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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007
cause i'd rather waste my life pertending then be without you for one whole minute
listening to: autographs and apologies-motion city soundtrack
Redmoonchick Responds:
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: ha ha i already know that your room would be better then mine! mine is basically a war zone. XD lol i actually do have a lot of fall out boy posters but their not up yet, just my really big rolling stone poster of them.
kakashi s: lol yeah that's why i take my mp3 player with me whever i go because i don't like rap music too much either.
shadowme: ha ha you never know! maybe jake just wants to talk?
x rawr: ha my mom just bitches at me until i get so annoyed that i clean. XD lol how do you organize in rainbow order? ha no problem if you don't read it dear!
sayanachan: i agree, i don't like to clean of my free will. XD
well it school yesterday was fine at school. we finished watching the movies 'reign on me' and 'deja vu' though i've seen deja vu like a million times. i'm also doing a powepoint about cabo san lucas in my geography class and i had to help taylor do her's because she's never done it before. the couple i sit next to during my fourth hour were fighting and i half listened to them over my music and they both almost cried at the table....geeze teenagers. i finally wrote my speech for the student council and i think it's good. i had my science teacher read it and she liked it so i think i'll just stick with it and hope for the best. i also have to sell stuff for the school store tomorrow with my brothers friend doug. it's just that doug went hunting last week and now his coat smells like burning wood and i can't stand it but he loves it. aaaand i think i have to dress up for yearbook tomorrow but i really don't want to so i think i'll just stay at school and work on pages.
oh it snowed a lot today. it was so pretty! it looked like the perfect kind of movie snow and i was watching it from the windows and it's amazing how even teenagers will be like "oh wow it's snowing!" ha ha i guess we're all just kids at heart.
oh i got a letter from krissy [sayanachan] today and it had the bracelet she made for me in it! it says clandestine and i love it! it's so friggen cute! *huggles krissy to death* :P i can't wait to show it off at school tomorrow! i also mailed a letter to jenny today, it's a card for her and i meant to mail it a long time ago but i lost it and just found it last night so it should get to her house by thursday but then it has to be forwarded or something to her new adress so i hope she gets it soon!
oh and today is megan's birthday! so happy birthday to her! i made her a card here it is:

i hope she likes it!
well that's all for today so i shall chat with you all later!
~red~ |
Comments (5) |
Monday, November 26, 2007
i will follow you into the dark
listening to: dance floor anthem-good charolette
Redmoonchick Responds:
x rawr: i don't really blame people for not reading my stuff it tends to be long, aww but thanks for the compliments! the video countdown thing was on fuse tv. lol i loved that pic too! i was like patrick+cereal=awesome! lol oh mah gosh we share a love for dreaming about rock stars and bread! XD
jd person: lol i don't think they were voted the best of all time it just said the top 25 videos countdown. ha ha no you didn't offend me you're intitled to your opinion.
subi lavi: ha ha yes, soon it will be subi lavi: the man who spreads joy and peace with his comments! XD yeah my mom is better and it was a little scary but she told me it was nothing to worry about.
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: lol i know i was like "she didn't comment and i put her card up for the world to see!" XD hmmm i thought she had food poisoning too! i really think that's what happened to her. awww don't worry you're not old!
a13: ah my kitten patrick is a total dummy! he went after my hair today for no reason and he sleeps in a wicker basket. XD i think i'd really like to be an author.
well i am glad to say that my mom is feeling better today. she was feeling a little off this morning but as the day progressed she became fine.
hmmm i did some cleaning today. i cleaned half of my room and folded up a bunch of my clothes. (which had previously been scattered around the room) aaaaaand i cleaned off the totally disgusting area around the computer. everything smelt like pee cause the cat we used to have (yuki) he used to pee on stuff alot. it was so gross.
well it's back to school tomorrow and because i didn't go to school on wednesday i feel like i haven't been in school in forever! i'm really looking forward to school though so i can tell everyone about the concert and flaunt my fall out boy tote bag that has andy's signature on it! mwahahahaha! i don't think too many people will care but i know at least one person who will be jealous.
well my peeps it is time for a new chapter of murder and lyrics! i don't think this is too long so it shouldn't be a hard read.
jenny brought in evidence that could prove josiah's innocence. danielle found the tape from the day jake and lexi were attacked and danielle came to the conclusion that it was either jake or lexi themselves who had done the attack.
murder and lyrics
chapter twenty four: waking words
danielle left the station without telling timothy. her need to find the truth overpowered her need to tell her partner where she was going. she drove quickly down the streets of L.A to the angel's and kings hospital where lexi was still located. danielle knew she had to talk to lexi, she prayed that the starlet would be awake. if danielle's hunch was correct then she needed to talk to both lexi and jake, but if her hunch was right that meant that one of them was suddenly extreamly dangerous.
as she pulled into the hospital's parking lot she noticed that the sun was becoming lower in the sky and soon it would be dark. danielle fished her cell out of her pocket and dialed timothy's number as she walked up to the hospital's doors. he anwsered on the third ring and she hovered out in the waiting room as they talked.
