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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Friday, January 4, 2008
the city is at war
listening to: late night talk shows
currently: eating a banana
Redmoonchick Responds:
megan: i know sometimes it's sad to see our lesser known bands suddenly go mainstream. but i like the video too! hee hee i was like what the hell? gabe looks good! XD but patrick is still better. XD lol nope i encourage the mulleted cop pete with the porno mustache eating donuts in every video! XD
angel zakuro: ah thanks! yeah the idea for this color scheme came pretty easy and it's not seizure inducing so that's always good.
a13: he was guilty of plotting to kidnap his bosses wife and daughter and things went wrong so his partners ended up killing the wife.
barely anyone should up for school yesterday. did i mention that already? i feel like i did. oh well we didn't do too much anyway and of course it figures we'd have some drama our first day back. during my goverment class a.k.a drama central this girl started bitching at these guys who are always being stupid and distrupting and destroying the class. then the principal got involved and someone threathend to shoot someone else. ugh i can't wait till the semester is over so i can switch out of that class.
i'm feeling kinda stressed out. i have to have all my senior portfolio stuff done by january 19th. ugh i still have so much stuff to do! grrr but at least if i don't finish it then i have six weeks to finish it.
and i realized i have some irrational fears. one of them being unable to call a certain person...i still don't know why. another is that i'm afraid of falling down at the mall in front of everyone ugh scary! a less scary one is meeting a celebrity and not having an autograph book. ha ha i am weird i guess.
woop well today is friday and it's cool because all i had was school two days and it's the weekend again! XD
later babies
Comments (3) |
Thursday, January 3, 2008
imma be on mtv mama
listening to: my classmates talk about sports
currently: thirsty
Redmoonchick Responds:
alex: ah i buckled down and finished the last chapter of murder and lyrics! go me! XD
omnimaster: lol dang how'd you figure out i was dreaming of you? ^-~
sayanachan: i think i shall go out and get the cd i think my dad is going to get it for me actually.
megan: truely dreams are unfair.
kitabug69: i have weird dreams like that too!
well i did see patrick on law and order. he came in late into the episode but i though he was so good! he looked so cute and it turned out he was guilty! it was so good.
mmm i'm back in school today and it is a major adjustment! i was so used to always slacking off all break and now i have to work suckedy suck suck. and taylor isn't here so that's sad too but i think she has a medical thing to do today.
now that i'm back at school i'm trying my hardest to have the will power to not buy candy or pop. i'm trying to eat healthier as my plan to lose weight so i definitly gotta drink just milk and gatoraid. do wish me luck.
there's barely anyone at school today i think it's because they wanted us to come in on a thursday so not a lot of people wanna do that.
okay so that's all for now so i'll chat with you peeps later!
okay i am really really feeling cobra starship lately. and what the hell when did gabe get hot? lol megan is gonna hurt me! lol but here is the new cobra video up for you beautiful people. it has a cameo from pete playing a mulleted cop. oh and if you watch it you should probably pause the music at the top of my site.
cobra starship video:
peace babies
~red~ |
Comments (2) |
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
i came here to make you dance tonight
listening to: everything's magic-angels and airwaves
currently: frustrated
Redmoonchick Responds:
sayanachan: yay! my theme is loved! yeah i'm curious how would you rate the new cobra cd?
alex: ah i hope i can get the last chapter of murder and lyrics done....grrr! i need to finish it! T-T
shadowme: lol somehow your comment sounds passive agressive. lol aaaand just because i didn't put you in that chapter doesn't mean i didn't add you in. i put you in the upcoming chapter. lol you should give me a cameo because you love me! XD
a13: i certainly hope your resolution comes through for you.
the real yojimbo: yay! someone besides toh-toh and jenny who appreciates my long posts! XD eh i didn't really know it was a well known legend. oh well. XD
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: ah *sends you fish* i hope you have a good year and you stick to your resolutions!
well i was right and it snowed enough to warrent us a snowday for today! ha ha that means that we're going back on thursday and then we only have to go two days before it's the weekend again. though i kinda miss my school friends and wanna talk to them again. pretty soon our semester will be over and i'll have to pick new classes.
oh i kept forgetting to mention this: patrick from fall out boy is going to be on the show law and order today! he's playing a suspect named marty dresler i think. but it comes on 10 o clock my time so i don't know if any of you wanna watch it. but i can't wait! oh and this was supposed to air in february but because of the writer's strike it's airing early. ha ha i knew about it back in october and i kept forgetting to mention it XD
there's a certain person who keeps showing up in my dreams lately and it's pretty weird. it's weird because everytime i do dream about this person i never speak to them ever. we just see each other and touch but never speak. grrr it bothers me! i should find out what that means.
hmmm i think i have a doctor's appointment coming up but i'm not sick anymore so i think i'm just gonna get a physical instead.
okay friends i shall chat with you later!
