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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Sunday, August 19, 2007
warning: this is a special post for we are special people
talked with someone on myspace, more like argued i guess.
he was my bestfriend. i don't fucking understand how this happened. how things went so wrong, honestly i don't get it. how could he and i even be the same people we were when we were together. it doesn't even seem like that happened. it's all one kinda nice haze. i read through a few of my memories and i just wanna go back...i just want to be that girl again, cause i was happy back then and i am amazed at how much can change in a few short months. like i said i wanna go back to when we talked and trusted one another. i can only speak for myself though but i like to think that he trusted me.
i don't get how this works, all i want is to be his friend, but maybe we're so far gone that there's no turning back? i wanna turn back though. no one, not him, not them, not even myself understands how much of an impact he had on me, and i don't know how he did it, but he did. i just miss him. it's not complicated. but due to words (or the lack of them) i don't think we can ever be those people.
it's so frustrating because i can remember every good thing we ever did and how much fun i had and now it's all mixed and mingled with the bad and it's too fine a line for me to know where to cross. i want to talk with him and get it all back but i can't. in the end after all this, i am afraid to call him. i'm afraid of him. afraid of not knowing him anymore. it's so stupid because i used to call him all the time. we talked all the time and now i don't feel like i even know him anymore.
it was good we talked some of it out. i think we needed that because there was a serious lack of communication on both sides, even though i tried. i assumed he was done with me because that's what all the signs pointed to and that's what everyone said. all i wanted was to know where we stood and what the hell we we're. i'm just as confused now as i was at the beginning.
i don't get why the fuck it's so complicated! why everything between he and i has to be complicated. i want it to be simple. i want my friend back, see that's simple. and i will admit that i made mistakes because i did, but so did he. mistakes on both parts.
and yeah i did talk about him on here, but when i did more of the things i said was how much i missed him and wanted to see him again and wanted to be his friend once more. those kinds of things are more in supply then the bashing of him. and as for the bashing it was all a result of him not speaking to me, what was i supposed to think? you talk to my brother and everyone else under the sun, but i try to talk and it's nothing like i don't exist. please tell me what i was supposed to think.
so now right now i have no idea if we're friends, no idea what we are. i don't know if he'll read this, he says he reads it sometimes but i don't know. it's not like it matters i wouldn't know if he read it anyway. i don't know man, we used to fight a lot and still remained friends i hope that can happen again because seriously despite everything! all i fucking want is my friend back. and if we're not friends now then maybe someday in the future. when we're older and more mature. still it's crazy that's it's come to this because all i want is his friendship...i miss him.
i miss the kid i went to school with, and laughed with, and played yatzee on the school bus with, and listened to fall out boy with (even though he didn't really like them), the kid who offered to go to their concert with me, the one who i liked to watch play the guitar, the one i skipped classes for, the one who made fun of our classmates, the one i ate lunch with, the one who did wall flips and fell down a lot, the one i watched youtube videos with, the one who would miss me when i didn't come to school, the one who was my friend.
i miss that danny hicks.
~cassandra~ |
Comments (8) |
Saturday, August 18, 2007
i'll be your number one with a bullet
mood: pleased
listening to: the soup- on the E! channel
currently: in love with mah new shoes
pimpage: shallow heart ( she thinks chicago is so two years ago), sayanachan (she's a regular decorated emergency), shadowme (cute is what she aims for), deadxonxarrival (she's writing you a chorus), tohmalover14 (she wears a red jumpsuit apparatus), knight edge (he'd like to thank you for the memories), slowness (she'd like to join the black parade), destinyssweetman (he'd like you to know that this ain't a scene)
avatar of the day:
Redmoonchick Responds:
sayanachan: i'm glad you liked it! yes, i like that line too. ha you iz not a pansy.
jenny: my computer is teh suck and decided it doesn't want to cooperate with meh at all. lol i'll mail my mp3 player to you. XD ha ha i'm kinda stuck on the letter Q i mean i know what i wanna do but i can't get there! T-T
shadowme: unfortunately there is no more to that story. that's how it ends. it is up to the reader to decide what happened to pete. sowwy!
toh-toh: gosh it was a mistake! i iz sorry! i was being rushed by my mum. pete: hey toh-toh said she'd give meh a hug! *runs toward toh-toh*
ff 333: ah thanks for the compliments!
rapidxhopexloss: ah thanks! lol i'm sure you're a good writer as well!
tristan: well luckily i still have my trusty cd player without it i would be wacko. XD
angel zakuro: awwww thanks! i'm glad you liked it!
