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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Wednesday, September 12, 2007
same old blood rush with a new touch.
mood: hopelessly hopefull
listening to: the fourth drink instinct-cute is what we aim for
currently: hating my computer cd player
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: ah i am sorry i haven't been to your site. gah i have no time for anything. T-T but yeah, i've noticed a real decline in comments. oh well.
a-13: ha ha sometimes i kick the vending machine when mah chips get stuck.
aaya: you had kittens in a classroom? lucky! my physics is actually pretty funnnn. except for the metric system. yeah, i heard he was a prick or maybe i just assumed it? ha ha i like cute is what we aim for but not shaant so much. yeah, i heard about the new cobra cd it's going to be produced by patrick!
kakashi s: ha i'm actually really excited about student council.
shadowme: if your brother becomes famous can we get tickets to his shows for free? :p
jenny: ah no don't be dead! i love all your comments i don't think any of them are shitty. ha ha dude shaant needs like a new publicist or something so he doesn't come off looking like a total prick. ha ha i have the best longest name evah! XD you get to be jennifer andrew joesph travis william lauren trick hurley the 2nd. ha ha
hi guys,
school was alright, i was really tired. anyway here we go.
zero hour: our counsler mr. thompson talked to us and i found out how many credits i have and how many i need to graduate. we need 23 to graduate. i have 12 and i need 10.375 or something like that. which means if i wanna graduate this year i have to do so much extra stuff. i'm gonna try my hardest though.
english 12: i get into the best conversations here. today we got into a disscussion about how to tell which months have 31 days and this guy named ricki labeled himself the food king. yeah i like that class.
basic math: we watched the movie "stand and deliver." i like it.
english 11: i made a quote poster and it's prettiful! then i went and talked with my counsler and got my first hour changed.
goverment: made notes and did a simple worksheet also heard unecessary details about my classmates sex lives. eww.
physics: we did a expriement with lego's and mine was really easy and this guy named cody made a awesome smilely face out of lego's. speaking of that cody guy yeah he reminds me of danny a lot the way he acts and the in his looks. it's quite unsettling. it makes me miss him more. blah must not look at him anymore. XD
journalism/yearbook: we made a list of theme's for our yearbook and we decided on two of the five days we'll have for spirit week.
well yesterday was september 11th. i was surprised that there was barely any mention of it. but i send love and comfort out to anyone who lost someone or was deeply effected by 9/11. oh one weird thing that i noticed but didn't realize how odd it was till later. yesterday was really gloomy out and then for a moment during second hour the sun shined really brightly, then my brother told me that that happened at the same time the first tower was hit. it's odd right?
got a good idea from william beckett. he said when he was growing up that he and his friends would take plain t-shirts and write their favorite lyrics on them. i think this is genius because i really like lyrics so i am going to do that when i find a t-shirt that i want to use.
i get to leave from school early tomorrow. i have a doctor's appointment so yeah i get to leave at one but still i wish i could miss goverment instead of physics. blahhh.
~red~ |
Comments (4) |
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
if you lie you don't deserve to have friends
mood: cheery
listening to: finger twist & split-cute is what we aim for
currently: is cold *shivers*
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
a13: ha no problem i don't think you're creepy! ha ha i need more moneiez too i hate not having my job anymore! T-T
ha i shall write more no worries.
jenny: ha ha i know i was like "i miss mah patrick!" ha i still miss yew i am so not used to the lack of talking. ha ha you so would skip you get in trouble but be like "i had to get my petey fix!" XD i'm on the fence with santi. i mean i like some of the songs but the other's i am just like uhhhhh i partly wish it sounded a bit more like almost here but change is good. ha ha i remember that was fun you called me from a hospital how interesting!
sayanachan: ha i know! shaant's hair is like "move it dammit!" ha ha but i am loving the cd. oh man i know i was cringing for poor britney. dude that was horrible. but the rest was good.
shadowme: ah well i do have to have my schedule changed but only one hour. ah i love that song! definitly one of my favorite fall out boy songs. glad you liked the chapter.
angel zakuro: ah it's okay i haven't been a good commenter as of late either. T-T
hi guys,
school was alright i was really tired yesterday though. anyway here's my day in the condensed version.
zero hour: our principal came to talk to us about working hard and i am now overly stressed due to the amount of work i will enevitably have to do and the way my school basically screwed me over.
english 12: we finished up our papers but i was already finished so i talked to my friends kyle and jessica for the most part and we talked about pokemon and other things. ha ha
basic math: did a math evaluation test finished it but not sure how i did. my friend tim taunted me with his awesome white clandestine belt and i told him i would steal it from him.
english 11: our class went over to the little kids school and we played with the special ed's kids like kids with autism and down syndrome and things like that. at first i was on the sidelines and i looked around and i really felt out of place. it was then that i really missed my friends but i ended up playing with a little boy named malius and he had down syndrome and he was cute but then this other little boy wanted to hold my hand and he was already holding this other boy's hand so the three of us walked around the gym and there was one more kid i played with. ah it was pretty fun.
goverment: my brother was being a douchbag but i ended up working with him and surprisingly he did more of the work. haaaa i am glad for i hate goverment with a passion!
lunch: bought lunch out of the vending machine and it screwed up and gave me the wrong thing.
physics: we did measuring and talked about the metric system.
jouranlism/yearbook: we talked about decision we would have to make and surprisingly i was offering idea's like crazy and my teacher really liked one and called me a genius . barely any one was suggesting anything and i realize i speak up alot in yearbook but maybe it's because i had it three times so far.
oh and i am thinking of signing up for student council cause it would be fun and it looks good on college apps! oh my mom stole my jeans today on accident. it's a good thing i had another clean pair or i wouldn't have been able to go to school.
oh and it's offical, i heart cute is what we aim for. haaaaa shaant kinda annoyes me but whatever the music is good. i feel bad for i am neglecting my academy is cd. i wanted to get the cobra starship cd but they no have it which made me sad.
blah sorry i haven't been commenting lately, it's my schedule it's all screwed up. blah i wish it were the weekend again. or at least friday. oh and i update the fall out boy fans site so check it if you want to.
that's all for now.
~cassandra sarah redmoonchick peter lewis kingston wentz the 3rd smith stumph~
ha ha |
Comments (6) |
Monday, September 10, 2007
cute is what we/she/he/they/you/i aim for
mmmmm i don't have enough time to make a post with all the fancy added extras. but i apologize for being M.I.A for a while. ugh blame it on a weird adjusting to school schedule.
school on friday was fine. though a subsistute teacher spilt water on my jeans. and this kid in my second hour said any guy who wore tight jeans was gay except he used the bad term for them.
i babysat for jordan and porsha on saturday and made $25 bucks. i went out yesterday and bought the academy is cd "santi" and the cute is what we aim for cd "the same old blood rush with a new touch." dude i think cute is what we aim for could be a new addiction for me.
mmmm i watched the mtv VMA'S and wooop! fall out boy won for best group! they also lost once but it was awesome none the less and i also saw a special thing where pete show's off las vegas suites. it was utterly hilarious.
school today me no likely school so far. i dunno it makes me slightly depressed as of late. bah i'm sure i'll be fine soon. oh and many many thanks to jenny because she put a song on my site for me and everyone should listen to it because it is one of the most awesome fob songs ever.
post is long but it is monday and that means murder and lyrics time!
danielle met up with daniel's old friend jake and he revealed many a secret about lexi. like lexi was cheating on daniel and she often complain about him. danielle is pleased with the info and feels the case is closed to being solved.
"murder and lyrics"
chapter fifteen: liar (takes one to know one)
danielle drove down the streets of downtown quicker then a officer should have but her excitment was getting the better of her and as she stopped at a red light she grabbed her cell and called detective fisher. it rang three times before he anwsered.
"detective kerley what is it?" he asked thinking that something had happened.
"i met with jake walker." danielle began.
"well that's good to hear i-" timothy began but danielle cut him off.
"and he gave me some great info." she finished. timothy remained silent as if making sure she was finished before he spoke.
"really? what kind of stuff?" he asked.
"stuff against lexi! they were having an affair she and him, and she'd often complain about him to jake and she said she wanted to hurt him! and jake began avoiding her." danielle rushed out.
"wow, that would be amazingly helpful but i mean can you believe him?" timothy asked and danielle nodded even though he couldn't see her.
"i believe we can. his story and reasons fit so well together." danielle told him and timothy made a noise of acceptance.
