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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Wednesday, August 29, 2007
i can see the venom in your eyes
mood: jumbled
listening to: everyone here smells like a rat-the almost
no pimpage or avi today.
Redmoonchick Responds:
sayanachan: awww sorry i tagged yew. ha ha glad you liked the pics.
alex: it's okay i figured you wouldn't do it anyway.
ff 333: i'm glad you think it's a good idea.
jenny: it's filled with looooooooovvvvvvveeeee! XD ah ok i will tell you who the murder was...TEH MAILMAN! XD ha ha yes, you iz mah vampire now. i miss j-walk's hair. T-T
silverdragongirl: ahhh i cry alot cause i r a baby. ha ha
hi guys,
well quick post because again i go into work early and my brother was hogging the computer. work was alright. i was really tired for some reason but i managed to stay awake and the one day i am tired my cousin ends up working an hour and a half late. but she did buy me some dinner so that was good. oh and somehow porsha now thinks that patrick stump is my boyfriend. ha ha i wish.
school starts for me in about six days. i am terrified. i watched "Alice in wonderland" today. i was comparing it to wentz in wonderland and i think i did a good job. it made me really wanna read wentz in wonderland again.
my brother was being a total douchebag today. he made fun of all my hobbies, mostly fall out boy and anime. he was like "you don't need to obsess over fall out boy. you should be obsessing over science or history!" and i'm like "yeeeeeah cause those are so much more interesting then hot rockstars." grrrrr he annoys me. his hobbies are no better. mr. smoke pot and get wasted on a daily basis.
um i am making a collage of my favorite musicans so if any of you happen to see any of the guys from fall out boy or any other band i happen to like in a magazine or something do tell me. and i will send you a hug and a nickle.
agh i am sooooooooo sorry i haven't been commenting you guys. i've been going in early all week and i have no time for anything! i am sorry again and i will comment sooon.
love and more
~red~ |
Comments (7) |
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
she's got a body like an hour glass ticking like a clock
mood: dissapointed
listening to: a little less sixteen candles a little more touch me- fall out boy
currently: want my mp3 player!
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
a13: ah i would never hurt anyone in the name of fob...well there was that one guy but he can walk again so it doesn't count! XD
ff333: ah i was wondering where you went! i am glad you're back!
sayanachan: lol i do that now with my cd player.
jenny: ha ha you iz famous! lol i do hope you'll like it! it's overstuffed! lol yesh i was comforted by the jenny when i got mah shot. i shall never tell who the murder is until the time is right!
shadowme: ha ha i rather like your character! can i never please you?!?!? *cries* :p
hi guys,
work was alright except it sucked because i had to go and get my blood work done yesterday so i couldn't eat for 12 hours but i still had to feed the kids and i was starving and all the while porsha was trying to tempt me to eat. gah. in the end i had to take the kids with me to get my blood drawn and i was so scared because i really hate doing things like that. in the end the lady actually did a good job and i got it over with quickly. we also went and picked up my brother and he was supposed to have my mp3 player but it was locked in his friends room and he couldn't get in so i didn'y get it. T-T we took my bro to his eye appointment and while he was in there i took porsha and jordan into payless shoe store with me and the cashier thought they were my children. -_- i'd be crazy by now if they were.
i was talking to jenny and we said how it would be cool if there was a chat room here on the o. i think that would be pretty cool. i dunno what do you guys think? maybe someone should talk to adam about it. ha ha, oh jenny also revamped the fans of fall out boy site here on the o. it is so spectacular i suggest you check it out.
hmmmm aaaaaaand i got tagged yesterday by none other then jenny so i shall now post my eight random fact about myself then i pick eight other people to tag and they do it and so on and so forth. you don't have to do it if you don't want to obviously.
1. i really, really have a thing for vampires.
2. i once cried while watching an episode of blue's clues.
3.i really like cheesy love songs from the eighties and nineties.
4.i treat my cat mr. hughes like a person
5. i have a knack for finding celebrity look-a-likes.
6.i'm semi afraid of the telephone
7.i have a slight case of obsessive compulsive disorder
8.i will read/listen/watch anything that has to do with fall out boy.
ha ha yes, so ok i choose to tag:
8. danny
(yes, i know seven and eight won't do it)
pictures cause i have nothing else.

pete wentz and jon walker: um yeah i have no idea why their dressed the same or what they're doing.

again no idea.

ha ha ha
alright dearies i iz outta here for i have to be to work early. blahhhhhhhhhh.
~red~ |
Comments (6) |
Monday, August 27, 2007
happy birthday to my patrick!
mood: defensive
listening to: reinventing the wheel to run myself over-fall out boy
currently: defending fall out boy against the rap lovers of the world.
pimpage: shallow heart (HAPPY BIRTHDAY!)
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: ha ha i told you i was gonna steal it. yesh, i posted Q which people seemed to like so that's good. though there is a bit of confusion over the gun at the ending.
toh-toh: eh? noo it was random. but i wouldn't focus on mah bro for he is a stupid.
alex: ah it's fine alex!
silverdragongirl: i love that song tooooooo.
alphonse 13: yes, ha ha i did make jenny cry with that story.
shadowme: nu-uhn pete killed fall out boy not meh! well to me since pete was like hallucinating and things like that he had forgotten that he took the gun with him. since the blackness wasn't real all along he was murdering with no real reason. lol i'm glad you can forgive meh.
sayanachan: woooo i'm glad you guys like it! ah read the explanation i gave to shadowme about the gun thing.
hi guys,
ah well i had a relaxing day, didn't do anything great or anything. though i did talk to jenny for like seven hours straight yesterday. ha ha i swear if we didn't sleep we'd talk 24-7. speaking of jenny IT'S HER BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!! *throws confetti* woo hoo she turned the big 15! gah i feel old. XD also i mailed out jenny's gift yesterday so she should get it by tuesday or wednesday. so i want you all to go to her site and wish her a happy birthday!
good news, i get my mp3 player back tomorrow! matt put all the songs on it like a good boy so hooray. i called and talked to my brother and he had me on speaker phone and i told them that fall out boy was going to work with one of their favorite rappers lil wayne. and they got pissed and matt started dissing fall out boy and patrick and i was like "oh hell no!" XD it turned into a mini war. lol my bro was like "i'm holding the phone and you two are arguing!" ha ha damn right i'll defend fall out boy.
ugh today i am going to get my blood draw but i can't eat 12 hours prior to getting it done so i can't eat after 1:00 in the morning and i am soooooooo hungry. *tummy grumbles* ah my mom is mean she just made some yummy smelling food and i can't eat it! T-T why would she do that! i'm scared though because they can never find my veins so i get poked multiple times for no reason. T-T also gotta take my bro to get his new glasses today. and i get may mp3 player back so hooray for that.
ok ladies and gents. it is monday and time for the latest chapter of murder and lyrics! *waits for applause* anyway i hope you guys like it.
lexi finally showed some humanity and told the detectives a few important details about her relationship with daniel. she wouldn't fess up to cheating on daniel with jake and she still insulted cassie. danielle left timothy and lexi alone so she could go and get lunch.
murder and lyrics
chapter thirtheen: living under a rock isn't such a bad life
danielle had driven to the local dinner located not too far away from the station. she had gotten her lunch and was heading back to her car when a passing newstand caught her eye. it wasn't so much the newstand but two of the magazines on the newstand. danielle stopped in her tracks as she stared at the familar faces looking back up at her.
one of the magazines had the photo of timothy, lexi and danielle herself adorning it's cover. the photo had been one of many taken at the hotel the day they first met lexi. the headline read in big black letters "lexi harftord arrested for murder of boyfriend!" danielle gawked at the magazine not liking the: one false information had been leaked and two: that she was on the cover of some low grade gossip magazine.
the second magazine wasn't of herself or timothy, or even lexi but it did have a large photo of josiah on the cover. danielle had only just remembered that josiah was a musician as well but beyond that she knew very little of the man. the headline to that magazine was smaller but read "tell all interview with josiah hardwick!" danielle feeling suddeny uneasy purchased both magazines and threw them down in her passenger seat as she ate her small lunch.
as danielle ate she flipped through the magazine and as she spotted one photo of josiah surrounded by a legion of teenaged girls an idea struck her, hard as if it had been trying to get her attention all along. danielle hastily put down her sandwhich and grabbed her cell phone calling the number that belonged to the business card in her pocket. the person on the other end picked up after two rings.