slowness: lol limewire is what my bro and our friends use but no one has the internet right now! T-T
hi guys,
i got a little surprise when i went to work last night. i turned out my twelve year old cousin brittany was spending the night as well. now brittney and i were closer when we were younger but i've barely seen her lately so i thought it would be really awkward and it kinda was for a while but then we talked about music and surprise she is a slight fob fan. more of a teenie i guess because she fawned over how incredibly hot pete was. the only thing was that later it sorta seemed like she was trying to undermine my authority as the babysitter. gah i hate when people do that.
hmmmm i did get paid today and i promptly went and spent all my money. gah how can a teenager spend $160 in one day. surprisingly easy. XD well i mean it wasn't all my fault because from the moment i told my mom i got paid she started her usual "loan me this. loan me that" and it sucked, but anyway i got some cool make-up and a new hairbrush that all came to five dollars. then i had to give my mom gas money and i went to a couple stores like fashion bug and payless <--yesh, i said payless and i no care. XD i got two shirts at the fashion bug, the one i totally fell in love with. i need to find some pics to show you guys. then i went to the shoe store and saw the most gorgeous pair of shoes the kind that make you go "I MUST HAVE THEM!" unfortunately for meh the store only had a size too big and a size too small so i went to a different store and found the perfect size. i also got a backpack. but i love the shoes they are the seckz.
like i said my mom was bumming money off me all day so it was super annoying, and i had to give my brother money and i know all he's gonna do is go and get wasted with it. blaaaaaah. i also went and bought jenny (shallow heart) a birthday present. i also stopped by my bestfriend sydneys house because i had seen her in forever and i wanted her to spend the night. sadly she was grounded for sneaking boys into the house so i couldn't hang with her. but i showed her my stuff and she liked it and she wanted my shoes and i was like "noooooo way" XD
oh my cat nana did have another baby. which would make it her third and it's the biggest and it seems to be doing well. both of them do but i am still worried about the first one.
here's a pic of my shoes!

man i love them.
ah frick, i just realized that my cell phone iz dead and i can't find mah charger! noooooooooooo i was gonna talk to teh jenniez! T-T
~casseh~ |
Comments (8) |
Friday, August 17, 2007
new friends are golden
mood: well rested
listening to: golden- fall out boy
currently: need to get a writing.
pimpage: shallow heart (she's a salesmen selling you hooks and plans), shadowme (she's just a painter and she's drawing a blank), sayanachan (she's a canary you're a colemine), deadxonxarrival (she only wants to sing you to sleep), knight edge (he has a car crash heart), tohmalover14 (
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: lol imma start calling you yenny. XD lol yesh that's my plan inflitrate the minds of the youth with fall out boy. any banner you make will be perfect!
sayanachan: lol you can have some of my girl cats. they iz hoes.
slowness: lol jenny and i have come up with pete is not really dating asslee but helping learn how to put on eyeliner. XD
hi guys,
my brother made me about ten minutes late for work yesterday. blah i hate being late it always makes me feel bad. oh and big surprise i actually got some sleep! ha even though porsha woke up at six o' clock. i made her lay back down and she fell asleep. i watched the movie wild hogs and thought it was pretty funny but only the first time. we ended up watching it about four times in a row. oh and i didn't get paid yesterday like i usually do. i dunno i will probably get paid today.
some unfortunate news. my brother talked to our friend matt about putting music on my mp3 player for me and it turns out that matt no longer has the internet. neither does our friend nate who was my second option. this sucks so i basically have a mp3 player but no way to put music on it. i could go to my dad's house and do it there or possibly ask my cousin to do it. but i dunno.
our cat nana had another baby. at first i thought she killed the first baby but my brother told me it was a second one.sadly the second baby died shortly after it was born. i knew this was going to happen but still it's a sad thing. she doesn't know how to take care of it, she won't stay with it. i am fairly sure that the first baby is going to die. which is sad because it's not the babies fault.
well i have not a lot to say so i shall put up something for you guys to read. this was actually one of the thursday options. it's one of the a-z so yeah enjoy. oh jenny has already read this. sowwy jenny!
j is for jump
pete had thought of killing himself before, or course he had by now everyone knew about the infamous 'best buy' incident. pete always thought that was the best way to kill one's self, by overdosing on pills that after too long all felt the same. pete never thought about shooting himself even though he imagined that a bullet hole would look awfully pretty in his head. he never thought about slitting his wrists, he didn't want to stain his clothes. pete never imagined jumping off a building, he didn't want to be know as a stain on the city. after the best buy incident pete never again thought about killing himself. that was until patrick died.