~red~ |
Comments (7) |
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
2008 or a new year to make all the same old mistakes
listening to: crushcrushcrush-paramore
currently: eating cotton candy, nursing a hang over, and watching the snow fall
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: uh-oh you're sick now too? dang we shouldn't have made out so much! :P lol no way i am confident that we could get a long 24/7 too bad we couldn't drink together and sing irish songs that sound suspicously like fall out boy XD awww i'm sure stephy likes you pleanty. yeah, too bad i can't be brave like fiction cassie XD
whistle: aww i hope you eat, drink, and be merry too!
toh-toh: you might not have gotten first comment but you win for longest! XD aww you don't have to make me a card if you don't want to. lol oh noes don't bring zac efron onto my site! he be the devil! XD *facepalm* i missed fall out boy! did you catch them? what did they play? were they gooood? why did i miss them *cries*
alex: i'm glad you like the comment responses. i like doing them again. it's fun to respond to what people have to say to me. i'm really glad you're enjoying my story so much and that you like all the characters!
az: aww well feel better and i hope you have a great new years day!
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: awww thanks! i wish you all the best and success in 2008! *hugs*
ok so happy new year babies! did everyone have a good one? i didn't do much as i thought. though my mom and i were off to a rocky start. my mom was going to the bank to get some money so she could put gas in our van (because it was dangerously low) but the van ran out of gas before she could so she walked back and had to figure out a way to get some gas and get back to our van. after about a couple hours my cousin took my mom to get gas and get the van.
so then our new years picked up. we went and got some food. i had some long john silvers and then we bought this party pack of captain morgan parrot bay drinks. ahhhh so good. so i started drinking before we got home but don't worry i was by no means drunk. and it was snowing and really bad out and there were at least five accidents. then we stopped by my brothers friends house and picked up my brother and our friend greg or as he's known around here G. but we took them to greg's girlfriends house and he and i took some pictures and they made fun of me for being a light drinker and the two of them had vodka and some pop that they were gonna drink. so we dropped them off then my mom and i went home.
i did my paper wish. it's where you write a wish on a strip of paper and tie it to a tree outside then after midnight you burn it and your wish for the next year is supposed to come true. i'm sure that last year i wished for love or something like that but this year i wished more general for love, and life, and health, and happiness in the year 2008. i really didn't make any resolutions because i never stick to them anyway. did you guys make any?
anyway on to the new theme that you no doubt noticed. it's cobra starship. it just seemed kinda perfect to me. plus i really think that cobra starship is gonna blow up this year. i mean their already popular in their scene but i think there gonna go mainstream this year. i mean i'm already seeing them all over mtv. mark my words people, if you don't know cobra you will. anyway like the theme?
wow we're having a major blizzard here tonight! it's snowing a ton i bet we have at least five or six inches of snow on the ground right now. it's going to snow tomorrow too so if were lucky we might have a snow day! *prays*
oh today is my cousin porsha's seventh birthday. so happy birthday to her. she went to chuck E cheese yesterday so i don't think she's doing anything today but i already gave her a gift. a cd player but she doesn't have any cd's
okay well i will chat with you babies later!
~red~ |
Comments (5) |
Monday, December 31, 2007
champange wishes and caviar dreams or i'll see you next year
listening to: futurama
currently: wishing he'd stay out of my dreams!
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: ah the post was off center because of the christmas cards in one of the earlier posts. but i am glad that you're commenting again. lol i think i'll tell toh-toh where you went.
cosmicsailor: i hope you have a good new year too!
shadowme: aww i hope things get better for you belindy
a13: yay! i missed your comments! lol a glitter carpet would be cool!
