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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Thursday, August 9, 2007
i'm addicted to the way i feel when i think of you
mood: lively
listening to: thnks fr th mmrs- fall out boy
currently: pissed off at my cats
pimpage: shallow heart (when she's home she just can't stop herself), deadxonxarrival (she's a stitch away from making it), shadowme (tell the boys where to find her body), knight edge (do you remember the way he held your hand?), tohmalover14 (she's not a shoulder to cry on), sayanachan (she wrote the gospel on giving up), destinyssweetman (he crashes not like hips or cars, no more like parties)
*all lines from fall out boy songs. no one get offended!
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
sayanachan: i will fully support you in your cannibalism. too late jenny already went blind from the hobo joe. XD
alex: yesh, alex is a good name. it's my bro's middle name and one of my cousins names.
jenny: lol i am the fob. i'll have my mini fob band in no time. XD awww only the best picture dedications for dear jenny. lol
shadowme: no, i'm obsessed with him. i miss him that's all and in my defense i was actually face-to-face with him for he is a great deal more charming in person.
rapidxhopexloss: i agree. no member in fall out boy should have a beard. ecspecially joe. i like names too! i like knowing what they mean.
doose-doe: yeah, i still can't decide which spelling of the name i like better.
demonkiss: sorry joe gave you a beard induced heart attack. ok a wallowing we shall go. XD
keba-kun: i meet lots of people with D names. lol joe's beard is mind punching bad! XD
hi guys,
well i am happy to say that i am no where near as emo or grumpy/pissed off as i was yesterday. i'm thinking it was the lack of sleep that had me on such a short fuse. i managed to get some sleep but not alot. i had to go shopping with my mom last night and it took forever! ha ha i had my camera phone with me though so i was running around the store snapping pictures. i found a patrick hat a.k.a a hat that looks like the kind that patrick wears so i put it on a took a whole bunch of pics. i didn't have enough to buy it but i'm going to after i get paid.
work was almost kinda okay today. the mom went shopping so the kids had pleanty of food and i brought over a bunch of kids movies and thank you to whoever invented the vcr because that kept them mostly entertained. not so much the little boy jordan though. nope he ran around the house making messes that i had to clean and i now have to start hiding things where he can't reach them.
well yesterday i said i had some semi important news and i do. as you know on thursdays i would post the story "wentz in wonderland" well that fic was finished last week so now i have an open space for a new fic so i am going to let you guys, the readers decide what you would like to see up on thursdays. there are quite a few options so pay attention:
the list of possible thursday fics:
1. the wentz of oz: following in the tradition of wentz in wonderland it will be the wizard of oz staring everyone's favorite emo king.
2. star wentz: star wars with pete wentz
3. wild wild wentz: the movie wild, wild, west pete wentz style.
4. snow wentz: snow white with the wentz
5. 10 things i hate about wentz: the teen movie ten things i hate about you except for wentz is in it.
6. sixteen: a fic about vampires.
7. a fic about clones kinda along the lines of murder and lyrics only different.
8. the last option is actually a series of short one shots that star the pairing of pete and patrick and go from a-z.
ok so that's the eight options. my summarys suck i know but if you would please just vote in your comment for which one you would be interested in reading i would very much appreciate it. oh and please only vote once and this will be up all week for people who missed it. any participation is appreciated.
well that's all for now so i will chat with you all later!
~red~ |
Comments (7) |
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
let's play this game called when you catch fire i wouldn't piss to put you out
mood: hungry
listening to: calm before the storm- fall out boy
currently: trying to stay awake and make chicken at the same time
pimpage: shallow heart (the girl that lives in mah closet), deadxonxarrival (the girl whose dead on arrival), shadowme (the stalker with substance), knight edge (the yellow hater), tohmalover14 (the sick toh-toh), destinyssweetman (the earth concious boy)
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: so to get a visit from you everyday all i have to do is talk about panties and bra's? lol
jenny: *holds the andible* ha ha would andy approve of hitting children with it? lol i want patrick's babies because they'd be soooo adorable. ha ha i heart the disney movies.
sayanachan: lol i would love if my mom knew panic! songs. the only song she really knows is sugar, we're going down. but she hates it. XD
ff 333: yeah i definitly want to wait a while now, but i think my children would be better behaved then they are.
effie-san: lol yeah my brother is an odd one. he named the cows too. XD
keba-kun: wooo slytherin pride forevah! lol
hi guys,
didn't get enough sleep, i was really tired when i got to work and porsha was up as usual. god why is she up at 5:30 in the morning?! arg! i made her lay down with me. and got more sleep. i ended up having to work two hours overtime. god that sucked cause the kids were being really grumpy so i made the boy take a nap and then the girl calmed down. man i hope i get paid for the overtime or i'll be really mad.
like i said yesterday i got a baby naming book and i was curious. what names do you guys like? like a boy name and girl name. i really like the name Liam for a boy and Laylah for a girl. ha ha i love the L names.
i think my mom and i are going grocery shopping tonight after she gets out of work. which is good because seriously we're almost out of food. lol that ever happen to you? where you open your fridge and all you have is stuff you normally wouldn't eat. like the desperation food. XD
oh something semi important is going down on my site tomorrow so if you guys could visit that would be great!
um well nothing much left to say except that i wanted to get your guy's opinon on something. the guitarist for fall out boy joe trohman recently grew a beard and well it's just really it is. here's a pic of it.

it looks bad right? my eeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeessssssss! ha ha this picture is dedicated to jenny because...well she knows why. XD
ugh i was in a good mood earlier but now i feel grumpy and just pissed off. i don't know it could be because i didn't sleep yet, and my mom bitching at me, and the fact that just not being able to forget someone is really making me mad. no matter how fucking hard i try this person is always just in the back of my mind. and i hate it so much. i want to forget them so much, they don't care so i shouldn't hold on. i don't even wanna hold on but something won't let them go. things always remind me of them and it's stupid and i fucking hate it! please god, i just want to forget so it won't hurt anymore.