pete stood on a chilly fall chicago night at the top of the tallest building he could find. it was three days ago that patrick died in a car accident. joe and andy said pete would eventually be ok but he knew before he even knew patrick was dead, he knew he would never be alright. yesterday was the funeral and pete attended because he would never miss his chance to say goodbye to the only person who made him feel like he would never be hurt. andy and joe had been keeping a watchful eye on pete to make sure he didn't do anything to hurt himself, the only reason pete was here now was because he had snuck out of the house while they were asleep.
pete wrote a note of course because when your career is writing poetic words why not end it on one. he was sure that if he did jump the note would be plastered on every tv, radio, and internet blog. he didn't care because the last good thing in his life was gone and he never got a chance to say goodbye to patrick, because patrick was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital.
pete stood at the top of the building he looked up at the black night and ever since patrick died it never seemed blacker. pete was looking at the stars and wondering which one was patrick's and if he did jump would he see patrick again? according to everyone killing yourself was a sin and sinners like pete didn't get to see angels like patrick.
pete looked down at the busy streets of the cars with people with things to do and places to go and people they cared about and pete wished that he was one of those people. pete looked down at his converse shoes and wondered about how much the impact of the sidewalk to his body would really hurt.
"patrick when i fall will you catch me?" pete remembered asking patrick that a long time ago. patrick smiled sweetly and ran a hand through pete's hair.
"i'll always catch you pete" he whispered in pete's ear.
pete was crying now wet tears falling down his face as he pulled his hands from his jacket pockets.
"you better keep your promise" pete whispered as he jumped.
yeah that one is one of my favorites. i may put more up but only if you guys want.
~red~ |
Comments (9) |
Thursday, August 16, 2007
we sure are in for a show tonight
mood: kinda hungry, annoyed, and sleepy
listening to: drive there now- the almost
currently: wondering where my remote went.
pimpage: shallow heart (jaded jenny), shadowme (broken belinda), sayanachan (krazy krissy), deadxonxarrival (manic megan), knight edge (kooky kenny), toh-toh (mini mirah), destinyssweetman (angsty alex)
avatar of the day: 
cause vampire brendon is love times a million.
hi guys,
ah well first things first. my cat nana had babies today. we were worried about her because she isn't even one yet and she got pregnant. but while i was working my mom called and told me that nana was having babies. right now there is only one baby but nana is freaking out and won't stay in her box and she keeps trying to follow me around.
work was alright. i got sleep at least not a ton but enough to suffice. jordan has finally stopped calling me mom and is calling me by my name but he can't exactly say cassandra but still it's cute. porsha was telling me all day how she had a friend who was supposed to come over and play, so of course i was thinking it was someone her age but nope i found out that her friend was actually a girl named trish or trisha that had to be at least 14. ha she brought her 3 year old cousin over and they played. also porsha's girl hamster had her babies today. blah hamster babies are ugly. oh and porsha now offically knows the words to the fall out boy song grand theft autum. it was playing on my phone and she was like "you were the last good thing about this part of town!" XD
ah so for today's big annoucment of which story will be going up on thursdays! drumroll please! *andy walks out holding drum* with five out of twenty votes the winner is: sixteen! lol it only won by one vote but i know a lot of people are pleased. also sixteen was just the working title of the fic so if any of you have suggestions do tell meh.
got on myspace once again, hooray at least that's a step in the right direction. it also means i'm letting go and forgetting. not all the way though because i couldn't bring myself to get that person out of my top twenty. they are now number twenty.
as of right now jenny and i are forming the anti-asslee club and juding by my comments we will have other members! ha ha i need to talk/pester her into making the bannah's then we'll be offical.
ha i am so happy right now! i found the absolutely perfect store! it's called torrid and it has all this cute stuff for the bigger girls, and me being on the bigger side i know first hand how hard and sad it can be to go shopping and find all the cute things aren't in your size. but torrid has absolutely adorable stuff in mah size. it looks like i just found where i'm school shopping.
quote of the day:
from porsha
porsha: is patrick the one who sings?
meh: yup
porsha: i don't think he's cute but i like his music.
