teemed with execitment. ada smiled at the young man and caiden's frown grew deeper.
"i've missed you so much miss ada!" gray cried as he went to hug her again. "why'd you leave? where'd you go? why didn't you take me with you?" he asked. the words falling out of his mouth too fast.
"all your questions will be anwsered in due time gray. for now i think we should let ada rest." caiden said sounding less then pleased, and slightly jealous. ada couldn't help but wonder how gray had managed to survive while she was gone. she would've thought for sure that caiden would've killed gray if he had the chance.
"of course! come on miss ada! i'll show you to your room." gray annouced as he took ada's arm and attempted to pull her away. caiden stopped the young man by throwing his arm out blocking their way.
"no, gray. i meant she should rest alone." caiden said, still blocking the duo's way, the same scowl on his handsome face. this didn't surprise ada, caiden had always been severly jealous and he was ecspecially jealous of gray.
"oh" gray said his face dropping as he let go of ada's arm. ada turned back to look at caiden, by now ada decided that she had, had quite enough of him and his irrational jealousies.
"actually, i'd love to have gray spend the night with me." she said as she looked into caiden's face. she was doing this on purpose, she considered this pay back for caiden carelessy assuming that she'd spend the night with him. caiden's face went blank for a moment before he recovered and looked upset.
"whatever." he said as he turned and strode away leaving gray and ada alone in the kitchen. gray then proceeded to lead ada through the back halls of the dinning room and around a corner, back to the back right side of the house where her room was located. she was one of the lucky ones she didn't have to share a room, mostly because she was one of the only females in the beckett clan.
she and gray reached her room and she pushed the door open, sighing in relife to see that everything was for the most part the same as when she had left, probably gray's doing. her room was a good size with it's green walls that caiden always said weren't meant for a vampire, and it's dark carpet, and the medium sized bed pushed against the wall because ada liked sleeping against the cool surface of the wall.
ada waltzed into the room and made a bee line for the bed flopping back onto it. it felt softer then it ever had and ada was thankful because she hadn't slept in a decent bed in weeks. she heard gray shut the door and in moments she felt a dip in the matress as gray climbed on with her. he turned on his side to face her and she did the same.
"i really missed you ada." gray told her as he looked into her eyes.
"i missed you too gray." she told him, and in truth she had missed him while she was away. the night she had left she had been so fed up with him that she left without saying goodbye, an action she later regretted as she came to miss him more and more.
ada had a huge soft spot for gray. she took care of him and wanted to keep him happy because she liked when he smiled.
"i'd do anything for you miss ada." gray said as he pressed himself closer to her body. ada reached out and pet him running her hand through his dark hair. she knew why gray was so devoted to her, why he cared so much for her. it was because gray was no ordinary vampire. gray was a semi-new vampire, and the reason he was so devoted to ada was because she had turned him. she had changed him from human to vampire.
gray was still young by vampire standards. he had that blind devotion that came with being fresh. ada saw that devotion every time beckett turned someone and gray was no different.
gray pressed into her again and they locked eyes, browns on grey's and slowly softly gently they pressed their lips together. sharp teeth clicked against sharp teeth and tongues met. ada brought her hand up to rest on gray's face and perhaps she had missed this most of all. the simple intimacy between a turner and turnee.
it was a deep and special relationship, at least that's what beckett told everyone. it was what every vampire was supposed to feel when they were changed. even the most powerful vampires turned into beings like gray around the one who turned them.
gray deepened the kiss and slid his hand to ada's waist undoing the knee length jacket that she still wore. ada knew they were slipping too far and that she had to stop so she broke the kiss.
"we can't gray. i don't want to do that." she told him and he nodded. if he had been normal then maybe he would've argued and insisted but he didn't. he just lay back in his spot on the bed. ada feeling far too vunerable in that moment stood and shrugged off her coat hanging it on the back of the door.
ada could still remember gray when he was human. he had been a student at a high school that beckett had sent her to, so that she could recruit new clan members. she had met gray one day in class when he started talking to her, she hadn't liked him at first but in a matter of weeks the two of them grew close.
yet even though they were now friends ada still never targeted him. it was only when beckett told her to
stop going to the school and she realized that she'd never see him again did she decide to turn him.