"timothy, listen i left the station and i'm at the hospital. i'm going to see if i can talk to lexi but i need someout out there to try and find jake and tell whoever you send to keep tabs on him but not to interact with him." she told him. timothy made a noise of acceptance though she could tell that he wasn't happy that she had left without telling him.
danielle hung up with timothy and headed into the hospital arriving at the nurses station to ask to see lexi. "i need to see lexi hartford right away." danielle told the head nurse who stood at the station looking every bit worn out and slightly aggrevaited. the woman glanced at the clock behind her then to the badge on danielle's chest before she nodded and moved from behind the desk motioning for danielle to follow.
"she just woke up for the first time about twenty minutes ago." the woman told her and danielle nodded excitied that lexi was actually awake and would be able to anwser questions. the nurse led danielle down the hall and stopped infront of lexi's room, this time danielle could see that lexi was visibly awake and sitting up though she had the look of someone who was tired and awoken unwittingly.
the nurse warned danielle that visiting hours would be over in fifteen minutes and danielle nodded wondering if she would even need that long with the girl. the nurse left and danielle knocked on the door of the room before opening it and stepping inside. lexi took on a look of surprise as her dark eyes flickered over danielle's face and she quickly looked away from the woman.
" gift?" she asked and it was obvious that lexi was joking around. danielle flashed a grin in appreciation of lexi's attempt at humor.
"no, sorry." danielle responded as she stepped towards lexi's bed. "do you mind if i ask you a few questions lexi?" she asked and lexi sat silent as she pulled a hand through her dark hair.
"sure detective." she began "but i don't know how much help i'll be." she warned and danielle nodded as she took a seat in the chair beside lexi's bed.
"i just want to know lexi, do you remember anything that happened the night you were shot?" danielle asked as she studied lexi's face. lexi was looking down at her hands and the bone white id braclet that was wrapped around her wrist.
"i-it's hard...everything is kinda fuzzy you know?" lexi began and danielle could definitly see a difference in lexi's personality. it seemed that it took the girl almost dying before she would change her attitude. "but i remember jake being there in the room with me." she continued. "we were talking then there was a knock on the door..." lexi stopped after that as she continued to look down at her hands. she looked up again after a minute of silence.
"i'm sorry, i can't remember." she said sadly.
"come on lexi. i know you can do this. i know you can remember what happened." danielle encouraged the girl. "the knock on the door was a room service man. he came inside the room. do you remember what happened after that?" danielle asked lightly. she didn't want to overexert the girl after all she had just woken up.
lexi continued to look down at her hands but she appeared to be lost in thought hopefully trying to remember what had happened in the hotel room. she was silent for a good two minutes as danielle waited patiently knowing that this is what it took to get something out of someone. suddenly lexi lifted her head her eyes gone wide and she shook a bit as she turned to look at danielle.
"what's wrong?" danielle began alarmed at the frightened look on lexi's face.
"i remember it all...." lexi began her voice barely a whisper.
"you do? you have to tell me lexi who was it?" danielle asked as she leaned forward towards the girl.
"after the real room service waiter was just jake and i...he-he wanted to talk to me but i didn't want to...i told him to leave but he wouldn't go he said he had to do something first...then...then jake pulled out a gun and before i could do anything...he-he shot me!" lexi let out a strangled sob.
danielle's heart beat quicker then ever her hunch was right jake did shoot lexi in the hotel room but it still didn't account for how jake was stabbed. "so then you stabbed jake in defense?" danielle asked but lexi through her now tear filled eyes looked at danielle and shook her head.
"no, i-i never stabbed jake. i fell after he shot me i was still alive...but god did it hurt...i was sure that jake would kill me but he didn't i could see him and i watched him pull out a knife...he-he stabbed himself! i watched as he stabbed himself in the shoulder then he dragged the knife down his arm...i was getting dizzy after that but i saw jake heading for the phone...that's all i remember...." lexi trailed off and looked down at her hands, her face had lost all color from remembering what had happened to herself and jake.
danielle herself felt nervous as if what lexi had said had happened to her. she now knew that jake had hurt himself and lexi as a set up, jake was trying to set someone up but who? and why? before danielle could go on with her line of questioning for lexi the nurse who had let her in returned and informed her that visiting hours were over. danielle considered telling the woman that police business meant that she didn't have to follow the rules but she didn't like playing the power card and lexi looked like she couldn't handle much more anyway.
danielle said goodbye to lexi and thanked her for the information she had given before she left the room. before she left the hospital she told the nurse not to let jake come back to visit lexi. by now there was no telling what jake would do to anyone who crossed his path.
danielle turned back on her cell phone as she went to her car and noticed that she missed about three calls from timothy. she flipped open her phone and dialed his number knowing that she would have to call him anyway. she got into her car as the phone rang and fumbled with her keys when he anwsered.
"danielle, i've been trying to get ahold of you for the last twenty minutes." timothy complained.
"i was in the hospital talking to lexi." she reminded him "and i got something to tell you." she began before he cut her off.