~red~ |
Comments (5) |
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
too afraid of anything you may not seen before
mood: curious
listening to: grand theft autum- fall out boy
currently: want some cereal
pimpage: shallow heart (one of the awesomest people evah!), shadowme (i'm addicted to her story), sayanachan (the panic! whore :p), deadxonxarrival (she has seckz in her mind), knight edge (the perv), tohmalover14 (my texting buddy), destinyssweetman (amazing alex)
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: ah you totally put me in a better mood yesterday! *huggles*
toh-toh: lol that's the same way i lose to a grasshopper! XD
effie-san: *listens for the island breeze* ah it's ok that you didn't comment.
ff 333: i'm feeling a lot better now.
shadowme: hooray! i hope i get to read it soon.
sayanachan: lol thanks for the rest even though i was unconcious through most of it. XD
jd person: lol yeah, it's hard to lose to a insect. lol
hi guys,
lol i know yesterday was a weird post but let's be honest. at least one of you was glad it was a short one. XD anyway the reason for the odd post was that my computer was being a idiot and i had typed a real post then lost it so i just did that one. for the record i did do battle with a grasshopper. it got into the house i was babysitting and i spent a good hour and a half trying to get it out, and i failed and ended up locking it in the bathroom until my cousin got home. -_- ha ha.
meh work was alright today. i got a fair amount of sleep but it never seems to be enough. i always feel tired when i come home and take a nap. lol i found out that i have to go into work early wednesday, thursday, and friday. so thatr sucks but at least it will be some extra cash, it will even make up for the short day i did on monday. the only thing is that it makes the night feel so much longer and i lose my patience quicker. ah but sometimes it's nice like today when jordan wanted hugs an kept kissing my cheek. it's too cut to resist.
still didn't put my poster up. grrrrrrr i need to do that. i just didn't want to poke hole in it but i guess i will have to. hmmmmmmmm i am thinking of forming an anti-ashlee simpson club. ha ha if i did i know at least one person who would support meh! XD
oh yeah, tomorrow the annoucment of which story won will be made so look forward to that.
hmmmm incase anyone was wondering here's a pic of what my poster looks like:

ah must put up poster! *runs away*
oh i stole this quiz from shadowme but i thought it was good enough to pass on.
What do Greenday ---- My chemical Romance ----- Fall out Boys ------Simple Plan} Think of you?{ TAKE IT!!! ^-^plz\for girls )

   You are the Sweet girl, and have the most Beautiful smile that can melt every boy's heart!!! Who extremely Likes you: Billie Joe Armstrong, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Patrick Stump, Pete Wentz, Pierre Bouvier, David Decrosiers!!! Your best friends: Sebastian Lefebvre, Frank Iero, Bob Bryar, Andrew Hurley, Joe Trohman, Mike Dirnt, Tre cool~*~*~What do Greenday Think of you~*~*~  Tre Cool:She is adorable! i kinda fancy her! ^^ Mike Dirnt:well...shes like candy!!! yeah thats right she's so sweet! Billie Joe Armstrong: She's a cutie!!!! a very hot cutie!~*~*~What do MCR think of you~*~*~  Gerard Way:Whenever i see her... i was lost in those dazzling eyes... Ray Toro:Gerard reaaaallly like her!!! Frank Iero:Mikey likes her too!!! SO MUCH!!!"gets hit by MikeY" MikeY Way:She's hot, she's pretty! whats not to like? Bob Bryar:Met her once...she was extremely nice!~*~*~What do Fall oUt BoYS think of you?~*~*~  Pete Wentz:Really like her too!!!I mean look at her!she is so gorgeous! Patrick Stump:I call her Eye candy!!! ^^ Andrew Hurley: Yeah! i wonder what happened in the closet during the dare!? anyway... she's cool with me! Joe Trohman:She's plain Adorable!~*~*~What do Simple PLan tHINK of you?~*~*~  Pierre Bouvier:Have you seen her smile!!! its so kawaii!!! Charles "Chuck" Comeau: Pierre and David like her! they just wont admit it!!! Jeff Stinco:She's the hottest girl i've seen! plus she's prettyyyyyyy!!!! David Desrosiers: She's the cutest, sweetest and coolest girl i've ever met! Sebastian "Seb" Lefebvre: My best friend! Take this quiz!

Quizilla |
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*edit: the poster is now up.
~red~ |
Comments (7) |
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
the rare occurence of a post
.barely got any sleep today
.did battle with a grasshopper
.grasshopper won
.brother came home today
.waited forever for his luggage
.brother was being a douche.
.feeling lonely tonight.
.comments won't work for me.
.comments iz working now.
.feeling better thanks to the jenny.