"well that's good then." he said and now that danielle was finished telling what she had found she was eager to know what he had uncovered.
"did you get her phone records?" she asked.
"yeah, i got em right here in my hand as we speak." he said "we should meet up so we can go over it together." timothy told her and danielle agreed. the duo set a place and in ten minutes had once again reunited.
they had parked out in front of a local kinko's to make copies of the phone records. danielle waited outside while timothy made them. she was preoccupied with the information that jake had given her. they seemed to be close now, close to solving daniel's case and danielle wondered what cassie would do if lexi was the killer.
timothy exitied the building a mere minute and a half later and handed a copy of the records to danielle. the two of them leaned against timothy's car as they scanned the numbers listed. the numbers began from about half a month before she started dating daniel and went through all the way up until about an hour after lexi was released from the station.
the duo marked down all the numbers that called lexi and that she called. since no names were attatched to the records they would have to call each one themselves. danielle noticed that two numbers in paticular were spread about the page quite a bit. one she was assuming was daniel's and the other she was guessing was jake's.
danielle and timothy halved the numbers and went to their respective cars which were parked beside one another. they decided to call all the numbers on the list and write down whose number was whose.
danielle started with her list of numbers and in five minutes time she had called three agents, four movie producers, one tanning salon, and one professional basket ball star. she jotted down their names and moved on. her curiousity too much to handle danielle decided to call up the first most called number on the list. it rang three times before someone anwsered.
"hello?" a young soft female voice asked.
"uh hello?" danielle said surprised by the girl voice. if she was right and it had been daniel's phone wouldn't it have been turned off or gone to voicemail?
"who is this?" the girl asked she sounded neither upset nor happy just curious.
"this is detective kerley. i'm calling about lexi hartford." danielle said.
"detective? detective this is cassandra smith." the girl on the other end said.
"wha?" danielle said without thinking. it was cassandra? it seemed to her very unlikely that lexi would be calling cassie many times a day.
"this is your phone cassie?" danielle asked.
"oh no, this is danny's phone." she told her and danielle nodded because her intial hunch had been correct. "why are you calling about lexi detective?" she asked.
"going through some of lexi's phone number's and this one was on the list." danielle told her.
"i see." was all she said and danielle wondered if maybe cassie was still upset about being arrested earlier.
"wait, cassie why do you have daniel's phone?" danielle asked. she was silent for a moment before she anwsered.
"some people...some people still don't know about...about him yet. i've been taking calls all day." she told her. danielle wondered how people couldn't have known about daniel's death considering that his funeral had been that morning. neither she nor danielle had much else to say so they ended the call, danielle had decided not to let cassie know that lexi had been cheating on daniel.
she then called the second most used number. it rang and rang and she wondered if anyone would anwser, a voicemail clicked on so she knew no one would.
"hey, this is jake walker. obviously i can't get to my phone, but leave me a message and if i like you i'll call you back." danielle hung up the phone not leaving a voicemail, she was a little put off because back when she had spoken with jake he had told her that he changed his phone number so she couldn't call him anymore.
yet the number she just called was the same one that showed up through out the list, even showing up on the day before daniel died and three times the day of. danielle's trust of jake collaspsed suddenly and it seemed that no one in this town told the truth anymore.
jake obviously hadn't stopped contacting lexi and the two of them did in fact speak. danielle wondered why jake would lie, if he was just afraid of being connected to lexi? or if it was something more? what if he too had bad mouthed daniel? what if he tried to turn her against him? danielle wasn't sure but jake seemed a whole lot less reliable.
she finished up the list in silence because she was upset that she had believed jake. though she had no solid proof that he had done anything wrong, just that he was a liar. the list held no more secrets just other business people and a few celebrities here and there. timothy appeared to be faring no better as he crossed off number after number.
eventually the two were finished and timothy set his phone down before turning to face her.
"so what do we have?" he asked as he took off his hat.
"a whole bunch of liars and fakes." danielle told him as she crumpled the list.
why is cassie still using danny's cell phone? why did jake lie about cutting off contact with lexi? can jake's information be trusted? find out next time!
~red~ |
Comments (4) |
Thursday, September 6, 2007
while the city sleeps we rule the streets
mood: dred
listening to: lying is the most fun a girl can have- panic! at the disco
currently: i just ate some soup and now mah belly hurts =/
avatar of the day: 
that's true.
Redmoonchick Responds:
savestheday: hey you got first comment. heh feels like old times. yeaaah i was like "wth? did he anwser or not?" ha i'm glad you told me or i would've thought that you hated me.
ff 333: yeah, well let's hope that i can survive this year without losing my mind! XD
alex: yeah, but it's okay because english is mah favorite!
omnimaster: well i hope your first day went well also!
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: well i'll be alright. don't worry!
jenny: haaaaaa but it's gonna be more work for meh in the end. i'm stressed already. goverment is almost as bad as asslee. XD
sayanachan: i was being unbelivably pessimistic on mah first day but i am better now.
hi guys,
ah well today wasn't as nearly as bad as it was in my imagination. i swear sometimes i can be my own worst enemy. well my mom was in a really bad mood this morning and was just bitching like crazy! she and my brother woke me up at least an hour and a half before i was supposed to be up. grrrrr i was mad. and remember i am a senior now? and that i am supposed to be at school at 7:00? well i couldn't go today because of ride problems. but my mom did call my teacher and told her i wouldn't be in. we got the problem worked out. supposedly so i hope all things work out but it sucks because then i'll have to get up at like six thirty or six. T-T
mmm well the your ride driver today made us late. but here was my day:
1st hour: we played the name game so we could all be introduced to one another. the name game is where you choose a word that starts with the same letter of your name. my teacher was jackie japan. my friend kyle was kyle kangaroo and what did i choose? clandestine cassandra. ha ha i fucked everyone up! no one could pronounce the word and some of them thought i made it up. XD
2nd hour: math blaaaaaaaah. oh also at breakfast it was so crowded i elbowed someone in the head but i apologized and he didn't seem too upset. anyway back to math we went over rules and procedures and i sat next to one of the most annoying kids ever! blah thank god for fall out boy on my mp3 player.
3rd hour: english 11. we did this paper and then we did a crossword and i was the only one who finished it though i did help people.
4th hour: goverment. my least favorite class. i was late due to a class mix up and then my bro made a stupid comment when i entered the room. the teacher also had me sitting at a table in the corner and i was seated next to the stupidest girls alive. one of them thought that thomas jefferson was the main character of the show the jeffersons! I AM NOT KIDDING! i really hate goverment.
lunch: the longest line ever! due to closed campus no one can leave. i heard this while waiting in the line.
boy to girl: are you single?
girl to boy: depends on how drunk i am.
dear god.
5th hour: went over rules and proceedures and talked credits. also convinced people that i burned my arm in a fire when i was three.
6th hour: we went through our yearbooks from last year and i realized that i am the only in the new yearbook class that was in the one from last year. that gives meh senority. anyway yearbook made me kinda sad because i saw pics of me and my friends from last year and it just made me miss them so much.
speaking of people keep asking me where the hell danny went. all day i get that. i keep telling them the same thing. "danny is gone and he ain't coming back." maybe i'm trying to convince myself? haaaa i felt like the murder and lyrics cassie for a brief moment except you know...he's not dead. XD oh also horribly ironic. danny left and now we have like six scene kids in our of them really reminds me of him but you know there can be only one danny.
anyway i know this is long but it is thursday and that means that it's time for the newest chapter of "sixteen" heh heh half the people aren't gonna read this but imma post it anyway.
chapter three: you said you'd keep me honest
ada now stood face to face with her clan leader beckett. she closed the door behind her shuting out caiden and leaving just the two of them in the room. ada looked anywhere but at beckett she was far too nervous to see him again. her eyes scanned the large room, the largest in the house. with it's golden walls and black carpeted floor. the king sized bed's headboard was pressed against the wall leaving the bed to jutt out into the middle of the room.
beckett was sat in a leather chair somewhere between the door and the bed. he sat there looking as proud as ever, and a small crooked smile on his face. his fingertips were touching their mates as he watched her in silence. beckett was a gorgeous man. he had thick wavy chocolate colored hair that fell just past his shoulders, and large brown eyes that held so much expression. not to mention the aformentioned crooked smile.