"wait i got to tell you something too. let me go first." he said and danielle agreed. "we let josiah go." he told her and danielle felt her heart lift up for the first time since she had talked to lexi.
"what? why?" she asked not sounding upset but more surprised.
"that evidence that jenny had it was right. josiah had witnesses basically the guy had an alibi." timothy told her "anyway what did you want to say?" he asked
"oh right well you're not going to believe this but jake was the one who attacked lexi and himself!" danielle said too excitedly
"she told you that! that's huge!" timothy said echoing her excitment.
"yeah, and this time i really don't think she was lying she was too real to be lying." danielle told him. "so i'm gonna need you to get a warrent out for jake and to get some people out looking for him...there's no telling what he'll do." she said.
"yeah, hey do you think he killed danielle?" timothy asked and danielle was silent, it was the question that had plauged her mind since lexi had confirmed her suspicions.
"i really don't know." danielle began "but i'm going to his house to see if he's there." danielle said.
"no!" timothy began "you shouldn't go alone."
"it would freak him out if he saw more then one of us and besides i got my gun." danielle said. timothy gave in and the duo hung up. danielle started her car as she ran her hand along the gun that rested in it's holster and perpaired to drive to jakes house.
meanwhile jake walker stood outside of an apartment on the second floor of a pricey building. he had been to this apartment before and he knocked as he waited for an anwser. cassie pulled the door of her apartment open only to see the blonde man known as jake walker standing there before her.
"oh jake hey." cassie said obviously surprised to see jake at her door.
"hey, um i was wondering if i could talk to you?" jake asked as he looked down the hall and fidgeted with the bandages on his arm. cassie looked taken aback but she gave jake a small smile.
"um sure jake, come on inside." cassie said as she moved aside and let jake into her apartment.
why did jake attack himself and lexi? is josiah really innocent? did jake kill danny? and what does he want with cassie? find out next time!
~red~ |
Comments (7) |
Sunday, November 25, 2007
welcome to the jungle we got fun and games
Redmoonchick Responds:
shadowme: lol i think juding by some of the themes in my stories i'm a little messed up soon. i also think i base characters on other people but i base some of them on myself too.
x rawr: lol i know i've read some of the stuff that the musicians have been through make me wonder how they managed to stay alive and sane! lol yes, poor patrick the kitten is a forced cross dresser.
subi lavi: ah yes, your comments always make me happy because their so full of joy! i guess the same could be said about you too ^-^ lol your train story made me laugh for a good while.
sayanachan: well i am infinitly glad that you didn't cut yourself after watching high school musical! cause then i wouldn't have such a cool friend.
deadxonxarrival: i really don't think flint is that bad, i mean i lived there for a good sixteen years and the worst that happened to me was my bike got taken.
A13: my cats run through the house like maniacs too! XD
angel zakuro: aww don't worry about not making me something! i know how busy you are and your friendship is enough of a gift! i liked aj too she was really good, i think heather can win if she pulls it together.
man i've been writing the story murder and lyrics like crazy. i guess it's because it's near the end of the story so i'm excited to write the ending. i don't know how many fans of that story i have left but i know that shadowme still likes it!
hmmm something happened to my mom today. she suddenly started feeling really really bad and throwing up and getting really cold and having pains and things like that. i was worried about her but she told me that she is okay. she seems to be fine now so that's really good. we were supposed to go to my aunt's birthday party today and see my cousin who is visiting from florida till the 28th i think but we didn't get to go because my mom didn't feel good.
i watched this video countdown today of the 25 greatest music videos ever and i was thrilled to find that fall out boy's video for the song 'a little less sixteen candles a little more touch me.' which is my favorite video ever! was at number 4 on the list. number one ended up being the my chemical romance song 'i'm not okay (i promise)' which is another video i really like so i was happy!
oh and two more people made me some anniversary cards! one from x rawr and one from deadxonxarrival (you should visit them) here the cards are:
x rawr's card:

deadxonxarrival's card:

ha ha i really love these they are awesome! thank you to everyone who made me one. i'm going to put them in the featured results section at the bottom of my site. so thanks everyone!
oh and my kitten won't wear his collar anymore so i think i'll have to wait until he is bigger to get him one.
dude i had some weird dreams. i dreamt that i was on a bus with fall out boy but i was mostly hanging out with joe and he bought me some bread. then later danny was in my dream and i hugged him which always happens when he shows up in my dreams. i think that's because i miss him but anyway we had to do this play thing and the leader was really stupid and i wanted to talk to danny but i never got the chance to...huh weird dreams right?
