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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Friday, February 8, 2008
pretty. odd. or cassie had a snow day and has nothing to talk about
so i've been thinking of panic at the disco lately-

ryan: you mean us?
cassie: uh yeah you guys.

spencer: hey, what are you doing?
cassie: well actually i'm trying to post because my friends are gonna read this and-

ryan: wait! people are gonna read this?
cassie: uh yeah why do you care?
*ryan pushes cassie away from the keyboard*
ryan: hey people guess what? OUR NEW ALBUM PRETTY. ODD. IS OUT MARCH 25TH 2008!
cassie: hey! you can't use my site to pimp out your new cd!

ryan: why not it's free publicity?
cassie: cause maybe i'm not going to buy your new album!

brendon; *gasp* you're not? *tears up*
jon: now look you made brendon cry
cassie: *sigh* i was joking. i am going to buy your new album.
ryan: first day it comes out?
cassie: probably
spencer: and what day would that be again?
cassie: stop with your shilling! you're worse then wentz.

pete: did you call me?
cassie: i-i just said your last name.
pete: oh well....hey what are the panic boys doing here?
cassie: they just showed up when i mentioned them.

pete: *gasp* you're-you're writing about panic now?

brendon: yeah, cause we're awesome!

ryan: and our new album drops march 25!
cassie: *facepalm*
cassie: well i mean i've been talking about them lately because of that story i've been writing.

brendon: what story?
cassie: the one where you're a drug addict.
brendon: whut? i don't do drugs!
cassie: sure i know you don't and you also don't have hot gay sex with pete wentz.

cassie: i was uh...kidding brendon.
brendon: *cough* oh right *cough* so was i.

pete: sssshhh brendon shut up before patrick finds out!
ryan: back to this story. what would i be in this story?
cassie: i don't know you might not like it.

ryan: oh god, i'm a prostitute aren't i?
cassie: you're retarded.
ryan: geeze i know it was a bad guess but that was just rude.
cassie: no, no i mean in the story you're uh mentally challenged...

ryan: O.O
brendon: *snicker*
spencer: oh who do i get to be?
cassie: um you happen to be in a abusive relationship...
spencer: really? with who?
*group turns to jon*

jon: oh fuck this, i'm out *walks to door*
jon: what the hell? it's locked!
ryan: *hides key* you can't leave till we finish promoting the band!

jon: i hate you people.
cassie: well all hate and awkward sexual tension aside i kinda need to post so i think you guys should go.

group: you want us to leave?
cassie: mmmmm brendon can stay.

brendon: yay!
ryan: hold on why does brendon get to stay?
cassie: cause brendon is my favorite.
pete: oh god! i'm being replaced!

cassie: replaced? pete you're not my favorite fall out boy anyway.

pete: what?
brendon: ha ha

pete: she's obviously lying
cassie: no, i'm not. patrick is my favorite.

patrick: meeeee?
cassie: would you look at that face! he's so adorable!

pete: i can't argue with you there but i should still be your favorite! i'm sexy see?
cassie: mmmhmmm

joe & andy: and what about us?

ryan & spencer & jon: and us?
cassie: *sigh* okay i have no favorites! i love everyone equally.
pete: yay!

patrick (to brendon): shhhhh don't tell anyone but we're her favorites.
brendon: deal.
cassie: well you have finally used up all my posting time!

patrick: sorry
cassie: i can't stay mad at that face.

jon: so we're leaving?

spencer: yup
brendon: where are we going?
cassie: how about a pizza party at krissy's site?

