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Monday, December 24, 2007
i thought i loved you but i lied
Redmoonchick Responds:
sayanachan: oh no! please don't tell me you're jumping on the danny fan girl wagon please! XD
jenny: feeling better by christmas is a possibility but not a strong one. heh heh the new chapter of murder and lyrics is up today but i don't know if you...or anyone will be around to read it. lol i always have fob on the brain. XD
hey hey,
well i was becoming a bit stir crazy so i left the house today. i went with my mom to drop my brother off at the gym and then go to get some medicine from meijers.
though meijers was super busy and i quickly began to feel ill and had to end up sitting down near the pharmacy for awhile. but i did get the medicine and i guess it is kinda working..i dunno gosh i just wanna feel better! T-T
this isn't important but my collage of fall out boy/pete wentz is almost done. i'm sure i can finish it by the end of february.
my mom is finally being nice to me. she made me some homemade chicken noodle soup which was oh my gosh so good and she keeps making me tea. yum.
well tomorrow is christmas, i hope you all have a really good one and i don't know if anyone is going to be around today but i am going to post the latest chapter of murder and lyrics anyway.
jake admitted to cassie that he and lexi killed danny because jake was jealous and the both of them wanted danny's money. jake told cassie how he killed danny, framed josiah and planned on killing lexi and cassie herself.
murder and lyrics
chapter twenty eight: hero's and heroine's
before jake could pull the trigger and end cassie's life the door to cassie's apartment was flung open and the light from the hall filtered into the dim apartment. jake out of surprise turned quickly to face the doorway and see just who had come inside.
cassie who was still seated on the floor didn't care who had come into her apartment because in this moment when jake's back was turned she saw her opportunity to steal the gun from him. she leaped up quicker then she knew she could and rushed into jake's body. she knocked into him and her hands wrapped around the wrist of the hand he was holding the gun with.
jake was startled and he wasn't sure what he should focus his attention on: the stranger who had entered the apartment or the girl who was trying to steal his gun. jake decided to focus on cassie and he turned himself shoving his shoulder into the girl's side. cassie fell to the floor once again but she hadn't released his arm and as she fell her nails etched deep marks into his skin.
jake's face turned into a look of pain and he let out a injured grunt as he shook off her hands from his arm. "you bitch!" jake growled at her as he looked down at where there was crimson blood lightly dripping. he turned the gun back onto cassie and perpaired to fire but before he could they heard a voice echo inside the apartment.
"don't touch her!" the male voice screamed and cassie in her panic thought it sounded familar but she wasn't sure. she looked up from her position on the floor to see the figure's outline was illuminated by the light from the hall and he too held what looked like a gun in his hand. jake turned quickly to face the stranger his blonde hair fanning out around him. before anything else could be said they saw something shoot from the end of the figure's weapon and hit jake.
he stood looking down at where a sharp object was stuck in his skin with a long wire leading back to the figure. suddenly a bluish white light erupted from the object and just as suddenly jake was on the floor twitching and shaking while screaming in pain. cassie quickly realized he was being tazerd and she lunged forward and stole the gun from his twitching hand.
she could see jake's face and he looked surprised and a bit scared and the two of them looked at each other before cassie back away and jake began begging for the tazering to stop. cassie scrambled around the back of the couch her back resting against the soft fabric, her mind still reeling from how close she had come to death.
the stranger who had saved her life not once but twice. he moved towards her and she could see his legs and he came to stand beside her. cassie looked up at the mystery man but was unable to make out his face. she could see dark hair framing the face and a warm handsome smile and dark eyes and for a moment cassie wondered; she thought it was him...she thought it was danny.
"danny?" she asked as she clutched the gun to her as if protecting it and wondering if maybe it was all just one big mistake and danny never really did die.