~cassandra~ |
Comments (9) |
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
i want to hate you half as much as i hate myself
mood: creative
listening to: dead on arrival-fall out boy
currently: feeling like a mommy
pimpage: shallow heart (i want this words to make things right), deadxonxarrival (she's been looking forward to the future), shadowme (she only thinks in the form of crunching numbers), knight edge (in hotel rooms collecting page six lovers), tohmalover14 (she takes sour sips from life's lush lips), destinyssweetman (he's throwing stones at a glass moon), detectivedanielle (she keeps the beat with your blistered feet)
avatar of the day: 
because i have been obsessing over patrick lately.
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: no asslee on mah site! imma hit yew with mah beatin stick! ha ha j/k. i'm glad you liked my desrciption of you. you have a semi large role now! go jenniez! well there's no one i'd rather be crazy with then yew! ha.
edge: what the heck are the chances that edge would show up on the day i talk about my bra? great timing edge. XD
ff 333: i feel more bad for mom's now because they don't even get paid for what they do! respect the mommies.
shadowme: ah thanks, i think your character will be showing up again soon.
sayanachan: yeah, paying for my own crap sucks! T-T
hi guys,
well work sucked almost the most it ever has...almost. first off i got like no sleep because literally the second after i laid down porsha got up. T-T then the kids fought all day and wouldn't listen and the two year old was definitly invading mah personal space! ewww. then porsha decided to go back to making fun of me and i tried to explain to her that everyone is different but she wouldn't here it. -sigh- kids these days.
i went to meijers and bought a baby naming book. ah don't be alarmed i am not pregnant! lol i bought the book because lately i've been having trouble naming characters for my stories, so i thought it would be helpful and yesh, it is. lol didn't help that while i was carrying around the book i accidently walked through the baby section. XD people must've thought i was having a baby.
in other news i'm really missing my younger brother. he's still in arkanas until the thirtheenth. psssssh no one tell him i said i missed him. but really he is pretty funny. he told me on the phone that he was insulting my grandpa's cows and i can just see him doing that. lol
my mom is being a biatch lately. like she gets mad at me for no reason what's so ever. urgh then i had my fall out boy cd playing on the computer so then she told me to listen to it with my headphones so i did then she came out and told me she'd rather hear the music. ah she's mean.
psssh i was watching disney movies with the kids today and i realized that i know all the words to the songs in the movie pocohantus. sad isn't it. but seriously i do.
that's all. i might not be able to comment much but i will try.
~red~ |
Comments (10) |
Monday, August 6, 2007
my pen is the barrel of the gun, remind me which side you should be on
mood: dizzy
listening to: fame < infamy-fall out boy
currently: need to take a shower.
pimpage: shallow heart (she's an arm's dealer fitting you with weapons in the form of words), deadxonxarrival (the girl whose lips couldn't move fast enough), shadowme (she's a preacher sweating in the pews), tohmalover14 (when she's home alone she just dances by herself), knight edge (he's addicted to the way he feels when he thinks about you), destinyssweetman (he wrote a goodbye note in lipstick on your arm when you passed out), detectivedanielle (she can't commit to a thing be it heart or hospital)
note* all pimpage lines are from the songs: this ain't a scene, fame < infamy, and bang the doldrums- all by fob
avatar of the day: 
best line evah!
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: any singing from teh jenny is long as there's no asslee. new name? i now dub you girl patrick. XD oh emm gee! i thought at first it was a best buy commercial and i was like oh noes. lol joe needs to admit that i totally caught the boquet. he couldn't see it due to his crazy jungle beard. XD
alex: i think it's alright to be a guy and likes furuba, furuba is awesome!
slowness: ha as long as i get a fob song stuck in at least one person's head, i've done my job. XD
sayanachan: ah your avi is love. lol well let's just say my best friend has a little sleeping around problem and doesn't protect herself too well. -_-
rapidxhopexloss: hooray you saw the commerical! lol i'll give you fifteen minutes of mine. XD
angel zakuro: ha all girls like drama! lol actually i hadn't heard everything but most stuff i have. lol i love how when people see fob related things they think of meh. XD
shadowme: ah for a second you totally made me think that i screwed up the name of my own story. T-T i r not dumb. XD
demonkiss: gentlemen's alliance is about a girl who goes to a pretigious academy and loves the class president but problems arise. ha my summary sucks but it's good ol' fashioned shojo and it's pretty!
apatheticnote: ah thank god she's not pregnant.
hi guys,
lol i was lazy all day. i basically did nothing. oh i did talk to my drunk brother on the phone. that was interesting. he can't hold his liqour. also my mom yelled at my brother because he didn't take pictures at my cousins wedding like she told him too.
oh i forgot to mention something that happened to me. since my washing machine is busted i've been doing some laundry while i'm at work but i didn't work this weekend so i had nothing to wear thus resulting in me digging out an old outifit that i forgot i had. lol i didn't think the pants fit me but they do and they're so comfy. anyway the shirt i was wearing was a white tank top and i have a pink bra. white tank+pink bra+public=baaaaaad! so i went and bought a new shirt and i wanted to change but there was no where i could so my mom told me to change in the back of our van. so she goes into the store and i wait and just as i get in the back to change these old people pull up by me. arrrg i ended up changing my shirt in a very odd way but i didn't flash anyone so go me! XD
the only sucky thing about having a job is that now my mom is guiting me into paying stuff and keeps saying i owe her money! dude seriously it's pissing me off. so i am paying the phone bill only because i needs the internet.