~red~ |
Comments (4) |
Saturday, November 24, 2007
the truth is you should lie with me
Redmoonchick Responds:
the real yojimbo: ha ha mostly i was screaming the song lyrics out and things like "patrick! i love you!" or "peeeeeeettttteeee!" ha ha
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: all things considered it was a pretty good thanksgiving, better then last years. and i love the card you made me! *glee*
A13: ah i think i'll end up being her for a long time just cause i know i'll never be able to stop blogging and hanging around here. XD
angel zakuro: ah i was scared that heater would be eliminated! i'm glad that she didn't though, but yeah bianca=the devil! XD oh and did you notice that heather won like all those 'model of the week' things?
subi lavi: ah i missed you! you always leave such nice and interesting comments. ha thanks for not thinking i'm boring. sometimes i think i am. aww i certainly hope that you reach your three year anniversary!
okay for the record i really really like today's subject line. it's a title of a sonf by the band 'say anything'.
like i said yesterday my six year old cousin spent the night so it was my duty to play with her today. she went and got this art kit thing that you could make window art with so i had to play parent and do all the hard stuff and the paint smelt so bad! like cheese and feet -_-
i also watched the high school musical 2 movie. gah it only took an hour of it to make me wanna hurt someone. but porsha (my cousin) really liked it and then later when we were taking her home i was singing one of the songs....dear god no! lol
i went and got the new issue of blender magazine and was disapointed to find that the only picture of pete that i found was one i already had so i couldn't use it for my collage. also in blender the band chidos who is from my hometown talked about michigan and how it was depressing i didn't know what to think about that because really i don't think michigan or flint is too depressing but i can see where they're coming from. the city of flint is like the third most dangerous city in america or something like that.
i really think that musicians and writers are quite possibly the most fucked up people. i don't really mean it as an insult more like an opinion. i mean think about it: how do lyricst's write such painful or screwed up lyrics without having experienced that pain? how can they write dark or depressing stuff without actually feeling some of it? and writers well they say that the characters they create are just offshoots of their own personalities. if that's true i feel maybe i'm probably messed up XD.
anyway out of the deep mode. two lovely people made me some anniversary cards! those lovely people being subi lavi and ikyuu-nyuu-kon (go and visit them) here's the cards for everyone to see!
subi's card:

ikyuu's card:

thanks you guys! *massive hugs* i love both of them, they're both so lovely and i will put them in my profile later for sure.
oh i got my kitten patrick a new collar today. it's black and gots little rhinestones on it and a bell. it's probably for a girl cat but it looks cute on him and when i first put it on the noise of the bell scared him but he likes it now. ^-^
well that's all for now so i shall chat with you guys later!
~cassie~ |
Comments (6) |
Friday, November 23, 2007
seventeen ain't so sweet
huh you know what's weird? i swear to god i posted yesterday i though i had but i checked and i guess i didn't it doesn't really make sense because i remember typing it up in word but after i can't remember.
well yesterday was thanksgiving. i hope you all had a good fun day with your friends and family. yesterday also happened to be the three year anniversary of my myotaku site. ah yes it was three years ago that my friend introduced me to a site she had joined and the rest is history.
i love this place and i intend to be around for a while, and i hope you all be there with me.
(btw if anyone wants to make me an anniversary thing that would be cool! XD)
back to thanksgiving. my brother and i ended up going to my dad's house so we spent thanksgiving with his girlfriend and her two daughters and her one daughters two kids, and each daughters boyfriend, and my dad's girlfriend's brother and his girlfriend and son, her great aunt and her great aunt's boyfriend. we all ate and it was yummy though we were a bit late so everyone was done when we got there.
we watched football for a bit and then my stepsister tiffany's boyfriend sean taught my brother and i how to play guitar hero! so i played guitar hero for the first time ever and i love it! my brother and i challenged each other and i'm good but he's better but hey at least i beat him a few times. my brother and i played guitar hero for the first time ever and i want that game so bad now.
later my brother, my dad, sean, and i all played this dice game and i didn't even know the rules but i ended up winning and my dad was trying to get me to sing the my chemical romance song teenagers because he forgot how it went and he said i had a good voice. i didn't sing though cause it was wayyyy to embaressing and my throat was still wrecked from the concert.
later my dad brought us home and i found out that my cousin porsha is spending the night then after i hung with her for awhile my mom tells me she has ring worm! ugh i was so grossed out!
ugh my dad smoked in the house and now my hair and my room and my clothes all smell like stale cigarettes.
hmmmm everyone is sleeping right now besides me. though just a few minutes ago i heard a knock on my door and i was scared but then it opened and it was my brothers and my friends: nate, greg, and matt. they came to get my bro and take him to spend the night but my brother was already asleep and didn't want to go but they talked to me for awhile...well more like harassed me with greg constantly giving me crushing hugs and matt pretending to steal my cell phone (and make fun of fall out boy) and nate kept jumping on my brother. then greg was trying to throw a cell phone to nate and he clocked me in the head! frick that hurt really bad!
then when they were getting ready to go greg bear hugged crushed me again and nate was trying to do this thing to me called a "rhino run" or something where you hit someone in the back with your knees but he didn't do it and matt said he was going to start calling me fall out girl. haaaa i'm glad their gone now. XD
hmmmm i might do some christmas shopping tomorrow.