brendon: yay! pizza!
*group starts to leave*

pete: hmmm i can finally get the last line for once!
pete: well ladies and gentlemen we bid you farewell. *walks away*
ryan: *whispers* new album out march 25th!
~red~ |
Comments (3) |
Thursday, February 7, 2008
well i guess it would be nice if i could touch your body
listening to: high school low-say anything
currently: think he's too damn cute and i'm jealous of the way she touches him.
Redmoonchick Responds:
krissy: lol i would be so tempted to do a speech like that except they'd probably turn my mic off. lol ah at least i'm not the only senior who is scurred of graduation.
danny: your myo was blocked? you peirced your septum? oh man i so gotta see a picture of that!
dramaqueenisback: well it's hard not to think of people sometimes.
kitabug69: lol i think growing up right now is scary! please keep the college thoughts away from me! XD thanks i have to try to think of something to write.
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: well i only get to chose what name i want on my diploma so it's not that much of a choice. eh i only missed three this semester but i still have five days left but i'm gonna save them.
i went to school yesterday even though i really think that we shouldn't have had school due to all the snow and rain and crap like that. somehow i totally forgot that us seniors had to take the NAEP test today during second and third hour. i guess the naep test is to see how much students in different states learn and know their subjects. i guess the test booklets are given out randomly and how fucking unlucky that they gave me a math booklet. oh that is so not cool. it was freakin hard too! all trigimonitry and arithmatic and crap like that and i knew absolutely nothing! why couldn't they have given me an english booklet? i would've flown right throught that thing.
oh i got called down to the office during sixth hour and i was surprised to see that our old principal was there and she gave a little speech about this club that picks students to give awards to and i won one! it's called the A+B=C award and it's for the school's good students. my english teacher nominated me and now i get to go and get a free breakfast on valentine's day with the club and the five other kids who got one. two of them being my friends so that's cool. i was really proud of myself for winning that so i guess my hardwork pays off right?
during fifth hour i got to talk to the two brothers that i may or may not be crushing on. i was sitting next to the older one (who is cuter) and the younger one was behind us (he's funnier) the two of them told me that they were on my myspace going through my pics and looking at them and i was like "you stalkers!" XD and the older brother let me draw on his arm in pink pen and those two boys are really fun to hang out with.
i also hung out with them after school and we were playing pictionary and listening to cheesy music from the eighties and just having a great time.
what wasn't great was that it was snowing a lot by the time we got out of school and our ride was supposed to get us at 4:30 but they didn't show up until almost 6:30! it was bad man, we were fishtailing in the parking lot and cars were slidding off the rode. it was scary! i hear we are supposed to get like 10-12 inches of snow and they already cancelled school for today so that's pretty damn cool.
in case anyone didn't see it in my comments, dear danny has peirced his septum. in case you don't know what a septum is it's the skin between the nostrils of your nose. maybe you can google it if you wanna see a pic. but now i am practically dying to see a pic of him with it peirced because for the life of me i cannot picture that in my head! ssssh no one tell him that i don't like septum peircings. XD
i'm pretty damn tired right now so i think i'll go to bed and sleep in! huzzah!
~cassie~ |
Comments (5) |
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
i was just another promise that you couldn't keep
listening to: autographs & apologies-motion city soundtrack
currently: trying my best not to think about you.
Redmoonchick Responds:
krissy: ha ha yes, finally gray comes into play (oh no i'm rhyming)
shadowme: yes, beckett is all powerful and sexy and cool. i like the beckett. yeah, caiden is kinda a douche at the beginning but i do like gray more too.
well my parents did attend my senor meeting at school on monday. they were extreamly late but they still got there so that's good i guess. it was nice having my whole family together. we stopped by mcdonalds afterwards and it felt like we were a real family. since my dad broke up with his long time girlfriend i suggested that my parents get back together but my dad shot down that idea. oh well, i never expected them to get back together anyway but it was good to see my dad.
oh wow for some reason it has finally hit me that graduation is soon. i guess getting my order form for my cap and gown and deciding what i want to have written on my dipolma really made it sink in. ugh i still have so much work to do to graduate though. everyone is still saying that it will be hard but i'm not going to stop trying.
my english teacher told me she wants me to do a speech at graduation. i nearly had a heart attack on the spot. i always knew she wanted me to but i don't know if i can do it, i hope i can because it would be the ultimate sign of growing up for me.
my english teacher gave me a paper she got about a writing contest. i'm totally going to enter the short story catagory and i hope i win. i think first place is they print your entry and third place is a honorable mention but i can't remember second place.
i was so tired by the time i got home from school on monday (seeing as how i was there for 12 hours) i passed out at like nine thirty at night and slept straight on till morning. but i was still exhausted so i didn't go to school either. it's raining and snowing and sleeting now so with any luck school will be cancelled tomorrow. (but probably not)
oh i'm really liking the band "we the kings" lately. there song "skyway avenue" is my favorite. i'm also completely in love with the song on my site, it's incredible and it gets stuck in my head on a daily basis.
well that's all for now so i'll chat with you guys later.
~red~ |
Comments (6) |
Monday, February 4, 2008
bang, bang shoot em' up
listening to: champange for my real friends and real pain for my sham friends-fall out boy
currently: drinking koolaid
Redmoonchick Responds:
shadowme: woah the catalyst is going to be a series? yay! that's cool. well we don't have too many scene kids here either considering that danny was the first one i ever met and that was already seventeen years into my life. maybe i just didn't know to look before that? but yeah everyone could use more scene kids.
rawr: i'm glad my quotes can entertain you the way your avi entertains me! XD
didn't do a lot today. just hung around the house and did mundane things. i did watch the superbowl for the first time in a long time. and i only paid half attention because i was trolling the o and listening to my mp3 player. my brother and i were rooting for the giants, i was rooting for them because they were the underdogs. and they won so that was pretty cool and i guess my brother won ten bucks in bets with people at school.
my dad's been trying to get ahold of my brother and i all weekend. it was bad luck really that we'd leave and he would call but i checked the messages and when we went to call him the phone number didn't work. well come to find out that we mixed up two of the numbers. so we called him yesterday and he said that i didn't love him anymore. i think he was joking but you never know with him.
oh today i have a senior meeting at my school. it's for seniors and their parents and it's all about what seniors need to do to graduate and credits and graduation. it will probably be boring but i'm going anyway. i hope taylor is going because that would make it a lot more fun.
my mom is going and i tried to get my dad to come. but he just broke up with his long time girlfriend (which is shocking) and now he doesn't have a car. my mom offered to give him a ride but i don't really trust his promises so much anymore.
well it is time for a new chapter of sixteen, the emo vampire tale.
ada returned home to her clan where she ran into caiden a vampire that she seems to have a deep rooted past with. upon returning caiden and ada go to see the clan leader beckett who ada fears.
chapter three: you said you'd keep me honest
ada now stood face to face with her clan leader beckett. she closed the door behind her shuting out caiden and leaving just the two of them in the room. ada looked anywhere but at beckett she was far too nervous to see him again. her eyes scanned the large room, the largest in the house. with it's golden walls and black carpeted floor. the king sized bed's headboard was pressed against the wall leaving the bed to jutt out into the middle of the room.
beckett was sat in a leather chair somewhere between the door and the bed. he sat there looking as proud as ever, and a small crooked smile on his face. his fingertips were touching their mates as he watched her in silence. beckett was a gorgeous man. he had thick wavy chocolate colored hair that barely grazed his shoulders, and large brown eyes that held so much expression. not to mention the aformentioned crooked smile.
"hello beckett." ada said when she could no longer take the silence between them. beckett smirked at her before speaking.
"ada, my dearest child. my favorite daughter." beckett greeted her as he stood from his chair. ada wished he wouldn't say such things. picking favorites did nothing but ignite jealousy in the others. ada smiled none the less and beckett came over to her slowly stopping in front of her.beckett brought his hand up to rest oh her cheek and she felt the cool caress of his hand over her flushed cheeks.
"you have come home." he said, ada nodded.
"yes, father beckett. i have returned." ada said and despite his warm demenor she didn't calm down. she knew beckett well enough to know that there was no way he had completely forgiven her. beckett smiled again large and closed lipped and he embraced her pressing his mouth to her ear.
"so tell me my child. where is it that you've been?" he whispered and ada's heart stopped because she was afraid, afraid that he knew exactly where she had been.
"i've been here father. here in chicago." she told him and he looked down at her and released her suddenly.
