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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Wednesday, September 26, 2007
oh it's what you do to me
Hi guys,
Well the picture taking yesterday was for the most part quick and easy. Though it was hot and humid as hell in the school and I was afraid that my hair would sweat out the straightening I had given it. In the end it was alright and my pic came out fine and I got my school id. Ha my hair is so dark and straight it looks a little like Indian hair, or like my brother said cher’s old hair.
I also managed to make a new friend yesterday. She is a senior named Taylor and she’s nice I was designated to show her the ropes during zero and first hour. She’s also in my second hour and we talked then and we also walked down to pictures together and talked while in line. She really doesn’t have any of my other classes but I don’t mind too much.
I saw Frankie from my chemical romance on the tattoo show ‘L.A. ink’ he got a tattoo of his grandpa on his arm. It was cool.
Yesterday my brother told me that I was projecting my feelings for a certain someone on a certain someone else who I still really don’t want to look at. I don’t believe it. I can separate the two in mah mind! And it’s not an obsession he is just ungodly hot.

i'm in a william beckett kind of mood.
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Tuesday, September 25, 2007
you're the only tenessee
Yesterday was a good day. It was pretty boring but I guess that’s usual for Monday’s. we did a lot of copying things down onto paper. We did get to go and play with the autistic kids which is always great. Me and this guy named vinnie worked with this little boy with Down syndrome named mylus. It was cute, we got to make cookies with him and play dough and it was really cool.
Today is picture day and I did straighten my hair which took me a good hour and an half. But it is pretty; I hope somebody notices that’s what I did. I don’t know what time we’re getting pics done but I hear that we have to get school Id’s done today and wear them around…I’m not feeling that.
Mmmmm I’m also having a tiny problem, finding my self looking at a boy far too much. He’s very handsome and a pro skateboarder and he’s in my senior classes and my fifth hour in which I sit next to him but also even though he doesn’t look like it he is quite nice too and funny. Ah I just gotta remind myself not to look at him.
I have a test today in government…wish meh luck!
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Monday, September 24, 2007
when i see your smile tears roll down my face
not alot has happened. tomorrow is picture day and i have no idea what i want to wear and i gotta straighten my hair which takes forever. blah stupid picture day.
danny got his cell phone fixed so i was thinking of calling him sometime this week...if i stop being a total coward. what the hell am i afraid of? it's just danny. i used to talk to him everyday. grrr i don't get my own mind sometimes. hmmm maybe he should call me? yeah, but i don't see him doing that.
anyhoo i am so in love with my kitten patrick. he is pure adorableness. he's so cute and fluffy and he's got big wide blue eyes and he's a chubby little thing, and he has such a funny little personality. he's taken a liking to crawling up on my blanket while i'm sleeping so i feel a fuzzy kitten next to my foot when i wake up. he also likes to walk on my head. i must put a picture up of him sometime soon because you all would just think he was so cute.
i asked my mom if my dear friend jenny could move in with us and she was like "yeah." and i was like "for reals?" and she was like "yeah." huzzah, i would love if jenny lived with meh.
ugh i got assigned to be yearbook editor for the yearbook class and i don't really want to be but i had the title forced upon me because i was the only yearbook veteran in the room.
ok well i am keeping this short because it is time for the newest chapter of murder and lyrics. i hope people read it, i'm sorry if it's kinda boring but it picks up soon trust me because we are kinda creeping towards the ending. so yeah read and enjoy.
murder and lyrics:
chapter seventeen: money makes the world go round
danielle had left the meeting with josiah not with the case breaking information she had hoped for but his info wasn't bad. daniel and jake had gotten into an argument the day before he died. jake hadn't mentioned that or that he had met with josiah and daniel either. but cassie hadn't mentioned that daniel and jake were on bad terms so maybe the argument wasn't as bad as she thought.
either way danielle called up timothy and met up with him at the station.
"get this." he said to her as the duo sat in her office. danielle looked up from the paper she was filling out to look at timothy.
"daniel and his old friend jake were in a band back when they were teenagers." he told her as he took a seat across from her. danielle failed to see the importance of this fact.
"so?" she asked as she wondered where he got that information.
"so they were planning on becoming famous together. but then their band broke up and daniel joined a new band, the same band that got him insanely famous." timothy told her as he seperated papers into piles on the table before them.
"what you think maybe jake was jealous? or held a grudge or something?" danielle asked
"maybe at first." timothy began "but then i'd say that jake rather liked having daniel in the music business." he said
"what do you mean?" she asked as she continued to comb through the piles of papers on the desk.
"well, it looks as if daniel was paying jake's living expenses for the last year and a half." timothy said as he held up a paper that listed a series of different numbers.
"these are a list of different bills all in jake's name but not paid by jake, some are paid under the intials D.H. and some are just nameless cash exchanges." timothy finished as he scanned the paper.