"helllllo?" the semi cheery voice asked.
"belinda? this is detective danielle kerley." danielle said.
"oh! detective! what can i do for you?...wait i'm not in trouble again am i?" belinda asked.
"no, belinda. i was just wondering if you know who josiah hardwick is?" danielle asked and the line was silent for a moment before belinda anwsered.
" JO-JO HARDWICK! of course i know who he is! he's only the hottest thing out there, besides daniel of course!" belinda shouted out of excitment into the phone.
"i see." danielle said and she wondered where the hell she had been that she knew nothing of today's hottest stars.
"why do you ask? OH MY GOD HE'S NOT DEAD TOO IS HE?" belinda asked an obvious and real fear in her voice.
"no, no. it's nothing really, but can you tell me a bit about him?" danielle asked as she once again picked up the magazine and flipped through it's pages.
"duh, of course i can!" belinda said. "let's see, he was born april 5th 1983, his favorite color is dark purple, he likes his pizza with no sauce, he was in five bands before he hit it big with his current band "black stars in your eyes.", he's had twenty number one songs, he-" belinda most likely would've continued to ramble off facts about josiah until danielle knew his entire life story but danielle cut her off before she could continue.
"was he friends with daniel hicks?" danielle asked and belinda made a noise like danielle should've already known that fact.
"yeah, well they weren't at first but after a while daniel started hanging with him and then of course after he introduced cassie to him they all hung out a lot. geeze don't you ever get on the internet?" belinda asked, and danielle rolled her eyes.
"so daniel introduced cassie to josiah?" danielle asked as she glanced at her dashboard clock.
"yup, i guess cassie was always a really big fan of josiah's and daniel promised if he ever got famous he'd introduce them." belinda said and danielle was honestly both impressed and astonished that belinda knew such personal details in these people's lives.
"so the two of them never had any problems? no fights or arguments?" danielle asked, belinda sighed as if she were somewhat annoyed at having to explain so much to danielle. like trying to teach simple math to a three year old.
"no, at least not that i'm aware of." belinda said and danielle knew that if belinda wasn't aware of it then it most likely didn't happen.
"well belinda, thank you. you've been very helpful." danielle said as she jotted down the simple information into her small notepad.
"yeah, well your welcome." belinda said "and may i suggest that you google josiah and daniel sometime?" belinda told her. danielle laughed a bit before saying goodbye to belinda and hanging up the phone.
danielle was about to head back to the station when her cell phone rang. for a moment danielle thought that it might be belinda calling back to school danielle on more facts about josiah and daniel, but it was detective fisher.
"hello?" danielle asked as she anwsered the phone.
"danielle, it's me timothy." detective fisher said.
"i know, what's up i was just getting ready to head back to the station." danielle told him and timothy groaned a bit.
"right well don't bother." timothy told her.
"why not?" danielle asked worried that maybe she was thrown off the case.
"we had to let lexi go..." timothy told her as if the saying it hurt him.
"what! why?" danielle asked astonished that one of the main murder suspects was now on the loose.
"because, we didn't have enough evidence to keep her overnight. her laywer showed up and demanded we let her go." timothy said. danielle fumed in the front seat of her car. lexi had once again managed to slip out of their fingers and it felt like nothing was being acomplished.
"but i called her cell phone provider and we now have clearence to her cell phone records." timothy told danielle and her feelings of nothing being accomplished eased.
"so what are you gonna do?" danielle asked timothy.
"i'm going to go and get the records from the last month and a half. to see who lexi's been talking to." timothy said.
"that sounds like a good idea." danielle told him as she stared out the window, checking to see if lexi hartford was suddenly strolling down the streets of L.A.
"maybe you should take this time to go and see josiah?" timothy suggested and danielle stopped him.
"no can do. josiah wants to meet tomorrow." she told him.
"well what about that other guy. jake? the guy that was in the photo with lexi?" timothy asked and danielle agreed that it sounded like a good idea. danielle hung up with timothy and called jenny asking her to pull the most recent records of jake walker. danielle got jake's adress and phone number and left immedently to meet with the mysterious jake.
is josiah as innocent as he appears? what will lexi do now that she's free? what will her phone records show? and how will jake react to the impromptue visit from danielle? find out next time!
oh one interesting note. i just wanted to let you all know that there is one chapter of an alternate verison of this story where daniel doesn't die and drama ensues. ha ha weird right?
~red~ |
Comments (8) |
Sunday, August 26, 2007
this is a 44 calibur love letter straight from my heart.
mood: i hate my cats
listening to: bang the doldrums- fob
currently: squirtin my cat with a squirt gun.
pimpage: shallow heart (she races through the city windows down in the back of yellow checkered cars), shadowme (she knew it was over she just didn't know the date), sayanachan (she cast's a spell over the west to make you think of her), deadxonxarrival (this is a love song in her own way), tohmalover14 (she has a car crash heart), knight edge (he can take your problems away with a nod and a wave of his hand cause that's just the kinda boy that he is), destinyssweetman (he's a stich away from making it), detectivedanielle (the girl whose lips couldn't move fast enough), savestheday (the boy the dance floor didn't love)
avatar of the day: 
i really hope danny sees this because only he will get how funny that is. if he remembers that is.
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: ha ha i might post Q but i would have to include a butt load of warnings. awwww why were you mad at the mall? you read it before? one of the characters reminded meh of yew. ah you aren't old. talk to me when your about to turn 19. *panic attack*
toh-toh: i never got that text! wth cell phone? *glares at it* actually the cash fell out of my pocket and i thought i lost it till i found it by the heater in the hallway.
demonskiss: i think i saw that at the library. was it by anne rice?
shadowme: why thank you belinda dear! i'm glad you liked it!
sayanachan: mmmmmmm i want some subway.
hi guys,
well i have nothing to post about except for i saw the movie snakes on a plane. which was alright. i only watched it cause i knew they played the "cobra starship" song "snakes on a plane (bring it)" aaaaaand pete and hot beckett are in the vid. ahhhhhhhhh it's love.
well except for that i will be posting another story. one of jenny's favorites. but before i do i must put up a warning!
WARNING: do not read this story if you aren't comfortable with: boys making out, semi-graphic murders, a bath tub scene involving two boys (but it's not graphic), and mental illness. thanks.
Q is for questionable
"his behavior is questionable at best." the doctor told patrick as he stood inside the office talking with him. peter stood just outside the door of the office but didn't go inside because he doubted this conversation would go on if he entered, mostly because the conversation was about him.
"his behavior has always been questionable. that's just the way pete is." he heard patrick say and pete leaned forward peeking into the room through the slit in the doorway. he knew he wasn't supposed to be hearing this conversation but it didn't stop him from listening.
"yes, but patrick didn't you tell me that his more recent behavior has scared you?" doctor zahn asked and patrick nodded and fiddled with his hat.
"well i mean it worries me more then anything." patrick said and for some reason pete felt his heart sink a bit. he never wanted to make patrick worry, he knew he was fucked up but he didn't think it was this bad.