~red~ |
Comments (3) |
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
we're the lifers here till the bitter end
warning lots of caps:
well it's a little late today but i just got up and i am posting. i hope i get comments but if not i intend on reposting this. XD
THE CONCERT WAS FUCKING AMAZING!!!! seriously the best night of my life! i thought we were gonna be late but we got there right on time and our seats were great! we could see the stage really well and we were on the side but we could totally see everything.
danielle and i beted that 'cute is what we aim for' would play first which they did and it was cool but i feel like their set was the worst of the show. not to say it was bad but they didn't play their more well known stuff. but it was cool and shaant was cool.
danielle and i, i guess we were sitting in the wrong seats cause this lady came and said very nicely that we were in her seats so we moved back but it was only one row and it didn't make a big difference though we were sitting next to 4 teenies who had to be 12-13 years old and the one kept putting her butt on me and they didn't know half the words to the newer fall out boy songs.
next was the plain white t's and they rocked it out! they played one of my favorite songs first and i was so into it and their lead singer tom looked great! they played a few songs that i didn't know but i still enjoyed it and they played my absolute favorite song by them 'friends don't let friends drunk dial' and of course they played 'hey there deliah' which had everyone standing and singing along.
next was gym class heroes and i have to say that travis the lead singer sounds sooooo much different live! his voice was really high pitched. but he had the crowd sing happy birthday to his cousin named tyga (he's an up and coming rapper) they started off with 'cupids chokehold' and that was amazing and they played a lot of their songs that i didn't know but travie was still entertaining to watch and he did a cover of an artic monkey's song which had danielle freaking out because she loves artic monkeys. they ended their set with 'clothes off' and patrick came out and danielle and i freaked because we love our patrick so much! it was awesome patrick was jumping around and it was great.
then came fall out boy who by far had the best set of the night! there was fire that would light up and we could see them so well and i screamed so loud that i can barely talk today. they started with 'sugar, we're going down' and it just kept getting better. pete talked to the crowd and they did their special moves like joe with his thromania spins and pete got on the ground and pushed his hips up, and patrick's leg, and pete was licking guitars! AND OH MAH GOD PETE KISSED PATRICK ON THE CHEEK during the cover of 'mr. brightside' they played 'hum hallelujah' third and that's one of my favorite songs so i screamed as loud as i ever screamed before.
patrick did the song 'golden' all on his own and it was so cool then they did a acoustic version 'nobody puts baby in the corner', they played 'a little less sixteen candles' and i freaked out cause i love it so much, they played so many other great songs and the crowd went crazy during 'this ain't a scene' they ended their set with the song 'saturday' and it was freaken cool. pete took off his shirt and threw it into the mosh and we were so jealous. andy threw his drumsticks and joe threw his water bottle and spit water at people.
danielle and i waited around after the concert was over so people could clear out and a girl that touched pete came up and told us about it. danielle wanted some confetti from the floor but they were sweeping it up already. we went to the merch booth and the lines weren't too bad i got a pink dogtag that has 'fall out boy' on it and danielle got a black 'hemingway shirt'. then i begged danielle for five more dollars so i could get a fall out boy tote bag. and i love her forever for giving it to me.
after we hit the merch booths we were looking for my mom who was supposed to be in the parents room but we couldn't find the parents room and we found a drinking fountain but this guy got in front of us and spit in it and i was like "asshole!" because we were so thirsty! we found another one though so it was all good. then danielle stopped by the bathroom and i heard screaming in the venue so i wondered if fall out boy was in there. but we didn't check at first. so we found the parents room after forever and my mom wasn't there. so we were on our way out when i heard the screaming again so this time i said "to hell with the rules!" and ran inside the venue and down where the mosh pit was was ANDY PLAYING FOOTBALL WITH HIS FRIEND! we were like "holy shit it's andy!" and he waved at us. so we were happy and we went outside.
my mom found us and told us that a group of people were waiting by the tour buses so danielle and i went out there and andy was outside again playing football! he was pretty close so after i'd say about 15 minutes he came over to GIVE AUTOGRAPHS!!! there were rules though. we could hug him or take pics with him and we had to have out whatever we wanted signed. i freaked out and grabbed my bag and danielle had her shirt and my mom had my ticket AND HE CAME OVER AND HE GAVE ME HIS AUTOGRAPH!!! HE SIGNED MY TOTE BAG! AND OUR HANDS TOUCHED! my mom asked him a questioned and he anwsered and i told him that it was the best night of my entire life and he smiled.
he continued playing football and danielle and i talked to other fans ecspecially this really cool girl named jasmine. andy ended up playing a whole real football game with other people and we almost got ran into like five times but it would've been worth it. there was a girl out there though dressed as a bride and her shirt said "marry me pete!" and she told us that she's been to like six concerts and pete never came out but he didn't come out this time either. we really wanted patrick to come out but he didn't and joe was out but he couldn't stay long i didn't get his autograph but i was close to him and he did say he would come back out but he didn't. -_- i was alittle sad that pete nor patrick would make a apperance. we ended up waiting for them for like three hours or something like that while other fans left so we truly were the diehards. andy hung outside that whole time too and he is just to awesome! when he was leaving he waved at us all. oh and we got to see hemingway! he came out to go potty and we were all like "hemmy!" and he looked at us. he is such a cute doggy!
