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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007
we're going down, down in an earlier round
i meant to update lastnight but my computer pulled a bitch move on me so i didn't. but i did get super inspired and began writing something that is to be annouced.
i didn't go to school yesterday but i am here today, in second hour infact but it's before class is started.
i couldn't find my mp3 player this morning, i feel so bummed now because i feel like i can't escape anymore. goverment class and the ride home is going to suck, i need my music!
speaking of music i realized something that i do. i connect songs with people. i don't mean to do it but people and feelings and moments get connected to songs with me. one paticularly strong case was danny and how many songs remind me of him. let me tell you, it's a lot.
mostly red jumpsuit apparatus songs like 'damn regret' because it used to get stuck in his head and he hated it and 'your guardian angel' because i always wanted to hear him play that. but also fall out boy because it was a love hate relationship with them. paticularly 'dance, dance' because we used lines from that alot and 'thnks fr th mmrs' just because.
fall out boy also reminds me of jenny because, while hellogoodbye and motion city soundtrack reminds me of danielle, the academy is... reminds me of megan and cute is what we aim for reminds me of belinda.
hmmm also having problems keeping my eyes off the adorable boy who is in my zero, first, and fifth hour, he's just too cute, really he is. damn him.
well on that note i shall be going and depending on my time i'll chat with you later.
~red~ |
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Monday, October 8, 2007
say this sooner
well i'm going to keep this one short because i acutally did finish the latest chapter of murder and lyrics and it falls a bit on the long side so i don't want any comments that say "oh mah god long post!" blaaah.
my cat mr. hughes did come back inside though he keeps getting out because of my brother but i am glad to say that he is inside right now and watching me type.
anyway on to the new chapter and i promise this one is more exciting!
the detectives found out that danny and jake had some kind of money arrangment going on and that cassie never handled danny's money.
murder and lyrics
chapter eighteen: murderers on a plane
in the span of two days danielle and timothy kept tabs on all the suspects in the danny hicks murder case. none of them seemed to be doing too much out of the ordinary. cassie kept up her commitments as daniel's manager and assistant with her tying up all the lose ends and in some cases defending herself against those who would say she was a murderer.
lexi hartford didn't keep a low proflile instead she went on the party circut and was photographed in various clubs. josiah was in business meetings and playing small shows and doing interviews, all the while gearing up to leave L.A. which he would be doing today. jake was living the most normal life of all, he worked odd jobs and stayed close to home.
all the while danielle was still trying to piece together all the information she had, constantly pouring over the case files, so much that she was sure she had parts of them memorized.
timothy walked into danielle's office after lunch, as usual danielle was sat at her desk, hunched and re-reading the case documents. she was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't even bother looking up when he walked in. though timothy was sure that when she got a hold of what he had she would be more then interested in him.
timothy took a seat on the other side of the desk opposite danielle. he remained silent still wondering if she was going to say anything to him but she didn't instead timothy cleared his throat and danielle glanced up at him.
"good lunch?" she asked.
"more like interesting." he said as he pulled out the folder he had picked up during lunch.
"what's that?" danielle asked as she now payed full attention to timothy.
"oh this? it's just the records we've been waiting two days for." timothy said as he flopped the folder down on the desk.
"really?" danielle said as she pushed her glasses up and grabbed for the folder. she proceeded to flip through the papers that timothy had previously flipped through. the papers stated that for the last year and a half danny had been paying all jake's living expenses like his rent and bills. the amount of money was a large sum each month and each month the price seemed to go up bit by bit.
"hmmm that is interesting." danielle said after she had read through the papers. "jake was basically living for free for a year and half on danny's money. so it doesn't really make sense that he wouldn't report lexi's threats about hurting danny." danielle said more to herself then to timothy.
"speaking of miss hartford, i ran into her at the accounting office." timothy mentioned as though it weren't too important.
"really? what was she doing?"
"well, she was outside as i was walking in and she seemed to notice me but she kept on going down the sidewalk." timothy recalled. it made sense that lexi would be at an accountant's office, she was an heiress she had tons of money. it was probably only a coincidence that she and danny used the same accountant office.
"hmmm well, do you think we should go and talk to jake about the money situation?" danielle asked and timothy half nodded.
