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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Monday, July 16, 2007
one day i'll wake and it won't hurt anymore
mood: blah
listening to: the rock of love-vh1
currently: got the writers block
pimpage: detectivedanielle (renee kerley), shallow heart (my partner in crime), deadxonxarrival (meganz), shadowme (peterick's mommy), knight edge (edgy), hoaryu (niisan), tohmalover14 (riku kidnapper), destinyssweetman (teh twin)
avatar of the day: 
i fucking love this avi.
Redmoonchick Responds:
sayanachan: yeah that news made my day too.
zombie munchie: spiderpig, spiderpig does whatever a spiderpig does lol
shadowme: babies shouldn't read the story shadow! bad mommy. j/k
hi guys,
oh well first off i really wanna apologize for the longness of yesterday's post due to the latest chapter of "murder and lyrics" i didn't get a ton of comments but i figure it's because not a lot of people are updating lately. ecspecially not on the weekends. i'm thinking of moving the murder and lyrics fic to a different day, but i'm not sure which one. any suggestions?
i've been trolling around the livejournal because seriously i have been like a vampire lately. up all night and sleep all day. i need to stop but i can't. anyway i was on livejournal and found this one community that was called bandslash princesses. and i found out it was like putting band members in disney stories and i was like hello wentz in wonderland! lol i don't think i'll be posting it there though because i am livejournal retarded and am way too scared of the critisim.
i was watching fuse tv today and i saw a video for the band "the almost" and i think the lead singer aaron gillespie is freaken hot. here's a pic of him: 
ha i just learned that he drums for the band 'underoath' which is a band that danny loves. ha i don't think he'd like it if he knew i thought aaron was hot. also he is blind in his left eye and colorblind in the other. here's another pic just cause i think he is pretty damn hot:

oh i've been seeing lots of new anime lately. i watched mirage of blaze, gokusen, and saiyuki reload. i don't really know what's going on in them so none i am super in love with but i've been trying to get into them.
blah i feel like life right now is boring, i need to do something fun. i need to get somewhere away and do something because every day to me feels the same and i hate that kind of life or normalness. when i get like this i tend to slip into depression and the odd thing about my depression is that i know when i am slipping, i can feel it. i hate it as well. i don't know all i need i guess is to drown myself in fall out boy music and hang out with my bestfriend. then i should be fine, but it just always scares me when i get depressed because i feel like i'll never be alright again.
~red~ |
Comments (7) |
Sunday, July 15, 2007
did i mention when i see you it stings like hell due to the fact that we could have something that'll never happen.
mood: pensive
listening to: commercials
currently: want to do something
pimpage: detectivedanielle (the detective), shallow heart (the assistant), deadxonxarrival (the corener), shadowme (the number one fan), knight edge (the perv), hoaryu (the brother), tohmalover14 (the little sister), destinyssweetman (the twin), savestheday (the victim)
avatar of the day: 
oh emm gee so cute!
Redmoonchick Responds:
apatheticnote: i know damn mom's being friends with biatches.
hoaryu: holy crap my niisan! *huggles niisan*
toh-toh: yup mr. hughes is back in the house, he is sleeping in my room cause he's lazy. yesh, jenny will give her consent to let me have patrick as my husband as long as i share him. XD ah it's just that my computer is old and nearly dies when i try to use any instant messaging. T-T, the seventh book is coming out on the 21 but 20th at midnight.
shadowme: lol you just spoiled the book for everyone who didn't know! lol ah nooooooo you can't leave! *clings to belinda*
hi guys,
well contrary to my post yesterday i did not babysit today, mostly because my cousin got in a fight with her boyfriend, so she said maybe tomorrow i might babysit. i dunno i was kinda relived because i was kinda getting sick of small children. i was also so very exhausted today, so my mom and brother took my six year old cousin home and then went to see my grandma who is back in the hospital. they also did a few other errands. i went with my bro to blockbuster and he rented a couple games, one being a madden football game and holy crap EA (the game company) really knows how to put together a soundtrack. the madden one had red jumpsuit apparatus on it among other good musicians.
speaking of soundtracks. i was reading a magazine and found out that fall out boy and panic! at the disco are both contributing new songs for the simpsons movie and it's soundtrack! wooh i am excited. the fall out boy song if i can remember correctly is called "since you get off the computer." and the panic one is called "i will kill you."
had a weird dream with danny in it. -sigh- i hate when i dream of him, the dreams are always weird. and it's weird that i'd dream about him when i wasn't even thinking about him. anyway in the dream i was at school and danny showed up and again it didn't really look like him, i mean the face kinda did but the hair, oh man the hair was awful. he was like balding and little pieces of fuzz on his head and like parts of it were shaved. it was weird. it was more strange that we barely talked in the dream almost like we didn't know each other and i remember feeling a real panic or something and all i wanted was a hug from him. i noticed that, that happenes a lot in my dreams that involve him. i always want to hug him but i never do. maybe it's my subconcious telling me that i want that closure with him. blah stupid dreams.
well anyway it is now time for the latest chapter of "murder and lyrics".
it was daniel's funeral and danielle recieved an email from belinda who found an odd photo of lexi and a man. at daniel's funeral cassie spoke and noticed that lexi never showed up. danielle and timothy also spotted cassie and the mystery man josiah hardwick. and everyone was heading to the will reading.
"murder and lyrics"
chapter nine: mr. hardwick and the revealation
while cassie was saying her final goodbye's to daniel, danielle took the opportunity to talk to josiah. she approached him slowly only mildly intimidated by his good looks.
"mr. hardwick?" danielle said as she looked at the man. josiah nodded and put his hand out towards danielle that handsome grin spread across his face.
"i perfer josiah" he said as he took danielle's hand
"alright josiah" danielle said as she avoided josiah's eyes afraid of being mesmerized by them.
"my name is detective danielle kerley" she began as she slid her hand from josiah's. josiah's face turned puzzled and he turned back to glance at cassandra.
"detective eh? well what can i do for ya?" josiah asked as he rubbed his slightly stubble covered chin.
"well it's about the daniel hicks murder" timothy interjected. josiah raised his eyebrows as he pulled a pack of smokes from his black shirt pocket before pulling out a single cigarette and placing it between his lips.
"what does that have to do with me?" he asked the cigarette still dangling in his lips.
"well didn't you meet with him the day of his death?" danielle asked and josiah appeared to think it over for a moment before he nodded.
"yeah, we did meet. we were going do a song together." josiah said his hands stuck deep in the pockets of his dark pants searching for a lighter for his dry cigarette.
"did you two talk about anything besides music?" danielle asked, josiah who had finally found his lighter and had now striked it lighting his cigarette.
"well-" he began as he took a long drag. "there were a few things but i don't think now is such an appropreit time to discuss these things." josiah finished as he exhaled blowing fine grey smoke out into the warm air.
"then can we set up a meeting sometime today?" danielle asked now horribly curious about what josiah knew.
"not today, no." he replied as the lingering smoke accompanied each word. "i'm afraid my schedule is extreamly full. "so maybe tomorrow then?" josiah asked the detectives and danielle nodded dumbly finding herself stupified when it came to him.
josiah smiled and pulled a card from the inside of his jacket pocket. "here, my card." he said as he handed over the card to danielle who promptly tucked it away.
before any more conversation could be had cassandra showed back up at josiah's side. he turned and looked at her with a kind smile that had the power to melt teenagers hearts.
"are you alright?" josiah asked and cassie nodded but didn't speak. "right then, we best be off to the will reading. cassie i would like you to ride with me." josiah told her. cassie looked surprised and pointed to a silver car parked along the path in the cementary lot.
"but my car is here." she told him. josiah nodded and without skipping a beat replied to the girl.
"that's no matter. i'll have my driver bring you back here." he said as he once again took cassie's hand and proceeded to lead her away. he turned back to look at the detectives as they left.
"do make sure to call me detectives." josiah said as he stepped up to a long black limo. he opened the door for cassie and helped her inside and he proceeded to climb in as well. danielle and timothy watched as the limo took off and left the cementary making it's way down the roads.
danielle exhaled finding it odd that she hadn't realized that she was holding her breath. she and timothy exchanged looks.