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: ah well about the 3rd pirates movie. the scene where the kid gets hanged it doesn't really show it so it's not terribly hard to watch.
toh-toh: ah i still do long post's it's just that not too much is happening to me lately so there for my post's are short. hey toh you missed mah birfday! T-T oh and jenny moved to a new site [fading.dreams] lol can i be called red MD? hmmm that kinda sounds like a doctor. i wasn't cold cause i was all bundled up!
angel zakuro: aww it's fine! i just want you to be happy! heh yeah toh-toh is one of my old friends just like you and jenny!
i don't think i mentioned this but my cold is finally gone! yes! i just have a bit of a cough left and a semi stuffed nose but i should be fine.
we took my cousin home yesterday and i'm glad because she was really working my nerves. sometimes she can be fun but it's like that with everyone, if you're around them too long they grate on your nerves.
so it's new year's eve. what are you guys gonna do? i think i'm just gonna be at home and watching the new years thing on tv and maybe drink a little cause that's always good.
anyway it is time for the latest chapter of murder and lyrics so here it is!
josiah showed up and saved cassie from being shot by jake.
murder and lyrics:
chapter twenty nine: unforgivable questions
danielle and timothy recieved the call that jake had been found in cassie's aparment about an half hour after danielle had left jake's home. they had immedently rushed over there and found jake unconcious, cassie crying, and josiah holding a gun and a tazer. after listening to what the two concious people had to say they promptly called an ambulance for jake who had yet to awaken as he was put on the strecher. two cops leaving to ascort him to the hospital.
they had wanted cassie to go to the hospital to get checked out but she refused saying that she was fine. it seemed all she wanted was to tell them what jake had revealed to her. so danielle had been correct; jake had killed danny and lexi had helped. it was now that danielle was starting to feel that small fire of accomplishment take hold over her body as she was glad the case was solved but she knew she wouldn't truly be releaved until jake and lexi were punished.
they put josiah and cassie in the back seat of the cop car, not because they were arrested but because they would have to go down to the station for questioning. cassie leaned her head against josiah's shoulder and both remained silent as the moonlight poured down on them from the back seat window. they arrived at the station and josiah and cassie were seperated and taken in for statements.
danielle had taken the room with cassie and she sat across from her in a small metal chair. it was something like how this case had all began. she had met cassie and sat in the same room. but this cassie was different then the one that she had first met. this cassie was still sad but it was a strong kind of sadness, a dignified sadness. she anwsered danielle's questions precisely with a quiet smile on her face.
danielle thought she was like that because she finally knew who had killed danny. she had the resolution that she needed and she knew that sometimes that's all someone needed.
"i'm glad this is all over." cassie began after danielle was sastisfied with what cassie had told her. danielle nodded as she collected the papers that she had taken cassie's statements down on. "i know that catching jake won't bring danny back but it almost feels like it will." she continued.
"we'll make sure that jake and lexi get their appropreit punishment." danielle said as she leaned against the doorframe with her hand lingering on the doorknob.
"i think i will go and visit danny know tell him what happened." cassie said and again that sad smile flashed over her face as she stood and headed towards the door.
"i think that he would be glad that you worked so hard to help catch his killer." danielle told cassie as she opened the door and let the older girl step out into the hall with danielle herself following behind. the two of them walked the short space from the interrogation room to the main lobby of the second floor of the police station.
upon entering the lobby they saw timothy and josiah chatting next to a spare desk. they looked over and spotted the two girls and with a firm handshake josiah said goodbye to timothy and made his way over to cassie and danielle. he offered his hand to danielle and she took it trying her best not to blush as she looked at the handsome man's face.
suddenly the doors to the station opened and danielle looked up. her face dropped as she saw him first. the sour faced blonde youth with the long bangs that trickled into his eyes. he was being led into the station by two police officers with their arms clutched tightly on his elbows.
danielle wished that she hadn't of looked then maybe cassie and josiah wouldn't have noticed the look on her face and maybe the two of them wouldn't have turned around out of curiousity. she watched cassie and josiah's faces as they saw jake pass by. jake in turn noticed them and his face locked on their's.
danielle saw josiah's shoulders shake no doubt out of anger and cassie's face looked sullen and blank. jake was hauled off to one of the many rooms in the station and locked away. josiah looked to cassie and placed his warm hand on her shoulder. she turned to look at him and danielle despite herself felt a small burn of jealousy.
cassie turned back to look at danielle a small look of determination on her roundish face. "danielle...can i talk to him?" cassie asked and danielle's eyes widened a bit. apparently one heart to heart with a murderer wasn't enough for the girl.
"why do you want to talk to him?" josiah almost shouted the question that had been on the tip of her tongue. danielle could tell that josiah was a bit upset that she wanted to speak with jake, but danielle could also understand why she would be. if you had just saved someone from a murderer then that same person wanted to go and talk with said murderer. it was enough to leave a person a bit angry.