"so you think jake enjoyed the free ride?" danielle asked. timothy nodded and it seemed reasoniable.
"if that's true then jake wouldn't want daniel dead or hurt because then his cash would be gone. so why wouldn't he warn daniel or the police about the potential threats that lexi was making?" timothy wondered out loud.
"he was afraid." danielle said as she remembered back to when she had asked jake that same question.
"afraid that he end up the way daniel did." she added.
"but, josiah told me that daniel mentioned that he wanted to take a break for awhile. stop performing for a bit, jake got upset and they argued."
"maybe jake was worried that daniel wouldn't be his cash cow anymore." timothy suggested
"i think we need to see cassie about this." danielle replied.
danielle and timothy called cassie and they found out she was at home, she agreed to meet with them so the duo drove there quickly. cassie lived in a slightly upscale apartment building far nicer then the one jake lived in. cassie was waiting for them out on the stoop of her building. she was dressed nearly the same as the first night they had met, in her casual jeans and another different t-shirt sporting the band's logo.
cassie greeted them warmly as they pulled up infront of her.
"we just want to ask you a few questions about daniel's finances." timothy said as he and cassie shook hands. cassie nodded.
"that's fine, what would you like to know?" she asked and danielle noted that it was the calmest they had ever seen her, she also noted that cassie seemed to have lost a bit of that unbearable sadness that had been surrounding her as of late.
"well, we were wondering if you knew anything about an agreement or deal between jake and danny?" timothy asked, cassie gave a blank stare as though she were searching her memories for any information.
"mmm what kind of deal?" she asked and danielle wondered if she didn't know or if she was just being reluctant to spill something she wouldn't have to.
"i mean did danny ever offer to pay things for jake? like electric bills, cell phones, rent?" timothy asked, this time cassie anwsered quickly.
"yeah, jake was a little hard up for cash so danny was being generous and said he would pay jake's bills for awhile." she told them. danielle and timothy nodded
"so how long did this arrangment take place?" danielle asked, cassie shrugged.
"i'm not sure exactly. i didn't handle danny's money." she told them as she moved to lean against the thick concrete railing.
"you didn't? but you were his manager/personal assistant." timothy argued, cassie shrugged again.
"yeah, but i was really horrible with numbers and danny knew that so we agreed that i wouldn't be the one to deal with his money. i only knew about the deal between them because danny told me about it." she said
"well then who did deal with his money?" timothy asked.
"well, it was someone from the 'oliver's accounting' business." she told them and promptly gave them their busines card. danielle and timothy had nothing more to ask cassie so they left, as they drove away they noticed a familar looking limo round the corner and park infront of cassie's place.
timothy called the accounting office as danielle drove and they found out they wouldn't be able to get daniel's records for two days. disapointed the detectives went back to file more paperwork.
why would jake risk daniel's life when he was paying jake's bills? why does cassie seem suddenly a lot less sad? why is josiah visiting her when he has such a tight schedule? find out next time!
p.s. out of curiosity whose your favorite muder and lyrics character?
~red~ |
Comments (6) |
Sunday, September 23, 2007
i can see the moon through my window
wow i must've been really brain dead when i last posted if i forgot to mention two very important things that happened at school. oddly enough both of these events happened on thursday and around the same time.
it was thursday at lunch and i usually eat lunch in my english teacher's room because her room is really more like a living room then a classroom and i've been eating there since i was a freshman. anyway my english teacher's room was open when i went down there but she was no where to be found. i thought she was just late so i went and got my lunch and came back but she still wasn't back. and to make matters worse she sells pops at lunch time so in seconds a mob of students came in to buy pops but she wasn't around and the only one who was, was me. so i stepped up and took control of the school store and sold pops and made change and what not.
well then moments later a see a girl walk in and it takes me a moment before i realize that it's my old friend sabrina. she graduated my freshman year. regardless it was good to see her and we caught up and i showed her last year's yearbook and we talked about jobs and everything. then she saw a few pics of danny and i in the yearbook so she goes on this long rant about him being my boyfriend. ah my brother wasn't helping the matter. i found out she was getting married and i thought that was cool except her boyfriend is waaaay too controlling of her. also to her credit she helped me open up when i was a freshman and she gave me the nickname 'cussin cassie' and 'cabbage patch' ah i miss my old senior friends.
anyway on to the second thing. so my teacher comes back and asks who opened her class room door. i told her it was open when i came down and i gave her the money from the school store at lunch so she goes over to the unlocked cash box and freaks out and says that $60 worth of money in $1 bills was taken. i wasn't in trouble because i didn't know the box was over there and unlocked. in fact she said i stepped up. in the end we found the money and the guy who took it. and it turns out that the guy after he took the money came back and bought a pop from me. the nerv of him.
oh and i am about 75% sure that my friend tim had a mad crush on danny...yeah i am almost sure. he always talks about him to me and i'm just like yeah, i miss him too. but he said he loved danny and i was just like....yeah, he's great. oh man.
anyway's i leave you with a poem or two and thanks to anyone who left me comments [jenny] i know i can always count on yew.