"don't happen to know where the will reading is do you?" danielle asked timothy praying that he did know and that she wouldn't have to call the number on the card josiah had just given her. timothy nodded and turned to walk towards his car parked not too far from danielle's own.
"just follow me" was all he said. danielle did as he asked and followed him her mind working out any clues that she may have overlooked. there was josiah hardwick. he was something of an enigma himself. it appeared that he knew cassie before hand, in fact it was fairly obvious that she knew him well. then there was his eagerness to meet with the detectives. that which could be taken a few ways. one being that he knew something big or that he just wanted to clear his name.
there was also the fact that lexi wasn't at the funeral, it seemed odd because she had mentioned that daniel had intended on proposing to her, so what reason would she have not to show up?
around ten minutes later danielle and timothy showed up at the lawyers office where daniel's will would be read. danielle and timothy met up and went inside, though part of danielle wondered if the two of them should be there. they flashed their badges at the man who was guarding the door. they were promptly let into the surprisingly small and crowded room.
danielle spotted cassandra up near the front right side of the room, josiah to her left. the man who was daniel's lawyer was stationed in the front of the room behind a wooden desk. rows of seats had been placed in the room and nearly all of them were full. directly behind cassandra and josiah was a blonde man who had to be around daniel and cassie's age. danielle thought the man looked familar but as of the moment she couldn't place his face.
timothy gave danielle a small nudge and she turned quickly to face him.
"look who i found." timothy said as he nodded his head towards the left side of the room. danielle scanned the people and noticed to the far left of the room stood lexi hartford surrounded by a goup of what looked like her handlers. danielle was appauled that lexi wouldn't show up at the funeral but to the reading of the will.
timothy and danielle now realizing that they were the only ones standing quickly took a pair of seats; the only ones being available directly behind the blonde man and two rows away from cassie and josiah.
everyone sat in near silence. the only sound being the quiet muttering of the seated people. danielle herself strained her ears trying to hear as she noticed josiah lean over to say something to cassie. she could just barely make it out.
"i don't think you should be alone tonight." josiah told her. danielle thought that was a horrible pick up line.
"i'll be fine." she whispered back to him. he shook his head.
"don't lie cassandra. you know i went through something like this and i know how easy it is to become suicidal." he argued with the girl. danielle noticed that the blonde man in front of her turned his head to look at cassie and josiah.
"i'm not suicidal" she began to argue again. before their argument could get any further the short laywer cleared his throat and picked up a stack of papers.
"it is now nine o' clock, we will begin the reading of the will." he said his voice smooth and calm. a silence took the room as everyone waited for the handing out of the late mr. hick's posessions. the man picked up the stack of papers and once again cleared his throat.
"upon my death, i daniel hicks wish that the following take place." the man began. danielle kept her eyes open as she surveyed the room eager to see what certain people's reactions would be.
"to my mother and siblings i leave all my homes except the summer one which will go to someone named later, and vechicles and a undisclosed amount of money." upon hearing this the woman who had to be daniel's mother burst into tears, crying for her deceased son.
"to my fellow bandmates i leave any awards we won as a band and our platnium record wall hanging along with the autographed guitars in my basement." his band members nodded and smiled obviously remembering the good times they had all shared.
"to lexi, my lovely girlfriend i leave my party jet and the painting in my room." the man read and instantly all eyes were on lexi, who was obviously shocked and dissapointed. she realized she was being watched and quickly smiled and dabbed her eyes with a kleenex.
"to chris my oldest friend, i leave my collection of guitars, except the autographed ones which will go to my bandmates." chris who danielle noticed was the blonde man seated in front of her smiled and nodded.
danielle noticed that daniel had left very little money to anyone else and it was no suprise since she knew who was getting a great deal of it.
"to cassie my extremly loyal friend and assistant i leave half of my fortune and leave her all my companies and investments and the summer home in london. as well as all my lyrical notebooks because i know she'll take care of them." danielle watched cassie whose eyes had gone wide and mouth slightly slacked. she quickly buried her face in her hands and josiah wrapped an arm around her.
the remaining assests were handed out, things from his past and plans furinture and vacations. a good amount of money also was left to a few charities. and josiah had been left with daniel's cd collection. the will reading was over and people none who would admit that they didn't like their leavings exitied the room.
danielle and timothy waited outside for cassie to come out. lexi had long since stormed out with a gaggle of people accompanying her. cassie took a while to come out; so long in fact that danielle peeked her head back into the room to see what she was doing. danielle saw that cassie was talking very animatedly to the lawyer a blank look on her face. josiah too was lingering as if waiting for cassie to come with him. the lawyer who was speaking with cassie nodded and pointed to one of the papers on his desk, cassie then nodded and headed towards the exit with josiah in tow.
danielle and timothy caught her on the way out. she turned to face them a warm smile on her face. "hello detectives." she said her voice a now much happier tone. danielle did like that cassie was happy but she didn't like that the thought of the money made her happy.
timothy and danielle nodded at cassie but remained silent. cassie seemed to not know what exactly to say to the detectives so she too stood silent.
"cassie what were you talking to the lawyer about?" danielle asked. cassie looked surprised and seemed to think for a moment before she awnsered them.
"i was making sure that he didn't screw up." she said danielle must've looked confused because cassie continued. "i mean, i was making sure that there wasn't a mistake that danny really left me that stuff." she said and danielle noticed that she was now the calmer then ever.
"so you were surprised at being left the money?" timothy asked as though he thought otherwise. cassie looked taken aback.
"of course, i was! who wouldn't be?" she asked but seemed to expect no anwser, yet timothy gave her one anyway.
"someone who knew of the will beforehand." timothy said. cassie made an odd face as if she didn't understand what he was implying.
"well that someone wouldn't be me." cassie said curtly as if she were offended at their line of questioning.
"oh really? because we have someone who says differently. they say you told danny to change his will mere days before his death." timothy said his voice sounding a bit angry. while cassie and timothy were going back and forth danielle and josiah stood silent at each of their sides.
"what? i didn't know anything about the will being changed!" cassie yelled now obviously getting upset, a few people who lingered turned to look back at the scene. "and i never told danny to do anything!" she added. her face quickly turning red and her hands held at her hips.
danielle wasn't sure why timothy was being so rough on the girl. why he was making such accusations when they didn't have enough proof. timothy sighed obviously not believing a word cassie was saying.
"oh really? because i called the o'reiley life insurance company last night." timothy began as if him saying those words would envoke some sort of confession from cassandra. on the other hand cassie looked at them blankly and shrugged.
"so what?" she asked, obviously not seeing the threat that came with timothy's words. timothy sighed as if she were lying and he knew.
"so, the man i talked to said daniel came in with a young woman to change his will." timothy told the small group. danielle wasn't sure what timothy was expecting but again cassie did or said nothing just gave a appauled face.
"that doesn't mean it was me!" cassie yelled. danielle didn't know what to think, she and timothy were working on the case together, yet he hadn't told her that he called the life insurance company. danielle wasn't sure if timothy was bluffing or not.
"i'm afraid his description matched you cassandra." timothy said as he slid his hand into his brown trench coat. "so you're going to have to come with us." he said as he pulled out a pair of silver cuffs. danielle and cassie both gasped and danielle thought that now timothy was taking things too far. cassie turned back to look at josiah who had rested a hand on her shoulder.
"now just hold on a second. don't you think you're taking this a bit far?" josiah asked timothy. timothy looked upset and shook his head.
"no, i think i'm solving a damn murder here!" he yelled and looked to danielle for obvious reinforcement. danielle sighed.
"he's right i'm afraid." she began as she looked at the know livid yet obviously frightened cassie. "this is a murder investigation, and right now cassie is the main suspect." danielle said. timothy nodded and in seconds cassie was being handcuffed by timothy. a slilent fear was eched on the girls face as she was led out of the lawyers office by the two detectives. josiah following close behind, giving her words of encouragement.