"well patrick, i think you should watch him for a few days and if it becomes worse then do call me." the doctor said and patrick nodded and pete knew the conversation was nearing an end so he retreated from the door and as nosily as he could reapproached it so that the two men inside would know he was coming.
sure enough the door was pulled open and patrick stepped out grinning at pete as if he hadn't just been talking behind his back.
"you alright peter?" patrick asked and pete plastered on the fake smile like he had done so many times before and nodded.
"yeah, went to the bathroom. that's all." pete said as he stepped towards patrick and doctor zahn. doctor zahn too smiled at pete returning the fake smile. he knew, he already knew that the doctor wasn't pleased to see him again. not for the fifth time this month. and patrick...he was beginning to think that patrick wasn't happy at all. who could be happy after all with a mental patient for a boyfriend?
pete was asked a few questions by doctor zahn. simple things like "if he was hearing voices" or "if he felt anxious" pete anwsered the only way he knew how. he told him what he knew they wanted to hear. patrick and the doctor chated a bit more, not about pete but pete's medication. pete didn't understand why doctor zahn wasn't talking to him about it when he was standing right there looking down at the floor. after a few moments the two of them left and patrick promptly took hold of pete's arm. either out of loving gesture or of fear that he might run.
on the drive home patrick rambled on about doctor zahn, his suggestions, and things he had read about things that helped people like pete. pete was turned facing the window his forehead pressed against it. he wasn't really listening to patrick. it was hard to listen when it all sounded like the same conversation.
it was at a stop light when pete noticed it for the first time. a mass of black that seemed almost formless. he focused his eyes and tried to see what it was, though to him it looked blurry and unfocused. he thought about asking patrick if he could see it but he was afraid that maybe the anwser would be no.
as the car pulled away from the stop pete whipped his head around to watch the mass and as they drove away he could see the form of a person dressed all in black. thinking that his mind was playing tricks on him pete pulled away from the window and rested back into the seat.
pete closed his eyes and his mind went back to the black figure. it seemed familar to him, somehow it all felt so familar. pete blamed it on his failing mental health and before long he and patrick were home. patrick helped pete get settled back into the house and for the hundreth time that day pete felt like patrick was more of his mother then his lover. patrick left to the kitchen to make them dinner and pete flopped down on the couch that he felt was always too soft and would never be right no matter how hard it tried.
pete tried watching tv but when all the shows and commericals run together into one screaming mass of voices, it get's hard to concentrait. he sighed and flicked off the tv before shuffling his way downstairs to the basement where his beloved insturment was. pete picked up his bass was happy that he could still feel the joy it brought him. he tried to play a few notes but it all seemed out of tune and more of a piercing roar that broke all calmness then the soft low thrums of bass strings.
pete set down the bass and headed into the sunroom. he lay on the floor where the sunlight poured in from the windows and he was bathed in the warm glow. pete felt that in these moments when he was drenched in the warmth was the only time he could ever turly be golden. pete must've fallen asleep while he was basking in the warmth because the next thing he knew he was surrounded by the blackness once again.
this time it was different though, this time it was a cold wet kind of darkness. as if he were emerged in water up to his waist. his arms were also engulfed in the wetness up to his elbows. somewhere in the darkness he could also hearing screaming. wheter it was his own or someone else's he'd never know because in that moment he was shaken awake by patrick.
patrick and pete had dinner in mostly silence and pete watched patrick, mostly surveying him. he always wondered what patrick was thinking about him. always wondering when patrick would leave him. eventually he and patrick reitred to bed and patrick laid beside him and talked to him. it was always like patrick to try and keep pete normal and sane even though they both knew that pete was slipping away.
patrick fell asleep long before pete would and pete slipped out of bed carefully and quietly as to not wake patrick. pete left the house without his shoes because he liked the feeling of warm cement on his bare feet. he made the small trip to andy's house which was only about two blocks away. he made it to andy's house and with a small rap on the front door waited patiently for andy to anwser.
pete knew that andy would know exactly what he came for. andy came to the door about half a minute later and it looked like he was settling down for bed.
"pete?" he said surprised but not upset. before andy could talk anymore pete propelled his body at him. his hands coming to rest on either side of his face and their lips pressed together. andy backed up into the house with pete following him and pete turned them suddenly and pressed andy against the door closing it.
this wasn't an uncommon thing for the two of them. it had been happening for at least five months now. or whenever patrick started treating him like he was different. pete started coming to andy. he wasn't sure how it really all began but it did and pete needed what andy gave him to survive.
the duo promptly made their way into the bathroom, shedding clothes as they walked. they ended up in the bathtub. touching and teasing while the water filled. in moments the duo were emerged in the water, pete straddling andy. andy about to take pete in the way that he wished patrick would. yes, pete was in full on fucking mode with andy when suddenly he looked at andy and saw, not the sweet scruffy andy but a dark and horrifying creature whose body was black and appeared to be made of smoke.
pete screamed and pulled back away from the creature. without thinking, without speaking pete attacked the creature, thinking that maybe if he attacked it, no killed it! then andy would return to him. pete wrapped his fingers around the creatures neck and it's large black clawlike hands came up grasping at pete's forearms. pete fought the creature and pushed it's head under water holding it there.
he heard the creature sputter and thrash and claw at him but he knew if he wanted to save himself, if he wanted to save andy then he'd have to kill whatever this thing was. pete was surprised that he was stronger then the creature, and before he knew it the beast had gone still and floating black eyes wide and open under the clear water.
before pete could celebrate his victory, something happened. everything seemed clearer to him and the blackness faded away. pete looked down at the now dead creature and nearly threw up in fear and shock. lying there in the bottom of the filled tub wasn't the creature that pete had just seen. no, it was andy!
pete gagged and his insides were numb. "no!" he thought as he stared down at his lover and his friend. "no! there had been a monster! it wasn't andy!" pete thought desperate to believe himself. pete looked down at his own arms and chest and gasped as he saw the dark lines that andy's nails left in his skin. andy had begun to float up to the surface and pete shot back sloshing water all over the floor. as quickly as he could without thinking too much pete climbed out of the tub and ran around the house leaving wet foot prints in his wake.
pete felt like he couldn't breath as he struggled to pull his clothes on over his wet body. he would never kill anyone on purpose ecspecially not andy! he knew he saw the creature! it was real, he believed it. the problem was that no one else would. pete was finally dressed and ready to go but before he did he crept back to the bathroom as if andy would be able to sense him. he peeked his head into the room and gasped at what he saw. pete saw the same sort of formless black figure standing over andy that he had when he had been driving with patrick earlier that morning.
the black figure was standing over the tub peering down at andy. it's black smokey eyes watching the corpse intently. pete knew it had to be real! this couldn't all be his imagination and that the black figure must've been what killed andy. pete convinced himself that, that was what happened and he left the apartment as quickly as he could. releasing himself back out into the cool air of the city.
pete was paranoid as he walked the city. he felt that every person who passed him knew what had happened. he felt as if they were all watching him. pete didn't know where he was going but he knew it wasn't home. even though he knew that patrick would be the most likely to help him. lucky for pete he didn't have to decide where he was going as fate had already decided when he bumped into joe on a street corner.
"pete! man what are you doing here?" joe asked as he looked at pete. pete felt like his tongue was too heavy to move but he anwsered joe anyway.
"i was just going for a walk man." pete said as he ran a hand through his hair and prayed that joe couldn't suddenly read minds. joe nodded as if he had no reason not to believe pete's story.
"well man i was just taking these groceries home if you wanna come." joe said and pete nodded because maybe if he talked with joe he'd forget what had just happened. pete followed joe upstairs to his apartment and the duo entered without speaking. joe headed to the kitchen and joe offered pete a drink. pete declined due to his medication and instead offered to help joe with the groceries. as joe turned to give pete a bag he knocked a container of knives over and they fell to the floor, a few of them slidding over to pete.
pete bent down and picked up the knife nearest him, a large shining steak knife. pete stared into the reflection of the knife and gasped when he saw a dark gleam of black. pete shot up and screamed as he saw another black grotesque creature standing in the kitchen where joe had been.