"chipped nail polish"
chipped nail polish coated fingers trail down your back
leaving red marks to go along with our rythm
a wet kiss to the lips to match the wetness on my cheeks
can you taste the alcohol in the air?
it tastes the same as you
sharp teeth bite down on the crook of my neck
our hips crash but i couldn't care less
you're eyes are anywhere but on mine
i don't mind because i don't really want to see the words reflected in them
a groan breaks the silence and i match it
you fall down beside me and i push myself to you
heavy breathing is all i hear
i can feel the awkwardness already
and it feels just like you.
yeah....that was written a pretty long time ago, but i still like it. who wants to guess what it's about? XD
"he said, she said."
he said "you're my bestfriend." she said "you're mine too."
he said "you mean something to me." she said "prove it."
he said "i can say i love you in a friendly way, i love you." she said "please, don't ever say that to me."
he said "i have emotional problems." she said "i want to fix you."
he said "you're pretty." she said "i don't believe you."
he said "i miss you." she said "i miss you too."
he said "i'm not a good guy." she said "i believe that you are."
he said "i'm not coming back." she said "please don't leave me."
he said "goodbye." she said "i love you."
oh i like that one alot it's sad but it's good at the same time.
anyway i hope you enjoyed those and i hope i get more then three comments. not hopeful.
~red~ |
Comments (3) |
Friday, September 21, 2007
window panes and spirit days
Mood: tired
Listening to: people chatter
Currently: in the computer lab.
Eh I finally had a free day in my second hour class and I can be on the myo. I only just remembered that I need to update. D’oh.
Mmmm well today is the last day of spirit week and it’s red and white day and I wore my school hoodie so yeah I showed my support. I also didn’t feel like doing my work in 1st hour and I made my computer teacher listen to fall out boy on my mp3 player. He didn’t like Chicago is so two years ago.
I’m back in the lab but still doing absolutely nothing. Third, fourth, and fifth hour were all boring. This day is far too slow.
More peeps asked me about Danny, Timmmy told me he thought I knew Danny for a long time because he said we seemed really close but I was like “nope, I met him the same time you did.”
Homecoming is today but I’m not going because I don’t wanna. We might be having a prep rally type deally next hour but no one is sure.
Yeah nothing is coming to mind to post about. I am sad that my site is getting no hits as of late, Poor site. *weeps*
oh and this is the fall out boy shirt i bought:

Comments (4) |
Thursday, September 20, 2007
it was a lyrical lie
mood: creativly angsty
listening to: unexpected places-the academy is...
currently: wanna write something but i have no idea what.
Redmoonchick Responds:
sayanachan: i saw a panic! porno mime t-shirt and it scared the crap outta me. ha ha yesh! i'll bring the snacks and gas money and we'll go and get jenny. XD of course i would put it up! it's genius!
jenny: blast that's what i forgot. tomorrow i will put i pick up. *writes sticky note* ah does one of the geese die? i didn't go to school so i didn't see the ending! nooooo don't give up on school. you need an education. you are smart and talented and need to come live with meh and we'll go to the same school. don't feel bad for being sad, everyone gets sad sometimes. i already think you drawings are awesome jenny. i still love the one of me+you.
danny: le gasp. how short did you cut it? ah i only see what you look like via your myspace pics. i guess i need to see you in person. XD i like your hair long. it's pretteh.
shadowme: i never actually saw the interview just got the quote from wiki. *throws confetti* woooooo for not stalking/molesting/murdering someone! XD
hi guys,
i didn't go to school yesterday, i was really tired. now i feel bad for not going. whatever i'm sure it's fine.
mmm the other day was animal day at school and i didn't dress up but a few of my friends did and my english teacher had a trigun kitty hat and i told her i had a plushie of it and she said she wanted it.
mmmm i also had to have a fifteen minute conference with my counsler so i could get my 2nd hr changed and i did. i changed it from math to geography so now i have computer lab. holla. XD but then my former math teacher called for me so i had to go and talk with her about why i switched. she said she felt like she failed me. i told her it had nothing to do with her and everything to do with the disgusting idiots in my former math class.
surprisingly my brother was bringing up danny a lot yesterday. i think he probably misses him even though he says danny and i were a lot closer. hmmmm i dunno it feels like a million years ago since i saw him or danielle.