"don't worry cassandra! i'll get the best lawyer for you!" josiah yelled as they took cassie outside and placed her in the back of an awaiting police car. one that timothy most likely summoned while the reading had taken place.
is cassie really being arrested for the murder of daniel hicks? did cassie really go with daniel to change his will? what's going on between cassie and josiah? and why was lexi so upset after the will reading? find out next chapter.
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (3) |
Saturday, July 14, 2007
where is your boy tonight? i hope he is a gentlemen.
mood: tired
listening to: down and out-the academy is...
currently: just want him to keep in contact. it's not that hard.
pimpage: detectivedanielle (most likely to break dance in public), shallow heart (most likely to write porn), deadxonxarrival (most likely to have good hurr), shadowme (most likely to write emo-poetry), knight edge (most likely to peek up your skirt), tohmalover14 (most likely to glomp riku), destinyssweetman (most likely to be president)
avatar of the day: 
i know this is t-frogs avi but it's something my friend showed me last year and i was thinking of it and voila here it is! ha! i love it.
Redmoonchick Responds:
sayanachan: it think you're right about the magazine thing and how it makes young girls attracted to much older guys. blah creepy.
jenny: lol the hot pepper ones nearly killed me. gah you want me to write snupin (siriusxlupin) hmmmmm maybe.
apatheticnote: it's alright i haven't been commenting much either.
ninjalover: i used to read them all the time when i was 14-15. i read the tabloids too! XD
toh-toh: yeah, i defintly..don't like him anymore...definitly. sardine ones are beyond disgusting. the house quiz is in my quiz results.
hi guys,
you guys might remember yesterday i said my neighbor bitched me out because of my cat and i told my mom and my mom went to talk to her and turns out they get along great and our friends now! -sigh- i still don't like her though. she said the reason she bitched at me was because she was having a bad day and had to take it out on someone. i think that is a horrible excuse and i'm not going to forgive her because i was being nice, she was an utter bitch.
like i said yesterday my six year old cousin is over my house for a while and i found out that i am babysitting sometime later today. i'm babysitting my six year old cousin and her one year old brother, while my cousin goes to cedar point. i think i'll be babysitting for a while so i hope i get paid well. i didn't even volunteer to babysit. my mom volunteered me without my knowledge.
i spent most of the day with my cousin. i drew with her and we watched cartoons. we went outside and made homemade bubbles so we were blowing bubbles. and she wanted to play house and she told me that patrick from fall out boy was going to be my husband or something like that. lol i thought it was funny.
waah i am sad cause jenny is gone camping and i miss her already! we always have great fun talking to each other. oh i did talk a bit to danny the other day and he said it would be easier for him to talk to me if my aim instant messaging worked, but it doesn't so i guess he won't talk to me otherwise? i dunno it's frustrating. also i think maybe his band might be breaking up but i didn't ask so i'm not 100%
still trying to finish re-reading the sixth harry potter book before the seventh one comes out. i think i can do it.
oh! my friends who went to court, greg and T well they two of them got three weeks- to a month. so i don't know things could change but we will have to see. oh and my bro's name was brought up in court so there's always the chance that he coyuld be arrested or something.
here is some pics:

i just think that pete looks really adorable in this pic.

i really just like this one.
ok well despite the babysitting i will have the latest chapter of "murder and lyrics" up tomorrow.
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (7) |
Friday, July 13, 2007
keep quiet, nothing comes as easy as you.
mood: meh
listening to: skeptics and true believers- the academy is... (i love this song)
currently: feel lonely
pimpage: detectivedanielle (the original disco duck), shallow heart (porno pirate), deadxonxarrival (megan malice), shadowme (peterick is her son), knight edge ( nightly knight), tohmalover14 (card captor toh-toh), destinyssweetman (alex-alex)
avatar of the day:
this is one of my fave lines.
chapters read: 11/30
Redmoonchick Responds:
danielle: william always looks cute.
omnimaster: lol good luck with the bowling.
capricorn-rocker: i completely agree brendon rarely has a normal pic.
toh-toh: i didn't get a chance to look at the link yet but i will! our town isn't small but i mean they put the crime sentencings in the paper, not just theirs. don't worry toh-toh i am over those feelings towards him. it's friendship from here on out...hopefully.
jenny: believe it or not i don't think i've written any good harry potter. maybe i should for pratice. quick jenny give me a pairing! yesh, i am baking the cake as we speak! XD i'm so glad you liked this chapter jenny! you're the best fan ever.
shadowme: thank you! i think your stuff is great so i love getting compliments from you. glad you liked the chapter.
hi guys,
well you guys might remember me saying yesterday that my friends nate, greg, and T had their court day and i was waiting to find out what happened. well i found out that greg and t were sent to juvi. t got three weeks in there until his next trial and i don't know how long greg got. i was hoping no one got jail time but all along i knew greg was going away. nate is going to court again in a month a stricter higher court and i am sure he is going to get a heftier sentence. my bro is freaked because he is worried that someone put his name in the courtroom so he is again paranoid.
my dad came over today and brought my bro twenty bucks. i think my bro made almost ninety bucks all together. my dad stayed for awhile and we talked and he ate and we argued and it was fun. i was glad to see him. he told me that he will bring me five bucks next week but i'm not counting on it.
oh my brother let my cat mr. hughes out and i saw him in the street and called for him and then our neighbor asked me if it was my cat and if it was a boy and i said yes. so then she starts complaining that my cat got a stray cat pregnant. i was like "no way" and she was a real bitch. then i tried to catch my cat but he got away so i went back to my house about ten minutes later i hear knocking on my door and the woman and her son are over and she's telling me that my cat is in her yard again. so i polietly come outside and apologize to her and then she starts yelling at me telling me that i should pay more attention to the cat and that i should take the stray cat because my cat knocked her up. i was getting pissed off and the lady said i was a bad cat owner and that i need to watch my cat better and all this mean shit, and she was basiclly attacking me. so i was yelling at her not to talk to me and my cat ran again so i couldn't get him. ugh it was annoying. i told my mom and she said that she is going to go and talk to the woman tomorrow.
my mom brought over my six year old second cousin to spend the night. we went to my grandma's house and then to the grocery store and i read the magazines at the store and pete wentz was in nearly all of them. along with a cool fall out boy poster but i wasn't about to buy a four doller magazine for one poster. blah. while at the store my bro and i bought two bags of bernie bot beans like the ones from the harry potter books where there are flavors like grass, dirt, and vomit, and sardine and all this gross stuff. well my bro and i play an odd game where we each pull out a bean at random and eat it no matter what the flavor. it's something we always do and we played and wow i can still taste the sardines. my bro's faces during the game were hilarious! XD
been looking for a job lately. there is a website called and they have a huge listing of jobs. i haven't found one i like yet but i will keep looking.
took a harry potter quiz, to find out which house i would be in. i know there are a million of these tests but this one was sorta real. it was kinda long but it works. i got the hufflepuff house. so did my bro.
also i found this and found it too funny to miss:

well that is all so i shall chat with you all later!