going into work at 5:30 so that's cool. but i still gotta take a shower and do some other housey chores and grab some clothes so i can do some laundry over there.
anyway now it is time for the latest chapter of murder and lyrics. gah i am soooooo sorry this took so long. i bet everyone who was a reader forgot the story now. T-T well anyway it's about the death of a rockstar and the solving of that death.
detectives danielle and timothy followed cassie and josiah to the reading of daniel's will. there they spot lexi at the reading. it is revealed that cassie got most of daniel's money and after the reading timothy has cassie arrested on the suspicions that she killed daniel.
murder and lyrics.
chapter ten: a picture...or confession is worth a thousand words.
cassie sat in the back of the police car completely silent. it appeared that she knew her rights well and was choosing to remain silent. danielle and timothy couldn't ride with her seeing as how they had their own vechicle's. as timothy and danielle walked to their respective cars, danielle felt slight annoyance at her temporary partner.
"you upset with me?" timothy asked as he made his way to his driver door. danielle didn't look at him instead choosing to inspect her set of keys.
"no, but i do think you're acting very rash." danielle told him in a slightly stern voice.
"rash?" timothy began as if he couldn't believe what she was saying. "i acted on the leads! i arrested her because she seems most guilty not because i wanted to!" timothy said as he defended his actions.
danielle was not fully convinced. "then why didn't you tell me about your meeting with the lawyer?" she asked. timothy sighed and fingered his own set of keys.
"i didn't tell you because it wasn't a meeting. i talked to the man over the phone." timothy said, as if that solved everything. danielle was stunned.
"so you didn't even meet him? you didn't even show him a picture of cassie?" danielle asked astonished at timothy's decision. timothy shook his head.
"well no, but she fit his description!" he argued.
"do you know how many people in this city fit her description?" danielle scoffed. suddenly she felt as if a grave mistake had been made and she knew what the two of them must do. "come on." she told her partner as she climbed into her car.
"where are we going?" timothy asked as he climbed into danielle's car.
"we're going to see the man you spoke to." danielle said.
less then ten minutes later the duo had arrived at o'reiley life insurance. they parked quickly and made their way to the building danielle was holding a black case at her side. the two detectives entered the shabby building and danielle demanded that timothy find the man he had spoken to last night. timothy promptly found the man and brought him over to meet danielle.
danielle saw the man, he was older and graying and wearing a bright red sweater despite the intense heat of L.A.
"mr. stevens this is detective kerley." timothy said as he motioned to danielle. the man named mr. steven's gave danielle a surevying look before offering his hand for danielle to take. danielle who was in too much of a rush to bother with formalities skipped straight to opening the black case and pulling out a medium sized photo almost like a head shot.
the photo was of cassie one that she had jenny pull from cassie's file. danielle handed the photo over to the man who was still waiting for his hand shake. the man took the photo and stared down at the girl.
"mr. steven's is this the woman who came in with mr. daniel hicks when he changed his will?" she asked. mr. steven's continued to stare at the photo, before he looked up at danielle and shook his head.
"no, this isn't the girl. the girl that came in with mr. hicks was taller and thinner and more made up." he told them and danielle saw timothy's face drop.
"are you sure?" timothy asked the man, obviously not ready to face that he made a mistake.
"oh yes, i am sure that this isn't her. the other girl was quite the snob and she looked a bit like she was one of those celebrities." mr steven's told them and despite herself danielle couldn't help but turn to look at timothy. a slightly smug look on her face.
"was it this woman?" danielle asked as she pulled a second photo from her case and handed it to the man. this second photo was of lexi and instantly the man's eyebrows raised and he looked back to danielle.
"yes." he told them "it was her."
"you sure." timothy asked his voice low and subdued.
"without a doubt. it was her."
timothy and danielle thanked the man and left in a hurry danielle desperate to repair the mistake that timothy had made. they climbed into danielle's car and danielle noticed that timothy wasn't speaking.
"it was one mistake. don't be so hard on yourself." danielle told him and timothy sighed.
"at the time i thought i was right. i thought it was her." timothy said.
"never mind that right now. you know what this means right?" danielle began. "lexi lied to us. she went with daniel to change his will, but she must not've went inside to change it with him or else she would've known that cassie was getting the money."
"so maybe she thought she was getting the money?" timothy suggested.
"seems likely, though it's not like lexi is strapped for cash so why would she need the money anyway?" danielle asked.
"just because you have money doesn't make you stop wanting more." timothy said, danielle nodded.
"looks like we're going to see lexi." danielle said. timothy called the number that lexi had given them and they found out that lexi was, danielle who was eager to go and get cassie released she left the task of bringing in lexi to timothy because it was his mistake that got them in this mess in the first place. danielle dropped timothy off back at the reading before driving to the local police station.
danielle parked her car and flew into the building as quick as she could. she knew if she didn't get cassie out of there soon and apologize that chances were very slim that she would cooperate with them again. danielle rushed through the crowded station ignoring the other officers and her assistant jenny who was running at her.
"danielle, they brought in miss smith!" jenny said as she walked along briskly after danielle.
"where'd they take her jenny?" danielle asked. jenny looked as if she wasn't sure she should be revealing such information but she sighed and anwsered.
"they took her to interigation room number two!" she told her. danielle thanked jenny and left the girl to stand in the hall as she proceeded to room number two. danielle burst through the door without knocking to see cassie still handcuffed sitting at the table and two cops in the room one sitting across from her and the other standing nearby.
"detective kerley what are you doing in here?" the officer closest to the door asked. danielle stepped into the room and cassie looked up at her, an expression mixed with hope and anger.
"i have reason to believe that this girl was falsely imprisoned." danielle told them and cassie's mouth dropped open.