~red~ |
Comments (11) |
Monday, August 13, 2007
the only thing worse then not knowing is you thinking that i don't know
mood: upbeat
listening to: XO-fall out boy
currently: trying to think of songs i like
pimpage: shallow heart (imma adopt her), deadxonxarrival (the self proclaimed sex!), shadowme (quite possibly the biggest fan of murder and lyrics), sayanachan (she owns a giraffe named gregory), knight edge (my pervy sensei who taught meh nothing! XD ), tohmalover (the queen of cosplay), destinyssweetman (my fall out boy related watcher)
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: lol we are coo-coo bananas when we're together! XD ha ha yes, you buy evening out with your girlfriend and make one for meh! XD lol hey i tried to get my grandma to like patrick but she was all "man that peter is a good looking fella!" XD i don't think that tie is going to get broken.
alphonse13: ha your grandma sounds awesome! ha ha yesh convert her! XD
sayanachan: i know i was like holy crap they have fob and panic! posters! score! lol good point, pete considers himself crap but i adore him. XD
shadowme: silly shadowme, murder and lyrics is posted on mondays now. it's up don't kill meh! *scared*
slowness: lmao no! i shall never stop until all old women, small children, and everyone else for that matter loves teh pete! lol
effie-san: no stealing mah poster *clings*
demonskiss: yeah but the cd was only ten bucks so i was like wth i'll get it! XD
hi guys,
well remember yesterday i said i bought a fall out boy poster at walmart. well i tried to put said poster up last night and my god it was like something did not want me to put it up! because i couldn't! i tried tape, and that kinda sticky blue stuff, but alas nothing worked and i wouldn't stay up. i'd get it up but it would fall right back down. it's not even up now. it's laying on my bookshelf. which is a sham because all i want is to eye molest fall out boy when i'm in my room. is that so much to ask? lol
oh my brother is coming home today. he's been in arkanas visiting family since the end of july. he gets in tomorrow at 2:30 before i get out of work so i'm going to have to take the kids with me to see him. i think it will be ok because jordan likes planes and i could just threaten/bribe porsha. anyway it's like almost bittersweet him coming home cause part of me misses him but the other part is remember all the annoying things he does and i'm like "nooooooo keep him longer!" XD
duuuuuude just found out today that fall out boy was nominated for the vma's (video music awards) they were nominated for best group and for monster single of the year and they're going to perform! my two hopes are that they win and that pete doesn't bring the lypsynching fake face with him. but i know he will. blah.
anyway it is monday and as acustome to mondays it is time for the lastest chapter of muder and lyrics. if anyone actually wants the back chapters just pm me. or whatever.
cassie was arrested and danielle investigated timothy's proof for the arrest, only to find he had made a mistake and lexi was the one who was with daniel to change his will. lexi was brought in and cassie was released, and the two girls run into each other in the police station
chapter eleven: the showdown
lexi and cassie, two women who had large roles in daniel's life now stood a mere few feet from each other.
"lexi?" cassie said now seeing lexi being hauled into the police station. lexi looked up and spotted cassie the angry look on her face deepened.
"you told them lies about me didn't you?!" lexi yelled across the room at cassie. cassie looked shocked.
"me? what about you lexi? tellling them that i was the one who went with danny to change his will!" cassie yelled. lexi made a face.
"you told her i told you that?" she asked detective fisher who was still pushing her along.
"no, i believe you just told her." he said and lexi fumed at the fact that cassie had just outsmarted her.
"still cassie! what'd you tell them i killed daniel? god were you that jealous of our relationship?" lexi yelled. danielle glanced at cassie and noticed she was shaking slightly and getting red in the face.
"HA your relationship? all he wanted you for was a quick fuck lexi! he told me he was ready to break up with you!" she hollered back. it was now lexi's turn to be visibly shaken.
"oh yeah well are you were to him was an annoying fat girl who couldn't take a hint!" lexi screamed at cassie. danielle thought that maybe that was the last straw.
"you listen to me you no talent poor excuse for a human being. he didn't love you! and you didn't care about him either. you're just a dirty gold digging whore! the kind that doesn't even show up to her late boyfriend's funeral!"
both girl's were breathing heavy and clearly pissed. danielle figured if looks could kill both girls would be dead many times over.
"all you were was jealous. jealous that you could never be what he wanted. that you were never good enough for him. ha i bet he felt sorry for you!" lexi yelled attempting to claim victory and destroy cassie. danielle watched cassie careful and was confused when a slight grin broke on her lips. in an instant cassie had sprinted across the room and aimed a punch square at lexi's face. cassie connected her punch and lexi howled in a mixture of fear and pain.
with lexi being handcuffed there wasn't alot she could do to defend herself except for to thrash around a lot. by the time two officers went to pull cassie away from lexi, cassie had her hand dug deep in lexi's hair and the other attempting to scratch out her eyes. cassie was taken to a adjacent room to calm down while lexi was taken to an interrogation room.