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (7) |
Thursday, July 12, 2007
put your ear to the speaker and choose love or sympathy, but never both.
mood: good
listening to: carpal tunnel of love- fall out boy
currently: feel disconnected
pimpage: detectivedanielle (she writes love songs for the genuienly cunning), shallow heart (she takes on for the team), deadxonxarrival (tell the boys where to find her body), shadowme (she has new york eyes and chicago tighs), knight edge (he remembers the way he held your hand), tohmalover14 (she wants to know where is your boy tonight?), hoaryu (he is a gentlemen) destinyssweetman (make him a poster boy for your scene)
avatar of the day: 
chapters read: 10/30
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: do i really seem down? i don't feel like i am. i have never searched draco x harry on photobucket, but i am now tempted to. XD jenny is a bad influence. lol yesh, i write el harry potter fics.
kakashi s: yeah, i was out of harry potter for awhile but now that i'm reading it again i feel i'm getting sucked back in.
shadowme: yeah, me likey "misery business".
toh-toh: lol i wouldn't mind if toh-toh stalked meh! XD toh-toh do you have cosplay pics up on the otaku?
jd person: i think i feel the same way about storms.
kitabug69: no prob, thanks for stopping by.
angel zakuro: i never noticed before because usually i'm staring as his gorgeous face! XD
hi guys,
not much happened yesterday. i commented a bit and tried to get to people i haven't been to in a while. the comments were kinda screwing up so i gave up but i will comment more. my mom went to court yesterday, it's fine as usual just a minor dispute with the landlord, not really worth mentioning,. yesterday was also my friends court date and i got no word back from them yet so i have no idea how things turned out, but i'm going to check the paper to see if their sentencing is in there.
my dad is supposed to come over tomorrow and bring my bro his birthday cash. my dad got paid now so he can give him his gift. i think this weekend my bro wanted to have a different party for his birthday, i think bowling, he wants danny to come. he better hurry and decide because i will undoubtly have to talk danny into coming. somehow i'm sure he'll make up a reason not to go. just a feeling.
ah not much else going on, still reading the harry potter book, about one third of the way done. woop, not in too much of a hurry, still got eight days till the next book comes out.
ok well now it is time for the latest chapter of wentz in wonderland! we're nearing the end here people, i think next week is the last chapter of this lovely fic. as always if you are new wentz in wonderland is alice in wonderland with a pete wentz twist, and character bio thingys be after this chapter. i apologize for the semi-longness.
"wentz in wonderland"
chapter thirteen: the trial of the century
pete stood frozen in the field, his croquet mallet in hand. brendon had just declared pete to death due to a stunt that patrick or the cheshire pat as he perfered had caused. brendon stood now hands clenched and facing peter his chest heaving and his face red from embaressment and anger.
travis and gabe looked shocked and frozen but the two men remained in the goal position. william looked amused and ryan looked mortified as if the incident had happened to him. as everyone stood their pete tried his best to think of anything to say to get out of this. his whole life was convincing people with his words and now would be the time that he drew a blank?
"GAURDS SEIZE THIS MAN!" brendon yelled and pete watched as two men came running towards him a sort of empty anger in their eyes. as the men grabbed peter by his arms and perpaired to drag him away to wherever they do the chopping of the heads. pete made his plea.
"wait, your majesty! please i didn't do anything!" pete begged and he winced at how pathetic the words sounded to himself. brendon breathed a little harder but raised his hand signalling the gaurds to stop. they did as they were told and pete was set back both feet on the ground. brendon walked over to pete in tight strodes. his anger clear in each movement.
"do you take me for an idiot?" brendon asked and pete knew better then to give an anwser. "i know it was you! there could be no other! you dare embaress me infront of my subjects then take no responsiblity?!" brendon screamed and seethed at pete. while pete was at a loss for words he doubted that brendon would believe that a blonde boy that only he could see caused the incident but whatelse did he have?
before pete could give brendon his excuse brendon ordered him to be taken away again and once again he was promptly being dragged away. pete was stll crying out his innocense when king william spoke.
"bren-bren, i think the young man deserves a trial." william said as he stepped down from the throne he had been sitting on. william placed a hand on brendon's shoulder and gave it a squeeze.
"oh willy you're right!" brendon cried as he turned and threw himself in williams arms once again in an overdramatic fashion. "i should give the poor boy a chance to explain himself." brendon cried as he wrapped arms around william. pete had never been more thankful for william beckett and he knew if he ever got home he was going to give william the biggest hug and probably give brendon a slap and maybe patrick while he was at it.
pete let out a great sigh of releif and was thankfull that he wasn't going to be killed by a crossdressing brendon urie. brendon turned his hands on his hips.
"take him to the court!" he said and pete was dragged off to the royal court. the court was outside and a little ways away from the field where the croquet match had taken place. the court was close to the hedge maze where pete had entered from the door in the tree. there was a large cage pressed against the hedges and pete had a feeling that was where he was going. there was also a large brown podium taller then any normal podium, along with a slightly smaller podium attached to the right side of the taller one.
as pete had guessed he was quickly shoved into the cage and closed up inside. while the queen took the large podium proclaiming himself judge. william, ryan, travis, and gabe took seats in the small brown chairs set in rows along the grassy ground. pete wasn't sure how this trial was going to turn out but with the brendon as the judge things weren't looking promising.
"we will now begin the trial!" brendon shouted and pete felt his cage shake he turned quickly and grabbed hold of the thin bars to keep his balance. pete saw that two men were pulling a rope that was attached to the cage and with each pull his cage was pulled higher and higher into the air.
"don't i get to say what happened?" pete asked and brendon ignored him.
"we will now call the first witness!" ryan stood and said and brendon nodded. "will the spencer smith please step up to the stand!" ryan yelled and pete had a confused look on his face. how was spencer supposed to come? he wasn't involved nor was he even in the courtyard. pete was proven wrong once again by the logic of wonderland. as in that moment spencer came hurtling out of no where and climbed on to the witness stand.
"hello, spencer." ryan said as he stood infront of spencer.
"hi!" spencer said all too cheerfully.
"do you know the man in the cage spencer?" ryan asked as he began to pace back and forth. spencer looked to the cage where ryan was pointing and spotted pete who was still clutching on to the bars of the cage.
spencer nodded his face taking on a dark look. "i most certainly do! he came to jon and mine tea party and tried to steal our cake and tea!" spencer said in his overdramatic flair, the back of his hand pressed to his forehead as if he was going to faint.
pete rolled his eyes and hoped that brendon wouldn't buy the overdramatics. pete looked at brendon who sat sniffling back tears and staring at spencer with sympathy.
"that must've been horrible!" brendon cooed to spencer and spencer looked back at brendon eyes wide and glistening.
"it was! oh it was!" spencer said earnestly.
pete would've laughed if his fate didn't rest on this. ryan seemed to have enough of spencer's claims and dismissed him from the witness stand. ryan then called jon up to the stand and as quickly as spencer had showed up jon had. jon sat on the stand. ryan again stood infront of the witness stand.
"hello, jon."
"hi ryan, how's your crotch?" jon asked as he pointed to ryan's crotch. pete thought that was awfully forward until he remembered back at the tea party when spencer and jon had scaulded ryan's crotch with hot tea. ryan too looked taken aback by jon's question but he quickly recovered and cleared his throat.
"fine now, thanks for asking." ryan said as he was blushing and eager to get on with the trial. "now spencer mentioned that the man known as peter, was at your tea party. what was he doing there?" ryan asked.
"why we were all celebrating our unbirthdays of course!" jon proclaimed as if it were the most common of knowledge.
"what exactly is an unbirthday?" brendon interrupted to ask. jon turned to look at him.
"why it's any day that's not your birthday." jon told brendon. a sudden wild grin spread across jon's face and pete recongized it as the look of mischeif. "dearest queen, it is your unbirthday too!" jon proclaimed. brendon unable to resist anything that could mean a celebration in his honor nodded in agreement.
"i suppose you're right it is my unbirthday!" brendon said happily.
"then we surely must celebrate!" jon cried as he stood and took brendon's hands. jon's enthusiams seemed to leak into brendon as he too agreed that his unbirthday should be celebrated by all. "let us sing!" jon cried as he turned to look at the small audience who looked less then thrilled to sing except for spencer who was bouncing around the courtyard.
"for he's a jolly good fellow-" jon began and in a matter of seconds the small group of people including the two guards who were holding up pete's cage had begun to sing to the queen. everyone except for pete. and pete was only half surprised to learn that everyone here in wonderland despite being total opposites of their real selves could still sing well.
pete was thinking of a way out of the cage when he noticed a blur of strawberry blonde flash by him. pete turned quickly and saw to his surprise patrick standing behind the two guards who were holding up the cage. pete was about to call out to patrick when patrick put a finger to his lips as if saying keep quiet.
pete wasn't sure what patrick was going to do. pete again felt his cage shake rough enough to knock pete down. as peter sat on the floor of the cage he noticed two large pieces of mushrooms sitting at his feet. pete suddenly remembered that he had the mushroom pieces all along. without thinking pete shoved both pieces of the mushroom into his mouth.
pete waited and in a mere half a second he felt his body growing larger. pete grew so large that he broke the cage and was now free. of course the celebration was cut short as everyone noticed the now gigantic pete. pete took this opportunity to deliver some karmatic revenge on brendon. he stepped over to the podium, each step causing the ground to shake under him. pete stood over the podium and pointed a finger at brendon.