"sorry kid." the voice said as the figure crouched down on his knees beside her. "it's me josiah." he said as he placed one hand on her shoulder and the other hand slid to the gun and removed it from her grasp. with the gun safely on the floor next to them cassie broke down; she broke for several reasons. because she finally knew what and who had killed danny, because she had almost died, and because josiah had saved her.
she was now crying openly and she reached forward and clutched her hands into josiah's shirt and josiah smiled softly and sadly and wrapped his arms around her waist before pulling her into his arms. she rested her head on his shoulder and he gently rubbed her back as they let everything that happened to them wash over the room.
how did josiah know jake was at cassie's? what will happen to jake and lexi now? find out next time!
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Sunday, December 23, 2007
underwear in the mail? you bet!
well yeah i am sick and it is hell...seriously i feel so bad. i can't sleep well because i wake up and my throat is so dry and painful. my nose is constantly stuffed up and i have a bad cough. i've been taking anti botics and sinsus pills but i still feel crappy. man i'm on vacation and i can't even enjoy it! T-T
my aunt sent me some clothes for christmas. she sent me a pair of jeans, a cute leopard vest, and six pairs of undies. yep undies and they are cute!
i got some more christmas cards from myo friends today so i need to remember to put them all up to show you guys before christmas comes! XD speaking of cards here is one i made. it's not very good and i did it on a whim but it made me laugh so here is mah christmas card:

mwahahahaha it's my brother and danny dressed as santa and rudolph. now you can say that you have seen a scene kid dressed as a reindeer. heh heh
ugh i still don't feel good! T-T
~red~ |
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Saturday, December 22, 2007
white russian
yay! it is finally winter break! huzzah i get to sleep in. ah that's wonderful.
barely anyone came to school yesterday. we did secret santa. i gave taylor her eyebrow rings and she loved them a lot. i got a cute lil bear from this girl named brittany and a card and a bag of homemade chocolate. i asked my friends what i should name the bear and i got many suggestions but i decided i'd name him white russian. ha ha it's an inside joke.
i got some pizza for lunch today. i went to talk to my science teacher and she offered me some pizza. it was really good. things got weird at lunch though cause three girls flashed us their bra's and this freshman girl showed us her thong. yeah it was strange.
we got to watch the movie the nightmare before christmas and it's always really good. i used to watch it all the time before it was cool then i was told that it was cool and i was like "really?"
i gave all my teachers some presents. i gave them some chocolate thin mints. they really liked them so i am glad. i really like the christmas feeling in general because everyone is a whole lot nicer.
i got my b-day cake yesterday but i'm not gonna eat any of it until later today.
oh and i am feeling quite sick lately. man that sucks ass cause my throat hurts pretty bad and my neck and head and my nose is stuffed up T-T i hope i get better soon.
well that thing that danny told me the other day was that he told us that he'd like to come back to our school and attend school there. at least that's what my brother told me. i think that would be pretty cool. it would be nice to see him again, though i wonder if he is mad at me or something because he isn't talking to me much lately but it would still be cool to see him again.
well ladies and gents i am out of here! i am going to sleep cause i feel like total crap T-T
-quote of the day-
at lunch when all the flashing was happening:
me: ok i'm out of here cause this room is one step away from turning into an orgy."
~red~ |
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Friday, December 21, 2007
so i guess i'll see you, i'll see you around
listening to: nick at night
Redmoonchick Responds:
LS: hmmm i know it got all jumbled but i don't know how and i tried to fix it but it didn't work.
angel zakuro: ah yup i am as old as you and in high school still.
shadowme: i went to your site and saw the lovely post you made for me but it won't let me comment! T-T
so my birthday has come and gone. it wasn't bad at all! my brother didn't go to school with me on my b-day though and that made me mad. but my favorite teacher gave me my first gift of the day. it was an adorable little book with pics of cats in it and funny little sayings. she also gave me a card that plays music.
then my friend taylor came to school and gave me a pretty little heart necklace. apparently she got me the same necklace that jenny got me so she had to get me the heart one.
then my friend jessica made me a huge birthday card and she circulated it around the school so everyone could sign it. it says "oh em geee you're 19!" ha i love it and it's something i can keep forever.