"hello beckett." ada said when she could no longer take the silence between them. beckett smirked at her before speaking.
"ada, my dearest child. my favorite daughter." beckett said as he stood from his chair. ada wished he wouldn't say such things. picking favorites did nothing but ignite jealousy in the others. ada smiled none the less and beckett came over to her slowly stopping in front of her. beckett brought his hand up to rest oh her cheek and she felt the cool caress of his hand over her flushed cheeks.
"you have come home." he said. ada nodded.
"yes, father beckett. i have returned." ada said and despite his warm demenor she didn't calm down. she knew beckett well enough to know that there was no way he had completely forgiven her. beckett smiled again large and closed lipped and he embraced her pressing his mouth to her ear.
"so tell me my child. where is it that you've been?" he whispered and ada's heart stopped because she was afraid, afraid that he knew exactly where she had been.
"i've been here father. here in chicago." she told him and he looked down at her and released her suddenly.
"really ada? because a very reliable contact had mentioned that he thought he saw you heading through michigan. just where were you going ada?" beckett asked as he sauntered away and reclaimed his seat. ada's heart beat quick, she had been so careful, so sure! how could anyone connected to beckett have seen her?
"i'm sorry father, but i'm afraid your contact must've been wrong. i've been here all along." ada lied through her teeth to beckett. an incredibly dangerous move that many lower level vampires wouldn't be able to get away with. beckett looked slightly skeptical and ada worried that perhaps she had pushed her luck too far.
"really now ada, one would think that if you were here in chicago that someone would've spotted you before today." beckett said and ada cursed the fact that beckett was so smart.
"i've been laying low father. i-i didn't want to be found." she admitted to beckett. this time beckett nodded and seemed to accept her excuse but she knew she wasn't out of the woods yet. she knew he'd still want to know where she was and why she had left and as though he read her mind beckett asked the question.
"why did you leave the clan to begin with ada? why couldn't you tell me that you wanted to leave?" beckett was speaking honestly but his voice remained still without emotion. ada knew that he was being honest with her and half of her wished she could give him back the same honesty.
"i-i just needed to get away from it all father. i needed a break..." she told him and beckett nodded as if he understood her feelings and maybe he did, after all he was their leader he more then anyone should want a break.
"my dear, i'm just curious. was it something caiden did?" he asked his eyes shining with something ada couldn't place. nor could ada help her self from wondering if caiden had asked beckett to squeeze this question into the conversation.
"no, father. it had nothing to do with caiden." and for once that was partaily the truth. it wasn't exactly caiden's fault that she left, but he also didn't make her want to stay. beckett smiled and stood from his chair.
"very well, regardless of the reasons you left ada, i am so very glad that you came back." beckett told her as he strode to the door and pulled it open. instantly the light poured out into the closed off hallway and the blinded caiden moved away from the door. ada nodded and gave beckett a sincere smile before she attempted to make her way out the door. beckett stopped her just before she left and she turned back puzzled to look at him.
"i'm afraid that you will have to be punished though ada."beckett said calmly, and ada froze. that had been what she feared since stepping foot into the room. she knew of beckett's ill temper and she could only wonder what kind of punishment she'd recieve. perhaps beckett would beat her until she would know better then to leave. she knew if that happened nobody, not even caiden could help her.
"what-what will my punishment be father?" ada said trying to sound calm opposed to frightened. caiden who still stood outside the door looked like he wanted to say something but they both knew that he knew better.
"your punishment ada, will be that you are not allowed to spend the night with caiden." ada's face went blank in surprise while caiden's face dropped. beckett smiled like he had succeeded in punishing her and proceeded to let her leave. what beckett didn't know was that ada had no intention of spending the night with caiden anyway.
as the two of them left caiden looked positively crestfallen, as if he had every intention of keeping ada in his room tonight.
"that's rather dissapointing. i was hoping to get reaquainted with you tonight." caiden told her as they moved through the now nearly empty kitchen. ada let a frown show on her face.
"really caiden next time do tell a girl ahead of time." she told him and he could tell that he had used the wrong words.
"ada, you say that like you don't wanna be with me. when you left we were-" caiden began but a voice cut the conversation off.
"ada!" they heard a voice say and the duo looked up to see a young teenaged boy standing in the doorway. upon seeing ada the boy ran forwards and threw himself at her, his arms wrapping around her waist and the duo fell to the ground.
i kinda like beckett. though i'm still on the fence with caiden. lol. one of my favorite characters shall be introduced next chapter. thanks to those who read.
~red~ |
Comments (7) |
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
get wasted on life
mood: mixed feelings
listening to: superman returns-on hbo
currently: wanna take a nap.
avatar of the day: oh there was also a boy in my senior class who was wearing a "the academy is..." t-shirt and i was gonna talk to him but
Redmoonchick Responds:
ff 333: well thanks for stopping by!
alex: ha ha i'm glad you read some of it. i know it was long.
aaya: ha ha i figured you appreciate the gabe parts.
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: thanks!
jenny: ha ha you iz special you got to see pete in a maid outfit at the end with meh. ha ha. yesh cliffhanger but it was needed!
hi guys,
well i survived the first day of school. it was only a half day so that was good. i got up around nine thirty but my mom didnb't even show up to get us till almost 11:00 so i could've gotten more sleep. my mom took over my job so she watches jordan and porsha now, so i got in the car and jordan was in there and he was really excited to see me. i think he misses me. well we got to school for orientation and right off the bat the new principal makes my bro take off his hat. that's something new. then we get into orientation and it's nervwracking because all the kids already seated are staring. gah so it ends up they divided us into groups by grade so i went and sat with the juniors and luckily i got to sit next to my dear friend timmy, who was holding a black burger king food box and saying it was his emo box. XD
then i got the surprise of my life as i was waiting for my schedule they told me that no i am not a junior like i thought i was but i am a SENIOR! i was like wtf? so i just skipped 11th grade? and they were like "yeah". i dunno i guess it's because i was supposed to graduate last year so they want me to do it this year. i am a little bit behind with credits but i talked to the senior adivsor and she said that i can do it.
mmm so since they thought i was a junior i have junior classes on my schedule so i need to have that changed. i also have this thing called zero hour where i have to come in at 7:00 in the morning and my mom was none too thrilled about that. also if anyone who is a long time reader of my site remembers when i used to take the your i am taking them again but now because of zero hour my time with them is screwed up.
anyway here is a list of mah classes:
zero hour: senior stuff
1st hour: current events (but imma change it to english 12)
2nd hour: basic math 2
3rd hour:english 11
4th hour: is supposed to be goverment but that's screwed up.
5th hour: physics
6th hour: journalism
we had mini versions of all our classes today and i didn't really have a problem with any of them. i mean i at least know someone in all my classes but i'm going to have to change my fourth hour because there is no goverment 4th hour but there is sixth hour but i am not taking it then because i want journalism. i'm with my bro in that class too so i don't know what's gonna happen. i think this year i'm going to end up hanging out with the emo kids. not that there is anything wrong with that. oh also there was a boy in my senior class who was wearin an "the academy is..." t-shirt. i was gonna talk to him but i didn't end up seeing him for the rest of the day.
mmmmmmm i called danny today, but i think i got his voicemail. if that was his voice mail it was the strangest one i've heard. i didn't leave a message and i never called back. mmmm i really miss him.
oh i know it's late in the game but if you guy could all just go to and vote for gym class heroes as the best new artist for the vma's. it doesn't take very long and it's quick and easy and they deserve votes!
well that is all for now. wish me luck on my second day!
~cassie~ |
Comments (6) |
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
picspam like woah 2: the sequel
mood: panicky
listening to: i'm not okay (i promise)-my chemical romance
currently: anxiety....
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
sayanachan: ha i'm not very organized either. in fact i am cleaning off my computer desk as we speak. ha ha yea, i'll be like shut your mouths or mah internet friends will kill yew! XD
shadowme: but i mean can you really trust jake? yeah probably. ha ha yes, josiah happens to be the alter ego of one mr. peter wentz. ha ha though i really doubt they'd end up friends in real life though.
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: yeah, that happened to my friend danielle she went to a new school and worked harder cause she no longer had meh to bug her. XD
narutoblackmail: hooray! my theme is the win!
demonskiss: ha ha i am now offically nerve wracked!
bayblader: ah well i hope your finger feels better!
hi guys,
well i had a good day i-