"yeah, it would be good if we did." he said, the duo stood to leave danielle's office when suddenly danielle's cell phone began to ring. she stopped and anwsered it. timothy watched her as she talked on the phone, her voice was quick, curt and disbelieving. she hung up the phone after about half a minute and looked a timothy a slight panic in her eyes.
"what is it?" he asked.
"we just got an annoymous tip that said josiah hardwick has condeming evidence on him and that he's at the airport because he's flying out of L.A today!" danielle annouced and timothy's eyes widened.
"you think the tip is good?" he asked and danielle half shrugged.
"either way we have to check it out!" she said an in an instant the two were racing out of the precence and into her car. she turned the siren on and the duo flew door the streets heading to the ten minute away airport. josiah hadn't told danielle what time his flight was leaving so chances were that he was getting ready to board.
as they drove danielle wondered who it was that had left the annoymous tip, the preceint had said that the call came from a pay phone so it was practically untracable and even if it was they couldn't find out who it was due to the privacy act. danielle also wondered if the tip was correct? if josiah did have some evidence on him that made him seem guilty or proved his guilt.
danielle was finding it hard to believe that the charming man she had, had lunch with two days ago was a potental murderer but she knew that in this line of work, everyone had to be a suspect. in what felt like the longest ten minutes of their lives danielle and timothy arrived at the largest airport in L.A. they parked and sped into the building that was full of busling passengers.
timothy and danielle stood in the doorway scanning the crowd for the familar face of josiah.
"i'll go ask about him at the front desk, you keep looking." timothy instructed her and she nodded the two of them taking off to resume their search. she saw timothy run to one of the long lines of people, flashing his badge as he passed them. danielle went down towards the baggage section of the airport all along scanning the crowd for that handsome face or that shock of spikey black hair.
she found herself half jogging around the airport in desperate search of josiah. if it was true that he had damning evidence then he for sure would want to get out of the city as soon as possible and danielle knew that if he succeeded and he did have the evidence that he wouldn't have it for long.
danielle was now standing in the center of the airport, people surrounding her on all sides. behind her was the large glass doors and infront of her was the expanse of the airport itself but more directly was the escalators. danielle figured that if he wasn't downstairs he might be upstairs.
"detective fisher!" she turned and shouted in timothy's direction. he managed to hear her despite him being many feet away and arguing with a airport worker. he gave the worker a grim look before he turned and ran to where danielle stood.
"what is it?" he asked, slightly out of breath. danielle pointed to the escalators.
"he could be up there." she said and he turned to look at them before he too nodded and the duo raced towards the escalators. they would've ran up them had people not been clogging the way up. the two of them waited impatiently until the reached the top where each took off in a different direction searching for any sign of josiah.
the top floor of the airport was full of resturants and many little shops for awaiting passengers to pass their time in. at the far end of the top floor was where the passengers would board the plane. danielle passed by each resturant peering inside as she ran trying to find josiah inbetween the flashes of strangers. when all seemed lost she finally spotted someone familar. she saw cassie standing near a large window looking out at the planes that stood still, she was standing in the area where people wait to say goodbye, and beside her stood one mr. josiah hardwick.
danielle stopped and ducked behind a large advertisment for one of the resturants. if josiah was guilty she didn't want him to see her prematurly. she turned and saw timothy standing near a magazine rack on the other side of the airport. he seemed to have spotted her and she motioned towards josiah. timothy followed her motion and seemed to have spotted the duo as well. he slowly and sneakily made his way over to where danielle was hidden.
"he's getting ready to board! we've got to get him now!" timothy whispered and danielle nodded while she wondered why cassie was here with josiah. she knew she had no time to wonder yet the thought still plauged her mind. "on the count of three we walk slowly up to them, calmy so they don't bolt." timothy said and again danielle nodded. "one, two, three." he said and the duo came out from their hiding spot and slowly, casually approached josiah and cassie.
cassie saw them first, her eyes widened in fear or surprise at the sight of them. josiah noticed her staring and he too turned to look at the detectives. josiah too seemed surprised but not scared nor anything but normal. he didn't have the look or demenor of someone who was hiding something but then again josiah could just be an excellent actor.
"detectives, fancy running into you two here." josiah said with a smile and danielle wished she could return that smile.