"he taught me how to punch!" she screamed at lexi as they dragged the two girls away.
danielle felt a hand on her shoulder and she turned to see jenny standing there. "danielle did you ever get that picture you wanted me to print you?" she asked and it jogged danielle's memory. the photo of lexi and the blonde mystery man how could she have forgotten? danielle went back to her car and retrieved the case and photograph before heading back inside to talk with lexi.
lexi was now even less cooperatve and was demanding to get her laywer on the phone. danielle sat down anyway and waited for lexi to calm down.
"what do you want?" lexi snapped at danielle. danielle ignored the rude tone and pulled the photo out of the case.
"i found this picture of you lexi, taken a nearly a week before daniel's death." danielle began. lexi looked unimpressed.
"so? i'm famous detective! lot's of people take pictures of me!" she annouced.
"yes, but what's interesting about this picture is that you aren't alone in it." danielle said, lexi looked confused and danielle flipped the photo so lexi could see it. "mind telling me who this young man is that you're holding hands with?" danielle asked.
she watched lexi's eyes widen a bit as if she were surprised such a photo exisited. she quickly shook off that surprise and gave danielle an anwser.
"he's a hairstylist. one of the best." lexi said.
"do you always hold hands with hair stylists?" danielle asked. lexi sighed.
"he's quite a good friend as well." lexi said. danielle nodded and thanked lexi for her time before leaving the room. danielle then went over to the room where cassie was seated. cassie had calmed down as well and was sitting quietly.
"can i ask you a question miss smith?" danielle asked as she entered the room. cassie nodded "sure, i guess but if it's why i attacked lexi, it's because she was asking for it!" cassie annouced. danielle nodded.
"i agree but that's not what i want to ask. i want to know if you know who the man in this photo is?" she asked as she handed the photo over to cassie. cassie surveyed the photo for about half a minute before she nodded.
"yeah, that's jake." cassie said as she handed the photo back to danielle. "he's one of danny's oldest friends. um...he was at the will reading as well." cassie said and as if the words had opened a window danielle finally recongized the man sitting in the row in front of them at the reading that was the same man from the photo. "what he's doing with lexi i have no idea." cassie said.
"is he a hair stylist?" danielle asked and cassie gave her a look.
"no, he doesn't have a job actually." cassie said. danielle rubbed her temple and was growing angrier at lexi. what made her think she could constantly lie all the time and expect to get away with it? it was aggrivating at best and made lexi's creditbility less then none.
"when was the last time you saw jake?" danielle asked. cassie thought for a moment.
"well it would have to be the day danny died." she said as she searched her memories.
"wait, i thought he met with josiah that day?" danielle asked and cassie nodded.
"yeah, he met with josiah for lunch and took jake along with him." cassie told her. danielle thought it over.
"did jake know lexi?" danielle asked and cassie shook her head.
"not as far as i know. they've never met. cassie said. both women were silent for a moment before cassie spoke again slow and easy. "do-do you think that lexi was cheating on danny with jake?" she asked.
to be honest danielle was coming to that conclusion because if jake didn't work for lexi and if cassie had thought they never met, then someone was doing something in secret and she intended to find out what.
"i want to go home now." cassie said and it woke danielle from her train of thoughts. of course cassie had every right to want to leave since she was taken to the station unwillingly.
"yeah, i'll have an officer escort you back to the cementary so you can pick up your car." danielle told her. cassie stood and nodded before pulling her cell phone out of her pocket.
"i'd better call josiah so he doesn't worry." cassie said as she headed out of the room. danielle watched her go and was half tempted to stop her and ask how she knew josiah, but she figured she had exhausted her questions for cassie and decided to leave her alone.
danielle instead went out to the hall to find jenny and asked her to take cassie back to get her car. so cassie and jenny left and danielle had to will herself to even want to go over to the room and interrogate lexi.
was lexi cheating on daniel with jake? what is cassie and josiah's relationship? well lexi finally tell the truth? find out next time.