[it's actually been since may that i've seen him and i think june for danielle] ha i must see them again sometime.
had the strangest dream. i dreamt that i was in a van with joe and andy from fall out boy and i think my brother and jenny were there and i kept asking where patrick was. also in the dream jenny met brendon from panic at the disco and i wanted to go meet him but they wouldn't let me through. also in the dream i read that danny's old band 'not waving just drowning' was on the radio and i think i got mad that i never heard them. also other really weird danny-ness like he was on a tv show and dressed like a villain....what the fuck? no more dreams please.
oh my gosh i was watching tv and then i heard this song playing and it's "i'm not okay i promise" by mcr and it's being used for a car commerical! anyone else find that messed up?
don't wanna make this too long. so here is the latest chapter of 'sixteen' and i'm glad that someone else likes gray.
chapter five: jealousy is the cousin of greed
that day gray and ada slept side by side but fully clothed. it was a good decision because within a few hours of sunset caiden came bursting into the room, no doubt eager to seperate ada and gray or to catch them in a compromising situation.
"gray wake up! you have chores to do!" caiden said sternly as he shook caiden awake from his spot of clinging to ada's back. ada turned to look at caiden.
"what chores are you talking about?" she asked as she streched and yawned, annoyed that he had awaken her.
"he's been doing chores while you were away to earn his keep." caiden said sounding unhappy and practicaly glaring at the dazed and groggy gray.
"well i'm back now, so he doesn't have to do anything." she said as she sat up and slid off the bed. gray made like he was going to get up but ada stopped him. "if you're still tired then sleep here gray." she told him. gray looked uncertain if he should except or not but in the end he collapsed back onto her bed.
caiden gave her a look but she breezed past him and out the bedroom door. ada didn't know why she was so eager to leave the safety of her room, considering that she'd have to face her fellow vampire breathren. just because beckett forgave her didn't mean the others did and she imagined her welcome would be less then warm. caiden caught up with her in the halll and began walking in stride with her and she noticed he looked softer now that they were alone.
"did you do anything with gray last night?" he asked. ada shot him the same look he had given her just moments ago.
"no caiden, nothing happened. just sleep." she told him as she folded her arms across her chest. caiden seemed unconvinced.
"you smell just like him!" caiden said as if the thought of them together disgusted him.
"hello, i was sleeping next to him!" ada replied, growing more and more annoyed with him by the second. by now the two of them were almost to the kitchen and ada wanted to wrap up this conversation.
"that doesn't explain his scent on your lips." caiden told her and ada cursed his superior smell.
"fine it was just a kiss!" ada admitted thinking it best not to lie in these situations. caiden looked at her and sighed.
"what's with you ada? you act like you don't wanna be around me. before you left we were together. you said you loved me!" caiden practically yelled at her and ada wished he wouldn't bring up the past. the person she was then and the one she was now were different. caiden had always been like this. far too jealous for his own good.
"don't play so innocent caiden. i know you were with someone else while i was away. did you really think i couldn't smell her all over you?" she asked. caiden grimaced and in one quick movement he pushed ada against the wall preventing her from rounding the corner and going into the kitchen.
"you know no one could ever replace you ada." caiden whispered into her ear. ada rolled her eyes and pushed caiden away before walking into the kitchen with caiden on her heels.
maybe caiden is bi polar? ha i heart him though.
Comments (6) |
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
you're never gonna fit in much kid
mood: lonely
listening to: wifeswap-on abc
currently: feeling like i'm fighting a losing battle
hi guys,
well yesterday was the first day of spirit week and i totally repersented fall out boy on groupie day and i got a couple compliments, one was "your shirt is awesome" and the other was "i love your shirt! i love pete wentz! imma skin ashlee simpson!" ha coolness. there were only four other people who dressed up two of them being teachers so we took a pic for the yearbook and we all had to lie on the floor, i wasn't thrilled about it but it came out good. today is dress like your favorite animal day, hmmmm i don't know if i can pull that one off. but i will try.
we're watching movies in two of my classes though. we're watching 'fly away home' in english and 'boys in da hood' in my other english class. that's something to look forward to.
mmmm i think my friend tim thought i was hitting on him today, mostly because he wore his white and silver clandestine belt and he knows how much i want the belt so during lunch i told him i was gonna tackle him and steal it and i touched it and he was all like:
"hey did you know i'm going out with [insert girl name here]?" and i was like "say what?" ha ha high school hook up's happen so fast. it's crazy.
i've noticed how much unhappier i am this year opposed to last year, i mean last year i couldn't wait to go to school every day but now i dread it more then anything and that's really sad.
i'm worried about jenny [shallow heart] i just hate when she's sad.
oh the super awesome krissy a.k.a sayanachan drew this sweet pic of gray from my story 'sixteen' it is so awesome and i heart her and everyone should go and visit her art and vote and what not because she deserves it.