so we waited and patrick and andy left then pete and joe left so finally we were leaving but not before jasmine had us give her our email adresses so we could keep in contact and we did a group hug. it was cute.
so in the end i was freezing, my feet and legs hurt like a bitch, i was dying of thirst, and my throath was raw. but believe me it was worth it.
i didn't get home till 3 in the morning and danielle and i fell asleep on the way home so i didn't go to school and danielle went home and my brother went and he told everyone i didn't go because i was so exhausted from the concert.
shaant: "when we came to detroit we had seven bikes when he left we had two. thanks for stealing our shit!"-shaant from cute is what we aim for ending his set.
pete: "i know you payed thirty bucks for the ticket and now you have to listen to this asshole bitch about his broken foot but stand up and put a smile on your face."- pete during a break in the song
merch lady: what's pete's clothing line called again?
couple in front of me: i don't know
me: clandestine!
couple: wow you're good
(that happened while waiting in line to get my tote bag)
merch lady: you seem like the type of fan to know how many hairs pete has on his left leg. that's just how you seem to me.
me: maybe i am XD
heh heh i know that was long but danielle took some vids and pics with her phone so maybe i can put them up some day.
~cassie~ |
Comments (9) |
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
and the jealous actress has a way of making things sound way too tragic

anyway my mom is picking me up from school today and my friend danielle is going to meet me after school then we're gonna drop by my house and be on our way to the concert! man i just can't wait for school to get over!!!!!
speaking of school i am glad to say that our second student council meeting went just as well as the first. my friend taylor and i both want to be the secretary of the student council so now each of us have to write a speech about why we would be the best for the job. oh and i got put as the head of one of the student council commities which means i have to run the meeting which happens to be today at lunch so i think i gotta round up my fellow members.
i happen to be watching two movies at school right now. in my english class we're watching 'reign over me' which stars adam sandler and don cheadle. and i love this movie! it's so good! the other movie we're watching is deja vu which stars denzel washington and we're watching that in physics but i watched it last year.
oh and i got to play with the autistic kids yesterday and i got my usual boy and we made ice cream and painted and he made me look at a book with him and we made a little turkey out of a milk carton. he is so cute i love that kid.
oh and i found a song i heard and the lyrics hit me in such a way that i feel i must share it with you all.
teardrops on my guitar by taylor swift
Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see
That I want and I'm needing everything that we should be
I'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about
And she's got everything that I have to live without
Drew talks to me, I laugh cause it's so damn funny
That I can't even see anyone when he's with me
He says he's so in love, he's finally got it right,
I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at night
He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do
Drew walks by me, can he tell that I can't breathe?
And there he goes, so perfectly,
The kind of flawless I wish I could be
She'd better hold him tight, give him all her love
Look in those beautiful eyes and know she's lucky cause
[Repeat Chorus]
So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light
I'll put his picture down and maybe
Get some sleep tonight
He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only one who's got enough for me to break my heart
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do
He's the time taken up, but there's never enough
And he's all that I need to fall into..
Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see.
alright that's all oh man the concert is gonna rock!
~red~ |
Comments (5) |
Monday, November 19, 2007
everyone's a let down it just depends on how far down they can go
redmoonchick responds:
the real yojimbo: i have dreamed that i fought an anime character before but i've never been eaten by a shark.
danielle: ah you get a lot of days off!
jd person: i used to dream of anime characters but i guess musicians have stolened mah brain!
megan: ha ha i like your teenie spazim. lol yes, i remember your andy dream!
angel zakuro: ah i'll probably end up going to school, i can't really miss anymore days.
shadowme: ah i figured while i was posting it that if anyone was gonna like it, it was gonna be you. lol yesh, watch out for i am vying for the emo poet spot! one day i shall be the next wentz (not really though)
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: it was big thing that involved that kid that made danny stop going to our school. it was sad but it's in the past. hmmmm i don't know if he'll ever be as open to me now as he was then but i think we can still be good friends if we try. ha i would so be the president! at least i am the prez of the fan club on here. XD
sayanachan: ha ha i got all excitable in the car yesterday when they were giving away tickets on the radio i was like "I ALREADY GOT MY TICKETZ BOO AND YAH!" lol i know that dream conversation totally could've happened! le gasp i get a clanny bracelet? i love yew!
okay so danielle stopped by yesterday to give me her money for the concert, while she was here we had some laughs but she also told me something that really bothered me more then it should've it still only kinda bugs me but for the most part i've let it go. it also helped that i talked with jenny on the phone for like three hours and she really helped me and cheered me up a lot. she also helped me realize that the person probably hadn't meant what danielle and i thought and that i shouldn't be upset because in the end it was a nice gesture. and sorry i know that was probably really confusing and hard to follow.