"afraid it's not a coincidence." timothy said and danielle noticed that his voice had taken a chillier demenor, it was a good thing timothy had, he was intimidating when he needed to be.
"i'm afraid i don't follow." josiah said as he turned back to look at cassie who shrugged and seemed more worried then anything at the sight of the two detectives.
"listen josiah, we got a tip that you had some very important evidence on you." danielle began. josiah turned his head his perma grin still in place.
"what? evidence? sorry, now i'm really lost." he told them and danielle wondered if he was only playing dumb or if it was genuine.
"look, we got a tip and we've got to check it out so we need to search you." timothy said as he took a step closer to josiah, josiah who now figured out that the two were serious lost his handsome grin.
"wait, isn't that an invasion of my privacy?" he asked. timothy rolled his eyes.
"look man just let us search you, if you don't have anything then there's no need to worry." timothy told him and that was another thing about timothy, he more often then not didn't play it by the book. josiah seemed to realize that cooperating would be better and he nodded.
"fine search me then." he said as she offered himself up to timothy, timothy nodded and proceeded to pat down josiah while danielle took notice of the large dufflebag that sat at josiah's feet.
"we need to search the bag too." she said as she stared at it.
"what? that's just my clothes!" josiah complained but danielle knew she needed to do it, she took the bag and opened it up. sure enough on the top was clothes mostly hoodies, she shifted through the clothes feeling around in the bag, she began to pull things out finding nothing but clothing. she lifted a pair of jeans out of the bag and a neatly folded sheet of paper fell out with it.
"what's this?" she asked and josiah shrugged.
"i have no idea." he said as timothy continued rifling through his pockets.
danielle took the paper and unfolded it, she saw that it was a print out from a website, a recpiet from an order made. danielle read the order and her mouth fell open out of shock. timothy noticed the shock.
"what is it danielle?" he asked. danielle was nearly speechless as she read him the order.
"it's a recpite for one bottle of cyanide ordered by josiah hardwick two weeks before danny's death." danielle said as she stared at the paper.
she heard cassie gasp and josiah made a noise of protest. "what!?! that isn't mine! i never ordered cyanide!" he screamed. but it wasn't enough danielle had the proof right there in her hands that josiah had ordered a bottle of poison danny was poisioned two weeks after the order. it was all too convient.
"josiah hardwick you're under arrest for the murder of daniel hicks." timothy began as he pulled out handcuffs and cuffed josiah.
",how could you?" they heard the soft voice of cassie ask. josiah turned to look at cassie.
"cassie, please! i didn't do it! i wouldn't! you know that! you know i wouldn't hurt him! please!" but cassie wasn't listening to him she turned away with tears in her eyes as timothy read josiah his rights and lead him away to the car.
did josiah really kill danny? who was the annoymous tip from? is the case practically solved? find out next time!
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Sunday, October 7, 2007
but you have no clue what my dreams could show you
well i went to the dog pound yesterday to get my cats. i was also babysitting so i had to take jordan, porsha, and my other cousin vivianna with me to get them. i don't like the dog pound it's all to sad for me, i've hated going there ever since i was a little kid. i guess it's because i know what happens to the animals who don't get adopted and i also know how few do get adopted. it's very heart breaking for me.
anyway we went in there and i found my cat mr. hughes right away and he cried so loud when he saw me so i took him out of the cage and just held him and he was purring. he doesn't do good in cages. then our other cat yuki was supposed to be in the pound too but the cat they said was him i said wasn't. it looked too small, then there was another cat who looked like yuki so i was scared that we'd end up taking the wrong one and the real yuki would die. so we checked the cat out and it turns out the one was a girl so that wasn't yuki and the other i could tell wasn't him. so in the end my mom paid for a rabies shot and things like that for a cat that wasn't ours so i think we get our money back on monday.
in the end i don't think yuki was in the dog pound but if he isn't then i don't know where he is. also despite my best efforts mr. hughes got outside again so now i am in a state of panic that he might get caught again. *sigh*
my sleep got all screwed up this weekend because i had to babysitt so now i'm up real late. i also got twenty bucks for babysitting so i took my mom out to dinner and we got chinese food. i want to get the cobra starship cd so if i go to the mall i will get it.
danielle wanted to work out with me yesterday but i was so tired that i didn't feel like going, so sorry danielle!
well that's all for now so i will chat with you guys later!