"please don't hurt me!" brendon cowered in his podium.
"i'm not going to hurt you. because i'm not cruel like you." pete said. "but i will hurt you if you don't start treating your subjects better. travis and gabe deserve better then this!" pete yelled at the queen.
"yes, yes, whatever you say i will do." brendon said as he still crouched in the corner afraid of what the giant pete would do.
"and another thing-" pete began but before he could get his sentence out he felt himself shrinking and he cursed his big mouth and bad timing. pete had shrunken back down to the small size and now looked around as the queen stood angry on his podium. brendon took a deep breath and pete could already guess what he was going to say.
"OFF WITH HIS HEAD!" he screamed and pete gulped as the two guards who had once held up his cage were now approaching him with sharp axes in hand.
"come along peter, it's time to go." patrick who had suddenly appeared at pete's side said as he offered pete his hand. without a second thought pete took patrick's hand and he pulled him off the ground. "i think you should run now peter." patrick said, pete nodded and took off at full speed in any direction that took him the farthest away from the hellish queen.
brendon not one to let anyone who wronged him escape screamed at his guards. "after him!". pete glanced back as he ran to see queen brendon, william, ryan, spencer, and jon all chasing him along with a whole set of guards. even travis and gabe who pete had just moments ago defended. pete was now in a race for his life and he prayed that he could win.
pete wentz as alice:

brendon urie as the queen:

uh...he's also a vampire.
william beckett as the king:

i just noticed he's wearing the same belt buckle as the one in my background.
ryan ross as the white rabbit:

spencer smith as the march hare:

jon walker as the mad hatter:

jon plays with dolls...
i chose a rather odd collection of pics, besides william and pete of course.
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (9) |
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
this is the story of a girl who cried a river and drown the whole world
mood: irritated
listening to: bang the doldrums- fall out boy
currently: excitied to find someone new
pimpage: detectivedanielle (dani california), shallow heart (the coolest weirdo/partner in crime i know), deadxonxarrival (the pimp with good hurr), shadowme (the girl with the gift of one liners), knight edge (pervy sage with a knightly attitude), tohmalover14 (my support system), hoaryu (niisan), destinyssweetman (super genius alex)
avatar of the day: no avi today.
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: aww i'm not mad at the jenniez. *huggles da jenny* lol i want to find that community again but i can't remember where i found the link at. T-T i seem sad? i'm not i'm ok i promise!
ninja lover: i hate that too cause i end up biting on my tongue and lips while their numb.
toh-toh: if jenny is considered strange then i am too. oh man we both need help. XD
shadowme: lol i am now interested in the patrick hat community.
rapidxhopexloss: yeah the teeth have odd names, maybe they should be called pain in the ass teeth.
naruto blackmail: lol i am so tempted to see the mind killingness of 4chan now.
hi guys,
sorry for the lack of commenting. i know i give an apology and an excuse everyday but i just can't seem to get on and comment. there was a really bad storm yesterday, really dark and windy and hard rain. so i didn't get on the computer but my brother did and he hogged it all day! i didn't feel like arguing with him so i let him have it and he went to sleep now so that's why i'm on. i was cutting him some slack because it was just his b-day and he was a bit bummed on it so i have been nice. but when i got on the computer i found that he switched the computer mouse to a wireless one and i hate it for lack of a scroller on it. also the computer was completly lopsided and all my cd's were missing. ugh, how can one person cause so much mess? i already told him not to switch the mouses and to leave the computer alone in general and just use it for internet purposes.
oh it's my mommy's birthday today! huzzah for her. she turned 47, between my bro's birthday and all that crap i totally spaced for some reason so i have yet to make her something since i have no cash to buy her anything which sucks because she deserves something great.
i've also begun re-reading the sixth harry potter book. i read it way back when it first came out and haven't touched it since, and since the seventh and final book is coming out pretty soon i wanted to re-read the sixth one again so i know what's going on. i started it this morning and am amost on chapter seven. i know that might not seem like a lot but i mean i didn't read straight i read bits here and there when i was bored. i'm looking forward to book seven but i gotta make sure i stay away from all my friends who read the books because last time one of them spoiled the ending for me. if i get back into harry potter, god help us because i will start writing the fic and reading it. lol
today is my brother and i's friends court date. i really, really hope things go well, but if they don't then i'm sure someone will notify us. my mom also has to go to court today due to something with our landlords. it's not a big deal so i'm not worried.
oh i noticed something as i was watching the tv yesterday. i always have a knack for finding the fall out boy video when it's on and i noticed that it always comes on between 7:00 and 7:30 in the morning. also i noticed that at the end of the video after pete breaks his guitar and he's walking away he trips! he doesn't fall but you can tell he tripped. i don't know just something i noticed.
oh lately i've been wanting to go and get some new cd's. like the new cd "santi" by the academy is..., and i've been liking the band paramore lately too. also say anything and a few others. man i do not need a new expensive hobby.
well that is all so i should be able to comment since my mom will be working on her birthday so i'll hang with her afterwords.
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (10) |
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
put your hand between my aching head and an aching world
mood: blank
listening to: my heart is the worst kind of weapon- fall out boy
currently: just want to feel like were all friends again.
pimpage: detectivedanielle (she's gonna make you bend and break), shallow heart (i adopted her), deadxonxarrival (she's a vegematarian), shadowme (shadowmeh), knight edge (he's naked), hoaryu (brother), tohmalover14 (my little toh-toh), destinyssweetman (twin)
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: you're forgetting to comment because you are getting old. (j/k)
jenny: ugh, no me no likey greg. he is like my brother. i used to kinda like him but no more. lol the peter seagull was brown and speckled.
jessica: aww i missed you guys by a day! too bad. i saw some of the pics, they is cute. ^-^
aaya: maybe you'll get a robot if you're lucky! XD aww i think you're lots of fun! lol that would be creepy if william seagull had the beckett hipbones. lmao ymca reference!
jd person: sometimes i think that too.
hi guys,
well all my friends have gone home and my house is peaceful again. greg, nate, and rob all went home before i woke up so i didn't get to say goodbye, but it's not a big deal because i am sure to see them again. actually i am a bit worried about those boys because, well some of you will remember the thing my brother and those boys did to a family dollar store a few months ago. well like i said before three of the boys except for my bro were arrested and now they have to go to court, and for greg it's not his first brush with the law so i am mostly worried that he will be sent to juvienille detention. blah guess i'll find out on wednesday or thursday after their court date.
i knew there was some strange stuff on the internet but man i found quite a strange thing when i was on livejournal. i found a community completely dedicated to patrick stump's (the lead singer of fall out boy) stomache. so not kidding. it wasn't completely weird but just a little on the strange side. there are also communities dedicated to patrick's lips and his thighs. you all might not find that too interesting but i can think of at least three people who will. one in paticular. (jenny)
oh yeah since yesterday my mouth has been hurting, which was strange because it hasn't been lately and it came on suddenly. i know what it is. it's my wisdom teeth coming in, i was told by my dentist that they were coming in and that it could be painful and mess up my teeth so i need to make an appointment soon to see if i can get them removed, even though i absolutely hate getting my teeth pulled because i got a small wisdom tooth on the top pulled. blah it's a lose, lose situation ecspecially if i have to get numbing shots in my gums. owie T-T
oh when my dad came over on my bro's b-day he told me that my grandpa's (his dad) identity was stolen and that he lost all his money. my grandpa who was a former chaplin (sp?) had a lot of money but now my grandma has to work again and i guess he's working again too. that's sad and disturbing.
i watched two new anime shows on ani-monday on the sci-fi channel. noein and tokko. i like noein but tokko i'm not sure about. they also showed macross plus but i didn't watch that. i think i'll definitly be watching noein again.
here's a pic from both shows:

this is noein

well that is all so i will be commenting since i have no one to entertain or keep me off the computer.