"bu-but detective fisher said-" the one sitting officer said
"detective fisher made a mistake." danielle cut the man off "now release her. we have no real reason to hold her here." she added. the officer did as he was told and released the handcuffs from cassie's wrists. they also uttered words of apologies to the girl. danielle nodded and spoke again. "i need a few moments alone with the girl." she told them. they nodded and headed out the door.
danielle watched them leave before turning back to cassie, her arms were folded and she still looked pissed off.
"i need to speak to you for a moment" danielle said to the girl.
"why so you can call me a murderer again?" cassandra shot back
"i'm sorry about that. i didn't know detective fisher was going to do that." danielle told the girl. cassandra still look unconvinced to stick around and danielle knew it was probably impossible to continue talking to her today.
"why am i being released?" cassie asked after a few moments of silence.
"because we know that you didn't go with daniel to change his will." danielle told her as she moved over to the table and leaned against it.
"it was lexi wasn't it?" cassie asked
"i can't tell you that." danielle told her even though she wanted to.
"it doesn't matter. i know it was her. i always knew she was a gold digger, from the very moment danny started dating her." cassie said a emotion unclassifiable in her voice. before danielle could dig any deeper there was a knock at the door.
"come in." danielle called and in stepped danielle's assistant jenny. jenny was a young girl and this job happened to be her first since getting out of school. it showed sometimes in her nervousness but overall jenny was a good and hard worker. jenny had dark black hair that fell a little above her shoulders and she was a pretty girl.
"um detective fisher is back with the suspect." she informed the two women. danielle nodded and got off the table.
"come on cassie." danielle said as she looked back at the girl and headed towards the door. cassie followed danielle out of the room and down the hallway until they were in the main foyer of the station. the duo noticed detective fisher walking up the hallway his hand on the shoulder of a young woman who looked none too pleased to be in the situation. a young woman named lexi hartford.
"lexi?" cassie said as she came to stand beside danielle. lexi must'v heard cassie because she looked up to see her and in that moment the two women where face to face for the first time since daniel's death.
why did lexi lie about the will? what will happen now that lexi and cassie have met face to face? find out next time!
next week's chapter will definitly be on time. i promise!
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (6) |
Sunday, August 5, 2007
my insides are copper, i'd kill to make them gold
mood: eager/creative
listening to: homesick from space camp- fall out boy
currently: want to go shopping
pimpage: shallow heart (one of the few people i can talk to for five hours straight! XD), megan (mrs.antler boy), shadowme (the scene queen), knight edge (that one knight), tohmalover14 (poor ill toh-toh), destinyssweetman (mr. brightside)
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: lol random fob singing is allowed! lol but your so good at writing the emoness. lol yesh! i am trying my best to write jenny the pron. lol i was watching this show and three girls were named jenny, jennifer, and jenn. and i was like ha! lol yesh! when we're old we'll still be following around old fall out boy in our hover rounds! XD lol ranting about pete wentz or fall out boy is always allowed.
sayanachan: lol if children start to go missing in your area, i'll be sure to alert the police. XD
rapidxhopeXloss: lol your avi is all kinds of awesome.
shadowme: lol that was totally my plan.
inuyashafan4-ever: ah no you didn't do anything wrong. a long time ago i deleted a bunch of people off my list and i forgot to add you back. i am sorry and i'll try to get to your site.
demonkiss: ah well it's not germaphobia i know i definitly have OCD.
angel zakuro: awww well poor hoaryu. lol i still find it interesting! ha ha must be my drama fan coming out! XD if you talk to him do tell him i say hello! oh yesh, i have heard one and only and i love it! wipe that fu**ing smile off your face! XD
danielle: danielle! ha ha yesh i love it.
hi guys,
well i got some frigthening news the other day. my bestfriend called me and the machine got it and she was like "cassie pick up! i got some news for you!" so i go to pick up the phone and i'm thinking "dear god she's pregnant." but it turns out she had a seizure! oh my gosh i was so like WHAT? she told me she was in her kitchen and all the sudden she started to shake and she couldn't see and she like didn't know where she went. she said it didn't hurt and she was scared. man i was scared too i love my best friend and don't want anything to happen to her. i haven't talked to her yet but i think she's alright now.
um obviously i didn't go to arkanas for my cousins wedding. and i got saturday and sunday off of work so i'm like chilling. gotta work sunday night though so blah weekends go by too fast.
oh yeah i was watching tv and a commercial came on and i thought just another back to school commerical but then fall out boy starts playing and i'm like what? so yesh fall out boy have their own circut city commerical. bask in the awesomeness. lol i have yet to see it again.
awww i finished reading all my manga so i need to go and pick up some more. i really like the shojo manga "the gentlemen's alliance." so good. ah and furuba is supposed to come out this month. awesome.
lol i talked to jenny for five hours straight yesterday but our conversations are always so fun! lol i don't think i can mention half of what we talked about but one thing was a peterick wedding and how geeks are hot. lol that girl is hilarious!
oh yeah here's something odd. in almost all the videos for the band gym class heroes the lead singer travis brushes his teeth. yeah i notice weird things like that. XD
oh i think i started a mini trend here on the o. just that i got people to start calling ashlee simpson asslee. ha i am a biatch! XD
ok well i am feeling creative so i am almost certain that the new chapter of murder and lyrics will be up tomorrow!
that's all for now!
you want apologies girl you might hold you breath
until your breathing stops
forever, forever
the only thing you'll get is this curse on your lips
i hope they taste of me
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (8) |
Friday, August 3, 2007
i read about the after life but i never really lived
mood: apprehensive
listening to: calm before the storm- fall out boy
currently: multi-tasking.