i got lots of b-day well wishes and then during sixth hour this guy named logan started an impromptu singing of happy birthday to me and a surprising amount of people joined in. it was kinda embaressing but nice all the same.
my dad came over on my b-day and he gave me a card and ten bucks. my mom got me a voice recorder but i asked if i could take it back and get a video game instead. she didn't care so i took it back and got nintendogs dalmatian version. i named the puppy marley and she's so cute and it's so much like a real dog!
so overall my b-day was a good one but i don't really feel like i am 19.
i went to the mall today to get my friend taylor her christmas present. oh my gosh never go to the mall five days before christmas! geeze there were no parking spaces and i had to go into hot topic and it was so packed in there! but the check out he was really, really hot! XD
oh and i think i am getting i know i am getting sick. i didn't go to school yesterday because i didn't feel good. and today is the last day of school before christmas break. woop i can't wait! ^-^
oh and danny got ahold of my bro a few days ago and he had something pretty interesting to say but more on that later.
~red~ |
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Wednesday, December 19, 2007
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEEEEE!!!!! (A.K.A 19 on the 19th)
Redmoonchick responds:
apatheticnote: ah i would be scared if someone flashed my mom.
LS: lol that's what i thought too! woop i'll be partying up when i'm 21.
shadowme: ugh i think i'm getting sick too! feel better!
danny: yeah, i'll tell him...oh and thanks for mentioning my birthday *sarcasm*
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: ah thanks for the card it made me giggle! *hugs*
angel zakuro: ah i really do like the card!
so IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!! i'm 19 today and now i feel old. XD well it's pretty easy to feel old when you're surrounded by 16, 17, and 18 year olds.
ah i don't think i am doing much. my cake is coming on friday but my mom did get me a present. it's a video game for my DS (i think it's nintendogs) so that's cool. and my brother says that he is going to make me a card at school today and have people sign it.
my dad will probably show up but i can't get a hold of him so i don't know for sure. i don't really know who else will get me a present but i want to thank everyone who made me a card or gave me a gift or just sent well wishes! *hugs all around*
i went and bought a present for one of the little boys in the family that our senior class adopted. i got him rock em' sock em' robots. so i feel better now that i am helping someone else and giving them a happy christmas.
eh school was good. we didn't really do anything important. we're going to watch the movie 'terminal' with tom hanks starting tomorrow.
well that's all for now! so in conclusion: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! CAUSE I AM MY FAVORITE PERSON! XD
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Tuesday, December 18, 2007
the assassination of cassie by the coward danny hicks
heh heh i like the title despite how it sounds i am not made at him. i just thought it fit. XD
listening to: family guy
oh gosh my b-day is tomorrow! i can't imagine i'm actually going to do alot since i have school on thursday and friday so i'll probably celebrate on friday. ha i just firgured out that my 21st b-day will be on a friday.
speaking of cards angel zakuro made me on for christmas/my b-day. ha ha it's such a nice card and i really appreciate her making it for me. *hugs* here's the cards:

ah my friend nate brought my brother home and i didn't think he was going to come inside but he did and i was embaressed cause i was wearing a pretty short skirt. cause it was all i had clean to wear. but it doesn't matter cause this is the same kid who saw me in my undies before XD
ha ha my mom and i went to the laundry mat and this guy was hitting on my mom. it was hilarious. she was like "no, my husband is waiting for me!" which is kinda a lie. XD
wooooooo b-day tomorrow and winter break this week!