"no, not again!" pete screamed as he stared at the creature, who slowly turned it's deformed hideous head to stare at him with those dead black eyes. the creature then began moving in small slow steps, towards pete. pete backed away terrified.
"where's joe? what did you do with joe?" pete yelled at the beast. the beast turned it's head almost quizzically before advancing on pete and grabbing his wrist trying to take the knife away from him. pete fought back because it was all he could do, he didn't know what these creatures were or why they were attacking him and his friends he just prayed it wasn't too late to save joe.
pete shoved the creature down and glanced at the knife in his hand. as quickly as he could he brought it down plunging it into the beast's chest. pete tried to block out the screams that filled the air, those of the beast and his own. pete stabbed the beast repeatedly as it tried to crawl away and fight back. finally the beast lay still and pete was on his knees breathing heavily, his jeans soaked in the creatures dark blood.
just as it had happened before the darkness around pete seemed to melt away and his vision returned and again pete was repulsed at the scene before him. there laying below him, his body marred with multiple stab wounds was joe. pete dropped the bloody knife from his hand and he shook as he bent down and grabbed joe pulling him up into his arms. there he cried apologizing to joe, begging him for forgivness. he didn't know what was happening but he knew one thing now. he could never see patrick again.
pete left joe's apartment, so numb and frozen that he didn't bother cleaning up. he was stained with blood. pete had taken joe's keys and gotten into joes car and drove. where he was going? he wasn't sure. he couldn't go to anyone he loved or cared about in fear that they'd end up dead. pete was driving and not concentrating when he noticed someone standing in the street ahead of him. pete stopped the car it's breaks squealing as he saw patrick in the road. patrick looked nervous as he started towards the car.
pete didn't give patrick time to get to him he leapt from the car and began backing away slowly.
"pete! what are you doing out here? i was so worried! come on pete, let's go home." patrick said as he walked towards pete. pete shook his head.
"no patrick! i-i can't go home!" he told him as he backed away off the sidewalk. patrick looked worried.
"yes, you can pete come on. i'll take you home and give you your medicine. it will all be okay." patrick assured him but patrick didn't know the things pete had done tonight.
"no, trick! i did things tonight...bad things!" pete screamed as he backed his way into oncoming traffic. pete saw the headlights coming and thought for a split second he would stay there and get hit and die, because he deserved to die as well. but the car that had been coming stopped so pete did all he could do. he ran.
pete ran up the streets and around corners anywhere he could go. he glanced back and saw patrick chasing him. pete ran faster and made more complicated moves in the hopes that patrick wouldn't be able to follow but those hopes were dashed as patrick kept on him. he turned suddenly and darted into an open door to an office building. what an office building was doing open so late was none of pete's concern as he raced up the flights of stairs.
pete could hear the echous sounds of patrick following him and his voice yelling for him to stop but he ignored it because he knew what he had to do. pete made his way to the open roof of the building and he stood as the wind whipped around him. patrick had followed him up to the roof and pete turned quickly as he looked at his lover.
"pe-pete! why are you running from me? what are you doing?" he asked out of breath and clutching his side.
"patrick, i can't be allowed to live anymore. if i do i-i'll end up hurting you." pete cried as he moved back a few feet.
"what? no pete you could never hurt me. you love me and i love you! i need you pete you can't die!" he told him. pete shook his head.
"i will hurt you! just like i hurt andy and joe! now please patrick go home! i don't want you to see me do this!" pete yelled as he stepped back until his back bumped into the cold stone edge.
"pete, come on. get away from the ledge...we can talk about whatever is going on okay? we can talk to andy and joe." patrick told him as he extended his arm out and slowly began approaching pete.
"no we can't trick! all i can do is kill myself so no one else get's hurt!" he yelled as he climbed up on the ledge. patrick looked scared more scared then pete had ever seen him look before. "i'm sorry patrick, i have to do this. you'll understand tomorrow." pete said and before pete could jump patrick rushed forward and grabbed him and pulled him down off the ledge, held him there on the roof as pete struggled to get away.
"NO, NO PATRICK NO! I'LL END UP HURTING YOU NO!" pete screamed as he broke free from patrick and shoved him away. it was only too late before pete opened his eyes in time to see patrick fall off the ledge of the building. pete screamed and raced forward but it was too late to grab him and patrick fell to his death. pete couldn't breath now. he had never felt a pain like this before. it felt like pete's entire body was shutting down and his brain had already left. he could see nothing but the look on patrick's face as he fell off the building and he could hear people screaming and sirens blaring down below.
pete turned to his left and saw the blackness, the figure of a person standing there watching him.
"you! you did this! why? why did you kill my friends?" pete screamed. the figure said nothing but walked away pete got up and followed running after the blackness. he chased it down the stairs and hallways forever chasing it through the empty building. it entered a room and pete burst inside after it. realizing it was the bathroom pete stopped and looked around unable to find where the creature went.
"where are you? please just tell me where you are!" he cried as he came to stop infront of the mirror. pete let out a cry as reflected back at him was the blackness only it had taken the shape of peter himself. tears fell from pete's black eyes as he realized that all along he had been the darkness. it was he who had killed his friends, and he was so insane that only he could see the creatures and the darkness.
pete groped in his pocket for a gun he didn't know he had and with one last glance at his reflection he pressed the barrel to his temple and pulled the trigger. freeing himself from the darkness.
"pete's behavior has always been questionable. that's just the way pete is."
~red~ |
Comments (5) |
Saturday, August 25, 2007
you never call me when you're sober
mood: releaved
listening to: celebrity eye candy-on the vh1
currently: tired and still have a lot to do.
pimpage: shallow heart (patrick), shadowme (joe), sayanachan (ryan), deadxonxarrival (andy), tohmalover14 (spencer), slowness (mikey), knight edge (gabe), detectivedanielle (jon walker), savestheday (brendon urie), destinysweetman (alex)
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: despite the job i am doing good! ha ha thanks for gracing me with your presence.
sayanachan: i find that i like blender and alternative press magazine.
ninja lover: ms. fake nose=asslee. XD
kakashi s: ha ha yes, i had that in mah head too.
jenny: ha ha don't you think the Q one is a little innapropriet? man sexs and mental illness and character death? i dunno if mah readers are mature enough. XD lol yes! scream nonsensical lyrics in the mall for meh! ha ha
jd person: well thanks for your honesty!
demonskiss: ah you had good ones! i liked them! ha ha i use all mah brain power to think of chapter titles.
hi guys,
well work was average, i had a lot more energy then i had yesterday which was a good thing. porsha and i made cards for jenny [shallow heart's] birthday. heh heh it was fun. ended up taking the kids to the library. jordan was bad and proceeded to think that the library was one big maze that he could hide in. while at el library i looked for some vampire books but found no good ones. i did check out a few books and oh my gosh i love the book "ttyl" it's about three friends and the whole book is written in IM style. i love it. a few of the characters remind me of people i know. i also checked out the sequal to "ttyl" and this mystery book called "pig island" and a funny book called "the death of bindy something." yeah.
i got paid today as well and for the first time i feel like i got severly underpaid. i came in early three days this week and stayed late one day and i only got $105 bucks. blaaaaaaaaaaah. ripped off.