~red~ |
Comments (7) |
Sunday, August 12, 2007
dance till we die
mood: happy yet just a little sad.
listening to: say this sooner-the almost
currently: hating my computer
pimpage: shallow heart (the female patrick),
avatar of the day: 
ha ha happy tree friends fall out boy
Redmoonchick Responds:
sayanachan: i saw a panic! at the disco poster today and thought of yew. ^-^
slowness: ha ha yes, i got lot's of sleep! *joy*
jenny: lol stop making me wanna write porn! lol i totally wanna make pizza's with yew, and yesh i agree no butter we will use.
xxtristanxx: yeah, i made pizza and i can't even cook XD yeah it was a good deal so i bought it. lol for a second there i thought you mean you had kids. XD babysitting is rough ain't it?
toh-toh: yup i avoided myspace, i no really wanted to be on it. lol you is saturday because it iz a good song. ah i hope you get a job! lol i tried to do that my stupid computer is being a bitch.
demonskiss: lol i love the zombie fish! XD he iz cute.
doose-doe: yesh, myspace is overrated.
hi guys,
ah well i went shopping today. my mom and i went to pick up my grandma and then we went to the toys R us. lol i felt slightly foolish as i was the only teenager in the place -_- but i went and got the pink mp3 player for twenty bucks. really good deal considering it's $40 regular. so then i was fiddling around with it and it has a voice recorder so i recorded my voice and listened and i was like ha ha i have such a light voice! XD
then we went to walmart where i took off to the cd section. you know those little scanner thingies that you scan the cd and it will play some music? i was just standing in the cd section and playing music like "the used" and fall out boy and things like that. i was surprised to find the very first fall out boy cd "fall out boy's evening out with your girlfriend." i didn't buy it. i know you're shocked right? well i didn't buy it because i wasn't sure if it was good enough, i mean pete himself said it was total crap and i didn't want to buy it just because it was a fall out boy cd ecspecially because it was rereleased without fob's consent. i dunno i might go back to get it. i'm not sure. i also saw a fully orchestra cd full of all orchestra fob songs and i liked that but i didn't buy that either though i think i will.
i did end up buying a cd though. i bought the band "the almost" new cd "southern weather" ah so far i love it! say this sooner is awesome but all the other songs are good too, i can already tell that i'll like this cd. here's a pic of the band: 
oh i also went all teenie at the walmart and bought a fall out boy poster! XD it was the one of their rolling stone cover where pete is shirtless. i saw a panic! one but didn't buy it. i showed my grandma my poster and i have successfully converted her to a pete wentz fan. lol
talked to my brother and he was none too pleased to find out that i had to bring the kids with me to the airport to see him when he gets back.
like yesterday again i am going to put up the list of possible new fics to be posted on thursdays. if you already voted you need not vote again. if you haven't voted PLEASE DO IT!!!!! it helps me in the end. the voting will be up till thursday.
the list of possible thursday fics:
1. the wentz of oz: following in the tradition of wentz in wonderland it will be the wizard of oz staring everyone's favorite emo king.
2. star wentz: star wars with pete wentz
3. wild wild wentz: the movie wild, wild, west pete wentz style.
4. snow wentz: snow white with the wentz
5. 10 things i hate about wentz: the teen movie ten things i hate about you except for wentz is in it.
6. sixteen: a fic about vampires.
7. a fic about clones kinda along the lines of murder and lyrics only different.
8. the last option is actually a series of short one shots that star the pairing of pete and patrick and go from a-z.
ok so that's the eight options. my summarys suck i know but if you would please just vote in your comment for which one you would be interested in reading i would very much appreciate it. oh and please only vote once and this will be up all week for people who missed it. any participation is appreciated.
right now it's a tie. PLEASE VOTE!!!!!!!!!
~red~ |
Comments (5) |
Saturday, August 11, 2007
what you do on your own time's just fine, my imaginations much worse.
mood: poetic
listening to: dead on arrival-fall out boy
currently: staying away from myspace
pimpage: shallow heart (dead on arrival), deadxonxarrival (gernade jumper), shadowme (the pro's and con's of breathing), tohmalover14 (saturday), sayanachan (reinventing the wheel to run myself over), knight edge (the patron saint of liars and fakes), destinyssweetman (tell that mick he just made my list of things to do today)
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: ah don't worry about it. if i had wanted to go to sleep i would've told yew! heh i doubt fishie pete and patrick is going to die. lol i should totally write hurley gone wild! lol but what would the plot be?
alex: ha everyone is seeing the fall out boy commercial! i wanna see it again!
aaya: what tricking? i DO know fall out boy....wait no, that was just a dream nevermind. XD
toh-toh: toh! well i mean it was a huge closed aquarium so i couldn't smell them or anything just be freaked by there dead fishie faces. lol i know it should be a crime to not love the patrick. feel better toh!
jd person: there's a lot i want to buy but i don't know what i should get.
demonskiss: lol zombie fish.