it had been easy to turn him, he trusted her and she used that and bit him and took him home. beckett was none too pleased to see she had changed someone. an act usually left to only the high powered vampires. gray would've most likely been killed if ada hadn't begged for his life.
when gray was a human he was a womanizing punk kid who wore girl jeans, loved music and gaming. basically he was the average teenager, but after she had turned him he seemed to lose all that and it wasn't the same. ada realized then that she acted too rashly and without thinking and took away the young man's humanity. if she had left him alone who knows what he might've done or what kind of life he would've lead, but now no one would know because now all he was, was something unholy.
a mistake that ada felt guilty for every day of her life and that's why she protected gray the way she did
Comments (6) |
Sunday, February 10, 2008
it's a strange way of saying that i know i'm supposed to love you
currently: my eyes feel heavy
Redmoonchick Responds:
claes: wow i would be scared if we had hurricane days! well i commend you for not being embaressed to admit your weight.
alex: yeah, we will probably get to talk as the week goes on so that will be good. yeah, but right now i feel like i wanna write some sort of short story so perhasp my writer's block is over.
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: clay aiken was the runner up for the second season of american idol. lot's of people make fun of him. i really am trying though i did eat ice cream today (bad)
awesguitarist: yeah, i think i would be interested in learning more about that diet so i am sure i will be pming you. lol
am i the only person who hates that the comment manager is missing now? ugh i hate it!
sadly my dear mp3 player has broken. it sucks because the only thing wrong with it is that the button that turns it on is stuck. so i was so freaken sad because i cannot survive without my music. really i can't.
anyway so i spent a good amount of yesterday begging my mom to buy me a new one. we went to target first but the mp3 players there were like $40 but i was like no.
i did get some sparkly silver converse flats though. i love them. my cousin porsha got some hannah montana flats and my bro got some new gym clothes.
so then we went to toys r us. where i got my original mp3 player and while in the store i had a brilliant (if not evil idea) said idea was to buy a new mp3 player exactly the same as my old one and then to switch the two of them and take it back in for a refund. this would of worked but toys r us has a exchange only policy so basically i got a free mp3 player but i did lose all my music so blah.
now i can't remember what music i had on there so i've been trying to make a list but i remember i had around 90 songs on there but i only counted out almost 60.
went swimming again and there were some rude people there because i was swimming in this closed of section and these people kepy getting in there when there was a whole other section of pool to swim in! i hit the people a couple of times on accident but it was their fault.
it's still snowing really badly here and it's windy and icy around. i really don't think we will have anymore snow days though because we're already past our limit so now we have to make up two days at the end of the year.
oh i didn't end up getting my glasses yesterday. they won't be in until tuesday morning so i won't get them till then.
well that's all for now so catch ya later!
~red~ |
Comments (1) |
Saturday, February 9, 2008
blue moon, i saw you standing alone
listening to: all over you-spill canvas
currently: gots a tummy ache
Redmoonchick Responds:
Ls: lol i actually think i've used more pictures before but either way i suppose i would hold the record. XD
krissy: lol cause you know that ryro would so be the one to pimp out the album. hey where's our pizza? XD
angel zakuro: if you're interested in the story that involves the drugs and whatnot feel free to ask and i'll pm it to you.
well i didn't have school on friday because of the snow so i ended up having two snowdays in a row. very lazy days and kinda boring. i mean we are practically snowed in and there is only so much you can do on the internet.
i did call jenny yesterday. cause i missed her horribly! we talked for a good two hours. we always seem to talk from two to four hours. we talked about music, and stories, and clothes, and her love for clay aiken. lol i miss her so much but she won't be home till sunday and then we probably won't be able to talk much. -_-
ugh i wanna write but i don't feel like writing anything. weird right? i guess it's natural. i've been focusing all my writing energy on the story slow motion and that has been going ten chapters straight so now i guess it is time to take a writing break.
i think tomorrow i get to go and get my new glasses. it will be strange, at least it is always strange to have new glasses. it's like seeing the world through a screen. what i was previously seeing was a almond shape and now i am getting squares.
i'm really trying harder to lose weight because graduation is soon, as well as senior photo's and open houses and all those kinds of things so i wanna look good for it. it's hard though when my mom buys lots of junk food and frozen stuff. oh well as long as i limit what i eat i should be fine.
that's all for now so i'll talk to you guys later.
~red~ |
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