oh you guys! we had a tornado warning today! dude we didn't even know. my mom and i were driving around and the sky was grey and before you know it, it got all windy and started raining so we turned on the radio and heard that we had a tornado warning in the area and a sever thunderstorm watch and my mom and i were driving right through it. i swear you guys it was scary because great big bolts of white lightning were flashing all over and it was raining super hard, traffic lights were out and it was hard to see. also the radio had near constant warnings over flooded areas and downed trees. also one of the radio stations got knocked out. i just wanted to get home because i didn't want to die in a van. XD in the end we were all okay. unfortunately a city nearby was pretty damaged.
later mom and i went to dinner at a chinese resturant where they the food was epicly overpriced. and when i went to pay i realized that i only had fourty bucks so my $100 bucks was missing! i ended up finding it later at home but still that was scary.
i stopped by borders on the way home and bought furuba vol.17 (finally!) i also got fullmetal alchemist vol.14, black cat vol.8, and beauty pop vol.5. yesh, i have lots of reading materials now.
uh i had a mini conversation with danny today. which is good cause it eases my fears. so yeah we were normal again. oh and i think i am getting my mp3 player back on monday because matt the guy who is putting music on it for me told me he do it this weekend. i also ran into my dear friend greg whose b-day is tuesday. yeah i wanna hang with him on his b-day. ha ha i love mah boys.
oh yeah and i got jenny's letter today! ha ha i love it! she drew me a super adorable picture and she colored it! ha ha i love her! XD i need to send out her b-day stuff soon.
~red~ |
Comments (6) |
Friday, August 24, 2007
he said "why put a new address on the same old loneliness?"
mood: frustrated and mah head hurts
listening to: amazing because it is-the almost
currently: mad at photobucket and mah computer
no pimpage, avatar, or responses today cause i no feel like it.
hi guys,
work wasn't great. mostly due to the fact that i didn't feel too good or sleep very well. then jordan was really bad today. porsha was pretty good which surprised me. other things that happened. i found rotten meat in the microwave. *puke* the smell was what i can only imagine must be what a rotten body smells like. i let their pit bull dog fergie out and she was really attached to me but she ended up peeing on the floor. i don't have to go in early tonight which is awesome.
i'm glad you guys liked the first chapter of sixteen. lol a lot of you said that you wanted me to hurry with the other chapters but i already have the next two chapters done. i just wait to post em because i don't wanna burn anyone out on my writing.
mmmmmmm still trying to work things out with my soon to be new theme. blasted photobucket is being all complicated. uh yeah also i realized today that i get easily jealous when it comes to a certain someone...dammit. i thought i was through with that. heh guess i'm just a slightly jealous person. oh well we all have flaws.
oh i love blender magazine. it's really funny and there's always a chance when i buy it that i'll see some of my favorite people. the new issue alone had pete even though he was with ms. fake nose, it also had brendon and ryan from panic! and travis from gym class heroes. so yesh, i heart blender magazine.
um i have like nothing to talk about sooooooo i shall post another of those lovely little stories staring pete and patrick. yeah this one is B and it's set in the universe of the fob video "a little less sixteen candles a little more touch me" heh another of my favorites.
b is for blood
pete woke up in the middle of the night as he always did. he stumbled out of bed slowly and clumbsily. an intense thirst seizing his throat. pete sleepily made his way out to the kitchen of the apartment that he shared with his three friends. pete rubbed his dark brown eyes as he pulled open the fridge and shrank back from the light. after he was adjusted to the light he bent down and rumaged around for something to drink. his normally handsome face pulled down into a frown as he lifted an empty beer bottle from the fridge.
"damn joe keeps leaving empty bottles in the fridge" pete growled as he set the bottle on the shiny metal countertop where it rested with many of patrick's broken gadgets. pete went back to the fridge and seized what he was looking for. a blender full of a dark red liquid, peter grimaced at the liquid but guzzled it down anyway some of it escaping out the corners of his mouth. he made a disgruntled noise as he set down the empty blender and wiped the remaining liquid off his mouth.
"it doesn't work so well anymore does it?" he heard a soft gentle voice say from across the room. the light from the open refrigerator worked to illuminate the room and pete was able to see that it was patrick talking to him, it didn't matter that he already knew anyway.
"i don't know patrick you invented it, you tell me" pete snipped at his long time friend.
patrick said nothing but pete could hear him walking forward towards him, he stopped far enough away from pete but enough to have the light catch him and give him an eerie glow.
"are you still thirsty pete?" patrick asked his hands falling to his side and fidgeting with the end of his t-shirt. pete didn't anwser patrick, he didn't want to know what drastic measure patrick's sleep deprived mind had thought up.
"cause um-you could drink from me" patrick said his voice filled with an air of uncertainty as his hands ran up to his shirt collar before pulling it back and exposing his pale neck. pete and patrick stood in the kitchen of the apartment in the seedy part of the city, in silence saying nothing.
pete let out a sigh "no, patrick" he said as he tried to walk past his friend, but patrick was having none of it as he felt a slightly chubby warm hand enclose around his ice cold wrist.
"pete, really! it's okay, i'll let you drink from me" patrick said again this time with conviction. pete let his mind flirt with the idea of drinking from patrick, of the horrid thirst finally being quenched but he stopped himself as the image of pristine fangs sinking into pale white skin entered his mind. pete placed his hand on top of patricks and gently pulled it off of his wrist.
pete left patrick standing there in the kitchen in his t-shirt and boxers illuminated in the light from the fridge. he made his way back to his room; back to his coffin as he lay inside of it he thought of his reason for saying no. it was because he would never want to make patrick into what he was, he would never want patrick to live this kind of life. pete closed his eyes tight even though he wasn't sleepy and thought of poor patrick out in the kitchen alone. he heard the sounds of the blender and he knew patrick was making more of the foul liquid for him. he thought of patrick to keep his mind off the horrible thirst that he could feel already creeping back into his throat.
again sorry to jenny for she already read this. hope it was entertaining!
~red~ |
Comments (7) |
Thursday, August 23, 2007
we're dropped and well concealed in secret places
mood: pessimistic
listening to: this ain't a scene it's an arms race- fall out boy
currently: possibly overdosing on peterick. ha ha
pimpage: shallow heart (she doesn't sound like a man), shadowme (the joe without the hobo beard), sayanachan (she panics! at the disco), deadxonxarrival (she has the sex parties with shadowme), slowness (spreading peace one hula hoop at a time), tohmalover14 (she's hitting on mah brother?!?), knight edge (aaaaah), destinyssweetman (my twizin), detectivedanielle (ha ha i should make her be william beckett), savestheday (check your text)
avatar of the day: 
that you did. ha ha
Redmoonchick Responds:
demonskiss: dang i knew someone asked but i couldn't remember who! sorry! well the pimpage started with just me using it to tell people when my friends danielle and danny would update but then i started putting people who i feel close to on there so in a way they are getting pimped.
sayanachan: ha ha well i'm glad you like being ryan! XD
shadowme: ha i don't need your sex parties cause i gotta molest jenny in public so people question our relationship. XD oh noes! for the love of all things good please no growing the hobo beard!
toh-toh: ha ha i know! i was like "well did you tell her that it's not me?" he was like "nooooooo" ha ha my brother is stupid. you had to look up spencer? ah bad panic! fan *hits yew with newspaper* ha ha j/k spencer is love.
capricorn-rocker: thanks for stopping by.
alphonse 13: ha ha no way! i iz the good one and jenny is teh evil! ha ha. lmao you should hear our conversations, they're the best things ever.
jenny: i know i was like "where's my jenny comment? jenny no love meh no more!" then i cried emo tears :p lol yesh, i was like "no dont't do that!" while i was one the phone. lol "HELLO TRICK!" ha ha we iz insane. lol yesh, jenny has advanced knowledge. XD
angel zakuro: ha ha well at least i educated you in fob. ha ha we must now begin the panic lessons. meet me every day at four sharp. :p
jasperxalice: ah it sucks cause now i do have to deal with needles. T-T
hi guys,
well work was alright i guess. i was kinda mad that again my cousin brittany was over there when i went to work because she is pretty annoying. and she was trying to wake porsha up. man it felt like i was babysitting a third kid. i hope she's not there tonight cause i don't think i can handle it.
i had to go to the doctor's today. i ended up taking the kids with me and the doctor scared the crap outta me because she said that if a problem i have continues i might have to end up having surgery and that the surgery would take out one of my overies. yikes i told my mom that i wasn't having the surgery no matter what. i also have to go and get blood drawn on friday i think and have an ultrasound. both are things i hate doing. ecspecially the blood drawing.