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (8) |
Monday, July 9, 2007
empty another bottle and let me tear you to pieces
mood: worn out
listening to: grand theft autum/where is your boy-fall out boy
currently: never want to eat cake again.
pimpage: detectivedanielle (new pic kerley), shallow heart (she wrote the andible), deadxonxarrival (andy's baby's momma), shadowme (she loves her emo curtains), knight edge (pervy knight), tohmalover14 (wonderful lil' toh-toh), hoaryu (niisan), destinyssweetman (he has a diploma in kicking your behind)
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: hooray, i need to work on my letter to you. ok i will update every day just for you. ^-^ glad you liked the chapter, lol don't worry the c-box is back!
alex: josiah isn't like the other characters he isn't based on someone i know, well kinda but not really.
shadowme: really? i'm surprised people liked this chapter, i thought people would find it dull. but i am so glad you liked it. well belinda wasn't at the funeral because i don't think they let fans come to funerals.
xXtristanXx: ugh i hate chris brown with a passion!
darkforever: you don't like long posts? uh-oh.
angel zakuro: well thanks for the porn. XD
hi guys,
well i didn't comment yesterday because it was my younger brother's birthday. he turned sixteen. like i mentioned before our friend greg was over and my bro wasn't going to have a party yet because no one was available. well last night i got into a huge play fight with greg. not nearly as bad as the play ones that i got into with danny. we were fighting on my bed while i was watching anime. then later while my bro was sleeping we were playing "get last hit" where we tried to hit each other last. later we went outside. he went outside to smoke and i went and talked with him and we talked about the whole family dollar incident, that he was involved with and i found out that he has to go to court soon and that he could get jail time along with two other boys. he was scared and i was trying my best to comfort him.
i talked to danny on myspace yesterday as well. i asked him about my bro's party and he told me that he doesn't smoke or drink anymore that he is now straight edge (look it up on the urban dictionary). i haven't talked to him today yet, but whatever.
this morning i didn't get much sleep because my bro and greg got up so damn early and were being loud. eventually they quieted down and i got more sleep. i woke up when my dad showed up, he didn't have anything for my bro because he didn't get paid yet but he said he'd stop by on thursday to give him some money. i believe him but my mom doesn't. my dad was also in a lot of pain because his tooth is rotted or something and his insurance won't pay for it. my dad hung around for probably about an hour, then he left.
my bro got fifty bucks from my grandma and that's about it. it sucks right now because no one has money so i felt bad for my bro. my brother wanted to go and buy a membership to the ymca with his money so we drove up there and they were already closed for the day so i guess were going tomorrow. then we went to get gas and oil and clean our window and the liquid for the window cleaners at the gas station smelt like stinky ass, it was so horrible. so we went to a different station and used their water but that one stunk too. when then drove to the beach just to see if it was open because it was 90 degrees today but it felt like 100 so it was so hot. the beach was open but my bro didn't feel like swimming so we didn't.
instead we drove to this place called stepping stone falls which is like a national park. and we saw like a million seagulls and i was naming them after bands: like i named one brendon as in brendon urie and i named one william as in william beckett. there is this ferry boat that you can ride around the huge lake and my mom and i wanted to ride it but we didn't and instead we watched other people board it and watched it take off but i was also watching the seagulls and this one had it's mouth open and it was real close to us so i named it peter. then we walked along the trails and watched the mini waterfalls and my bro and greg were spitting and trying to get the ducks and these huge catfish to eat it. then we walked across this shaky bridge which seemed like it was falling apart and i was scared to walk on it so i waited till everyone else passed before i walked acrossed it but my bro and greg ran on and started shaking it so i ran across. then we were leaving and there was a water pump so i wanted to try it and my bro and greg were pumping it and the cool water felt so good and i drank a bit but it tasted gross. then my bro and greg took turns sticking their heads under the pump and getting their hair all wet.
when we got home our friend nate and this other guy named rob showed up and wanted to hang for awhile. so we went on the hill behind our house and they wanted to play king of the hill but i didn't want to and before i could safely get down the hill greg and my bro both hit me at the same time and i like fell so hard to the ground. then also my friend nate grabbed me and like ran while holding on to me. we then went in the semi busy street and played a game of dead or alive football. then we walked to the park and the boys were throwing rocks and i got hit a few times so then we walked back home and ate some burgers and corn and stuff, then my bro drove to the local gas station with all of us and nate bought some chewing tabacco. then we came back and it was time for some cake unfortunately the ice cream cake was melting fast so it ended up being ice cream cake soup. then afterword no one felt good.
i will probably comment tomorrow.
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (10) |
Sunday, July 8, 2007
could be an accident but i'm still trying and it's more then i can say for him
mood: remeniscent
listening to: love will tear us apart-fall out boy
currently: longing for the past
people i can't live without: detectivedanielle (wentz broke her finger), shallow heart (peterick partner!), deadxonxarrival (her babies have good hurr), shadowme (shadowtastic), knight edge (perv to the third degree), hoaryu (niisan), tohmalover14 (lil' miss commedian), destinyssweetman (alex)
avatar of the day: 
we all know who this is dedicated to.
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: lol i've done that to friends sometimes. it is a little strange when friends date. aww i would so come over and watch the dvd and eat peterick pancakes with you. oh emm gee you should totally send me the cd then we could be pen pals!
toh-toh: riku is very insulting to you dear toh-toh. lol
hi guys,
wow i only got three comments?!?! holy crap and it was a very short lil post too. -sigh- i'm beginning to think i should stop updating on saturdays because no one is around anyways. oh well big huge thanks to jenny, omnimaster, and toh-toh for the comments. sorry i didn't get around to commenting i didn't feel good so i laid down for awhile. oh yeah i got a new thing in my profile and it's a gift from ikyuu-nyuu-kon! thanks so much!
well yesterday we did go to the farmers market. we actually went and picked up my brother from his friends house then we went and got our friend greg otherwise known as g. i was going to get sydney too but i know all too well how sydney get's around greg so i didn't pick her up. not a big deal.
so we went to the farmers market and my mom was buying fruits and veggies so i got bored and was walking around and i went to the end of the market where this ice cream place was and the guy who worked there looked just like a blonder patrick stump. i kid you not. he even had a hat on. so he's all like greeting me and stuff and i want to giggle because he looks like patrick, so i got the heck out of there because i didn't want to seem crazy.
after the farmers market we stopped by the grocery store to buy my brother a cake and get pop and stuff. we got my bro and ice cream cake and my mom told us to get two pops. i got one little vault and a big squirt and greg got a little pop but my bro got like five pops! his excuse. "it's my birthday tomorrow" ugh he was being annoying. while we were in the checkout at the store this old lady was behind us and she saw the cake and asked me about it so i said it was my bro's sixteenth b-day so then she launches into this rant about how sixteen years old is like a new world and she looks me over then says "it doesn't look like you're in that world yet" then i'm like "uh..i'm eight teen" -_- i'm just short darn it!
we stopped by mcdonalds and got some food then my bro and i and greg argued over the radio stations. we got home and me and greg were looking through old photo's and he said they made him sad. my bro fell asleep on us so i was left to entertain him so i let him get on the net and then i let him go watch music videos in my room but he wanted me to watch with him. then he brought up the time i got drunk and flirted with him! ugh embaressing to say the least. then we went for a walk and greg kept trying to get cigarettes off of people but no one gave him one. then we went to the park and we were swinging and greg was jumping off his swing and once he shot up just straight up in the air and came back down hard and left an imprint in the rocks.
greg took a shower and then he got on my bed and was taking my pillows so i took one back and put it on his shoulder and was laying against him. then we were watching more videos like gym class heroes and fall out boy and some rap music (against my will) then we watched love songs and it was weird so we stopped then chris brown came on and i hate chris brown, so greg paused it and then started staring at me and then started singing chris brown to me and i was like "stop!" then i was sitting next to him again and we started play fighting and it was funny and i kept pinching him.
oh i also asked him about wheter or not he had a crush on my bestfriend and he said he didn't and i told him that i thought sydney liked him and he said he didn't like her. i don't really care who he likes but i think it would be so weird if syd and greg went out but their not going to so i don't have to worry.
well anyways it's sunday and my bro's b-day. but also and more important it's time for the latest chapter of "murder and lyrics" yes, it is and i hope people read/comment today because i worked so hard on it!
timothy and danielle find that a fan named belinda was arrested for trespassing. belinda runs a site that tracks danny and danielle finds the photo's come in handy. timothy and danielle get a copy of daniel's will and find that danny left half of all his belongings to cassie.