"really ada? because a very reliable contact had mentioned that he thought he saw you heading through new york. just where were you going ada?" beckett asked as he sauntered away and reclaimed his seat. ada's heart beat quick, she had been so careful, so sure! how could anyone connected to beckett have seen her?
"i'm sorry father, but i'm afraid your contact must've been wrong. i've been here all along." ada lied through her teeth to beckett. an incredibly dangerous move that many lower level vampires wouldn't be able to get away with. beckett looked slightly skeptical and ada worried that perhaps she had pushed her luck too far.
"really now ada, one would think that if you were here in chicago that someone would've spotted you before today." beckett said and ada cursed the fact that beckett was so smart.
"i've been laying low father. i-i didn't want to be found." she admitted to beckett. this time beckett nodded and seemed to accept her excuse but she knew she wasn't out of the woods yet. she knew he'd still want to know where she was and why she had left and as though he read her mind beckett asked the question.
"why did you leave the clan to begin with ada? why couldn't you tell me that you wanted to leave?" beckett was speaking honestly but his voice remained still without emotion. ada knew that he was being honest with her and half of her wished she could give him back the same honesty.
"i-i just needed to get away from it all father. i needed a break..." she told him and beckett nodded as if he understood her feelings and maybe he did, after all he was their leader he more then anyone should want a break.
"my dear, i'm just curious. was it something caiden did?" he asked his eyes shining with something ada couldn't place. nor could ada help her self from wondering if caiden had asked beckett to squeeze this question into the conversation.
"no, father. it had nothing to do with caiden." and for once that was partaily the truth. it wasn't exactly caiden's fault that she left, but he also didn't make her want to stay. beckett smiled and stood from his chair.
"very well, regardless of the reasons you left ada, i am so very glad that you came back." beckett told her as he strode to the door and pulled it open. instantly the light poured out into the closed off hallway and the blinded caiden moved away from the door. ada nodded and gave beckett a sincere smile before she attempted to make her way out the door. beckett stopped her just before she left and she turned back puzzled to look at him.
"i'm afraid that you will have to be punished though ada."beckett said calmly, and ada froze. that had been what she feared since stepping foot into the room. she knew of beckett's ill temper and she could only wonder what kind of punishment she'd recieve. perhaps beckett would beat her until she would know better then to leave. she knew if that happened nobody, not even caiden could help her.
"what-what will my punishment be father?" ada said trying to sound calm opposed to frightened. caiden who still stood outside the door looked like he wanted to say something but they both knew that he knew better.
"your punishment ada, will be that you are not allowed to spend the night with caiden." ada gasped in surprise and caiden's face dropped. beckett smiled like he had succeeded in punishing her and proceeded to let her leave. what beckett didn't know was that ada had no intention of spending the night with caiden anyway.
as the two of them left caiden looked positively crestfallen, as if he had every intention of keeping ada in his room tonight.
"that's rather dissapointing. i was hoping to get reaquainted with you tonight." caiden told her as they moved through the now nearly empty kitchen. ada let a frown show on her face.
"really caiden next time do tell a girl ahead of time." she told him and he could tell that he had used the wrong words.
"ada, you say that like you don't wanna be with me. when you left we were-" caiden began but a voice cut the conversation off.
"ada!" they heard a voice say and the duo looked up to see a young teenaged boy standing in the doorway. upon seeing ada the boy ran forwards and threw himself at her, his arms wrapping around her waist and the duo fell to the ground.
~red~ |
Comments (5) |
Sunday, February 3, 2008
bring my ghost back
listening to: tonight, tonight-panic at the disco
currently: wanna talk to jenny
Redmoonchick Responds:
krissy: someone in our school got arrested for having pot on them and trying to deal it. i wasn't sure what i wanted before but i think i really do want the clandestine bartskull.
shadowme: hee i have the goodie two shoes stereotype on me too. so when i swear or anything people are always shocked. thanks i'm glad you like the theme! i like it too. happy saturday to you too, or shall i say SATUUUUURRDDAAAAAYYY! (old school fall out boy joke)
rawr: okay i must say it. i love your avi! christen looks like a gay version of brendon urie. i think i would like oddly colored contact lenses too!
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: well my clothes haven't been fitting much better yet but hopefully they will soon. i just need to stop eating fast food that my mom brings home! yeah, that's what i thought. i don't wanna get a tattoo and then lose weight and make it look all weird.
ugh so last night after my brother and our friends all fell asleep and i was the only one awake. i hear my friend nate's cell phone start to go off because he is getting a text message. well i ignored it the first time but then i kept hearing it going off and it was getting really annoying so i go over to where he is sleeping and start feeling around for his cell phone. i had to go through his hoodie pockets and his one jean pocket but i couldn't reach his other pocket because of the way he was laying so i stuck my hand over there and was tapping around and i looked and i was tapping on his junk! i decided not to look for it after that but he started talking in his sleep and he would not wake up!
then the toilet broke and the water wouldn't stop running so between hearing his cell phone beeping and the toilet water running i had trouble sleeping.
i went to my eye appointment and the doctor told me that i have an astigmatism in both of my eyes. hmmmm you would think that in 19 years of my life someone would've mentioned this to me before today? well i was surprised and my mom said she knew i had one but not two. my brother has one in his eye too.
besides that the doc said my eyes were basically normal and i got to pick out some new glasses. i chose these cool square ones that have black and clear rims on them. the eye ladies really liked them and my mom did too. my brother chose some glasses that make him look smarter, kinda sceney and my mom told him and he was like "nooooooo!"
my brother and i were both going to get contacts but we found out that they cost a lot so i played the good sister card and let him get them instead of me and i'm glad i did because he is really happy to have them. also i don't get my new glasses till next saturday. blaaaaaah
we went and picked up my two cousins and we went to the gym to go swim as is our normal saturday routine. my brother came this time and the two of us were rough housing and racing and it was fun. my two year old cousin was also afraid of the water but we got him used to it.
we went shopping and i saw these two scene kids at the store and the one was freakin gorgeous and the other looked a hell of a lot like gerard way from my chemical romance. too bad i saw them when my hair was all fucked up from the pool water.
man i feel like i can never talk to jenny anymore. it seems we're never on at the same time. if anyone talks to her before i do tell her to call me! lol
one more thing before i go. i think that what bands name their tour's are really funny and interesting. like the fall out boy concert i went to was from the "young wild things" tour and cobra starship's new tour is the "really really ridiculously good looking tour." ha anybody remember the name of a tour concert they went on?
while my brother and i were trying on new glasses:
me: oh i like those one's on you!
him: yeah, but i don't wanna look like one of the guys from your bands.
(i thought that was funny)
him just trying on a pair:
brother: i look like i'm trying to disguise superman's identidy.
well that's all for now so i will chat with you pimps later! |
Comments (3) |
Saturday, February 2, 2008
won't grow up to be a junkie, wino, creep
listening to: lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking off her clothes-panic at the disco
currently: drinking and watching horror movies with my bread eating friends.
well the answer to my little riddle from yesterday is that a monster and a rockstar are both energy drinks. ha ha it was kinda a trick but i thought it was good. sadly no one got it right but i thought that Ls's guess was pretty funny.
well surprise, surprise. it did snow enough last night to close school for friday. so i didn't have to go to school. it was pretty sweet because i woke up to get ready then i found out so i could just cozy up under the covers and go back to sleep.
other then that i didn't do much actually. just hung around the house and wrote. later my friends nate and greg came over and they wanted to smoke pot with me and my brother. i didn't partake but i did sit in the room with them. i kinda watched for reasearch for my story slow motion which is about drugs. but then i got a contact high so we were just sitting in there laughing about stupid shit.
then nate's cousin sam came over and he smoked too and i got another contact high. the guys are still here on the couch watching the movie stay alive but they are falling asleep.
today i have to go to the eye doctor's. i hope enough time has passed so i am able to get a new pair of glasses. i'm kinda tired of my old ones and i want some square ones instead. my mom also wants to get my brother and i some contact lenses. i'm not so sure about that because i really don't like putting stuff in my eyes and it would be weird not to have glasses.
i'm going swimming later today and i'll get to weigh myself to see if i've lost any weight. i hope i have. i'm trying but it's hard because all the food we really have in the house is fast food that my mom brings home. it will be easier after we go grocery shopping.
for once i kinda know what kinda tattoo i want. i mean i've always kinda wanted one but never really knew what i wanted. now i do i want a bartskull like pete wentz has and let's stop right here because i do not want it because pete has it but i like the design of it. here it is:

well not much else going on so i'll talk to you all later.
~red~ |
Comments (4) |
Friday, February 1, 2008
i am one of the oceanic six
listening to: the pros and cons of breathing-fall out boy
currently: full and in need of a shower.
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: jenny is taking voice lessons? good that means you gotta sing for me now! XD lol i love ryan too he's pretty awesome (but brendon is better) XD *gasp* you wanna make out with mah story? we were doing drugs with brendon urie? ha ha sweet! hee i control your mind subconciously.
shadowme: ha i never seen the movie sin city so i wouldn't know if it is like that but i am taking it as a compliment! XD awww i like your story no matter what!
krissy: ha i love that it's your after school special! i figure there are two ways to write brendon, either very serious or very goofy. (we all know which one i chose)
well you may have noticed that i changed my theme, it's hearts since this month happens to be the month of love. i like it and i love the song that i have up. it's by this awesome band called the spill canvas.
i have a little riddle for you guys. the riddle is what does a monster and a rockstar have in common? it's just something i thought up while i was on my way to school.
speaking of school, i did go yesterday. it was funny during my english class we had to do a group meeting and i had a very unproductive group which makes me have to get them foucused. the following exchange happened during that time:
me: "why do i always feel like the mom in this group?"
group: "because you are."
jessica: "i love you mama!"
me: "well, i'm giving you all up for adoption."
group: *gasp*
me: "okay, not jessica because i love her, or ricky because he has the same last name as me, or the new kid because he hasn't made me mad yet, or kyle."
ricky: "that just leaves taylor."
me: *waves* "bye taylor"
hee i thought that was pretty funny but maybe you had to be there *shrugs*
ugh i always feel so stupid during math class, i'm not good at math and the teacher ask's all these questions and everyone around me is answering them and i'm just sitting there quietly waiting till someone explains the anwsers to me. blah i hate math so much!
aaaaaaand during third hour somehow two of my friends and taylor began asking me questions about danny again. (the one girl thinks he's hot and is trying to stalk him on myspace!) but they were all like "did you go out with him?, did you make out with him?, did you have sex with him?" and i was just sitting there like "no" i was just around him all the time and we laughed and listened to music and did friend things. somehow (probably because of taylor) they didn't believe me.
man am i sore from yoga, seriously if you wanna lose love handles quick you gotta do this move called 'monkeys' where you get on your knees and keep your back straight then you reach your one hand down to your right side and bring your elbow up on the other arm. you keep doing this and wooh boy does that work your sides like crazy. i did thirty of those today and thirty gorilla's (a more advanced move)
also during yoga my friend taylor somehow positioned herself so that when we went to the floor she ended up like crisscrossing with me so when we had to put our hands out we kept hitting each other in the face and heads and the side. it was funny though, we kept laughing all the way through it.
lunch was nasty, it was somekind of pizza, taco wrapped in a pita. yuck and what was worse is that our friend eric was making dirty jokes about it and it was hilarious, then he showed us his nipples and wanted us to touch them.
hmmmm i also created a joke thing with my friends where i made them wrestler names. like my friend taylor was: taylor "the sailor" barnett and i was cassie "the emo eskimo" smith and eric was: eric "the cookie" mileto. my friend rachel was: rachel "the babymaker" beranek. but one of my faves is: bobbi "the unicorn" schermerhorn. ha ha ha my brother is tim "the tank" smith and my friend destiny is destiny "molestiny" miller. hee i am calling this league of grand fighters: S.U.F.L.U (sca ultimate fighting league of the united states of america)
i had to stay after school until almost five today for seventh and eighth hour. yeah, it was a long time but i did get to hang out with my fifteen year old almost crush and his older brother. his older brother is cute too but less funny so i like the younger one more. but i did get in a play fight with the older brother and he grabbed my wrist and he is super strong, he was holding me so i couldn't hit him, i almost kneed him in the junk though but he like squeezed my leg between his leg. the kid is freaken strong.
i had to do this program where i am doing history lessons on the computer and it's so boring! i could care less about jamestown and why the first settlers didn't make it. -_- it was pretty easy to read the questions then go back and find the anwsers in the text except they make you do essays too! boo you suck odessy program!
well this is long and i feel like it was crazy ass random but thanks for reading all the same.
Comments (5) |
Thursday, January 31, 2008
hate it or love it
listening to: cat and mouse-red jumpsuit apparatus
currently: in love with charlie pace
Redmoonchick Responds:
Ls: and the crazy thing is on the worse day they didn't close school...stupid asses.
krissy: my school cancels classes pretty easily.
jenny: yay! i'm glad i was thought of!
shadowme: well i needed a new swimsuit because i go swimming at the gym during the weekends.
well yesterday was more interesting because the weather was worse then the day before but it didn't make sense because they cancelled school when the weather was barely bad but they won't cancel it when it's negetive ten degrees outside and it's windy as hell and snowing? so my brother and i didn't go but what do i know they might've canceled school after i went back to sleep.
i finally finished the lost season three dvd's. just in time for the season premier today.
i think my subconcious wants to hurt ryan ross, the lyricst for panic at the disco. reason being i had a dream where he got hurt really bad but also i made out with him so i guess it evened out.
well i got like nothing to say so i guess i will post a new story i have been writing. only three people have read it. but there are warnings so pay attention: WARNING: THE FOLLOWING STORY CONTAINS THESE ASPECTS THAT YOU MAY NOT LIKE: drug use, murder, sex (of the gay variety), and swearing. if you don't like it don't read it, i promise i won't be offended. but just don't read it and then go that sucked cause i will laugh at you. and it's kinda like really long (which i did not realize)
Slow motion:
Brendon Urie stood in the middle of an abandoned dirt covered section of a park. the unusually hot sunlight beamed down on him, he brought a tan hand up to cover his dark brown eyes as he squinted, searching for the boy who was supposed to meet him there.
brendon shifted and kicked the dirt at his feet. he was growing more and more annoyed as the minutes slid by slow and hot like the days themselves. he ran his hand through his shaggy black hair and wiped away the sweat that was collecting at his brow.
he could hear someone approaching and he turned slightly, his thin white t-shirt clung to his thin body from the hot day. brendon spotted a slightly chubby copper haired boy standing a few feet behind him. brendon turned all the way to face the boy, a grimace on his handsome face.
"you made it brent." brendon said to the boy who was around the same age as himself. brendon's voice held no emotion as he greeted the boy, he sounded more bored then anything. the boy named brent fidgeted a little, either due to the uncomfortable heat or from the look that brendon was giving him.
"hey-hey brendon." brent said with the fakest smile he could manage to muster. brent looked past brendon at the empty park, his pale hand came up to scratch at his neck absentmindly. "brendon, do-do you remember this is the place we used to come to smoke pot?" brent asked and he laughed a nervous laugh as he stared at the other boy.
brendon nodded and he vaugely recalled spending dying summer days huddled under the wooden jungle gym that used to sit in the far corner of the park, with brent and ryan. smoking until the three of them were too high to see and having to sit under that damn jungle gym until night fell when they'd be normal enough to go home. that had been five years ago, back when they were fourteen.