 Grayscale | Hosted By
oh i don't know if i mentioned this but my doctor wants me to lose 10 pounds by mid october sounds easy enough but i literally have no time to go to the gym. blah and it doesn't help that my brother doesn't believe i can do it.
alright i leave you know with a quote:
joe trohman was talking to pete and patrick during an interview:
"You guys should just make lo-You guys should get married." (to Pete and Patrick)
Patrick: "We are."
ha ha i knew it! XD
~red~ |
Comments (4) |
Monday, September 17, 2007
when it all comes crashing down
mood: anxious
listening to: snakes on a plane (bring it)- cobra starship
currently: shivering
Redmoonchick Responds:
sayanachan: we had cooler ones but they got voted against. i was watching mtv on demand so they don't show it on normal tv though i saw a panic! interview and thought of yew. ah dude yes! i saw the pic of gray and i love it! imma put it up on here tomorrow if you don't mind. cause you are so talented!
jd person: ah yes, that's pete for you making everyone self concious about themselves.
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: sadly not really kissing but we can all imagine they are right? mmmm well my parents are split up so he doesn't live with us.
shadowme: no molesting the danny *slaps hand* molesting and licking is strictly prohibited though guitar licking is fine as long as he isn't holding it. XD yup fob's new video is for the song "i'm like a laywer with the way i'm always trying to get you off" (me+you) it's so good. go and watch it!
angel zakuro: i know, school is killing me so i am rarely on the computer anymore. but i shall try to visit as soon as i can.
hi guys,
ah first off people shouldn't let me listen to the band "red jumpsuit apparatus" trust me it's so not good for my emotions. ecspecially your gaurdian angel cause someone once promised that they'd play that song for meh but alas i never got to see it. blargh. oh cute is what we aim for is on now, i iz feeling better already! ha
my dad came over yesterday. after not seeing him since june. i was glad to see him but i was dissapointed. he still didn't tell me about the possiblility that he may have colon cancer, so i hagve to act all dumb when he says that he was 'sick' and pretend like i don't know, man you don't know how much i wanted to say something. i mean i get that he's trying to spare my feelings and he doesn't want me to worry because i guess his exact words were "don't tell cassandra, you know how she worries." but i mean come on! you're my dad and this is important i should be let in the loop darn it! what happens if he does end up being sick then they'll tell me and i'm suppose to be like "where did this come from." ugh i think i'll bring it up with him next weekend.
speaking of my dad he let me use him computer to put music on my mp3 player so i added at least 25 more songs including more fall out boy and red jumpsuit apparatus and things of that nature. also i felt just the slightest bit ignored by him because he and my brother were watching football so i was just there. mmmm i told my mom later and she told him and he pulled me aside and told me to never think that he loves my brother more then me. i dunno sometimes i feel like my bro is the freaken golden child or something.
hmmm this post is getting off hand. well i am a bit nervous about school only because i was made fun of after school on thursday. just the usual "look at that fat bitch, she is your girlfriend." "fuck that she's your girlfriend" thing. -sigh- well at least i made it what a week and three days without someone saying something. i just need to suck it up. it's not like it's the first time it happened. those times really make me miss danielle.
whatever i'm over it. gah why do i feel depressed? i was happy earlier! i was! *shakes fist at emo brain* i guess i just miss all my friends.
anyway to shake off this funk here is the latest chapter of murder and lyrics. mmm i don't think this chapter is too long actually. oh well i hope you guys read it and like it.
"muder and lyrics"
chapter sixteen: let's do lunch
danielle had grown frustrated with the whole lot of people involved in this case. the overly sentimental cassandra, the mysterious josiah, the bitchy heiress lexi, the lying jake, and the dead daniel. it was the third day of the investigation and they were still basically at square one.
timothy must've seen her prickly discouragment as he sighed and looked at her with a grin.
"don't be down kerley. i think we can trust what jake told you, just because he lied about switching phones doesn't mean he lied about that." timothy told her after she had told him about jake's lie. when danielle didn't anwser he continued.
"i mean tons of people lie to us at least at first but you know that there is always some truth mixed in there." timothy told her in his attempt at rekindling her passion for this case. he knew all too well that a cop could get discouraged rather quickly when it feels like they aren't doing anything.
"maybe, you should go home for the night." he suggested when again she didn't say anything. danielle nodded and started up her car.
"right, well i'll call you tomorrow then." she told him as she put her car in reverse and pulled out of the parking lot. timothy nodded and waved her off. he sighed and ran his hand through his hair before putting his hat back on and driving off as well.
danielle woke up the next morning feeling a bit better. mostly because it was a knew day and also because she had a new opportunity for information. she was to meet with josiah hardwick today. before she got ready she decided to take belinda's advice and she looked up josiah and daniel on the internet. she was mildly surprised to find that belinda's site was one of the most popular when it came to daniel.
she learned very little important information about either of them so she decided to google cassie. she was surprised to find out information about her. she had a profile on an offshoot of one of daniel's sites. it was never a lot just pictures of the two together and info about her job and a few quotes from her. there was also disscussion of people talking about her. other then that there was little to be found.
danielle checked the clock and figured it was early enough to call josiah and see if she could set a meeting with him. she found herself slightly nervous as she grabbed her cell and called the number on the card he had given her. this time it only rang twice before someone picked up and danielle tried her best to swallow her nerves.