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: never doubt your awesomeness for it is great. awww to make up for the lack of peterick making out i shall write you some pron.XD in my opinon i think chapter seven is my favorite, i laughed pretty hard while re-reading it.
whistle: yup, i am a babysitter..and i babysit the spawn of the demons!
sayanachan: why thank you. ha ha yesh, brendon was quite the flamboyant queen in the last few chapters.
hi guys,
ok well nothing too much to report. went into work was tired when i got there the six year old porsha was awake and there were two new little kittens in the house. (they found them) ugh i was so mad that porsha was up! all i wanted to do was sleep, i mean it was nearly six in the morning! so i told her to go back to sleep and she wanted to watch a movie so i put in scooby doo and listened to it while i was trying to fall asleep. i swear i have the whole opening to that movie memorized. >_<
in the end porsha ended up sleeping in her room with the kittens and leaving the tv on. i got a lot of sleep though but i feel guilty because i heard the kids get up but i didn't get up. porsha was in her room and i figured the two year old couldn't do too much...i was wrong. i woke up a bit later and noticed that a great deal of toys were residing in the toilet. jordan put them in there so i made him get them out. jordan was also being pretty bad today and it seemed that everything he did was designed to get on my nerves.
oh while i was over there i watched the movie "hot fuzz" it's a police movie made by the guys who were in shaun of the dead. it was funny i liked it. though some parts were awfully graphic so i had to cover porsha's eyes a lot and tell her to look away. also one of the main characters was named danny. which was something slightly distracting and funny at the same time like the line "why don't you stop drinking so much danny?" and at random moments when people would just scream the name. lol if i wasn't so sure i'd say this movie was something of a sign that i should call a certain someone like i was thinking about doing.
anyway, my cousin told me that she was thinking of driving down to arkanas for our other cousins wedding. he's getting married on the 4th. my brother is currently in arkanas for the same reason. i knew that she was hinting around about her wanting me to go with her. i dunno if i wanna, i kinda already kinda agreed but i don't know. it takes a really long time to get there from michigan and she wants to drive straight through...that means incredibly long hours trapped in the car with the kids! my god no one could ever realize the sheer terror that sentence. if i do leave she said it would be tonight. duuude she totally should've said something sooner! grrrr i feel pressured and trapped. T-T
oh i think my obessive compulsive disorder got a bit worse. i noticed now just today that when i touch something less then clean i will go and wash my hands (which is normal) but then i don't feel that their clean enough so i wash them again. -sigh- it's kinda scary because i didn't realize i was doing it. and i also realized that sometimes i go out of my way to not touch things that i think will leave residue on my hands i avoid touching it all together. blah, i'm afraid that it might keep getting worse as i get older then by the time i'm an old woman i'll be full blown O.C.D
oh yeah i officially started my quote journal. ( journal to be filled with quotes by my choosing) so far i have like two pages with patrick stump and pete wentz quotes. if anyone knows good places to find quotes tell meh.
oh yeah if anyone is bitter or angry at someone or a relationship or something, listen to the fob cd "take this to your grave."it works wonders...yes, it does....uh not that i'm bitter or anything. lol
that's all for now
~red~ |
Comments (11) |
Thursday, August 2, 2007
take this to your grave
mood: overjoyed
listening to: the pro's and con's of breathing- fall out boy
currently: taking this to my grave
pimpage: shallow heart (homesick at space camp), deadxonxarrival (calm before the storm), shadowme (the pro's and con's of breathing), tohmalover14 (grand theft autum), knight edge ("tell that mick he just made my list of things to do today"), destinyssweetman (patron saint of liars and fakes), detectivedanielle (dead on arrival), savestheday (sending you post cards from a plane crash (wish you were here) )
avatar of the day: 
sadly this is true XD
Redmoonchick Responds:
alex: do you really know that song?
angel zakuro: lol drama! your relationship interests me. lol
shadowme: lol i could only imagine you with a camera phone lol you get +5 stalker points! XD
omnimaster: yeah, little kids definitly do things like that...a lot.
jenny: heh-heh your body is in the closet! i shall go and poke it with a stick! *pokes* lol i know i so wish you could go to work with meh, that'd be fuuuuun. lol yesh, get a phone so we can talk 24-7! XD ha ha i like the slytherins even though they iz bad. XD lol i wuff andy too!
hi guys,
well first things first. i changed my layout/theme. i know some of you are happy about that. so the reason for the colors (because i always have a reason) it's purple and black the two colors of the hardback cover of the sixth harry potter book. i was gonna do the seventh books colors but they were too much like the last theme. so yeah new layout out like it? love it? hate it? tell me.
in other news i finally got my letter from jenny aka the myo user shallow heart. she's my pen pal for those of you who didn't know. the letter was awesome and she also sent me a copy of the only fob cd i didn't have "take this to your grave" which i am currently listening to. ha i heart jenny she is so awesome.
work was meh, i didn't get a ton of sleep and honestly i didnt feel like going. i did anyway and when i got there i felt someone hug me and i turned around and the six year old porsha was up and i was like "please god no!" because i was so tired and just wanted to sleep. so she asked me if we could watch movies and stuff and i told her to go back to bed because that's what i was going to do so she did, but unfortunately both the kids were up by seven. the rest of the day was mediocre at best the kids were bad then good then bad again. blah and today if felt as if time was not moving! i hate that. but at least i don't have to go in early today and i get paid as well.
oh yeah i put up a new quiz, take it if you would. it's not long. heh heh i mostly want to know what houses my friends are in (jenny take the quiz!)
ok so it's very late but i finally finished the last chapter of wentz in wonderland *crickets* anyway the last chapter isn't too long and i hope you all like it! oh and all chapters will be posted at my other site "redmoonchick2" and as always a now complete cast list will be after the fic.
