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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Monday, November 5, 2007
each breath that you take has a thunderous sound
hi peeps,
well first things first. i mentioned yesterday how my dear friend danielle drew me a picture of pete and patrick from fall out boy well she put it up on her site! so everyone must go and check it out. her site is detectivedanielle.
also ikyuu-nyuu-kon asked me a couple questions so i shall be anwsering them. the first was i think she was asking about my invisible children theme. well the war that goes along with that is the war in uganda were children are kidnapped everyday and turned into soliders to fight in the war that's been going on for a long, long time now. i'm going to put up a video tomorrow or the next day about the invisible children so anyone who doesn't know can be informed.
the other thing she wanted to know was about my subject for yesterday's post. well it was nothing special just a line from the fall out boy song i was listening to while typing.
crap tomorrow i will be selling ad's for yearbook and i really don't want to! i'm no good with that kind of stuff. i get really nervous speaking in front of people. it's like i know what to say but i can't get myself to say it.
well it's time for the next chapter of murder and lyrics and i must say we are nearing the end people. i don't know how many more chapters but it will be soon.
danielle and timothy went to the hospital to check on jake and lexi. they found that lexi is in a coma. timothy leaves to get the tapes while danielle interviews jake. jake says he can't remember what happened aside from hearing someone screaming. timothy comes back to the hospital and tells danielle to come outside.
murder and lyrics:
chapter twenty one: it's not real unless it's on tape
"you talked to jake and lexi?" timothy asked and she nodded.
"yeah, well i mean i talked to jake, lexi is in a coma." she told him.
"okay well then what did jake say?" he asked as he fiddled with his car keys and danielle noticed they were standing by the trunk of his car.
"well basically he said he doesn't remember anything." danielle said as she watched timothy attempt to unlock the trunk of his car. "um what are you doing timothy?" she asked as she watched her frustrated partner wrestle with his trunk.
timothy looked up at danielle "well danielle i am trying to open my trunk up because i have the security tapes in there." timothy said with a hint of frustration.
"oh" danielle began before she stopped on his words "wait tapes?" she asked and timothy nodded as he hit his fist down on the top of the helpless trunk and it open just a bit but still remained locked.
"yeah, it seems the staff at the hartford hotel were less then willing to give these tapes up so when i finally got them to give them to me they tell me that the tapes aren't labeled so i have to take this huge box of them but luckily they happen to be in order of the days they were made." timothy said as he once again slammed his balled fist on the trunk. this time the trunk popped open and danielle watched timothy's face change from sastisfaction that he opened the trunk to horror at the fact that the box of tapes was turned sideways and the tapes lay at the bottom of the trunk in an mixed heap.
timothy sighed and muttered something along the lines of "i shouldn't have hit it so hard..." and danielle shook her head. she knew that their job had just gotten harder because now the tapes were all jumbled and that meant that they'd have to go through each tape individually to see if it was the one they needed. the one that showed who had attacked lexi and jake.
the thought that maybe it was cassie still plauged danielle's mind. cassie seemed genuinly upset that danny was dead but maybe it was all an act? or maybe it was really her feeling bad, maybe killing him was a mistake that she made...something like a crime of passion? danielle didn't know. there seemed to be so many suspects that it was hard to pin point someone. and who left the anoymous tip for that matter? who knew more about the case then they did?
about an hour later danielle and timothy were back at the station in the evidence room watching the tapes. the first one they had watched had been from three weeks ago and had little to nothing on it. timothy handled the controls as he and danielle sat in the room in the uncomfortable chairs bored out of their minds as they fast forward through each mundane day. by the rate they were going danielle figured it would take them at least three days straight to watch all the tapes. she sighed and peered at the clock as it seemed to tick by slower then ever. it was already after time for them to be off of work but they both knew that this job was more important then sleep.