"yeah, i remember brent." brendon began as he scanned the park for any sign of other people, or shade. he found none of either. "but i'm not here to discuss the past." he told brent, brent grimaced and brendon took a few steps forward towards brent, closing the space between them.
"you're right brendon." brent muttered and again his pale hands scratched at his body, this time his one hand scratched at his wrist. brendon could feel himself growing impatient. he was hot and just wanted to get down to business.
"did you bring the money you owe me brent?" brendon asked his voice showing his impatience with the situation. brendon's eyes were fixed on brent and brent squirmed under brendon's strong gaze. brendon had lent brent a few hundered dollars, three to be exact a few months ago. two weeks after he had lent brent the money that he no doubt used on some hardcore drugs, or paying off his drug dealers, he asked brent to pay him back, but there was always an excuse and brent never had the money.
brendon always considered himself a patient man but with his own needs coming to light his patience for brent quickly wore thin. brendon could already tell by the look in brent's light brown eyes and body language that he didn't have the money. he felt his insides grow hot and he waited for brent's useless excuse to spill from his equally useless lips.
"well no, but i mean i have a good reason brendon!" brent began and brendon let out a sigh. the same heat he had felt inside him from before came rushing back and bubbled thick in his stomach and veins. he was so fucking tired of people using him, of people like brent who always took and took but never gave anything back in return.
brendon's mind felt fuzzy as brent's excuse spilled over him. it didn't matter what brent said, brendon knew it was a lie anyway and that if brent wanted to pay him back then he would've already.
"godamn it brent." brendon muttered as he felt his heart pick up pace and his blood boil. brendon wasn't sure why he did it but in an instant he had reached his hand down into the waistline of his dark jeans and pulled out the shinning silver handgun. he saw brent's eyes grow large and fill with fear but he didn't stop and he didn't hesitate, not even when brent began to beg.
brent turned away from brendon, he turned to run back the way he had entered the park, red dust clouds floating up around brent's legs staining his jeans. brendon never thought of himself as a good shot so he considered it luck when he aimed at brent and pulled the trigger and hit the young man.
he watched the boy as if he were in slow motion. he stopped and he could see the bullet enter brent's body through his chest. his pale flesh exploding over his dark t-shirt. brent fell, again like he was caught in slow motion, with a thump to the dirt covered earth.
brendon stopped, his breath coming in quick bursts. he stared at brent's motionless body for a good minute and a half before he slowly tucked the gun away, back into the waist line of his jeans. he hadn't brought it to shoot brent, no the idea hadn't really even crossed his mind. he carried the gun always, for protection. it had become a habit for the young man.
brendon left the park, his legs moving slowly. he passed by brent's body keeping his eyes fixed on his one time friend. brent wasn't moving but his eyes were open and it sent a slight chill down brendon's spine.a pool of crimson blood was already showing in a circle around brent's body. brendon made his way out of the abandoned park and up the slight hill where his beat up car sat parked near the park enterance.
as he got into the driver's seat and started the ignition he thought about what had just happened. he had just killed least he thought that brent was dead. he wasn't sure and he wasn't going back to check. he hadn't meant to shoot brent and he definitly hadn't meant to kill him but now that he did he wasn't too keen on going to jail so he wasn't going to call the cops either.
as he drove down the sparsley occupied streets he figured he'd get caught anyway. someone was bound to go down to that park sooner or later and discover brent's body and he was sure that brent had probably mentioned to someone that he was going to meet up with brendon. yeah, brendon was sure that now the cops were gonna get him.
he arrived home about ten minutes later after passing by the local high school where brent's mom still taught english class, the same class that brent and brendon himself had taken only a year ago. brendon's house was a rundown little two bedroom house but it was all brendon could afford.
he parked his car and brushed his black bangs out of his eyes as he made his way up to the side door. he pushed the door open as he never bothered to lock it anyway. brendon's feet echoed against the naked walls and the wooden floors. he passed by the modest kitchen and his own room. he would've went inside had he not noticed a pair of feet dangling off the blue broken down sofa.
brendon entered the small living room. he was facing the back of the couch so he couldn't quite tell who it was making themselves comfortable in his house. he placed his slightly shaking hands on the back of the couch and looked down, his hair falling down to frame his handsome face.
there laying streched out on the couch was another of his friends. pete stared up at him, his brown eyes holding only a hint of surprise. brendon flashed a small smile at the significantly older man.
"sleeping off a hangover wentz?" brendon asked and it was pete's turn to grin.
"maybe i was just waiting for you." pete said his large white teeth glinting in the dirty light. brendon reached a hand down and brushed it against pete's gorgeously tan cheek.
"maybe you just want another fix?" brendon asked as he leaned down over the couch his face close to pete's. pete reached up and cupped brendon's face with one hand and the other wrapped around his arm.
"yeah, that could be it." pete whispered as he pulled brendon down and their lips met in a small kiss. somehow pete had managed to pull brendon over the back of the couch so that brendon was resting on top of him and between his clothed legs.
pete was all the things brendon liked. on his good side pete was witty, funny, a fucking poetic genius, loyal, and kind twenty six year old. on his bad side pete was a self hating, insecure, needy, attention whore, junkie. either way brendon liked pete's company. he had known pete now for a good two years and brendon would never classify what he and pete did as dating but the two of them were in an on and off relationship.
the two of them continued their hot kisses until pete pulled away to peel off brendon's sweat soaked t-shirt. despite how hot it was in the house and the sweat building from the two of them, pete was wearing a gray stained hoodie with a red t-shirt underneath, tight black jeans and scuffed up black converse sneakers. brendon figured it was all the drugs that entered pete's system that now left his body a jumbled mess that was invincible to climates and weather.
brendon ran one of his hands through pete's shock of messy black straight ironed hair and his other hand ran along the man's cheek smuding the dark black eyeliner he wore. his hands then roamed to the back pocket of his own jeans where he fished out a small baggie of white powder. pete grinned and reached for the baggie but brendon pulled it away, just out of pete's reach. pete pouted but brendon sat up on pete's legs and opened the baggie before he poured a bit of it on to the top of his hand.
pete watched as brendon leaned down took a deep breath and snorted the line of powder off his own hand. he pulled back, his nose dusted in the fine powder and brendon grinned. he repeated the process for pete who too snorted his bit of blow and smiled sastisfied temporarily with this small fix. brendon's hands then roamed down to pete's white cracked belt that he quickly undid.
about an hour later pete and brendon were laying in brendon's bed. pete finally ridded of all his clothes and covered only by brendon's crumpled white bed sheet. brendon laid against the headboard of the bed as he caught his breath. he could feel pete moving closer to him and he was half tempted to push the man away because he didn't want pete's hot body clinging to him when it was already ninty degrees in his room, but he let the man lay against him anyway.
"brendon." he heard pete start and brendon looked down at him.
"yeah?" he asked as he brushed pete's dark bangs out of his eyes.