yesterday night the power company was doing some work in our neighborhood and they had to turn the power off. they intially said it would only be like two hours so it was freezing in the house so my mom and i left to my grandma's house but i missed death note. my mom made the one set of cookies that i need for the bakesale but i still need to make the no bake cookies today. i also fell asleep there and i missed death note again -sigh- so my mom woke me up at 5:30 in the morning and we left and we got home to find that the lights were still out! so the house was so so cold. i ended up going back to sleep in the dark dressed to the nine's in my coat, and socks, and jeans. it felt like sleeping back in the old times or something like that. the power came back on at six in the morning so it was all okay i guess.
oh and i just realized that my three year myotaku anniversary is coming up! it happens to fall on thanksgiving this year so i don't know how many people will be around, but if anyone feels like making me an anniversary banner or something that would be cool.
i also have a student council meeting tomorrow during second hour, i hope this one goes as well as the first.
okay so it is time for the latest chapter of murder and lyrics!
danielle and timothy continued their interrogation of josiah. while josiah still maintained that he was innocent. timothy claimed josiah's motive for murder was because he was jealous of danny. danielle found that lexi is still unconcious and that jake checked himself out of the hospital and jenny came to danielle telling her she had proof that josiah is innocent!
murder and lyrics
chapter twenty three: with friends like this who needs enemies?
danielle was shocked by what jenny had just told her, she had proof that josiah was innocent? that he hadn't been the one to kill danny?
"well what is it!" danielle asked nearly as high voiced as jenny herself.
"oh right, right!" jenny said as she looked down at the papers in her hands before handing them off to danielle.
"that one is a copy of the receipt from the website that the poisoned was purchased from. see the date? it says it was purchased two weeks before danny's death!" jenny annouced. danielle looked at the paper but failed to see it's importance as relating to josiah's innocence. this was information they already knew.
"what about it?" she asked and jenny nodded again.
"right but two weeks before danny's death josiah was on a goodwill mission to a forgien country in africa!" jenny annouced as she told danielle to look at the second paper which danielle did and she found it was a printed out picture of josiah standing with a group of villagers in what danielle could only assume was a remote african village.
"well, that is something but couldn't he have had someone else order it for him?" danielle asked but jenny seemed perpaired for the question as she shook her head.
"no, he went totally technology free during his time there so he didn't have a cell phone or anything!" jenny argued. danielle nodded, this information wasn't much but it was some sort of proof that josiah might not've been the one who ordered the poison.
danielle and jenny went inside the room and offered the papers to timothy while jenny whispered to him her thoughts about josiah's innocence. josiah looked hopefully at the three detectives but danielle was the only one really watching him. he did look tired and slightly sad and danielle wondered if the man had it in him to not break after all this time.
"okay, i think jenny and i got it from here." timothy said as he turned to look at danielle. danielle nodded taking timothy's cue to leave the room. she wondered why it was that timothy rarely let danielle and josiah be in the same room together.
danielle sauntered back to the rooms to watch the more of the tapes by now only four were left so she figured she had at least a one in four chance of watching the tape that would reveal who had attacked jake and lexi. she picked up one of the tapes and slid it into the vcr praying that she would find the anwser on it.
after twenty or so minutes danielle found something on the tape. lexi showed up at the hotel three large shopping bags in hand. she walked to her room quickly not saying much to anyone. nothing much happened on the tape except for when she saw a young blonde man walking towards lexi's room. danielle's heart leapt she knew it was jake she knew that the chances were very good that this was the tape!
she watched as jake she noticed jake was dressed as a waiter or something like that. he knocked on the door and lexi anwsered it in her robe. danielle was now certain that this was the tape, she had read the reports and knew that this is what had happened. jake went inside the room with lexi and danielle waited nervously to see who would show up in mere moments to hurt lexi and jake. she prayed that she didn't see cassie walk up that hallway.
danielle waited on the edge of her seat her heart thumping because it could mean the case would be solved. this could be all they needed to figure out who had killed danny hicks. finally after a few long minutes danielle saw a figure coming up the hall, she was excited at first but that excitement fell away as she realized that it was just room service. 'wait' she thought, if jake had been incognito as room service then that meant that this person was the real room service worker for the hotel.
danielle watched as the man knocked on the door, it was a good minute and a half before it was opened and the man went inside. this was confusing to danielle, she glanced at the time in the corner of the tape. jake called the 911 at 2:30 the time on the tape was 2:25, it would only be within the next five minutes that lexi would be shot and and jake stabbed.
she wondered if it could be that the room service man was the one who attacked the duo? danielle watched her heart beating quicker then normally. at 2:27 the same man who had entered the room left without his heavy silver metal cart. the next two minutes passed by without anyone entering or leaving the room. the tape also didn't have any sound so she couldn't hear if a shot had been fired. at 2:40 the paramedics arrived and took out a bleeding and unconcious lexi and jake, proceeding to rush them to the hospital.
danielle sat there in her seat in the small room, a wave of shock filling her body. the last person to come to the room was the room service...and he left just as quickly as he came. that meant that lexi and jake were the only one's in the room at the time of the attacks. that meant that one of them had to do it; one of them tried to kill the other. something happened in that hotel room and danielle knew she had to figure it out.
did josiah really not order the poison? did he have someone order it for him? could it be that lexi or jake were the ones to attack themselves? what's danielle's hunch? find out next time!