wentz in wonderland
chapter fourteen: there's no place like home
pete was now running down the cobblestone path that led to the hedgemaze. instead of having to go through the hedgemaze patrick who had once again showed up next to pete pulled him quickly to the right revealing a small path that pete hadn't noticed before.
pete raced down the path only looking back to see how far away his chasers were. he was tearing through the woods as fast as he could manage. his feet tripping and stumbling over garnled roots that grew up out of the trail. pete heard the sounds of the people behind him grow larger and he saw people that he met from wonderland were now chasing him.
this group included the odd animals that wanted to race pete, gerard and mikey way also know as tweedlegee and tweedleM. pete noticed that gerard was running with mikey on his back, and both were screaming things at pete probably fall out boy lyrics. also chasing pete was to his surprise joe the 'caterpillar' who was running with his bong in hand, and andy the master of the flowers along with his flower army. it seemed that everyone pete had met in wonderland was now chasing him...everyone except patrick.
patrick suddenly appeared at pete's side as if he was summoned by pete's thoughts. patrick wasn't running but floating along side pete. pete panting and sweating and now regretting his choice of wearing his trademark hoodie, looked to patrick hoping he would help him somehow. patrick did nothing but continued floating and staring at pete.
"your butt looks nice when you run." patrick stated out of the blue. pete sighed thinking that maybe he perferred the silence.
"no-now's not really the time trick." pete stammed as he ran for his life. patrick continued to float along staring and in a flash he was running beside pete, patrick gave a grin as another flash happened and pete found himself being carried by patrick, in classic bride over the threshold fashion.
"what the hell?" pete asked as he noticed his arms wrapped around patrick's neck. patrick smiled at pete.
"i am saving you." patrick said as he continued running and pete peered over his shoulder at the crowd still chasing them.
"uh not that i don't appreciate the help trick, cause i do but i'm not a damsel in distress!" pete said.
"really cause that's all you've been since you got here." patrick said and pete looked down at himself to notice that he was now wearing a frilly pink dress and matching long triangular hat.
"oh what the crap?!" pete cried as he attempted to pull off the pink dress. "i'm not the cross dresser here! brendon is!" pete yelled.
"i heard that!" he heard queen brendon call back. pete still struggled with his horrendious dress and gave up minutes later unable to take off the dress in his current position.
"patrick get this thing off me!" pete begged.
"now look pete you just begged me to take your clothes off. and you say i'm the one hitting on you." patrick said with his permagrin. pete sighed and patrick snapped his fingers and instanly the dress was gone. patrick rounded a corner and pete saw them approaching what looked like a large door set out in the woods. as the duo grew closer pete realized what it was. it was the insulting doorknob from the beginning of his adventure.
they grew closer and patrick slowed down and let pete fall out of his arms and to the ground. pete scrambled back up and turned to the door, he grabbed the knob and attempted to open it but as he expected the door was locked. instantly the face of the doorknob materialized beneath his hand.
"geet yo haand ooof my face!" the doorknob cried muffled by pete's hand. pete quickly pulled his hand away as if afraid that the doorknob might bite him.
"listen doorknob! i don't like you and you don't like me but you gotta let me through!" pete pleaded.
the doorknob yawned as if he hadn't heard the urgency in pete's voice. "and why is that?" it asked.
"there's a mob of people chasing me!" pete insisted. pete turned and saw no one and he wondered how far away they were?
"i don't see anyone." the doorknob said
"they'll be here! just let me in before they get here!" pete cried as he went to the door and again pulled the doorknob. the door rattled but didn't open. pete bent down and peered into the keyhole of the doorknob. through the key hole pete could shockingly see himself!
he was laying in a green field surrounded by flowers and trees and a sleeping hemingway at his side. pete couldnt understand how he was on both sides of the door but he knew he was still in danger.
pete turned around to face patrick who looked calm and collected as ever. "can you help me trick?" pete asked and he realized how pathetic he sounded. patrick nodded.
"here." he said as he handed pete something. pete took it and realized that it was a simple playing card. "the ace of spades." patrick told pete as he watched pete survey the card.
"uh i don't get how this is suppose to help me." pete asked as he turned the card over in his hands.
"i wrote my number and address on there incase you wanna hook up later." patrick told him a sly smile playing on his face. pete sighed and noticed behind patrick that the group had caught up and were quickly approaching. pete turned to the door and grabbed it shaking it trying to force it open.
pete shook and shook but nothing happened and he could hear the mob growing closer and closer and he glanced back to see brendon a mere inch from his back and just when pete thought he was going to be caught, suddenly it was all gone. everything was gone and pete was falling through the darkness and back to his own body.
"pete? peter? pete. pete WAKE UP!" pete heard a voice yell too close to his ear. pete groggily opened his eyes which felt oddly heavy and looked around him. pete was not lying in a field like he had seen through the keyhole but he was on the band's tour bus.
andy stood beside him and pete guessed that it was he who had awaken him. pete lifted his head off his arms that rested on the small booth like table. joe sat on the other side of the table his back against the wall. the tv was on and the credits were rolling on some movie they had been watching. patrick sat on the edge of his bunk bed peering out at the others with a grin oddly reminiscent of the chesire pat.
"you ok pete?" andy asked at the odd look on pete's face. it took pete a moment to respond, he was making certain that this wasn't a trick.
"yeah, i-i think so. what movie were you watching?" pete asked, he wasn't sure why he asked but he felt as if he needed to.
"uh joe was watching alice in wonderland why?" patrick asked as he came up and stood by andy. pete's eyes widened "was it all just a dream?" pete thought.
"i-i have a weird dream, i dreamt i was in alice and wonderland." pete told his bandmates. they gave him the kind of look he expected the pete forgot to take his med's again look.