~red~ |
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Saturday, October 6, 2007
you want to sell out but you couldn't even do that right
well school was alright. we all had to pick a charity to talk about today and i of course picked the invisible children and i tried my best to explain it but my classmates weren't feeling it. oh well, maybe it would've been better if i weren't so shy at public speaking. damn you nerves!
i commented a lot of people's sites today and i was sad to see for the longest time i had no comments. i was like "come on! at least one person visit me!" XD i need's attention. :P
here's a little convo that went down during sixth hour:
leah: "hey weren't you and danny going out for awhile last year?"
me: whaaaaaaat?
leah: i thought you guys went out for a week.
me: nope we certainly did not.
timmmy: yeah, i thought you guys were a couple too, you guys acted so couply.
me: .... -_-
well anyways some of you expressed interest about wanting me to post the story 'sixteen' twice a week and i have no problem with that but i would like to know what other day you guys would like? thursday is already one of the days and mondays are for murder and lyrics so what other day would you the readers like?
sad news, i found out today that my cat whom i love so so much mr. hughes was picked up by our office because he had gotten outside and hadn't come back so my mom asked and they said he was at the dog pound! i freaked out and swore revenge on the neighbor who complained about him and repeatedly called my mom, well she called me later to tell me that they also had our other cat yuki at the pound and that it cost's 125 bucks to get them out.
my mom paid it and i should've have gotten them home yesterday but they have to have shots and it just so happens that the guy who gives shots was gone already so i can't have my cat until sometime today. my mom told me that hughes was crying and sticking his paws out of the cage to try and get breaks my heart to think that he is in a cage all alone tonight. T-T
mmmm i am babysitting tonight at 5:30 in the morning to make some money, i think i might buy the cobra starship cd.
~red~ |
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Friday, October 5, 2007
it was a lyrical lie, made up in my mind
well i didn't go to school yesterday, bad i know. but i was so exhausted. i went to the laundry mat (sp?) with my mom and i guess that wore me out cause when the morning came i didn't even turn off my alarm and i was sleeping with the music. my senior advisor is gonna be mad at me but meh i don't really care but really i can't miss anymore school so i need to get more sleep so i shouldn't really be up as late as i am now and i still gotta take a shower. blaaah.
that was a long paragraph. anyway i am also saving up any change that i happen to find or get. i am putting it in a purse in my room so i won't touch it. i'm saving it up because i am going to donate it to the charity invisible children. and if you haven't already please: GO AND VISIT THE WEBSITE WWW.INVISIBLECHILDREN.COM! it doesn't take but a moment and if anything you will educate yourself about a worthwile charity.
my brother signed up for this thing called teen quest. i guess it helps set you up with a job. i don't know how he is going to get there though.
oh and about my story sixteen. i'm surprised so many of you like gray. i like him too he is one of my favorites but another of my favorites doesn't come in until later. i'm thinking about posting sixteen two times a week. what do you guys think?
picture time:

brendon urie because i am in a brendon urie kind of mood lately....i blame it on sayanachan XD hmmmm brendon seems a lot cuter to me lately...weird.
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Thursday, October 4, 2007
patrick the kitten says: obey me or i shall kill yew with mah cuteness!
ha ha i am trying to update and my adorable kitten patrick won't leave me alone. he is verrrry interested in the computer keys.
school was alright. i find i am reading a lot lately. for my english classes i am reading the books "tuesdays with morrie" and "dogsong" i think tuesdays with morrie is really good so far. i also picked up another book called "i am david" for extra credit and i've begun reading the book my brother has to read for his english class "friction" wow too much reading. but friction is really good and i haven't started i am david yet.
a sign i am getting old: when i purchase a teen magazine and don't know who the hell half the people in it are. psssh not like i care i only bought it because i need fob pics for my collage.
going on a field trip to a college soon. it should be fun.
anyway it is thursday and that means the brand new chapter of 'sixteen' so i hope people come around and read it cause i am really proud of it and i really like this chapter and the next one.
chapter seven: i need my posion to keep me sane
ada's heart beat fast as the excitment filled the kitchen. the others around her grinned their toothy grins and she could smell their need already. after all they all did need it. they needed to go and drink blood, they needed to attack humans. but ada didn't want it...she didn't want to need it. caiden came around and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"we get to feed. aren't you excited ada?" caiden asked and ada let her lips pull into a fake smile as she showed false enthusiam for the night's feeding. it seemed that the clan hadn't fed in a few days as nearly everyone grew excited at the prospect of eating. it could be that they were hungry or it could be that they were excited for the chase.