pete: CASSIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cassie: wha? pete? what the hell are you doing here? you haven't been here in weeks.
pete: patrick and i went to couple's therapy...i mean we were on vacation.
cassie: right, but still what are you doing here now?

patrick: it's just horrible! joe's gone crazy and is destroying the city!
cassie: patrick? wait....joe's doing WHAT?
pete: he's destroying anything and everything we hold dear.
cassie: uh why would he do that?
cassie: *gasp* i knew it!
patrick: really?...we didn't think you'd believe us.
cassie: why wouldn't i believe it? i mean that could be the only explanation!
patrick:...but andy perpaired a presentation and everything!
cassie: um well he can show it i guess.
*andy walks out*

andy: ahem. ok so when joe was sleeping someone must've cast a curse on him that made him grow an evil beard.
cassie:.......who thought of this?
patrick: we called gabe saporta and he told us that's what happened.
cassie: riiiiight so we're listening to gabe saporta, the guy who claimed a cobra came to him and told him that the world was going to end?
pete: right.
cassie: kay. so where is joe now?
patrick: *points* over there destroying the city.
cassie: what city?
pete: who cares? there's always a city in those monster movies.

cassie: wow he has gone crazy. and he grew a few hundred feet. so uh what are you gonna do?
andy: we're gonna fight him.
cassie: oh well good luck guys!
andy: nooooooo you're going to help us!
cassie: me? i dunno this fight doesn't seem fair.

cassie: now's not the time patrick. so do you guys have a plan? weapons? a weakness? anything?
pete: sure we got weapons!

cassie: uh where's your weapon pete? and your clothes?
pete: weapon is in mah undies and we are in our underwear because all great superheroes fight in their underwear!
patrick: yeah...but usually they wear them over something else!
pete&andy: riiiiiiight *goes to change*
pete: i'm baaaaaaack! whadya think?

cassie: i don't think you're burt reynolds.
pete: patrick! andy! i brought you guys a costume too!

cassie: oh dear god.
cassie: ok so we have weapons, outfits, and a plan right?
pete: ummm strike that last one.
cassie: we don't have a plan?
pete: not exactly but it's alright cause

cassie&patrick: *facepalm*
pete: it's ok though cause i'll go out there and distract him!
cassie: how?
pete: with my amazing bass skills of course! *walks towards joe*
cassie: should we be letting him go?
patrick: eh i'm about 65% sure he'll live.
cassie: O.O
pete: your going down evil joe! *starts playing*
cassie: i think it's working!
*two minutes later*

pete: crap must think of something! *puts down guitar*
cassie: what's he doing?!
patrick: daming us all. -_-
pete: hey joe!

cassie: that didn't work.
pete: *running away*
andy: what are we gonna do now?
patrick: looks like i'll have to use my secret weapon!
cassie: what secret weapon?
patrick: everyone stand back!

patrick: *shoots laser*
cassie: patrick has a laser?
pete: yeah because patrick is the shit!
patrick: *fires laser at joe*
cassie: did it work?
andy: too soon to tell.
*joe staggers and falls down into a building*
cassie, patrick, pete, andy: HOORAY! IT WORKED!
*notices falling building*
all: crap! *runs*
*the building falls to the ground and dust covers the area blinding all. patrick, pete, and andy all stand up and dust them selves off.*
patrick: *looking around* did it work? is joe back to normal?
*group approaches where joe fell and find him back to normal*

joe: *cough* *looks around* what the hell happened?
pete: you went crazy.
patrick: and destroyed half the city.
andy: and your beard was evil.

joe: i see...but why are you guys dressed so strange?
pete: well cassie told us not to fight in our underwear so we-
patrick: wait! where is cassie?
*group turns around and see's cassie lying in a pile of rubble*
andy: oh noes!
group: *runs*
pete: she's dead.

patrick: what? cassie can't be dead!
pete: duuuuuude she's so dead.
andy: we killed her....
pete: no! joe killed her!
joe: i killed cassie? *grabs body*

cassie: ugh i'm not dead!
patrick: but pete said you were!
cassie: then it's a good thing that pete isn't a doctor. put me down joe!
joe: *sets cassie down*
cassie: so you're back to normal?
joe: yeah.
cassie: mmmhhhhhhm that good. now will someone tell me WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED????
joe: uh the last thing i remember was falling asleep and then seeing this weird thing standing over me in the middle of the night.
patrick: pete are you watching people sleep again?