"hello?" she heard a silky smooth voice ask.
"i'm-i'm uh looking for josiah hardwick." danielle stammered out.
"this is the one and only." he said and she could tell he was grinning.
"uh, this is detective danielle kerley. we met yesterday at daniel hick's funeral." danielle said just a little too quickly.
"ah yes, detective. i remember." josiah said and danielle wasn't sure why that made her so happy. "are you calling about setting up a meeting with me?" he asked and danielle was taken aback by his bluntness.
"yeah, is this a good time?" she asked. there was a silence and danielle was sure she had interrupted something important.
"how bout this detective. we meet up for lunch? and we'll talk then." he said. danielle agreed and josiah gave her the name and directions to the local ritzy hollywood resturant. they decided to meet at noon and hung up. danielle feeling a great deal more nervous as noon grew ever closer.
at noon danielle drove to the resturant her badge pinned to her chest. she didn't anticipate how crowded the resturant would be and she had yet to spot josiah. her heart thumped wildly and she thought about leaving and rescheduling their meeting, but before she could do such a thing she spotted josiah in the crowd and he was waving to her.
moments later the duo was seated on an outside patio of the resturant nearly secluded in what danielle could only imagine was a VIP section. she rested her hands nervously on the white glass table as josiah sat staring at her a sly grin on her face.
"i thought in this meeting we would be talking detective." he said and danielle nodded before she pulled out her note pad and set it on the table.
"right well, for starters i heard that at first you and daniel weren't friends." she said and josiah nodded as he took a sip from the drink the waitress had brought him.
"right, we weren't at first i mean i had heard that he didn't care for me, but really i had no problem with him." he told her.
"well, how did the two of you meet?" she asked. josiah played with the brim of his hat as he anwsered her.
"oh you know one of those club things that celebrities have to go to. he was there and i guess once upon a time he had promised cassandra that he would introduce her to me." josiah said with a small laugh.
"so you met them both on the same night?" she asked and josiah nodded.
"yeah, it was really funny because he sorta just brought her up and like pushed her into me." josiah said his face now grinning as he remembered the night. "i guess she had some great crush on me while she was in high school, it was cute actually. though it made me feel old." josiah said with a laugh and danielle found herself grinning along with him.
"after that daniel and i got to talking and he realized we had more in common then he thought so we just became friends." josiah finished as he took another sip of his drink.
"i see, so what about the last day you saw him alive? what was it that the two of you talked about?" danielle had been waiting to ask him that for some time as she remembered his reaction to the question at the funeral.
"like i said before. we talked about doing a song together mostly but then daniel was saying some stuff that didn't seem important at the time but now...i don't know man." josiah said as he shook his head his dark hair flipping about.
"like what? what did he say?" danielle asked as she was praying for something like a break in the case. perhaps it was that josiah held the key to solving the case.
"well he was telling me that he was tired. he said he was tired of the hollywood scene, of the celebrity life, of the pressures, he said he was getting tired of it all." josiah said. this surprised danielle because according to the others daniel seemed more then happy with his life.
"i mean i told him that it was just stress but now i think maybe he was dissapointed or disillusioned about what being a celebrity was like. he told me that he wanted to take some time off maybe a year or something like that." josiah continued and danielle nodded as she listened.
"yeah, but then this jake guy was telling daniel that if he left the hollywood scene now that people would forget about him and that he wouldn't be famous anymore." josiah said.
"wait, jake was there at the meeting with you two?" danielle asked. josiah nodded.
"yeah, he was hanging with daniel while he was in town. he also pitched me his demo cd. but i mean then daniel said that he didn't care about not being famous anymore and that he needed a break and he wanted to be happy. then i dunno it got real awkward cause jake and daniel were arguing."
danielle nodded as she jotted down the information. they sat there a few minutes longer before josiah glanced at his watch.
"oh crap. i'm sorry detective but i've got to get going. i've got to get ready." he said as he stood from the table.
"ready? ready for what?" danielle asked as she too stood.
"i'm flying out of L.A in two day's." josiah told her. danielle nodded and thanked josiah and the duo parted ways.
okay it was semi long. ugh i'm sorry you guys i know no one wants to read long things. anyway why didn't jake ever mention that he went to lunch with josiah and daniel? or that he fought with daniel? or that he used to be in a band with daniel? and why is josiah leaving L.A?
~red~ |
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Sunday, September 16, 2007
your make-up looks so great next to his teeth
just an update to let you all know that i am alive.
.i missed school on friday but i did help my mom babysit.