"a dream?" patrick asked. pete nodded
"yeah, and you were there, and you, and you." pete said as he pointed to each of his bandmates.
"uh pete that's the wizard of oz not alice in wonderland." patrick said and andy and joe laughed.
"yeah but you guys really were there! andy you were like god of the flowers! and joe you were a pot smoking caterpillar with a bad temper, and patrick were the cheshire pat and you kept hitting on me." pete watched his friends reactions as he told them the roles they played in his dream.
his friends laughed and wanted to hear more of his dream and pete told them. he figured he fell asleep and the movie entered his mind as joe watched it. yeah that had to be it. the only thing that freaked out pete was how real the dream felt. pete went to the bathroom to change his pants when something fell out of his pocket. pete bent down to pick up the fallen object and gasped when he picked up the ace of spades with a number and an address written on it.
"maybe it wasn't a dream." pete said to no one.
well that's it. i dunno does the ending seem weak to anyone else or is it just me?
pete wentz as alice:

ryan ross as the white rabbit:

hemingway as himself:

i want one!
gerard way as tweedledee:

mikey way as tweedleedum:

andy hurley as the master of the flowers:

joe trohman as the catapillar:

patrick stump as the cheshire cat:

spencer smith as the march hare:

jon walker as the mad hatter:

travis mccoy&gabe saporta as the card painters 1&2:

brendon urie as the queen of hearts:

william beckett as the king:

william is the one to the right.
ok well since it's so long i am ending this post so have a good day all!
~casseh~ |
Comments (8) |
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
i wish i could touch you again, i wish i could still call you friend.
mood: hungry
listening to: a little less sixteen candles a little more touch me-fall out boy
currently: talking to jenny
pimpage: shallow heart (xo), deadxonxarrival (i've got a dark alley and a bad idea that says you should shut your mouth), shadowme (music or the misery), tohmalover14 (champange for my real friends and real pain for my sham friends), knight edge (dance, dance), destinyssweetman (sugar, we're going down), detectivedanielle (snitches and talkers get stiches and walkers)
avatar of the day: 
a line from one of the best songs ever, jenny will vouch for that.
Redmoonchick Responds:
sayanachan: my job is pretty boring too
shadowme: lol eww. so don't wanna think of my bro and danny being gay together. blah
jenny: lol i couldn't think of another word with J lol jittering jenny. lol imma trade toh-toh your body for a nickle and a hug then i'll have it! but i won't hurt it/molest it! lol what video did you watch?
angel zakuro: well i did see your comment and i can explain what happened. i had to type my post up way earlier then usual and when i typed it i had yet to get your comment so i was in a rush and updated and midnight and was like "crap i missed comments." but awww sorry you and niisan kinda sorta broke up.
the real yojimbo: no she still has the other hamster she just got another one too.
hi guys,
ugh work was bad yesterday, the six year old porsha was just awful and wouldn't listen to me. and it seemed as if she was doing things that she knew would upset me. also i got in the pool today...without a spare change of clothes. the reasons i am claiming temporary insanity and also porsha was all alone and sad. that is the last time i think of a child's feelings. (kidding) the second i get in the pool and get too wet to be comfortable porsha tells me she's done swimming and wants to go inside. you will never know how mad i was. ecspecially because i was wearing a tank top minus a bra and was now wet...yeah not good. i spent the rest of the day chilly and moderately wet. blah i finally dried before their mom got home.
ugh i gotta go in early tonight too and i don't like it. hopefully my phone will be working by then. oh yeah when i got home from work my mom presented me with a new cell phone. a motorolla camera phone. i like it but i am having trouble with it already. i can't get the stupid thing to realize that i put minutes on it. -sigh- i am having fun with the camera though. it's low grade so it's not excellent pics but i did a cool thing for a screen saver.
my mom also brought me home some headphones for my cd player and she also told me that i should pay her back for them, but i don't think i should, i mean i didn't even ask for them! so why should i pay for something i didn't want or ask for? the same thing for the phone, i didn't ask for it so why so i have to pay for it?
ha ha i love my camera phone though. i just realized that it can take pics of things on the computer so that was fun and also i just took some really cute pics of my cats. then i took some pics of myself but i look too ugly to keep any XD
like i said i have to go into work early and i was going to change my theme and layout but i don't have time so i'll do it tomorrow i guess.
~red~ |
Comments (8) |
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
my name is cassie and i'm pretty much a big deal, you never heard of me? hmmm that sounds absurd to me.
mood: im not sure. lol
listening to: classifieds-the academy is...
currently: singing at the top of my lungs
pimpage: shallow heart (jumping jenny), deadxonxarrival (mad megan), shadowme (bipolar belinda), tohmalover14 (molesting miriah), knight edge (killer kenny), destinyssweetman (amazing alex), detective danielle (dangerous danielle), savestheday (douchebag danny)
avatar of the day: 
yeah me and jenny are totally in this pic but we were cut out of the avi! XD
Redmoonchick Responds:
cosmic sailor: hey glad to see ya!
alex: aww well i'm sure you'll get your kiss soon!
edge: yes, i am happy that you visited i need my sensei! what do you mean my first kiss sounds like me? lol you were mouth raped. XD
jenny: no way jenny will get lots of kisses. from lauren! ha i couldn't help it.
aaya: you win for knowing what show i was talking about! lol mine was awkward too! lol if you work at subway will you send me free sandwhiches? lol
sayanachan: well if you were a priest you could come and conduct a fineral for my washer. lol hooray for being a panic! whore.
mrs. walters: awww your first kiss sounds sweet.