"can i have my fix now?" he asked and brendon wasn't surprised that pete was asking for it. he expected it from the moment he saw pete on his couch. brendon nodded silently and he scooted away from the older man, throwing the covers back and letting the slightly cooler air hit his naked body.
brendon reached for the bottom drawer of his nightstand, pulling it open as pete sat up and half draped himself on brendon's back. brendon pulled out a small square mirror that was covered in a fine white residue, he set the mirror on the bed and reached back down before coming back up with a medium sized baggie filled with cocaine and a jug filled with drain cleaner.
brendon laid the supplies out in front of him on the bed while pete practically drooled at his side. he poured a reasonable amount out on to the mirror before he opened the drain cleaner bottled and poured a good amount of that into the cap, he then dumped the cap full of drain cleaner into the cocaine and mixed it up before he cut it into two lines, one for him and one for pete.
brendon let pete snort his line first. he liked watching how it changed him, how he'd be happier and calmer on the outside but his insides would be like they were put through a mixer. pete dipped his head and snorted his line pulling back with a sastified noise. brendon then snorted his line, he did cocaine a lot but not as often as some of the people he knew and definitly not as much as pete did it. but the high got him off so he kept doing it.
when brendon looked back at pete he saw that the man's nose was bleeding the most beautiful shade of ruby red that brendon had ever had the luck to see. part of him wished he had a camera in this moment to take a photo of pete in all his junkie perfection, but the other part of brendon was reminded that this was the second time in the day that he had seen blood. he made a note to himself how pete's blood was a hell of a lot more brighter then brent's was.
after pete let the cocaine sink in he came over and kissed brendon, a kiss with too much tongue. pete crawled off the bed and began gathering his clothes from the floor, he dressed quickly because that's what the coke did to him. when he was fully dressed he came over to brendon once more, leaned down and placed a chaste kiss on the boy's full lips.
"i love you always brendon." pete said as he shrugged on his hoodie and lingered by brendon's door, almost as if he were waiting for a reply. brendon just laughed, a short shallow laugh and pete echoed it back before he left the room. brendon listened as pete's footsteps echoed throughout the small house and he heard the front door open and close with a sharp snap. brendon wondered if pete was off to find patrick.
it was five minutes later when brendon was dressed again, at least slightly dressed he had pulled on his cotton boxers and a new white t-shirt. brendon traveled out into the living room again, this time he headed towards the window pulling back one of the dark green curtains to peer out at the decaying urban life that surrounded him.
he closed the curtains and headed to the kitchen where he grabbed a beer and took a long drawn out swig. brendon heard a stifled moan coming from the living room and he turned to see ryan standing against the archway in the kitchen. brendon lowered the beer from his lips and stared at ryan.
his brown eyes were glassy but focused on brendon. ryan was desheveled, his white dress shirt was missing buttons, ripped, and stained in different places, he was wearing a pair of black shorts, and a pair of red bath slippers that brendon had gotten him for christmas back when they were sixteen. it looked like ryan had tried to dress himself again.
"bre-bren-don" ryan managed to slurr out as he raised his arms out like he wanted to hug brendon. brendon sighed and moved closer to the boy who was a year and a half older then himself.
"hi, ryan." brendon said to the brown haired boy. ryan smiled because brendon acknowledged him. his arms still outstreched he reached for brendon.
"r-rya-ryan-mi-miss-bren-bren-brendon." ryan slurred as he edged himself closer to brendon. brendon stopped and thought about what ryan had just said. he supposed that it had been around two days since he had last been home.brendon had been staying at gabe's place. brendon usually knew better then to leave ryan alone for too long.
brendon can remember the days back when he was fourteen and he smoked pot for the first time. it had been ryan's idea and it had been ryan who had gotten the pot from the older guy who went to their high school, a guy named joe. brendon can remember ryan showing up overly excited while brendon and brent had been in brendon's room playing video games and eating junk food. it had been ryan who talked them into doing it, who told them to go down to the semi-abandoned park and try smoking pot under the wooden jungle gym.
brendon had agreed to do it, out of curiousity. he hadn't know then that, that one action would set him on the drug induced path for the next five years of his life he might've let brent and ryan go at it alone.
the more brendon thought about it the more he realized that it was always ryan who would investigate the drugs first. when they were fifteen he moved on to cocaine while brendon and brent still smoked pot under the jungle gym, then it was heroine, then crystal meth, painkillers, hardcore booze, then ryan moved on to more abstract forms of getting high, like huffing, and cough syrup. even when he mixed most of those things he still came out fine in the end.
but in the spring after he turned seventeen, ryan began doing the drug that would make him what he was today. ryan began eating paint chips. brendon had caught him doing it outside in the backyard and told him what a stupid fuck he was, ryan lied and said he'd quit but he didn't. he kept doing it and he got worse until one day brendon woke him up and found that he just wasn't right, brendon found out that it had been a guy named travis that had turned ryan on to paint chips.
brendon beat travis's ass before he took ryan to the hospital. the doctor's kept ryan in the examination room for three hours before they released him and told brendon that the paint had caused brain damage. ryan was legally handicapped now. brendon hadn't believed it at first. his best friend was no longer the same person. brendon watched ryan as he sat in the wheelchair as the doctor's explained to brendon that someone would now have to take care of ryan.
it was that day that ryan became a permanent resident in brendon's apartment. often brendon would look at the shell of a person that ryan had become and he would wonder if somewhere deep inside the real ryan still existed. he thought that, that might be the case. after all sometimes it seemed that ryan was still there and that he wanted to do all the things he used to do, like when he and ryan would hook up. sometimes when brendon was helping ryan, ryan would try to kiss him because he remembered that they used to do it.
four years later and still ryan was like that and if brendon had had any hope that ryan would be normal again it had all but disappeared by now. ryan was gone, he was replaced by this mirror version who was sick and insane and needed help getting dressed.
brendon pressed himself into ryan's shaking arms and ryan put his chin up on brendon's shoulder and brendon could feel him smiling. "ah-ah-bre-brendon." ryan spit out as he wrapped his arms around brendon.
"i'm sorry ryan, sorry i left you alone." brendon told him but he doubted that ryan understood. ryan pulled back a bit and looked brendon in the face.
"bren-brendon-ki-kiss-rya-ryan?" ryan asked as he attempted to place his mouth on brendon's but brendon pulled away and shook his head.
"no, brendon no kiss ryan." brendon began as he looked at ryan's face. ryan was still good looking but it didn't matter, no way in hell would brendon take advantage of the mentally ill ryan ross. "brendon, kiss pete." brendon added hoping that maybe ryan would get the hint.
brendon's plan backfired and instead of understanding ryan got angry and pushed brendon away. "bu-but-ryan-lov-loves-bren-bren-brendon." ryan yelled and again brendon shook his head. "no, ryan no love brendon and brendon no love ryan." he told him maybe too bluntly and brendon blamed it on the cocaine he had ingested five minutes earlier. ryan didn't like this answer either so he resorted to all he knew, he started screaming.