.i saw fall out boy on tv so much this weekend that i was basically in heaven. it was so awesome. i also saw the new video for their song 'i'm like a lawyer with the way i'm always trying to get you off' it is so sad and so good, sad enough to make patrick cry after seeing it, i also saw joe on cribs and much fob videos. i looooooveeee it!
. my fall out boy t-shirt came in the mail on friday i am so happy. i love it sooo much. i'll see if i can find a pic later, but the shirt comes in good timing because monday kicks off spirit week at school and monday happens to be groupie day where you wear a band t-shirt.
.the other spirit days include: favorite animal day (where you dress up like your favorite animal), face painting day (details are skechy on that one), decade day (imma dress like a hippie), disney day (wooo i get to be a disney princess, i want mah crown now please.)
. my dad called me the other day and we talked nicely. he made fun of meh by calling danny my boyfriend and saying that i use the word 'like' far too much. he also told my brother that he may have colon cancer....something he didn't want to tell me because he didn't want me to worry but i mean come on! that's something i should know regardless of how upset i would get. i only know now because my brother told me but he wasn't supposed to because my dad said not too. needless to say i am very worried.
for the last two months my mom has been wanting us to move into a nice house with my grandma. i always viewed this as a empty suggestion but today we went looking for houses and found a nice one ironiclly right next door to where my grandparents lived when i was a kid. my mom is very excitied and wants to move badly. i wouldn't mind moving cause then i'd get my own room and things like that.
.mtv was comparing food to celebrities and they named one thing 'pizza wentz' ala pete wentz and 'pancake at the disco' ala panic at the disco, ha ha i lurve it.
. oh yeah that kid from my school who i thought died actually it was all some weird ass coincidence. the guy had the same name and lived in the same place but he was older so yeah good that he didn't die.
.uh i made this cool thing with a pic of danny because as always he is my perpetual muse, something like my mona lisa. ha ha sooo yeah here it is, let the eye humping begin.

not only does he have mad guitar skills he looks good holding one, some people have all the luck :]
also found this gem of a pic that i made and felt the need to reshare even though it's in my arcives.

words shall never express how funny i find this pic, ha ha i feel bad because he hates this. oh well there's like a 45% chance he'll read that anyway so i'm not too worried.
well my head kinda hurts so i shall be going now but i promise i will update regularly soon and update too.
~cassie~ |
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Thursday, September 13, 2007
style doesn't matter when you're on your back
mood: worn out.
listening to: we've got a big mess on our hands- the academy is...
currently: needing to go to bed early.
hi guys,
my brother didn't go to school yesterday, he said he didn't feel good. and i accidently whamed my head on a bar in the your ride van. damn my ear still hurts.
zero hour: mostly looked at handouts and talked to people about things like making a movie called "the immortal ninja for 1000 years" and things like that, it's always quite funny.
english 12: we made a list of people we would we follow as in leaders we liked and i put pete wentz on my list because he is a leader in a way. so then we had to pick one person to do a thing on and i chose him, that means i get to research him while at school. huzzah.
basic math: we continued watching stand and deliever i think we have about five minutes of it to watch tomorrow.
english 11: we had to write down then anwser focus questions but the conversations that were going on were priceless!
goverment: we did a work sheet it wasn't hard but we did have some drama, i guess i sit at the drama table.
physics: we had a free day because there was only two of us and i was leaving early so we ended up talking about movies and things like that.
i left before sixth hour because i had a doctor's appointment. but i found out that a kid who went to our school last year had died over the summer. i was really surprised because even though i didn't like him i didn't want him to die. i guess he had a drug overdose on perscription pills. it's kinda freaking me out cause he was younger then me.
oh my friend timmy he had one of those trigun kitty hats and i put it on during breakfast. but he wouldn't let me wear it too long but he did say that he would give me a button that says "cheer up emo kid." if he finds it.
went to my doctor's appointment and i am alright but my doctor decided to put me on birth control despite me not being sexually active i was like wth? but i guess it's suppose to help a small problem i have so i have to take one every day at the exact same time. blah meds freak me out.
mmmm i know this post is kinda long but it is time for the latest chapter of sixteen. not that a lot of people visit me anymore but imma post it anyway.
chapter four: gray, red, green and all the colors inbetween
ada had been more then surprised by the boy who had tackled her to the floor. she now lay on the dinning room floor with the boy on top of her and caiden looking down with a scowl on his handsome face.
"miss ada! miss ada! you've returned! i knew you would! i told them all that you would!" the boy said as he clung to ada, his head pressed against her chest.
"gray, i'm happy to see you, but you're crushing me." ada told the boy named gray. gray stopped and looked at her before blushing a bright red and leaping off the girl, he quickly offered a hand to ada before caiden could. ada took his hand and allowed herself to be pulled up. she surveyed the grinning gray.
gray appeared to be around sixteen years old. he was skinny and tall. gray had dark brown almost black hair that was styled in the pefect scene or emo kid fashion. his bangs covered the entire right side of his face. his dark brown eyes were warm with happiness, all in all gray was a cute guy.