"josiah" cassie began as she turned to face the older man. "i feel like i need to talk to him. just one more's something i know i have to do for myself." she told him as she looked at him her eyes bright and pleading. josiah was watching her intently and danielle felt awkward as though she shouldn't be listening to the two of them.
"alright cassie, just-just don't let him say anything that will upset you alright?" josiah said though you could tell he still didn't think it was a good idea. she nodded to him and he drew a hand up and dragged it through his dark black spikey hair.
cassie then turned to danielle and she knew that the older girl wouldn't take no for an anwser despite what she thought she still wanted cassie to get her chance to speak to jake. this wasn't an rare occurance actually. danielle let out a small sigh and motioned for cassie to follow her as they both headed in the direction that jake was taken.
in mere moments they stood outside of jake's room. danielle knocked on the door and waited for the attending officer to come out so she could let cassie inside. the man came out and danielle had to sweet talk him into letting cassie go inside while the two officers waited just outside the door.
cassie felt nervous as she entered the room and she saw jake head down and his yellow blonde hair covering his face. she knew he thought it was the police officer returning. when nothing was said jake looked up and saw her for the first time.
"what the fuck are you doing here?" he spat his face a mix of confusion and despise. cassie still lingered near the door as she spoke to the man who had killed her best friend and had tried to kill her. she had to admit that she was afraid of the man despite him being chained up the memories of the last few hours still haunted her mind.
"i came to talk to you." she said her voice dim yet determined. cassie saw jake flash a smirk at her.
"you know that's what i said to you when i came to your place?" he said cruelly to her. cassie knew what jake was trying to do. he was trying to scare her and upset her.
"i came to say goodbye to you jake." cassie said as she moved closer to the place where he sat. "because i know that you are going away for a long time." now it was cassie that was trying to get her digs in and make jake upset.
"do you really think so?" he said and she glared at him.
"yeah, look where you are jake! you're caught! it's not like you're gonna get out of this!" she shouted at him. jake straightened up in his chair.
"even though i'm caught it's going to take forever to get me in a trial....and then all i have to do is plead insanity or something like that and i'll get less jail time, and i'm not even worried once i get jail time. i mean at least i'm alive and not dead like that moron danny." jake said and he so cocky. cassie balled her fists and ignored jake. he was just trying to get under her skin and she wouldn't fall for it.
"you keep telling yourself that jake, then maybe you won't be so afraid." cassie said to him as she turned away and was perpairing to leave. she had almost had enough of jake and any desire she had to see him once more was fading fast.
"did he look afraid?" jake asked as she headed towards the door. cassie stopped and turned back to face him.
"what?" she asked her voice shaky and her face a blank slate.
"did danny look afraid as he was dying?" jake asked again. cassie stopped her face shocked and her stomach dropped. she felt like bursting into tears and punching jake in the face all at the same time. instead she did nothing she turned slowly and went to the door.
"you'll get your punishment jake, you will." she said as she left the room and left jake for the last time.
will jake get his punishment? and what about lexi? find out next time!
i hope you all have a great start to your new year and i'll see you all next year!!!
Comments (6) |
Sunday, December 30, 2007
panic! at the prom
listening to: saturday night live
currently: glad i don't have kids
Redmoonchick Responds:
toh-toh: yay! toh-toh! i missed you dear! hey you live in ohio? cool! you live not too far from me! XD i dunno the magazine was just called teen. yeah, well i am not having luck keeping her busy today. -_-
x rawr: ha ha i know! my pants and ankles were so wet i was like 'stupid absorbent jeans!' well that teen magazine i bought had a few pics of mcr in it and so did j-14 magazine!
i'm so glad one of my old friends came back from the longest time. dear tohmalover14. *hugs her*
we kept my six year old cousin for another day and it's kinda been like what it would be like if i had a little sister or a daughter. because she's been attached at the hip to me and she gets mad if i don't wanna do something with her.
one of my mom's old friends died on christmas morning and today she had her viewing and tomorrow is her funeral. so my mom and my one cousin were gonna go but then my cousin went with her dad so i decided to go with my mom but i wasn't going to go inside because i didn't have anything to wear.
so we went and my mom saw a lot of people she grew up with and then we went to mcdonalds.
my cousin has a make up kit and it has these long tubes full of glitter and she spilt some on my bed so now my bed is all glittery like a fairy sleeps there or something.
right now we're baking a banana cake. it should be really good.