"murder and lyrics"
chapter eight: suspicions and the funeral at dawn
danielle reread the paper several times but it didn't matter. no matter how many times she read it didn't change what was written. the paper did state that upon daniel's death that half of everything he owned would go to cassie. the other things that weren't left to her were given to charity or to other friends and family.
danielle didn't like this at all. it definitly made cassie look guilty but for some reason she just couldn't believe it. but there was the other side of things. how did lexi know about the will if daniel hadn't told her about if? but why would cassie suggest he get a will done? and why would daniel listen to her?
"so what should we do?" timothy asked danielle. to be honest danielle didn't know, she glanced at the clock and saw that it was well after eight at night and that they had been working the case since six that morning.
"i say we call it a night" danielle said as she handed the will back over to timothy. timothy nodded and took the will before putting it into his briefcase.
"daniel's funeral is tomorrow at seven in the morning" timothy told danielle as they headed out of the room.
"how do you know that?" danielle asked as again they passed through the halls and into the parking lot where thankfully things had settled down.
"cassie told me before you showed up today" he said as he walked towards his car which danielle noticed was parked close to her's. "so i think we should meet cassie after the funeral is over" timothy told her as he opened his door. danielle nodded as she too got into her car.
timothy nodded at her as he closed his door and started his car before pulling out of the parking lot. danielle too left to head home for the night as she drove she tried her best to fit together the pieces of this case.
danielle didn't go to sleep that night. instead she got on the website that belinda ran. danielle was searching for anything that might be helpful, she was once again searching the photo sections. she had tracked some photo's down from before daniel started dating lexi and she noticed that cassie was often see out in public with him and they both looked relatively happy. but then she checked the photo's from after daniel started dating lexi and she noticed that cassie was basically nowhere to be seen.
danielle went to bed that night still at square one, still not knowing who to blame.
as danielle woke that morning at six-thirty she wondered why in the hell anyone would want to have a funeral so early. she peeked out the window as she dressed to see the sky was still stuck in twilight. the sun just a faint glow to the east.
danielle pulled on her dark clothes a normaly bad idea for the unpredictable L.A weather but fitting for the funeral. danielle rushed around her solem apartment collecting the things she needed for the hicks case. she was a bit nervous to leave too soon and arrive too early to the funeral. she didn't know daniel and she wasn't the type of person to show up at social events; even if the event was a funeral.
danielle decided to stall in the form of logging onto her computer and checking her email. she tapped her fingers monotonly until the page loaded and she noticed that she infact had a new email. half thinking it was some spam about enlarging the penis she didn't have or getting a credit card danielle clicked on the email anyway. she was surprised to find that it was from belinda, the young fan she met yesterday.
"detective kerley, i recieved this photo from a fellow fan yesterday thought it was important so here it is-belinda"
the photo belinda was speaking of was one of one miss lexi hartford strolling the streets hand -in-hand with a young blonde male. danielle was surprised at the photo ecspecially the date marked on it. it was taken while lexi was dating suppose to be dating daniel.
danielle called the station she worked at she needed the help of her assistant jenny.
"jenny?" danielle asked when she heard someone pick up
"yes?" jenny said as if she weren't sure who she was speaking to.
"it's me danielle. i need you to print me something" danielle said to jenny over the phone as she stared at the photo currently on her computer.
cassie stood outside on the still dewy grass of the creekwood cementary a few minutes before seven. she stood dressed in the best black dress that she could afford and she regreted that her new shiny black shoes were probably being ruined by the wet grass. cassie stood before the black shiny coffin the one that oddly enough matched her shoes.
cassie would've smiled had the thought of who it was lying in that casket not destroyed her. she rung her hands and looked around at the others in attendance. she saw danny's mother and his many siblings all of whom had flown out for the funeral. she watched his family odd how she knew danny so well yet she knew very little of his family. it didn't matter now though and as his mother caught her gaze cassie nodded a sympathetic nod that she knew could never help her heal.
she continued to survey the crowd and her mouth dropped into a deep frown as she noticed the distinct lack of a overdramatic diva named lexi. it was common knowledge that cassie didn't care for lexi but she still expected lexi to show up at the funeral and cassie swore that if lexi dared show up late or intoxicated or even demanding attention she would kick her out as fast as her fifteen minutes were fading.
cassie let out a deep sigh that clearly let out the feelings in her heart. cassie felt like she too was dying and she didn't think she could make it through the funeral. she stood in the front row along with danny's family and fellow bandmates. part of her felt like she didn't belong their but the other part of her wanted to be.
the funeral goers saw the preist come and stand behind daniel's coffin and they knew it was time to begin. cassie sat in the small brown wooden chairs that pressed down into the grass and cassie looked towards the sky just peering at it wanting to look at anything except the procession because ever since his death she still thought that maybe danny would walk through the door, any door it didn't matter.
she didn't listen as the preist talked she really didn't want too. it all made it real as if watching your bestfriend die didn't make it real enough. the look in danny's eyes as he died was a sight that cassie knew would never leave her. she had rarely seen him afraid and in that moment when he was shaking and clutching and gasping she could see the rawest of fear in his eyes.
cassie listened later when people began remonicising about daniel. his friends and people he had know for a long time talked and shared memories about danny. cassie listened but never looked she instead chose to look at her again ringing hands and how the dark black of her dress contrasted so sharply with the white of her skin. the person currently talking at the small podium was the guitar player in the band. one mr. mike steven's. mike was talking about the first time he and danny played together and he laughed that sad sort of laugh as he remembered. mike finished talking moments later and the preist once again took the command.
"our next speaker has known daniel a great deal of time and has shared countless memories. please welcome miss. cassandra smith" cassie's head shot up and this time she did look at the coffin and the preist. she honestly had no idea that she was meant to speak today, she had nothing perpaired and she could've sworn that someone was suppose to tell you beforehand that you were going to talk. cassie still undecided stood and somewhat awkwardly took to the podium. there she stood out before a sea of danny's friends and family herself counted as one. her heart thumped widly for a varying reasons. one being at the complete lack of what to say and the other being that she was extrememly too close to the casket.
cassie took a deep breath and begged herself to speak knowing that she stayed silent too long.
"i've know danny for six years" cassie began flinching on the inside at the fact that she used his nickname and refered to him in the present tense.
"ever since high school" she rambled on still not knowing where she was going.
"i swear he was one of the most unique people i ever met." this time cassie let out one of those sad laughs that mike had previously done.
she looked down at the podium her eyes full of empty sadness. "we had our up's and downs in the friendship but i wouldn't trade it for anything in the world, except maybe to have him back here with us. back when we were young he used to tell me he'd be famous one day and i-i always believed him. he also used to tell me that i could be his assistant, i was never so sure about that but here i am" cassie said with a small smile.
cassie felt as if she was choking on her words and they were laying dead in her mouth stumbling her words. in this instant every memory she possed of him good and bad came flooding back to her. everyo word ever spoken, every touch ever passed, and each and every argument, bet, or song. it all came back and she was overwhelmed and she couldn't hold it back anymore.
cassie cried at the alter of the funeral that day and was quickly helped off the podium by mike and a few of the other assistants. she was lead back to her seat as the funeral proceeded. a good ten minutes later it was time to go and view the body for the last time. the people all lined up and cassie really didn't care where she stood in line as it all felt the same. it felt to her like back in those high school days when you had to line up for something embarressing or something you didn't want to do. ever so slowly the line moved up each person taking their last look at dear daniel before permently cementing him to the lost part of their brains.
finally it was cassie's turn and as she walked it felt like slow motion. like nothing was moving fast enough. it sounded to her like each step was heard a loud clacking despite herself being on grass. she stepped up to the casket that was now open and she rested her hands on the sleek edges as she peered inside. now fully seeing the cold dead body of her bestfriend.
seeing daniel like this all odd looking and dressed up all cold and stiff. it was unnerving at best. cassie pressed a shaking hand to danny's face and brushed his now lackluster hair out away from his face just for a moment because she always liked his hair and she knew how much he himself liked it. it was strange because she felt that any moment now danny's eyes would open and he'd tell her to stop touching him. but he didn't he remained still forever dressed in his suit and tie.