T-T the kids were good for my mom while i was inside for my appointment but when it was her turn they were bad. my gosh i hate that.
hooray! i got to talk to jenny on the phone today! ha ha it wasn't nearly as awkward as i expected because it's jenny and she iz mah clone. ha ha. i didn't get to talk to her for too long though because my cousin came home so hopefully when i get more minutes we can talk again.
oh joy i have decided on a new theme for next month. i was torn between two and i made my decision today. so huzzah! duuuuude there was a really bad storm here and my mom and i were right in the middle of it. i was sitting out in the car when it happened and i wasn't scared just like "man i don't wanna get wet!" ha ha it was lightining really bad as well but it was beautiful at the same time.
ok so it is thursday and that means the very first chapter of the fic that you guys voted for: Sixteen. ha ha i have yet to name it something different. so yeah sorry if the first chapter is boring. it's not too long though so i hope you guys enjoy it. poor story has big shoes to fill with wentz in wonderland.
chapter one: fight in the moonlight
a young girl, in her late teens walked down the moonlit streets of chicago. she walked alone despite the obvious dangers of a pretty girl alone at night. ecspecially since the recent attacks that had been taking place in the city. the girl either oblivious or uncaring to the potential danger continued her walk.
the moonlight caught her hair as she walked making her shine with an unnatural glow. as she rounded a corner and set off walking down a deserted street a large clatter was heard. the girl stopped and turned slowly to check the dark glistening street, but she saw no one the dark haired girl didn't seem scared of the noise but more curious as to where it had come from. the girl gave a small shrug before stuffing her hands into her black jacket and continuing her walk.
only a few moments later the noise was heard again louder and once again the girl stopped and looked around for any sign and again nothing, by now a small amused smile played on the corner of her lips, as she continued her journey. the girl now turned once again and left the safety of the lit streets and turned on to the dark and shadow filled streets.
the only noise now was the dull thudding of her shoes against the concrete. the girl passed a paticularly grimy building when it happened. suddenly she felt arms grab her from behind and pull her back into a hard body. the arms held her neck back and exposed. and a cool voice spoke to her.
"didn't anyone ever teach you not to walk alone at night?" the male voice told her mockingly. the girl said nothing but remained stiff in the man's arms. "come on girlie. don't ya wanna say anything? any final words?" he jeered at her. the girl still didn't speak, nor did she seem afraid. the man scoffed.
"heh too bad you're going to die now." the he told her after her refusal to speak. she turned her head a bit and saw a gleaming flash of white. quickly the girl drew back her elbow and slugged the man in the stomach with it. obviously the man wasn't expecting the girl to be as strong as she was and he quickly fell to the ground. the girl had whipped around to face her would be attacker.
"didn't anyone ever teach you to keep your hands to yourself?" she asked. a gleam of white caught in her grin. the man on the ground scoffed but made no attempt to get up.
"i see i underestimated you." he said as he clutched at his side. the man now stood and faced the girl. "you are one strong human, but nothing i can't handle." he said as he rushed towards her in a highly unhuman speed. in a split second the girl was to the side as the man rushed past and he turned angry, his fist raised to strike her. he charged forward and the girl barely managed to grab his fist before it connected with her jaw.
she now held the man's fist trapped within her own hand. she grabbed harder her nails digging into his pale flesh and twisting his arm until she heard a satisisfying 'crack'. the unhuman man dropped to his knee's howling in pain as she held his now broken arm still in the unatural position.
"you are quite possibly one of the weakest vampires i have ever met." she told him as he clutched at his own broken arm. a scowl formed on his face.
"who are you a human to call me a vampire weak?" he yelled at her. she laughed as the moonlight broke through the cloudy night sky, drowning them in the white light. the man looked up at the supposed human who had beat him. a grin on her face large enough for him to now see, he could see the long white canine fangs in her mouth.
"you-you can't be a vampire! you smell nothing like blood!" he protested refusing to believe the site before him.
"i owe you no explanation as to what i am." she told him as she frowned.
"what clan do you belong to then? if you're really a vampire then what clan are you from?" he asked as if he believed her to be lying. he peered at her, possibly trying to find any sort of familarality. the girl stared back at him, the anger and cockiness now long gone from her face. she turned her back on him and again stuffed her hands into her long black jacket.
"beckett." was all she said and she didn't wait around to hear his response. "don't follow me. i don't want to have to hurt you more." she said as she walked away from the injured vampire. the girl started back on her walk though she was more heavy hearted then before. the man had succeeded in reminding her of where she was heading. where she didn't want to go.
the girl made her way down the winding streets of chicago before long she ended up in a middle class neighborhood, the kind of place where all the houses looked the same. she walked down the nearly empty street as she ventured further along the street she noticed more and more 'people' outside and they noticed her.
"ah look who came back!" one of the men on the sidewalk said loudly as he nudged his friend. the girl ignored them and kept her pace. she was having a hard enough time coming back here on her own. she didn't need their taunts to dissuade her from continuing. finally she saw it in the distance, the largest house on the block as well as the most livliest. it took every ounce of will power the girl had to force herself up to the front lawn of the house.
it was a large two-story plus home. fine and slightly fancy looking, painted a fine shade of dark brown. it's many windows covered as to not let one ounce of light in. the girl moved up the path way and across the fresh green yard up to the white heavy front door. she gave one quick knock and stood there knowing she had been gone too long to just enter like she used to. the girl wondered who was going to anwser the door and she prayed it wasn't beckett...or him.
the door opened and a short man appeared. the girl was relived that it wasn't the people she didn't want to see. the man took one look at the girl before his mouth dropped.
"you." he said and the girl nodded.
"yeah." was all she said as if that gave an explanation to everything. the girl was desperate to get in the house before she gained any unwanted attention. as long as she didn't run into him she'd be fine.
"who is it david?" an all too familar voice asked from within the house and the girl's insides froze as she knew who was coming and it was too late to run before the other man showed up at the door, the one man she didn't want to run into. the man looked at her and for a split second shock took his handsome face before he regained his composure and he grinned at her.
"ada, welcome home" he said as if she had only been gone for a few hours or a day at the most. the man took her hand and lead her inside the house.
well i hope you guys liked that, like i said if it's boring now don't worry it picks up in the next few chapters. hmmmmmm i wonder why i'm so nervous that no one will like it? ha maybe it's because i really like the characters.
~red~ |
Comments (7) |
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
not a million fights could make me hate you
mood: cold and hungry
listening to: "it's not a side effect of the cocaine, i am thinking it must be love-fall out boy
currently: need to refil my squirt gun
pimpage: shallow heart (one of the greatest people you'll ever meet), shadowme (she and i will most likely end up in a duel for danny's attention XD), sayanachan (she is the ryro ninja), deadxonxarrival (she ruined butter for meh), slowness (gerard way is her bestfriend), tohmalover14 (she texted mah brother), knight edge (the missing knight), destinyssweetman (he's such a caring person), detectivedanielle (i gotta hang out with her sooooon), savestheday (i wanna talk to him)
avatar of the day: 
ha that's freaken awesome.