ryan's screams were earshattering and brendon winced as he began to howl at the top of his lungs. brendon felt panicky now, he didn't want one of their neighbors to hear ryan screaming and think that brendon was hurting him and call the police. the last people brendon wanted to see today was the police.
brendon quickly placed his hands on ryan's shoulders and attempted to lead him back to his room. ryan fought the whole way but brendon managed to overpower him and he pushed him into the medium sized room and slammed the door shut, locking it as ryan continued to scream and bang on the wooden door. brendon locked the door and slid down it his arms on his knees as he listened to ryan shouting words now.
"ry-ryan-lov-love-brendon." he screamed it over and over again until brendon felt like his skull would explode. he was losing his high quickly so he moved away from the door and went back into his bedroom where he fished his cell phone out of the pocket of the jeans he had been wearing earlier that day. brendon dialed a number and held the phone to his ear as a smooth voice picked up.
"william can you bring me some?" brendon asked into the phone.
it took william ten minutes to get to brendon's house. brendon was holed up in the bathroom, it was the only place in the house where brendon couldn't hear ryan's screaming that well. william came into the house and called out for brendon, brendon called for him to come into the bathroom.
moments later william and brendon were sitting in the bathroom. brendon was seated on top of the toliet seat while william was sitting on the black and white tile floor with his long legs spread out and his back pressed against the wall. the two of them were quiet and they could faintly hear ryan screaming.
william ran a hand through his wavy shoulder length brown hair before he reached into a black bag he brought along with him. brendon watched william, william had really girly features and hips to match. he was also handsome and pretty smart, brendon thought that he could be doing something far better with his time if he tried.
william pulled out a needle and a vial that was filled with a yellowish white substance, he loaded up the needle and handed it over to brendon along with a thick rubber material. william leaned up on his knees and tied the rubber material tight around brendon's forearm. brendon loaded up the needle and tapped it with his finger. william settled back into his spot on the floor, his dark eyes seemed to peer into brendon's soul.
"do you really need that?" william asked, his voice a slow drawl.
"do i really need to shoot smack into my veins?" brendon asked as he pressed down on the plunger and injected the drugs into his veins. william nodded. "it helps me deal with ryan." brendon answered him. there is a silence and they can still hear ryan. "wouldn't you?" brendon asked william.
william shrugged and brendon grinned as he pulled out the needle and rubber material and handed it back to william. it figures he had to get the drug dealer with a concious. william changed the needle and loaded up another vial of the substance for himself. brendon flexed his fingers as he felt his veins begin to feel fuzzy.
brendon closed his eyes as he held his free hand to the place he had just injected himself in. he leaned back against the toliet and he could hear the sound of william injecting himself and the sastisfied sigh he let out. the duo was silent for at least five minutes before either of them said anything.
"these are the days we're going to remember." brendon said and william cracked his eyes open to look at the younger boy.
"pardon me?" he asked and brendon smiled a sad sort of smile.
"it's what ryan used to say while we were doing drugs." brendon told him. "he used to say that these moments, these days were the ones that we were gonna remember. now look at him, he's a fucking special ed kid. what fucking irony." brendon finished and he could almost laugh at how ridiculous it all was.
"patrick thinks pete is clean." william said three minutes later and now it was brendon's turn to look surprised.
"are you serious?" brendon asked as the memory of he and pete doing coke came floating back into his mind.
"yeah, he and pete were getting serious but then patrick told him he couldn't do drugs anymore but pete knew he couldn't stop so he just hides it." william said as he slid a little lower down the wall. brendon suddenly felt that same old guilt that he had felt earlier that day but this time it was mixed with a bit of jealousy. he didn't love pete but he liked when they got together and now brendon felt like he was just being used by pete, he felt like the drugs.
"do you think we could ever stop living this way will?" brendon asked, he looked at william when he didn't get an answer and he saw that william was laying on his side on the bathroom floor, seemingly passed out. brendon knew that he was okay because he could see the rise and fall of william's ribs.
brendon stood and left william in the bathroom, he left the door open in case william woke up. brendon made his way back into the living room and he noticed that the house had once again regained it's quiet composure. ryan had stopped screaming. brendon went back to the kitchen to grab another beer.
he then went to the couch and plopped down, he rested there and thought about sleeping for awhile but he was high and he didn't want to waste it. suddenly brendon heard a different kind of screaming coming from outside, it definitly wasn't ryan. brendon moved to the window that faced to the neighbor's house on the right, that's where it sounded like the screaming was coming from.
he pulled back the ragged curtain and looked out into the bright day. from his window he could see through to his neighbor's house. the two windows were alinged and brendon could see into jon and spencer's living room.
currently he could see jon who was a tall a muscular man, he thought that jon mentioned that he had played football in high school, he had dark brown hair that was shaved into a buzzcut and a scruffy brown beard. he could also see spencer who was a few years younger then jon and about the same age as brendon, maybe older. spencer had medium short brown hair that was always nicely styled, he also had a round babyish face and a thinner frame then jon but a bulkier frame then brendon.
brendon could see jon standing , his face contorted into an angry mask of rage. he could also see that jon's hand was tangled into the collar of spencer's shirt. spencer was also standing, more like being held into a standing position by jon. his face looked scared and he had his hands up in an defensive position.
brendon could tell that the two men were arguing about something. it looked more like jon yelling at spencer and spencer trying his best to calm his older boyfriend down. something spencer said must've upset jon more then he already was because as brendon was standing there he saw jon pull back his fist and bring it around to strike spencer squarely in the jaw. spencer probably would've fallen if not for jon holding him into place.
jon pulled back the same fist again before spencer could recover from the first blow. he slammed his large fist into spencer's face again, spencer's head snapping to the side. spencer knew what was happening and was now begging, brendon could tell. he was begging for jon to stop. jon responded by punching spencer three more times in a role. all the blows were directed at spencer's face. spencer was crying as jon beat him viciously and brendon watched.
it just occured to brendon to call the police, this wasn't the first time this had happened. he had heard the two men fight before but he had never witnessed it and he felt a sick feeling in his stomach as he thought of what was happening to spencer. brendon grabbed his cell and began dialing before he suddenly hung up the phone. he wanted to call but it was the cop deal again. he didn't want cops near him if they didn't have to be. ecspecially with a passed out drug dealer in his bathroom, cocaine residue in his bedroom, and a mentally ill twenty year old boy locked in his spare bedroom.
brendon moved back to the window to make sure that jon hadn't killed spencer yet. spencer was now on his knees, his head lolling side to side and his arms defensivly over his head. jon was still swinging on the younger boy and brendon's eyes caught his fist. he watched as jon's fist had an arc as he swung and brendon found it oddly beautiful. suddenly jon looked over directly at brendon as if he knew he were watching the whole time.