pete: no, i stopped doing that.
joe: no it was a girl.
all: a girl?
*group turns around to see ashlee simpson standing there.*

pete: ashlee? what are you doing here?
cassie&patrick: damn.
ashlee: you-you all defeated joe!
pete: i know it's great isn't it!

ashlee: no! it's not great you moron! you ruined everything!
patrick: what? ruined what? what we did was a good thing!
ashlee: keep out of this chubby.
cassie: oh hell no! *grabs bat*
patrick&andy: *grabs cassie*
pete: what? you wanted to defeat joe?
ashlee: no i'm the one who made him that way! why would i want to defeat him?
group: *gasp*
joe: it was you? but how?
ashlee: easy! all i had to do was break into the bus and while you were sleeping and cast a spell on you to make you grow an evil beard and take over the world!
cassie: holy crap....gabe was right.
gabe: *riding past on a bike* HA HA!

pete: why would you do that to joe? why would you want to take over the world?!?!?!?
ashlee: to rule it duh! then everyone would have to listen to me and never talk about me and i'd get rid of you idiots while i was at it!
pete: is this because i broke up with you for patrick?
ashlee: gggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
cassie: listen asslee-
ashlee: it's ASHLEE!!!!!
cassie: pssssssh whatever, taking over the world wouldn't make people like you anymore. in fact it would make things worse.
ashlee: don't tell me how to do things! i don't need your help!
cassie: help was the last thing i was offering.
ashlee: enough! since my first plan failed i guess i'll have to resort to plan B.
cassie: you're gonna turn another member of fall out boy into a monster with bad facial hair?
joe: heeeeeeeey!
cassie: shut up you know it was bad.
ashlee: NO! i'm done playing around. *starts shaking* it's time for my ultimate transformation!
*ashlee transforms into a horrible monster*
pete&patrick: AHHHHHHHHHH IT'S HIDEOUS!!!!
cassie: she didn't transform yet...
*ashlee transforms*