it was about five hours, seven bathroom breaks, and two food runs later when danielle and timothy decided to call it quits for the night. they still had about half of the tapes to watch so danielle decided that she would come in tomorrow in the morning and continue watching them while timothy continued to interrogate josiah who was still in police custody spending the night in jail. the two detectives parted for the night and as danielle went home she opened her phone and contemplated calling cassie. she thought that she'd tell cassie about jake and lexi being in the hospital and judge her reaction to it, she almost did this until she turned on her t.v. and saw that the story was already being covered.
there was a reporter stationed outside the hospital that lexi and jake were in and that danielle had been in just early that day. they were taking about police investigations and who could've hurt lexi but there was little to no mention of jake. danielle clicked off her t.v. deciding that for at least one night she didn't want to hear anything about danny, cassie, lexi, josiah, or jake.
jake walker sat up in his hospital bed at three thirty in the morning. he was uncomfortable in the bed and he believed that his pain medication was wearing off. he looked around his dark room trying to find some sort of call button, to alert the nurses that he needed more drugs pumped into him. this thought was important to him but something else equally important was his need to leave the hospital.
jaked looked to his left arm, his heavily bandaged left arm and he flexed it a bit feeling pain tear through him. he could remember seeing the wound before it was bandaged up but it all looked red and bloody. jake slid his heavy feeling right hand over to his bandaged arm and carefully he undid the bandage. he saw the paleness of his arm was now adorned with a deep jagged line that streched all along his arm and up past his shoulder streching to just the beginnings of his chest. his wound had been stiched up and he figured witht the right med's he should be fine.
he was more surprised about lexi surving being shot in the stomach. he was sure he had heard that someone bleeds out too fast to be saved when they're shot in their stomach. he wondered if lexi had woken up yet, if she had said anything to anyone yet? lexi was pretty but she was awfully stupid and her being on pain med's could only make it worse. she could slip and say something stupid, something she really knew nothing about.
jake sighed and rested his head back against his pillows as he saw a light in the darkness of the hallway flick on and heard the click of footsteps on the floor. jake shielded his eyes from the light as his door was opened and he saw a nurse come into the room.
"i need more meds." jake said to her and she rolled her eyes.
"in due time." she told him as she stepped up to his bedside. "sir! what did you do to your arm!" the nurse asked as she looked down at jake's unbandaged arm.
"wanted to see how bad it was." jake told her and she shook her head.
"you can't take the bandages off they protect you from infections!" she told him as she opened a drawer near the bed and pulled out fresh gauze. she proceeded to redo his arm, wrapping them in bandages. jake laid back and allowed her to do it.
"hey" he began and she looked down at him. "i'm leaving tomorrow." he said and she looked at him but remained silent.
"if the doctor permits it sir, then you can leave." she told him and he shook his head.
"no, i'm leaving no matter what the doctor says. i've got things to do...." he trailed off and he heard the nurse make a disgruntled noise.
"hey, what about those meds?" jake asked as he closed his eyes.
will timothy and danielle find the anwser on the tapes? could cassie have been the one to hurt lexi and jake? why does jake want to leave the hospital early? and why is he worried about lexi waking up? find out next time!
~red~ |
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Sunday, November 4, 2007
baby boy can't lift his head, isn't it tragic
i went shopping today with danielle. it was so fun hanging out with her. we listened and talked fall out boy. we went to hot topic and i bought some emily the strange perfume which i like but my mom doesn't. i also went and bought a white shirt to wear under my brown sweater thing. danielle didn't buy anything but she was gonna get a shirt at hot topic.
danielle also drew me a completly kick ass picture of patrick and pete from fall out boy. it's a grayscale pic i think it's called. but it's so amazing! she nailed pete so perfectly! and her patrick is excellent! i think i should teach her to upload pics to myo so you all can see it too! she's an incredible artist.
anyway what else happened....well i finally talked to jenny after a looooong time and she's doing alright. as good as someone can be in her situation. i wish her all the best in the world.
mmmmm i have to dress nice for monday at school because in yearbook we have to go and try to sell ad's and i really really don't want to do it! man this is gonna suck.
on friday at school not a lot happened. just all the average crap.
my brother and a few of our old friends came by tonight after my mom said not to. they got drunk and now two of them are puking all over the place. it's really gross and i so don't like dealing with them when they're drunk. and my mom isn't too happy either.
well that's all for now so i shall chat with you's later.