instantly he dropped spencer, who fell back out of sight of the window. jon's eyes were connected with brendon's for half a minute and there was a look of fear and anger in jon's eyes that made brendon scared and sad at the same time. brendon dropped the curtain and blocked jon from his mind. he only hoped that jon wouldn't touch spencer out of fear that he would have the police called on him.
brendon moved back to the couch and flopped down on it. it still smelled like pete from earlier. brendon closed his eyes and imagined pete at home with patrick, snuggled into patrick's arms and how pete could so easily lie to and cheat on patrick.
brendon felt a little strange, he supposed it could've been that he hadn't mixed so many drugs in his system in a long time, or it could be that he was realizing that he was just as bad as jon. brendon had killed brent at 1:00 that afternoon. how was he any different from jon? jon beat spencer because jon hated his life, brendon killed brent because brent couldn't give him the money that he needed to sustain the life he hated living.
as brendon sat and though about things he thought that it felt like death was hovering around him, because he had killed brent he had called attention to himself in death's eyes. he was a mark and brendon felt that he wouldn't live much longer. it was just a feeling he was having, it could just be the drugs but it felt more real then that. brendon didn't think he would mind too much if he died. what did he really have to live for anyway?
the only thing he could even think of was ryan but maybe if he was dead ryan would get the care he really needed and deserved. he was sure that he'd miss pete but pete would have patrick to comfort him. everyone else had someone, or at least something to comfort them. brendon wouldn't be missed for too long. hell the life he was leading he already felt dead so why not just make it legit?
brendon didn't feel like being philisophical any longer so he stood and left his house with his cell phone in hand. he thought about driving but he knew it wasn't smart to drive after shooting up. brendon decided on walking. he passed by william's sleek dark blue sports car on the way out the driveway.
he trudged down the empty sidewalks, his sneakers slapping against the hot pavement. brendon passed by jon and spencer's house and he kept his eyes locked on the clone of his own two bedroom house. it was quiet so brendon hoped that meant that spencer was recovering somewhere away from jon.
after ten minutes of walking brendon grew overly tired and began to regret his decision to walk. he stopped on a street corner and leaned against a stop sign as he pulled out his cell phone and dialed another number. andy's voice filled brendon's ears a few moments later.
"hey, andy it's brendon." brendon greeted his friend
"hey, bren what's up?" andy asked and brendon could tell that he was in his car and probably driving.
"i'm on delancy street...i'm high and i kinda need a ride." brendon told him and he only felt a bit of shame as he confessed to andy. brendon heard andy sigh a little and mutter something to someone else before he answered him.
"alright, i'll come get you." he told him and brendon thanked him as he hung up the phone.
~red~ |
Comments (5) |
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
i heard it's the softest thing ever
listening to: this is for real-motion city soundtrack
currently: want someone to love
Redmoonchick Responds:
krissy: i think yoga is more about streching then balance though that comes into play too. si he is cute too bad he's engaged.
shadowme: lol i was like "didn't danielle say that?" lol your memory is awesome because that was said waaaaay back at the end of last school year when i had my yoga final. well you need 23 credits, and the reason i am the age i am and still in school is because i failed seventh grade.
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: well i'm not staying on track that well either because i just ate pizza the other day. but i know what you mean because we have like no food in the fridge either.
well yesterday was totally unexpected. i so didn't feel like going to school yesterday so i got ready anyway and my brother and i left and we get all the way to school and the doors are locked so we saw the janitor and waved him down and he told us that the school was closed! so our driver was pulling away and my brother had to run across the parking lot to catch him. he did catch him so we had to go all the way back home but at least there was no school. they ended up cancelling school because of icy side roads. which is stupid because the roads were fine. i wonder if any other kids showed up thinking there was school.
about ten minutes into typing this post and eating dinner i had a bad feeling in my stomach, a feeling like i had to throw up. so i ran to the bathroom and puked my guts out. it's strange because i haven't thrown up in forever and i felt fine all day and it came on so suddenly. it's a digusting thing when you have to clean up your own puke. i hope it's not because of the meds i am taking, i think it might be and so does my mom.
we are having really bad winds and snow in our area. my brother has a bad wall in his room so his wall is coming apart due to the wind. i hope school is closed today, that would be pretty cool.
i'm still watching the tv show lost on dvd. there are six dvds and each one is four hours long i think i'm on number four so i should finish them today.
i got a new bathing suit yesterday too. it's a cool all black one piece with black and white zebra spots and yellow trim. it's nice my aunt got it for me because my old two piece revealed too much skin while i was swimming.
hmmm i'm kinda worried about jenny, things aren't going to well for her, she so deserves to be happy because she is such a great person. i hope all my friends are happy and well too.
here's some quotes before i go.
(question to pete:)
if andy, joe, and patrick were all in a burning tent who would you save first?
pete: they went camping without me? let those motherfuckers burn!
(fan asked a question to pete)
why does patrick have a scar above his eyebrow?
pete: his halo fell down and bumped him in the head.
well that's all for now so i'll see you all later!
Comments (7) |
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
goodbye for a lifetime
listening to: face down-red jumpsuit apparatus
currently: paranoid that i'm the butt of everyone's jokes.
Redmoonchick Responds:
Ls: that's around the time it was giving me trouble too. i'm glad you liked it!
krissy: lol i never get sick of hearing that people like my stories! compliments are always appreciated!
belinda: i love your story and i was so happy to see that you sent it to me! hee of course you are a trusted advisor!
angel zakuro: well i didn't really go anywhere persay but my internet died for about a week so that's where i was.
school yesterday was pretty average though i guess i was feeling kinda paranoid all day. i guess it was because in second hour i am sure this guy was making fun of me and i said something about it and he denied it but i told him i didn't believe him. oh well i don't care fuck em.
we did yoga and woooo i am sore! my ab's hurt lots and i did a cool move that we dubbed the spiderman! ha i was surprised i could do it. also i have the luck (sarcasm) to be stationed so that i could see my friends taylor and eric's butts as they bent over to do yoga moves.
also eric scared the crap out of me when i was doing corpse pose and i had my eyes closed and he tapped my foot with his foot and it scared me!
i tested my spagetti bridge in fifth hour and taylor's bridge supported 6 pounds and my bridge the perverbial underdog lasted 10 pounds! woop go little bridge go!
i pitched an idea during yearbook to do a talent show to raise money for yearbook and people seemed to go for it.
oh i found a pic of extreamly cute boy from his myspace so i wanted to show you guys him.

he's so dang cute.
my friend taylor cut her hair and now she looks like a guy. i told her so and she laughed it off then someone called her a lesbian but she still doesn't care.
well not much else to say, i probably have to start staying later at school today so i can gather more credits so i can graduate and i also have to do this program on the computer and do two independent studies. why yes senior year will kill me.
~red~ |
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