ashlee: now fall out boy it's time to meet your maker!
cassie: *leaves*
ashlee: ha ha look even your fan is abandoning you now!
*ashlee grows in size and then picks up pete and patrick*
ashlee: you can't have a band without it's most famous members!
cassie: *returns holding a shotgun*
ashlee: ha ha you think you can kill me with that thing? you are so wrong! *steps towards cassie*
cassie: say hello to your old nose for me. *aims at ashlee's face and shoots*
*the shining white flash goes right through ashlee's face and she looks stunned before falling to the ground dead*
patrick&pete: *escape from her now dead grip*
pete: you killed monster ashlee!
cassie: she was a monster?
andy: so, how'd you kill her?
cassie: this gun is loaded with the collective will of all the teenaged girls in the world.
joe: wow that's powerful.
cassie: *nods*
pete: so uh i guess we saved the world today!
cassie: yeah we did.
patrick: yeah thanks to cassie.
cassie: i should get rewarded for my heroics.
*one week later and cassie is at home sitting on the couch with a friend watching t.v.*
jenny: wow how'd you get to be in the new fall out boy video?
cassie: psssssssssh they owe meh!
*pete walks out dressed as a maid*
pete: is this outfit necessary?
cassie: yes, yes it is.
pete: -sigh- what can i do for you now?
cassie *thinks* i want you to do the dance from the dance, dance video while wearing the costume!
pete: it's gonna be a long year.......
ha ha that just came to me and i had to write it down.
~red~ |
Comments (6) |
Monday, September 3, 2007
the hand behind this pen relives a failure everyday
mood: irritated
listening to: dance, dance-fall out boy
currently: going to strangle my brother.
avatar of the day: 
it's one of the best kinds of patrick.
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: ah well at least we do cool things in your dreams! XD lol i know i was like jenny is gonna worry about meh. ha ha/ lol yesh porsha was screaming like that because she thought you were patrick. my brother kinda pisses me off everyday! XD ha ha i used to buy so many teenie magazines. imma steal your pete hat. ha ha of course i missed teh jenniez! ha ha yesh we iz married and yesh you is popular. you iz lucky this is an open marriage. :p
sayanachan: ha ha surprisingly i think j-14 is cooler now. XD ha ha we had a simple ceramony you can come to the one we have later. XD
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: that's some good advice. i shall take it into consideration.
angel zakuro: ha ha yes, peterick is awesome! eh i am better now, not so stressed.
hi guys,
had a mini crisis a moment ago. i couldn't find one of my fall out boy cd's and i flipped out. i called my brother cause i knew he had something to do with it and sure enough he put it in a completely different cd case on the bottom of my cd pile. grrrrrrr why can't he leave my stuff alone?
anyway tomorrow=first day of school and cassie=*panic* XD ahhhh i really am quite nervous about school. i dunno i keep hoping that danny will be there though i am not getting my hopes up because really i know he won't be. i just wish he was. i also wish danielle was back but she's not going to be either. i'm sure i'll be okay i just pray that no one makes a fat girl joke at my expense. that's what i'm really worried about. *panic*
hmmmm i wanna keep this short since it is story day though i must say that today feels like saturday for me. ok well since it's monday. that means the newest freshest chapter of murder and lyrics. this is really one of my favorite chapters i dunno why, it just came to me really easily.
danielle got interesting facts about josiah and daniel from the fanatical fan girl belinda. the station was forced to let lexi go free much to the dissapointment of the detectives. timothy went to get lexi's phone records and danielle decided to pay daniel's old friend jake a visit.
murder and lyrics:
chapter fourteen: best friends till the end
danielle drove through the upperclass sections of L.A and through the suburban and middle class neighborhoods. she then drove down through one of the many shady ghetto's that marked the city's lower side. all in search of jake walker, the man in the photo with lexi and the man who was old friends with daniel. danielle knew it wasn't exactly the safest thing riding around in a marked police car without a partner in the dangerous part of town.
she read the adress to jake's apartment from her notepad which she had written down after her call with jenny. danielle glanced around the adresses at the tall brick apartment buildings and slowed as she neared her desired location. she stopped infront of a seedy apartment building tall and broke down. the outside adorned with people sitting and chatting animatedly on the stoop. she double checked the adress before getting out of the car not taking chances on being at the wrong place.
she also felt behind her to make sure she had her gun safely in it's holster. danielle approached the stoop and the group of people looked up at her approaching. she prayed that they remained civil and she wouldn't have to flash a badge or pull a gun. danielle stopped infront of the stoop and one of the many men sitting there looked up at her.
"what do you want bitch?" he asked and danielle sighed as her hope of civility flew out the window. danielle sighed and pointed to her badge that was pinned to her jacket.
"i'm looking for jake walker." she said. the men seemed to know who she was talking about as an instant chorus of laughs filled the air.
"ooooohhhh you looking for white boy!" one of the men who appeared to be the leader of this gang said as he stood from the stoop. "yeah, yeah, white boy! he lives in one of those down apartments." the man said as he laughed and pointed to a set of stairs to the left of the stoop.
danielle unsure wheter or not to believe the men went over to the stairs and peered down at the steps that lead down to a heavily bolted door. she glanced back at the group before heading down the stairs her hand ghosting over her holster.
danielle knocked on the door and it rattled as though it might fall off it's hinges. it took a few moments before anyone came to the door as danielle saw a curtain over the inside of the door was pulled aside and a blonde man peered out at her. danielle lifted her coat up showing him the badge pinned there. the man looked at her badge then back at her before she heard the clicking of locks being undone and the door swung open a bit.
"can i help you?" he asked as he peered out the doorway.
"are you jake walker?" she asked and the man nodded. "yeah, why? did something happen?" jake asked and danielle shook her head.
"no, well i mean this is about your friend daniel." she told him and for just a split second his eyes flickered and his face went blank, he recovered instantly but said nothing. "um do you mind if i come in and have a word with you?" she asked when he said nothing. jake seemed to finally come out of it and nodded.
"of course, of course." he said as he opened the door all the way allowing her to come into the small apartment. jake's appartment was shabby and run down but danielle had already suspected that by the neighborhood that jake lived in. the kitchen was straight ahead from the door and to the right was the small living room, to the back of that lie to doors. one danielle could see was the bathroom so she only assumed that the other was a bedroom.
jake himself was heading towards the kitchen.
"do you want something to drink?" he asked danielle who shook her head.
"no, i'm fine." she said as she waited for him to come out of the kitchen.
"oh please have a seat in the living room." jake said and danielle appluaded his manners as she went into the living room and chose a seat on the sofa. danielle noticed that the furniture in the room was a shade of horrid yellow plaid with dark blue lining and looked more like it belong in the home of a old woman opposed to that of a twenty something man.
moments later jake came out carrying two chipped tea cups and setting them down on the marred coffee table that sat infront of the couch. jake sat across from danielle in a plaid sitting chair whose stuffing was spilling from the arm rest.
"so detective what can i do for you?" jake asked as he took his cup and sipped from it.
"well, i wanted to talk to you about daniel." danielle said, she remembered that cassie had said that jake was one of daniel's oldest and closest friends but he didn't seem nearly as sad as cassie had.
"ah yes, i still can't believe it." jake said as he brushed his blonde bangs out of his face. he too looked like he listened to daniel's music seeing as his hair was almost the same as daniel's except shorter and blonder. he wasn't horrible looking with his pale skin and crooked smile.
"yes, but i wanted to know if you had been around daniel the day he died?" danielle asked.
"yeah, i had seen him. he was only in town for a few days so i made sure i saw him." jake said in a tone that wasn't quite happy or sad.
"so did you hang around his friends as well?" danielle asked as she began to approach the topic of lexi. jake nodded.
"yeah, well i mean i was introduced to them if i was around." jake said as he took another sip from his cup.
"so you know cassie?" danielle began as casual as she could be. jake also seemed to be keeping things casual and was increasingly calm. the calmest suspect danielle had seen so far.
"mmmm yeah, i know cassie. why is something wrong with her now too?" he asked as he set his cup down and studied danielle's face.
"no, no i was just wondering." danielle told him. jake nodded but remained quiet as if waiting for her to continue. "what about josiah hardwick? you know him?" she asked as she decided to save lexi for last. again jake nodded.
"yeah, i met him once or twice. i dunno i was never a big fan of his music or him, neither was daniel." jake said and this time his tone was a little colder.
"wait? daniel didn't like josiah? but i was told the two were friends." danielle said.
"well, daniel hated him all throughout high school. he used to bash him all the time. even after he got famous he didn't really like him. he only met him because he wanted to introduce cassie to him. then i guess after that they really hit it off." jake said though his tone was no longer pleasant nor casual and danielle wondered if something had happened between josiah and jake.
"so you don't like josiah then?" danielle asked wondering if jake would anwser.
"oh no i mean i don't love him and i don't hate him. i'm just neutral you know?" he said and danielle nodded. she decided to leave the josiah topic behind and focus on what she really wanted to ask him all along.
"so do you know daniel's girlfriend lexi?" she asked. upon hearing this question jake remained still as if suddenly frozen and danielle was half tempted to wave her hand in front of his face.
"mmmm yeah, i've met her as well." jake said simply. danielle nodded once again.
"are you...close with her?" danielle asked and jake made a odd half cough half snort type of noise.
"excuse me?" he began "what do you mean 'close'?" he asked.
"well-" danielle began as she tried to think of the best way to choose her words. "i mean did you two hang out a lot? get along? see a lot of each other?" she asked. jake seemed significantly less casual then he had moments ago and danielle noticed that his eyes seemed to narrow a bit.
"yes, we got a long. she's a nice girl." he said as if he wanted nothing more then to get off the subject of lexi hartford.