~red~ |
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Friday, November 2, 2007
and your heart dropped to your feet
well two of my favorite people updated today. dear jenny and that kid named danny. i got a shoutout in danny's post so i iz happy. i didn't read jenny's post yet but i will after i update. *edit* not jenny but stephy instead*
i couldn't get the freaking music player to work anymore so i put up a video. is it working for you guys because it works here at school. anyway i love that song 'everything's magic' by angels and airwaves. it gets in my head.
school was alright, we're watching the movie 'eight below' and i don't really want to because i know dogs die in it so i don't wanna cry. i have a physics test today but i think i'll do okay on it aleast a A- or a B+.
i think the list of who made it on to the student council will be revealed soon but i'm not really worried that i'll be left off because the teachers know i would do a good job. it's the other people that worry me.
ah i really want to shop this weekend but i need to save my money so i can get lots of merch at the fall out boy concert which is coming up soon! imma try to find a day counter for my site.
ha ha pete dressed as ryan ross for halloween!

peace babies!
~red~ |
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Thursday, November 1, 2007
love or perish
i hope everyone had a good halloween! i didn't do anything at all but i didn't mind too much.
i changed my one said anything! no one loves meh enough to notice! *weeps* i did it a day early because i did it while at school. usually i have jenny do it for me but she isn't having such a great time as of late so i figured it out. the only thing i need is a song so i will try to do that during second hour tomorrow.
but anyway the theme is the charity invisible children. it is very near and dear to me and i felt that ecspecially now in november when it's around thanks giving that this would be a good theme.
school was fine. i wore my outfit to school and people liked it. we got some free doughnuts and candy during advisory and first hour. some of my friends did dress up though. like my friend jessica was a cross dresser named steve and my friend timmmy was a serial killer. leah was a maiden and her boyfriend was wearing a cape. my teacher was a witch also i guess some of the girls at school decided that halloween meant 'let's be sluts' day because i saw so, so many whorey outfits. -_- and there was a guy dressed as a penguin.
my friends and i made candy grams during fifth and sixth hour and it was pretty stressful..more like a lot. then we had to deliver them which was more stress. ugh the things i do for my school. i did get two candy grams delivered to me. one from my friend jessica and one from my friend leah.
anyway this is getting long so i shall post the newest chapter of sixteen and be done with it.
chapter eleven: when the past comes back to bite you in the ass
ada left and was walking down the sidewalks of chicago's north side. this side, the north side, their side was by far the safest for both human and vampire, while tarian's south side was the most dangerous. ada knew that there would be no serum dealers on her side it was better that way though, no one familar to spot her and no one to go and snitch to beckett.
she decided to go to the east side where ryder and his vampire punks hung out. if she was lucky she could get in and get out without too much notice. it took her a good ten minutes to reach the east side and already the sidewalks and streets were filled with vampires who were partying it up or sitting on curbs already too far gone to walk. loud angry music much like what gray had been listening to filled the streets and ada remembered why she didn't care for this part of town.
it took her three blocks before she saw one, a serum dealer. he was a short vampire standing on a street corner washed in a streetlamps glow. he stood watching nervously one hand tucked in his pocket and the other gesturing as people walked by. ada approached him and he turned when he noticed her.
"hey, there pretty lady. you want a fix of the old emerald kiss?" he asked and she nodded, emerald kiss was a slang term for the serum. the man nodded and grinned.
"how much of this stuff will it take to fix you up?" he asked as he pulled open his jacket and flashed a dozen or so gleaming vials of deep green liquid.
"everything you've got." she told him and she saw his eyes widen greedily.