toh-toh: you own jenny's body? i'll trade ya a peterick pancake for it. lol kyootness i like that. lol i know i was like oh pete is shirtless and doing his hair. i love it. ok i'll meet you tonight for the funeral of my washer. sayanachan can be the preist and jenny can be a paulbear. XD
omnimaster: i think that death note is still worth it. i mean i still like it, just don't care for the ending.
hi guys,
had a mildly good day at work yesterday. got to sleep till at least a little after nine, that's when the six year old whose name is porsha woke up. it's creepy cause when she comes out to the living room (where i sleep) she never wakes me up, she just sorta touches my arm and stuff then i like jolt awake. so i was up with porsha and she showed me her new hamster that she just bought (which is pregnant) then she said she was hungry so she made herself pizza rolls and made me eat them with her. i really wasn't in the mood to eat fake pizza at nine in the morning.
eventually we went outside because it was hot and i decided to set up the pool for the kids today. so we dumped out the old dirty water and pumped up the pool and filled it with water. so she is swimming and she wants me to get in with her. it was so hot i was half tempted but instead i just rolled my jeans up and walked around on the inside.
then around eleven the two year old boy named jordan got up so i changed him and put on his swimsuit and took him outside and he was scared of the water and wouldn't let me go. i put him in the water but he still clutched onto my hand. when the pool was full enough i took the hose and hooked up the sprinkler they have thinking that jordan would like that but neither of them played with it.
we were outside for awhile and the kids splashed me and got me pretty wet. porsha went and laid her towel in the driveway and suntanned herself while i made jordan lunch. then porsha told me she wanted a butter sandwhich....yeah butter like put it on your toast butter and i told her i wasn't making her one so she had some chicken instead. so i they started to watch a movie but they lost interest and wanted to go outside.
we spent the rest of the day outside and when i got home i now realized that i think i am sunburned. *touches arm* yeah sun burned. awesome. i got to go into work early tonight which means i won't get to talk to jenny too much! oh noooooeeees.
oh i am writing again! last night i wrote about half a chapter of "murder and lyrics" and i swear i will finish wentz in wonderland. i should work on it now. oh yeah and last night when i went to sleep my bro called from arkanas and his one important question for me was about a key on the keyboard. i was sooo mad at him. he also told me that danny talked to him on myspace and said that they should hang out. grrrrrrrrrrr why does he ignore me and talk to my bro? i am closer to him then my bro is and i am sooooooo much cooler then my bro. stupid boys.
well that is all for now. i managed to get to most of the people who commented me and woo i got 12 comments the most i've had in a while.
oh yeah changing my theme soon, since it's almost august.
-quote of the day-
from the simpsons:
grandpa simpson: *insulting someone* awww go poop in your fist!
man: at least i can make both.
lol i love that episode!
~red~ |
Comments (10) |
Monday, July 30, 2007
i'm causing a commotion on the gurney again
mood: lazy
listening to: scott baio is fourty-five and single-on the vh1 (god help me)
currently: sooooo don't wanna go to work today
pimpage: shallow heart (imma kidnap her hamster), deadxonxarrival (megan the pedo :P), shadowme (the queen of emo poetry), tohmalover14 (the crazed glomper), knight edge (that one perv), destinyssweetman (they call him mr. alex)
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
aaya: lol well tell me if you find a joe seagull and a andy flounder. you did get first comment. lol you stole it from jenny. i know lil' pete doesn't even look like pete! no raping of the lil' patrick! you may huggle him though.
jenny: lol run little patrick run! j/k i sooooo wanna adopt kid patrick he is so cute. lol funny that you mention the square boat because someone else said the same thing on lj.
shadowme: lol jay is half german, half mexican and all crazy! :p i kid i love jay! yummy chocolate for breakfast!
toh-toh: i love the weasly twins! i haven't read gentlemen's alliance yet. black cat is good! buy it! lol.
sayanachan: lol i don't think that's pathetic. ha ha yes, i am not just a fob whore sometimes i am a panic! whore. XD
hi guys,
didn't do a lot today. mostly i read my new manga and i finished the death note series. i must say i am a bit dissapointed with the ending, it was slightly cliffhangerish. i went and bought a pizza for dinner and my mom and i took my grandma to get some chili from wendys and get some money at the bank for her. while my mom was in the bank my grandma and i talked about celebrity gossip and we bagged on ashlee simpson...because she deserves it. ha
gotta go to work tonight and i don't really feel like it. gah i don't even feel like messing with the kids...blah i'm going to do it anyway.
know what's weird? i was thinking of my first kiss lately. i don't know why. maybe it's because i was listening to fall out boy. anyway if anyone wants to know what my first kiss was, it was just me and him sitting in my bedroom on my bed after i was home from school and we were watching mtv and they played the fall out boy song "a little less sixteen candles, a little more touch me" and after the video i just sorta looked at him and was like "i want you to kiss me." so he like nodded and i leant in and he wouldn't lean in quick enough so it was a minute of awkward staring before we did it. lol it wasn't long but i think it was cute. i dunno i felt like sharing that. and cause i'm curious anyone else remember their first kiss?
oh dude my new next door neighbors have a small yippie dog! it made noise all morning and i'm the kind of kid that can't sleep if there is a lot of noise so i was mad. it's gonna be really annoying when it barks and i'm trying to sleep. plus our new neighbor has a bad temper cause she was swearing up a storm at the dog.
unfortuanate news. my washer died today. T-T this sucks now i will have to go to a laundry mat or something to do laundry... i so don't have time for that. grrrrrr i need a lot of my shirts washed too! crap i like don't have any! *hides* i need new clothes.
speaking of clothes mom keeps mentioning that i need to save my money so i can buy myself school clothes. i keep reminding her not to remind me. lol i still have about a month left!
that's all for now!
~redmoonchick~ |
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