"goodbye danny" was all cassie whispered to him before he felt tears prick in her eyes and she fled from the casket. cassie ran from the casket but she didn't leave the funeral. she couldn't bring herself to do it. it was something of an old habit that she had been by his side for six years she wanted to make sure he got where he was suppose to be. cassie leaned against a large tree just a few feet away from where they were going to burry danny.
cassie felt a tap on her shoulder and turned quickly her heart reaccting before her mind thinking it was danny she turned quickly to see detective kerley and fisher standing there. her face fallen she greeted the detectives with a handshake.
"you've missed the funeral" she said as she turned away from them to again face the event.
"we felt it was better that way" timothy said soft and sympathetic. cassie nodded agreeing with the detectives. cassie sighed and walked slowly out of the shade of the large tree and stepped out into the orange morning light.
"do you know why the funeral was so early?" cassie asked expecting no real anwser from the two people. "it was because he always liked the sunrise. he used to say it looked like the sky was on fire during the early morning." cassie said as she stared at the orange ever brighting sky.
cassie said nothing else after that but continued to stare forward and danielle herself was unsure of what exactly they were doing. how could they ask cassie about the will situation at the actual funeral? timothy and danielle noticed people had begun to leave the funeral and make the semi-long walk to their vechicle's.
"everyone's leaving?" danielle asked, cassie nodded
"their going to the will reading at his lawyers office" cassie said and danielle sensed that she didn't sound at all like she knew she was suppose to inheriate a small fortune.
the three people noticed a slightly older man probably in his late twenties early thirties walking towards them. it was someone who looked like a part of danny's crowd. with the same black punk hair and the noteable apperance of eyeliner. the man smiled as he approached them and he stopped in front of cassie.
"good morning cassandra" the man said as he smiled softly at the younger girl, danielle also noted that this man was very handsome.
"good morning josiah" cassie said in a somber tone and although danielle could only see the back of her head she knew that the girl wasn't returning that soft smile.
the man named josiah looked a bit nervous as he shifted his weight from foot to foot.
"you know cassandra, i had hoped that our next meeting would be under better circumstances" josiah said as he placed a hand on cassie's shoulder.
"yeah, same here" cassie said and danielle heard her voice break. josiah opened his arms to the girl and in an instant she was in his embrace and he was holding her as she cried.
danielle wondered who this man was? he had showed up out of no where and was now holding a crying cassandra; when it suddenly hit her. the name josiah, she remembered it as one of the names cassie had given as one of the people who had seen daniel in his last day alive.
after a few moments cassie had once again calmed down and josiah let her go. but he still held onto her hand.
"are you going to the will reading dear?" josiah asked cassie and cassie nodded.
"in a few minutes, i-i want to say goodbye to him first." cassie said and they noticed that nearly everyone had cleared out and daniel's casket was being lowered into the ground. cassie let go of josiah's hand and walked over to the plot in the ground. danielle and timothy nor josiah ever followed.
cassie now stood just over his grave. and she looked down at the flower covered coffin.
"after three years of taking care of you danny, what am i supposed to do now?" cassie asked sadly and again with the desperate laugh. cassie nearly began crying again and she wasn't sure what to say. none of the words in her head felt great enough to be the final words she ever said to him.
"thank you danny, for all the opportunities and fun we had. thank you for all the things you gave me" she said to him before smiling softly and sadly and walking back away to the detectives and josiah.
who is josiah hardwick? and why does cassie seem so close to him? and why wasn't lexi at the funeral? find out next chapter.
*note it was extreamly theraputic to write this chapter.
~redmoonchick~ |
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Saturday, July 7, 2007
my heart will always be the b-side to my tongue
mood: happy
listening to: it's not a side effect of the cocaine, i am thinking it must be love- fall out boy
currently: scheming to get a dvd player
people i can't live without: detectivedanielle (she's the therapist pumping through my speakers), shallow heart (she's the patrick to my pete XD), deadxonxarrival (she has babies with andy), shadowme (pete has taken over her site), knight edge (his site no likey my computer), tohmalover14 (dear sister toh-toh), hoaryu (my missing niisan), destinyssweetman (supah alex)
avatar of the day: 
-looks at pete-
pete: uh -backs away slowly-
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: ah yes! i love the academy is...! not as much as fob but there like number 2. i too want hemmy socks! but i also want pete and patrick! lol
omnimaster: yes, go and listen to them and spread the word. i should put up a academy is... video on here.
ninja lover: lol i thought he was hot too.
edge: *gasp* weird? i am not weird! if loving petexpatrick is wrong then i don't want to be right.
slowness: yeah that's what i thought but it's like the only racing game i like.
the real yojimbo: yeah i liked that part too.
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: well it's my brother's xbox and it's not the 360 it's just the regular xbox. well to be honest i haven't talked to him in a long while.
shadowme: i know i love that pic! i wish i knew who did it so i could find more.
aaya: maybe we could all get hemmy socks, then we could be andists who wear hemmy socks. lol your lesbian babies rule the world! XD
toh-toh: did i mention that your comments make me laugh? cause they do. he-who-must-not-be-named. priceless!
hi guys,
didn't do much yesterday but i actually left the house! woo freedom! my mom, my bro, and i all went to our old neighborhood to see my bestfriend sydney and her mom. well sydney was supposed to come over and spend the night with me but when i got there she was with a boy and she said she wasn't coming. so i pulled her aside and asked if she wasn't coming over because the boy and she said no that he was going to leave and that she wasn't coming over because she was tired and hadn't slept for awhile. i believed her or at least wanted to believe her but anyway i am picking her up tomorrow and she's going to come over.
my brother also stayed in our old neighborhood. he wasn't going to but he ran into his friends and it happened that it was the girl he likes birthday. so he stayed and we're also picking him up tomorrow. i also found out that my old friend greg sometimes know as g on my site. well he is moving but not too far away. i also found out that his dad and his stepmom broke up, which is sad because besides my mom she was the only mother figure he had. oh and sydney told me that she said greg has a crush on her. i don't really believe this because i know greg can be flirty but man i hope he doesn't like her because that would be so weird if they started dating or something.
went to the store with my mom to get my bro a birthday card. i got a funny one that has a police siren noise when you open it, i chose that one because of all the trouble my bro get's into with the law. i think it's hilarious and i think he'll get a kick out of it. we were also looking for a gift for him, he wants a new cell phone since he lost his old one. so while my mom was just looking at cell phones i trolled around the cd's and found some fall out boy ones and i saw one that i never see in the stores for cheap! it was the cd/dvd combo: "my heart will always be the b-side to my tongue" ah it's so cool and it was only ten bucks so i bought it and i love it because it has grand theft autum (acoustic version) on it and that's one of my favorites. i am a bit bummed though because it comes with a dvd and i can't watch it because i have no dvd player. i used to use my ps2 for playing dvd's but then the ps2 crapped out so i don't have one so now i am begging my mom to go and get one.
while looking for fall out boy cd's i found the take this to your grave cd. the same one with my favorite fall out boy song on it and the same one that danny had burned for me. i never did get that cd from him. when i last asked about it he said i could still have it but i don't see that happening but my mom won't let me buy it because danny made me one, so i really need to get that cd from him because i need it!
oh i have to go to the farmers market tomorrow. my mom wants to go and pick up some fruits and veggies. also probably going grocery shopping tomorrow and my brother is coming home for his birthday plans and what not.
well i do believe that is all. i didn't get around to commenting today but that's because i was busy, so i am sorry and i will comment today.
~redmoonchick~ |
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