"it's going to cost you big." he said and she shrugged.
"i don't care really." she told him and in moments she had her fix. she pocketed the multiple vials. ada turned back to go home and was around two blocks when she bumped into someone. she went back a few steps as her shoulder hit the mystery man's. ada looked up and gave a quick small apology before attempting to pass him.
the man reached out quick and seized her shoulder pulling her to look up at him. it was then that ada noticed he had two companions with him and also that this man that she had ran into was the same man who had mistaken her for human and attacked her two nights ago. ada wondered if the man remembered her but judging by the smirk on his lips he did.
"what is it harry? let the kid go. we got important business to attend to." one of the men who was holding her, the man named harry's friends asked him. harry gave a sort of grunt.
"this is the girl, the one who attacked me a few days ago." he told them, his eyes never leaving ada. harry's two companions looked shocked.
"this kid? but she's a teenager!" one said, surprise heavy in his voice.
"she's stronger then she looks." harry said and ada grew cold at the way he said it.
"if you don't let me go your friends will be able to see my strength for themselves." ada said through gritted teeth.
"she's got a mouth on her." harry's other friend added with a grin on his face. harry kept silent but still continued to stare at her. suddenly he let go of her arm and motioned for his friends to follow him as he began to walk away. ada rubbed absentmindedly at her arm and watched them go before turning back to resume her walk. she never saw harry pull out the gun and it was too late to move as the bullet pierced her chest and seconds later she hit the ground.
~red~ |
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Wednesday, October 31, 2007
it's halloween! huzzah! i don't really know why i'm so excited it's not like i have anything to do. i'm not trick or treating or passing out candy and it is a school night so my options are limited. oh well i still think halloween is fun.
if anyone didn't know i am dressing up and i am being a bunny this year. i have really cute fluffy white ears and a tail and i'll be wearing pink and white to school today. a few of my friends said they'd dress up but we shall see.
school was okay i have to write a paper about the college fair i went to a while back and i don't have that done. we did a book talk and no one in my group would pay attention. oh and sorry for lack of comments. it's because i usually comment during my 2nd hour but we're watching the movie 'invincible' with mark wahlberg so i can't probably until thursday.
ahhhhh i am behind in my 3rd hour english class and everything is due today! blast i can't see myself getting such a great grade. i didn't even finish the book. it wouldn't be so hard if the book wasn't so boring.
i still wanna run for student council president but i am nervous because if i want to run i have to make a speech and public speeches ain't my thing. oh well i'll just speak from the heart and picture people naked.
today our school is having a three-on-three basketball tournament during fifth and sixth hour. my brother is going to be playing and i wanna watch him but my friend taylor and i have to stay in the yearbook class and make candygrams to be delivered. oh well it shouldn't take too long.
i did something REALLY stupid. i left my mp3 player in my jeans pocket so i couldn't find it this morning and then when it was too late i remembered but i couldn't do anything so i get home and guess what. MY MOM WASHED AND DRIED THE JEANS. along with my mpe player. i was convinced it was broken until i checked it and it still works! the only thing wrong with it is i can't change the songs anymore so i'll have to let them all play through and i can't take it off random shuffle either but i'll live with it.
anyway i hope you all have a great deal of (safe) fun this halloween and i'd like to ask
. are you guys dressing up for halloween? and if you are what are you going to be?
happy halloween playas!
~red~ |
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007
i called him on the phone and he touched himself
things i learned at school yesterday:
1. that i can't concentrait at 7:00 in the morning.