~red~ |
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Monday, December 17, 2007
i want to be unforgetable not unforgivable
listening to: CSI miami
Redmoonchick Responds:
shadowme: well i certainly hope you stop bleeding!
angel zakuro: your card was so cute! imma put it up tomorrow! gah i love it!
jenny: ah you are special! i love the necklace and i love you!
krissy: awww you made me a card? you can do whatever you want to do! *huggles*
remember me saying that we were having a really bad snowstorm yesterday? well i got my wish and we now have our offical first snow day! *dances* ah you don't know how great it feels to not have to worry about getting up tomorrow morning! what joy.
eeeeee my b-day is really soon! it sorta just snuck up on me i guess. i haven't heard from my dad but he will probably show up on my b-day. i'm gonna get an icecream cake too and i get to go out and eat some chinese food on the weekend. i don't know what kind of presents i'll get. my mom is taking my bro to get me something this week and he told me he's going to hot topic. i also dropped some hints that i want the panic! at the disco poster from wal-mart so we shall see.
i really need to do some christmas shopping even though christmas is like 9 days away or something like that. i need to get something for my friends at school and something for jenny.
okay so it's time for the latest chapter of murder and lyrics. we're really coming down to the wire people it's all ending soon. i am a bit sad.
danielle went to jake's house but didn't find him. she did find josiah's credit card in his apartment. jake told cassie about what he had done to himself and lexi. and he admitted that he killed danny but he wasn't alone.
murder and lyrics
chapter twenty seven: the last sound you'll ever hear will be me saying goodbye
cassie thought about what jake had just told her. he had just admitted flat out that he killed danny but he had also said that hadn't been alone in doing so. cassie shook as she pulled herself up to her knees and her hands tightened into the fabric of her jeans.
"do you want to know who else killed him?" he asked her and she did want to know but she couldn't bring herself to form the words that now lay dead in her throat. "you're never going to believe it, but it was lexi." jake said and she heard jake's voice growing louder, smugger. she whipped her head up and stared at the man once again as her eyes grew wide.
"is that all you're going to do cassie? stare at me? you don't want to say anything before i send you to meet dear danny once again?" jake said to her and she felt that same chill because jake was planning on killing her...he was telling her the truth because he knew she wouldn't live to repeat it.
"why?" she asked as she lowered her head, her voice barely above a whisper as the fact that the bitch lexi had helped kill danny sunk into her body and making her blood feel like it was on fire.
"what?" he said and she wasn't sure if he hadn't heard her or just wanted her to repeat herself.
"why jake? why did you two kill him!" she screamed at him, her hands tightening into fists and her head lifting to look at him.
their eyes locked and jake's mouth formed into a frown as her chest heaved. "it was simple...i took his life because he stole mine!" jake seethed and cassie continued to watch him trying to hide all the emotions inside of her that threatened to spill out at any moment.
"i don't think you understand it was my thing first. i got him started on the guitar, i told him we should play music for real and we did...together but then we got in one fight! one! and he decides that he can do it better on his own so he joined that crap band and bam! he's gets insanely rich and famous! then the next thing you know he's off doing world wide tours, performing on tv, partying with all the stars we dreamed of meeting and dating the hottest girls in the world! he was living the life i always wanted!" jake said as he stared down into her eyes and she could see the jealousy that resided there.
"and where was i while he was living the life i always dreamed of? i was back at home...watching from the sidelines! he didn't even take me with him! i-i mean he took you so why not me?" he asked and cassie wondered if really expected an anwser.
"so that's why you killed him jake? out of jealousy?" cassie asked her face holding an echo of disgust.
"it was more then that!" jake shouted and she could see he was getting worked up but she didn't care because if she was going to die then she sure as hell wanted some anwsers before she did. "i finally managed to scrap up enough money to move out here into that shit-hole of an apartment that i still struggled to pay for. so what does danny do? he offers to pay for the apartment! like i'm some pitiful person that is in such desperate need of his help!"
"he was doing that to be nice!" cassie shot back but jake didn't seem to pay her much mind.
"i think he was doing it to show how much better he was then me." jake said to her, his voice lowering. "then i met lexi and god was she beautiful, but of course she wanted to be with danny...i knew he didn't love her...he was just using her. so when danny started losing interest..suddenly lexi was a whole lot more interested in getting some revenge." jake finished and he watched cassie silent as the past filled his head.
"lexi and i...we plotted and planned and we decided that we'd kill danny." he said after some time. cassie felt that small burn of anger flare in her chest at jake's seemingly lack of remorse for danny's death.