"get ready children. we leave in an hour." beckett said as he waltzed away to his room. the others began talking amoungst themselves perhaps to make plans for the night.
"caiden, i'm going to go and tell gray that we're eating tonight." she told him and for once caiden was too wrapped up in other things to notice her so she slipped away easily. fear and dread filled ada as she made her way back to her room. she couldn't go on the hunt tonight. there was no way she could go! they didn't know, none of them knew that she hadn't drank blood for nearly a month now.
ada burst into her room only to find that gray was already awake and gone, she didn't care in the moment where he was because her need to think of a way out of the feeding outweighed everything else. ada closed the door behind her and grabbed for her long black trench coat that hung on the back of the door. she made for the pockets greedily sticking her hands inside. upon finding what she was looking for she pulled it out.
a long vial rested in her hand for a moment ada calmed down until she took a closer look at the vial and noticed it was empty. she dropped the empty vial on the floor letting it rest at her feet as she dug around in search of more. ada pulled out five more vial's and to her horror each was empty the last drops of an acidic green substance clinging to the vial.
ada continued her search in vain because she knew that all the vial's were empty and she knew she had no more. she stood frozen to the spot in the room before slumping down against the door and resting her head on her knees. she was completly defensless without the serum. the bright green serum was an antidote of sorts that allowed a vampire to survive without drinking blood. ada had been using it before she left and hadn't looked back since. she had had a large supply but as she grew closer to home the antidote dealers became scarcer and scarcer.
she knew now that she couldn't stop it. she couldn't protect herself from the unbridled bloodlust that all vampires had. no matter how hard she fought. ada knew that tonight she would be won over by the truly animalistic side of herself.
ada sat like that for a while unmoving and letting her mind soak in the realization of it all. back when she had first been turned she hunted like all the others and she drank blood to survive. she did it for all those years and god help her she enjoyed it but after she had turned gray the thought of drinking from humans became less appetizing, the thought of hurting humans seemed less fun and ada felt herself changing.
she was no longer like the others, she had developed a concious. ada knew all along that she was different, from the very moment she was changed because she could remember being human and she could recall being changed. she could remember these things while the other's could not.
ada being different was also the reason she had left the clan. she couldn't take hurting people anymore and she was feeling more human then ever despite the dark cravings for blood. ada also knew beckett's grand plan, the one he was so ready to put into action and ada thought that maybe she could stop it all if she went to get help.
so that's what ada had done she had left her clan to seek help in the form of people like herself, vampires who remembered too much about who they used to be. vampires who didn't want to be vampires anymore. ada had travled from chicago to new york where they were located.
the things that had happened there, ada's draining mind did not want to think about so she instead sat there against her cool wooden door. she sat there for a good while before she heard a knock on her door that served to startle her.
"ada, you here?" it was caiden and once again he had come to look for her, ada looked back at the closed door contemplating wheter or not to open it. she wasn't feeling the loathing and annoyance for caiden that she had been earlier, she blamed it on the rapidly increasing need of blood in her system. either way ada stood and opened the door.
a grinning caiden stood before her and part of ada warmed towards him because she could remember how much she liked him.
"you ready? we're leaving soon." he said as he offered her his outstreched hand, she hesitated for a moment still trying to figure out a way to avoid the hunt all together, but as caiden's smile widened and her brain grew fuzzier she found that saying yes was far easier because it didn't feel real. it didn't feel like her. she placed her hand in his and he lead her away.
the clan, her makeshift or only family, met up on the front lawn. some sort of unholy congregation. the fourty or so members of said congregation standing assembled on the front lawn. ada pleasantly standing in the front row next to caiden and remy. their leader, the closest thing to god that they'd ever meet, beckett stood out before them basking in the glow of his children, his minions.