"oh yes, she seemed like a real joy when we met her." danielle said as she grinned and reached into her pocket. "so she was nice. was she nice to you? maybe a little too nice? maybe you accidently fall for your best friend's girl?" danielle asked jake.
jake prickled in his chair and crossed his legs uncomfortably.
"i would never do that to daniel." jake said as he now crossed his arms.
"are you sure about that?" danielle asked as she pulled the folded up picture out of her pocket and slapped it down in front of jake on the coffee table. jake looked skeptically at the photo before cautiously leaning forward as if the photo might strike out at him. jake's eyes widened at the photo and he looked up into the face of danielle.
"how? where'd you get this?" he asked his face holding slack astonishment.
"a friend." danielle told him as she took the photo back. "so you gonna start telling me the truth?" danielle asked and jake flopped back in his seat and sighed.
"fine, yeah it was more then friendship but it was all lexi!" she was the one who started it!" jake said as she sat up straight once again.
"lexi started the affair? but why?" danielle asked. jake shot her a look as if he had been insulted.
"she was lonely. daniel was never around. she was convinced that he was cheating on her with groupies and other artist and cassie." jake said and danielle nodded as she wanted to hear more from the man. "she came to me one night. said she wanted to be with someone...and i guess that someone was me." jake said and it sounded as if he might laugh. but he never did.
"daniel never knew? no one ever said anything?" danielle asked and jake shook his head.
"no, i know now i should've told might've saved his life." jake said and danielle's eyes widened.
"what do you mean jake?" danielle demanded, her own casual tone gone replaced by a harder voice.
"well, i mean lexi when we used to be together she'd complain about daniel all the time. about how he was a bad boyfriend, and how he never paid her enough attention or bought her enough gifts. she said she was getting sick of him. i told her to break up with him but she said no, she said that he'd be back with another bimbo within a week. detective, she told me she wanted to hurt him!" jake revealed and danielle's mouth dropped open and her heart stopped a bit. for some reason it all seemed likely it all seemed so possible.
"i stopped seeing her after that...or at least i tried. i mean i stopped calling her but she kept calling me...i had to get my cell number changed." jake went on. "then after i began ignoring her daniel winds up dead. i-i knew i should've said something but i couldn't be sure it was lexi who did it and i was afraid that i'd be next!" jake practically pleaded and it was as if danielle could see pieces falling into place.
cassie had said that lexi was seated next to the water bottles that night, and she had left to take the phone call. with all that commotion it would've been easy to slip the poison. but even if danielle had gained a piece there were still many that didn't fit.
"you wouldn't happen to have any phone messages or letters, emails anything saved from when you and lexi talked?" danielle asked and jake shook his head.
"no nothing like that. i'm afraid i deleted all my things when i switched phones." jake told her. danielle felt her heart beating out of excitiment and the new information. it seemed all signs pointed to lexi, after all jake seemed trust-worthy and what reason would he have to lie? danielle knew that she had to tell timothy about this new break in the case so she stood with jake qucikly following suit.
"jake, thank you so much. you've been a tremendous help." danielle told him as she shook his hand. jake nodded.
"anything to help find who killed my best friend." jake said with a warm smile. danielle returned the smile and headed towards the door.
"i'll be keeping in touch for sure." she told him and he nodded in agreement. danielle left rushing to her car to call timothy. jake watched her leave from the window in his living room. as she rounded the corner he fished his cell phone out of his pocket. he hit a button and a number was instantly dialed. it was only seconds before someone picked up.
"hey, it's jake. i need to meet with you." jake said as he stared out the window.
who is jake meeting with? why didn't jake warn anyone about lexi's threats? did something happen between him and josiah? find out next time!
oh yeah total cliffhanger...sorry!
Comments (6) |
Sunday, September 2, 2007
it seems i'm too hip to keep tight lipped.
mood: happy
listening to: the best years-on the N channel.
currently: feeling confident.
Redmoonchick Responds:
sayanachan: of course i like your pics! they is only the most awesomest thing evah!
edge: winning an imaginary war? ooookkkkkaaaaaay edge has offcially lost it.
kyathebattousai: yeah, everything is well despite my site is being a bitch.
jenny: ha ha yes, that seems like a very pete wentz thing to do. XD oh mah gosh i don't wanna be in any of your death dreams unless i am teh hero of course. XD ghost pete makes me think of crazy pete.
shadowme: oh mah gosh we should totally bug her until she draws william in pantaloons! i would pay to see that. ha ha yeah he was like "oh i ruined chirstmas? just keep smiling!" XD
jd person: please tell me you're not dissing on the panic boys? they are pleanty famous.
demonskiss: ha ha yes, ghost pete is kinky like that.
cosmicsailor: ha ha we have irish and german blood as well. i guess my bro just can't hold his alcohol.
hi guys,
i changed my theme (obviously) well now it's peterick and for those not in the loop peterick is pete+patrick. ha ha yes. weeeell this wasn't my first idea for colors but someone else has colors close to the ones i wanted to use and even though i thought of it before that person used the colors i just don't wanna seem like i am copying so i chose this one but i like it a lot.
sorry i didn't update yesterday. i ended up being so exhausted that i just hit the bed and slept. i guess i'll give you guys a quick recap. on friday i was supposed to go into work at 5:30 so i go over there and my cousin tells me that she isn't going in until 9:30 so she said i could either stay or go home so i went home and then i called her at 9:30 and she said not to come in until 10:30. then i did but the important thing is that i hadn't slept so i was super tired. i also had a doctor appointment on friday. it was also my last day of work and i told porsha thins and she got pretty upset. going as far as standing in front of my car door so i couldn't leave.
oh and also on friday my brother almost got arrested. apparently him and two friends were trying to get into an abandoned house and the cops showed up and my bro was put in a cop car for two hours or something like that so we went and picked him up and it wasn't as bad as it seemed because my bro didn't actually do anything but whatever i was still disapointed in him.
oh i went and bought teenie magazines because they have surprisingly good pics of pete and the one called j-14 that i used to buy when i was 14 had pics of fob, patrick, pete, william beckett, ryan ross, and gerard way. sweet. ended up staying up for more then 24 hours. the end of friday.
yesterday we took my grandma around though she complained about things the whole time. afterwards i eneded up going shopping and scored some major deals! i ended up getting a pair of cute jeans for a dollar! it was due to a salesclerks mistake but that's how it rang up so they had to give it to me. i also got two other pairs of jeans, an adorable green and white sweater, a brown tunic jumper tank top thing and a hat that looks similar to the ones that patrick wears. all in all i got lots of good things for under sixty bucks.
hmmm everything is kinda just getting on my nerves lately. my mom ecspecially. it seems like i'm just like gggggggggrrrrrrrrrr get away from me! lately. i dunno i just feel irratated. maybe i'm stressing? i dunno. i think i may know why i am like this though.
blaharg i wanna talk to jenny.
*edit* no freaken background will work for my site. now i really want to talk to jenny.
*edit 2*
jenny fixed it for she iz a genius and is now my wife. XD
~red~ |
Comments (5) |
Friday, August 31, 2007
pop the cheap champange we're going down in flames
mood: giddy
listening to: the curse of curves- cute is what we aim for
currently: trying to budget mah money
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
ff 333: thanks for stopping by! ack sorry i haven't been to your site lately.
omnimaster: ah that's my bad cause for the life of me i can't seem to write short chapters of anything! ah i think chapter three is semi short. glad you like it though!
a13: ah i love using the word meh! ha ha i do it without noticing.
slowness: ha ha your definition made me giggle. ha ha the girl is six and the boy is two. i doubt he understood what he was hearing but he was dancing.
sayanachan: poor ryro forever mistaken as a girl. XD
demonskiss: yeaaah my bro was being really annoying last night and he ended up sleeping on my floor and attempting to steal my cell phone. XD
shadowme: hmmm i kinda thought that if anyone thought that it would be you. XD but surprisingly nope! it wasn't teh wentz i pictured when i thought of caiden.
kyathebattousai: ha ha i had no idea how to work it either so i had my friend do it for meh.
hi guys,
weeeelll last night i said my bro and his friends came over and got wasted and passed out. ah well my bro ended up falling asleep on my bed so i demanded he get on the floor he did and ended up sleeping there. i stepped on him a few times. XD
ah back to work tonight. it feels like friday to me now because i didn't work yesterday. though tonight is my last day of work can you cheer with me? ha ha though i will miss the money but it's not like i can work and go to school seeing as they are both at the same time.
i feel like i have too much stuff to do this weekend. i still gotta buy some jeans for school and some new sneakers because my old ones are beaten to death! i also need a shrug to go over my new tank top because i didn't realize at the time that it showed off a lot of my bra. -_- grrrr what's worse is that i will probably have to take the kids with me to shop if i wanna do it tomorrow but i can always do it on the weekend...maybe. aaaaaaahhhhhhhh why does school gotta start? *panic attack*
ohhhhh i saw pete wentz on punk'd tonight. ha ha it was soooooo funny and mean. they made him think that he ruined christmas for bunch of little kids and they made him explain why santa's beard wasn't real. aaaah poor pete he almost cried. but it was soooo funny. oh i also watched this new show called rap superstar or something like that and the only reason i mention it is because one of the guys has a thing for wearing pete's clothing line.
i had a really weird dream like there was a cult or something and i was around a bunch of celebrities but the only ones i really remember seeing were brendon and ryan from panic! hmmmmm no more bands before bed. XD oh my mom joined our family up at a gym hooray! i am excited cause i actually like working out i feel like i am acomplishing something. so i dunno tomorrow i gotta go and get my pic taken for my id. so i gotta look goooooood.
here's some pics to send you away!
these first two pics were drawn by the wonderful sayanachan. it's a few of the characters from wentz in wonderland. ha ha i did not know this exsited until yesterday and i was like "oh mah god yeah!" XD
 The White Rabbit And Alice Hosted By
her wonderful white rabbit ryan and alice pete.
 [drag] Queen Of Hearts Hosted By
and brendon urie the queen.
i hope she doesn't mind that i put these up!
these other ones i just thought were funny.