"but i don't get it..." cassie began as she looked away from jake. "what did you hope to accomplish by killing him?" she asked. cassie's questions were growing more bold because she couldn't see a way out of this situation and she figured she had nothing left to lose.
"we-we killed him for his money...lexi and i we figured that he'd leave her or myself his cash but our plan failed obviously and he left you most of the money instead." jake said and this time she did look up at jake and the looming gun because his reason was the most ridiculous she had ever heard.
"you-you killed him for cash? you took his life because you wanted his money? could you! he was your best friend! he trusted you and her! how could you do that to him over such a stupid fucking reason!" cassie screamed at jake; her eyes and face had taken on a slightly wild look. jake inhaled sharply and grimaced.
"don't fucking tell me that my reasons are stupid...i did what i did because i wanted to! it didn't work out in my favor but that greedy bastard should've left me the fucking cash that you got!" he shot back at her and she could almost see the rage seething off of him.
"tell me how you did it jake." she commanded and jake remained silent. "tell me!" she shouted at him and if the gun weren't pointed at her head she would've jumped up. cassie was breathing heavy and refused to break eye contact with jake.
"i met with danny about an half hour before the concert...he came over to my house. we were talking about money; while danny was in the living room i went into the kitchen and made him a drink and i put the poison in it. i knew that the poison wouldn't take effect for about an hour so i figured he would die during or after the concert. i was so fucking nervous when he was there when he was drinking the poison. part of me...wanted to knock it away but i didn't...i watched as he finished it all and left and i said goodbye to him for the last time knowing that i would never see him again." jake told her, his eyes seemingly far away and his voice growing dimmer with each word he spoke.
"so then lexi poisoned the water bottle that danny drank after the show?" cassie asked as the tears began to reform in her eyes. she couldn't help but picture danny sitting in jake's living room drinking the drink that would eventually kill him.
jake shook his head. "no, she didn't poison any water. i gave her poison in a pill form...the plan was that after the show lexi was supposed to put the pill between her teeth and then kiss danny and when she did that she was supposed to push the pill into his mouth where he would swallow it or break it with his teeth. either way the two poisons would mix and danny would be dead within minutes." jake said.
cassie noticed that with each revealation about how he killed danny jake seemed to grow quieter and quieter. "about a month before danny's death i stole josiah's credit card while we were at a bar with him and i used it to buy the poison...i did it because i wanted to frame josiah. that was the same reason i gave the annoymous tip to the police that josiah had incriminating evidence. i knew they'd find the recipet for the poison because i planted it there when i went to lunch with danny and josiah and look worked. josiah's been arrested for murdering danny." jake said but he didn't sound happy infact his voice was dead.
cassie was silent as jake spilled everything to her. silent tears still leaked from her eyes as she could see all the pieces of the case fall into place. "then i noticed that lexi was beginning to slip and i was afraid that she'd crack and confess to the police so that's when i plotted my attack. i meant to kill lexi but i misfired and she survived."
by now cassie could tell that jake seemed distracted and she wondered if maybe she could manage to get away from him without getting shot? she didn't think she could make it too far now that she was on the floor. "then those nosey detectives were snooping around so i had to check myself out of the hospital. then that leaves you cassie." jake said and she felt him lean down and she felt the cold metal of the gun pressed under her chin and jake tipped her head up using the gun so she was looking him in the eyes.
"i knew that you were the last one i had to take care of but i couldn't figure out a way how to do it...that was until i remembered at the will reading that i heard josiah say that you might be suicidal. it was then that i knew i had my way to kill you. i decided that i'd come here and shoot you then write a suicide note and leave making it look like you killed yourself." jake said.
cassie shivered under jakes watch, she couldn't hide her fear now knowing for sure that jake intended to kill her and it certainly didn't help to hear the way in which he would do it. "after i kill you cassie, i'll go back to the hospital and convince lexi not to talk then the two of us will be homefree with josiah taking the fall for danny's murder. this plan is perfect." jake told her and he sounded more psychotic then he ever had before.