they all stood drenched in the moonlight and ada felt nearly perfect in this moment. she was in her group, in her element and without the aid of her antidote the reason's for her leaving this perfection seemed to melt away. just as the reasonable sensible ada was slipping away, rapidly being replaced by the truly vampric ada the one who lived on only one thing. the pure animalistic instinct.
the cool night breeze blew around them and ada could feel the excitment already and it was nearly intoxicating. after so long of not hunting of not doing this she had forgotten how exhilarating it could all be. she remembered the basic animal instict and part of her still felt afraid of it but it was a very small part.
it was taking her over and normally it would be terrifying to have the unholy creature become her but right now she didn't care because right now she wanted to be anyone but her. she felt her heart beat too fast and she felt dizzy, she heard mumbled talking and she felt the last bit of her concious slip away.
~red~ |
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Wednesday, October 3, 2007
i'm in the business of misery, let's take it from the top
Remember me saying I didn’t feel too well as of late well my mom told me that a few other people weren’t feeling well either and that the stomach flu is going around. Aaahh I hope I don’t have that it would be awful but I am feeling queasy lately like yesterday when I was eating breakfast at school. And a bit now (and I just finished breakfast)
School yesterday was fine. We didn’t do anything too spectactular though I am trying to get my school to support the charity ‘invisible children.’ Really if you have time you should check out the website ( and also you could watch the fall out boy video (me+you) and see their take on it.
Mmm the cute boy from my 5th hour told me he went to warped tour over the summer. He said he met and talked to shaant from cute is what we aim for and haley from paramore, and that he stood close to aaron Gillespie from the almost. I told him I hated him, but I was only kidding because really he is a nice person.
The myo user shadowme wrote me a poem yesterday and it’s so awesome. She has a great writing style.
Not much else going on, I want to find a Halloween costume. I might look this weekend I don’t wanna go all crazy with it I just want some kitty ears or some wings. I loved jenny’s idea of her, me and some others going as fall out boy. Mwahahaha that makes me giggle.
Okay I shall chat with you all later.
found this picture:
now there is a reason for this, it is a small movement pete is doing. he is asking that people take pics of themselves with light bulbs to show they can't put the lights out on the suffering.
*grabs lightbulb*
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Tuesday, October 2, 2007
tell that scene kid he just made my list of things to do today
well the first thing you might notice is that i changed my theme! well to be more accurate jenny did it for me. i wuv her bunches. this month's theme is clandestine industries also know as pete wentz's clothing line. plus it kinda looks halloweenish. so do you guys like it? i do but i will miss the peterick.
mmm well despite danielle's wishes i called danny on sunday and asked him about the drinking incident and he didn't even remember saying that to me so i guess that was as close to an apology as i could get. we talked for a bit, it was good to hear his voice. though his cell kept losing the call so eventually i didn't call him back and neither did he.
oh i didn't go to school yesterday but that was because i really didn't feel good. i think it was some questtionable food i had eaten.
and i know that yesterday was supposed to be the latest chapter of murder and lyrics but i actually don't have it written for once. so sorry to all you murder and lyrics fans (all two of you) XD i'll put it up next week. if anyone even remembers or cares about it.
eh i feel like writing some wentz like poetry but i can't get anything to leap forth and inspire me as i usually do. i feel like i wanna write stuff but nothing comes. i mean i really wanna write more chapters for 'sixteen' even though i am so far ahead on that story that it's not even funny but it seems i can't connect with it. hmmmm maybe i'm due for some writer's block?
pictures of vampires cause i feel like it:

william beckett as the vampire leader who i found out is named 'dr. sundown' from the 'little less sixteen candles' fall out boy video.

vampire pete though you can barely see him.

brendon urie as a vampire and he looks hawt.
ok i am done now so i'll chat with you guys later.