hi guys,
mmm work was interesting. i went in early and all seemed to be going well and my mom came with me as she often does on fridays. the very second i decided to go to sleep i hear crying and the two year old gets up. T-T then the six year old got up. grrrrr but my mom decided to cook and so she watched the kids too. i laid down to try and get sleep but they were being loud so i couldn't we all didn't end up going to bed until like six in the morning.
i decided to do something fun with the kids and buy these pizza making kits and we all made our own pizza's from scratch. my mom screwed our pizza up because she doesn't know how to measure. lol i got really floury and my hands and arms were covered in dried flour but the pizza's came out good and there yummie. makes it better knowing that i made it!
i'm suppose to work for four hours today but i decided i don't want to so i'm letting my mom do it. lol
i was thinking of going to toy's r us and buying a cute pink mp3 player for $20.00. i want it but the only thing is that i don't think my computer can handle downloading music so i'd have to wait till monday when my brother comes back and then wait even longer to see if our other friends can do it. so i dunno i might get it.
oh yesterday i mentioned that i had to go to the dentist, well i didn't end up going so yeah.
like yesterday again i am going to put up the list of possible new fics to be posted on thursdays. if you already voted you need not vote again. if you haven't voted PLEASE DO IT!!!!! it helps me in the end. the voting will be up till thursday.
the list of possible thursday fics:
1. the wentz of oz: following in the tradition of wentz in wonderland it will be the wizard of oz staring everyone's favorite emo king.
2. star wentz: star wars with pete wentz
3. wild wild wentz: the movie wild, wild, west pete wentz style.
4. snow wentz: snow white with the wentz
5. 10 things i hate about wentz: the teen movie ten things i hate about you except for wentz is in it.
6. sixteen: a fic about vampires.
7. a fic about clones kinda along the lines of murder and lyrics only different.
8. the last option is actually a series of short one shots that star the pairing of pete and patrick and go from a-z.
ok so that's the eight options. my summarys suck i know but if you would please just vote in your comment for which one you would be interested in reading i would very much appreciate it. oh and please only vote once and this will be up all week for people who missed it. any participation is appreciated.
right now it's a three way tie. PLEASE VOTE!!!!!!!!!
~red~ |
Comments (7) |
Friday, August 10, 2007
i know i'm not your favorite record
mood: my head hurts
listening to: build god then we'll talk- panic! at the disco
currently: sleepy and hungry.
no pimpage or redmoonchick responds today.
hi guys,
work was tiring as usual, but it was my own fault cause i stayed on the net all night instead of going to sleep. but i did get some so it wasn't too bad. though two of the fish they have at there house died and were still in the fishtank and i was quite grossed and creep out cause the dead fish was like right by where i sleep. ew. i got paid today. a cool $140 i don't know what i'm going to spend it on but my mom was hinting around that she wanted to borrow my money. -sigh- oh and i found out that not only am i going into work early today but i also have to stay about two hours over. my last day of the week and i have mucho overtime. no fair i say! grrrrrr.
some sad news. my dear friend jenny was talking to me about one of her myo friends who had recently passed away and as we were talking about it i realized that i knew the guy too. i didn't know him well but he was a really nice guy and i thought that at least i could pay my respects, so i hope he is happy and finds peace. his myo name was crowley if anyone was wondering wheter or not they knew him too.
oh i took my fall out boy dvd to watch at work and somehow porsha doesn't understand that their a band. she thinks i know them. ha ha i wish. XD but the point is that porsha my six year old cousin thought pete was hot. ha ha pete's power is amazing. i tried to persuade her that patrick was cute too but she wouldn't hear of it.
like yesterday again i am going to put up the list of possible new fics to be posted on thursdays. if you already voted you need not vote again. if you haven't voted PLEASE DO IT!!!!! it helps me in the end.
the list of possible thursday fics:
1. the wentz of oz: following in the tradition of wentz in wonderland it will be the wizard of oz staring everyone's favorite emo king.
2. star wentz: star wars with pete wentz
3. wild wild wentz: the movie wild, wild, west pete wentz style.
4. snow wentz: snow white with the wentz
5. 10 things i hate about wentz: the teen movie ten things i hate about you except for wentz is in it.
6. sixteen: a fic about vampires.
7. a fic about clones kinda along the lines of murder and lyrics only different.
8. the last option is actually a series of short one shots that star the pairing of pete and patrick and go from a-z.
ok so that's the eight options. my summarys suck i know but if you would please just vote in your comment for which one you would be interested in reading i would very much appreciate it. oh and please only vote once and this will be up all week for people who missed it. any participation is appreciated.
oh i just found out i have to go to the dentist tomorrow. yippe.
~red~ |
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