2. that extreamly cute boy is engaged and has made at least two sex tapes. (i don't really care though the sex tape thing was hella shocking)
3. my friends girlfriend is pregnant but i'm not supposed to know about it.
eh yeah three things i learned at school besides all the normal work. other stuff did happen like i'm joining student council and i think i wanna attempt to run for president. as do a few other people but i really think my english teacher (who also runs the student council) would like to see me finally step up and be a leader. something i don't do often.
my friend brad broke up with his girlfriend of a year and two months and was almost crying in goverment class even though he said he had a medical problem. he was lying, guys just can't cry in public.
i fell on the stairs because of my shoes when i was going to the computer lab during yearbook but the only person who saw me was my friend destiny and she laughed and told others but i laughed it off too.
i left the computer lab after school with my computer still logged on and i was on myo and i came back in and this fucking kid was sitting there on my myo! i was swearing a storm at him. don't fuck with my stuff homie!
ah dude i got interviewed for the newspaper about our field trip to the east side mission. a.k.a the field trip i was dreading. i think i gave the reporter lots of good stuff to use because she had like three pages worth of me talking.
i carved a pumpkin today. i haven't done it in such a long time but it was fun! i think it was good for me to get into the halloween spirit. my pumpkin didn't turn out like the best thing ever but it's normal and i like it and i named it peterick!
uh i'm giving away two of my kittens and my girl cat nana on friday. i'm trying not to think about it too much because i'm sure i'll get sad.
oh krissy a.k.a sayanachan drew a pic of ada the main character from my vampire story 'sixteen' here it is:
 Ada.v.1 | Hosted By
she is so awesome her art pwns all! XD
oh and if you guys want a little laugh then you should go and listen to the song 'wow i can get sexual too' by say anything. i love that song, it gets stuck in my head so bad! XD
~red~ |
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Monday, October 29, 2007
myo is back hallelujah!
oh man finally! i was waiting for myo to come back online all weekend. i'm glad it's back.
anyway a lot of stuff happened but i can't remember it exactly ha ha. but i do have a doctor's appointment tomorrow for something that started happening to me last thursday and it kinda went away by saturday but i still think i should be checked out. but i don't want anyone to worry i am fine!
hmmmm i don't know how many people are going to be on but it is time for the latest chapter of murder and lyrics so i'll post it anyway.
josiah was arrested and interrogated about danny's murder. jake showed up at lexi's house to talk when they were interrupted by a strange knocking. danielle get's a phone call that says jake and lexi are in the hospital.
murder and lyrics:
chapter twenty: hospitals and heartbreak
danielle and timothy arrived at the hospital about an half hour later. they had left immediantly after finding someone to continue keeping an eye on josiah. the duo had rushed to the hospital and asked for the two wounded suspects. they had found out that lexi was suffering from a shot wound to the stomach and jake had a long stab wound that traveled from his chest to his arm. the hospital staff wasn't allowing either of them to be seen so danielle and timothy sat patiently in the waiting room of the hospital.
"i don't get it who could've done this?" danielle said as she tapped her foot impaintently and looked to timothy.
"maybe it was a random attack?" timothy suggested and danielle shook her head.
"no, i don't think so. nothing was taken so i don't see the point." she argued.
"then was danny's killer?" he asked, danielle stopped because if that was true then it meant that josiah wasn't the killer and that someone else was out there taking out the suspects.
"damn....i don't know. that would mean that someone else that we don't know is out there attacking people connected to this case." danielle said her frustration showing through.
"what if it's someone we do know?" timothy said slowly as he looked at danielle. danielle looked confused for a moment then her eyes lit up as she understood what he meant.
"do you're not suggesting it was cassie are you?" danielle asked disbelieving the words that came from his mouth.
"all i'm saying is that we released cassie about an hour after we brought josiah in because she didn't know anything. so after she's back on the street she's upset because she thinks that josiah killed danny but maybe she doesn't want to believe that, maybe she wants to believe that it was lexi so she goes to confront lexi and jake's there too so maybe she goes a bit mad and attacks them both." timothy said, danielle watched him as he spoke his eyes were far away as if he were watching what he was saying take place.
"what if we go and get the security tapes from the hotel? then we can see who entered that room." danielle suggested and timothy nodded in agreement.
"alright, i'll go and get the tape. you stay here in case they call you in." he said the duo agreed and timothy quickly left. no more then five minutes later one of the doctors came out and let danielle back into the hospital rooms.