~red~ |
Comments (6) |
Saturday, December 29, 2007
i'd rather waste my life pretending then be without you for one whole minute
listening to: guilty pleasure-cobra starship
currently: wondering why i worry about him
Redmoonchick Responds:
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: ah i did see that little thing after the credits but i still wasn't really sastisfied with the ending.
alex: i get impatient when shopping if it's something boring that i am shopping for. oh i'm sure my last year's wish was something to do with love or something like that.
keba-kun: i'm doing good, i'm glad you are too.
well after a good day and a half of contemplating what my theme for january should be i finally thought of one last night. it kinda just hit me and i was like yes! that will work! though i'm not gonna tell you guys so you gotta wait till january to see.
it started hailing today, then the hail turned rain then snow. which meant very icy roads and slush everywhere. so my mom and i had to go pick up our medicine from the pharmacy and i wore my new jeans but they're too long so they ended up all wet by the end of the night.
we also stopped by my grandma's house and we went to k-mart to take back some clothes for my grandma and i got a magazine that had a ton of pics for my collage.
later my mom went to my cousin's house to drop off presents and she brought back my six year old cousin with her so she spent the night but luckily i was able to keep her busy with my nintendog's game and she listened to fall out boy and put make up on me and then fell asleep.
here's a little something for the guys:
i was watching the paramore video 'crushcrushcrush' and i really like her hair so i decided to put up a pic of hayley because she's such a cool girl.
well that's all for now so i'll talk with you all later.
~red~ |
Comments (5) |
Friday, December 28, 2007
some people just don't want to be sexy reindeers
listening to: futurama
reading: the january/february issue of blender magazine
currently: want to talk to him
ah so yesterday was pretty good. my mom, brother and i went to the mall to get my brother a new coat and shirt and i think he got some pants too. then we went to my grandma's house for awhile.
then we went and rented movies from the video store. we rented 'harry potter and the order of the phonex', 'we are marshall', and 'pirates of the carribean' two and three.
harry potter was alright and we are marshall was good but kinda sad and i liked both of the pirate movies though i really didn't like how number three ended.
hmmmm it's almost new years. i was wondering if any of you are going to make new years resolutions? i think i might but i probably won't stick to it.
last year i did the japanese tradition of writing a wish down on a strip of colorful paper and tie it to a tree then at midnight go out and burn it and the wish should come true. i can't remember what i wished for so i don't know if it came true.
well that's all for now so i shall chat with you pimps later
~red~ |
Comments (3) |
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
i am mclovin
Redmoonchick Responds:
alex: aww but superbad is soooo funny! oh i didn't know it was on your site. i saw your card on LS's site though but it's okay!
well christmas is over. i hope you all had a really great day and got everything you wanted.
i didn't really do much. my mom wasn't feeling good and neither was i so we had to go out and try and find a place that was actually open on christmas. luckily a local drugstore was open so my mom got us medicine and some food and stuff.
so then later my brother and i hooked up our brand new dvd player and we watched the movie superbad. oh man i love that movie so much! it's so freaken funny.
we didn't end up going to my grandma's we ate dinner at home instead then my mom made cookies. my dad never came around or called which was kinda disapointing but whatever i am used to it. at least he called on christmas eve.
oh man the game nintendogs is so addictive. seriously i have to check on my dogs like every hour at least to feed them and whatnot. i got three dogs, marley the dalmatian, pete the spaniel, and beckett the sheepdog. such a cute game.
well danny saw the card i made of him as a reindeer. i don't think he liked it too much considering the comment he left but oh well i think it's funny.
~red~ |
Comments (4) |
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
hey babies,
so it's christmas and i hope all of you are having/had a good one. i'm not doing much today. i think we are having dinner with my grandma today but i'm not sure. i'm still sick and my mom is worried that i will get my grandma sick too.
anyway i got exactly what i wanted for christmas! i got a digital camera!!!! *joy* it's an eight megapixel camera that takes videos and has motion capture ability or something like that. it's so cool! i am beyond happy! i love my camera!
i also got:
-some clothes from my aunt
-sparkly perfume
- a dvd player
-the dvd 'superbad'(freak yeah!)
and a few other hidden presents that i have yet to be given.
so because it is christmas i am putting up all the cards i got this year so thanks to everyone who sent me one and i love you all!

zpt heart

inuyasha fan-4ever


dang! knights edge made me an awesome card too but i can't find it! T-T sorry if i forgot anyone!
~red~ |
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