~cassie~ |
Comments (6) |
Saturday, November 17, 2007
tear drops on my guitar
avatar of the day is back too: 
redmoonchick responds:
LS: ha ha i dunno i think i might like high school movies forever. XD
jenny: ha i did the same thing too, i was like wow! XD i dunno i think i have more cats then you but you could have cooler pets like cows and chickens!
angel zakuro: ah i know! i was so afraid that heather would be sent home but i figured it would be ambreal (sp?) i hope heather doesn't go home next week. i kinda like selisha too. 10 things i hate about you we watched it for my english 11 class because it goes with our theme of transformational thinking.
subi lavi: well that has happened to me before too, sometimes people think my name is sandra or cathy. -_-
bed-stuy: let's just say those girls aren't the brightest bulbs in the package XD
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: i'll be careful but i am going to talk to him because he was my bestfriend when we were in school and i miss having that with him so i just wanna keep our friendship going. ha ha and actually the guy who said i run this bitch was also the guy who made danny leave the school.
x rawr: thanks i like that line a lot too!
deadxonxarrival: ha ha i run all teh bitchez. XD
oh my gosh it finally happend! MY FALL OUT BOY TICKETS CAME IN THE MAIL!!!!!!! huzzah, ah to hold them was like one step closer to being there. i really can't wait to go it's going to be one of the best nights of my life.
i did give my kitten rory away to my english teacher yesterday. i was surprised that i was way sadder then i thought i would be, i might even have shed a tear if two fellow students hadn't been in the room with me. i gotta make cookies this sunday for the bake sale that starts monday at school. in all reality my mom is going to make them for me because i can't bake to save my life.
we're also going to be having a thanksgiving feast on wednesday of this upcoming week. the only problem is that it happens to fall on the day after the concert. the day i was going to skip school, eh maybe i'll just go. i found out that the concert is at 7:00 so i don't know what time it gets done but i do have school the next day and i'll have to drop danielle back off at home cause she has school too.
ah ha i had a weird dream the other day and today too. the first odd dream was that andy from fall out boy was my brothers best friend and he was like a teenager, and he wasn't wearing a shirt and he had some cut off jean shorts and like work boots. it was so weird and i was talking to him and i knew he was in fall out boy but i never said anything about it and i think he was getting married and i was talking to him and he told me that he can talk to me more then he can talk to the emo boys and he was leaving and i wanted his autograph but my brother said i could get it later because he was going to be the bestman at andy's wedding.
the other dream i had i think i was talking to jenny and krissy (shallow heart and sayanachan) and we we're talking about music and i glad brendon urie from panic at the disco hot and krissy was like "oh hell no that's my man!" XD
WTH with the weird dreams? XD
oh and i'm glad that you guys liked the poem because it's been a really long time since i've written a poem that i really liked so i'm glad that it finally came back to me.
well that's all for now so i'll chat with you all laters.
~cassie~ |
Comments (8) |
Friday, November 16, 2007
be my unholy, my one and my only
Redmoonchick responds: (oh mah god for real?) XD
LS: i think it's strange that i love student council but i hate all other forms of goverment.
subi lavi: ha ha yeah, i don't take too kindly to people who harass fall out boy but i like that you like them!
angel zakuro: oh geeze did you watch ANTM?
savestheday: ha ha yeah i'll get around to calling you sometime.
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: ah ha well he left me a comment so i think we're good.
jenny: lol i was wondering what you'd say about his comment XD
okay hola my peeps.
so school was good we're watching the movie '10 things i hate about you' in my third hour and i will say that watching high school movies are more fun when you're in high school and with other teenagers.
someone also didn't know my name was cassie during yearbook. it was like this:
girl one: whose cassie?
teacher: *points me out*
girl two: i thought her name was cassandra
teacher: it is cassie is just a nickname
guy: you don't know cassie? she's runs this bitch!
ha i don't care if those girls don't know me cause i really don't want to know them.
i'm giving my white kitten away to my teacher today. i think my mom is bringing it up at lunch and she'll take it. oh and i named the kitten rory and my teacher likes it so she's keeping it as his name.
anyway i gotta go to first hour like right now so here's a poem to leave on.
The girl is bitter? Yeah, maybe just a little.
But that’s only normal when you’ve tore someone’s heart down the middle
Never knew there were so many ways to hate and love someone all at the same time
But there is and it’s me and you and we’re walking that fine line.
Warped and bi-polar I could be your emotional twin.
I told you a long time ago that neither of us would win.
But now we try hard to hurt each other and even the score.
It’s the drug out drama queen vs. the decimated whore.
It’s going to be the fight of our lives, didn’t you know?
Yeah, it will kill us both but at least it will give them a show
(i like it a lot)
~cassie~ |
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