"i'm afraid lexi is in a drug induced coma for the time being but you can see jake." the doctor told her as they walked. danielle nodded and as they walked she glanced to a room to the right and saw a girl lying in a bed. the dark haired party girl lexi lying in the hospital bed completly unconcious and bandages wrapped tightly around her mid section.
the doctor led her down the line of rooms and around a corner until they came to the second room in the hall. they stopped outside of it and the doctor turned to look at her. "he might be a bit out of it." he warned and danielle nodded. the doctor too nodded and turned away leaving danielle outside the door alone.
she entered the room and saw jake half sitting up in bed his head was back against the white pillow his long blonde bangs falling into his eyes. "jake?" she asked unsure if he was awake or sleeping. jake lifted his head up a bit and brought his right hand up shaking to push the bangs out of his eyes.
"detective..." he said and she noticed how weak his voice was.
"how are you doing jake?" she asked as she came to stand beside his bed. she saw him attempt a shrug.
"feel like i've been stabbed but the meds are kicking in now so i'm alright i guess." he said and danielle nodded.
"good, that's good." she said she didn't want to spring the question of who might've attacked lexi and himself on jake.
"how-how is lexi?" jake asked as he turned his head barely to look at danielle.
"well, she's in a coma right now but i think she's going to make it." danielle told him as she noticed a small wooden seat beside the bed meant for visitors and sat down in it. jake smiled a bit.
"i'm glad, she didn't deserve this to happen to her." jake said his voice a mere whisper and danielle figured if he brought it up then she could ask him about it.
"jake, can you tell me what happened? who did this to you?" she asked. jake closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh as if he were trying hard to think.
"i-i remember talking to lexi and we heard this knock on the door...i-i went into the other room while she anwsered it and then i heard a gun shot so i came running....and that's all i remember." jake said, danielle had been writing down what jake was saying and looked up at him when she finished.
"so you didn't see who shot lexi? or who attacked you?" she asked her heart beating a little fast. jake shook his head as best he could.
"no...but i remember someone screaming "i don't believe it! i don't believe it! he didn't, he couldn't!" jake told her and heart previously quick beating heart dropped to her stomach. she wasn't sure but that sounded like something cassie would say. danielle kept her cool and nodded.
"well jake, thank you for letting me talk with you and we'll be back to check on you in a few days but if you remember anything, please don't hesitate to call." she told him and he nodded.
"right, of course detective. thanks for stopping by." he said and turned his head away from her. danielle left the room and headed back down the hall, she once again stopped outside of lexi's room. she once again looked through the clear window and watched for a moment as lexi enjoyed her drug induced sleep, before she turned on her heel and left the hall.
danielle was surprised to find that timothy wasn't back yet, he had been gone a good fifteen minutes and she wondered how long it took to grab a security tape. she grabbed her cell phone and flipped it open contemplating wheter or not to call him. she found she didn't need to call him as the hospital doors slid open and there timothy stood, he motioned for her to follow him and she did out of the hospital and into the parking lot to his car.
could cassie have hurt jake and lexi? will jakes memory return to him? what will lexi say when she wakes up? did timothy get the tape? find out next time!
~red~ |
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Thursday, October 25, 2007
young wild things
well i didn't go to school yesterday. i should have but i was reallllly tired and my head hurt. but i am going today so no one worry.
oh and i forgot to mention that my mom almost lost her babysitting job because my cousins husband is a total dick. but luckily my cousin called today and everything is fine.
also my friend leah and her boyfriend rob want one of our cats so we're going to give them nana because my mom doesn't want so many cats anymore. we were gonna give up our other cat lola but we've had her so long that she wouldn't do good elsewhere so we're keeping her.
anyway it is time for a new chapter of sixteen so i hope you guys enjoy it. i like the simplicity of this chapter.
chapter ten: you tell me that you love me, i'll tell you that you don't trust me
later that night after she was showered and dressed ada sat in the living room of the expansive house. she was sitting in the corner near one of the windows seated in a red velvety plush sitting chair. gray was sprawled out on the nearby velvety green loveseat he was listening to music on an ipod he stole from one of their victims. caiden was in the kitchen having a lively discussion with walker and remy about the other vampire clans that called chicago home.