"gray, you're hair got longer." she said and gray nodded happily.
"yes, miss ada! i didn't cut it while you were gone! i know you like it long!" he told her as he practicly teemed with execitment. ada smiled at the young man and caiden's frown grew deeper.
"i've missed you so much miss ada!" gray cried as he went to hug her again. "why'd you leave? where'd you go? why didn't you take me with you?" he asked. the words falling out of his mouth too fast.
"all your questions will be anwsered in due time gray. for now i think we should let ada rest." caiden said sounding less then pleased, and ada couldn't help but wonder how gray had managed to survive while she was gone.
"of course! come on miss ada! i'll show you to your room." gray annouced as he took ada's arm and attempted to pull her away. caiden stopped the young man by throwing his arm out blocking their way.
"no, gray. i meant she should rest alone." caiden said, still blocking the duo's way.
"oh" gray said his face dropping as he let go of ada's arm. ada turned back to look at caiden, by now ada decided that she had, had quite enough of him.
"actually, i'd love to have gray spend the night with me." she said as she looked into caiden's face. she considered this pay back for caiden carelessy assuming that she'd spend the night with him. caiden's face went blank for a moment before he recovered and looked upset.
"whatever." he said as he turned and strode away leaving gray and ada alone in the kitchen. gray then proceeded to lead ada through the back halls of the dinning room and around a corner, back to the back right side of the house where her room was located. she was one of the lucky ones she didn't have to share a room, mostly because she was one of the only females in the beckett clan.
she and gray reached her room and she pushed the door open, sighing in relife to see that everything was for the most part the same as when she had left, probably gray's doing. her room was a good size with it's green walls that caiden always said weren't meant for a vampire, and it's dark carpet, and the medium sized bed pushed against the wall because ada liked sleeping against the cool surface of the wall.
ada waltzed into the room and made a bee line for the bed flopping back onto it. it felt softer then it ever had and ada was thankful because she hadn't slept in a decent bed in weeks. she heard gray shut the door and in moments she felt a dip in the matress as gray climbed on with her. he turned on his side to face her and she did the same.
"i really missed you ada." gray told her as he looked into her eyes.
"i missed you too gray." she told him, and in truth she had missed him while she was away. the night she had left she had been so fed up with him that she left without saying goodbye, an action she later regretted as she came to miss him more and more.
"i'd do anything for you miss ada." gray said as he pressed himself closer to her body. ada reached out and pet him running her hand through his dark hair. she knew why gray was so devoted to her, why he cared so much for her. it was because gray was no ordinary vampire. gray was a semi-new vampire, and the reason he was so devoted to ada was because she had turned him. she had changed him from human to vampire.
gray was still young by vampire standards. he had that blind devotion that came with being fresh. ada saw that devotion every time beckett turned someone and gray was no different.
gray pressed into her again and they locked eyes, browns on blues and slowly softly gently they pressed their lips together. sharp teeth clicked against sharp teeth and tongues met. ada brought her hand up to rest on gray's face and perhaps she had missed this most of all. the simple intimacy between a turner and turnee. gray deepened the kiss and slid his hand to ada's waist undoing the knee length jacket that she still wore. ada knew they were slipping too far and that she had to stop so she broke the kiss.
"we can't gray. i don't want to do that." she told him and he nodded. if he had been normal then maybe he would've argued and insisted but he didn't. he just lay back in his spot on the bed. ada feeling far too vunerable in that moment stood and shrugged off her coat hanging it on the back of the door.
ada could still remember gray when he was human. he had been a student at a high school that beckett had sent her to, so that she could recruit new clan members. she had met gray one day in class when he started talking to her, she hadn't liked him at first but in a matter of weeks the two of them grew close. yet even though they were now friends ada still never targeted him. it was only when beckett told her to stop going to the school and she realized that she'd never see him again did she decide to turn him.
it had been easy to turn him, he trusted her and she used that and bit him and took him home. beckett was none too pleased to see she had changed someone. an act usually left to only the high powered vampires. gray would've most likely been killed if ada hadn't begged for his life.
when gray was a human he was a womanizing punk kid who wore girl jeans, loved music and gaming. basically he was the average teenager, but after she had turned him he seemed to lose all that and it wasn't the same. ada realized then that she acted too rashly and without thinking and took away the young man's humanity. if she had left him alone who knows what he might've done or what kind of life he would've lead, but now no one would because now all he was, was something unholy. a mistake that ada felt guilty for every day of her life and maybe that's why she protected gray the way she did.
for the record i really like gray, i dunno i really like his character. he's a sweet person.
~red~ |
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