~red~ |
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Sunday, September 30, 2007
i knew that the lights of the city were too heavy for me. (as long as your the city and the light is your voice)
i had a pretty good weekend. on friday i began my attempt to plan a trip to the bowling alley (harder then it sounds) so then my friend danielle and i decided to go and see a movie so we went and saw the movie 'superbad' which was so funny. i loved it to death. michale cera [evan in the movie] is so my boyfriend now. XD after the movie danielle had to leave quick so i was stuck alone in a parking lot of an empty movie theather a good twenty minutes alone. luckily jenny was up so i called and talked to her until my mom arrived.
then saturday we were supposed to go bowling. it was supposed to be five people but slowly people backed out and one of these people was supposed to be danny so i called him and he said he was drunk intially i didn't believe him but then he goes:
him: "wait, who is this?"
me: "it's cassie."
him: "cassie? cassie who?"
me: "danny" (i was thinking he was joking)
him: do i know a cassie?
me:"..." *hang up the phone*
needless to say i wasn't happy. i was hurt. why would he say that? why do i care so damn much? why do i let him keep hurting me? perhaps he was kidding but still it wasn't a nice thing to do. my greatest fear is being forgotten and he did just that. he never called back so yeah maybe the truth comes out when you're drinking and maybe he just doesn't want to be my friend anymore? fuck i gotta stop letting myself care. and people wonder why i'm afraid to call him. -sigh-
(at the request of the person involved i changed names to protect the innocent)
then i got a call from my friend molly and molly wanted to go somewhere so i met her up at a gas station and we drove around. now molly is going through some troubles with her mom and girlfriend so we drove past said girlfriends house. after doing this two or three times we looked for a place to park so we parked in a 'rent-a-center' parking lot and we called the girlfriend's sister. no one ever anwsered sp we pranked called someone who deserved it but they didn't anwser so we left loud music on their anwsering machine.
then molly used my cell to call her girlfriend and they talked and she used up my remaining minutes but it was alright cause she gave me five bucks as pay back. we decided to meet up with molly's girlfriend but first we went and got some mcdonalds and we ate and talked then we went and got pop. then we waited and molly's girlfriend showed up and then i felt kinda like a third wheel...only kinda though. so the girlfriend named anna got in the truck and we went to a store then we went to anna's house and i tired to let molly and anna be alone so then anna's sister and her sister's girlfriend show up and then i felt awkward. then it was time to go and molly and anna were sad which made me sad so then molly took me home and that was that.
that was kinda long so i'll end it there.
~red~ |
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Thursday, September 27, 2007
waltz for venus
yesterday was a kinda normal day that turned out better then i expected. my friend danielle came up to the school at lunch time and i saw her and was like "oh mah god danielle!" then i glomped her kinda. XD it was so so great seeing her and talking to her because it was like she never left at all. we just gell so well together and it's always fun. she stayed throughout lunch and into about half of my fifth hour. where we chated about people and things and danny and we decided to hang out this weekend so she's gonna call me on friday. all-in-all i was so happy to see danielle, she is one of my dearest friends and i wuff her.
yesterday was also count day where our school needs people to come so they'll get more money. they promised us a surprise and it ended up being one slice of pizza. woopie...i didn't eat mine though because i wasn't hungry. our senior advisor also gave us doughnuts in the morning but i wasn't hungry then either.
i have an assignment in my english 11 class where i have to find a song that has to do with transforming the way you think. so i spent the entire third hour scouring for songs on my mp3 player and trying to delve deep into the lyrics. i really wanna use a fall out boy song but at the moment i can't find one that fits right.
oh i gots mah letter from jenny today and hooray she sent me two fob pics for my collage. her letter was great too and i just wuff jenny so much. *huggles for jenny*
oh and it's thursday so that means it's time for the latest chapter of sixteen. this chapter i would say is about medium length but it does introduce new characters!
chapter six: prelude to a nightmare
inside the large kitchen sat ten or so vampires, mostly young males seated around the table. upon seeing ada their faces either went into complete shock or grew angry. one of them who was sitting nearest caiden and ada jumped up from the table.
"traitor!" he yelled as he pointed an accusatory finger at ada. ada who had already expected this wasn't surprised by the outburst.
"walker, sit down man." caiden said to the man as he came to stand infront of ada. the man named walker was a tall muscular man with medium length shaggy hair, brown eyes and his face adorned with stubble. he was a normally handsome man who one would think had the apperance of a college student, but in this moment walker's handsomeness was lost in his anger towards ada. his lips were drawn back into a snarl and his teeth glistened in the light of the kitchen. walker turned his angry gaze from ada to caiden.