"it would be best to avoid the south side for awhile, i heard tarian has been getting more violent lately." walker said as he tapped on the map of chicago that was laid out before them on the table.
"yeah, but tarian is always doing that. he's trying to scare us and we shouldn't give in!" caiden argued a deep frown on his face.
"and we all know that beckett doesn't like being given bounderies, restrictions to where he can and can't go." remy said as he looked from walker to caiden.
ada listened to their conversation half heartedly as she flipped through a book from the shelf that sat behind her. things had changed since she'd been gone. when she had left tarian was nothing but a naive newly changed upstart of the south side clan but now from what she heard tarian had gained a massive power and took over making it his clan. tarian was also partial to calling out challenges to beckett.
ada knew that beckett was none too pleased about this because beckett had been here in chicago longer then anyone else had, and they all knew that he wouldn't give any of it up. they had already stopped going on the south side as much, not since one of tarian's guys killed one of beckett's. beckett ruled the north side, a clan of young punks ruled the east side lead by their leader ryder, and the west side belonged to other somewhat rouge vampires and humans were sprinkled into every side.
talked changed from where they should and shouldn't go to what they should do about the next hunt. ada felt a bit of panic rise in her throat, they were talking about going hunting again, about feeding very soon. she knew they would but still she didn't want to think about it. she didn't want to feel that burning sickness and shame and she didn't want to remember what it feels like to kill another.
ada already knew that she couldn't go hunting again. she had slipped once and she was determined not to do it again. ada knew what she needed, she needed more of the serum, the antidote to the madness of blood. when ada had left chicago it was easy finding the serum and she had a large supply but as she made her way home the places to find said antidote were harder and harder. ada balmed this on beckett's strong anti serum stance which lead many to be afraid to even deal the serum here in chicago.
ada knew though that the antidote exisited here, it was all just a matter of finding it. she closed the book and set it down on the table next to her. she glanced over at gray who was to her surprise looking back at her. they stared at one another for a long moment of silence and ada wondered if perhaps gray was upset with her because she had slept with caiden. gray slid from the couch and slowly crawled over to ada. he stopped infront of her his hands coming to rest on her knees.
ada was used to this, sometimes gray got needy and wanted attention, she chalked it up to one of those times.
"ada" he began as he took out the headphones in his ear and offered them to her. "listen to this song i think you'll like it." he said as he put the headphones on for her. she sat and listened to the music he offered and it was loud and it was angry sounding and he was right she did like it. she smiled down at gray and he looked up at her grinning wide enough to show off his sharp fangs.
instantly another scene played before her eyes. the image of gray his face buried in a human's neck and stained deep red swam before her, she felt that cold dread and quickly squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head to free herself from the image.
"what's wrong ada?" gray asked as worry took over his face.
"nothing." ada breathed though she knew something was wrong, she had grown hungry at the thought of gray feeding. ada knew she could wait no longer, she knew she had to go and find the serum. there was no other option. she removed gray's hands from her knees and she stood from the chair gray still kneeling at her feet.
ada said nothing to gray as she walked away from him. she made her way into the kitchen and caiden looked up from the map smiling at her.
"hey, baby what are you doing?" he asked. at this remy and walker looked up at her too.
"oh, nothing i'm just going for a little walk, you know to get some air." she told him, as she made for the back door.
"oh, well i'll go with you then." he said as he stood from the table.
"no, no it's fine caiden. i can go alone." she said as she grabbed the doorknob.
"ada, it's not safe out there. i'm coming with you." caiden told her as he came around to stand by her. ada sighed, caiden couldn't come with her, he wouldn't let her buy the serum she already knew he wouldn't and he might even bring it up to beckett in an effort to keep her clean.