Redmoonchick Responds:
sayanachan: lol i wish i could dance in the rain. lol in that situation i wouldn't mind be held at gunpoint either.
jenny: i think we are equally nice people. lol it's not raining here either but it is chilly. i know it sucks! aaaaaand i gotta go in early tonight again. T-T ha ha yes, i was thinking that same thing "what if i buy a digital camera and the computer won't work it?" ha lol hemmy is a pimp on the myspace, he has all the ladies. XD lmao i love that seckz party pic cause pete does look like he's sad that he can't go. hooray! i get a jenny picture? i win!
omnimaster: well i mean i still know people but no one as close to me as danielle and danny were. ha ha they know almost all mah secrets.
sessy514: ha well thanks for not hating meh.
toh-toh: you can't hug the patrick for he is currently eating cookies and watching cartoons. pete still gives hugs though! *pete runs to hug the riku* lol kids have such abnormal sleeping habits. ah when i go back to school i lose mah job but my mom is set to take over. lol *grabs balloons* let's go! ha ha if those pics were of pete and patrick i would have died of too much goodness! XD ha ha if i found a peterick smexz pic it would become my wallpaper. lol
ninja lover: somedays it challenging.
alphonse 13: ha ha yesh, there is that saying that says with great power comes great responsibility. did i just quote spiderman? yes, yes i did. XD oh my gosh i wanna do that to someone! ha ha i must be evil too. hooray i am becoming the special! heh heh didn't you know that jenny and i are basically the same person? lol
silverdragongirl: ha ha no filling the balloons up is what got us wet. ha ha damn balloons.
shadowme: as far as i know he was going to be homeschooled i don't know if he still is. hooray glad you liked the chapter!
hi guys,
well yeah worked sucked last night. the kids sleep in the living room now so there is a greater chance of them waking up if i make too much noise. blah besides that they just wouldn't listen today. anything i told them to do they just fought all the way against it. it was so frustrating today. i eneded up putting porsha in time out in the bathroom. she's one of those kids that just refuse to take you seriously and maybe that's the most frustrating bit of all. again tonight i have to go in early which i hate because it is so boring over there. no cable and all kids movies that i've seen about 100 times a piece. T-T
ha ha last night jenny and i were talking about bands and we decided who would be which band member. the following are the results of that conversation:
cassie=pete wentz (compliment or insult? XD)
jenny=patrick stump(h)
megan=andy hurley
jenny's friend lauren=travis (from gym class heroes)
sayanachan=ryan ross
danny=brendon urie
toh-toh=spencer smith
my brother timmy= john walker (even though he said no)
slowness=mikey way
edge=gabe saporta
ha ha that's all we got so far. lol we should totally find the other members of panic! XD
man i feel like i wanna do something this weekend with my friends. but it so friggen hard getting everyone together. oh well i will still try, there are a few people i really wanna see.
ok know what's slightly upsetting? i really want some fall out boy t-shirts for school. i went to look on the fueled by ramen webstore and there are barely any in my size. T-T all i wanna do is show my love for the fall out boy. they should make bigger sizes.
oh dude, i just remembered i have to go to the doctor's tomorrow. for what? you might ask, well i think it's just a check-up but now i have to take the kids with me.
~red~ |
Comments (11) |
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
i've seen ships go down with more grace then you
mood: slightly upset
listening to: chicago is so two years ago- fall out boy (best song evah!)
currently: wishing it was friday
pimpage: shallow heart (she yells at people at wal-mart), shadowme (she likes the dead scene kid), sayanachan (she kills panic! bashers), deadxonxarrival (she doesn't like guys named daniel), slowness (she throws foods at people), tohmalover14 (she wants to hug mah patrick!), knight edge (dunno what's happened to him), destinyssweetman (alex), detectivedanielle (she misses jessica), savestheday (he humps bunnies)
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: awww thanks jenny. i agree we should both be happy because we are both teh awesome! heh heh i had to make lexi seem a little human! ha ha yeah, i totally nailed your personality. fic jenny and real jenny are the same.
omnimaster: yeeeeeah, i did like him. but i'm over it now, so it doesn't matter anymore. but yeah we're friends.
toh-toh: awwwww that sucks! i don't want the toh-toh to start school! she must slack off with meh! actually it was longer but i had to cut it short. ha ha patrick is scared of giving people hugs. patrick: *hides*
roseeyes: well i'm glad you stopped by!
alphonse 13: lol you must be careful not to abuse your commenting power! XD lol why thank you! i think yew iz cool too.
sayanachan: hooray! i'm helping the ozone layer! XD
hi guys,
ahah first off myo wasn't working earlier, and i was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! ha ha
ah well work was stupid today. it was raining really bad when we left so i was late and then my cousin decides that she's going to go into work an hour late so i was sitting there a whole hour i didn't have to be. gahhh. then she told me that she'd be late coming home so i was doing two hours overtime. also the six year old porsha was up when i got there so it took me until seven to get her back to sleep. got not so much sleep but whatever i managed.
i found some water balloons and it was my own brilliant idea to fill them up. unfortunately the water balloons were less then cooperative so in the end they kept coming untied and gushing water everywhere. the entire kitchen floor and counters were wet, along with the kids and i. when we got the water balloon's filled we went out on the front covered porch and played a game where we tossed it back and forth until it popped. porsha got more wet then i did. no worries though i changed their clothes and then took a blow dryer to myself. XD when my cousin got home from work she was in a bad mood as was her husband. the kids were yelled at a lot.
oh also i am going in early tonight and i think tomorrow and the next day as well. which sucks. it's so boring over there. and then i don't get to play on the internet and bother jenny all night. XD duuuuuuude i just realized that school is starting really soon! okay offically time to panic! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. alright i know i'm only freaking cause i'll basically be alone this year, what with danielle moved to a different school, torri dropping out, my senior friends graduated, and danny being homeschool. i am screwed. and scared and expecting the fat kid teases to happen already. -_-
i think i'm gonna buy a digital camera this weekend. there is one on sale for like $85 bucks. so i figure that's a good deal. i also have to buy a few pairs of jeans, some undies, some tennis shoes, aaaaaaaand i think that's it. maybe i few more shirts and a hoodie.
oh dude i added pete wentz's dog hemingway as a friend on myspace today, heh yeah he totally has a myspace. he's a pimp after all. now pictah time for i am boreeeddddd.

this one's dedicated to jenny, just cause it seems like something she'd say.

um yeah, this is gabe from cobra starship and dear mr. beckett from the academy is....and they is making out!

ha ha patrick is oblivious to the gayness that surroundes him.

patrick is teh angry.

oh yeah, i totally believe that their not gay together, XD

yup, that's love.
XD ok i am fairly certain that all the guys who visit meh now hate meh. but i no care. ha ha hahahahahahah. later
~red~ |
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Monday, August 20, 2007
sugar, we're going down swinging
mood: glad
listening to: of all the gin joints in all the world- fall out boy
currently: feeling better
pimpage: shallow heart (she's falling apart to half-time), shadowme (misery loves her), sayanachan (she's going down swinging), deadxonxarrival (she's watching you two from the closet), slowness (she well read and poised), knight edge (he'll keep singing this lie if you keep believing it), tohmalover14 (she's writing letters to adresses in a ghost town), destinyssweetman (he puts his ear to the speaker), detectivedanielle (she left her concious pressed in between the pages of the bible in the drawer), savestheday (he got your love letters corrected the grammar and sent them back)
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
alex: thanks so much alex you always have such kind words to say.
aaya: ah well we didn't lose touch i mean he stopped using the myo and then i was talking to him on myspace but that stopped too...but whatever that's not important anymore. lol you is not a cornball! XD
ninjalover: ah i hope i'm not jumping the gun but i think we might be friends again.
slowness: ah your comment wasn't horrible!
demonskiss: well the talking wasn't too grown up. insults were thrown.
danny: i know you're busy with life, i just wanna be a part of it that's all. thanks for stopping by.
shadowme: well acording to him he never really left so maybe he's not a ghost but a watcher? ha ha i dunno. no walking through teh ghost danny. XD
jenny: eh it's ok you and i already talked about this last night so thanks!
sayanachan: yeah, losing friends just sucks in general.
alphonse13: ah your comment was help enough!