that one really makes me laugh

that one too.
~red~ |
Comments (12) |
Thursday, August 30, 2007
for all the dirty looks, the photographs your boyfriend took
mood: frustrated
listening to: i'm not okay i promise-my chemical romance
currently: gonna beat my brothers ass.
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: ha ha yes, we need to continue our plot to kick my brother out of the house and have you move in. lol. yesh you can have as many hugs as you want! *huuuuuugggggggsssss* ha ha yeah, i always try to make it to trick's site! XD
sayanachan: ha ha no you didn't tell me but i went and checked them out today and i lovvvvvved them! you are a great artist! nooooo i don't have that one i looked at it before. ha i would so love you forever if you sent it to meh! i'll give you a nickle! XD
slowness: ha ha i barely remembered the movie. i wrote it using the wikipedia description.
toh-toh: ha ha sadly he has no more minutes left. he uses them too much. XD wooooo i read shojo beat too! i love it! man i did leave you a comment doing that quizzie thing but before i could submit it the stupid power went out here. ahhh i'll find time to do it.
moonlessdaemon: yeah, they were on the cover of rolling stone. i have the cover as a wall poster.
angel zakuro: ah i do try to check the comments again before i update but somedays i have no time.
hi guys,
ah well work was meh at best. i did get to watch the simpsons movie. it was really funny i liked it a lot. the kids were kinda bad, they just wouldn't listen to me very well. that's really frustrating. we watched a old video of cartoons from when i was little and i was all nostalgic over it. ha ha. i also cut pics out of my blender magazine. the one of brendon and ryan from panic! porsha though ryan was a girl and i had to presuade her otherwise. XD also i found out that i have thursday off of work. woooo that's pretty damn cool. friday will be my last day of work because monday is labor day and tuesday i have school.
speaking of school i got stuff in the mail from it and i found out that i have a half day on the first day of school. we're all supposed to meet in the gym for an oreintation. which i think is kinda awkward. whatever. they're gonna give us our schedules and we're having mini classes because it is a half day. ugh five more days. T-T
oh i got my mp3 player back today but i am a bit dissapointed because it doesn't have all the songs i wanted on there. it does have a good amount though about 28 songs. i dunno i don't wanna go back and demand more. *sigh* i may just send it to jenny and have her put music on there cause i trust her more. oh i had my mp3 player at work and porsha was listening to fall out boy and cobra starship with me and jordan listened to my chemical romance. XD
hmmmmm on my day off my brother thought i had to work so he brought over three friends and decided to get drunk and high now most of them are passed out. the one next to me on the couch keeps getting up and going outside to throw up. lovely. my brother is sooooo wasted and keeps tripping over the computer cord and unplugging it. he did that twice. -sigh-
thursday that means it's time for the new fic sixteen. i'm glad a lot of you liked the first chapter. i like it too.
chapter two: home is where the man who might kill you is
ada allowed herself to be pulled into the house by the man she knew all too well. despite her better judgement she also let him continue to hold her hand. the two of them stopped in the doorway as the man shut the door and quickly walked past them. leaving ada and the man all alone. she avoided his gaze by watching the first man walk away but when he was out of site she had no real reason not to look at him.
"i don't get a hello ada?" the man asked as he smirked at her. ada put on a fake smile as her insides clenched. she had thought about this moment for sometime now. the moment when they would come face to face.
"why hello caiden. whatever are you doing here?" she said, her voice laced with sarcasm. he didn't looked amused and she didn't expect him too. she barely knew why she had just said what she did.
"heh, i think that's my line ada." the man named caiden said as he stared down at her.
caiden was a very handsome man, with slightly shaggy black hair, deep brown eyes, and full lips. he was also on the tall side, skinny, and looked to be about twenty years old. ada noticed a now awkward silence between them but she could think of nothing to say to the man, at least nothing she wanted to say to him.
"what are you doing back here ada?." caiden asked finally breaking the silence and ada wished she had thought of something to say first.
"this is my clan, my home. i belong here." she told him but even to her the anwser seemed weak and unable to explain her lengthy abscence.
"funny, that's not the attitude you had when you left." caiden said and ada knew he had all the right in the world to be upset with her, but still she wished he wouldn't be and right now she was missing the caiden that had been here when she left.
"can-can we talk about this later caiden? i kinda just want to get settled again." it was true upon re-entering her long time home she had felt oddly unwelcomed and it all felt forgien to her. it half way scared her to think that she wouldn't have a place here anymore. caiden nodded and seemed to lay off her for the time being.
"i assume you want to see beckett?" caiden asked and ada nodded though she could swear she felt her heart stop.
"yeah, i probably should." ada said as she attempted to keep the uneasiness from her voice.
"he'll be so interested to know that you've returned ada." caiden said as he stroked her hand that he still held within his own. ada looked down at their hands as she spoke.
"yeah, well hopefully he won't kill me." she told him as she slipped her hand from his. caiden gave her a surprised look as if he didn't believe the words that had left her mouth.
"he would never kill you ada, you're one of his best." caiden reassured her and she thought at once that caiden was being far too nice and understanding for her liking.
"that was before i left." she told him. caiden said nothing and looked away from her, it was all she needed to know that beckett had been furious at her for leaving, and coming back suddenly seemed like a huge mistake.
"it's been about a month and half since you left. and i'll tell you beckett was none too pleased to find you'd gone." caiden told her. ada thought that maybe caiden was waiting for some reason or explanation as to why she left but she wasn't planning on giving him one. at least not yet.
"i-i was hoping i guess." ada began and caiden looked her way "that when i came back it would all be the same."
"i thought that's why you left in the first place? because it all felt the same?" he asked, she blew off his question because all that mattered right now was seeing beckett once again.
"come on" he began "let's go see beckett." once again caiden took ada's hand in his own and lead her from the doorway to the left through the kitchen where many of their fellow vampires sat.
"holy shit it's ada!" one of them cried but ada paid no mind. she had already expected this reaction, besides she was far too busy trying to think of what she would say to beckett upon seeing him once again. caiden lead her from the kitchen through a dinning room and from the dinning room through one of the many closed doors. the one in paticular that lead to beckett's room.
they moved down the small hallway incased in darkness since caiden had shut the door. from the small hallway there were three other doors. the one they had just come from, one to the left that led to no doubt more hidden rooms and doors, and one straight ahead of them, this room belonged to beckett.
caiden and ada moved to the door and caiden stopped her before he opened it.
"listen ada, i'm going to go in first and tell him that you're here, so don't move or do anything until i say so." he told her and as much as she hated taking orders from him she nodded, because her annoyance with him was nothing compared to her fear of an angry beckett. caiden gave her a smile, a real one this time and patted her face gently before knocking on the door. ada moved to the side as to not be seen prematurely by beckett.
"who is it?" the silky smooth voice of beckett asked.
"it's caiden." caiden said as he glanced back at ada, ada returned his smile as she felt the resurgence of feelings she had felt nearly two months ago.
"come right in caiden." beckett said and ada suddenly remembered that caiden was one of beckett's favorite 'children'. caiden went into the room and closed the door, leaving ada behind in the darkness. ada pressed herself against the door desperate to hear every word spoken between the two men. though she was dissapointed to find that she could not hear much of anything.
ada did managed to catch her name here and there and she listened for any huge angry yells to be issued but found there were none. "there wouldn't be" she thought "that just wasn't beckett's way" ada waited a good three minutes before the door reopened and caiden came back out a small smile on his face.
"beckett wishes to see you now." he told her and he rested his hand on her shoulder as she passed him. it was a simple act, one to calm her nerves but she knew nothing in this world could keep her calm right now. ada stepped into the room and came face to face with one of the strongest vampires in the world. the vampire named beckett.
so we met caiden. i'm interested in knowing wheter you guys like him. i'm on the fence and i'm his creator. ha ha anyway i hope you guys like it!
~red~ |
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