"caiden! how dare you forgive this traitor!" walker yelled at caiden.
caiden grimaced at the man. "listen walker it's fine now. beckett has forgiven her." he told him, still walker seemed less then convinced.
"perhaps beckett has made a mistake!" walker argued though his voice was lacking the confidence it once had. "she can't be trusted caiden! why would she suddenly return after so long?" he asked. ada felt as though she should anwser and defend herself but caiden was doing the job for her.
"walker you are one of my oldest friends so do not insult my intellegence by saying that ada cannot be trusted! you know as well as i do that ada is one of the most loyal of our kind!" caiden said as he glanced back at ada and even though he was saying these things part of ada wondered if caiden himself held some doubt as to wheter she was still that loyal person.
"she was loyal. who knows what she is now." walker said as he peered at ada from behind caiden. ada was tired now of keeping quite and even though she knew it best not to come out the gate running her mouth she couldn't help it.
"rest assured walker, if i had any intentions to betray you all, it would already be done." she said as she came to stand by caiden. walker gave her an intense i-so-am-loathing-you-right-now sort of look before he scoffed and turned his back on them.
"say what you will but i am not convinced." he said as he reclaimed his seat at the wooden table his back to ada and caiden.
"you are quite overdramatic aren't you walker?" a male voice said from the second enterance of the kitchen. ada turned her head to see a male vampire standing there leaning against the arch in the doorway. the vampire ada recongized as remy another of beckett's favorite 'children' if ada was the favorite female then remy could easily be considered the favorite male.
"i for one am so please to have dearest ada back home again." he said in an all too cool somewhat snobbish voice. remy was frail and lean and beautiful enough to be mistaken for a woman on several occasions. he had very girlish features and it didn't help that he adorned himself with a wide array of eye make up. remy's hair was a sleek and shiny light brown and again styled in that oh so trendy scene kid fashion. remy's bangs fell heavy over his left eye but not long enough that you wouldn't be able to see the honey brown made up eyes that remy took such pride in.
ada smiled at remy, she had always gotten along with him pretty well, she had no real complaints about him. remy returned her smile and strode his way over to her and caiden. he slid inbetween them and rested his arms one on each of their shoulders.
"and besides, she always knows how to keep caiden in check." he said as he accentuated the last word with a click of his tongue and a flick to caiden's earlobe before he just as smoothly slid away from them and moved over to the table.
"just like beckett keeps you in check rem?" caiden said a sly grin plastered on his face.
"hmmm do i detect a hint of jealousy caiden? what do you wish beckett would take you as a lover too?" remy asked as he returned the sly grin and leaned against the table. it was a well known fact in the clan that remy was the lover of beckett hence why remy was one of beckett's favorites. most say either out of jealousy or honest opinion that beckett only favors remy because remy is willing to use his body.
caiden laughed because despite exchanging insults he and remy were actually good friends and they had been even before ada was turned. ada was pleased that things seemed to finally settle down in the kitchen and things were eased. ada made her way over to the table despite walker's glares.
before ada could be seated though another voice filled the room.
"oh my, were my children fighting?" beckett asked as he rounded the same corner that remy had emerged from moments earlier. beckett made his way into the center of the room and all noise fell silent. walker looked nervous and his eyes darted from caiden to ada apparently afraid that one of them would snitch on him. ada didn't think about telling beckett about walker's suspicions, in the end it would prove her loyalty more if she said nothing at all.
"no father. just a lively conversation." ada told him as she grinned at him and her fellow vampire brethren. beckett smiled and he seemed in a much better mood today, probably due to remy.
"good to hear, after all we can't go turning on one another." beckett said as he moved to the window in the kitchen. he pulled back the curtain and peered out into the twilight sky. the sun had already gone down and the sky was painted a glorious purple color. already ada could smell the excitment in the air of the kitchen as beckett turned around to face them.
"are you hungry my children?" he asked a grin spread across his face. a few of the vampires nodded and some anwsered him directly. upon his question ada's stomach dropped and she tried to ignore the nagging in the back of her mind and the thumping that rang into her teeth.
"i hope you are because tonight we eat." beckett proclaimed as he turned to stare back out at the twilight sky.
i like remy too, he's a checky one that he is. XD aaaaaannnnnd i'm still on the fence with caiden.
~red~ |
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