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: yes, that danny. the one i immortilized via my myo page. i dunno i think we're okay now.
hi guys,
well yeah thanks for all the support and everything yesterday you guys. i really appreciate it. well considering danny left me a comment i'm just going to assume that we're ok again. i dunno i certainly hope we are. i really should call him one of these days but i still am afraid and i still don't know why. am i afraid to hear him? or afraid that it won't be the same? gah i dunno.
anyway i was bored yesterday in between talking to jenny all night so i was going through my archives on here and it was funny. i did talk about him an awful lot. no wonder everyone thought i liked him. ha but i swear you guys sometimes i was reading it and i was like excited to know what happened next. like "oh my gosh what's gonna happen?????" then i'd be like "wait stupid you lived it. you know what happens." ha ha i r nerd. XD
ah my brother and our two friends matt and nate stopped by today. my brother came to get his xbox because he's gonna go and sell it tomorrow. well they were talking to me and i asked matt about my mp3 player and he said he got his internet back on so i asked him about putting music on it for me and he wanted to buy it from me and i was like no! so he said if i let him use it for a while he'll put music on it for me and stuff. so i dunno i let him take it and told him that if something happened he'd have to buy me a new one. also matt and nate were bashing fall out boy, panic!, gym class heroes, and the academy is. ha they all like the rap crap. so they left but then my bro and nate came back later and their spending the night. and their farting and being gross. blah.
hmmmmm back to work for me today. that sucks. the weekends go by too fast. oh well. oh bad news another of the babies died. the first born kitten died today when i woke up it was dead and hanging out of the box. the other one seems to be normal and doing fine. mom wants to name him patrick.
well it is monday and that means it's time for murder and lyrics! yesh, so i hope you all enjoy! i tried not too make it too long.
lexi and cassie came face to face at the police station and exchanged fists and words. the detectives found out that the man in the picture with lexi was daniel's old friend jake. cassie was released from the station and lexi was held for interrigation. the detectives suspected that lexi and jake were having an affair. and danielle wondered about the relationship between josiah and cassie.
murder and lyrics
chapter twelve: confessions of the twenty something dramaqueen
danielle headed to the room that held lexi and timothy. timothy was leaning against the wall looking frustrated and lexi was pouting as best she could with the fat lip that cassie had given her.
"get any info?" danielle asked as she closed the door behind herself. timothy shook his head.
"no, she's refusing to talk." he told her. danielle made a noise of annoyance before looking at lexi full on.
"well lexi, at least you'll be interested in knowing that cassie told us that the man in the photograph is not your hair stylist but in fact an old friend of daniel's named jake!" danielle annouced and timothy raised his eyebrows at hearing the news for the first time. lexi made a face.
"what? your going to take the word of that tramp over me?" lexi asked astonished.
"no-" danielle began "i'm going to take the word of the girl who didn't lie to us five times already!" she said cooly back. lexi huffed and turned away from the detectives. "so why were you holding hands with a friend of daniel's?" danielle asked. lexi looked at her with those sharp eyes.
"i already told you! we're good friends." lexi said through gritted teeth.
"oh really? because cassandra told us that she thought you two had never met." danielle said as she rested her hands on the table.
"well, i guess that's one thing cassie didn't know." lexi said. as though she had won the argument.
"well cassie was with daniel a good amount of the time and if she never saw you two together does that mean daniel didn't know either?" danielle asked and lexi looked upset that the matter was not yet resolved.
"i-i well she wasn't with him 24-7!" lexi shouted and went back to huffing and pouting.
"and neither were you. that left you pleanty of time to be with jake alone." timothy interjected, speaking for the first time since danielle had entered the room. lexi shot him a glare but he blew it off and continued. "and i recall that you arrived late at daniel's show on the night of his death."
"so?" lexi commanded as if it meant nothing.
"so, he was only in town for two days and cassie told us you barely saw him." timothy said
"i still don't see your point." lexi said as she looked at timothy.
"my point is, why would a loving and loyal girlfriend not bother to see her busy boyfriend when he was in town for such a short time?" timothy asked now sounding as if he were dealing with a child.
lexi said nothing and danielle was become more frustrated with the girl. she wasn't giving real anwsers she was lying almost constantly. she knew celebrities were difficult but this was getting down right impossible. before danielle or timothy could start again lexi looked up eyes wide and for the first time they looked real.
"she was right." lexi said quietly
"what?" danielle asked
"cassie, she was right before. i didn't mean anything to daniel, you know i was the 'it was fun while it lasted' girl. that's why i didn't come around. do you even for one second know what that feels like?" lexi asked but as if she didn't expect an anwser.
"so you were feeling like daniel didn't love you so you found someone who would?" timothy asked and danielle was sastisfied that he was back to his usual self. again lexi offered no anwser and it seemed her moment of being a real person was long gone.
"why didn't you go to the funeral lexi?" danielle asked the question that had been on her mind for some time. she didn't expect an anwser from lexi so it was mildly surprising when she got one.
"i-i didn't want to take the focus away from him. i wanted it to just be about him." lexi said and danielle noticed that the real side of her seemed to come back but due to lexi's lack of honesty she couldn't help but wonder if this was something she could turn on and off.
"then why show up at the reading?" timothy asked as he moved from his spot against the wall.
"the same reason any one goes to those things. to see what they were left." she told them simply.
"and what were you expecting to get?" danielle asked
"i wasn't expecting anything!" lexi proclaimed.
"really? cause you looked awfully upset after you heard cassie got the money." timothy said as he pulled up a seat across from lexi.
"which doesn't really make sense because it's not like you're in dire need of cash." danielle added as she paced the room. lexi huffed upset that she would have to explain herself again.
"i thought that maybe him leaving me the money meant that he really did care about me, but it was fairly obvious i was worthy of nothing but a party jet." lexi said as the real human lexi once again made an apperance.
the two detectives spent the next hour and a half trying to pry information out of lexi but were unable to get anything useful. danielle sat frustrated against the cold wall of the room while timothy was pacing around lexi still attempting to get info, but lexi was less then forthcoming. eventually timothy turned around to face danielle.
"hey, we missed lunch. why don't you go and get some if you want. i'll handle things with her." he told her. danielle thought it was a great idea seeing as her body was growling with hunger and her mind felt tired. danielle nodded as she stood from her place on the floor and glanced at the clock. indeed it was now one thirty in the afternoon the duo had worked through their lunch.
"you want me to get you something?" she asked. timothy shook his head.
"nah, not too hungry." danielle shrugged and left the room. she wondered as she left if timothy would actually get anything from lexi. as danielle walked towards the exit she saw jenny sat at her desk taping away on the key board infront of her.
"jenny you take ms. smith back to her car?" danielle asked as she stopped infront of jenny's desk. jenny looked up surprised and danielle knew that she was most likely playing on the internet again.
"oh yeah," she began as she looked from danielle to her computer screen and back again. "we got to talking. she's really nice! i like her." jenny said as she grinned. danielle nodded and agreed. she knew full well that cassie had that way about her, she was a likeable person, she seemed to have few if no eniemies besides lexi, but maybe that's what made danielle slightly suspicious. that cassie was too nice and too good. it was something that people said that the good ones always snapped. she hoped that wasn't the case and continued on to get her lunch.
is lexi telling the truth? or is it all an act? did she really love daniel? was she secretly seeing jake? find out next time!
~red~ |
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