cassie was breathing heavy and still crying as she looked up at jake. she didn't want to die...she wasn't ready to die and she knew she had to figure out a way to get away from him. "so cassie, any last words to say before i put you out of your misery?" jake asked and cassie let out a strangled half sob but didn't say anything.
she heard jake cock the gun as her mind still raced trying to figure out a way out of the situation. "well cassie, make sure you say "hi" to danny for me." jake said and she caught a glimpse of a smirk on his face. cassie closed her eyes and perpaired for the shot of the gun, the last thing she'd ever hear and she could only hope that danny would be waiting for her after she died.
will jake really shoot cassie? find out next time!
~red~ |
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Sunday, December 16, 2007
you're the last thing i wanna see underneath the tree
hidellyho neighborenno's,
well today i got my first offical b-day/christmas present! it was from dear jenny. i went out on my porch and a little box was sitting there. she got me a cute little bear whom i have named pete. XD and she got me a gorgeous necklace! oh mah gosh it's so pretty! i'll have to find a pic to show you guys. the box was also filled with kisses and candy canes! thank you so much jenny i love it!
i picked up my cousins today the two year old and the six year old. their mom gave me ten bucks for my b-day. they're really cute ecspecially the two year old. he's been singing santa is coming to town and it's friggen adorable.
oh friday at school i finally finished my egg mobile. and huzzah it didn't crash! only one person's did crash. a guy named sean. but it was because he didn't protect his egg enough. then our class dropped the egg mobiles off the stairs and mine broke that time. it slapped the ground so hard! XD cody dropped his and his wheels went flying back up in the air high enough for us to almost catch them.
we have a bad winter storm passing through right now and i hope it sticks around long enough to cancle school on monday! XD
~red~ |
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Friday, December 14, 2007
you'll sleep like you did before the rooster went blind
hey guys look i gots a christmas tree! i stoleded it from jenny's site! so you guys leave me presents alright? XD
oh and i got a christmas card a long while back from a13 and i saved it and forgot to put it up. -_- so here it is: 
cool right? thanks a13 i love it!
wooo i don't know something about this week is killing me. i feel so tired lately. i learned that i am the only person in my third hour with an A so now i feel like a smarty pants but whatever it's not my fault i do my work. we are still making egg cars in my fifth hour and my sorta turned into a tank more then a car. at least that's what my friends cody and megan say. cody said i should color it green. it was also funny in my 5th hour that cody had some 80's songs in his head and the teacher played them on the computer so cody started singing and dancing and doing the robot. ha ha it was hilarious.
myself and three other people did secret santa in our senior advisory. i got my friend taylor and i'm pretty sure she got me. so i asked what she wanted so i'm going to get her a new eyebrow ring for her piercing.
my friend eric borrowed one of my buttons yesterday and he better bring it back cause it's one of my favorites.
la la la my birthday is soon! woop i can't wait! i think my friends at school will make me a card or something like that and my brother already told me he wants to go to hot topic to get my gift. my aunt said she might get me a clandestine shirt (which would be freaken sweet) and i think my mom is hiding a present from me.
next week is my birthday week but it is also the last week of school before christmas break ah it will be friggen wonderful to be able to sleep in and not worry about school or getting up early or passing any tests.
well i really have nothing else to talk about so that is all for now!
love ya kids
~red~ |
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Thursday, December 13, 2007
things i learned at skool
things i learned at skool:
-according to my third hour ben affleck is god
-uma thurman is not hot
-my brother is a complete moron
-try not to swear in front of half of your teachers
-don't choke on graham crackers while you're laughing
-don't eat cake at seven in the morning
-don't let your short friends hug you cause their heads always hit your chest
-being a yearbook editor is hard work
-superbad is not a school appropriet movie
-don't fake fights with your brother to get out of goverment
-don't make fun of the skater kid in your fifth hour because he will throw tape at you
-don't forget your day for camera
-don't let your gay friends hit on you
ha ha that's all for now!
~red~ |
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