"i don't need you to come with me caiden. it's just a walk!" she shouted at him.
"ada dear last time you went for a 'walk' you didn't come back for a good month and a half." remy told her cooly as if to attempt to make her understand why caiden didn't want her out there and alone.
"that was before, this is now and i don't need anyone to come with me!" she told the three men. caiden grimaced and strode into the living room and walker slowly turned back to his map while remy continued to stare at her his foot tapping the tiled floor, ada turned away from him and left the house.
ha ha the return of gray i know at least one person will like that.
~red~ |
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Wednesday, October 24, 2007
save the drama for your llama
ok well the field trip wasn't as bad as i thought but it was sorta hard work. our bus showed up late so we had to wait for it so we watched the boys play dodgeball which was really quite funny. and remember how i said i don't talk to anyone in my third hour? well i kinda grouped up with this girl named sandra. the problem is that she's been messing with my friend leah and she's the ex-girlfriend of my dear friend timmmy.
well i stayed with her most the day and we almost got in a car accident on the bus! this car skidded out due to the rain and was like so so close to hitting our bus! scary!
when we got there our class was divided into groups and i took pics of my classmates cleaning bathrooms and lifting things for yearbook. sandra and i ended up sorting huge bags of clothes and while we were doing this she took the opportunity to tell me every piece of dramafied infromation she had. and as i mentioned before she has a problem with my friend leah and i heard her talking about leah before so like the good friend i am i told leah about it but then leah told sandra what i had said but she didn't say that i said it, so sandra asked me if i knew who was saying stuff and i said no even though it was me. did everyone follow that? XD
after we sorted clothes we went upstairs and hung up clothes and talked with people and then we went back over to the other building and i cleaned a dirty table and chairs, then we listened to a speech and helped serve lunch/ate lunch which was alright. before we left we also threw out old lettuce and took out garbage. i think that sandra, me, and about four other guys worked the hardest out of a class of fifteen.
that field trip took all day so i didn't get back to school till almost sixth hour but i did stop in my fifth hour and talked to leah and saw extreamly cute boy or ECB as angel zakuro coded. XD
then in yearbook my friend jessica and i were made yearbook editors so we make big decisions like who goes on what pages and i realized that i signed up for a lot of pages! -_- why do i do that to myself?
and our ride was late and they're liars who say they wait but they don't so we didn't get home till about four thirthy. grrrrr
that's all for now
~red~ |
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Tuesday, October 23, 2007
so my life is one big make it or break it
school was alright. i got to play with the autistic kids today in my third hour and the kid i usually get was being pretty bad as in he didn't want to listen and he kept trying to get me to hold his hand that he slobbered all over, but we did make pumpkin cookies and he liked that and we played with this huge parachute.
mmm extremly cute boy ate lunch in the same place i do today but i didn't talk to him much because he was with his friend and i was talking to mine but he still looked cute and he smells good. ha ha stalker much? XD
oh we're watching the movie october sky in my fifth hour but i've seen it before so i am kinda bored but it was funny because extreamly cute boy almost fell out of his chair and choked on sunflower seeds we were all laughing at him.
like i said before i got a field trip today and it kinda sucks because it's from eight in the morning to 2 in the afternoon so that means i have to spend the whole day with my least favorite class. it wouldn't be so bad but the kids in there are idiots! gah i am not looking forward to this. -_-
oh and i have my halloween costume picked out! i'm gonna be a bunny! i got this fluffy white ears and a tail and it will be cute. i asked who else was gonna dress up at school and my friend taylor said she was gonna be a boy and my friend destiny said she is going to dress like a girl (because normally she dresses like a boy), my friend jessica wants to be a ninja and i think my english teacher is going to be a cat.
oh and i'm putting in an application to get a job at the bath and body works store in the mall so let's hope i get that! it's only seasonal but meh i'll take it!
~red~ |
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